The influence of nature on a person. Arguments on the topic "Nature" for the composition of the exam


It is difficult to assess the importance of nature in human life. She generously gives people her wealth, surprises with proud grandeur and unique beauty, and inspires. Nature teaches us to be humane, to treat all living things humanely, to resist any manifestation of evil and cruelty.

The text of G. Troepolsky touches upon the problem of the beneficial influence of nature on man. The yellow forest, in which "everything burned and shone with the sun", where "it was ... easy ... and fun", helped the main character - the hunter to truly experience the feeling of pain "for all those who kill uselessly".

Enjoying the silence, admiring the beauty of the autumn forest and the work of a faithful four-legged friend, Ivan Ivanovich feels happy and smiles. And suddenly a shot ... It seems terrible and absurd in the forest, where silence and harmony reign. The forest responded with an offended echo, it seemed to be perplexed: “they were frightened, shuddered” birches, “oaks gasped”.

“Only for you, Beam,” the hunter tries to find an excuse for his act, holding a dead woodcock in his palm. But memories of the past, of the bird killed yesterday, do not allow conscience to calm down. From that day on, the feeling of pity for animals and birds grew stronger every day in the soul of Ivan Ivanovich.

The person is very guilty before "our smaller brothers". And this fault lies not only with poachers who indifferently kill animals for their own benefit. People who throw animals into the street act inhumanly, leaving them to the mercy of fate. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon.

It is impossible to imagine nature without animals and birds. They not only benefit, but also decorate our planet. Many people do not interfere with learning from them love, fidelity and mutual understanding.

From early childhood, we know the works that tell about the "human" qualities of "our smaller brothers." Once upon a time, a short story by L.N. Tolstoy about the friendship of a lion and a small dog. I was surprised by the heroism of the gray sparrow, selflessly shielding his offspring with a tiny body. I.S. Turgenev, the author of the prose poem "Sparrow", admits that he "was in awe of that little ... bird, before its love impulse." We rejoiced for Mitrasha, the hero of the fairy tale, were M.M. Prishvin "The pantry of the sun", to whom Grass came to the rescue, the dog of the wise forester Antipych, sensitive to goodness.

I really want every person to learn to appreciate and feel with his heart the beauty and originality of the natural world around us, learn to be human. Maybe for this you need to go to the yellow autumn forest more often, in which, according to the writer G. Troepolsky, a person becomes cleaner?

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In the text cited for analysis, Boris Ekimov raises the problem of the influence of the beauty of nature on man, which is relevant for many.

Nature is the most beautiful thing on earth. Her beauty can work wonders. When the narrator sees a painting given to him by a friend of the artist, he involuntarily recalls one bad day. Then the hero suddenly found a willow bush while walking through the forest. The author describes how the golden sunlight becomes clearly visible: “A willow bush in a rainy cloudy day meekly shone with warm lamp light. He shone, warming the earth around him, and the air, and the chilly day. It becomes clear to readers that the memory of that cloudy, but bright and memorable day will warm the soul of the narrator all his life, because the willow bush was like a light that brightens the path: “There are many of them on our way, good signs, warm days and minutes that help to live pushing sometimes twilight, thorny days.

In Russian literature, the theme of nature is often heard, as well as the problem of its influence on people. So, in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", in the chapter about the childhood of the protagonist, the author describes a measured, unhurried life in Oblomovka. The ideal of tranquility there was nature: endless blue skies, forests, lakes. People lived in harmony with nature, the world and themselves. Their souls were cleansed under the influence of the beauty of nature.

The moral purity, the incredible beauty of nature is admired by many heroes of the works of Leo Tolstoy, including Andrei Bolkonsky from the novel War and Peace. The hero until a certain moment has only one goal in life: to become famous in battles, to be the same as Napoleon, because Bolkonsky idolized the ideas of Bonoparte. During the battle, Prince Andrei runs forward with a banner in his hand, as he wants to be noticed. However, he gets injured, which was a turning point in his life. Lying on the ground without strength, Bolkonsky looks at the endless sky and understands that there is nothing besides this sky, that all worldly worries, unlike eternity, which the sky reminds of, do not matter. It was from this moment, when the hero took a fresh look at nature, that his liberation from Napoleonic ideas began, the purification of his soul.

Summing up, I want to say that the beauty of nature can change the mood of a person, his way of thinking, his attitude to everything around him.

  • The beauty of nature encourages not only to admire it, but also to think about philosophical topics
  • The murmur of the river, the singing of birds, the breath of the wind - all this helps to restore peace of mind
  • Admiration for the beauty of nature can cause a burst of creativity, inspire the creation of masterpieces.
  • Even a rude person is able to see something positive in nature.


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, lying on the battlefield, sees the sky of Austerlitz. The beauty of the sky changes his worldview: the hero understands that "everything is empty, everything is a lie." What he lived before seemed to him insignificant and insignificant. The beauty of nature cannot be compared with the cruel, embittered faces of howling people, the sound of gunshots and explosions. Napoleon, whom Prince Andrei had previously considered an idol, seemed no longer a great, but an insignificant person. The magnificent sky of Austerlitz helped Andrei Bolkonsky to understand himself, to reconsider his views on life.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea". In the work, we see the sea as it is for the old fisherman Santiago. The sea not only provides him with food, but also brings joy to the life of this person, makes him strong, as if supplying energy reserves from some invisible sources. Santiago is grateful to the sea. The old man admires him like a woman. The soul of the old fisherman is beautiful: Santiago is able to admire the beauty of nature, despite the hardships of his existence.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Everyone tends to perceive nature in their own way. If for the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov the surrounding world is a workshop, an object of practice, then for Arkady Kirsanov, nature is primarily beautiful. Arkady liked to walk in the woods. Nature attracted him, helped him to come to inner balance, to heal spiritual wounds. The hero admired nature, although he did not admit it, because at first he also called himself a nihilist. The ability to perceive the beauty of nature is part of the character of the hero, making him a real person, able to see the best in the world around him.

Jack London Martin Eden. Many of the works of the novice writer Martin Eden are based on what he saw on the voyages. These are not only life stories, but also the natural world. Martin Eden does his best to express the splendor he saw on paper. And over time, he manages to write in such a way as to convey all the charm of nature as it really is. It turns out that for Martin Eden the beauty of nature becomes a source of inspiration, an object of creativity.

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Callousness and selfishness in relation to people do not prevent Grigory Pechorin from being reverent about nature. Everything was important for the soul of the hero: spring trees at the time of flowering, a slight gust of wind, majestic mountains. Pechorin wrote in his journal: "It's fun to live in such a land!" He wanted to fully express the feelings that the beauty of nature evoked in him.

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning". With admiration, the great poet describes the landscape of a winter day. Turning to the lyrical heroine, he writes about nature in such a way that it comes to life before the reader. The snow lies in "splendid carpets", the room is illuminated with an "amber sheen" - everything indicates that the weather is really wonderful. A.S. Pushkin not only felt the beauty of nature, but also conveyed it to the reader by writing this beautiful poem. The beauty of nature is one of the sources of inspiration for the poet.

Composition "The influence of nature on man" (Var 1).

Man and nature cannot exist without each other. It is not a separable part of one whole. The world in which we live is amazing, it captivates us with its nature, enchants us with its views. And we are lucky to be a part of it.

Have you noticed how our mood depends on the weather outside the window? When it’s spring or summer outside, the sun is shining brightly and everything around is blooming, you can hear the chirping of birds that have returned from warm lands, then it becomes so pleasant in our souls. We rejoice at every blooming flower, every leaf. In this mood, there is a desire to give good to everyone around. I want to move mountains. And when autumn reigns on the street, a pleasant blues is blown over us. Sometimes you want to sit and read a book or drink tea, to the sound of drops knocking on the roof. There is something beautiful about this. Winter also has a certain effect on us. At this time, I want to go sledding and play snowballs. And this one is getting really cool!

The topic of the influence of nature on man is often touched upon in books. Many writers show us the thin thread that connects humanity and nature. Take, for example, the work "Olesya". In this story, all the events experienced by the heroes of the book take place against the backdrop of beautiful nature. It seems to reflect all the emotions described in the book. In the work, you can see with the naked eye how nature changes according to how the mood of the characters changes. Initially, everything around was in complete peace and harmony, and closer to the climax, bad weather broke out. So the author more clearly showed the storm of feelings that the main character experienced when parting with her lover.

Nature and man are very tightly intertwined. We can be in harmony with ourselves only by being in harmony with nature. After all, she gives us all the blessings of life, enchants us with her extraordinary beauty. Nature affects our mood, and whatever one may say, we influence the state of nature. Let's never forget about this. And we will always remember that every weather is grace and you need to be happy and grateful to it, even on the most cloudy day.

Composition "The influence of nature on man" (Var 2).

You can consider the question of the influence of nature on a person from the spiritual side, or you can consider the physical connection.

All events occurring with mankind are connected with nature and its laws. It gives people a lot of what is required for life: water, oxygen, food, medicines and much more. And what a beautiful view of nature: deserts, glaciers, rivers, seas, oceans, forests ... All this is priceless!

Alas, people have ceased to think about the meaning of nature. In the modern world, people use gifts without giving anything in return. Humanity is destroying the forests that give us air. We pollute the water, although without it there can be no living creature, we exterminate animals ... And he himself does not realize it. But by harming nature, man harms himself.

And the spiritual connection is manifested in art. Many authors share their vision of this issue, tell us about what worries them, share their emotions and impressions. And artists reflect the beauty of nature in their paintings. Considering their work, one can guess what mood the painter was in. Photographers try to capture the most beautiful moments and beauties of the environment around us. You can look at their work forever!

Those who love to observe nature get an incredible boost of energy. Such people are always in a good mood. They find something beautiful in every breath of the breeze, in sunrises and sunsets.

Nature literally heals us from the blues. It helps to think sensibly, teaches you to listen to your heart.

Let's turn to the work of Kuprin - "Olesya". The main character grew up, one might say, in the wild. By nature, the girl was a benevolent and non-envious person. To some extent, nature influenced the presence of such qualities in the heroine. And if you observe the changes in the environment, you can understand how events will develop further.

Generally speaking, nature and man are one, both spiritually and physically. Therefore, we need to be a little more attentive to her. You should not squeeze everything out of it to the last drop. Nature just needs time to recover. Let's be a little more merciful and help her with this. And believe me, nature will surely thank us.

The beauty of the nature of our country is extraordinary. The widest full-flowing rivers, emerald forests, bright blue skies. What a truly rich choice for Russian artists! But how does the beauty of nature affect us? What trace does it leave in the human soul? These questions are revealed in his text by K. G. Paustovsky.

In the text proposed for analysis, K. G.

Paustovsky poses the problem of the influence of the beauty of nature on man. Revealing it, the author reflects on how nature instills in us a feeling of love for the Motherland. He draws attention to the fact that, seeing only

once the expanses of our country, the heart forever submits to it. “I leaned out the window, and suddenly my breath caught,” writes Konstantin Georgievich. The beauty of nature aroused in him delight, admiration. Arriving in Moscow, he decided to visit the Tretyakov Gallery. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn" struck him so much that he could not even believe that such beauty really exists.

K. G. Paustovsky believes that the beauty of nature awakens in us a feeling of love for the Motherland, attachment to it.

places where a person could not find what his heart will forever remember.

The problem of the influence of the beauty of nature is often raised in literature. As an example, we can take the story of A.P. Chekhov "The Steppe". Egorushka was so struck by the beauty and grandeur of the steppe that he begins to give it human features. It seemed to him that the steppe space is capable of suffering, and rejoicing, and longing.

Poets pay much attention to the beauty of nature in their works. R. Ivnev in the poem “Alone with Nature” reflects on how nature affects a person. He tells Yu that alone with nature, people begin to think anew. Open and clean. and for no money will he leave that quiet corner where a person becomes himself.

The beauty of our nature is charming. But, admiring her, we should not forget that this beauty can disappear from the harmful effects on the environment. And then our descendants will be able to see the charm of nature only on the canvases of artists of past centuries.

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