“I sit high, I look far away.” Big races…


Yuri Moroz

TRUTH in the theses.

Part one.

Reading this book is dangerous

for your outlook!

You can place this book on sites on the Internet and quote in Internet mailing lists with a mandatory link to sites www.moroz.onego.ru and www.shsd.ru Yuri Moroz

Preface. Finally!

Finally! Finally I got to you, dear reader! I immediately warn you that we Long hands. Who we have, you (nothing that I'm so friendly right away?) Will know in the near future. In addition, we also have far-reaching plans for you, reader.

Why did I jump on you like that? Well, it's for humanitarian purposes only. So that you immediately throw this book away from you - like a poisonous snake. And if you didn’t reject it, then you realize that you take on all the responsibility and, being clear in your mind and with a firm memory, you foresee all the consequences.

As you know, miraculous medicines are made from snake venom, and this book will cure you, the reader, of many stupidities, delusions, and, in general, of dementia in the broadest sense of the word.

If someone looks into this book over your shoulder, you can tell this person that he, too, will be cured. :)

A strange sign consisting of a colon and brackets then - means a smile. If you turn the book 90 degrees clockwise - (not too complicated instructions?) - you can see this very smiling face. I will often use this same smile in the text, warning that the author is joking here. Just in case. :)

Many years ago, almost six years ago, I wrote another book called "Business. A Manual for Geniuses." . In the very first edition, it was even called "Business. A manual for the feeble-minded" - but then I felt sorry for the readers. :)

So, in that first book of mine, when I was still an inexperienced writer, :) I promised to destroy the foundation of the reader’s worldview, and although I was still completely inexperienced then, I know many cases when the reader quit the JOB after reading only half of the book.

Here I hope for more. Well, what is so special - a man quit his job - he created his Business from scratch. Who in our time can be surprised by this? But go FURTHER! This is already serious.

The word WORK, by the way, has the same root as the word SLAB. And as you know, millions of people trudge to work in the morning - forced to work to get their daily bread. Ugliness! Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight - Bitter, it seems. And not for work!

Job, you quit, of course, this is not a question. Here I will help you. To begin with, you need to free yourself from the boss - for it is unworthy for a person to have a boss for himself.

And after that, you need to get rid of people who personify the mind, honor and conscience of our era. I mean the deputies of the State Duma.

They are the smartest, and therefore they issue laws that determine what others should do. They are the most honest, and therefore they write in the laws as if they were honest. They are the most conscientious, and therefore they replace conscience with the help of laws.

Ancient people lived primitively, well, one will say there ancient man to another, - "well, what are you, Vasya, don't take someone else's skin or club - it's not fair."

And now everything is different, progress - you don’t know if, you can take something from someone else or not, look into the law - everything is written about it there.

So, the bosses are needed to tell you what to do - for, for some reason, you yourself do not know this, but the deputies - to teach you not to take someone else's. They are the best at this. I think, put a smile here, or the reader will figure it out himself?

But we digress. I'm writing the preface here!

So, the task of this book is simple, like all ingenious. By the end of the book, I take on socialist obligations, not capitalist ones, :) to teach the reader to do without bosses and without external conscience and honor, and of course, an external mind. Let's get by with the built-in ones!

How is the task accepted? Then I invite the reader to co-authors. I will write thoughts here - and it is up to the reader to agree if he agrees, and to argue if he does not agree.

But I only ask you very much: there is no need to argue boringly. There is no need to repeat arguments that are banal, worn out and beaten. Half to death. :)

If the argument that you want to solemnly present to me is known to your retired grandmother, school teacher and lawyer from the city hall, then it is known to me. :)

And if this argument is known to me, then I assure you that I have a simply brilliant answer to it! And I will tell you this answer. In the meantime, I will answer the question that prevents you from thinking and understanding what has already been written for several paragraphs: what am I talking about?

This will be a special code for you and me. If I switched to "You", then I'm luring, :) and if I speak to "You", then I warn you. Did I warn you above? - warned! Well, everything.

So, as Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev said: the goals have been set, the tasks have been defined - get to work, comrades!


This book belongs to a genre unknown to me. Because I don't know about genres. :) Yes, and I do not want to understand.

As Kozma Prutkov said, a specialist is like a flux. Not to the flux that they solder, but to the flux that jumps up on the cheek. Extremely nasty stuff. Kozma Prutkov did not like specialists - oh, he did not like them. And I don't like.

First, the experts are being clever. Secondly, they like to pronounce a lot of incomprehensible words, and thirdly, these specialists are narrow! And fourthly, they do not know how to do without an employer. A flock of sheep, they say, without a shepherd, tramples the pasture and then dies of hunger, because they don’t have enough mind to move to another pasture, but experts ...

People, of course, they are good, women are congratulated on the Eighth of March, but there is not enough convolution in their head to do without an Employer.

Well, what the hell is this employer needed? This is usually a very unpleasant type who wants to profit from specialists, giving them all sorts of idiotic tasks - not understanding anything about what he gives tasks for, and even manages to make a profit on this from kind, disinterested and smart specialists.

It's not fair! Specialists deserve MORE! Well, what's the point for all philologists to study all sorts of genres or what philologists study there, and then, disgustedly delve into various, ashamed to say, works, people - who unceremoniously call themselves authors ?!

What difference does it make what genre? At least call it a pot - the goal set, then we will achieve it!

Quit your job, become your own boss, and then you will thank me again. Like, thank you, Yura, for your concern, for writing this thing of an unknown genre.

Understand the genres. Why am I writing a book? You can say that I have something to say to people, but this is not the whole truth. I like this business - to save people from delusions. You still don't know what...

Truth is one.

Now I'll tell you. Truth is one! Did you know? Now I will explain why.

Let's say there are two truths. Allowed. Now, tell me, is the statement that there are two truths true, huh? True. Where is the second statement? Also true, what is true, for example, three or even five pieces? But no!

And if there are two such statements, then how many truths are there in fact? Confused? Here I am too. If there are two or more truths, a mess will begin, that's what I'll tell you.

Then, suppose that in some life situation there are two true ways of behaving. How to choose?

Do you know about Buridan's donkey - in which armfuls of hay lay on the left and right at the same distance from the muzzle? So die, poor thing! And you, too, will be sorry if you start choosing one of the two exits. Moreover, when both outputs are correct.

Well, why the hell do you and I have two ways out of the situation - if one is ENOUGH? On what? Are you going to leave through two exits at once? Through one!

As one smart guy said - do not multiply entities beyond necessity. His name was Occam and he had a razor. He waved the razor and cut off all unnecessary entities.

But it is, of course, artistic hyperbole. In fact, there was no need to brandish the razor, because from the day the world was founded and in the distant future, there was not and will not be a single superfluous entity either.

This is simply impossible. It seems like extra numbers in the number series. Where are they going to get extra?

So there is only one truth. Convinced? Let's take this as a working hypothesis for now, and later I will find something to say to you about this.

In vain they agreed so easily, by the way, because this thesis that there is only one truth is a terrible weapon in skillful hands. Now I will use this thesis in such a way that Occam will weep with envy.

Ready? Do you know the well-known desire of millions of honest citizens to express their opinion? You know.

And what does it mean if we launch the thesis here like a pike into a pond? But it turns out that at best, ONE opinion is true, and the rest are nonsense in vegetable oil, to say the least.

But I'll tell you more, it's even worse. In the overwhelming majority of cases, among these very opinions of their own, there was no truth at all!

Truth has a wonderful property to immediately stop any exchange of opinions.

Remember - as Christ said? "Whoever is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone." And the people began to quietly and bashfully disperse. Here is a perfect example of the truth.

Of course, to whom God gave ... actually EVERYONE. He gave to everyone. But not everyone uses it at least somehow, and even more so to the fullest. What did he give? Yes, talent.

Remember how one slave multiplied his talent, and another dug into the ground and was thrown into the darkness, where the gnashing of teeth.

In general, I will also tell you the truth. The truth may not be so short form. Although I'm sorry. Maybe I’ll say something, and I’ll even say it for sure - briefly, beautifully and aphoristically.

What good is the truth - that it does not need to be proven. She is obvious. That is, it is visible to the eye.

Are you ready to know the truth? You will know the truth and it will set you free. I don't remember where it came from, but it's well said and true.

What is truth? Christ remained silent in response to this question of Pontius Pilate. I won't say anything. But I will give you the answer to this question a little later. If you will. And if you do not allow, then also a little later. :)

And Christ did not say that there is truth, Pontius Pilate, it is clear why. Don't cast beads...

So, if you are ready to know the truth, or rather, start the path to its knowledge, are you not afraid of the truth, including the bitter one about yourself, do you want to become free and want to get rid of your delusions and find out what they are? Then - GO!

I sit high - I look far away.

Osho has such a parable. In my retelling. A man is sitting on a tree and shouting to a friend who is sitting under a tree - look, a wagon is driving over there. The one who sits under the tree answers: there is no wagon there. Well, of course, - argues the one that is on the tree - a wagon, hay is being carried, a driver in a red shirt is sitting in front.

I don’t see anything, - the one who sits below answers, - there is no wagon - don’t invent it. Well, climb up and see for yourself ... - I won't climb anywhere, you prove it to me. :)

Do you need a moral? If you want to know what I know, then you will have to go where I sit, there is no other way to be sure.

As Lenin said, practice is the criterion of truth. Not reasoning. And practice is such a thing that you can’t bring it to a doubter on a cart and you can’t dump it under the feet of a doubter.

The doubter should do the practice - but how should he do it - if he doubts? But like this. Eyes are afraid - but hands do. Doubt can only be overcome with determination.

If you have several options for what to do, then you can be sure that all but one are delusions, and this one, most likely, is too. :) So what, since all this is a delusion, then do nothing? No, do it. Take and check every misconception on the tooth.

And practice will save you from delusions. And if the truth comes across, where will it go? Practice will show that this is the truth.

In an application to creating your own business from scratch, it looks like this. If you have several options - choose the one that requires the least cost - it is closest to the truth. And you just need to find such an option - which allows you to start immediately. All who demand to wait are wrong!

That version of the beginning, which can be started to be implemented immediately, is a candidate for truth, but practice will show whether this is so.

And since at one point in time - and immediately you can do only one thing, then as soon as you have an idea that you can start implementing immediately, start right away. You don't need more ideas. One at a time is enough.

Yes, don't listen to the experts. All their arguments boil down to what needs to be postponed. They are well-known dynamites, these specialists. By the way, the more a person is a dynamo, the further he is from the truth.

Smart people live by the principle: now or never. Stupid: then or never. And as soon as it comes later, then the stupid again apply their universal principle- then or never. And again, everything is postponed until later. And again, and again...

When in doubt, choosing from several options - it is better to cast lots - than to postpone.

Yes, keep in mind that I'm talking about cost-free projects. If the project requires costs and you have the opportunity to bear these costs, think again.

There is no need to rush here. Surely there is an opportunity to do it cheaper. But here's how you found an option that requires zero costs - act immediately.

But we deviated, it seems? Where I sit is the scene of action. The place where the majority sits is the place of reasoning and doubt.

By the way, I beg you: take care environment Don't spread your toxic doubts around. Doubts are already around, like exhaust gases on the main street of a large city.

Better give people your confidence - your faith in yourself and in others, your knowledge that a person can do anything. And if you don't know that, then find out. Having checked it personally.

There is no lack of doubt in the world. And it wasn't. There is an excess. Therefore, it is better to try to keep these doubts in yourself.

I set myself the task of instilling self-confidence in you. As one of my acquaintances said, such things are transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, only through personal contact - but I will prove to you that this is not so.

Confidence is perfectly conveyed through the text, combinations of letters, if the author has self-confidence and talent as well. Also the author. :)

I have a talent. Why do I say this so confidently? Because I know what talent is. Here you know? Most likely no. Therefore, you cannot determine whether you have talent or not. And I know what talent is and I can define it.

Now I will teach you. Talent is just the ability to see the essence of things and the ability to show it to others. Understandably? :)

And what is the essence of things, you know? Also no. Now I will tell you this. The essence of things is their purpose. The answer to the question is why. Elementary Watson.

And here's another bear. Well, this one was completely different, he lived by the rules, he kept the whole neighborhood as it should be, no one dared to breathe, but they respected him - wow! It used to be that he was lying in his lair, and just wanted to sneeze, and already throughout the forest they were shouting:
- Be healthy!
That's how he lived! And suddenly this tear came to him, he said:
- Call me Mashenka ...
O! Masha! And the next day she said that Lucy, and the day after tomorrow - Valya.
In gave! Well, what her real name is, we'll find out later. And in general, about everything, about this fifa, about the tear. But I digress. In short, this same tear-off fills up to him in the lair, says:
- My name is Mashenka, I got lost. I don’t know the way back, I will now live with you.
That's what she thought! And he, the fool, was seduced. Well, not quite a fool: this tear-off was smooth in appearance, all of himself was so pneumatic, then, again, businesslike - oatmeal she quickly boiled it, filled it with honey, then the bastard takes out of her purse, for a bear, a hundred, two fingers, well, they clinked glasses, oh, she says, I’m wandering, wandering ...
And stayed! It became good for the bear: three times a day he had hot and hearty meals on the table, then the floors gleamed, there were geraniums on the windowsill, not a single fly, but there were five varieties of liqueurs in the buffet. And in general, you understand! But there was something else too. Here, let's say, such orders: until you wash your feet, do not go to bed. She said:
- You smell bad.
The bear began to wash his feet at bedtime, in the morning he began to brush his teeth, began to walk with a handkerchief, and much more. Well, he endured it. Also, she's jealous! Only, it used to be that a bear would gather in an apiary or somewhere else, say, in a raspberry forest, immediately hears - he yells wildly:
- Stop, don't go, you can't! I sit high, I look far!
And for sure: he will climb a pine tree, he looks so that he does not run away, so that he does not get lost with any fox. Well, baba! It's a shame, disgusting to the bear. Although, on the other hand, he is happy somewhere - that's, they say, how desirable I am for her, that's how she dries for me! So he forgave her. It happened, sometimes even on purpose, as if secretly turning into a plot, and immediately op:
- Stop! I sit high, I look far!
And he is happy.
But there was trouble, so trouble! As soon as the bear falls asleep, as soon as he starts to snore, she immediately pushes him, pinches, scratches, hisses:
- Shh! Quiet! Don't snore!
How is it? And, most importantly, why? Snoring is strength, it is power, and in general, when a bear snores, then everyone knows that everything is fine, calm and in order in the forest. Well, snoring makes you sleep better. And here…
Wow, damn it! Well, in short, I got it. A gloomy bear walks, without sleeping, whoever he meets, he will bully. He walks, walks, will return home, eat, wash his feet, lie down ... And already this tear is neither joy nor sweetness, but he thinks of only one thing: oh, he would burrow, snoring properly, so that the leaves fall over the oaks! Well…
Well, yes! He started. And he started like this: first he asked what he could, about grandfather, about grandmother, then what kind of village, where, like hayfields, how is the harvest (hay to a damn thing and harvest to a damn thing!), And then had a hearty dinner, and after legs with pumice washed, scrubbed, then lay down, then everything was as it should be, then she sag-sis - sniffs in two holes ...
And he does not sleep! And he got up quietly and, as he was in slippers, dive into the door - and my legs are my legs! He runs and thinks: sleep, swallow, sleep, rest, now I will not disturb your sleep! Well, he runs himself, runs, runs, keeps his way through the stars ...
And ran out to the torn village. Look, there’s already her house, and the light is on in the house, well, the bear thinks, it’s fun, they don’t sleep, so, he thinks, I’ll run in, I’ll fall at my feet, I’ll beg, they say, take it away, I’ll tear this one off, I’m for you then ... Well, and so on! And he runs up, runs into the gate, and only on the porch ...
O! Yo-mine! And what's that? And they have funnels in the yard. And the grandfather is brought down the porch, under his ass - and the grandfather thundered on the tin, he plunged himself. And immediately the woman is also on the porch, also in the ass - and also self-immersion. Bear to the cops:
- E! What's wrong?! Pensioners, yes, helpless?! Here I am…
And to him:
- Citizen, wait! And who are you, exactly? And for what business?
- I'm so ... I, this, a local beekeeper! Here, their granddaughter plows in my backyard. I brought greetings from her.
Him then:
- From this one, right?
And they show him a picture. He admitted saying:
- Yes she. How alive!
They then:
- What's wrong with your paws?
- Nothing! Look, there's no blood!
And stretched out his paws. And they bam! - and clapped him in handcuffs. He:
- I AM…
And his back on kumpol! Deaf, yes, it was in the village. Well, he immediately bamts like a sheaf - also on a tin, on a grandfather and a woman. Those yell. And the cops, what are they, they are not a sanatorium, they are behind the wheel and on the gases - and to the city, to the administration.
There, in the department, at first everything was decent - they took prints from him, clicked on the photo, recorded his height, weight, gender. After:
- Surname?
The bear is silent.
- Name?
Again silent. They gave me one, two in the kidneys and again the question:
- And where is Inessa Pirozhkova?
- Which Inessa?
- And this! - and they say on the wall.
And her portrait hangs on the wall - large, colored. Yeah, the bear realized, that means she is Inessa, and not Mashenka, and that means she is wanted. Well, if he was, as I already warned, with concepts, then he answers like this:
- I have never seen such a vile mug, never smelled it!
Then they hit him again. And after that, just like that, indiscriminately, they kneaded. Kneaded, carried to the medical unit. From the medical unit - alone, to the punishment cell.
And they no longer took him to interrogations, they themselves went to him and there they stabbed him. There were two of them, these cleavers, an evil one and a good one. Well, kind, he just didn’t let me sleep, didn’t turn off the light and asked all sorts of stupid questions, put pressure on the psyche. And the evil one, yes! What he, this evil one, was inventing, that cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen! But the bear, he was persistent, fastened. He is silent, he pretended to be a hose, and he allegedly does not know this, and this, but he does not remember this, but he forgot this. In a word, it does not prick. Well, then they, these cleavers, like this:
- Okay, - they say, - we have a lot of business without you. Here, sign here, and we'll tie it up, - and they give him paper.
The bear is reading. About her! They, these bastards, hung on him, the poor fellow, all the dead Innessa's affairs: and that he allegedly scammed at the stations, entered into trust with the suckers, and that he climbed through the windows, and cut his handbags and many other small things. And, most importantly, he traded his body. Well, then the bear could not stand it, roared:
- It's me? With your body?!
- And what? - answer. - Your body is large, soft, capable of all sorts of pleasures! - and on the kidneys to him, and on the liver!
Oh, the Herods beat, kneaded, did not spare! And they also said:
"Sign, you fool, sign!" It's all the same for you to sit now, you won't go out, don't hope. Have pity on her there, ruddy and smooth! Take, fool, her sins, then we will close her business, we will burn it in the stove - here you have a cross on this, and if you want, and a star, but if you want, a cookie with butter. Well, choose!
The bear thought, chose to smoke. They let him go, untied him, gave him a cigarette, gave him matches and gave Inesin a folder. Well, the bear lit a match and first set fire to Inessa's folder, and after that he lit a cigarette and on the third puff he took and waved their paper, took all Inessa's sins. Here the cleavers immediately rejoiced, gave him a quiet finish smoking, gave two more chenariks in reserve for both ears - and immediately he was sent for a speedy trial, and there straight from the meeting room under escort along the stage along the endless snowy native fields and valleys - and into the taiga , and felling.
And now a bear sits in the taiga, shakes the term, pulls out trees by the roots, brings down.
The work, to put it bluntly, is familiar to him, uncomplicated. But it's boring, how sad! Alien side, winter, dark, sleepy. Don't sleep! And don't snore! And do not run away - godfathers sit high on the towers, they look far away! The bear became haggard, the bear turned green, the wool climbed out of it in shreds. Well, he thinks I won't last until spring. And suddenly…
Thirty-first, just under the most New Year, in the morning at the check he is told:
- Go to the office, there's a package for you.
The bear has gone. No, even ran! But still didn't make it. These clerical bastards have already torn apart the package and ate everything that was there. Only one spirit remained. The bear sniffed... Oh! Already staggered! So good for him! Rodimo! Sweet! And the main bastard:
- So, sign here. So, I got 12 pies. With raspberry jam. Don't write the date, we'll set it ourselves.
The bear did not argue, signed. Him then:
- Here's a note for you.
The bear took the note, reads: “I sit high, I look far away. Kisses". And without a signature. The bear wiped away a tear and asked for a return address.
- Reverse, - they answer, - a dash.
Well, okay, the bear thinks, this is a dash for all of you, but for me - native home, heat, light and more! And left the office and went. He walks, sings, his eyes shine with hope, and he feels - the power in him boils, boils and foams, and the term, ugh, is this the term, winter-summer, winter-summer, winter-summer and walk! There is someone to walk with - and this is the main thing!
That's what love is, that's how it turns us around - more than a zone!

Masha and the bear.

Russian folk tale for children from 3 years old.

    There lived an old man and an old woman. They had a daughter, Masha. Her girlfriends gathered in the forest for berries and came to call her with them. Father and mother let Masha go and told her to keep up with her friends. The girls came to the forest, began to pick berries. Masha went behind the bushes and lagged behind the girls. She walked, she walked through the forest, completely lost her way and came to a forest hut. She knocked and no one answered. She touched the door, the door opened. Masha entered the hut and sat down on a bench.

    And in the hut there lived a bear. Only he wasn't at home then. The bear returned in the evening, saw the girl and was delighted.
    “Now,” he says, “I won’t let you go, you will live with me!”
    Masha cried, but nothing can be done. She began to live with a bear in a forest hut.
    The bear went into the forest for the whole day and ordered Masha not to run anywhere without asking.
    “And if you run away,” says the bear, “I’ll catch it anyway and then I’ll eat it!”
    Masha began to think: how to escape from the bear? I thought and thought and thought.
    - Bear, - she says, - take the father and mother to the village of the hotel!
    The bear agreed.

    Here Masha baked pies, took out a big, big basket and said to the bear:
    Here I will put pies in this basket, and you take it to our village. Just look - do not eat a single pie! I'll climb on the roof, I'll watch you.
    As soon as the bear came out onto the porch, Masha immediately climbed into the basket, and put pies on top. The bear returned, he sees that the basket is ready, he put it on his shoulders and went to the village.
    Walked, walked, tired and says:
    - I'll sit on a stump,
    Eat a pie!
    And Masha from the basket:

    The bear looked back and said:
    - How clever! Sits high, looks far!
    Picked up the basket and moved on.
    Walked a little further and said:
    - I'll sit on a stump,
    Eat a pie!
    And Masha from the basket again shouts:
    - See see! Don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie!
    The bear is scared
    - That's how clever! Sits high, looks far!

    I got up and ran faster.
    He ran to the village, found the house where Masha's father and mother lived, and knocks on the gate:
    - Knock-Knock! Open, unlock, I brought you presents from your daughter!
    And the dogs sensed the bear and rushed at him. The bear was frightened, put the basket at the gate, and ran away into the forest.
    The old man and the old woman came out to the gate, raised the basket, and in the basket Masha was sitting and laughing.

The other day, Kvartblog went to the workshop of designer Roman Bondarev to get acquainted with his most interesting creation - the SitUp vertical workplace.

SitUp is a complete compact workplace with an area of ​​0.7 m2. It is equally comfortable to sit and stand at a high table, and the interlocutors will always be at eye level.

The idea of ​​​​creation was born, as it happens, quite spontaneously. According to Roman, during the repair in the apartment, he simply put the laptop on the IKEA rack, and when he came up to check the mail, he suddenly realized what a convenient position it was. Since it is very difficult to work standing at a computer all day long, a bar stool was bought that year, which, due to its design, turned out to be extremely unsuitable for fruitful activity. Firstly, bar stools do not have armrests, and secondly, the back, as a rule, is so small that it is impossible to lean on it and relax. Having felt all the pluses and minuses on himself, Roman decided that it was necessary to create a design that would satisfy all the planned parameters.

Inspired by this idea, he went with his family to Anapa, where for a year he developed a prototype in a garage located in the basement of a private house. As he himself recalls: “I used the minimum number of tools, and, naturally, the process dragged on. It was creativity, the search for ideal solutions, manual labor. I wanted to create something completely new: not just an unusual table and chair, but an original concept that would make it comfortable for a person to work both sitting and standing.”

Now the production time for one SitUp site takes no more than two to three weeks. At the same time, the model has been considerably modified and continues to change. There are many additional options that the client can order: side folding "wings" that increase the space of the table, a cup holder, a retractable tabletop. The most interesting thing is that each such workplace can reflect the taste of the owner and harmoniously fit into the interior. It is enough to choose any paint for the design, as well as bring the designer fabric or leather, which can be covered with pillows. And even the material itself from which the SitUp is made can be changed: ash is used by default, but oak, beech and walnut are also suitable for production.

SitUp is available in two sizes - M (Medium) and L (Large). The size of the place depends on how tall the one who will work behind it. I was lucky: in the workshop "Yard of Collaborators", a report about which you will see next week, there was just a set in size M, perfect for my small height - 165 cm. This is one of the founders of the SitUp family: an old modification, which, however, adheres to the same principles. And when Roman and I talked enough, I decided to take the opportunity and test SitUp, about which so much has been said. As soon as I settled comfortably in a high chair, the habit worked out over the years to push the chair to the table, and not vice versa. And here I am, with a terrible sound, trying to bring myself closer to the table top ... As it turned out, another principle applies here: the table is equipped with two wheels, thanks to which it easily and naturally takes the position that the person sitting wants. When I realized this, I could not resist the temptation to roll it back and forth. Still, it is very unusual: to move the table, while remaining in the same place.

When I finally took the final position, it turned out that the back was in a pleasant position, and the legs were not hanging in the air, but were comfortably on the bar. Frankly, I settled down so well that I did not want to leave my familiar place. But the concept of SitUp also implies a vertical position. Here's something else to check. Reluctantly, I pushed the table away and stood up. And here again there were assistants: the height of the tabletop was suitable for putting the elbows, and it was convenient to put the leg on the lower crossbar and thereby evenly distribute the weight of the body. This, of course, is an unusual position for work, but you quickly get used to comfort, even if it is achieved in an unusual way.

Osho has such a parable. In my retelling. A man is sitting on a tree and shouting to a friend who is sitting under a tree - look, a wagon is driving over there. The one who sits under the tree answers: there is no wagon there. Well, of course, - argues the one that is on the tree - a wagon, hay is being carried, a driver in a red shirt is sitting in front.

I don’t see anything, - the one who sits below answers, - there is no wagon - don’t invent it. Well, climb up and see for yourself ... - I won’t climb anywhere, you prove it to me. :)

Do you need a moral? If you want to know what I know, then you will have to go where I sit, there is no other way to be sure.

As Lenin said, practice is the criterion of truth. Not reasoning. And practice is such a thing that you can’t bring it to a doubter on a cart and you can’t dump it under the feet of a doubter.

The doubter must do the practice - but how can he do it - if he doubts? But like this. The eyes are afraid - but the hands are doing. Doubt can only be overcome with determination.

If you have several options for what to do, then you can be sure that all but one are delusions, and this one, most likely, is also. :) So what, since all this is a delusion, then do nothing? No, do it. Take and check every misconception on the tooth.

And practice will save you from delusions. And if the truth comes across, where will it go? Practice will show that this is the truth.

In an application to creating your own business from scratch, it looks like this. If you have several options - choose the one that requires the least cost - it is closest to the truth. And you just need to find such an option - which allows you to start immediately. All who demand to wait are wrong!

That version of the beginning, which can be started to be implemented immediately, is a candidate for truth, but practice will show whether this is so.

And since at one point in time - and immediately you can do only one thing, then as soon as you have an idea that you can start implementing immediately, start right away. You don't need more ideas. One at a time is enough.

Yes, don't listen to the experts. All their arguments boil down to what needs to be postponed. They are well-known dynamists, these specialists. By the way, the more a person is a dynamo, the further he is from the truth.

Smart people live by the principle: now or never. Stupid: then or never. And as soon as it comes later, then the stupid again apply their universal principle - then or never. And again, everything is postponed until later. And again, and again...

When in doubt, choosing from several options, it is better to throw lots - than to postpone.

Yes, keep in mind that I'm talking about cost-free projects. If the project requires costs and you have the opportunity to bear these costs, think again.

There is no need to rush here. Surely there is an opportunity to do it cheaper. But here's how you found an option that requires zero cost - act immediately.

But we deviated, it seems? The place where I sit is the place of action. The place where the majority sits is the place of reasoning and doubt.

By the way, I ask you very much: take care of the environment - do not spread your toxic doubts around. Doubts are already around, like exhaust gases on the main street of a large city.

Better give people your confidence - your faith in yourself and in others, your knowledge that a person can do anything. And if you don't know that, then find out. Having checked it personally.

There is no lack of doubt in the world. And it wasn't. There is an excess. Therefore, it is better to try to keep these doubts in yourself.

I set myself the task of instilling self-confidence in you. As one of my acquaintances said, such things are transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, only through personal contact - but I will prove to you that this is not so.

Confidence is perfectly conveyed through the text, combinations of letters, if the author has self-confidence and talent as well. Also the author. :)

I have a talent. Why do I say this so confidently? Because I know what talent is. Here you know? Most likely no. Therefore, you cannot determine whether you have talent or not. And I know what talent is and I can define it.

Now I will teach you. Talent is just the ability to see the essence of things and the ability to show it to others. Understandably? :)

And what is the essence of things, you know? Also no. Now I will tell you this. The essence of things is their purpose. The answer to the question is why. Elementary Watson.

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