All about Liza Anokhin. Elizaveta Anokhina: “Show business is a colorful fairy-tale world! How do you balance school and filming?


How to get 820 thousand followers on Instagram and 230 thousand on YouTube if you are an 11-year-old schoolgirl? How to combine photography and study? Where do you get ideas for videos? The Artek members of the Polevoy camp’s media team talked about this with Lisa Anokhina, a popular blogger and one of the hosts of the Hype Camp reality show on YouTube, in which aspiring bloggers participated.

How did you get started vlogging?
- It all started with the game. A friend came to my older sister Anyuta, and we decided to make a series in the style of a horror movie. I was then about five years old, and my sister was ten. We walked around with an ordinary tablet and recorded that someone was making scary sounds, frightening us. It was a film with a lot of feigned emotions, but then we were like, "Wow, guys, what a cool film we got! Let's put it on YouTube." As a result, they disgraced themselves and then deleted them (laughs).

- How do your parents feel about what you do?

At first, my parents said: "Lisa, can you still be a TV presenter? A blogger is not very good ...". Over time, they changed their views. My dad was initially against it, but then he realized that this was really important to me. Now he gives me great emotional support, for which I am very grateful to him!

- How do you combine school and filming?

I usually wake up, get ready and go to school. My daily routine has changed a lot, because I began to lag behind the program due to absences. After the lessons, which end at 16:00, I stay for a couple of hours to write dictations, tests and everything that I did not do while I was away. Then I go to the canteen to eat, then I go to the shooting. To be honest, I don't have days without filming. In most cases, I don’t know where I’m going: to vocals, to modeling (note - this is a field of activity in which the model’s appearance is used to promote goods and services), to shoots - I only find out about this when I arrive there. You often have to eat on the run. I return home late: often at 23:00, sometimes even at 1:00 - 2:00 at night. But I understand that all these activities will help me become better.

- How often do you get recognized on the street, and how do you usually feel about it?

Yes, they often find out, and I'm really very pleased. When a little "Lizochek" comes up to you and asks you to take a picture, I feel like a mega-star!

- How do you get ideas for new vines (note - short videos)?

My sister helps me come up with ideas. We have billions of life situations: we communicate, quarrel, make peace, make friends - this becomes the idea for the vines. At the same time, she never appears in my videos, but she constantly inspires me ideologically. For example, the vine about how friends come to the sister, and the youngest turns all the attention to herself, is taken from life.

- How did you get into Hype Camp?

Kasprzak: to succeed, you need to reach the limit of possibilitiesOn the occasion of Artek's birthday, at the media campus of the Artek International Children's Center and Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, Artek director Alexei Kasprzhak gave an interview to Artek residents Yulia Shishko and Maxim Pravoslavnov.

I just passed the audition. It was specially held for girls in order to find a presenter who would annoy the audience a little, thereby adding her own little peppercorn. There were two main roles in this show: mine and Dani Komkova - this was done to gain views. I read the script and got to work. I also loved to walk around the castle in which they were filming and imagine that it was mine.

Are there any bloggers you look up to?

Yes. I really like to watch Yulik, because he is cool, but I am not equal to him. I try to be nicer, kinder, in short "plagiarism" Alena Venum (laughs). Which blogger do I like? Nikolai Sobolev - he has cool videos.

- Do you plan to make blogging your profession in adult life?

I do not like to live in the future and the past, I am glad that I am doing now. And it seems to me that life is too short to talk about what will happen next. At the moment, I am too young to make such decisions and, most likely, when I grow up, my interests will change completely.

- Now many people want to start blogging, but don't know where to start. Give some advice to newbies.

You know, I will give you one piece of advice, if something didn’t work out for you the first time, then it will work out the second, maybe the third, you have to try. And for this you do not need a good technique, quality. The main thing is the idea. To become a blogger, you need to start shooting.

Liza Anokhina is a popular Russian video blogger. She was born in 2005.

Almost nothing is known about the young and very successful girl, as she carefully keeps her age, as well as her parents, a secret. Many fans, in fact, do not know anything about their idol. Such a small but already successful girl proves once again that age is not an obstacle to achieving goals, whether you are eight or fifty, there is always a chance to prove yourself and realize your dream.

Most people are simply amazed at how much Lisa was able to accomplish in such a short time at such a young age. Some argue that Anokhin has very influential parents who promote the girl up the career ladder.

Liza herself shakes her head in this regard and claims that she has achieved everything herself. In addition, you can see that Lisa really has some charisma and talent, which helped her eventually become one of the youngest celebrities in the country.

Acquired Popularity

Lisa herself quite a long time ago began to run her own YouTube channel, which, in fact, also brought her enough popularity. But she was able to gain real fame only when she began acting in the vines of Rakhim Abramov, along with Ulyana Medvedyuk. After that, she became simply torn, as the number of her subscribers increased dramatically and many began to recognize her.

Although at that time she was actively engaged in a television career, being the host on such channels as Karusel and Muz-TV. In addition, she also works as a model and shoots for children's magazines, and is also the face of many Russian brands. In a word, the career of a 13-year-old girl is very enviable, since at such a young age she was able to achieve many heights, and this is only the beginning, it is not known what awaits us in the future.

Success on the channel

In 2017, Liza Anokhina decides to create her own channel, which in a short time was able to earn about one hundred thousand subscribers. Many of Lisa's videos are liked not only by her peers, but also by adults who are simply touched and surprised by Lisa's talents. In addition, the girl also recorded her own song "Open Your Eyes" and released a video on it, which for a long time took first place in the children's hit parade.


Appear on the podium? No problem. The appearance is the most model, and as part of the show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, the girl has already flashed. Go to the movies? Please! Such organic, talented and hard-working children like Lisa are the dream of any director. She also sings well, performer and author of her own video, which appeared in November. She copes with the role of a TV presenter excellently (last fall, we held a live broadcast dedicated to the New Wave contest in Sochi). And Elizaveta is a popular blogger, soon (I have no doubt about it) she will become an Instagram "millionaire", although more than 300 thousand subscribers for a 4th grade student of a Moscow gymnasium is, you see, cool. On YouTube, Lisa has her own channel, A-Liza, which is very popular.

Fables that she is the daughter of an oligarch have been made up about Elizabeth since she announced herself. By the way, her dad, a retired officer and businessman, resisted to the last that his youngest daughter was in show business: they say, it’s too early, there’s nothing to say yet, there is no completeness of the image. To which the mother, a lawyer and part-time art director of the girl, answered that no one has completeness, you need to gain experience, learn and win an audience. As a result, dad gave up, and now, when he, like his son Grisha, a law student, is asked if he is a relative of Lisa Anokhina, he proudly straightens his shoulders.

Today, in addition to her sister Anyuta, for whose manifestations of adolescence she is very worried (“it just needs to be endured”), Elizabeth’s main problem is how to explain to people that they shouldn’t offend each other. At one time, the haters simply bombarded her with curses, the mildest of which was "Die!". Lisa cried at first, and then wrote the song “Open Your Eyes” on this topic. And Olga Buzova, whom they met at the Kinder MUZ Awards 2017, supported the young performer, noting on her page what a cool clip she created.

And Lisa is on good terms with Piggy from Good Night, Kids! The quartet of girls "Fairytale Patrol", in which she sings, was invited to shoot this program. Lisa's favorite book is Being a Cat: “It's fat, but I read it in a week. There is no such thing - a rainbow, flowers, everything is fine ... But I really liked it. True, I am allergic to cats, but looking at our shepherd Dylan, I often think: what would happen if dogs became people?

Elizaveta Anokhina is a popular Instagram blogger. The number of subscribers of the girl exceeds 300 thousand. On her Instagram, Lisa shares her photos and videos. So recently, Lisa began acting in vines, along with Ulyana Medvedyuk.

It was after such filming with that Lisa's popularity began to grow. Many subscribers do not even know that Liza Anokhina is the host on such TV channels as Karusel and Muz TV. Also, Lisa is a model, she shoots for children's magazines and represents many Russian brands.

Parents of Lisa Anokhina

Fans of the girl are often interested in her parents. Many are sure that it is the parents who promote the girl, without them she would not have become so successful. However, this is not true, Lisa Anokhina is very charismatic and talented. That is why she became so popular at such a young age.

Also, many subscribers of the girl are interested in her age. Lisa keeps her age secret, from some sources it is known that the girl was born in 2005.

YouTube channel and creative activity

In 2017, Lisa started making videos on YouTube. Now the channel has more than 100 thousand subscribers. Liza Anokhina's vlogs are very interesting to watch, both for the younger generation and for adults. Not so long ago, Lisa recorded her own song "Open Your Eyes" and released a video. Among young performers, Lisa occupies the first position in the hit parades.

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How to get 820 thousand followers on Instagram and 230 thousand on YouTube if you are an 11-year-old schoolgirl? How to combine photography and study? Where do you get ideas for videos? The Artek members of the Polevoy camp’s media team talked about this with Lisa Anokhina, a popular blogger and one of the hosts of the Hype Camp reality show on YouTube, in which aspiring bloggers participated.

How did you get started vlogging?
- It all started with the game. A friend came to my older sister Anyuta, and we decided to make a series in the style of a horror movie. I was then about five years old, and my sister was ten. We walked around with an ordinary tablet and recorded that someone was making scary sounds, frightening us. It was a film with a lot of feigned emotions, but then we were like, "Wow, guys, what a cool film we got! Let's put it on YouTube." As a result, they disgraced themselves and then deleted them (laughs).

- How do your parents feel about what you do?

At first, my parents said: "Lisa, can you still be a TV presenter? A blogger is not very good ...". Over time, they changed their views. My dad was initially against it, but then he realized that this was really important to me. Now he gives me great emotional support, for which I am very grateful to him!

- How do you combine school and filming?

I usually wake up, get ready and go to school. My daily routine has changed a lot, because I began to lag behind the program due to absences. After the lessons, which end at 16:00, I stay for a couple of hours to write dictations, tests and everything that I did not do while I was away. Then I go to the canteen to eat, then I go to the shooting. To be honest, I don't have days without filming. In most cases, I don’t know where I’m going: to vocals, to modeling (note - this is a field of activity in which the model’s appearance is used to promote goods and services), to shoots - I only find out about this when I arrive there. You often have to eat on the run. I return home late: often at 23:00, sometimes even at 1:00 - 2:00 at night. But I understand that all these activities will help me become better.

- How often do you get recognized on the street, and how do you usually feel about it?

Yes, they often find out, and I'm really very pleased. When a little "Lizochek" comes up to you and asks you to take a picture, I feel like a mega-star!

- How do you get ideas for new vines (note - short videos)?

My sister helps me come up with ideas. We have billions of life situations: we communicate, quarrel, make peace, make friends - this becomes the idea for the vines. At the same time, she never appears in my videos, but she constantly inspires me ideologically. For example, the vine about how friends come to the sister, and the youngest turns all the attention to herself, is taken from life.

- How did you get into Hype Camp?

Kasprzak: to succeed, you need to reach the limit of possibilitiesOn the occasion of Artek's birthday, at the media campus of the Artek International Children's Center and Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency, Artek director Alexei Kasprzhak gave an interview to Artek residents Yulia Shishko and Maxim Pravoslavnov.

I just passed the audition. It was specially held for girls in order to find a presenter who would annoy the audience a little, thereby adding her own little peppercorn. There were two main roles in this show: mine and Dani Komkova - this was done to gain views. I read the script and got to work. I also loved to walk around the castle in which they were filming and imagine that it was mine.

Are there any bloggers you look up to?

Yes. I really like to watch Yulik, because he is cool, but I am not equal to him. I try to be nicer, kinder, in short "plagiarism" Alena Venum (laughs). Which blogger do I like? Nikolai Sobolev - he has cool videos.

- Do you plan to make blogging your profession in adult life?

I do not like to live in the future and the past, I am glad that I am doing now. And it seems to me that life is too short to talk about what will happen next. At the moment, I am too young to make such decisions and, most likely, when I grow up, my interests will change completely.

- Now many people want to start blogging, but don't know where to start. Give some advice to newbies.

You know, I will give you one piece of advice, if something didn’t work out for you the first time, then it will work out the second, maybe the third, you have to try. And for this you do not need a good technique, quality. The main thing is the idea. To become a blogger, you need to start shooting.

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