Voronezh State Agrarian University.


Voronezh State Agrarian University named after V.I. K.D. Glinka in 2013 will celebrate its 100th anniversary. During its centuries-old history, the university has trained about 75 thousand highly qualified specialists. To date, training is conducted at 9 faculties in 32 specialties. 635 teachers annually transfer their knowledge to 14,000 students. Of these, almost 100 people are doctors and professors of science, 417 are candidates of science and 287 are associate professors. On the basis of Voronezh and Lipetsk secondary schools, the university organized the preparation of applicants. Numerous universities in Voronezh train students in various areas, but only in VSAU you can get an agricultural specialty. Particular attention is paid to practical classes, which are held on the basis of the botanical garden, experimental station, information technology center and other enterprises of the city.


Voronezh State Agrarian University was founded in 1913. The All-Russian Agricultural Institute allocated a territory in Troitskaya Sloboda with an area of ​​580 hectares and 33 hectares of forest. These plots became the property of the educational institution and were used without paying taxes. The first rector of the All-Union Agricultural Institute was Konstantin Dmitrievich Glinka.
Since when the Institute was founded, it was named after Emperor Peter I, it was decided to build the main building in the Baroque style.
The project of the institute was calculated taking into account that in the fourth year after its foundation the number of students would be about 600 people. But due to the outbreak of the First World War, in which Russia was at war with Kaiser's Germany, funding for the construction was limited. In 1917, only the chemical corps was ready, and the number of students was only 300 people. At that time, the agronomic and forestry departments worked. However, already in 1918, at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, it was decided to further finance the institute.
In 1922 VSHI included women's agronomy courses with two departments: economics and land. In the future, the latter will be renamed land management, and it will become the basis of the new faculty. The changes also affected the forest department, which was transformed into a faculty.
At the end of the civil war, postgraduate studies rapidly developed at the institute. Doctoral dissertations were defended by such outstanding professors as D.F. Kozyrev, N.P. Aleksandrov and many others. In 1925 compared to 1917. the number of students was increased almost 3 times and already amounted to 831 people. In the same period, the construction of all buildings of the All-Union Agricultural Institute was completed. However, the educational process in them did not last long: during the Second World War, all the universities of Voronezh were evacuated to the Altai Territory, and the agricultural institute also went there.
In 1951 On the basis of the educational institution, the Faculty of Economics was opened, which trained accountants and economists.
In 1991 SHI received the status of a university, and on February 13, 1991. by the decision of the Councils of Ministers, the university was named after the first rector - K.D. Glinka.


Voronezh State Technical University has 9 faculties:
Agroengineering faculty. Training of students is carried out on a full-time and part-time basis. The faculty has a highly qualified teaching staff: 15 professors, 13 doctors of science and 85 candidates of science. The Faculty of Agroengineering trains students in the following specialties: agroengineering, agricultural mechanization, mechanization of agricultural products processing, electrification and automation of agriculture and technology of maintenance and repair of machines in the agro-industrial complex.
This education allows you to find a job not only in the agro-industrial complex, but also in light industry.
The Faculty of Agronomy has a rich material, technical and practical base: a botanical garden, an experimental station of the State Agrarian University and the Berezovskoye farm. It graduates agronomic engineers in the following specialties: selection and genetics of agricultural crops, agronomy, engineering systems, agricultural water supply and sanitation, horticulture and viticulture.
The Faculty of Agrochemistry, Soil Science and Ecology provides full-time and part-time training in the following specialties: agroecology, agrochemistry and agrosoil science, plant protection. The presence of a powerful material and technical base and scientific research potential make it possible to train highly qualified specialists whose level of knowledge will meet the high requirements of modern agricultural production.
The Faculty of Economics graduates economists in the following specialties: accounting, analysis and audit, finance and credit, economics and enterprise management, taxes and taxation. One of the main advantages of obtaining an economic education is the opportunity to apply their knowledge not only in agricultural production, because graduates can find highly paid jobs in the banking sector, various enterprises of the city.
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine accepts full-time and part-time students. To enter the correspondence department, the applicant must have a specialized secondary medical education. Here, students are trained in the specialty of veterinary medicine.
The Faculty of Land Management trains engineers of land surveyors in the following specialties: land management, city cadastre, land cadastre. The teaching staff conducts high-quality training of specialists, introduces new technologies. Such education allows you to work in the BTI, Rosreestr and other organizations involved in the registration, accounting and redistribution of land.
Faculty of animal husbandry technology and commodity science. Information technologies are being introduced for quality education. The faculty prepares process engineers in the following specialties: commodity science and examination of goods, zootechnics.
The vocational and pedagogical faculty is engaged in the training of specialists who have industrial and technical knowledge. Its graduates have the right to teach in colleges and universities.
The Faculty of Technology trains process engineers in the following specialties: the technology of production and processing of agricultural fats, the technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products. This education allows you to find a job in the food industry: factories for the production of oils, cereals, bakeries and others.

Material and technical base

The VSAU library occupies a key place in the educational, information and scientific infrastructure of the university. The information resources of the library consist of library funds and a modern reference and bibliographic department.
The material and technical base of the university includes the following objects: Botanical Garden. Keller, experimental station, Berezovskoye farm, information technology center, Agrobusiness expocenter.
There are various artistic circles and sports sections.
The activities of VSAU scientists are aimed at developing innovative technologies that can be introduced into agriculture and agribusiness, at improving the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of market relations.
Also, the educational institution is developing new environmentally friendly technologies that are used in the field of crop production; the creation of new varieties of plants more resistant to adverse weather conditions. And, in addition, the university improves the assessment of the quality of education for full-time and part-time students, modernizes technologies for processing and storing plant products, and explores the socio-political and spiritual problems of Russian villages.
Over the past 5 years, as a result of the research activities of the agro-university:

About 60 technologies and about 40 new types of equipment have been developed, new breeds of animals and plant varieties have been bred, 114 patents have been received;
39 people defended doctoral dissertations, 297 people received a PhD;
published more than 120 monographs, 29 textbooks, 63 collections of scientific papers.

The research part is the main unit involved in research work. NIC was established in 1991. Its structure includes: an experimental agricultural station, a biotechnology laboratory, a consulting center, student scientific organizations, and limited liability companies.

Prospects for VSAU graduations

Currently, there is a trend of shortage of specialists in the agro-industrial complex. This is exactly the sector of the economy that will develop rapidly. But this requires highly qualified specialists who are well versed in modern technologies. Therefore, today's applicants will not have problems with employment in the future. Even future veterinarians will always be provided with work. After all, this profession, previously in demand only in the field of agriculture, is becoming more and more in demand: it is always necessary to treat pets, of which there are more and more in recent years.

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Year of foundation: 1912
Number of students studying at the university: 16393
University tuition fees: 22 - 39 thousand rubles.

Address: 394087, Voronezh region, Voronezh, Michurina d. 1


Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsau.ru

About the university

On June 9, 1912, the law “On the Establishment of the Agricultural Institute of Emperor Peter I in Voronezh”, initiated by the Voronezh Zemstvo, representatives of its public in the State Council, the Government, and the State Duma, came into force. The bill, prepared by the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture and approved by the deputies of the Duma, was presented to Emperor Nicholas II and signed by him.

Voronezh State Agrarian University is not only the first university in the Central Chernozem region. At the time of the establishment of the All-Union Agricultural Institute in the Russian Empire, there were only two universities with the rank of a higher educational institution - the Moscow Agricultural Institute and the Novo-Alexandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. Within the modern borders of the Russian Federation, only the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (former Moscow Agricultural Institute) is older than the Voronezh Agricultural Institute - VSAU.

The founding of the All-Union Agricultural Institute in 1912 marked the beginning of the implementation of the Plan for the Establishment of Higher Agricultural Schools in the Empire, approved in 1910 by the General Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture. Recognizing the expediency of regional distribution of higher agronomic schools in Russia, the Agricultural Council of Management considered it necessary to establish agricultural institutes in Tomsk, Saratov, Odessa, Kazan, Yekaterinoslavl, Perm. However, Voronezh opened this list. By a large majority of votes, the Agricultural Council "selected Voronezh for the immediate establishment of an agricultural institute, which would serve primarily the Black Earth Center of Russia." Considerations were expressed that "it is necessary to give preference to the Black Earth Center, which gave so much to the Empire, but was exhausted by frequent crop failures and especially in need of serious improvements in its agricultural system."

More than a hundred prominent figures of Russia - representatives of science, education, culture, the highest authorities sent their congratulations to Voronezh on the occasion of the founding of the Agricultural Institute. In accordance with a unique project, the architectural ensemble of the All-Russian Agricultural Institute was built, which is now an architectural monument. The Institute was created as a monument to the outstanding deeds of the great reformer of Russia - Peter the Great.

For all its 97 years, the Voronezh Agricultural Institute has been a part of the history of the country, sharing with it the bitterness of defeats, losses and the joy of successes and victories. The difficult, but creatively interesting fate of the university was shared with him by such famous scientists, teachers, organizers of science as: N. A. Uspensky, P. V. Karpenko, V. F. Leisle, S. G. Bogoyavlensky, M. S. Tsyganov , A. N. Veniaminov, G. V. Korenev, V. Ya. Zapletin, V. I. Markovsky, E. M. Kharitonchik, A. S. Kurakin, M. A. Smolyaninov, V. V. Ferdenandov A. Tapilsky, V. N. Avrorov, V. A. Akatov, V. T. Kotov, Ya. I. Shneiberg, L. I. Lyuboshits, O. F. Lopatina, G. A. Tishchenkov, V. I . Logunov and others.

Many university veterans are still passing on their experience and knowledge to the younger generation of agricultural university workers, meeting the 97th anniversary of the All-Russian Agricultural Institute - VGAU in the labor system.

Today VSHI - VSAU is a living, dynamically developing organism, an active participant in the processes of modernization of all aspects of the life of Russian society. The foundation of the agricultural university's success in teaching, educational, research work is the solidarity of its team around the glorious traditions of the university, which is celebrating its 97th anniversary.


9 faculties of VSAU provide training in 32 specialties. Specialists are trained by 635 teachers from 60 departments. Among them are 93 doctors of sciences, professors, 417 candidates of sciences and 287 associate professors. During the existence of the university, about 75 thousand specialists in the agro-industrial complex have been trained. A system of pre-university training was organized in 35 basic schools in the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Educational and production practices of students are carried out on the basis of the Experimental Station, the Botanical Garden, the Berezovskoye educational farm, and advanced enterprises.

New educational technologies and a quality management system are being widely introduced. 1068 computers are involved in the unified information network of VGAU. Systems of computer testing, distance learning, multimedia technologies are being actively introduced. The scientific library has over 1 million books.


Over the past 5 years, scientists of the Agricultural University in the framework of research work:

59 technologies and 38 new types of equipment have been developed, 7 varieties and 3 breeds have been bred, 114 patents have been received;

124 monographs, 29 textbooks, 531 study guides, 63 collections of scientific papers, 12 editions of VGAU Bulletin, 5824 articles have been published;

Economic contracts and grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the Start Fund, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and the regional administration were completed in the amount of more than 55 million rubles;

In the competition for the program (“U.M.N.I.K.”), 8 young scientists became winners, and in the All-Russian competition for the best student research work among agricultural universities, 6 of our students became the best.


VSAU is actively involved in international activities. He participates in the implementation of the following international projects: the TEMPUS program "Dissemination of the education quality assurance system in Russian universities", funded by the European Commission; "Intercultural Communication" with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from the USA; project "International Master's Course in Agricultural Management" (supported by DAAD).

Every year, students and teachers of VSAU have the opportunity to undergo scientific internships at leading universities in Europe and the USA, as well as work experience abroad. Over the past 3 years, 255 people in 26 delegations have been sent abroad from VSAU. 27 teachers and students have won grants and completed internships abroad. During this period, VSAU was visited by 37 foreign delegations.


There are about 10,000 people at the VSAU correspondence department, 80% of whom are from the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. All faculties train in 17 specialties, including new ones: “Taxes and taxation”, “Jurisprudence”, “Commodity science and examination of goods”.

Since 1993, part-time students with specialized secondary education in their chosen specialty have been trained according to reduced curricula.

In 1998, the training of specialists for obtaining a second higher education in economic specialties was organized. At present, everyone can get a 2nd higher education in any specialty available at the agrouniversity.

From the 30s of the twentieth century to the present, 25,088 specialists have graduated from the correspondence department.

Voronezh State Agrarian University is not only the first university in the Central Chernozem region. At the time of the establishment of the All-Union Agricultural Institute in the Russian Empire, there were only two higher agricultural educational institutions - the Moscow Agricultural Institute and the Novo-Alexandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. Within the modern borders of the Russian Federation, only the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (former Moscow Agricultural Institute) is older than the Voronezh Agricultural Institute - VGAU.

The founding of the All-Union Agricultural Institute in 1912 marked the beginning of the implementation of the Plan for the Establishment of Higher Agricultural Schools in the Empire, approved in 1910 by the General Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture.

More than a hundred prominent figures of Russia - representatives of science, education, culture, the highest authorities sent their congratulations to Voronezh on the occasion of the founding of the Agricultural Institute. In accordance with a unique project, the architectural ensemble of the All-Russian Agricultural Institute was built, which is now an architectural monument. The Institute was created as a monument to the outstanding deeds of the great reformer of Russia - Peter the Great.

Many university veterans are still passing on their experience and knowledge to the younger generation of agricultural university workers, meeting the 100th anniversary of the All-Russian Agricultural Institute - VGAU in the labor system.

New educational technologies and a quality management system are being widely introduced. More than 1200 computers are involved in the unified information network of VSAU. Systems of computer testing, distance learning (more than 5 thousand students), multimedia technologies are being actively introduced. The scientific library has over 1.2 million books.

Scientific achievements

Over the past 5 years, scientists of the Agricultural University in the framework of research work:

- 59 technologies and 38 new types of equipment have been developed, 7 varieties and 3 breeds have been bred, 114 patents have been received;

- 39 doctoral and 297 master's theses were defended in 5 dissertation councils;

- 124 monographs, 29 textbooks, 531 study guides, 63 collections of scientific papers, 12 editions of VGAU Bulletin, 5824 articles were published;

- economic agreements and grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the Start Fund, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and the regional administration were completed in the amount of more than 55 million rubles;

- in the competition for the program ("U.M.N.I.K."), 8 young scientists became winners, and in the All-Russian competition for the best student research work among agricultural universities, 6 of our students became the best.

International activity

VSAU is actively involved in international activities. He participates in the implementation of the following international projects: the TEMPUS program "Dissemination of the education quality assurance system in Russian universities", funded by the European Commission; "Intercultural Communication" with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from the USA; project "International Master's Course in Agricultural Management" (supported by DAAD).

Every year, students and teachers of VSAU have the opportunity to undergo scientific internships at leading universities in Europe and the USA, as well as work experience abroad.
The indicator of academic mobility of our students and teachers is more than 500 people a year.


List of faculties and specialties of VSAU Voronezh:

1. Agroengineering faculty (specialties: Electrification and automation of agriculture, Mechanization of agriculture, Technology of maintenance and repair of machines in the agro-industrial complex, Mechanization of processing of agricultural products);

2. Faculty of Agronomy (specialties: Agronomy, Horticulture and viticulture, Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops, Engineering systems of agricultural water supply, watering and sanitation);

3. Faculty of Agrochemistry, Soil Science and Ecology (specialties: Agrochemistry and Agrosoil Science, Plant Protection, Agroecology);

4. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (specialties: Veterinary Medicine, Zootechnics, Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise);

5. Faculty of Economics (specialties: Accounting, analysis and audit, Finance and credit, Economics and enterprise management, Taxes and taxation);

6. Land management faculty (specialties: Land management, City cadastre, Land cadastre);

7. Faculty of technology of livestock breeding and commodity science (specialties: Commodity science / examination of goods, Zootechnics);

8.Professional and pedagogical faculty (directions: Agronomy, Agroengineering, Zootechnics, Economics and enterprise management, Informatics/computer engineering/computer technology)

9. Faculty of Technology (specialties: Technology of production and processing of agricultural products);

10. Educational and business center for agribusiness.

General university divisions of VSAU Voronezh are:

1. Information technology center;

2. Botanical Garden named after B. A. Keller;

3. Experimental station of VGAU.

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