The influence of contemporary art on the formation of personality. The influence of various types of art on human life music


In works of art, regardless of the craftsmanship invested in them and the ideas they convey, there is a certain feeling; it is as if in them and behind them. When I was in Berlin, I saw sculptures around the Kaiser Palace; they were works of art that evoked thoughts of horror, terror, destruction. As soon as I saw this, I said, "It's no wonder that everything happened the way it did, since these statues were created in advance." A work of art may be pleasant to look at, may contain great skill, and yet the mind of the artist works through it, and the effect of the picture is not in what it suggests outwardly, but in what it says aloud with a voice. of your heart. In every picture, in every statue, in every artistic construction, one can see this; they have a hidden voice that constantly speaks of the purpose for which this work of art was created.

Sometimes the artist is not aware of his creation. He follows his imagination; he can act against his own creation; he may be causing an action that he would not want for himself or for the person to whom this work is intended. Once I visited a temple. I could not call this temple beautiful; but he was wonderful, unique in his way. As soon as my eyes fell on its color construction and on the images standing in the form of reliefs, I was surprised and thought how such a temple could exist for such a long time; it should have been destroyed a long time ago. And soon after that, I learned that this temple was destroyed. The idea is that the architect of this temple was so engrossed in his project that he forgot the harmony of the spirit with which the plan should have been made; and that's why it all ended badly.

One day a friend called me to look at the paintings created by her husband. As soon as I saw them, the whole history of this man was revealed to me: how his soul went through life, the torments through which it went; all this was expressed in pictures. And what was the state of the owner of these paintings? Nothing but sadness and depression.

It would be better for the artist to be afraid to create works that might cause something undesirable, because then he would be more careful; and if he tried to know the effect they produce, he would learn to distinguish. It is very easy to enjoy a colorful idea, but a person must understand that not only the idea is important, but also its result: is it destructive or creative? For example, on steamships, especially in the English Channel, as soon as you enter a cabin, the first thing you see is an image of a drowning man putting on a life jacket. It's the first thing that impresses you, like the first sign. Of course, this is an instruction; but this instruction is psychologically executed incorrectly. If any instructions are needed, it would be better to distribute picture postcards after the ship leaves the shore, after people get used to it. It is more than not wise - another word would have to be found for this - to place death scenes in a school room or in a chapel; especially those associated with saints and teachers who, being immortal, never died.

It's the same with poetry. Hindus have a psychology of poetry which is taught to the poet before he is allowed to write poetry. Because it is not only an expression of rhythm or a game of mind and thought; but to write poetry means to construct something: to create or to destroy. Sometimes poetry has an effect on the welfare or decline of the great ones for whose glory it was written. Science is associated with it. A person can speak loftily about the personality of another in poetry, but the construction of words or the thought behind them can be harmful. They harm not only the person for whom they were written; but sometimes, if this person is strong, they fall upon the poet, thus destroying him forever.

It may be asked, "Then aren't drama and tragedy harmful?" There are many things that hurt us, that bring harm, but there are many things that are very interesting at the same time. Besides, there are minds that are more attracted to tragedy than to other things. It is natural, because sometimes there is a wound, and this wound hurts for a while, but this feeling can be helpful. You can call it pain; but at the same time it is a useful pain, the pain of a wound that is disturbed. Undoubtedly, too much tragedy is undesirable for a person, but an artistic nature, one who loves poetry, finds something in tragedy. Not to read Shakespeare is to deprive oneself of great joy; Shakespeare's poetry is all-encompassing. But when people write poems related to a particular person, a king or some lord, then they have a direct effect. However, a play can also have a powerful effect.

The foregoing corresponds to the psychological point of view; it does not mean that it is a Sufi point of view. Sufis are very fond of poetry, but their passion for it sometimes goes very far in expressing feelings of aspiration, desire, heartbreak, disappointment. According to psychology, this is wrong.

And also with music. It can be very interesting for a musician to create some kind of magical music that depicts the flood or destruction of the city and everyone who lived in this city; for a while it may seem to him an amusement, an eccentric imagination; but such music has its influence.

The most interesting thing is how, through art, poetry, music, or movements made in dance, a thought or feeling is created, the effect of which is the result of the whole action; art, one might say, is a cover. Every plan needs a cover to express the life of that plan. Music is the world; poetry is the world; art is the world. A person living in the world of art is one who feels and knows this world, who loves it; a person who lives in the world of music sees music, he appreciates music. In order to have a vision of music, a person must live in it and observe this world more closely. In other words, it is not enough that a person be musical and that he occupy his heart and soul with music; but he must also develop intuition in order to see with greater insight.

How wonderful to notice that art in all its aspects is something alive, speaking of good and evil. It is not only what meaning a person sees in frescoes in old Italian houses, or what kind of art is created in the sculpture of ancient times; but these same works of art seem to tell us about the history of the past; they tell us about the artist who created them, the degree of his evolution, his motives, his soul and the spirit of that time. This teaches us that our thought and feeling are unconsciously reproduced in everything we use: in a place, in a stone, in a tree, in an armchair, in all the things that we prepare; but in art the artist perfects the music of his soul, his mind. For him, this is not an automatic process, but a reasonable creative action that leads to a different effect. This shows that it is not enough for us to simply study or practice art; but in order to bring it to perfection, to make it complete, we must understand the psychology of art, through which man achieves the goal of his life.

Everyone is aware that medicine and education have a strong impact on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few people will admit the idea that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our lives.

What is art?

There are many definitions in various dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of its creation), which expresses the artist's view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, the creation of something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Art is also a way of knowing the world. For example, for a child who, drawing or singing songs, remembers new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with himself. This concept is so ambiguous that it is impossible to say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our life. After all, it is under its influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

Types of art and its impact on human life

What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All of these are arts, like photography, circus, arts and crafts, sculpture, architecture, stage and theatre. The list can still be expanded. Every decade, genres develop and new ones are added, as humanity does not stand still.

Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on human life is expressed in love for fairy tales. One of the most influential species is literature. Reading surrounds us from childhood. When we are very little, mom reads fairy tales to us. The rules of behavior and the type of thinking are instilled in girls and boys on the example of fairy-tale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works there is a moral that teaches us how to act.

At school and university, we read the obligatory works of classical authors, which already contain more complex thoughts. Here the characters make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

Functions of Art: Additional Arguments

The influence of art on a person is extensive, it has various functions and purposes. One of the main goals is educational.The same moral at the end of the story. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this hedonistic function - to bring pleasure. Some literary works often have a prognostic function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their science fiction novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word "compensation", when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. This often refers to emotional trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget, or go to the cinema to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument - the influence of art on a person through music. Hearing a symbolic song for himself, someone can decide on an important act. If we move away from the academic meaning, then the influence of art on human life is very great. It gives inspiration. When a person at the exhibition saw a beautiful picture, he came home and started painting.

Consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how actively hand-made is developing. People not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Various areas of body art and tattoos - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

Art around us

Has anyone thought while decorating their apartment and thinking through the design that at the moment you can notice the influence of art on you? Creating furniture or accessories is part of arts and crafts. Color matching, harmonious shapes and space ergonomics are exactly what designers are studying. Or another example: you are in the store, choosing a dress, gave preference to the one that is correctly tailored and thought out by the fashion designer. At the same time, fashion houses are not modest, trying to influence your choice with bright commercials.Video is also part of the art. That is, watching advertising, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument, the influence of genuine art on a person, however, is revealed in higher spheres. Let's consider them.

The influence of art on a person: arguments from literature

Literature influences us endlessly. Let us recall how in Leo Tolstoy's brilliant work "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova sang for her brother and healed him of despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save a life was described by O. Henry in the story "The Last Leaf". The sick girl decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell outside the window. She did not wait until her last day, as the leaflet was painted for her on the wall by an artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from the literature are very revealing) is the main character of Ray Bradbury's "Smile", who saves the painting with Mona Lisa, believing in its great significance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books, a person will become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particular, there are several wonderful paintings under the same name "Boy with a book."

Right Influence

Like any impact, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works are depressing, do not carry great aestheticism. Not all films are good. We need to be especially careful about content that affects our children. The right selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us with a good mood and instill the right taste.

Passport of the project work Name of the project: "The influence of art on a person" Project manager: Rykalova Natalya Nikolaevna Project consultant (s): Full name world artistic culture, social science Age of students for which the project is designed: years Composition of the project team: full name. Type of project: creative, individual, information Project customer: gymnasium 1565 "Sviblovo" Intended products of the project: demonstration stand Project goal Determine, how different types of art affect a person, his psychological state, mood, behavior.

Project Objectives To clarify the meaning of the term art and define the goals of art Determine how non-visual arts affect a person Determine how the performing arts affect a person Determine how visual arts affect a person Project questions What is art? What kinds of art are there? What is the purpose of art? How does music affect a person? How does literature affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of music and literature on a person? How does theater affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of theater on a person? How does visual art affect a person? What conclusion can be drawn from the influence of fine arts on a person?

Art Art (from church - Slavic art (lat. e x perimentum experience, test); Art. - Slavic art experience, less often torture, torture) figurative understanding of reality; the process or result of expressing the internal or external (in relation to the creator) world in an artistic image; creativity directed in such a way that it reflects the interests of not only the author himself, but also other people. Art (along with science) is one of the ways of cognition, both in the natural sciences and in the religious picture of the perception of the world.

Classification of art Most often, art is divided into non-visual (architecture, literature, music, choreography, ballet, radio art), spectacular (theater, opera, stage, circus, film art) and fine (painting, graphics (drawing, printmaking), decorative and applied arts , sculpture, photographic art, graffiti, comics, silent films) According to the dynamics of art, art can be divided into spatial and temporal. According to their utility, arts are divided into applied and elegant (pure). According to the materials, art can be divided into types using traditional and modern materials.

The goals of art Unmotivated goals of art are those that are an integral part of human nature, cannot be reduced to the characteristics of the creator's personality and serve any extraneous, for example, utilitarian purpose. Those goals that the author or creator intentionally and consciously sets for himself when working on a work are hereinafter referred to as motivated. Often, art is seen as an attribute of selected social strata, alien to other strata of the population. In this sense, the pursuit of art is generally seen as belonging to the upper classes, associated with wealth, the ability to buy beautiful but useless things, and a penchant for luxury.

The Influence of Music Music can influence a person both positively and negatively. It is used for calming, for medicinal purposes, to achieve inner harmony. But music can also cause stress, lead to memory impairment and poor health.

The influence of literature When reading literary works, he experiences all the emotions of the hero with him. A person is completely absorbed by the book, which leads his body to secrete certain hormones that either cheer up or, on the contrary, make you feel along with the hero.

Influence of fine art Fine art has a very strong influence on a person's mood. This influence is not only positive, but also negative. For the most part, the influence of fine art, painting, depends on what is drawn in the picture, what colors and tones the artist uses.

Conclusion Art plays an important role in our lives, helping future generations to grow morally. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, in a different way, to look beyond the ordinary, to feel a little sharper. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, organs.


Art is an integral part of our culture. Thanks to music, painting and literature, we not only learn something new, getting emotional pleasure, but also begin to improve, developing our inner spiritual world. Everyone has long known what art is capable of - it can work wonders! And there is plenty of evidence for this.

Since ancient times, people have known that art can be used for medicinal purposes. Today, music is widely used in medicine in the treatment of psychological diseases. She is able to awaken new feelings in a person and pacify him.

Music can be used not only in healing, but also in education. There are many compositions, listening to which a person develops the ability to study such exact sciences as: mathematics, physics, foreign languages, etc. Classical music can open a feeling of calmness and relaxation in a person. In this state, the study of something new, the perception and memorization of information is much better.

However, music is only part of the art. The world of colors also plays a big role in our life. We can see it on Art of Russia, where it is perfectly shown how fine art can have a good effect on a person. It helps to show new emotions, encourages creativity, calms the nervous system, and is also capable of charging new vital energy.

In medical practice, fine arts are widely used for medicinal purposes. Special events are being created where people can throw out their emotions and inner feelings in creativity.

Regardless of whether we listen to excellent music, look at an elegant picture, or admire another work of art - in any case, we can find in it what we and our soul will need in moments of joy or adversity.

How does art affect people? How does it affect the worldview and perception of the entire surrounding space? Why do some pieces of music give you goosebumps, and why does a scene in a movie bring tears down your cheeks? No one will give an exact answer to these questions - art is able to awaken in a person the most diverse and often very contradictory feelings.

What is art?

There is an exact definition of art - it is a process or result of expression in an artistic manifestation, as well as a creative symbiosis that conveys certain feelings and emotions experienced at a certain moment. Art is multifaceted. It is able to convey the experiences of one person and even the mood of the whole people in a specific period of time.

The power of real art lies primarily in its impact on a person. Agree, one picture can cause a lot of experiences and impressions, which, among other things, can be quite contradictory. Art is a kind of reflection of the true essence of man. And it doesn't matter at all whether it is a great artist or a connoisseur of painting.

Means of influence of art and its types

First of all, it is worth deciding on the types of art, and there are a fairly large number of them. So, the main ones are music, literature, painting, theater, circus, cinema, sculpture, architecture, photography, as well as graphics and much more.

How does art work? impassive, unlike music or painting, which can cause a lot of emotions and experiences. Only true masterpieces can contribute to the formation of a special worldview and perception of the surrounding reality. The expressive means of art (rhythm, proportion, form, tone, texture, etc.) deserve special attention, which allow one to fully appreciate a particular work.

The versatility of art

As already mentioned, art is multifaceted. This is especially eloquently evidenced by the masterpieces of sculpture and architecture, arts and crafts, music and literature, painting and graphics, preserved from time immemorial, as well as immortal cinema and theatrical performances. and historical studies show that the most ancient civilizations sought to express their own "I" through the drawings on the rocks, ritual dances around the fire, traditional costumes, etc.

In art, they are not intended only to evoke some particular feeling. These methods are intended for more global purposes - to form a special inner world of a person who is able to see beauty and create something similar.

Music is a separate art form

Perhaps this type of art deserves a separate large category. We constantly encounter music, even our ancient ancestors performed various rituals to the rhythmic sounds of original instruments. Music can have a wide variety of influences on a person. For some, it can serve as a means of peace and relaxation, and for someone it will become an incentive and impetus for further action.

Moreover, scientists have long come to the conclusion that music is an excellent secondary means of rehabilitation of patients and an excellent opportunity to achieve peace of mind. That is why music very often sounds in the wards, thus strengthening the faith in a speedy recovery.


The influencing force of art is the greatest power that can radically change a person's worldview and significantly influence the formation of his inner world. A riot of colors, rich colors and harmoniously matched shades, smooth lines and scale of volumes - all these are means of fine art.

The world-famous masterpieces of artists are stored in the treasuries of galleries and museums. Pictures have an amazing effect on the inner world of a person, they are able to penetrate into the most hidden corners of consciousness and sow the seed of true values. Moreover, by creating unique works of fine art, a person expresses his own experiences and shares his vision of the surrounding reality with the whole world. Everyone knows the fact that the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system is often accompanied by drawing classes. It promotes healing and peace of mind for patients.

Poetry and Prose: On the Influencing Power of Literature

Surely everyone knows that the word, in its essence, has incredible power - it can heal a wounded soul, reassure, give joyful moments, warm, in the same way a word can injure a person and even kill. A word framed by a beautiful syllable has even greater power. We are talking about literature in all its manifestations.

Masterpieces of world classics are a huge number of amazing works that, to one degree or another, have influenced the life of almost every person. Drama, tragedy, poetry, poems and odes - all this, to varying degrees, was reflected in the soul of everyone who could touch the creations of the classics. The impact of art on a person - in particular, literature - is multifaceted. So, for example, in troubled times, writers called on the people to fight with their poems, and with novels carried the reader into a completely different world filled with different colors and characters.

Literary works form the inner world of a person, and it is no coincidence that in our times, filled with innovations and technological innovations, people are encouraged to plunge into the unusually cozy atmosphere that a good book creates.

Influence of art

Progress does not stand still, just like art. For different eras, certain trends are characteristic, which, to one degree or another, are reflected in many works. Moreover, it was often fashion trends that shaped the image and way of life of the population. It is enough to remember how the directions of architecture were dictated by the canons of construction and interior decoration. The influencing force of art contributed not only to the creation of buildings in a certain style, but also formed general tastes among the population.

So, for example, in the architectural field there is even a peculiar classification of historical periods: the Renaissance, Rococo, Baroque, etc. How does art affect a person in this case? It forms the taste preferences of a person, his style and manner of behavior, dictates the rules of interior design and even the style of communication.

Influence of contemporary art

It is difficult to talk about contemporary art. This is not at all due to the specific features of the 21st century, filled with innovations and unique technological innovations. At one time, many writers and artists were not recognized as geniuses, moreover, they were often considered crazy. It is quite possible that in a few hundred years our contemporaries will be considered the geniuses of their time.

Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to follow the trends of contemporary art. Many are inclined to believe that the current creations are just the decomposition of the old ones. Time will tell by what means art influences in this case and how it influences the formation of personality. And for creators, it is very important to form and cultivate a sense of beauty in society.

How does art work?

Speaking about the influencing force of this phenomenon, one cannot confine oneself to the concepts of good and evil. Art in all its manifestations does not teach to distinguish good from bad, light from darkness and white from black. Art forms the inner world of a person, teaches him to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, to talk about life, as well as to structure his thoughts and even see the world in a multifaceted aspect. Books immerse you in a completely different world of dreams and fantasies, form a person as a person, and also make you think about many things and take a different look at seemingly ordinary situations.

The works of architects, painters, writers and musicians that have survived to this day speak eloquently of the immortality of true masterpieces. They fully show how powerless time is before the priceless works of the classics.

True art cannot be overlooked, and its power can not only shape the inner world, but also drastically change a person's life.

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