Choice of a monument on a grave from black granite. What to put on the grave? Tips for choosing a tombstone


Finding a suitable monument is a difficult and responsible task.

It will last for many years if you make an unmistakable choice of materials from which it is made, the shape of the tombstone and its design.

In this article, we will give some useful tips that will help you choose a quality monument.

When can a monument be erected on a grave?

Many are inclined to believe that the installation of the monument should be carried out no earlier than 12 months after the funeral.

This is partly true. The fact is that the earth on the grave settles for quite a long time, which does not allow for a high-quality installation of the tombstone.

There is a risk that the support of the monument may crack and damage the rest of the surface. Poorly compacted earth will not provide the necessary support for the erected monument, which will lead to its displacement.

Over the course of one year, the earth will completely settle and compact. A considerable part of the masters in this area assure that it is advisable to wait 2 years, and for this period to install a cheap tombstone. Monuments are erected in the warm season, preferably in spring or summer.

During the season of cold and frost, the installation of the tombstone is not carried out due to the frozen ground.

The most economical way to purchase a monument is in winter.

Many monument makers are not overwhelmed with work during the winter and will be happy to fulfill even the most laborious order based on your preferences.

In addition, impressive discounts are provided in winter, which will save the budget.

You can also pick up a “winter” purchase with the onset of heat, especially since an additional payment for safety is not required.

Link to the environment

When choosing a monument, specialists need complete information about the location of the burial place. When making a tombstone, factors such as the condition of the soil, its structure, the location of the grave and the relief of the earth should be taken into account.

Monuments are erected not in order to once again brag to others, but for the Eternal Memory of deceased relatives. Therefore, it is inappropriate to stick out your well-being and success in this way.

Material selection

The choice of materials in modern workshops for the manufacture of tombstones is striking in its assortment. It all depends on the amount the customer expects.

A monument made of crumbs, plastic, polymeric granite or decorative cement is largely inferior in terms of durability and beautiful appearance to expensive materials.

If you want to perpetuate the memory of your loved ones, you should pay attention to the monuments of their natural stone. It would be more reasonable to buy a granite monument of small size than to opt for a large tombstone made of marble chips.

A monument made of natural stone can be created in a variety of variations, you only need imagination. But a tombstone made of marble chips or granite polymer is made according to several template examples.

The most popular today are natural stones such as granite and marble.

Natural marble. The stone is very malleable to sawing, grinding and polishing. It comes in both gray and white.

Marble is very fragile, sensitive to temperature extremes and adverse weather conditions, resistant to the appearance of fungus, and gets dirty very quickly. But, despite this, the marble monument is striking in its beauty and, with proper care, will last a long time.

Natural granite. Granite monuments are made from stone mined in the depths of Ukrainian lands.

Such material is durable and stands out with its quality factor and strength. Without changing the form and retaining the inscription in its original form, such a monument can stand for about the 2nd century.

Granite stone does not need special care, is immune to weather conditions and retains and retains its polishing in its original form for many years.

The shades of the stone will suit every taste: red, black, greenish, gray and even the “snow king” of colors ─ white. The size, composition, method of processing ─ the total cost of a granite monument will depend on all these features.

Size and shape

Once the choice of headstone material has been made, it is time to think about the design of the headstone.

Specialists can offer sketches of the most popular compositions, but you can make an order based on your preferences and imagination.

It must be remembered that a large and exclusive monument will cost more. The size of the monument affects its durability.

The larger and more massive it is, the longer it will last, which cannot be said about small tombstones. They age faster and can break down.

Today it is possible to order not only the granite monument itself, but also additional elements to it.

Vases, tables, benches, tiles, figurines, etc. will help create a beautiful memorial.

Natural stone, polymer material, metal, wood or glass? Stele, obelisk, vertically or horizontally oriented slab? Artistic design of the monument: carving, engraving, photoceramics, inscription text? Author's copy or standard project? As it turns out, choosing a monument is not an easy task at all.

Demand creates supply in absolutely everything. If we add to this the leaps and bounds of progress, it is not surprising that today, even in the matter of choosing a tombstone, the customer will be offered many different options.

headstone material

Currently, the main materials for the manufacture of tombstones are natural stone (granite, marble, gabbro, diabase, serpentine, labradorite, etc.) and artificial polymeric materials (porcelain stoneware, granite polymer, various resins as a coating). Also, metal or wood is used as materials.

A natural stone. Despite being expensive relative to other materials, natural stone is the preferred choice. Undoubtedly, the costs incurred will pay off over time: having paid for the monument once, you will not have to spend additional funds on its restoration or premature replacement.

Which stone is most suitable for the conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region? In conditions of significant temperature fluctuations and high humidity, granite is the most trouble-free material: it does not require mandatory processing and cleaning, does not crack or fade in the sun, has a wide range of colors and a unique pattern. With a very limited budget, it is advisable to order a small typical granite monument with appropriate photoceramics and engraving.

Marble. Due to its plasticity, marble is easy to process, which determines the demand for this material in the manufacture of complex sculptures with detailed details. In addition, marble has a wide color spectrum and is especially valued among adherents of light colors. The disadvantages of marble include its relative fragility compared to granite, as well as the exactingness of regular maintenance. Marble is a porous material, so it must be cleaned carefully. Marble cannot be cleaned with ordinary household products. Even weak acids can destroy the structure of the stone, and the abrasives contained in the powders leave noticeable scratches. Marble also does not like acidic, greasy and coloring liquids (wine, vinegar, oil): these liquids can leave permanent stains on the surface.

In order for marble to please the eye for many years, it is necessary to purchase a special detergent for the care of natural stone and use it in combination with velvet. Stone care products have a reduced content of aggressive substances and do not contain abrasive elements.

Gabbro- a rock that is distinguished by a dark shade (black, dark green, spotted) and an interesting pattern. The main advantages of this material include strength and durability, as well as the contrast of engraving on a dark surface.

Diabase (dolerite)- strong and impact-resistant material of natural origin, dark gray or greenish-black. Compared to granite and marble, the cost of diabase monuments is much more affordable.

Serpentine (serpentinite)- a natural stone of rich green color with white spots and veins. The serpentine is distinguished by its original color and interesting pattern, unique to each field. Serpentinite has a small hardness, is easily processed and polished. The serpentine can be used both as the main stone and as separate elements of the monument.

labradorite- in addition to strength, it has an unusual pattern: due to the mineral composition, the stone shimmers like mother-of-pearl.

artificial materials. A more budgetary alternative to natural stone are synthetic materials based on stone chips and polymer resins. Such monuments are much lighter than their counterparts made of natural stone, which significantly reduces the risk of soil subsidence. On the other hand, when choosing such a tombstone, one should remember that within the next 8-10 years, all the inscriptions and drawings applied to it will disappear from the monument, and the tombstone itself will become noticeably lighter. In addition, cracks inevitably form at the inter-element joints, the appearance of which is invariably promoted by strong temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

Wood and metal. Wooden and metal monuments are usually a temporary headstone option until a permanent monument is erected. It is necessary to take into account the fact that metal and wooden monuments very quickly lose their aesthetic appeal: everyone is familiar with half-rotted or rust-eaten rickety crosses on unkempt graves.

tombstone design

Currently, the most popular form of monuments are vertically and horizontally oriented slabs. The tombstone can be installed both on one burial and on several graves. At the graves of military personnel, stone steles or obelisks are often installed.

Most companies offer to purchase both individual monuments and entire ritual complexes. The ritual (memorial complex) involves, in addition to the monument, the installation of a plinth, fence, table, bench and other elements made in the same style.

Photoceramics and other design elements

Currently, special printers are used to print portraits on ceramics. The automated printing method ensures 100% photo-likeness and excellent image quality.

Printers for ceramics are both laser (decal, decal) and inkjet. The main difference between these printers is the way the image is applied.

An inkjet printer prints an image on the surface of the monument, after which powder paint is applied and the entire product is fired in a muffle furnace. A laser (or decal) printer creates a special ceramic transfer image (decal), which is transferred to the monument, after which it is fired in a kiln.

In addition to photographic images, inscriptions are usually applied to the monuments. Engraving of inscriptions and drawings can be done both manually and mechanically. The most common modern engraving method - laser engraving - provides the most accurate transfer of the pattern.

  1. Save smart. When choosing between cheap material and the small size of a typical monument, lean towards the latter option. Even the simplest tombstone made of natural stone will look solid and dignified, which cannot be said about works made of artificial materials and low-grade stones. Choosing a cheap material, in the future you will spend a much larger amount ordering the cleaning of the monument, its restoration, updating the inscription and engraving. Special care should be taken with granites from China. If there is an opportunity for an equivalent choice, it is more expedient to choose a monument from a stone mined in Russia or Ukraine.
  2. When contacting a tombstone sales company, ask where these monuments were made. The minimum cost of tombstones is from their direct manufacturers. In addition, if the monuments are produced at the point of sale, this also reduces their cost - after all, the company does not spend extra money on their delivery to the store.
  3. A reputable company is ready to demonstrate its products "live", that is, it has a showroom. Be wary of companies that showcase their products only in catalogs.
  4. If you are not initially determined to spend a large amount on an exclusive copy, do not succumb to persuasion to order a monument according to an individual project. Large companies provide up to 100 types of standard headstones and several possible material options. Most likely, from this abundance you can choose what you like.
  5. There is a common myth that you can save a lot on a monument by buying a plate from one manufacturer and ordering engraving and photoceramics elsewhere - where it is cheaper. Do not forget that in this case, the double transportation of the monument and the services of movers will also cost you a certain amount.
  6. Do not rush with the manufacture and installation of the monument. The term of one year from the day of the funeral was not invented by chance: after four seasons with their different weather conditions, the soil becomes compacted and actually acquires its natural structure. In such conditions, the probability of a successful installation of the monument, i.e. even arrangement of all elements without the risk of subsidence, tends to 100%. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of falling and subsidence of the monument, it is also necessary to remember that tombstones are installed in warm, dry weather.

Related Documents

The purchase of a monument is accompanied by the execution of certain documentation. In particular, a standard contract for the manufacture of a tombstone is concluded between the customer and the contractor, which indicates: the cost of the monument (the cost of material and work), the timing of the manufacture of the monument and payment for the order, the obligations of the parties, warranty obligations, the possibility of storing the monument before installation and other items provided for seller company. A receipt of payment and a sales receipt are attached to the contract.

Want to order a monument but don't know what material, granite or marble?

Granite or marble- what stone better For making a monument?

Let's see which material is more suitable for our climate.

European monuments on the grave:

Deciding on the choice in a ritual office or workshop to order a monument made of granite or marble, many decide in favor of natural stones for monuments. Most often this granite or marble. Both of these materials are great for making a monument and have a number of significant advantages over cheaper options. However, these monument stones are very different from each other. Therefore, before ordering a tombstone, you need to understand what their differences are. If you want to buy a monument made of granite or marble, be sure to contact the professionals.

When it comes to setting up a monument - reliable and durable, and therefore, made of natural stone - two eternally competing materials enter the arena - marble and granite. And here it begins, which one is more beautiful, stronger, more reliable and (which is important, by the way) more noble.

It is almost impossible to find information on the net, which is still better and more preferable, marble or granite. Not because she doesn't exist. On the contrary, it is there and in abundance. But because each seller (and you can pay attention that articles of similar content are located just on the websites of sellers of similar products) praises exactly the stone that he needs to sell to his reader. What kind of objectivity is there if the information in different, at first glance, authoritative sources is absolutely contradictory? Here they say granite is better, there - marble. Here they will tell that granite is more expensive, they say the same thing about marble. In general, we decided to put everything together and make (perhaps for the first time in the history of the Internet) the most unbiased analysis, clarifying not only the difference between marble and granite, but also the practical value of each of them.


Granite- this is a mountain igneous rock;

Marble is a metamorphic rock.

Here is such a difference. It means that both stones are natural rock. Marble is not pressed shells, as granite sellers claim, and granite, in turn, is not quartz, although to some extent the latter is contained in stone. Both materials are natural and natural, both contain natural impurities, and their specific composition and characteristics depend on the deposit.

Monument to the grave, which is better from granite or marble?

Go ahead. Density. Granite is indeed harder and therefore stronger than marble. On the one hand, this characteristic does not allow craftsmen to carve small details from such a hard stone and create truly masterpiece sculptures, like from marble. But on the other hand, in combination with some other features (which will be discussed below), this makes granite more durable.


Speaking of durability. In several places I have seen that a granite monument will stand without changes for about 600 years, and a marble monument for about 150. Yes, the difference is noticeable. But let's be clear. When we lose someone close, we erect a monument not for posterity and not even for the deceased. This is what we need first. We pay the last debt, we keep the last refuge of a dear relative clean and tidy, we arrange wakes and farewells - all this maintains a broken connection in us and gives at least some consolation. Therefore, answer the question: which is better - 600 or 150 years? As far as I'm concerned, there isn't much of a difference. 150 years is, of course, not 600, but in comparison with several dozens that monuments made of synthetic materials are “capable of”, this is very, very worthy.

Now let's figure it out What is more expensive - granite or marble? But we will not be able to understand the difference in cost, because the very formulation of the question is incorrect. The fact is that it is possible to distinguish the value, and as a result, the price of one or another stone in comparison with another, only taking into account its deposit, type and method of extraction. Add here the pricing policy of the seller from whom you purchase the monument. So, Italian marble of an elite type will naturally come out more expensive than some Chinese granite. Conversely, high-end, expensive granite will outsell low-quality marble from Egypt. So my advice to you is not to be guided by a stone, but by your own financial capabilities.

And finally, let's remember a few myths about marble and granite, which are skillfully operated by sellers of monuments:

  1. Granite is radioactive and dangerous. This is the favorite “horror story” of marble fans. In fact, any natural stone has a certain radioactive background, which is absolutely safe for humans. In the case of granite, it all depends on the place where it was mined. Each deposit, before receiving official permission to extract raw materials from it, undergoes a mandatory radiation test. And if you buy certified products, then there is nothing to be afraid of. The only danger that granite can pose to a person can happen if you drop a monument on someone's foot.
  2. Marble stains and turns yellow. Everything gets stained if you don't take care of it. This stone is indeed less resistant to weather conditions than granite, and may suffer more externally. But I assure you, if you look after the monument, at least occasionally wiping it, then even after many years it will be almost impossible to distinguish it from a new one.
  3. Only primitive forms can be made from granite. And pass again. Of course, rectangles work best for granite, but even if not so detailed, beautiful compositions are still obtained from this stone. I saw granite angels, and all sorts of flowers, and draperies. Of course, in marble it would be more thoroughly executed, but, believe me, granite looks very dignified.
  4. The marble is moldy. Unfortunately, this happens. But not only with marble, but with any stone, if it has microscopic cracks. It's a pity, but this moment is not particularly predictable. The only way to reinsure yourself is to inquire about the method of extracting raw materials for the monument. If an explosion was used, then the stone will “bloom”, as if covered with a greenish film. If the raw material is cut out, then there is nothing to worry about.

Summarize: my friends, choose the material that you like best. Perhaps, in memory of a young innocent girl, gentle, white marble is more suitable, and a strict and restrained man will be adequately commemorated with a granite monument. One way or another, both granite and marble are a good and justified choice ....

You can order a monument made of granite or marble by phone: +7 499 391 59 04 ; +7 916 099 92 88

Immediately after the funeral, a cross is placed on the grave hill with a tablet on which the full name and dates of life and death are written. The monument, at the request of relatives, is erected in a year, when the soil settles. The cemetery administration determines the time of the year when monuments are allowed to be erected. Usually it is 5 months from May 15 to October 15. The main condition is that the earth is soft and not frozen. The monument is installed in good weather without rain.

In order to replace a tombstone with a monument, it is necessary to submit an application to the cemetery administration on the basis of a death certificate. This application can only be submitted by someone who was appointed responsible for the burial at the funeral, and accordingly, has a certificate of construction of the tombstone in his hands.

To obtain permission to install a monument, you will need to provide the administration with a passport, a certificate of construction of a tombstone, an agreement with a receipt for payment, which indicates that you ordered a monument or fence, and you will also need to write an application.

Usually the administration of the cemetery itself is responsible for the installation of monuments. However, you can also apply that you want to do the installation yourself. It should be understood that monuments, flower beds, fences are your personal property and the administration is not responsible for their damage.

Before erecting a monument, ask the administration about rules, which may include the fact that the monument should not interfere with and block access to other graves, it should contain reliable information, correct dates and full names. By law, one large monument cannot be used for 3, say, related graves, as confusion can occur. Part of the monument should not protrude beyond the boundaries of the site, and its size, for example, in some cemeteries, is regulated by no more than two meters in height.

The same rules apply to fences. Not all cemeteries can be fenced at all, for those that can, you first need to submit a written application. The fence should not block access to other graves, the size of the fence should correspond to the size of the site, on average in height - 0.5 meters, the use of sharp peaks is prohibited.

Which monument to choose?

Photo on metal on a cross: For a temporary monument, as a rule, a wooden cross with a sign is placed. Sometimes relatives order a photo on metal for a temporary monument. This photo is no different from photoceramics, except that it has a cavity in the back, in order to easily attach to a wooden cross. However, as a rule, this is a temporary option until the main monument is installed:
For a permanent monument, people traditionally choose between marble and granite. Marble is cheaper, granite is more expensive.

marble monument light color, and therefore they do not engrave on it, that is, the master will not be able to transfer the image itself and the inscriptions directly to the stone, as it will be hard to see. Not some still knock out a portrait on a light stone:

Therefore, most often additional granite slabs are attached to the monument, where inscriptions or images are already knocked out (in the center there is a circle of granite):

Or they use photoceramics, gluing an oval color photograph to the monument:

Although marble is rare black color, however, it is with pronounced white patches:

Marble is a more malleable material, stunning statues, monuments, and sculptures are made from it. In any case, marble is more suitable for decorative elements, for example, you can make such a cross from it, as you can see, a granite plate was added below to leave an inscription, we decided not to take a photo:

To add a photo to a marble monument, you can use any photo sealed in glass:

Due to its malleability and relative softness, marble is inferior to granite in terms of durability, under the onslaught of nature, the inscriptions become discolored, the color of the stone fades, small cracks may appear, in addition, light-colored monuments get dirty faster. At least once every 5 years, you need to call the master to renew the protective layer on the monument and, if necessary, restore it.

Granite is a more resistant material, but complex sculptural works are practically not made from it, often marble and granite are combined together in one monument. Granite has a lot of types and colors from yellow to red. However, for portraits painted on the stone itself, only black colors are used, for the rest, as well as for marble, inserts will have to be used.

Karelian and Australian gabbro-diabase are considered the best, Ukrainian is cheaper, but of lower quality. In any case, the agency will prompt you and select a monument depending on what you want to do with it: an image, an inscription, or it will be a sculpture.

If you want to the image or inscriptions were directly on the stone, then you need to take black granite. Previously, artists transferred the image onto black granite. This process is difficult, but high-quality. The artist puts his soul into the image, the images are obtained as if they were alive.

In addition, with personal tapping with knitting needles, the image is stable and reliable. Today, more and more funeral companies are purchasing so-called engraving machines, in which case all that is needed is to put a photo in the printer, and the machine itself will “knock” and knock out a portrait on granite. After the machine knocks out the portrait, the stone with the image is transferred to the engraver, who completes and completes the areas that have not been broken through, in general, brings the portrait to the desired state.

In addition to the photograph itself, what the deceased loved is often depicted on the back of the granite. For example, an artist will be able to carve a car, a summer garden, the sea, and much more. Therefore, if you want a truly high-quality image on the monument, still find a ritual agency with real artists who can transfer the image to the monument as if it were alive.

Before ordering an image on granite see portfolio artists:

Each artist is individual and sees and transfers the image to the monument in his own way. Color images are obtained by applying special paint to the monument, after direct engraving. As for the design itself, it can be anything, only you decide what shape, size, material the monument will be. It can be in the shape of a heart, a cross, a stele, and many other shapes.

In any case, contacting a ritual agency, they will help you choose something to your liking. However, remember that natural stone is always more expensive than artificial, the work of an artist is more expensive than the work of an automatic machine.

Advice. Choose your granite carefully. Any granite monument Not pure black, if you look closely at it, it has a grainy structure, these blotches affect the work of artists. Imagine that exactly in the place where the pupil of the eye should be located, there is a bright spot, and if there are a lot of such spots, then the image may turn out a little worse than if there were fewer blotches. However, an experienced artist will always be able to draw a portrait, although it will be harder for him to do it on such a stone.

Conclusion. To begin with, decide whether you want the deceased to be depicted on the monument. Then choose how exactly you want to transfer the image to the monument: photoceramics, a portrait in glass, an artist or a machine will draw on the monument itself.

For example, if you want to use a photo in glass, then you do not have to choose black granite, you can choose a monument of any color, because the photo of the deceased will simply be built into the stone. For non-black granite monuments, workshops, as a rule, make special inscriptions that are not knocked out on the stone itself, but, as it were, glued to it.

Be sure to ask how it will look! It is not uncommon when, out of ignorance, people order engraving of inscriptions or even a portrait on light marble or other stones not intended for this. It comes out cheaper, but looks like white on white.

Also ask what technology for applying the image to choose? For example, you want to order photoceramics. The decal is more resistant, of high quality and more expensive, while the Thermal Transfer is cheaper, it is made faster, but of lower quality and is more suitable as a temporary option for a cross.

In addition, there are different types of ceramics: Slip-cast ceramics - cheaper and of lower quality, Dry-pressed ceramics - more expensive, but of high quality. And Porcelain Stoneware, which is perfect for accommodating a large portrait.

Compare both options and choose the one that's right for you. Remember that photoceramics can be of any shape and size, from a standard oval to a rectangle. The technology of drawing an image on the monument itself is called engraving, it can be of two types: manual - when the artist knocks out the image and automatic, when the machine does it. It is believed that images made by hand are more resistant and durable.

Questions and answers:

The portrait on the monument does not look like:

Perhaps you gave too small a photo and the artist brought out what is shown in the photo, but in real life the person looked a little different. In any case, before the artist's work began, you should have been shown an enlarged image, and shown what the result would be. If the image is very different from what was shown to you, you can order the grinding of the monument to redraw the image or use another method of applying the image, such as photoceramics.

In practice, there are often dissatisfied customers who do not like the image, which is exactly like in the photo, but relatives say that in life a person is completely different than in the photo. But the artist simply cannot know what kind of person he was during his lifetime, so you should not expect anything beyond a miracle from him. The image is exactly the same as in the photo, only in black and white.

How to take a photo from a monument?

If this is photoceramics, then, as a rule, it is tightly glued to the monument. However, you can try to carefully pierce the portrait along the edges with a chisel and a hammer. Be prepared for the fact that the photoceramic product will crack and become unusable.

How to transfer a photo to a monument with your own hands?

If you are not an artist, then no way. Even if you know how to draw portraits, you will need special equipment: knitting needles, an engraving machine or a photoceramic oven. However, it happens that people themselves knock out inscriptions on the stone and decorate it themselves:

What is the name of the memorial photo?

So they call it, a photograph on a monument. You can often find names - engraving a portrait on a monument or photoceramics on a monument.

Caring for granite and marble monuments

Granite. Granite has one unpleasant moment, it literally absorbs fat, which means that all your fingers can be imprinted on it. If this happens, then it is problematic to clean the monument, but the plus is that within a month a small stain will evaporate by itself.

If the stain needs to be removed, then you can use soda. Apply a teaspoon of baking soda and water to the grease stain until the baking soda resembles yogurt. When the solution dries (about a day), just wipe it off.

To clean a granite monument from dust and dirt, you can use special products purchased at the store, as well as use an ordinary soft cloth dipped in warm water. Sometimes a mild soap solution is used.

Do not use household chemicals that you wash the kitchen with! After cleaning the monument, it is wiped with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left. Advice: special napkins for stones are sold in stores, I took it out and wiped everything clean and no streaks.

If there are cracks on the granite, even small ones must be covered with a special putty for the stone. If this is not done, then in winter, moisture during freezing can contribute to the destruction of the stone. If you notice that drops when hit on the monument are not collected in balls, then it's time to update the protective layer of the monument. To do this, after cleaning with soapy water, apply a special agent (most often it is a spray) and let the sealant soak in for about 15 minutes. Remove excess sealant with a dry cloth after 15 minutes.

If paint has got on the granite, it is better to purchase a special stone solvent. It is not recommended to restore inscriptions and portraits on monuments on your own, for this you need to turn to professionals.

Marble. Marble is cheaper and therefore more problematic material. As a rule, even in the workshop, light and black marble is covered with a special composition that prevents pollution and fading in the sun. Marble does not tolerate moisture and high temperatures. The rag does not need to be soaked in water when wiping. Care must be taken with the candle not bringing it too close for a long time.

As well as on granite, greasy fingerprints can remain on marble, it is better not to touch the monument once again, or to do it with gloves. When cleaning a marble monument, as a rule, a simple soft cloth or sponge soaked in warm water is dispensed with. If necessary, use either special marble cleaners or low pH detergents.

Ordinary detergents can harm the monument. After cleaning the monument and letting it dry, apply a protective agent and wait until it is absorbed. After that, an anti-fading agent is applied (if the marble is colored). Then a special water-repellent composition is applied. To protect the inscriptions, you can use a special emulsion to protect the engraving.

Remember, if you have a vase installed, then before winter you need to pour out the accumulated water from it.

If the appearance of your monument no longer pleases you, if it has lost its color, cracks have appeared on it, the image and the inscription have begun to be rubbed out over time, then it is better to contact specialists who will carry out all the necessary procedures to restore the monument and give it the best appearance. Typically, such services are ordered once every 5 years.

What to do with the cross after the installation of the monument?

In fact, there are not many options here:

1. Leave a wooden cross next to the monument. Some people honor traditions and believe that the cross must be on the grave, especially if the cross is not depicted on the monument itself.

2. Ask the workers who install the monument to pick up the cross or ask where it can be taken. For example, in the temple, which is located next to the cemetery.

3. Bury the cross in the headstone of the grave.

4. Give the cross to a poor, needy family for a funeral.

5. Burn the cross if it was wooden. In no case should you throw the cross into the trash can next to the cemetery, and the cross should not be sold.

What to write on the monument?

On the monument, in addition to the full name, surname, patronymic, date of birth and death, people sometimes want to write an epitaph. epitaph these are words of condolence, for example: We remember, we love, we mourn.

The monument serves us so that we remember. At the end of the epitaph, many ask to depict a rose, or other flowers. The text of the epitaph can be invented by the relatives themselves, or taken from the network. Usually this is a phrase that expresses the feelings of the mourners or speaks of achievements - the good qualities of the deceased. However, nothing forbids you to use any phrase that you want to see on the grave of a dear person, such as your poems.

It must be remembered that if the text is large, then you need to say in advance that you want to place an epitaph. Since a photograph is placed on the monument first, then the full name, then the date of birth and date of death, and only then the epitaph, and if there is a desire and a place, then a rosette can be added at the end. If desired, or if there is no place in front, kind words can be placed on the reverse side of the monument, or a three-dimensional image can be made on the reverse side.

How to choose a photo for a monument?

If the photo is simply placed in sealed glass and fixed to the monument, then any photo that you like. However, most often a photograph will be needed to transfer the image to ceramics, or to the stone itself. Earlier for photoceramics preferred to use black and white photographs, but today color photographs, thanks to special solutions, do not fade in the sun. Photoceramic images are usually small in size, oval-shaped, and therefore the photographic requirements are lower. Important so that the face in the photo is large. The more photos you have to enlarge, the more the photo will lose quality. You also need to understand that old photos printed on matte paper are very grainy. If possible it is better to use a glossy photo.

Engraving. When engraving, the size of the photo is also very important. If the photo, when enlarged, does not show, for example, a detail of the eye, then the artist (if the artist draws) will have to finish the eyes himself. Imagine yourself that you give a photo 3 by 4, and it is enlarged to A4 format in order to transfer it to the monument. Of course, in this case, the image loses quality.

The larger and clearer the image of the face, the easier it is for the artist to portray an accurate portrait.

There are difficult cases when the artist is brought a small, worn passport photo, since there are simply no other photographs. Then, in addition to an enlarged copy, the artist uses a magnifying glass, peers into the small details of the face and redraws (knocks out) these details on the monument. However, in this case, and in all other cases, when the photo is too small and the details are very poorly visible, the artist does not guarantee 100% similarity with the original, but the similarity with a small photo is guaranteed.

Many workshops for the production of images for the monument know how to use Photoshop and retouching.

Should I portray a man in a hat?

For some reason, this is considered bad manners, but if a person has worn a cap all his life, loved it very much and in almost all the photographs he is wearing it, then why not portray him in his favorite cap? However, some ask to remove the headgear using Photoshop.

What age to portray a person?

Any one you want. There are no religious and ethical considerations on this issue. There are people who consider and depict on the monument the photo closest in time to death, and someone believes that it is possible to depict an old person younger when he was still in his prime.

Conclusion: Use photos that clearly show the face and fine details of the face. The bigger the photo, the better. Use a glossy photo if possible. In the workshop, they will help you choose a photo, you can select and take the best pictures of the deceased with you. As a rule, they will immediately print a photo enlarged to A4 format in front of you, so that you can see what happens in the end.

Choosing a tombstone for a grave is not an easy question, especially for those who have never dealt with it before. Do not rush into such an important matter. After all, a properly chosen tombstone will help perpetuate the memory of the deceased - this is the most that we can do for him.

How to choose the right material

The creation and installation of a monument to the deceased is not an easy and time-consuming task. In cemeteries, you can see a variety of types and forms of tombstones. There are a wide variety of materials from which tombstones can be made:

  1. A piece of natural stone.
  2. Wrought iron and bronze.
  3. polymer granite.
  4. Granite.
  5. Marble of various grades.

Most often, monuments are made of marble or granite. A distinctive feature of granite is its high durability. It is better to consult with a specialist when choosing a tombstone made from this material.

Features of the choice of tombstones for the deceased of a different faith

Religious beliefs are a very delicate issue that requires a special approach and very careful attention. It is important to remember this not only during the life of a believer, but also when paying tribute to him.

In particular, it is strictly forbidden to install sculptures on the grave of the followers of Islam. It is also forbidden to establish mazars - from the point of view of the Muslim religion, this is wasteful and cannot help the deceased in any way.

Understanding the correct installation of tombstones on the graves of people of other nationalities and religions helps to avoid conflict situations. There should not be photographs on the stone - you can only perpetuate the name of the deceased.

Which headstone is better to choose for the parent's grave

Very often, married couples who have lived for many years in harmony and understanding ask to be buried close to each other. This tradition has existed for many centuries among different peoples. So you can fulfill the last will of your parents and express your respect and respect to them.

Paired monuments are very widespread in our time and have a number of advantages:

  1. This requires less financial outlay.
  2. Graves have a very aesthetic appearance - two tombstones will look less aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Thanks to such a monument, you can save on the area of ​​​​the site, which, as a rule, is very limited.

A standard site for a double burial occupies about 5 square meters. meters. Placing two tombstones on such a limited area will not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, there will be no room at all for planting trees or installing a bench. A paired structure will avoid all these difficulties and pay tribute to your departed parents.

Monument installation technique

Any photo can be placed on the tombstone. However, religious and cultural traditions should be taken into account here.

It is necessary to choose a monument for installation taking into account the own financial capabilities and preferences of the deceased. After the choice of this or that model of a monument has been made, it is necessary to decide on terms of installation. It is not very desirable to do this immediately after the funeral has taken place. It is recommended to wait at least one year. During this period, the soil on the grave will settle and compact, and the monument is guaranteed not to fall or squint.

The season of the year has a great influence on the correct installation of the tombstone. It is strongly not recommended to do this in winter at low soil and air temperatures. At this time, the ground is very damp and freezes.

Therefore, the quality of the installation of the monument cannot be reliable. However, after the funeral has passed, it is also impossible to leave the grave empty. In this situation, a temporary simple wooden cross may be the way out.

A plate must be fixed on it, on which data about a person is indicated - his name and surname, date of birth and death. Over the next year, you can decide on the choice of a monument, based on your own preferences and capabilities, or guided by recommendations and reviews.

Choosing a monument to the deceased is not an easy task. In this case, you can be guided by the opinion of specialists and take into account religious and cultural characteristics.

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