Eastern horoscope - Snake. Year of the Snake: characteristics of a man and woman born in the year of the Snake


Your Chinese horoscope


A person born in the year of the Snake knows what it means to strive for a goal. At the same time, the goals of the Snake can be very different - from noble or scientific to love and mercantile - however, whatever this goal is, for it it is the most important in the world. The snake is ready to do everything or almost everything in order to carry it out.

In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and demeanor. Usually she is smartly dressed, knows how to skillfully maintain a small talk and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish a brewing conflict. She has a gloss and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution. Despite all this, for a real "socialite" she has a too serious view of the world, demanding of herself and others, and also does not like empty talk.

Usually the Snake is very reserved and laconic, even in relationships with people close to her. Both literally and figuratively, she is “buttoned up”, considering it necessary to maintain a certain distance in communication. It can be difficult for others to guess what is actually hidden inside her - although the Snake's feelings are very strong, she is excellent at controlling herself, experiencing both joys and failures deep in her heart.

In the same way, loved ones sometimes do not even know what goals the Snake sets for itself and what plans it hatches. She, with her strong, persistent, hardworking character, is able to devote her whole life to solving one single task, one job, one idea or one person. Having set such a goal for herself, she will be faithful to her in everything, and sometimes because of this, her game is far from always clean: the Snake knows how to skillfully and imperceptibly take advantage of the situation, people or their feelings in the interests of her great Cause.

In any situation, the Snake trusts its developed instinct more than logic, and usually does not make mistakes. Her intuition can work wonders, and often the Snake's abilities border on psychic. At the same time, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. In business, she is never in a hurry and does not get excited, but at the right time she knows how to quickly and clearly make the right decision. All this makes her a valuable worker, including in responsible, managerial positions, as well as in areas where utmost accuracy, organization and attention are required: science, medicine, banking, etc. At the same time, it may seem from the outside that the money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, it is usually so easy for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake herself knows how much work and sleepless nights are behind this seeming ease.

Strong and stubborn, wise and perspicacious, infinitely true to its ideals, the Snake goes to one goal, but at the same time can show incredible flexibility. She has many tools in her arsenal to help her achieve her goal, and she is used to getting everything she wants sooner or later.

Everyone knows that the existence of the twelve signs of the zodiac is not a complete collection of the astrological circle. A very large influence on representatives zodiac sign also turns out to be five elements that have direct contact with them. In the material below, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, the main types of snakes are presented according to the influence of the available elements on their internal and external indicators.

Five elements and the Year of the Snake in our century

  • February 4, 1905 - element of the year tree
  • January 23, 1917 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • February 2, 1965 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • February 10, 2013 - the element of the year is water

Under the direct cover of the first element, which is metal, the behavior and life cycle of the snake becomes very strong and unaffected by dangerous factors. But apart from everything else Eastern horoscope tells that the snake suffers from the fact that feelings and other tender emotions necessary for a harmonious life do not penetrate under the shell. What leaves a certain imprint on the character of a person born under this zodiac sign.

Not only is the snake a cold-blooded animal, the effect of metal at times enhances this factor and cools it even more, due to which there are such moments in behavior as rigidity and cruelty, as well as not receptivity to requests and possible problems of people around.

Not trusting by nature, snakes become even more suspicious and, in this regard, they allow a small number of people who have passed a preliminary test by various situations that arise in life into their social circle. But among the representatives zodiac sign get responsible employees who strictly perform their work for the benefit of the company, although snakes prefer to become the head of the company and carry out sole work that does not depend on others.

An overly serious attitude does not allow them to relax, and therefore they can suffer, without showing the surroundings, from a lack of certain emotions that can be let in by releasing the situation a little out of control.

The dry climate is perfect for metal kites in the autumn, which has a positive effect on overall well-being.

These are calm and wise snakes that are able to survive any hardships and troubles without losing their self-control and a stable, sound view of the world around the representative of the water element. They make excellent researchers and scientific workers who have the desire to achieve certain goals that affect the well-being of many people.

snakes according to Chinese horoscope born under the element of the water element, have a phenomenal memory and ease of assimilation of complex and voluminous information.

They are very honest and fair representatives. zodiac sign, who lead a decent life. They lack confidence and determination in actions a little, which is caused by the influence of the elements, which is able to suppress aspirations at a high energy level. It is necessary to learn to cope with this state and use it for noble purposes, stepping over it, if necessary, to perform actions of a decisive plan.

These are good-natured people who downplay participation in communication with an opponent, regardless of their personal attitude towards him. They are very smart and educated, which affects their success and success among the surrounding members of society.

They prefer winter to all other times, as during the cold months they experience an increase in vitality and the possibility of their optimal use to achieve the necessary life goals. In clothing and interiors, products made of blue materials are preferred, as it corresponds to the elements and helps to increase the stimulus to life.

tree snake as shows chinese horoscope, has a number of advantages over other signs located in the patronage of the tree. The tree gives the snake a craving for communication with other people and the ability to competently build a dialogue, becoming an interesting interlocutor for the opponent. These are people with a well-developed imagination, which helps them choose the right path in life from a moral point of view. Representatives of the sign of the zodiac of the woody environment are very suitable for such character descriptions as ambition and intility, which, combined in one representative, play a big role in the formation of the character of the representative of the sign and its perception by society as a whole.

The number of friends, as well as contenders for the hand and heart of tree snakes is always in abundance, as people tend to communicate with them, which is not unimportant for a full life of the cycle.

Tree snakes are very fond of early spring, accompanied by days in which a strong wind blows, as they like such weather. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of mind and avoid stressful situations that can negatively affect the quality and duration of the cycle. It is worth using purple-colored things as a way to cheer up.

A snake related to the fire element and born under its auspices, according to Eastern horoscope all her life she gravitates towards distant lands and loves to travel very much, since such a trait is inherent in her at the moment of birth and, with a competent attitude, can determine the entire course of the life cycle.

They very clearly divide people into pleasant and unpleasant, so with the first type of people they can be a little shy at the moment of communication, experiencing a certain awkwardness when expressing certain thoughts, but if you have to communicate with the second category, then in this case, you may hear from a representative of this zodiac sign born under the auspices of the element of fire, very sharp and truthful statements that can upset the opponent with their directness and impartiality.

Fire snakes are not alien to adventurism, they love to participate in various active activities, which include such as traveling long distances or exploring little-known places on the planet.

Since they are not alien to an excellent sense of humor and artistry, when choosing an alternative development of nature, they can take their rightful place in the theatrical field, while having great success with people who appreciate this kind of art.

Summer is suitable for fire snakes, and hot weather, as in such conditions they feel great, which is an important factor for personal comfort. zodiac sign. But still, emotions must be controlled and controlled in order to ensure a long lifespan and save the heart muscle, since in this case it is very susceptible to various diseases that arise against the background of the blooming of emotions. To balance the state, the use of things in the gray-green spectrum is excellent.

Since the element of the earth is the optimal condition for a calm and comfortable life of snakes in natural conditions, this indicator leaves a special imprint on people born under a given zodiac sign, according to the information given in such an astrological work as Eastern horoscope. In which the influence of certain elements on the behavior of the signs of the zodiac in a given period of time is correctly spelled out. According to this, it turns out that the earthly snake has certain qualities that dispose the people around it to reveal all its secrets to it, since it is very friendly to all people and, moreover, very charming, which also encourages communication.

But in addition to external signs, it is noted that this person is very reasonable and very thorough in performing certain actions that are directly related to business activities. Therefore, as a rule, the snake manages to achieve its goals and avoid situations associated with making mistakes.

Also, the earthly snake accumulates and multiplies the benefits of various plans, which in the vast majority of cases gives it a certain status and allows you to live with a fairly high comfort.

Representatives of the tree snake are very fond of their own home, and therefore experience a certain gravity associated with being in their native premises. In order to avoid situations in which the snake can go into a deep depression, it is necessary to prevent such stagnant states and have fun by visiting public places.

The best time of the year for this zodiac sign is the end of summer, when wet weather prevails in a great way affecting the well-being of the snake. It is also very useful to spend a certain amount of time in nature and use olive color in everyday life.

Chinese (eastern) horoscope: Year of the Snake 5.00 /5 (2 votes)

Snake. General characteristics.

Years of birth of the snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

The snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese zodiac. The snake is "Yang" and is attached to the element of fire (see). The characteristics of the Snake correspond to the sign of the western zodiac Taurus (see Taurus). Yang is positive, masculine, bright, active, firm and symbolizes the day. Objective signs of Yang depend more on others than rely on themselves.

The element of Fire bestows a love of adventure and a desire for change, but at the same time, aggression and a sense of dominance. Fire people talk more than they listen.

Character traits of the Snake.

While in the West the Snake is treated with caution and does not have much sympathy, in China, on the contrary, the Snake is revered and considered a beautiful and wise creature. Those born in the year of the Snake are characterized as the deepest thinkers and the most mysterious people. Snakes are inherently mystical creatures. You prefer elegant and sophisticated apartments and tend to gravitate towards the highest social echelons.

Many mature souls are born in the year of the Snake, and like Dragons have either a very successful or a tragic fate. Superstitious fears abound in many Serpents. Intense and penetrating, you'd like to settle scores even if it takes years. You don't know how to forgive. It is very difficult to earn the Serpent's forgiveness more than once. Snakes are known for their amazing recuperation (energy renewal) properties.

Basically, Snakes are very reserved people, skeptical and suspicious. You keep your opinion to yourself. Snakes are more likely to avoid confrontation, but if they are called into conflict, they are capable of intense anger and hatred. Snakes consider their enemies like their namesake Mouse. You are tenacious and can wait a long time before striking, it is very unwise to have you as an enemy.

Due to their developed intuition, they sometimes seem ominous, although Snakes are generally friendly and ready to help others. You have a well-developed penchant for humor, which comes to the surface in surprising times, especially in times of crisis. You are emotionally balanced and you can rely on you, you can keep a cool head at all times.

The snake woman is the most elegant of all and is famous for her gentle persuasiveness. Friends are very drawn to Snakes of both sexes, but they themselves are not famous for their fidelity.

Like their namesakes, snakes love the sun, are ready to soak up the sun for a long time and need prolonged sleep or naps. All troubles happen because of laziness and a tendency to causeless pleasures.

The Snake child is disciplined and charming, which tends to spoil their parents.

The snake is the sixth sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the energy "yang", "yin" and with the element "fire". The corresponding zodiac sign is Virgo.

The snake symbolizes: wisdom, cunning, elegance, purposefulness, exactingness, observation, diligence, cautionprudence, coldness, secrecy, stinginess, selfishness, rigidity

Table of Years of the Snake

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake

The characteristic of the representatives of the sign of the Snake introduces the peculiarities of character, building personal relationships, professional growth of people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits

Positive. The snake is wise and cunning, so it always gets what it wants. The constancy of her nature is manifested by purposefulness in any business. This sign achieves a lot in life.

Characteristic positive features:

  • wisdom: the Snake is never in a hurry to make decisions, but considers all the pros and cons; together with natural observation, this quality forms the basis of her character;
  • cunning: always sees "loopholes" that help her achieve her goal; can sometimes even subtly use other people to get his way;
  • elegance: the ability to behave in society and look good are the distinguishing features of the Snake; she is always "dressed with a needle" and easily maintains small talk;
  • purposefulness: always striving for a goal, no matter what - mercantile or love; for her, the current goal is the main thing in life, so other areas remain in the background;
  • exactingness: demanding of oneself and others; knows how to properly organize the work process and lead the work team to the goal;
  • observation: the Snake is a born psychologist: she always notices what is happening around her, and is well versed in feelings; therefore, she is often consulted for advice in difficult situations.

Negative. The main negative character traits of the Snake are coldness and secrecy. She is not easy to understand, because she hides her feelings and does not give out plans. At the same time, as they get to know her, others understand that they can rely on her.

Negative sides:

  • prudence: always weighs the possibilities to achieve the goal and uses forbidden tricks, including the weaknesses of competitors, their failures and miscalculations; she is always in the right place at the right time;
  • coldness: the Snake's feeling of pity and empathy is poorly developed; she has a strong character, and she demands the same from others; at the same time, it is capable of strong feelings for loved ones;
  • secrecy: often you won’t get a word from the representatives of this sign about plans and intentions; The snake is used to keeping all ideas to itself, which does not improve its relationship with others;
  • stinginess: thrifty; all earned funds are monthly distributed to the most necessary needs, and then to everything else.

Love and relationships

The snake looks at the object of its interest for a long time. He must have a decent outlook, behavior in society and mind.

When all the "tests" are passed, the Snake begins courtship. Often arranges provocations to find out his attitude to a certain situation (for example, makes him jealous).

At home, the Snake is selfish and demands that everything be the way it is convenient for her. Due to the complexity of the character, she often remains alone. This does not become a problem for her, because she feels comfortable and alone. But if possible, he still seeks to link his fate with the chosen partner.

Career and profession

The snake is hardworking. She scrupulously performs the work assigned to her. Thanks to wisdom and observation, it becomes an invaluable worker. The snake always finds a way out of any difficult situation and never finds itself "cornered".

He performs well in leadership positions due to rigidity and exactingness. This is a stern and fair boss. At the same time, he does not like the higher management because of the comments and instructions addressed to him.

Recommended professions: The snake chooses for itself an activity where it is required to show the ability to reflect and analyze. She is suitable for the positions of a doctor, financial analyst, accountant, lawyer, diplomat.

The snake belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the sixth sign of the Chinese horoscope. It operates from 9 am to 11 am. The season that brings good luck is spring, and the peak period is May. According to the European Zodiac, the Snake corresponds to the sign Taurus. Its fixed element is Fire. The colors that bring them happiness and prosperity are red and green. Flowers and plants that bring them good luck are heather, thistle, ferns and all plants that grow among stones. The most favorable countries for the Snake to live in are the South of the CIS, Saudi Arabia, India, Ethiopia, Mexico, Peru.


Muhammad Ali, Heinrich Belle, Antonio Berni, Jean Vigo, Pavel Virsky, Indira Gandhi, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Vladislav Gomulko, Vasily Grossman, Dmitry Zorin, Lyudmila Zykina, John F. Kennedy, Grigory Kozintsev, Alexei Kozlovsky, Ferdinand Markoe, Artem Mikoyan, Igor Moiseev , Gemal - Abdel Nasser, Vera Panova, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Tigran Petrosyan, Maria Smirnova, Christian Dior, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Hawke, Jesse Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Tse - Dong, Henri Matisse, Aristotle Onassis, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Allan Poe, France Schurt, Greta Garbo, Giacomo Casanova, Charles Darwin, Nicolaus Copernicus, André Gide, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Baudelaire, Audrey Hepburn; Johannes Brahms, Anna Pavlova, Bela Bartok, Denis Diderot, Gustave Dore, Dmitry Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Heinrich Heine, Louis Philippe, Martin Luther King.

In the Christian world, the Serpent has a bad reputation, but in the East she is loved and revered for her wisdom, quick wit and goodwill. If in Japan they want to compliment a woman, they say that she looks like a real Snake. But in the West, this may sound like a cruel joke. Silent and flexible, the Snake is a master of tricks. She is the constant companion of all legends, causes anxiety and desire, sympathy or antipathy. This is a companion of magic. She personifies the highest degree of initiation into the secrets of esoteric knowledge. In the East, in Indian Tantra Yoga and Tibetan Buddhism, she personifies Kundalini - a stream of subtle energy coming from the root of the spinal column to the top of the head. This energy connects the life plane with the spiritual one. The awakening and release of the Serpent - Kundalini is the main stage of spiritual formation and gives rise to parapsychological abilities - telepathy, clairvoyance and levitation.

The snake is able to give rise to mysterious dreams in a person, sending him to various worlds and unexpectedly taking him by surprise. Sacred Ophidia was often depicted as a snake - this is an evil demon, the god of the sea and earth, living in water, in swamps, in mud. She came from the night of centuries and the dark depths of our subconscious and filled our dreams and fantasies. Her image is inextricably linked with the culture of the civilization of ancient China as a mythical father - the Chinese emperor.

When the world was still filled with chaos, where there was no organization or measure between heaven and earth, chaos was in a huge egg. Only fire warmed the shell, giving the egg the warmth of creation. Pan-Ku is born. Everything that was light became Heaven, and everything heavy became Earth. The Moon was formed, Pan-Ku grew, it became the Universe and connected the Sky with the Earth. His skull touched the top of the firmament, his body pierced the Sky, and his feet went deep into the Earth. As the years passed, the sky grew higher and the earth became heavier. Pan-Ku created the wind, space clouds, thunder and lightning. To heat the Earth, he gave her the Sun. Pan-Ku gave everything - his blood, hair, in the last kiss he gave his teeth and bones, which became stones and metals.

Thanks to Pan-Ku, the sun warmed the earth, the moon shone, planets and stars were born. But there was not a single person on the planet until Nu-Wa came. He was extraordinarily handsome, very intelligent, and his body had the shape of a snake with a human head. As he crawled, Prince Nu-Wa stupefied himself with millions of scents coming from the earth and made them scents of life. With the help of his tail, he dug the ground and kneaded this mass for a long time until a creature appeared that had the head of a man and the body of a Monkey. Thus, the first Chinese emperor was born.

There are a lot of such legends associated with the Snake in the world. In Tibet, there is a symbol of the Snake, grabbing its own tail, meaning eternal renewal. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it is written about the Serpent: “I am the Serpent Sata, living in the farthest corners of the earth, I am dying, I am born, I am renewed and I become younger every day.” Throughout the world, the Snake is considered a symbol of wisdom and is a source of anxiety. Who will not be afraid of the Serpent and will not retreat before her? Such daredevils do not exist, because the first reaction of a person is fear and disgust. And if the Snake is poisonous, fear and aversion to it are boundless.

But if you discard any superstitious fear and watch this animal, then you can find beauty and aesthetics in it. This subtle and brilliant animal, poisoning and paralyzing, is endowed with magical powers. The first Serpent brought chaos into our lives by tempting Eve in Paradise. But we must not forget that this is only the appearance that Satan has put on. This is just an appearance, because of which we condemn it. Her appearance is a heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible is used in Chinese mythology. The snake is depicted in it as a seducer with the strongest hypnosis. And the most dangerous thing is that the Snake is the only sign that is difficult to resist. These beings have an inner light that cannot be overlooked.


Snakes are very happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love dry and wild spaces under clear skies. Snakes born in the afternoon heat will be happier with those representatives of this sign who were born on a cold night. And if she is born in winter, on a stormy night, then she will be in mortal danger all her life. They feel best in the heat and are always afraid of cold and rain.

As a rule, the Snake has a happy childhood, but on condition that the family is calm. The youth of the Snake passes without problems, but in maturity there are various troubles in the emotional life and temptations.

In old age, they become wiser, although the fire of love can disturb them Until the end of their days and therefore bring them many worries.


Those born under the sign of the Snake are elegant and well-mannered people. They know how to subtly hold on and there is always something charming in them. They are friendly, very communicative and always polite. Snakes are romantic and charming and in society cannot but attract attention. They have a wonderful sense of humor, the topics of their conversations are simply inexhaustible. This is how they keep their attention. They know how to talk with people, intriguing them with their mystery. The Snake perfectly combines good looks and thoughtful reflections, which makes her simply irresistible. These are people with great taste who know how to be extravagant and, as a rule, love beautiful outfits.

Snakes are endowed with brilliant educational abilities, they instantly grasp everything new. These people are thoughtful, deeply intelligent. By nature they are philosophers and thinkers in general. They love to read and know how to use their knowledge. Those born under this sign find great pleasure in the exchange of thoughts and in heated discussions. They need dialogue like air, and it is very pleasant to talk with them. They have a deep mind, Snakes are very smart and know how to give wise answers. It cannot be said that their judgments are superficial.

Snakes hate malice, vulgarity and avoid noisy people. They love music and the applause of an admiring audience. Serpents love honors, they really need applause, and when these applause are deserved, they are proud of themselves. They never waste time on gossip.

Snakes have boundless intuition bordering on clairvoyance. They instantly see their essence in people and penetrate into their subconscious. They rely more on the first impression, on their own feelings or sympathies, and not on the facts and opinions of others. Sometimes they don't even consider their own experience. But practically Snakes are never wrong.

In life, Snakes behave calmly, peacefully, love harmony and stability. They easily adapt to any environment and quickly find balance. They have an iron will that makes them defend themselves without hesitation and fight for their moral and material comfort. In this case, they react instantly, release their poisonous teeth and rush to the victim. But they do not like excessive movement, therefore, when there is an opportunity, they doze all their free time.

They work very quickly and efficiently, they do not like to put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Snakes value their free time. When they have a free minute, they give it to their favorite activities. They like to do repairs, rearrange things, relax outside the city. After finishing all their work, they sleep for a long time. But, having set some goal for themselves, the Snakes will set everything in motion and eliminate any obstacles. They make decisions instantly and never change them.

Snakes are very lucky, they often win and do not like to lose. Failure on them acts as a personal insult. They are excellent advisers and love to help. Sometimes, because of their desire to do something good, they become obsessive. Despite the fact that Snakes love to help people, they are not willing to part with their own money voluntarily. Snakes love money and are afraid of losing it. The most fatal feature of their character is that they tend to exaggerate and go too far. By doing someone a favor, they think they have the right to control that person. Thus, they often turn their own virtues into evils. Their Snake nature makes them wrap around the victim, and with the power of such hugs they can suffocate. The biggest drawback of the Snake is that they do not like to listen to the recommendations of others.

In a negative combination of circumstances, Snakes can engage in intellectual theft, appropriating other people's ideas, and on occasion they can lie. They are very touchy, do not like criticism, contradictions. In an extreme situation, they can turn out to be aggressive and evil avengers. And, of course, they are vindictive.


In addition to the twelve signs, there are five elements that increase or decrease the influence of this sign. The effects of these elements on the Serpent are described below.


Moving from the West across the sky, dryness touched the earth and Metal was born. The steppe winds, which came from distant steppes, were looking for life-giving moisture. Metal symbolizes evening, cold and autumn. It means clarity, purity and firmness. Metal separates and cuts. His temperament is unyielding, he is purposeful, and his words are harsh. Metal oscillates between beauty and destruction. As a rule, he has the ability to implement. During the harvest, he plays the role of a sickle and cuts the ears. But often too much severity gives rise to sadness and gloom. As a rule, these people are endowed with a strong constitution and strong bones. They have hard and straight hair, but with age the hair begins to thin, they are swarthy, with dark eyes, a straight nose, a heavy jaw and strong limbs.

This Serpent is protected by metal and its armor is indestructible. Such a shell protects her from external danger, but not from internal. This metal shell does not let in the sounds, smells and feelings that are so necessary for a person.

Metal cools the Snake even more, makes it clumsy and hardens. In this combination, the Snake loses its vaunted intuition. But at the same time, the metal gives it hardness. Such Serpents adhere to lofty ideals, which sometimes leads them to fanaticism. They are encouraged to make a hole in their shell to let in the much-needed air of dreams.

Metal Snakes are calm, self-confident and completely independent. Often they prefer to work independently and usually trust only a narrow circle of people. They instantly assess the available opportunities and always carry out their goals with enviable determination. Metal Snakes are fair, scrupulous and honest. They love their work and strive for perfection, they are too demanding and executive. They treat those around them ruthlessly, even those they love. Sometimes they suffer from their own severity, but pride does not allow them to admit their shortcomings. They always go their own way only forward, not retreating a single step. They make excellent soldiers, judges and confessors, and these professions do not allow jokes.

They take everything way too seriously. Sometimes you just need to smile and joke, because they lack a sense of humor so much. Humor is the best cure for fanaticism. Metal Snakes are very far-sighted in financial matters and know how to invest money. They love a beautiful life, appreciate art and literature, music and delicious food. Usually they have a very narrow circle of friends, but, as a rule, they are loyal.

They love autumn and thrive in dry climates. The most vulnerable organ is the lungs. They love spicy food. But it is better for them to eat dishes from oats and horse meat. They need to be more in the fresh air, go in for sailing or mountaineering. Speleology and diving are contraindicated for them: it is harmful to their psyche.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is blue-green.


Cold was born in the northern sky, it sank to the ground and water was formed from its snow. Water is a symbol of cold and ice. Water of winter nights, severity and cruelty. It is calm and deep, gives rise to fear and respect. Underwater spirits live in sleeping water. The rotten water of swamps and puddles is the abode of reptiles. Because the Snake is so in love with moisture, it is attracted by the water of swamps and ponds. This water does not tonic or revitalize the Serpent, but rather slows down its development, distracting from a number of possible paths. Such water is dangerous for the Snake, because Yang is a symbol of horizontal energy. Such a Snake should perceive water not as a goal, but as a temporary refuge. As a rule, these people have a long and fragile torso, weak limbs, thick but thin hair, round eyes, a round face and delicate skin.

Such Snakes are calm and wise. They have varied interests. They are attracted to various topics, and they can do serious research. Water Snakes can become excellent specialists in narrow areas. They are highly intelligent, have a good memory and show excellent ability in business and financial affairs.

Apparently, they are too reasonable, which often prevents them from acting. After all, Water, as we have already noted, restrains activity and makes you think more. Such Snakes quickly pacify their passions, they are fair and honest, their advice is always listened to. They have a developed sense of proportion. Usually these people speak calmly and reservedly. They have a strong character. They know how to express their thoughts and fulfill the claim. They have no anger, they are opponents of anger and aggressiveness. They always try to communicate with their own kind and are attentive to other people's problems. They are excellent psychologists and leaders who are loyal to friends and family. These qualities should be applied in the service of people. They need to be developed and used, otherwise the Snake will wither away.

These people feel great in cold weather, and their lucky season is winter. The most vulnerable organs are the kidneys and bladder. They prefer salty food. Such Serpents should love the sea and not swimming in the mud, although this helps to cure rheumatism. It is better for such Snakes to be in the sun.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is blue.


A wind blew from the East, its warmth caressed the earth, and thus the Tree was born. The tree is a symbol of morning, spring and temperate climate. The tree gives rise to love for beauty, harmony and elegance. Spring is fertile for the Snake, it gives her balance and creativity. She develops her taste. Nature is an ally of the Snake, giving her inspiration. This source tones and reveals her abilities. But the Tree is also a symbol of passion and anger. It can make the Snake touchy and overly scandalous. The snake must remain vigilant and not succumb to negative emotions. These people have a stocky figure, strong limbs, square shoulders. Their straight features have a peculiar beauty. They have a wide forehead, hanging eyebrows, bright eyes.

The tree contributes to the sociability of the Snake. These people are friendly and always understand others. Such people give freedom to their imagination and do not want to join rotten social structures. This behavior suits a Tree Snake who loves a straight path. Thanks to their ability to improvise, they perfectly cope with all difficulties. They easily communicate with others and often have many friends and admirers.

They are smart, intelligent and ambitious. Tree Snakes are resourceful and highly creative. They make wonderful artists, poets, musicians, gardeners, that is, people who can combine beauty and space. They enjoy collecting art; they have a particular weakness for antiques. These Snakes have versatile interests and prefer to live in a calm and balanced environment that will allow them to work productively. They do not like to be disturbed and show excessive curiosity. These people are just a symbol of harmony. They often dream of space and freedom. Their social and family goals are sometimes overstated. They should be more relaxed, then these Snakes will never make a mistake and lock themselves within four walls behind boring work.

They adore spring and feel great in windy weather. The most vulnerable organ is the liver. They prefer sour foods and love marinades. But it is better for them to eat dishes from grain crops, game and more vegetables and fruits. Tree Snakes are often anxious and restless, therefore they are often overcome by psychosomatic illnesses.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is azure.


Heat was born in the southern sky, it descended to Earth, fertilized it, gave birth to Fire. Fire represents noon, south, summer Yang. It warms, burns and transforms. Fire feeds the Earth with its energy and thus renews everything that is on it. But it can also be dangerous and destructive. Fire can consume. It must not be allowed to go out, but it must not be strongly inflamed, otherwise it will burn everything in its path. Fire is also war, but at the same time it is insight and clairvoyance. He is capable of generating passion and malice. As a rule, such people have a beautiful and bright appearance.

The Fire Snake is usually more sociable and active than other representatives of this sign. These people are passionate travel lovers. They are ambitious, self-confident and never hesitate when expressing their own opinion. However, they can be very harsh with those they dislike.

Fire Snakes are born by people of business, often using their adventurism. In addition, they have organizational talent and always command the respect and support of others. They are very determined and strong. If they develop in a different direction, they can become talented artists. They usually have a good sense of humor, are surrounded by many friends and lead an active social life. Their individuality can affect anyone. But often they are completely intolerant. They need to restrain their Fire a little so that it does not burn them to the ground.

Their favorite season is summer, and they feel best in the heat. The most vulnerable organ is the heart. From food they prefer bitter, but more lamb and rice dishes should be included in the diet. The fire of summer, enclosed in this nature, often gives rise to unreasonable anger, therefore they are advised to suppress their aggression. All excesses and excesses can lead to loss of energy. And any overwork will lead to a heart crisis. You need to slow down your rhythm and rest more often.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is earthy brown.


Wet Zenith slowly descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. The afternoon Earth of summer symbolizes the warmth of the hearth, comfort and abundance. This is the Land of slow and deep transformations. For the Snake, it is very beneficial, because it predisposes to rest, meditation and dreams. Earth is a symbol of abundance, on which everything ripens and grows. But it contains convenient shelters, lairs and caves in which monsters and fairies live. People born under the auspices of this element have a solid appearance, yellowish skin, large features, thick eyebrows, they are slightly stooped, have a round stomach. They are like moles because they are slow. They move forward slowly and confidently.

Far from the trials and aggressions of the outside world, Snakes feel safe. The snake curls up on the ground in a ring and moves away from the outer fuss. The element of Earth protects the Snake, but makes it more passive. However, reptiles cannot always be under the Earth: sometimes they also need clean air. After all, such hibernation in the depths can turn it into an ordinary mole.

Earth Snakes are adorable, funny and very warm-hearted. In their work they are conscientious, trustworthy and always carefully and soberly look at the world. Such Snakes are careful. They carefully weigh all the pros and cons. But sometimes they make a mistake when they take too much precaution. These people do not like being forced to make certain decisions. Distrust makes Snakes good theoreticians, far-sighted administrators. They are extremely competent in financial matters, they know how to invest money correctly. They have many friends and are a real support for their family.

They slowly and scrupulously accumulate wealth, sometimes they do not disdain even by illegal methods. Having accumulated wealth, they hide it deep underground to ensure the well-being of their family. They are excellent heads of families, but they cannot contain their despotism.

They often show excessive love for the house, so they need to devote more time to communicating with others. Otherwise, they will close in their own little world. They need to forget about their habits and discard imaginary worries. If, nevertheless, they cannot get rid of suspicion, then in any case they should find something new in human relations. They can be successful in society because they know how to create a favorable atmosphere around them.

They are at their best in late summer when the climate becomes wetter. Their most vulnerable organ is the spleen. They prefer sweets, but it is better to eat veal and cereals. The Earth Snake is recommended to spend more time outdoors so as not to stagnate and not get sick. To maintain their tone, they need active movements.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is olive.


These are very passionate men, sometimes very jealous, easily offended and do not let themselves be led by the nose. If his partner goes too far, they explode and become dangerous. The only brake that can stop them is the mind. Such a man should avoid aggressive women, as he cannot cope with them. Snake men should shun assertive women - they can't stand them.

Such men can be successful in love, as they have incredible charm and subtle manners. But you should avoid refined and prudent women, because they know the secret weaknesses of these men and can use them. Their weaknesses are a beautiful female body, romantic music and the perfect dinner. And some of the Snake men thus fall into a trap. They can be happy only when the call of the heart coincides with the sexual desire. They cannot separate one from the other. In order not to become unhappy, it is better to stop the one-sided and not harmonious relationship.

No need to complex if you can not quickly find the woman of your dreams. The attraction of such men manifests itself over time, they have instinctive fidelity towards a partner. But if they decide that the connection is reliable, you should call yourself to self-discipline. Because flirting with great pleasure, they can scare away a real partner. And if a partner truly loves a Snake man, she will never leave him.

Women who love them should not pay attention to some of their shortcomings. One fine day, they will definitely understand that they have faithful and loving spouses.

Snake men should not marry many times - it will constantly seem to them that they have not achieved what they wanted. This is their weak point, because of this they can do stupid things.

They know exactly what kind of partner they want. Snake men are simply masters at judging people. They should trust their hearts and build a marriage based on their prudence.


They are patient and gladly fulfill the desires of a partner. But they should avoid domineering behavior in marriage. They need to understand their partner, and not spy on him, constantly jealous. The partner of the Woman - the Snake should be aware of this shortcoming and not tempt her.

The Snake woman should also avoid frivolous flirting, so that in the future it does not make her suffer.

Such women are very sporty, they are cheerful and elegant. They should not accumulate suffering in themselves - someday, for an insignificant reason, they will simply explode. In such situations, they are able to act unfairly. You should not play the role of a "great" woman - it does not suit them at all. You need to understand that these are just funny, natural creatures.

However, female Snakes face many dangers. One of them is the desire to quickly reach the top. In doing so, they try to force their husbands to make hasty decisions. This can greatly complicate your life together. Therefore, sometimes it is worth softening your stubbornness. You should understand your partner and explain to him that such stubbornness occurs only when there is a feeling of lack of love. They must accurately study their partner - not everyone is worthy of being loved by a woman - the Snake. They are very faithful, they can be a devoted mistress, a great friend and helper until the end of their days.

They usually choose their partners very carefully, as they do not want to make a mistake that will shake their strong ideas about love and marriage. Women-Snakes will always remain firm in their convictions and therefore will never go to rash passion. Sometimes they are accused of selfishness and greed, which is not entirely true; these women just know how to create a future and build a good, comfortable life


These children are easy to educate, they have a natural tendency to rest. From infancy, they adapt to an adult environment. Such children try to please their parents. With their attention and love, they invariably earn respect for themselves. They are treated like adults, trusted with little family secrets and kept secret. The need for affection is great, in such a child the increased attention of parents to something else invariably gives rise to a feeling of jealousy.

These kids are kind of selfish. They are endowed with a bright personality and do not want to share the love of their loved ones with numerous brothers and sisters. Giving birth to a Snake child is a big responsibility. Such a wonderful child always requires increased attention. If you have to share love between several children, his bright personality will become less interesting, which can create many difficulties associated with the development of the negative traits of this sign. Then these children become withdrawn, vindictive and vindictive. They are very attached to their parents and very sensitive to the situation in the family. Quarrels between parents, their absences, negatively affect them. In the event of a divorce between the parents, the child will choose one of the parties, but will always prevent the parent from remarrying. The Snake child must be reckoned with and show maximum diplomacy.

Such children study well at school, but not in all subjects, because they do not like the exact sciences. Often these children show abilities in the field of art and literature. They do not like idle games and from childhood give preference to useful activities. But their ability to work is fickle, periodic rest and relaxation is required.


As we have already noted, Snakes are accustomed to comfort and coziness and will not indulge in philosophy without having this. Snakes are the most sophisticated creatures that love antique furniture, unusual decorations, and soft carpets. They have impeccable taste, everything is matched to the tone and coordinated with their inner world.

The most important thing for the Snake is to live in harmony with the environment. When you get into the lair of the Snake, you instantly feel the mood of the owners. The snakes are surrounded by coziness and light music, creating a soft atmosphere. Often they use aromatic extracts, candles, love flowers, as a rule, they have a large library. Their taste tolerates only thin drinks. Here everything is created only for charm. But there are also negative aspects of this comfort, because the Snake will never allow a slut to enter its territory. Snakes hate to clean up after someone and do not tolerate mess. This makes scenes happen. The snake does not like to travel, cannot stand hotels and temporary dwellings. She is used to carrying a lot of unnecessary things in her bag that emphasize her inner world. The snake skillfully selects its environment, which is very important to it.


The snake shows great imagination to seduce. Her sensitivity is immense, she is very kind and tries to be very understanding. But all these qualities are manifested in each Snake in different ways. In addition, the Snakes are very beautiful and know how to convince by letting their charm in. They will certainly lure their prey into the net.

In love, she shows great obstinacy, because she believes that if she has already fallen in love, then. may immediately lose his freedom. But if she is loved, she will agree to it. From a partner, they expect loyalty and unconditional dedication. To keep someone, they will definitely find all the weak points and this will eliminate the resistance. If it's a scam, beware. However, they themselves are not very true. It is very difficult to break off relations with them - the Snake will fight to the last, as she is used to doing it first.

If she needs to give a gift, it is best to buy an expensive item. It can be an antique or a work of art. The snake loves jewelry, jewelry and cannot stand cheap jewelry. To charm her, you need to spend a lot of time with her. But if there is nothing to talk about and it is time to leave, it is enough for the Serpents to hint that there are more interesting people than they are. Snakes can't stand being compared to anyone. They will slam the door and you will never see them again..


The snake is the most charming sign of the Chinese horoscope. If she wishes to seduce anyone, no one can resist her. She, like a boa constrictor, wraps her victim around and gradually swallows into the depths of her feelings. But the Snake does not like exhaustion: if her beloved is no longer capable of anything, she leaves him and goes in search of a new partner.

The snake is an exceptionally jealous creature. She loves to feel like the center of attention. If their partner is passionate about work, she cannot bear it calmly. Snakes are one and only, nothing can be better than them, especially some kind of fussy job. If the partner does not look around and is only concerned with her, then for her this is the height of bliss.

Serpents have a very relative concept of fidelity. They always return home on time, but at the same time they try to maintain their freedom. In moral terms, women are more stable than men. If they flirt in public, don't make a tragedy out of it. Snakes can't stand scenes - it just offends them. They flourish only when the relationship with a partner is based on mutual understanding. They love to talk with their loved ones, talk about philosophy, attend concerts. And if they met the one they need, the relationship will be easy.

They are very jealous, in relation to partners they are big owners. Snakes wrap around partners so that they can no longer move. But at the same time they like to look around. However, those Snakes who find solace in the family will certainly achieve balance and harmony.


Snakes are unshakably sure that their strength lies in sexual power and do not seek confirmation of this from others. They rarely fall in love, but in sex they experience maximum pleasure. In all their contacts, they think only of themselves.

With a wide range of interests, the Snakes, however, do not choose those partners who do not intrigue them. Their appearance in society, they instantly cause erotic moods. When choosing a potential lover, they rely on their own intuition. They are passionate, because some partners simply do not satisfy them. In such cases, the Snakes feel guilty, looking around.

Snakes love good taste but hate extravagance. Unfortunately, they are so carefree and so self-confident that they become simply lazy, careless in clothes and often late for dates. Snakes look for people who depend on them to always be there. But weak-willed people do not attract them at all. Although their emotional reactions are very strong, Snakes never show their affections in public. They are always stubborn, consistent, never forgive betrayal.

From their lovers, they expect endurance and perfect sex. They love unusual ideas and often develop their own technique. While they have great potential in their sexual experience, Snakes are quite conservative and difficult to change.


The Snake Man enjoys Casanova's reputation in the East as a magnificent seducer, distinguished by inconstancy. But the Snake woman cannot be called such, and by taking her as a wife, you will get a wonderful and wise mistress. Often people born in the year of the Snake have large families, they have many children. They do this on purpose so that there is no free time for temptations.

Snakes are very devoted to the family, always afraid of misunderstanding and breakup, which makes them behave piously. They try to be understanding parents, but they may lose authority in doing so, because they do not know how to properly instruct their children.

It is easy for snakes to get along with children born in the year of the Rat, Dragon and Rooster. These kids just love them. Children - Sheep, Boars slightly fetter parents, and it is difficult to accustom them to their own nest. But the greatest difficulties are created by Ox children endowed with excessive stubbornness, as well as children - Tigers, Horses or Dogs with their innate independence and idealism. Serpents need to show all their wisdom in order to maintain balance. With the Monkey, Snakes can get along if they build their relationship on the basis of camaraderie. Hares under the auspices of the Snake will feel completely safe. And, most importantly, it is better for the Snake not to give birth to children in the year of the Snake. Otherwise, a life-and-death struggle may begin.

In any marriage, the Snake needs freedom of action. Marriage gives her confidence and allows her to properly get her hands on her partner. But if the choice is wrong, there will be squabbles in the family and the matter may end in a dangerous brawl. True, this rarely happens, because Snakes know how to carefully calculate events before marriage. As a rule, Snakes marry in adulthood after a detailed consideration of all circumstances.


Wise and restrained, the Snake knows how to succeed. To do this, she uses all her tricks. She will not fight or fight. Snakes are very ambitious and know how to succeed. They skillfully set their traps, calculating the smallest details. Cunning and sometimes hypocritical. Having cashed in on someone else's and having achieved what they wanted, they eventually calm down.

Snakes are not afraid of enemies. They have a natural need not to be satisfied with what they have achieved, they continue to fight until success comes. Using any means, they use their charm, skillfully disguise themselves and rub themselves into confidence. Snakes are excellent performers and intermediaries in any slippery business. But they won't get their hands dirty. They know when to stop.

Their head is full of ideas, they always do everything logically, moving in cold blood according to the plan. These people are endowed with limitless organizational skills. Snakes will never let you forget about their merits, they know how to present themselves in the best possible way. These are brave and determined people, self-confident, who come to the finish line first.

The snake is the most warlike sign of the Chinese zodiac. They push everyone back, leaving no chance for anyone. They can help, but only if they need it. It's just that the Snakes don't do anything. They should choose a profession that will not be associated with risk, especially if it requires a lot of work. You need to face the truth - Snakes are a little lazy.

They make excellent writers, philosophers, lawyers, psychiatrists, directors of schools, teachers, politicians, diplomats, fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, mediums and astrologers.


The snake loves money very much, because it knows that nothing can be done without it. She loves beautiful things, holidays in resorts, new clothes, and if you decide to get it, then be sure to

will receive. Snakes are unscrupulous in their means and are not shy about it. They are mercenary and will never fall in love with a person without making inquiries about his capital. This is due to their incredulity and habit

judge by yourself. After all, she can deceive, why shouldn't others do the same?

Snakes are born careerists and are always able to break into leadership positions. In this regard, they are lucky, they always have money, but they do not like to lend. Such people do not recognize charity. But they cannot be called economical either, because they can quickly squander the money they earn. Not speculators and do not tolerate risk. They just don't like to deny themselves. They never think about a black day in their lives, they always believe in a chance that will provide them with new opportunities to get rich. When funds begin to run short, they immediately begin to get nervous and will not calm down until they replenish stocks. If everything is in order with the means, they always pamper their family.



With this ascendant, a rattlesnake is obtained. Such a person loves winding paths, following which he will surely achieve his goal. This Snake loves to complicate things because he can't live without adventure. Such a personality always lacks sophistication, but there is more than enough humor and irony in it. This is a complex hybrid that is constantly on the defensive and overly aggressive. He tries to hide behind his own feelings, this is his jealously guarded refuge. If you cross paths with such a person, bypass him.


Although these animals belong to the same class, they still like to show their poisonous teeth. And all this is accompanied by poison and tricks. They do not take the ability to attack, both have excellent intuition and the talent of a seducer, they know how to lull the vigilance of others. But the Rat cannot claim the role of the Snake, such games end with a deadly bite. For Rats, the Serpent will always remain a mystery that can lead to endless dangers.


Such a large animal as the Ox is very afraid of the evasive Snake. Not only can the Snake sting him, it can cause Ox to have a tendency to sadism. An ox that loves freedom so much and stands firmly on the ground cannot understand the nature of a reptile. He will defend himself in every possible way from the attacks of the Snake, he will even try to play hide and seek with her, which will greatly puzzle the smart Snake. Sometimes he even penetrates the desire to crush her, which is why contradictory conflicts are born in the nature of this person. The snake excites the sluggish Ox, pulls him along, but never in his life will be able to teach him to crawl and live in a hole. The snake confuses him and often indicates the paths that the Ox must bypass on the tenth road.


This is a dangerous and cunning person, personifying the black magician. At any moment, such a person can show treachery. Such a Tiger has a poisonous bite and, as a rule, uses it to achieve his own goal. Often, in this person, restraint turns into aggressiveness, characteristic of the Snake, which no one loves. The snake living in the Tiger is also a symbol of knowledge. A tiger, accustomed to honors, often does not notice a reptile crawling along the same road. The snake can pretend to be embarrassed, because she is a great connoisseur of detours. But, as a rule, the Tiger falls into her trap and thus puts himself under attack.


This is a strange creature, in which it is difficult to understand where the head is and where the tail is. It is difficult to approach such a hybrid, because you do not know how to deal with it. This is a very toothy and poisonous Hare. Such a person is in love with everything passionate, although he is not prone to adventures. He calculates everything to the smallest detail, the real Arsene Lupine lives in him, conquering with his grace and mystery. After all, it is very difficult to wander in underground labyrinths and then find a way out to the sun! Such people immediately hide in order to mislead the unlucky admirer and confuse him. These are elusive individuals who know how to slip away, besides, they are dangerous enemies, such can cause damage. They are capable of extortion.


These are very clever and lucky people. Fate smiles at them in everything, especially when traveling. What they cannot get by force, they get through charm and cunning. Often the Dragon is gloomy and unfriendly, so the Snake complements it with patience and flexibility. It turns out a dangerous mixture of restraint with irresistible charm. The mystery of the Dragon just makes the Snake shudder, but this does not bother them at all.


The horse endows the Snake with a certain morality. But these qualities are in some conflict with the pride of the Serpent, since she absolutely cannot stand defeat. However, this person is pugnacious, not afraid to make enemies, very cunning, but unfortunately, a bad player and does not know how to keep his mouth shut. Such people are very charming, and, as a rule, they are forgiven for shortcomings and even bouts of anger. Try not to abuse their patience.


It's hard not to fall in love with these people. As far as fidelity is concerned, they cannot be trusted too much. They are dreamers, very windy, artistic, they can turn a person into a lamb, seduce, pretending to be a meek creature. They will listen to your every word, and then playfully circle around your finger. They consider themselves charming, exceptional, and are not embarrassed when faced with contradictions. Their arrogance is sometimes disarming. In life, they are lucky and have a good, delicate taste. But instability causes them to make irreparable mistakes. As a rule, this happens already in adulthood.


These are shrewd personalities who have the talent of an organizer, but cannot hide a strong sense of their own superiority, which often leads to problems. Therefore, they need to carefully monitor their actions. They are smart, fast, deep thinkers. Such people rarely listen to other people's advice, and not out of harm, but rather out of pride. They do not tolerate when their actions are questioned, and do not endure controversy. But they themselves are very fond of chatting, trying to behave with dignity, sometimes they love to brag. In any case, dexterity and subtlety will always be their serious trump cards.


These people are born with good intuition and self-respect, are endowed with good will, sincere and do not always use well-known snake maneuvers. However, all this does not prevent them from being restless, although you can never tell from them. A serious drawback is the changeable structure. When a dark period comes, they can attack an innocent person for no reason. As a rule, they quickly forget about it, because they are not vindictive. Often they are forgiven for these shortcomings. In all situations, they try to keep the "honor of the uniform." From reminders of their own antics, they can withdraw into themselves and not forgive it.


This is a rather controversial personality, which is torn between a heightened sense of morality and aggressiveness. Both the Dog and the Snake have deep intuition, giving the personality a kind of pessimism. It is very difficult to live with such people, because they know everything in advance and always suffer from their premonitions. Sometimes it seems that they are disturbed by persecution mania. Society does not always accept such individuals. As a rule, they are underestimated, because by nature they are very brave and warm-hearted people who know how to be faithful and help those who need it.


This is not an entirely honest, peaceful, mysterious and at the same time sensitive person. By nature, they are unhappy players who do not like to lose and prefer loneliness to the risk of defeat. It is impossible to captivate such people, as they are overly stubborn and distrustful. They will not show aggression and in an extreme situation they will prefer to flee, as they are very patient in their souls and do not suffer from delusions of grandeur. But never in their lives do they admit someone else is right. These people love money and cannot resist the temptation to earn it in any way. They love to collect prey and do it very calmly, but at this time they have a real fire in their souls. This is probably the most severe creature with a tender heart.



This is a very controversial personality, since it is difficult to combine practicality, and the desire for progress of Aries and the ability of the Snake to seek the path of least resistance. These people are characterized by unpredictable behavior and rudeness. They better not cross the road.

Such individuals value freedom very much and do not want to adapt to someone else's rhythm. If they are allowed to go their own way, they become quite likable. They are used to returning home, but if the situation bothers them, they tend to change it. Aries-Snakes are too fast, often their thoughts are ahead of their actions. These people are efficient and creatively developed. They can become talented artists.

At the same time, they are impractical and do not know how to manage money, because they often wait by the sea for the weather and money that will come to them. Aries Snakes are not too stubborn and do not know which path to take. Of all the combinations, this Snake is the most selfish, at the same time sane and amiable.


This is the most charming and domestic Snake. These people love the sun. They have a long digestion process. They are not very active and do not like prodding. They never strive forward, creating an impression of serenity bordering on indifference. But there is no need to lose vigilance, as they are great realists and are very attentive to their comfort. And when it comes to some kind of improvement in well-being, they instantly show interest.

These people are thick-skinned and have good resistance. The Taurus Snake is an excessive materialist and owner. Thoughts about upcoming losses can completely deprive them of sleep. And the loss of a state can cause not only depression, but also serious mental trauma.

In moments of intimacy, they are very pleasant and emotional. They are somewhat different from their reptile relatives in fidelity, but at the same time they suffer from jealousy. Even the most innocent flirting of a partner can hurt them. And in anger, they can deal an irreparable blow. If you want to change the Serpent-Taurus, carefully hide it.


This is a too mobile Snake, its bite is deadly, although it cannot be said that it is distinguished by excessive viciousness. Likes to be inimitable, especially in love. Undisciplined and very slippery. At first glance, it is difficult to understand where they have a tail and where is their head. They cannot be caught red-handed: Snakes - Gemini will be able to slip out. Such people are very difficult to live together, but their society is unobtrusive and very enriching.

These people are smart, educated and can be brilliant. They know how to handle their thoughts and ideas, shuffle them like cards, and do it like real cheaters. Dexterity they surpass Casanova. These people have everything. In all adventures they behave victoriously. These Serpents open all paths before them, especially where dexterity, diplomacy and eloquence are needed. They cannot be dragged into boring work.


These are very sensual and touchy Snakes. They are endowed with incredible selfishness, often reaching the proportions of mania, which often leads to inaction. This is probably the laziest type of Snake. They get incredible pleasure from idleness. They can not be rushed, because this can be very angry.

But Snakes-Cancers have a well-developed imagination, wonderful intuition, they do not need to explain anything twice. In moments of crisis, they act very effectively, as they are tenacious and energetic. They hatch their projects for a long time, risking forgetting them from time to time. Perhaps these people are not created to work alone: ​​they need a person who would guide them and lead them to victory. Also, they are not built for hard work, but if they have to perform some kind of difficult task, they still cope with it. They have a lot of envious people.

Cancer Snakes are very attached to the family and feel great only in a calm environment. No need to worry about their future, they always arrange it in the end.


These people combine the victorious energy of Leo with the depth of the contemplative character of the Serpent. Both from this combination gain only benefit, because the insight of the Snake softens all the shortcomings of Leo. Such people are good advisers. But often they do first, and then think, perhaps because they are not afraid of obstacles. These people are distinguished by courage and strong will. They are balanced and quickly adapt to circumstances.

But don't count on their modesty. If they do not growl, then this does not mean at all that they will not bite. In all situations, they try to be in the foreground and are admirable. But this is also a weakness. Snakes-Lions are confident in themselves, but at times they are overcome by doubts.

Such people want to be loved by everyone. They are vain and do not like to deny themselves anything. And this is understandable: they know how to make money. They feel bad if they do not achieve a strong position. They are usually lucky.


These people differ in organizational abilities; they always know where they are going. Their wisdom is simply frightening, because in all situations they are right. Snakes - Virgos are incredibly charming, inspire calm, always true to themselves and their goals. Reason prevails in all their actions. They are very perceptive and bypass all traps on their way. No one is guaranteed against hasty actions, but such mistakes happen to them extremely rarely. And if some kind of oversight occurs, no one will know about it, and the secret will die along with the Snake - Virgo.

These people do as they please. Moreover, they know what they consider it necessary to tell about them. They are elegant and always follow not only their appearance, but also their reputation. From them you will never hear loud phrases and abuse. These are people of great tact, gentle, soft, who maintain balance in everything, and especially in sex. But deceit or disappointment can cause aggression. Virgo Snakes have a critical mind and are very mobile.


It is impossible not to fall in love with them. These people are irresistible and love to please. To achieve their goals, they choose difficult means, because they believe that the shortest path is a detour. They entwine their victims like a spider with a web.

They are very refined and perfectly feel harmony, they need aesthetics. They often lack persistence, so they need someone to guide them and give them a little push. If this is not the case, they risk falling into a calm and deep sleep. These people are used to hesitation. In order to convince, it is necessary to turn to their peacefulness and justice. Libra Snakes do not like trouble and are ready to defend the truth by any means. When it comes to honor, they don't like to joke.


This is a rather complex combination that spawns monsters. Before dealing with such a person, one must properly study his very complex character: he is a mixture of a rattlesnake with a monstrous insect. Of course, they will not attack immediately and for no reason, on the contrary, they are very restrained and, as a rule, turn their aggressiveness against themselves. The sting is released only after open aggression. We would not like to be in the place of their opponent, since the strike of such a Snake is always accurate.

These people have a subtle soul and love to spend their evenings in thought or refined conversations. They are very confused by external calm, because they see a catch in everything. Their lives are changing rapidly. In crises, they show inner strength and try to get out of any situation. They are secretive, vindictive and great owners: they do not like to share their prey. Snakes - Scorpios demand respect for themselves, and if they do not meet him, they begin to take revenge.


These are very dynamic Snakes, going to the intended goal and always coming to the finish line first. They are insightful, have intuition, various talents. Great organizers and a little scammers. Sagittarius Snakes are not like their fellows, as they provide relatives and loved ones with a certain freedom. But having learned about the betrayal, they become merciless, because they do not tolerate immorality and are very honest.

These are quite authoritative personalities, but too stubborn. They love to give advice to others, and they seek to destroy the disobedient. They do not like to be taken by storm, but they cannot resist money. Sagittarius Snakes are the ultimate materialists and are accustomed to making money out of everything. You can trust their instinct and follow them to any scam. Rest assured you won't get busted. But the only thing that is difficult for them is to part with their money. If they can place an order at someone else's expense, they will gladly do it.


These are very cold-blooded people who know how to control their emotions and look at the world with a penetrating look. They are accustomed to think through everything to the smallest detail. If they make some kind of compromise, be sure that they have calculated all the details. There is no time for mistakes, because there are too many life goals. Such people are created for the heights, as they are persistent, stubborn and balanced. This is the most stable type of Snake. They don't like to joke.

Snakes-Capricorns know how to seduce. Never stop before difficulties, use all means. It is difficult for them to resist, it is not easy to live with them, because, in addition to perseverance and exactingness, they also have a lot of positive qualities. They are great business people. They never change their minds, have a great sense of humor and are simply original.


These kites soar in the clouds. Their brain feeds on interesting utopias. These people are not materialists and do not think about tomorrow. They have excellent intuition, philanthropy, and are always ready to help a drowning man. They always pay attention to hot spots in time. They are endowed with the ability to study, to the sciences, since a little genius sleeps in them. They are strongest in the exact sciences or in the occult.

Annoying gray everyday life pushes them into a pleasant world of dreams. These people require careful handling. In no case should you interfere with the implementation of their ideas. If they stop even for a minute, they will begin to doubt and interrupt their path. Difficulties often arise in love because it is difficult for Aquarius to sacrifice their independence. Such Snakes can be both jealous and offensively indifferent, but, fortunately, they understand a lot and you can always agree with them.


Such individuals live in their own magical world, and it is difficult to find someone who can bring them out of this state. These people don't know exactly what they want. Because from the outside they look a little depressed. They do not strive for any valor, do not like coercion, quickly lose their patience. But they always manage to do something interesting. These are very finely organized people who adapt quickly. They shun outside intrusions. If you touch a sore spot, they instantly withdraw into themselves, but they are not at all touchy and always forgive even outright impudence.

In critical situations, they are able to show emotions that can lead to irreparable consequences. In a state of passion, they can even kill, which they later bitterly regret. They are able to give everything to the one they love. The Pisces Snake will turn the world of her partner into a wonderful fairy tale and will expect the same adoration from her beloved.



This is a very tolerable union. Friendship and common affairs are possible between them. They will give each other various pleasures, and for a change they can prepare all sorts of traps and tricks. They need to be confident in their partner and will enjoy watching their loved ones overcome difficulties. Snakes have fun with each other, but not always. Chinese wisdom says that Snakes rarely get along with each other and, in a fit of rivalry, are able to strangle their partner. This quality can overcome even parental love. When communicating with each other, the Snakes try to suppress each other. They understand that this is bad, but they can’t do anything, and this annoys them even more. It is best to use this union in business, because the cunning Snakes will push each other, which will help the common cause.


This is a rather strange union. Both are smart and know how to adapt to each other. At first glance, their relationship is unusual, because the Snake is used to disturbing, and the Rat calms her down in time. They also have a similar feature - acquisitiveness. For Serpents there is no fidelity, but the Rat cannot be deceived. In such situations, a real war begins between them, where the Serpent can win. This proves that they do not need each other, but they value their union and are just perfect in friendship. Together they know how to have fun and taunt others. Their union rests only on tolerance and understanding. It is very easy for these types to unravel each other: if the Rat begins to show aggressiveness, the Snake turns into a boa constrictor and hypnotizes the unfortunate mouse. However, in such a situation, they will never be caught by an outsider.


The snake is an animal that can adapt to absolutely everything. In this alliance, Vol will feel that he can take the lead. Of course, at first the Snake will not show visible resistance, will surround the Ox with care and understanding, will pour balm on his soul. The Snake loves comfort, and the Ox can provide it. Of course, she can achieve everything in life herself, and yet she will never refuse to climb on a pack animal that can work for two. He will never refuse to devote more time to himself than to spend it on useless work in the house. The snake will try to swallow the Ox, which may even give him pleasure. In this case, it turns out that everyone is satisfied. Seeing that the Ox is showing selfless devotion, the Snake can crawl out of its hole and look for other entertainment, but the Ox should not know about this. In their work, they complement each other very well. And together they can make a pretty decent fortune.


The union is not favorable, because the Tiger is a mobile animal, and the Snake is prone to contemplation and will decide that the Tiger is simply unfaithful. The snake will not want to follow the Tiger and keep up with his pace, as she is too lazy and does not like to be urged on. She is used to figuring everything out herself, hates other people's advice, even if they are appropriate. Often she is simply dogmatic, and the Tiger absolutely cannot stand this. The snake is the owner, who always goes along winding paths, and the Tiger follows only a straight path and ahead. The snake constantly thinks about the result, and the Tiger prefers to think about the means, which is why they do not understand each other. The Tiger will never want to follow the winding path of the Snake, and the Snake will never be able to tame the wild Tiger. In business, they always have a wonderful union - they complement each other. One takes the risk and the other takes the execution. Joint life is completely impossible, since the Snake will betray the Tiger, and he will destroy it.


These two partners are very fond of peace, reliability and aesthetics. They attach great importance to the external environment, home and beautiful things. Together they get along perfectly, they can spend hours decorating their own home and improving their lives. For complete peace of mind in this union, it is better for the Snake to give the opportunity to think about the well-being of the house, since the Snake is used to being a mistress and mistress. A more active principle belongs to her, even in the field of feelings. But sometimes the indecision of the Hare annoys the more flexible Snake. Their union is successful in both respects: both in friendship and in love. A patient Hare will be able to make the Snake listen to the opinions of others. And the Snake, in turn, is never afraid of danger and quickly adapts to the situation. She will help Hare become an even greater philosopher.


This is one of the best unions. With its wisdom, the Serpent seduces the Dragon. The dragon will be proud of his partner, he will feel even stronger. Not a single Snake will do stupid things, will not seek the same power, she likes behind-the-scenes maneuvers more.

If the Dragon is a woman, then the situation is worse - she will want to fawn over her. For some time, the Dragon will do this out of courtesy, but having learned more deeply about the Snake, it will become strongly attached to it. The dragon does not like constraint. He always wants to shine, and the Snake can provide it for him. Although these are related signs, their union will be favorable. The dragon, having self-respect, will become more restrained, and the Snake will become more tolerant.


Often the Horse falls in love with the Snake and remains faithful to her. At the same time, the Snake creates such an atmosphere that the Horse does not feel enslaved, it has the illusion that it is free. Naturally, this is only a delusion, in fact, the Snake wraps around her freedom-loving girlfriend with a dead ring. Philosopher - The Snake never worries and is not interested in other people's opinions. First of all, she takes into account only her own interests. In this union, she will turn into a whip made from the skin of a boa constrictor, which is used to drive horses in the circus. Of course, the unsurpassed egoism of the Horse can push her to madness - she can get away from the Snake. But it will not be difficult for the Snake to replace a partner, although this union is exciting and favorable, especially at its beginning. The snake blinds the Horse with its passion, so that in any situation they can find a way out.


These signs understand each other, because the Snake appreciates the fantasy and imagination of the Sheep, and she, in turn, the creative abilities of her flexible girlfriend. Both of them have developed a love for art, for beauty and harmony, which brings them very close. But they do not always like to work actively, and their need for money is simply colossal. The Sheep is not well adapted for this, but the Snake is also not very reliable, because she is busy with her person. The Snake earns almost all the funds only for itself, and it rarely makes gifts for the Sheep. If they were well-off financially before their union, then they are still capable of creating something. These scoffers are accustomed to mocking those who work twenty-four hours a day. Both signs are born egoists. Together they have a great time, but often show excessiveness in everything that can quickly get bored of them.


This is a wonderful intellectual union. Both signs are the most gifted in the entire Chinese horoscope. These people perfectly adapt to circumstances, easily think and quickly find a way out of any situation. They complement each other, because a more mobile Monkey can complement the Snake with depth of feelings. Professionally, they will give each other a lot of crazy and interesting ideas, which promises them great opportunities. Here they are inseparable from each other.

Emotionally, not everything goes smoothly. The Monkey is probably the only sign that can suppress the Snake. But the Snake does not belong to those who will let themselves be swallowed, she will not insist that the Monkey linger around her for a long time. She will try to find herself a worthy victim. Their mutual loyalty is not very durable, but they can remain good friends. This is beneficial for both of them.


According to the Chinese horoscope, this union is considered ideal. They can achieve balance in both soul and body. These allies are always able to agree, as they feel great partner. They appreciate the elegance inherent in both of them, look great side by side and create the impression of a wonderful couple. Going out into society, they choose clothes for a long time and scrupulously in order to look at their best. The Rooster loves to rant about his successes and victories, and the Snake listens to him with pleasure and comments with humor. The Snake feels very calm next to the Rooster, because this is the only person who can understand her. The snake will learn to perceive him as he really is. Oddly enough, she will patiently endure his superiority, because she intuitively feels how they fit together. Even in a quarrel, they will be able to find a common language.


Dogs become attached to Snakes very quickly, they like their wisdom and depth. Dogs do not want to notice their shortcomings and patiently endure their careerism. Usually Dogs idealize Snakes and try to protect them from all troubles. The snake, in turn, also admires the honesty of the Dog, although it does not try to imitate it. In this union, everything is going well, because 410 the Snake loves to be adored. Of course, it is not without difficulties. One partner is not enough for the snake and she will wish to find someone on the side. True, there is one “but” - the Snake will be able to do this only by completely paralyzing the will of the Dog. Maybe the Dog will not be very upset, because he likes to work quietly alone. The snake will regularly return home, wrap around the Dog, keep it in its power. In this case, they can live a long life together. And even happily.


There are strange paradoxes in this union. Drugged by the Snake, the Boar instantly falls in love and makes a big mistake. Because the Snake will fool him, like the rest. Evenness is not for the Snake. The snake is even annoyed by the natural parity of the Boar. She considers him incredibly stupid and naively gullible. Probably, there is some truth here, because the Boar very easily goes to all agreements. But feelings can hold them together, although they are expressed in different ways. True, there is a danger that soon the Snake will want to devour the Boar, although this is unlikely to succeed, because the Boar has a very fast reaction.

It is easy for the boar to free himself from the death grip of the Snake, he knows how to resist it. Of course, such a fight will not go without broken teeth, so be careful! The snake should not think that it is a simpleton in front of it. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises await you.



This year is dominated by activity. The Snake will have good prospects, she must show due prudence in order to succeed in her own profession. Although this year does not portend any noticeable difficulties, it can bring many worries. The year promises a lot of dramatic events - both good and bad. Financial successes will equalize with losses, and if desired, problems can be settled. It is undesirable for a snake to lend money.


This is a year of medium intensity. The snake in the year of the Ox can be overcome by an attack of laziness. It is best to take a break this year and not undertake new beginnings. Serpents must be extremely careful, because some will try to challenge their decision; Obstacles may arise, leading to erroneous decisions. We must carefully look at the essence of the problem, any stubbornness can only complicate the situation.


Small but numerous troubles are not ruled out this year. Snakes, through someone else's fault, can be unexpectedly involved in civil strife. It will be difficult for them to unravel the intentions of relatives and colleagues. You need to keep your sense of humor so as not to indulge in petty revenge. This will tire the representatives of this sign very much, but they will learn the necessary lesson. Only with restraint will they receive the long-awaited help and avoid major complications.


This is a very pleasant year in which Snakes can indulge in pleasures and have a good rest. However, do not forget about long-term contracts, because they require constant work. For loved ones this year, the Snake will have very little time left, but she will always have a free minute for love. The year is especially favorable for intimate relationships, here the Snakes will achieve great success. The year is favorable for financial transactions.


This is a very difficult year, but the Serpents should not worry too much, as wisdom will keep the Serpents from fuss. No need to wait for special achievements in business or work. Snakes should be wary of gossip and envious colleagues. Most troubles will happen in the summer, and good news will come in the fall. This year it is better to avoid waste and how to save.


This is a very good year for the Serpents, although they believe that their achievements are not up to par. Snakes are obliged to strengthen their position in society, which will help them achieve personal happiness. The year is favorable for gradual progress, and not for sudden changes. To avoid trouble, Snakes must be extremely patient and in control of themselves. Those born under this sign can do anything, because the next year will bring big profits. Office misunderstandings and love problems can be easily settled. Although the profits are small, it is necessary to maintain the gained positions and control the situation.


This year brings very energetic actions that require the utmost attention. If the Snake wishes, then all her hopes can easily come true. You don't have to get emotional. Unresolved problems and worries can affect health. The year requires caution in all areas, the result of which will be success in any endeavor. All worries are temporary.


This is a quiet year. Of course, it will not bring much profit, but there will not be big losses either. True, it will be difficult for the Snake to endure the negligence and irresponsibility of colleagues. Do not waste your nerves, it is better not to interfere in any civil strife. Life will be pleasant and easy if you use the time to gain influence among friends, which will later be of great benefit. Heavy news or minor alarms are possible.


This is a good year, but the Snake will not be able to get help just when it needs support. Involuntarily, she can be involved in strife, but everything will work out if you do not add fuel to the fire. Such actions can lead to unnecessary complications. But the Serpents must anticipate all the negative aspects of these events. The year requires the utmost restraint in everything.


This year is very prosperous for Snakes. There may be dissatisfaction and even despair, but in the end the achievements will be dizzying. The snakes will get the recognition they deserve. And if they are not too lazy, they will be rewarded for their patience and perseverance. They expect profits and an increase in income, but family life will be somewhat unstable.


Serpents in the year of the Dog are given wonderful opportunities. They will be confident in their deeds and feelings. This is a good period to introduce new ideas, but there may be minor health problems. You can dream of a lot, there are all the possibilities for this, you just have to be wary of petty theft and deceit. Travel and entertainment are especially favorable this year.


This is a confused year with medium intensity. Snakes need to come to terms with what they have. It is better to wait for a more favorable time. No need to make maximum efforts for meager results. Snakes can suffer financial setbacks due to inaccurate calculations, lawsuits, divorces and divisions of property are likely. This year requires a careful approach to any business.


This period requires reflection for planning and finding the right answers. The year is very favorable for clever deals, political decisions and coup d'état. A person needs to plan and evaluate more before doing anything. The Year of the Snake is also favorable for trade and industry. Things will come to resolving important issues, but after overcoming mutual distrust. Snakes can't keep people from arguing. If a peaceful solution is not possible, there will certainly be war. If you look into history, you can see that in the years of the Snake it was never calm. Various troubles that were born in the year of the Dragon, in the year of the Snake usually grow with might and main.

But this is a golden time for love, courtship and scandals. The year promises the flourishing of art, music and fashion. This year brings new conveniences, high achievements in science and technology. The wisdom of the Serpent will be felt in all areas of life, helping to make the right decisions. Although outwardly everything looks very calm, the year of the Snake is unpredictable. We must not forget: having prepared for the attack, the Snake will definitely jump like lightning, and nothing can stop it. Changes during this period are usually sudden and fateful.



The highlight of this year is autumn. During this period, the Yin tendency is combined with Yang, which gives the Snake the necessary balance and restraint. During this period, you need to take advantage of trends and gain subtlety. Active work is needed, but not isolation. More time should be devoted to relaxation and meditation. A person will only benefit from this. In leadership, one should strive for flexibility of the mind.


The culmination of this year is winter. Right now the Yin of the water is balanced with the Yang of the Snake. This period requires vitality, then all active actions succeed, but overwork must be avoided. They can cause depression. Balance should be maintained and energy should not be wasted. Your desire to move on can spoil everything.


The culmination of this year is spring, a period of growth and flowering. This year's ally is beauty and prosperity. The year promises the correction of all mistakes made earlier, and allows a person to blossom spiritually and physically. You should not waste time developing unnecessary projects, but rather rely on intuition and subtleties that are invisible to others.


The culmination of this year is summer, a period of creation and maturation. The Yang of the Snake strives for more Yang. This period is very fertile, gives more dynamism to everything. True, if you overdo it too much, this period can become a period of destruction and misunderstanding. Therefore, one must rely on diplomacy and not get involved in financial fraud and speculation.


The highlight of this year is summer. The snake adores summer because it frees this animal from material worries. This year pleases people with creation, study and research. But you do not need to lock yourself in your home, be in society more often. Recommended fresh air, less sleep and more self-confidence. It is better to see only the good in people.



At first glance, Aries easily find a common language with people of the opposite sex, but in reality there is a constant struggle in their soul between a bold, aggressive personality and an oversensitive, pretentious nature. Courage instantly leaves Aries. Therefore, it will be very difficult for him to take the next step towards success.


In the year of the Snake, Taurus will experience real happiness if they manage to get out of hiding. They should not demonstrate weaknesses and shortcomings, but on the contrary, they should show their virtue, tenderness, craving for family life. No need to be afraid of deception, otherwise happiness will simply pass by.


The twins are used to being the center of attention and cannot understand why the chosen one shuns them. The narcissism of Gemini simply disappoints the partner. The twins must explain to their loved one and convince him that they only need him, but this should be done if they are confident in the sincerity of the partner's feelings.


Their gentle and meek appearance is combined this year with swift actions. Cancers have great willpower and determination, so they are always looking for their own kind. They are almost unpredictable, which will prevent them from communicating with the opposite sex.


For various reasons, the Lions will be able to satisfy their demands for a love partner before the year 3mei arrives. Perhaps they did not realize this, but now they will correct all the mistakes of the past. First of all, they must clarify their own positions and take a break in time.


Virgos are looking for their happiness somewhere far away, but it is usually close. They will experience many pleasant feelings and experience hours of bliss if they do not postpone all this until an indefinite time, but take advantage of the opportunity provided. With reasonable behavior and charm, Virgos will easily win the heart of their chosen one.


In the year of the Snake, Libra will gain enviable success and interesting acquaintances. They radiate their inherent cheerfulness and will definitely be in the center of everyone's attention. Their enthusiasm will infect partners. Libra can count on cloudless happiness in love, but there is no need to show excessive frivolity,


This year is lucky for those who have a pronounced instinct, characteristic of Scorpios. With the confidence of a sleepwalker, they will discover among a large number of candidates exactly those whom they saw in their dreams. They will be able to overcome their timidity, the only weakness that harms them greatly.


Sagittarians are constantly scattered, and therefore cannot experience the fullness of happiness in love. They can enjoy communicating with a huge number of people, after which they will be surprised when they are reproached for frivolity. They respond to the reproaches of their life partners with irritation and, as a rule, become discouraged.


Capricorns are always ready to run to the aid of friends, but do not use their virtues for themselves. And this is necessary, because otherwise their chances of happiness will be too small. Capricorns should not think that they live in captivity if they are under the same roof with a partner.


In the year of the Snake, Aquarius can achieve great success. Surrounding well perceive their cordiality and sincerity. Thus, they awaken sympathy for themselves. Aquarius' only problem is finding a lover. It is very difficult for them to make a choice. Aquarius must be very careful: they will not be waiting forever.


It will be very good for Pisces if they meet their chosen ones among strangers, because surrounded by acquaintances they look too cold and unapproachable. Such behavior can be very saddening to loved ones, even more than they might think. The relationship of Pisces with their loved ones will become happy if they try to change their character in time.

Source - Alexander Alexander Alexander - Chinese astrology.

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