Effect of smoking on weight. Smoking for weight loss - does it work? Does smoking speed up metabolism?


Even children know that smoking causes irreparable harm to health. In many countries around the world, smoking bans in public places are enacted at the legislative level. However, this does not mean that there are fewer smokers. Indeed, many, especially girls, are sure that if they quit smoking, they will have to forget about a slender, toned figure forever. Does smoking really make you lose weight or is it a misconception?

Why do people lose weight from smoking?

Many people sincerely believe that it is smoking that allows them to have a lean, slender figure. On the one hand, this is true: instead of snacking on sweet tea with buns, three-minute smoke breaks with a mountain of cigarette butts, rejection of breakfast in favor of cigarettes and indifference to food, because Nicotine dampens taste buds. On the other hand, yellow teeth, bad breath, an unhealthy complexion and a hoarse voice.

In the course of the research, scientists from Cornell University found an amazing pattern: the nicotine contained in cigarettes enhances the activity of the AZG1 gene, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats and some carbohydrates. However, scientists are convinced that the relationship between smoking and weight changes is much more complicated. IN 2012 year, Italian scientists tested 60 girls who quit smoking cigarettes. As a result, after 9 months, the skin of girls suffering from nicotine addiction rejuvenated by 13 years, and the weight is not that it has not increased, but even decreased somewhat.

It has been scientifically proven that cigarette smoke significantly reduces the sensitivity of taste buds, making food not so appetizing, and slightly speeds up metabolism. If you look deeper, smoking just helps keep your mouth busy not to eat too much. In addition, people who smoke at least 25 cigarettes daily, despite an accelerated metabolism, are much more likely to be overweight than those who smoke 1-2 cigarettes or do not smoke at all. According to studies, the body, poisoned by nicotine, resists insulin ( insulin resistance), thereby contributing to the deposition of fat in the waist area.

What happens to the smoker's body?

1. The very first cigarette smoked strikes at the digestive system. Nicotine weakens and thins tooth enamel, as a result of which a person is simply physically unable to chew food thoroughly. In addition, the sensitivity of the teeth and gums is significantly increased. During smoking, there is increased salivation, inhaled nicotine is most often swallowed along with saliva, thereby disrupting the work of the stomach. The activity of the stomach slows down after 10-20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, which leads to the fact that food enters the intestines not fully digested . As a result of poor digestion - hemorrhoidal formations and colitis. Reduced appetite in smokers is directly related to slowing down the contractile function of the stomach.

2. Nicotine has harmful effects on the cardiovascular system and lungs. Oxygen deficiency - a constant companion of smokers, negatively affecting the whole body. In addition, poor blood circulation and lymph flow inevitably lead to the appearance of cellulite formations - the main enemy of a beautiful figure.

3. Smoking negatively affects the endocrine system, often causing disruptions at the hormonal level , as a result of which the figure becomes unbalanced: some parts of the body lose weight, while others, on the contrary, get better.

4. Smoking leads to an increase in lipid production ( fats dissolved in the blood) in organism. The result is atherosclerosis.

5. Nicotine enhances the production of large amounts of pepsin-1, a substance that actively destroys collagen. It is collagen that is designed to keep the skin toned, moisturized, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. As a result, a person loses weight, and the skin hangs in ugly folds.

6. The negative effect of cigarettes on the state of the cardiovascular system leads to the fact that it is very difficult for a person to do any physical exercises. As a result muscle corset decreases and the body becomes flabby.

According to statistics, there are no people with an athletic figure among smokers. These are either very thin people or very full. Both are deprived of muscle mass and are terribly afraid of getting better if they quit smoking.

How quitting smoking affects weight gain

As soon as a person quits smoking, during the first two weeks he steadily gains 2-4 kilograms. However, later the weight stabilizes. A more significant weight gain occurs only in those cases when, instead of cigarettes, a person switches to sweets and does not give up a sedentary lifestyle. But this is only a small percentage of people who managed to get rid of a bad habit.

5 reasons to gain weight when quitting nicotine:
#1 Poisoning. While smoking, a person constantly inhales a significant dose of nicotine and other harmful elements that poison the body. As a rule, one cigarette emits more than 4,000 harmful substances, and heavy smokers smoke a pack a day. Thus contributing to chronic poisoning of the body. In addition, in smokers, part of the food eaten is simply not digested, since the stomach and intestines are not able to digest it. Having got rid of nicotine addiction, the body is cleansed, the digestive system completely digests the incoming food, giving the body more nutrients. As a result, the weight increases.

#2 Appetite improvement. 2-3 weeks after giving up cigarettes, the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors is restored, and appetite wakes up. The food becomes tastier, and it makes you want to eat much more. Coping with increased appetite is quite difficult, however, if you replace heavy fatty and starchy foods with vegetables and fruits, weight gain can be avoided.

#3 Sucking reflex. Long years of smoking lead to the fact that a person gets used to constantly holding a cigarette in his mouth. The so-called sucking reflex is formed, as in young children who are accustomed to a pacifier. A sharp refusal to smoke leads to the fact that a person, by inertia, replaces a cigarette with food. And at first, you should carefully control yourself: eat because you really feel hungry, or you just want to hold something in your mouth.

American psychologists are sure that smoking and gluttony are twin brothers, because the same substances, endocannabinoids, are responsible for them. Therefore, weight gain is not so much the result of giving up cigarettes, but the replacement of one bad habit with another. In addition, it has been observed that both smoking and overeating are indicative of a psychological problem. After all, girls who are dissatisfied with their figure start smoking 2 times more often than those who like themselves. At the same time, smoking does not eliminate dissatisfaction with one's own figure.

#4 Sweet medicine. After quitting smoking, many heavy smokers notice that they are irresistibly drawn to sweets. And this is normal, because sweets are an excellent antidepressant, and the body that quit smoking is in a state of stress. Nicotine is known to increase blood sugar levels, and smoking cessation causes blood sugar levels to drop, thereby increasing hunger. In addition, it is thanks to sweets that it is possible to avoid vasospasm that occurs as a result of nicotine withdrawal. However, excessive consumption of sweets cannot but affect the condition of the figure.

#5 Sedentary lifestyle. Heavy smokers cannot fully engage in sports, as the cardiovascular system and lungs are polluted. As a result, even climbing stairs causes shortness of breath and heart palpitations. The habit of a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that former smokers gain weight dramatically. Regular physical activity allows you not only to maintain normal weight, but also give the body adrenaline, which previously came with cigarettes, relieve lethargy and drowsiness. You should be engaged in a sparing program, giving time to the body poisoned by nicotine to return to normal. Daily brisk walks in the fresh air are just as effective as training in the gym twice a week, because the heart and lungs need time to recover, and oxygen helps this like nothing else.

Spanish scientists from the University of Navarra, who observed 7565 smokers for four years, concluded that active smokers are more prone to gaining excess weight than non-smokers. At the same time, the age of the subjects, gender, weight and lifestyle were taken into account. The more a person smoked cigarettes a day, the more extra pounds he gained when trying to quit smoking. However, those who did not quit smoking still distinguished themselves by the greatest weight gain during the study.

Summing up, I would like to note: the best way to lose weight and gain a toned figure is a healthy diet and regular exercise. Smoking is just a bad habit that poisons the body and prevents it from functioning normally, but not a means to lose weight.

Smoking and weight loss is one of the most famous myths about the effect of nicotine on health, figure and beauty. Many people (both men and women) sincerely believe that cigarettes help them keep their weight in shape. And the popular horror story that giving up tobacco addiction instantly leads to a set of hated kilograms and provokes obesity, only plays into the hands of global cigarette manufacturers.

smoking and weight loss

Exactly how smoking affects weight loss is a question that has long been in the sphere of the closest attention of scientists from all over the world. A slender woman or a fit man with a cigarette is a classic image of a smoker. And although there are also a lot of obese people with nicotine addiction in the world, it is still believed that tobacco poison in an incomprehensible way helps to control weight.

  • The most extensive study of this smoking problem was carried out in the early 2000s. They were scientists from University College London. Experts wanted to understand what is the source of this phenomenon, and for 6 years they watched 3,000 thousand teenagers - from 11 years old to 16 years old. Some of the subjects smoked, while others did not.

As a result, it turned out that there is absolutely no difference in weight, body mass index, calorie intake or fatty foods in smoking and non-smoking boys and girls. All the differences appear later, when a long nicotine experience leads to the most dangerous changes in the functioning of the body.

  • Another major experiment proved that weight gain when smoking does not always stop. In many cases, due to endocrine disorders, the principle by which fats are deposited changes.

In regular smokers, fats are deposited according to the male principle, “apple”, around the waist and in the upper body. Such a phenomenon can significantly disfigure the female figure, which is traditionally shaped like a “pear” - a thin waist and pronounced hips.

  • If we talk about the reasons for the harmony of smokers, then a study by scientists from Cornell University in New York was truly breakthrough.

Experts have found that nicotine stimulates the AZGP1 gene, which in turn ensures the full functioning of the respiratory system. And in part - for burning fat and processing fast carbohydrates. When a person smokes, the gene tries to protect primarily the respiratory system, and increased metabolism becomes a kind of "side effect".

The effect of smoking on weight

But the effect of nicotine on the figure is explained not only by the active work of an unknown gene with a mysterious name.

When a person smokes a cigarette, a whole range of factors (physical and psychological) come into play that affect not only the presence of unnecessary kilograms, but also the overall appearance of the smoker.

But does smoking really contribute to weight loss and what exactly affects weight:

  1. In the process of smoking, saliva is actively produced, and food does not enter the body. In a deceived stomach, small ulcers can form due to increased acid, and contractile function also decreases over time. As a result, appetite decreases and digestive problems begin - heaviness, colitis, gastritis, etc.
  2. The body of a smoker is forced to constantly fight the toxic effects of nicotine. This consumes not only those calories that come with food, but also the internal reserves of the body, which burns already stored calories.
  3. Quite often smoking serves as a salvation for a person from stress. A smoked cigarette replaces a sandwich and a chocolate bar, as a result, fewer calories come in and the body has nowhere to replenish adipose tissue.
  4. Tobacco poison, getting into the bloodstream, stimulates the production of the hormone glycogen. Usually the body uses it as an energy fuel in case of emergency, but here it takes it for ordinary, natural glucose and puts it into action. Therefore, the feeling of hunger for some period is dulled.
  5. Nicotine disrupts the work of the endocrine glands, which causes hormonal failure. As a result, normal metabolism is distorted, and fats are deposited "in the wrong places." Hence - the accumulation of adipose tissue around the waist, while the hips and legs remain slender. Therefore, in some way, a bad habit even interferes with weight loss.
  6. Nicotine disrupts the functioning of blood vessels and causes oxygen deficiency. Because of this, blood circulation and lymph outflow are disturbed, the skin becomes gray, flabby, and cellulite develops. Even thin people.

On a video about how smoking affects a person's weight:

Weight gain after quitting the habit

After giving up the cigarette buzz, the body slowly but surely returns to a normal working rhythm. And this often entails a natural weight gain. This phenomenon is noticed by many experienced smokers, but the reasons for the sharp fullness are quite understandable.

First of all, the psychological factor comes into play. For any person, giving up cigarettes is the strongest stress, and the easiest way to fight stress is to seize it. The former smoker is trying to drown out "" with pies, sandwiches and sweets, and the number on the scales is rapidly creeping up.

In addition, appetite at this time increases naturally. Glycogen levels return to normal, and the body requires its share of glucose, which means tasty and high-calorie food.

It is quite possible to avoid the appearance of extra pounds after you quit smoking.

To just follow a few simple rules:

  1. In the first weeks after giving up nicotine doping, it is important to clearly plan the diet. In the first months, there is a tendency to gain weight, so a balanced diet is a must. In addition, a healthy diet will help to quickly restore the correct metabolism.
  2. First of all, physical activity. It is worth starting small - daily walks, swimming, then - your favorite sport, fitness, etc. Exercise not only helps burn excess fat, it also helps to produce the "pleasure hormone" dopamine, and this helps not to break loose and not return to cigarettes again.
  3. Try to make the most of your day. Favorite work, sports, meetings with friends, walks - a tight schedule will allow you not to think about smoking every minute and overcome addiction as quickly as possible.

What the experts say

At the same time, smoking is not always accompanied by harmony. Long-term smokers often experience a serious hormonal failure, when the body can no longer fully process nutrients. Therefore, even in those people who eat relatively little, the reserves of adipose tissue are rapidly increasing.

Former smokers in the first months also have a tendency to accelerate weight gain. Due to severe stress, the number of meals per day can increase up to 8-9 times a day, because of this, people sometimes gain up to 10 kg in the first month.

However, these problems can be easily avoided if you eat right and remember to exercise. Then the metabolism will soon normalize, the work of the endocrine glands will stabilize, and after a few months the weight will return to normal. And other “bonuses” of a nicotine-free life will be added to a slender figure - radiant smooth skin, shiny hair, strong nails and excellent health in general.

Is it possible to put an equal sign between the words "smoking" and "weight loss", or is this one of the myths that tobacco smoke lovers use to justify their bad habit? Surprisingly, science has not been able to give an unambiguous answer to this.

About the benefits of smoking

The age-old fear that smokers intimidate each other, worried about the state of their waist - they say, it is worth throwing a cigarette, and you will immediately count a dozen extra kilograms and centimeters - it has a basis. Many people who gave up the habit of tobacco did gain weight during the first year: most 3-4 kg, but some more than ten. So does smoking help you lose weight?

Arguments for".

1. Getting into the human blood, nicotine stimulates the release of the hormone glycogen, which the body uses for energy. Appetite dulls for a while, and a smoker can skip a snack or refuse dessert without a hungry rumbling in the stomach - his body has had time to “fortify himself” with what it has found in its blood.

2. Tobacco smoke causes a surge in the activity of the AZGP1 gene, which is responsible for the activity of the respiratory system. In an effort to protect it from the influence of nicotine, the gene provokes the body to fight the harmful substance. And since any activity requires energy, the body receives it by burning calories.

Studies have shown that the nicotine patch can improve athletic performance!

3. People who are used to smoking a cigarette with a cup of coffee are doubly lucky because caffeine and nicotine reveal each other's properties. Saturation comes faster, and the level of adrenaline in the blood rises, which prevents the deposition of excess calories in fat and causes a surge of energy in the smoker.

4. It's no secret that many people put a cigarette in their mouth to calm down, just like those with a sweet tooth resort to the help of chocolate. But unlike chocolate, tobacco does not create wrinkles on the sides, so the fight against stress does not threaten the smoker with a couple of new kilograms.

5. It has been scientifically proven that in the first year of tobacco use, a person's metabolism accelerates due to the efforts of the body to cleanse itself of the poison that enters the bloodstream with each cigarette smoked. And as you know, it is the accelerated metabolism that allows us to eat and not get better. Unfortunately, this state is valid for a short time - only 10-12 months.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that people who write laudatory reviews about smoking and losing weight on the net are not so wrong. But what price does our body pay for such harmony?

There will always be arguments for smoking among supporters of smoking.

And about the dangers of tobacco smoke

The addiction to tobacco in itself does not reward anyone with a thin waist. Proof of this fact can serve as a lot of obese people tarring cigarette after cigarette. It turns out that the medal has a reverse side?

Does smoking interfere with weight loss?

1. The metabolism of a novice smoker, which has been working at full speed for a year, eventually loses its ground and slows down, and everything that used to burn out begins to settle under the skin.

2. Nicotine disrupts the endocrine system, which can cause weight gain to go unevenly. The figure of such a smoker presents a rather strange sight, plump in some places and remaining slender in others.

3. Carbon monoxide prevents oxygen from reaching the cells, causing the skin to become flabby and gray, and the hips and buttocks to acquire cellulite. Yes, yes, it also happens to men, although not on such a scale as in the beautiful half of humanity!

Too many overweight people who smoke

If we are already talking about how smoking affects weight loss, causing adrenaline to rise in the blood, we will upset readers who seriously intend to increase their activity, charging with a “violent” hormone. This burst of energy is short-lived. But shortness of breath, feeling unwell, and lethargy that manifests itself over time become constant companions of the smoker, forcing him to gravitate towards a sedentary lifestyle.

How to quit smoking and not gain weight?

Whether to get rid of a bad habit, everyone decides for himself. But if you keep buying packs of cigarettes for fear of gaining weight, there are a few things you can do.

1. Clearly plan your diet and do not allow yourself to "bite", especially in the first months of quitting smoking.

2. Don't sit idle. Hobbies, socializing with friends (preferably non-smokers), a new project at work occupy thoughts and reduce cravings for a cigarette.

3. Walk, swim, rollerblade or do any other sport. This promotes the production of the pleasure hormone dopamine, which will help you resist the urge to reach for another cigarette.

Video: How smoking affects weight

Does smoking affect weight loss and how? Ekaterina Levina, the host of the Lose Weight for Vacation project, shares her opinion.

The topic of the dangers of smoking, as well as the thesis about whether smoking helps to lose weight, has been repeatedly touched upon in recent years. Many people have given up addiction in favor of a healthy lifestyle. But more than half of the people faced the problem of gaining excess weight. This applies to the fair sex. It has been scientifically proven that the female body is more susceptible to the formation of fatty layers.

Method of weight control

Contrary to popular belief, smoking helps control weight gain in smokers. But this leads to more serious consequences: disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the formation of malignant tumors. In addition, a number of other unpleasant consequences, such as bad breath, tooth decay, prevent smokers from living a full life. In addition, smoking is a factor influencing weight gain.

  1. First of all, it should be noted that smoking burns calories. Nicotine increases the heart rate and also speeds up the metabolism. So when you quit smoking, the number of calories you burn decreases. To stabilize the metabolism, a certain period is needed, which takes from two weeks to a month.
  2. Smoking also suppresses the feeling of hunger. Substances in cigarettes promote the production of glycogen in the liver, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. When a person quits smoking, his appetite increases, as a result of which extra pounds appear. If you exercise regularly, then this problem will bypass you.
  3. In addition, tobacco products increase the level of the hormone of joy in the blood, which leads to high spirits and increased working capacity. Due to this effect, the process of weaning is incredibly difficult, a person feels a breakdown, possibly a depressive mood. In order to improve their mood, people try to seize sadness with various cakes and pastries. This "treatment" creates a link between smoking and obesity.
  4. Smoking blocks the taste buds of the tongue, so the taste of food is almost not felt. People who have quit smoking note that, having tasted food, they cannot stop and eat much more than the norm. With pure receptors, even the most ordinary coffee seems incredibly tasty.
  5. Smoking also affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, because an insufficient amount of components is produced for the full digestion of food.

In addition to the above, cigarettes occupy the mouth and hands, against this background, psychological dependence is developed. Without noticing it, people are reaching for food. Over time, this overeating leads directly to obesity. This habit must be fought. To start, sweets need to be replaced:

  • fruits;
  • berries.

After a while, this should be eliminated.

lipid metabolism

Getting rid of nicotine addiction does not mean at all that weight will begin to gain at lightning speed . According to statistics, only one person out of three who quit smoking gains weight. For the other two, the weight decreases or remains the same. Weight changes are purely individual, lipid metabolism is to blame.

Lipids are various fats and their acids. They enter the body through food, also partially produced by liver cells. These substances perform an energy function, accumulating in the form of fat deposits, and at the moment of need they are released, turning into energy. In violation of lipid metabolism, increased burning of fats is possible, which leads to a sharp weight loss or an inhibited process of their burning. Fat deposits can be deposited in problem areas.

Breaking a habit without consequences

Quitting smoking is difficult, but it is important to remember about the health of your own body, this guarantees many years of life. It is necessary to realize the need to abandon addiction, convince yourself that the harm caused to the body is absolutely not worth the figure that you are trying to maintain. And it is also important to accept the fact that smoking does not affect a person's weight, and giving up this habit does not mean gaining excess weight.

If you are afraid to gain a couple of kilograms, you need to follow certain rules that will save your figure, as well as save you from addiction.

  1. Get rid of addiction gradually, daily reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Abruptly quitting a bad habit, you run the risk of pushing with a withdrawal syndrome, which can lead to overeating against the backdrop of body stress.
  2. In parallel with weaning, you need to contact a nutritionist who will draw up an individual nutrition program. This will help to find the desired figure, cleanse the body, and also speeds up metabolism.
  3. Physical activity is a necessary part. An active lifestyle will help not only lose weight, but also improve overall health. Choose the sport that suits you. It can be fitness, swimming, boxing, dancing - everything that brings you pleasure. The frequency of training should not exceed three times a week.
  4. Forget addiction. Create conditions that will relieve you of memories of cigarettes. Find a hobby, start a new project, take on an extra job. It is necessary to distract your consciousness from the unwanted object of attention.


In conclusion, it should be noted that smoking does not affect weight loss. The idea that smoking helps you lose weight remains a myth. Personal habits lead to weight gain, so in order to avoid weight gain, you must follow the above rules. They will ensure the cleansing of the body from the consequences of addiction, while maintaining the figure.

Based on the harm caused by smoking to the body, we can conclude that smoking for weight loss is not an effective, much less justified way.

It is widely known that smoking speeds up metabolism, so some are afraid to give up a bad habit because of the danger of gaining extra pounds. Nicotine is one of the most powerful appetite suppressants, so when this substance decreases in the body, the feeling of hunger increases. All foods and drinks seem tastier because the normal functioning of receptors is restored. All this can lead to overeating of sweets and fatty foods, which will seem incredibly appetizing. In addition, without the opportunity to smoke, many people switch to frequent snacks. How to avoid problems with being overweight during the period of giving up cigarettes? These tips will help!

Eat more often

Do not be afraid to eat more often than you are used to - this is what your body needs at the moment! Eating five meals a day will boost your metabolism, make you less irritable, and more alert throughout the day. Be sure to start your day with a hearty breakfast because research has shown that this helps you eat fewer calories. The main rule is that the more often you eat, the smaller the number of meals should be.

Control the amount of food

When your taste buds return to normal, because cigarette tar no longer affects them, food naturally tastes better. It's easy to overeat and gain weight, so try to be careful about how much you're eating. Control portions and create a balanced diet for yourself that will provide you with vitamins and minerals. Do not stress your body with a strict diet, it can undermine your health.

Spice up your food

Spicy foods are known to boost metabolism, so it's a good idea to use a variety of spices. Peppers contain capsaicin, which speeds up metabolism, producing an effect similar to that of nicotine. In addition, it stimulates the nerves in the mouth and on the lips, which helps to quit smoking faster.

Drink more

Sufficient hydration is an important condition for maintaining good physical shape and stable health. Drinking fluids helps you feel full, and as a result, you eat less. Experiments recommend drinking about eight glasses of water a day, which is the average amount for any healthy person. Stay away from carbonated drinks with sugar - they only cause weight gain.

Take your hands

At times, the craving for a cigarette can be extremely intense, which is why it's so important for you to keep your hands busy. Carry a bottle of water with you, in which case you can also take care of the fluid level in the body. You can also try knitting or other hobbies like playing a musical instrument - it's a great way to take your mind off cigarettes and do something interesting.

Eat More Protein

Protein-rich foods can greatly improve your metabolism. Choose foods that are high in protein and low in fat. For example, eggs, lean beef, oatmeal, tuna, almonds, Greek yogurt, broccoli are suitable for you. They are rich in nutrients and quality protein. Try to carefully plan your diet to avoid metabolic problems.

Move as much as possible

It seems pretty simple, but it's a fact - movement is the key to staying healthy and in good shape. This is the easiest way to improve metabolism and burn calories, plus your muscles will get stronger every day. You don't have to go to the gym as soon as possible, you can just start walking or jogging regularly with friends and doing yoga.

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