Web-portfolio of N.A. Akhmetzyanova


Galina Lavro
"Autumn in painting, poetry, music". Musical living room for older preschool children

"Autumn in poetry, painting, music"

Target: To reveal the artistic unity of the figurative content of poetry, painting, music.


* Raise in children a sense of beauty, love for nature through fine arts, music and poetry.

* Through the emotional perception of works of art, consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn and its signs.

* Teach children to look at reproductions of paintings, listen to music, paying attention to the means of expression used by poets, artists and composers.

* Wake up fantasy and imagination, develop associative and figurative thinking.

* Encourage children to recall familiar music and analyze it. To improve the ability to understand the mood of a piece of music, to convey it in motion.

* Develop figurative speech of preschoolers, expand the vocabulary of children.

* Teach children to get joy from communicating with art;

Preliminary work.

Observations of autumn phenomena in nature.

Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting an autumn landscape, listening to musical works on the theme of autumn.

Learning poems and songs about autumn.

Equipment and attributes:

Multi-colored sultans, light handkerchiefs and scarves in pastel colors, artificial twigs with autumn leaves; musical instruments: triangles; multimedia projector, screen; music Center;

Music material: play by P. I. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn song” from the cycle “The Seasons”, 1st and 2nd parts of the concerto for violin and orchestra by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons”, “Spring and Autumn” by G. Sviridov, romance by G. Ponomarenko on poems by S. Yesenin “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”, F. Chopin “Autumn Waltz” (orchestra P. Mauriat).

Hall decoration: Exhibition of reproductions of paintings of autumn landscapes; leaf garlands.

Children to the music (G. Sviridov "Spring and Autumn") go into the hall, sit scattered on the carpet.

Musical Director (M.R.): Guys, today we have a very unusual meeting with you. We will travel with you. Where? For now, it's a mystery. But very soon you will figure it out. I invite you now to close your eyes and listen!

Children listen to the “sounds of autumn” (CD “What was the music born from?” Tracks: No. 36 “fallen leaves ...”, No. 35 “wind, wind, you are mighty ...”, No. 41 “autumn has begun!”, poems. Children's answers about heard.

Children sit on chairs.

M. R.: In one beautiful kingdom, there lived four fairy sorceresses: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. As you guessed, each of them ruled in the time strictly allotted only to her. An amazing time has come - the time of the sorceress of Autumn. She called artists, poets, musicians and asked: "What do you need to paint a picture of autumn nature?" And each of them answered differently.

What do you think the artist's response was? (need paints)

And the poet? (need beautiful words, combinations of words, rhymes)

And the composer? (requires musical sounds).

"Fine!" - said Autumn to the artists. "There will be colors for you, and you choose for yourself ...". And Autumn answered the poets: “And you have the most beautiful rhymes, and you choose! Well, you, musicians, have many, many sounds, only you choose!” Oh, and a difficult task was set by Autumn to artists, poets and musicians ... What did they choose for Autumn?

On the screen "Golden Autumn" by I. I. Levitan

M.R.: Is in the autumn of the original

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings.

Look carefully at the picture of the Russian artist I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". What is autumn like here? (Bright, elegant, light, radiant, sunny). Ask questions about colors, mood, discuss the genre (landscape) with the children.

And now the difficult question is: can we hear this picture? What autumn sounds does the artist Levitan let us hear here? Birches with thin slender trunks are completely covered with golden foliage. Among the trees, a transparent stream quietly murmurs, in which the sky, clouds, and grass are reflected. The golden crowns of the trees dazzlingly shine, bathed in the dark rays of the sun. The shadows are filled with blue and coolness. A warm autumn day is in the air. We involuntarily hear the rustle of leaves. (children's answers)

Golden autumn is joyful, magnificently harvested, rich in harvest, they love it for its generosity, for the richness of its fields, gardens, for the clear days of the azure-blue sky, for the beauty of the forests painted with gold and crimson paint. This autumn is invigorating, cheerful, fabulous!

Exactly the same as in the poem of the Russian poet I. Bunin "Autumn" (parents read).

I. Bunin "Autumn"

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken

And between the maples they turn blue.

Here and there, through the foliage,

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

M.R.: The Italian composer (slide portrait) Antonio Vivaldi dedicated a whole concerto for violin and orchestra to Autumn! It's called "Autumn". The concerto has three parts. Let's listen to a small fragment of the first part.

We listen to an excerpt from the 1st part of the Allegro Concerto No. 3 by A. Vivaldi "Autumn". We discuss the mood: bright, joyful, excited, playful.

M.R.: I suggest you play now. To convey in motion this joyful, slightly excited, playful mood. We must create a bright, colorful, motley, multi-colored picture of autumn.

Discuss with the children the possible movements: light running, small jumps, jumps, hand movements are not smooth, you can shake your hands, “conduct”, pay attention to solo fragments, to the alternation of forte and piano (you can offer to move boys and girls alternately in groups, warn, that it will be proposed to perform a solo.To offer children attributes - multi-colored sultans.

Improvisation "Colors of Autumn" with colorful plumes. (A. Vivaldi 1st part of the concert "Autumn")

M.R.: But after a warm and dry autumn, rainy days will begin. Nature will quickly throw off her festive attire. (slide portrait of A. S. Pushkin). The great Russian poet, A.S. Pushkin loved Autumn very much. He said: "Autumn ... my favorite time ... the time of my literary works." Let's listen, what is Autumn in Pushkin's poems? (Parents take books from the exhibition, read poetry):

October has already arrived. Already the grove is shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through,

Murmuring, the stream still runs behind the mill,

But the pond has already frozen ...

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold.

In their vestibule there is noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter.

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

(A. S. Pushkin)

M. R.: Guys, don't you feel a different mood? Not joy, delight from a riot of bright colors sound in these lines, but what? (Children's answers. Show slide pictures). Here it is, late autumn, fading. Nature seems to be quieting down, preparing for winter sleep, it seems tired, weary. It rains, the leaves fall, the birds fly away, the fabulous beauty of nature fades, leaves. It is sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles. Autumn is sad, tender, surprising.

It is this kind of autumn in the sounds of "Autumn Song" by P. I. Tchaikovsky. The great Russian composer wrote the musical work “The Seasons”, in which he expressed his love for Russian nature. All 4 seasons are represented in this work. The 12 piano pieces of the cycle correspond to 12 months. Today we will open this album “Seasons” on the autumn page and hear the play “October”, which the composer called “Autumn Song”. Read the epigraph to the children:

Autumn. All our poor garden crumbles,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind.

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash. (A. Tolstoy)

Piano performance of "Autumn Song" by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

M. R.: But let's go back to Antonio Vivaldi and listen to the second part of his concerto. What is the mood in the music? (Children's answers) Sad, sad, plaintive, crying, quiet monotonous sound.

Let's try to convey this mood. Girls on the move, with the help of light scarves, will paint a picture of late autumn. The boys, playing on triangles, will reproduce the sound of rain for us.

Discuss with the children again possible movements: very smooth, slow, light; dynamics and ways of playing on triangles: very quietly, carefully, carefully.

Improvisation with scarves and musical instruments "Late Autumn" (A. Vivaldi 2nd part of the concert "Autumn")

M. R.: And now we are turning over another poetic page. (slide portrait of S. Yesenin).

The remarkable Russian poet S. Yesenin was very fond of Russian nature and sang of all its beauties. In his poems about autumn, one can even smell the smells: “it smells of apples and mint”, “chamomile and honey”. Hear the sounds: “crying of capercaillie”, “song of fishermen”. Listen!

Read poems by children and adults.

Here comes autumn with a chain of naked maples,

That they make noise like eight merry devils.

Wet leaf from aspen and road willows

So it whips in the back, in the back and scruff

Is it a fir-tree, a bush, only up to the skin

Boots got wet! Clothes too ... (“The Tale of the Shepherd Petya”, 1925. Fragment).

Swamps, yes swamps, blue boards of heaven.

Coniferous gilding rings the forest.

A tit twitches between the forest curls,

Dark firs dream of the hubbub of mowers.

A convoy stretches across the meadow with a creak,

The wheels smell of dry linden.

Willows hear the whistle of the windmill ...

You are my forgotten edge,

You are my native land!

Blue sky, colored arc,

Quietly steppe banks run

The smoke stretches, near the crimson villages

The wedding of the crows covered the palisade.

Again I see a familiar cliff

With red clay and willow branches,

Dreaming over the lake red oats,

It smells of chamomile and honey from wasps…

M. R.: Yesenin's poems are special, melodious. It is no coincidence that many musical works have been written on his poems: songs, romances. Let's listen:

We are watching a video clip for G. Ponomarenko's romance "Golden Grove Dissuaded". After listening, discuss with the children: did you like the romance, why?

M.R.: Our meeting with you is coming to an end. Listen to a fragment of another poem by S. Yesenin:

Golden foliage swirled in pinkish water on the pond,

Like butterflies, a light flock of fading flies to the star.

I suggest you take the leaves and come up with your own autumn dance.

Improvisation of children with leaves to the music of F. Chopin "Autumn Waltz" (orchestra P. Mauriat)

In conclusion, to summarize the meeting:

* We listened to music, poems by great poets, got acquainted with the paintings of wonderful Russian artists.

* Autumn is an amazing time of the year! Can cause a variety of, even opposite moods.

* Ask the children what kind of autumn did poets, artists, composers see? How do you see autumn?

Give children postcards-reproductions of autumn landscapes.

To the music of G. Sviridov "Spring-Autumn" children leave the hall.

Pictures of the change of seasons, the rustling of leaves, bird voices, the splashing of waves, the murmur of a stream, thunderstorms - all this can be conveyed in music. Many famous people were able to do this brilliantly: their musical works about nature have become classics of the musical landscape.

Natural phenomena, musical sketches of flora and fauna appear in instrumental and piano works, vocal and choral compositions, and sometimes even in the form of program cycles.

"The Seasons" A. Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi

Vivaldi's four three-movement violin concertos, dedicated to the seasons, are without a doubt the most famous musical works about the nature of the Baroque era. Poetic sonnets for the concertos are believed to have been written by the composer himself and express the musical meaning of each movement.

Vivaldi conveys with his music thunder peals, and the sound of rain, and the rustle of leaves, and bird trills, and dog barking, and the howling of the wind, and even the silence of an autumn night. Many of the composer's remarks in the score directly indicate one or another natural phenomenon that should be depicted.

Vivaldi "The Seasons" - "Winter"

"The Seasons" by J. Haydn

Joseph Haydn

The monumental oratorio "The Seasons" was a kind of result of the composer's creative activity and became a true masterpiece of classicism in music.

Four seasons sequentially appear before the listener in 44 scenes. The heroes of the oratorio are villagers (peasants, hunters). They know how to work and have fun, they have no time to indulge in despondency. People here are part of nature, they are involved in its annual cycle.

Haydn, like his predecessor, makes extensive use of the possibilities of various instruments to convey the sounds of nature, such as a summer thunderstorm, the chirping of grasshoppers and a frog choir.

In Haydn, musical works about nature are associated with people's lives - they are almost always present in his "pictures". So, for example, in the finale of the 103rd symphony, we seem to be in the forest and hear the signals of hunters, for the image of which the composer resorts to a well-known means -. Listen:

Haydn Symphony No. 103 – finale


"The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky

The composer chose for his twelve months the genre of piano miniatures. But the piano alone can convey the colors of nature no worse than the choir and orchestra.

Here is the spring jubilation of the lark, and the joyful awakening of the snowdrop, and the dreamy romance of the white nights, and the song of the boatman, swaying on the river waves, and the field work of the peasants, and dog hunting, and the alarmingly sad autumn fading of nature.

Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" - March - "Song of the Lark"


Carnival of the Animals by C. Saint-Saens

Among the musical works about nature, Saint-Saens' "great zoological fantasy" for a chamber ensemble stands apart. The frivolity of the idea determined the fate of the work: "Carnival", the score of which Saint-Saens even forbade to publish during his lifetime, was fully performed only in the circle of the composer's friends.

The instrumental composition is original: in addition to strings and several wind instruments, it includes two pianos, a celesta and such a rare instrument in our time as a glass harmonica.

There are 13 parts in the cycle, describing different animals, and the final part, which combines all the numbers into a single piece. It's funny that the composer also included beginner pianists diligently playing scales among the animals.

The comical nature of "Carnival" is emphasized by numerous musical allusions and quotes. For example, "The Turtles" perform Offenbach's cancan, only several times slower, and the double bass in "Elephant" develops the theme of Berlioz's "Ballet of the Sylphs".

Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals" - Swan


Sea element N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

The Russian composer knew firsthand about the sea. As a midshipman, and then as a midshipman on the Almaz clipper ship, he made a long journey to the North American coast. His favorite marine images appear in many of his creations.

Such, for example, is the theme of the “blue ocean-sea” in the opera Sadko. Literally in a few sounds, the author conveys the hidden power of the ocean, and this motif pervades the entire opera.

The sea reigns both in the symphonic musical picture "Sadko" and in the first part of the suite "Scheherazade" - "The Sea and Sinbad's Ship", in which the calm is replaced by a storm.

Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko" - intro "Ocean-sea blue"


“The east was covered with a ruddy dawn…”

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is the sunrise. Here, two of the most famous morning themes immediately come to mind, something in common with each other. Each in its own way accurately conveys the awakening of nature. These are the romantic "Morning" by E. Grieg and the solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" by M. P. Mussorgsky.

In Grieg, the imitation of a shepherd's horn is picked up by stringed instruments, and then by the entire orchestra: the sun rises over the harsh fjords, and the murmur of a stream and the singing of birds are clearly heard in the music.

Mussorgsky's dawn also begins with a shepherd's melody, the ringing of bells seems to be woven into the growing orchestral sound, and the sun rises higher and higher above the river, covering the water with golden ripples.

Mussorgsky - "Khovanshchina" - introduction "Dawn on the Moscow River"


It is almost impossible to list everything in which the theme of nature develops - this list will turn out to be too long. These include concertos by Vivaldi (The Nightingale, The Cuckoo, Night), The Bird Trio from Beethoven's 6th Symphony, Rimsky-Korsakov's Flight of the Bumblebee, Debussy's Goldfish, Spring and Autumn, and Winter the road" by Sviridov and many other musical pictures of nature.

Ludmila Shmakova
Lesson with children of senior preschool age "Autumn in the works of Russian composers, poets, artists"


Autumn in the works of Russian composers, poets and artists.

Target: To cultivate love for native nature, to develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and works of art, to acquaint with the work of Russian poets and writers. composers


To teach to perceive the works of poets and composers as a reflection of reality

Develop interest and love for Russian folk culture

Develop a sense of ownership, understanding the feelings of the authors of works, musical, literary and artistic

Encourage attentive listening and perception of music


What season is it now? What can you say about autumn, do you like it? (children's answers)

Indeed, autumn seems to many to be dull and boring. Well, yes, the sun is not so warm anymore, it often rains ...

And, nevertheless, it is impossible not to admit that autumn is very diverse and multifaceted.

Today we will try to look at autumn through the eyes of poets, artists and composers who sang this season in their works.

Guys, what do you think, what phenomenon characterizes autumn most brightly? (children's answers)

That's right, leaf fall ...

Here, too, leaf fall, leaf fall of mood, leaf fall of emotions, leaf fall of discoveries will swirl with us today.


Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood, red - you like autumn, yellow - you don't. (The guys attach the leaves to the drawing paper "Autumn mood").

The song DDT "Autumn" sounds. (Slide 3)


Autumn, with its unique colors, is the most favorable time for creativity and has always inspired and inspires artists, composers, poets, writers to create beautiful works.

This time of the year in their works is many-sided and very multi-colored. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky who in 1876 wrote the music album "Seasons". In Tchaikovsky's melodious melody, one can clearly hear the sadness of parting with the passing summer, regret for the fading nature. (Slide 4).

Autumn is the season that leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, such wonderful lines were dedicated to autumn by poets and writers.

Reading poems about autumn by children.

A. S. Pushkin.

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Alexey Pleshcheev

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch.

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn, come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth.

Sergey Yesenin

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Fog and damp from the water.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.

She dreamed today

What is very, very little

It remains to wait for the gray winter.

The romance "The golden grove dissuaded ..." sounds.

Educator. One of the most famous artists who was very fond of writing autumn is Isaac Ilyich Levitan(1860-1900). ( slide 7)

Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred of his paintings to it.

Reproductions of paintings. (slide 8)

The painting "Golden Autumn" is one of the best creations of the artist. (slide 9) A modest stream, more like a stream, runs under a low hill. And on it is a group of birches, shimmering with gold in the cool rays of the sun. This thoughtful simplicity is surprisingly sweet for a Russian person. Bright colors, solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at all these pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It's a sad time! Eyes of charm! ”,“ Lush nature withering ”,“ Forests clad in crimson and gold. How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite season in famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into his paintings.

The landscape of autumn with the same name gave fans of painting and another outstanding master of the brush - Polenov. (slide 9) His "Golden Autumn" also captured a river and a grove of green, orange and yellow trees. (slide 10) White-trunked birches are covered with gold. There are light clouds in the sky. In the foreground, a narrow path winds, it follows the line of the bend of the river. Polenov's autumn landscape is filled with air, an immense space that opens before our eyes. Here are other canvases of this master, reflecting autumn.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin painted many pictures of the autumn forest, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. (slide 11-12)

Look at the paintings of Russian artists "Golden Autumn" (slides 13-14).

An excerpt from the composition of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "Autumn Song" sounds.


Why do you think there are so many paintings called "Golden Autumn"? Each season has its own signs and characteristics, and so does autumn. Let's remember them. (children's answers)

Educator. Everyone knows Pushkin's unique lines about autumn, his favorite season. How much light sadness and philosophical depth are in them! The poet endows the time of "eyes of charm" with the properties of a living creature that can be sad, breathe. The poet devoted most of his work to autumn, revealing to us, the readers, the extraordinary poetry of this season. Autumn is for everyone. Each autumn landscape - picturesque, poetic or musical - is, first of all, the soul of a person, his perception of the world around him. The artist reveals his feelings and impressions of autumn nature. But, thanks to his talent, he knows how to find consonance with his feelings in the hearts of viewers, readers or listeners. And ordinary autumn becomes an artistic phenomenon for us. Poems, painting and music help us to discover the beauty of our native land, call to protect all living things, teach us to understand the language of nature. The art world is a great wonder. But it will not be revealed immediately and not to everyone, but only to a smart and kind, sensitive and attentive person. Try to be like that!

Reflection. Choose autumn leaves depending on your mood after what you saw and heard, red - you love autumn, yellow - you don’t.

(The guys attach the leaves to the drawing paper "Autumn mood").

Used materials and Internet resources


As you know, autumn is a wonderful time. The last warm rays of the sun coquettishly play on the golden leaves. Everything around becomes yellow-red. The riot of colors and colors amazes any person, especially the artist. The trees are truly beautiful. No wonder many artists were in love with autumn. There are no more paintings dedicated to any season than this one.

Autumn in the works of Isaac Ilyich Levitan

The famous artist I. Levitan was an avid nature lover, and also paid great attention to the autumn landscape. He painted the well-known painting "Golden Autumn". In the picture we see a beautiful Russian landscape. autumn, that same golden time that excited the hearts of many creative people.

Before us opens a spacious golden field, which is basking in the rays of the warm autumn sun. The foliage seems to tremble from a light warm wind and sparkle like gold. This landscape causes complete peace in the soul, awakens feelings of something truly native.

Also from under the brush of I. Levitan came out such a work dedicated to the autumn season, like "Autumn".

In the painting "Autumn Day. Sokolniki" we see how the weather echoes the girl's mood. This autumn landscape is filled with mystery and peace. The work was completed in 1879.

The painting "Autumn. Road in the Village" already depicts a cloudy day, but nature is still charming.

Vasily Polenov and his works dedicated to autumn

The autumn landscape is also called "Golden Autumn". The author filled it with charming warmth. I want to take a deep breath and feel the aroma of a barely come autumn.

Surprisingly subtly conveyed the atmosphere of the changed season. There is a final warmth in the air. The leaves of the trees have not yet had time to completely change their fresh green outfit to graceful gold. But it seems as if now, right before our eyes, it will happen. So nicely the author was able to reflect all the charm of the moment, forever frozen on the canvas. Looking at the picture, you can forget about everything, you want to close your eyes and be there for a moment.

Many artists could not pass by this wonderful time of the year without painting the autumn landscape. As it turned out, autumn is a favorite motif of Russian artists. Chances are you'll find at least two autumn paintings by any landscape painter.

Autumn landscape on the canvases of artists

For example, an outstanding Russian painter adored autumn and painted many paintings dedicated to it. For example, "Autumn. Veranda".

His painting "In the Evening" depicts warm autumn twilight hours. The entire work is written in yellow-gold hues, which is typical for autumn.

Autumn was also depicted by: S. Petrov ("Golden Autumn"), V. Korkodym ("Gold of Autumn"), V. Sofronov ("Golden Autumn") and many others.

As an artist describes nature with colors, a composer and musician describes nature with music. From the great composers, we got whole collections of works from the cycle "Seasons".

The seasons in music are as different in colors and sounds as the works in the work of musicians of different times, different countries and different styles are different. Together they form the music of nature. This is a cycle of the seasons of the Italian baroque composer A. Vivaldi. Touching to the depth of the piece on the piano by P. I. Tchaikovsky. And yet, be sure to taste the unexpected tango of the seasons by A. Piazzolla, the grandiose oratorio by J. Haydn and the gentle soprano, melodic piano in the music of the Soviet composer V. A. Gavrilin.

Description of musical works of famous composers from the cycle "Seasons"

Seasons spring:

Seasons summer:

Seasons autumn:

seasons winter:

Each season is a small work, where every month there are small plays, compositions, variations. With his music, the composer tries to convey the mood of nature, which is characteristic of one of the four seasons of the year. All works together form a musical cycle, like nature itself, going through all the seasonal changes in the year-round cycle of the year.

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