Julia Mikhalchik - about relations with Shulgin and a break with her husband. Valeria's ex-husband has changed beyond recognition Shulgin's personal life


A simple Siberian guy was able to independently break into the Russian show business and made a real pop star out of an unknown provincial singer. Why is the name of Alexander Shulgin now not well known, and who put an end to his production career? Why did his children and former colleagues turn away from him?

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

He was born on August 25, 1964 in Irkutsk. Since childhood, he began to write poetry, and in adolescence, music became one of his hobbies. It all started with collecting audio recordings, but after a while he already played the guitar in the school ensemble. Prom was his debut as a songwriter. Only with musical instruments was a big problem. If the guitars for the team were able to be purchased at the expense of the school budget, then the guys built the amplifier themselves from a megaphone stolen in the park. The loss was quickly discovered and the young performers were held accountable. Alexander was saved by the fact that at that time he was only 14 years old. The rest of the guys received 2 years probation.

After graduating from school, he entered ISLU, but then he was transferred to a technical university, and then to the University of Economics and Law. Music classes interfered with normal studies, so at the age of 19 he decided to focus on his favorite pastime. At that time, the Karnaval group was on tour in Irkutsk. The musicians became interested in the young promising poet and composer. There was an offer to go with them to Moscow. Alexander did not miss such a chance.

Carier start

The capital accepted the Siberian nugget warmly: in the first year he met the Cruise group. The team was at the peak of its popularity and toured all over the world. But it was at this time that a ban on the performance of rock music came out. This could put an end to the entire creative activity of the musicians. They remained practically without songs. Shulgin took on the mission to settle this problem and went to all instances. The strength of his persuasion was more than enough and the "Cruise" received permission to use his entire repertoire.

For a long four years, the entire team went to Germany. There, Alexander was able to study the whole cuisine of foreign show business and work with eminent performers. He wrote songs for films and world-famous artists. When the group broke up, he was in no hurry to return to his homeland. However, after the Soviet Union ordered to live long, the musician decided to try his hand at the capital. In Russia, the wind of freedom was already blowing with might and main, and it was possible to write songs without fear and offer them to vociferous compatriots. Having a lot of experience and realizing that he will not earn big money with his poems, Shulgin decides to go the other way.


One evening, Alexander and his potential partners looked into a bar on Taganka. It was the only place in the capital where it was not a shame to bring foreign colleagues. Shulgin often visited this institution, where Igor Matvienko and Sergey Mazaev performed their songs. But on this particular day, there was a petite blonde with an incredibly strong voice on stage. The guests really liked her performance, and they highly appreciated her vocal skills. Alexander approached the aspiring singer and left his business card, not forgetting to mention that he worked with eminent foreign musicians.

Alla Perfilova was impressed by a young man in a good suit, but she did not believe his words. A short, thin and shy guy did not look like a show business guru. But she took the business card and called back the very next day. They met to discuss the details of the upcoming work. Alexander already knew that Alla was married and her husband was also a musician. But this did not matter: he counted only on fruitful cooperation.

Only business

Two weeks after they met, they were already recording an album. These were Russian romances in modern processing. The listeners accepted their joint creation well, but this album did not bring much popularity to the singer. Then Shulgin decides to record a few songs in English and try to push them abroad. "Taiga Symphony" was one of the highest quality products that were released in the early 90s, but people were hungry for other music.


By the time of recording the second album, Alexander confessed his love to Alla. The girl reciprocated his feelings. She liked his determination and strong character, which her husband did not possess. Not only love, but also new creative ideas entered the life of Alexander Shulgin. In order not to burn out for the third time, he makes a brilliant publicity stunt. A huge banner with the image of the singer appears in the best place in Moscow. Her name is now not Alla, but Valeria. Such a stage name suited her perfectly. "The singer everyone was waiting for" was written on the banner, and people looked at the pretty big-eyed girl with interest. Of course, no one was expecting her, but the face and name are forever engraved in the memory of Muscovites.


At this time, Valeria was already a happy mother. They had a daughter with Shulgin, who was named Anna. The album was ready and advertising would have provided him with good sales. Naming his new creation in honor of his daughter, Shulgin shoots one of the most memorable and stylish clips of that time, “Airplane”. It will later become known why the singer has such sad eyes and strange black clothes in the form of a hoodie. Valeria was already pregnant for the second time, but this did not stop her husband from hitting her in the face. The bruises were covered by experienced make-up artists. Anna was a resounding success. The album sold out so quickly that Shulgin did not postpone recording a new one. He was not at all happy about the birth of his son. All attention was paid only to his daughter.


In 1997, another album was released. New songs received no less attention, and Shulgin created his own recording studio. Many Russian and foreign performers used her services. The production center only strengthened his position in show business. In 1998, Valeria gave birth to another son and recorded a new album. A year later, the long-awaited breakthrough happens. "First Internet Album" becomes the most successful project of the spouses. It is safe to say that as a producer, Alexander Shulgin took place precisely at that moment. Almost all the songs from the album are in the rotation of radio stations, and in discos people dance to Valeria's hits. The top lines of the charts, a resounding success and popular love. In 2001, the album "Eyes of the color of the sky" thoroughly secures the title of one of the most popular performers of the beginning millennium for the singer. Only glory and success are ahead, but suddenly the girl disappears. For a long time, nothing is known about her, until one day an information bomb explodes.

Beat or not beat?

After the break with Alexander Shulgin, the personal life of the star spouses became the most discussed in the country. The singer did not hide the reasons for the breakup and told reporters and journalists about all the dark sides of life with a famous producer. He not only beat her, but also abused his own children. He set the dogs on three-year-old Arseny and raised his hand to Artemy. Valeria herself for many years forgave regular beatings and hoped that one day her husband would change. But even the wedding did not bring relief.

The photo of Alexander Shulgin did not leave the pages of the yellow press, but he himself refused to comment. So the whole country was convinced that the singer had been beaten all these years and forced to sing songs that she did not like. Soon she married another producer, who became a real father to her children. All three of them abandoned their native and still do not communicate. But Valeria's first husband does not believe in her confession. He claims that a woman with such an iron character as Valeria's would never allow her to be bullied, and even more so over children.

Another blonde

Before the scandal subsided, the personal life of producer Alexander Shulgin again became public. This time, the young and talented singer Yulia Mikhalchik became a victim of a quick temper. The fact is that Shulgin became the producer of the third Star Factory and made a strange and ambiguous statement at the final concert. He offered the finalist a hand in life. Julia herself and everyone who was in the "Olympic" did not understand what meaning he put into these words. But soon they began to appear everywhere together, recorded their debut album and even went on vacation to hot countries.

There, an incident occurred that put an end to the nascent relationship. Alexander roughly pushed the girl into the water. She decided not to repeat Valeria's mistakes and tore everything that was between them. The press procrastinated this case for a long time, proving Shulgin's cruelty and confirming the words of his ex-wife. Only years later, Mikhalchik said that she embellished the events too much, and the journalists added black colors. Shulgin did not beat her and treated her well, and that incident could simply be forgotten, because misunderstandings happen between two people in love. Julia still communicates well with the former producer, and he never refuses to help her. The hand that he extended to her 15 years ago is still ready to solve her problems.

Since then, Shulgin's personal life has been shrouded in a veil of secrecy. No one knows about his marital status, and he himself refuses to give interviews. He still writes songs and produces rising stars, but he could not repeat the success. It is worth noting that it was he who wrote the most famous songs for Mikhalchik. Yes, and Valeria, in addition to the song "Watch", for 15 years there were no loud hits. Not the best husband, not the kindest person, but one of the most brilliant producers in Russia wrote truly popular hits. Maybe his hand will light another new star?

Alexander Shulgin is a figure in show business, both talented and controversial. And Julia was in love, and, despite the fact that all the newspapers then wrote about Shulgin, she did not know how he broke up with his first wife, at least that's what she said. About his work, about the "Star Factory", about Valeria and about what is happening with Russian pop music, Alexander Shulgin spoke in a special interview.

Alexander saw his first wife, singer Valeria, in one of the capital's clubs, where she performed in the evenings. Shulgin was immediately struck by her beautiful voice and huge eyes. After the performance, he approached Valeria, introduced himself and gave his phone number, offering cooperation. After all, one must be born a star, already have something inside, and after that work, work, work, work.

Pugacheva became really popular only by the age of 30, and before that she slept on tour somewhere on vocals and on folding beds, a hard life passed. And everyone went through such a hard life: "Time Machine", "Sunday", "Dynamik". And now - no, now they come and say: "Make me a star."

Alexander Shulgin: personal life

Valeria did not keep herself waiting long and called the very next day - it would be stupid if the unknown singer did not seize this opportunity. That is, there was a final separation of managers and producers, in fact, music? At the same time, it is far from necessary for a producer to know music and generally have something to do with it. It must be some kind of businessman, trader, broker or someone else. That is, everything that used to be called management everywhere in the world, and in our country the directorship of teams and performers, at some point in Russia began to be called producing.

Photo: Alexander Shulgin

And in the theater there is a director who deals with all economic and commercial issues, including bills, payments, ticket prices, some kind of advertising or something else. And the director absolutely does not see any financial papers, he is absorbed in creativity. They're not going anywhere yet, as long as the recordings are going on, after all. And besides, he was distracted from this work by an offer to participate in a television project ("Star Factory-3" - approx. Days.Ru).

And after it there for about two months it was necessary to finish something, and then I again returned to what I had suspended for the duration of this project. And what sounded on the radio from "FM", although the songs were loved by the listeners, is not quite the best that they have. This is just what was accepted for rotation.

Alexander Shulgin – Latest News 2015

And these are just songs about love: soft, bright. Will you take these albums to some major? 1994-5-6-7th year - I also had a lot of guitar youth projects in my work, and all others. The whole man came out, yes. For a long time we had such incomprehensible unisex boys, slender.

And so he made his solo album, but, almost finishing it, he realized that all this was vanity of vanities, and went to the monastery. Yes, this is not so important now .. When there is no such task, then the music is generally written in a different way. Do you think that for the appearance of a singer of such a magnitude as Valeria, some special relationship between the artist and the author is obligatory?

Because there is an artist, and there is a performer who can go on stage and play some role, while remaining a completely different person inside. And there are Artists who, even on stage, bring to the listener what they really are. I want to know what is inside such an artist.


Before that, there was work. I'm not talking about what's going on on stage right now. Unfortunately, I cannot call what is happening on the stage now music. Therefore, I do not want the children to do what is happening on the stage now - by no means.

I would not put the question in such a way that it was not possible to continue there, because I did my job. To do this, there are a number of people who can successfully do tours. All these companies know, and here, in general, there are no problems at all. And I don't want to deal with any money. Channel support is provided - what can not be done here? And unresolved issues on the "Factory" will somehow be resolved. I quite clearly compare this situation with the 83-84th year. I read all the samizdat of that time, was not too lazy, found it, read everything that was available.

Soon, a joyful event occurred in the personal life of Alexander Shulgin - Valeria gave birth to his daughter Anna. But from that moment on, Shulgin's seemingly ideal family life began to crumble. The news is relevant for today, 1 September 2015 On this page you can find out all the latest news about the following celebrity (group): Alexander Shulgin.

Name: Valeria (Alla Perfilova - Valeriya)

Age: 48 years old

Place of Birth: Atkarsk, Saratov region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Activity: singer

Marital status: married

Valeria - biography

Valeria is one of the most famous personalities of Russian show business. Popularity came to the singer in the early nineties. Today, each of her songs is a hit. But Valeria is known not only for her work. Her biography of her personal life is the topic of many programs and talk shows.

Valeria's childhood (Alla Perfilova)

The real name of the singer is Alla Perfilova. She became Valeria at the age of twenty, since the beginning of her solo career. The singer was born in the Saratov region, in a small provincial town. There was only one music school in this city, which was headed by Valeria's father for more than thirty years. Mother also taught at this educational institution.

In the family of the future singer, music occupied a special position. Not a single event took place without her. She was not only directly related to the profession of parents, but was also an important element of their lifestyle. The future singer did not leave the piano from an early age. And therefore, already at the age of five, she was enrolled in a music school.

The parents worked late. But they did not need to control their daughter, since she studied well both in a regular school and in a music school. However, in those years, Valeria, or rather Alla, did not even think about the career of a singer. Until the age of ten, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina. But once, at a regional-scale concert in honor of some holiday, Alla Perfilova (Valeria) had to go on stage. She sang the song in front of a small provincial audience. And from that day on, she fell ill with the stage.

Valeria - Academy of Music

Valeria graduated from school with a gold medal, after which she went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl submitted documents to the RAM. Gnesins. Despite the fact that the competition was great, Valeria entered. She was enrolled in a course to.

Valeria - biography of personal life

The fact that a pop department was opened in Gnesinka, Valeria learned from the head of the musical ensemble. From her school years she participated in amateur performances. But after she received a secondary musical education, she did not apply to the school. Valeria wanted to finish school and enter the university at the Faculty of History. Leonid Yaroshevsky - the first husband of the singer and part-time head of the musical group - convinced her to enter the Gnesinka.

Valeria's career

After graduating from the academy, Valeria got a job at the local philharmonic. Yaroshevsky invited her as a soloist to the Impulse ensemble. The decisive competition was the festival in Jurmala. However, the singer performed jazz, to which the jury members reacted very coldly. Valeria experienced a real failure. However, acquaintance with Alexander Shulgin predetermined her fate.

Within ten years, several albums were recorded and more than twenty clips were shot. After a divorce from the producer, Valeria was in a creative crisis for some time. But soon she married again. And again for the producer. To date, the list of awards and prizes is so large that the singer herself hardly remembers it. And in 2013, Valeria received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Marriage with this man fell at the beginning of Valeria's career. The life of artists in those days was often deprived of comfort. Uncomfortable provincial hotels, constant moving. However, for several years they lived in the apartment of Yaroshevsky's parents. Harmony and mutual understanding reigned in this house. However, the aspiring artist dreamed of a big stage. And therefore, at one fine moment, Valeria and Yaroshevsky decided to move to Moscow.

In Saratov, Valeria was a star. In Moscow, she realized that she was far from high skill. The vocal lessons that Gelena Velikanova gave her taught her not only the command of the voice, but also the basics of acting. Valeria recalls this period in her biography with nostalgia. There was something to strive for and something to dream about. There was a person nearby who could be relied upon. However, the singer ended the relationship with Yaroshevsky. She preferred her first husband, a kind, but dreamy and not entirely rational person, to a well-known and influential producer.

As a fourth-year student of the Gnesinka, Valeria found herself on the stage of the Taganka Blues bar. In advance, the singer prepared a repertoire corresponding to a prestigious institution. Here Valeria's first meeting with Shulgin took place. He drew attention to the young vocalist. And it was he who, to the smallest detail, thought out the image of the singer, who became famous in the early nineties - Alla Perfilova, who retained only her last name. Today even her mother calls her Valeria.

According to the singer's memoirs, the second husband claimed that without him she would have remained a "restaurant diva." For many years, Valeria believed these words, and only after the divorce she realized that if it were not for Shulgin, then another producer would certainly have noticed her.

The first two years of their acquaintance, Valery and Shulgin were connected only by business relations. They recorded the album in Germany. We met periodically at the Taganka Blues bar. But one day the relationship turned from business to personal. Valeria divorced Yakushevsky, married her producer. She had already heard about the reason for Shulgin's divorce from his first wife. The producer beat her, after which she left him. To her mother's warnings and bad rumors about her chosen one's propensity for physical violence, Valeria simply closed her eyes.

Already in the first year of marriage, the singer became not only a witness, but also a victim of Shulgin's unmotivated anger. In 2003, Valeria wrote a book in which she reflected on her early years, the beginning of her creative path and revealed all the secrets of her personal life. However, the whole country knew about the secrets by that time. Valeria and Alexander Shulgin often gave joint interviews. They gave the impression of a happy couple.

However, in 2002, information appeared in the press and television, according to which many years of psychological pressure and physical violence were hidden behind the external well-being in the family of the producer and singer. Valeria not only confessed to all of Russia what had been happening in her house over the past ten years, but also left her husband, leaving for her mother in the Saratov region.

Valeria and Joseph Prigogine

After a divorce from Shulgin, Valeria decided to leave the stage. At that time, freedom and a quiet life seemed more important to her. However, just a year later, the singer's fans were able to hear new songs. And a little later, information appeared in the Persian about the famous singer’s romance with producer Iosif Prigogine. Today they willingly give interviews in which they talk about their family happiness. For the children of Valeria, Prigogine replaced his father.

Thanks to him, the whole country learned about the existence of such a talented singer as Valeria. It was he who made her a famous artist and became the father of her three children. Today you will learn the biography of Alexander Shulgin, a producer and composer. How did he start his career and what is this extraordinary person doing now?

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

The future composer was born on August 25, 1964 in the city of Irkutsk. Interest in music and poetry appeared in school years. He wrote his first poem while still a primary school student and dedicated it to his mother. After some time, he was carried away by music, and at the age of 12 he was a full-fledged member of the school ensemble. Of the instruments, he chose the guitar and began to learn to play compositions from the school repertoire. Soon the team began to supplement their repertoire with the songs "Time Machine" and "Sunday".

At the age of 14, the biography of Alexander Shulgin could be replenished with a record of the court's verdict. Only his age saved him. Together with the guys, he stole a megaphone in the city park. The musicians decided to use it instead of an amplifier, but their theft was discovered by the headmaster. Alexander got off with a fright, but the other participants received two years probation. This incident did not affect the love of music. In addition, the young man studied well and went to the regional Olympiads.

First steps in show business

At the concert of the Carnival group, Alexander had a chance to meet the musicians. They were able to discern in the modest young man the tough grip and flair of an enterprising person. Together with them, Shulgin left for Moscow, where he soon joined the Cruise team. At that time, it was strictly forbidden to perform songs and music of one's own composition, so Alexander had to bypass more than a dozen instances in order to achieve the acceptance of his group's musical program. After approval, they went to Germany, where they toured successfully for 4 years. After the team broke up, Shulgin stayed to properly study the system of show business.


Several projects implemented in Germany convinced Alexander that he was ready to return home and start a career in the world of music. First of all, he opened several firms and began to look for partners. He had grandiose plans - to find a talented performer or group and promote it in the West. Soon the first clients appeared - foreigners who wanted to do business in Russia. In order not to lose face in front of potential partners, the composer took them to the most prestigious bar on Taganka.

Significant acquaintance

Even then, the novice entrepreneur did not know that this evening would completely change his life. His guests noticed a thin girl who played jazz in the bar. At this moment, Alla Perfilova entered the biography and personal life of Alexander Shulgin. The young man carefully watched the young performer and after the performance approached her and offered to contact him to discuss joint work. The young provincial woman was flattered by the attention of the capital businessman, and soon they were already discussing the concept of her first album.

At that time, the girl was married, so at first the relationship with Shulgin was only within the framework of professional interest. After recording her first album abroad, she returned home with the sonorous pseudonym "Valeria" and filed for divorce. In 1992, two records were recorded - "Stay with me" and "Symphony of the Taiga". Both sold well in the West, but in Russia they did not find a response in the hearts of listeners. Then there was a wedding, and soon the girl realized that she would soon become a mother.


The birth of a daughter coincided with the release of the third album. He was given the name in honor of the newborn - "Anna". It was a high point in the biography of the composer Alexander Shulgin - four songs at once became number one hits. "Airplane", "Ordinary Affairs", "Good Morning" and "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" occupy the first lines in the charts, and Valeria becomes a famous singer. In 1997, the new album "Surname, Part 1" and a frank video for the song "Tender Night" were released. Shulgin repeated the success of "Airplane" - the video is black and white with transitions that were new for that time. But the real triumph is yet to come - in 2000, almost all the songs of the "First Internet-Album" album become hits.

The final

The first year of the new millennium becomes another success in terms of creativity - “Eyes of the color of the sky” becomes a year, and the compositions “Tayu”, “Snowstorm”, “Do not deceive”, “You are somewhere there” simply blow up the charts. In his personal life, a turning point occurs - his wife, along with three children, leaves him and files for divorce. Devastating articles appear in the press about the real essence of a brilliant producer - he beat his wife and children for 10 years. He tries to refute these rumors, but Valeria's words are believed much more. In the biography of Alexander Shulgin, unpleasant pages are revealed one after another.

Since that moment, the name of the composer is practically not mentioned in the press. Even his children refuse to communicate with their father. He still has a record company, where dozens of popular artists have successfully recorded their albums. He tries to produce other young singers, but fails to repeat the success. But all the songs of Valeria, which her husband wrote for her, still remain hits, and the whole country sings them.

Alexander Valerievich Shulgin- a well-known Russian author and composer, a member of the Russian Authors' Society and other public organizations, the owner of the group of companies " Surname", which works in the entertainment industry. Shulgin- the author of more than two hundred songs, worked with many Russian pop stars, more than fifty of his songs were awarded prestigious awards and occupied the highest lines of Russian charts. Besides Alexander Shulgin acted as a producer of the popular musical reality shows "Star Factory" (Channel One) and " Become a star”(Russia), and also wrote music for films and television screensavers. As a member of the jury Alexander Shulgin took part in many Russian and international film, music and advertising festivals, he is a member of the board of directors of the TV channel iMusic TV, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany.

Alexander Shulgin was born in 1964 in Irkutsk. When the boy was three years old, his grandfather gave him a compact record player and a small Sasha as spellbound for hours sitting and listening to musical recordings. From that moment began his passion for music. During school years Shulgin learned to play the guitar and by the age of twelve he was performing with the school ensemble, the repertoire of which consisted of songs from popular at that time domestic and foreign bands. A few years later, the guys were already playing their own compositions.

After graduating from high school and going to college, Alexander Shulgin did not give up music. He continued to periodically perform with musicians at various dance floors in his native city.

Soon a group arrived in Irkutsk Carnival", whose team, after talking with Shulgin, invited him to go with them to Moscow. Alexander agreed and flew to the capital, where he met the group " Cruise". Three months later, he was already playing in its composition. Rehearsals, performances, tours began. Besides Shulgin he was often assigned to settle administrative matters, and he almost always managed to resolve them in favor of the group.

As part of the group " Cruise» Alexander Shulgin went to Germany for a long time. Four years later, the group broke up, and all members began to go about their business. Alexander was in no hurry to return to his homeland and began to work in a music studio, learning the basics of show business. He communicated with many famous people, independently implemented several successful projects and returned to Moscow with this baggage. There he met the still unknown young singer Valeria (née Alla Perfilova).

Soon Alexander And Valeria got married, and on November 21, 1993 their first child was born - a daughter Anna. Three years later, the couple had a son Artemy, and on November 8, 1998 - the third child, Arseniy. All this time Alexander Shulgin was engaged in business - he organized a large company that owned many shopping centers and real estate in Moscow.
Around the same time, a record company was organized " Becar records", which released albums by artists such as Kristina Orbakaite, Irina Allegrova, Alexander Buynov, Irina Saltykova and others. In 2002, the marriage of Valeria and Alexandra broke up.

Alexander Shulgin acted as a musical producer of TV projects " Become a star"And" Star Factory", on which more than 40 original works were written. In 2005 Alexander released his author's album "Performance", and also composed 20 songs and themes for the serial film " Diva».

In 2006 and 2007, four albums of a young talented saxophonist were released Elena Sheremet for which he wrote music Alexander Shulgin. Album Lady Sax reached the top 40 of the North American music service iTunes.

At the end of 2008 saw the light of " Triptych"- a piece of music, consisting of three albums, in which compositions Alexandra Shulgina were performed by legendary jazz and classical musicians.

Album " Triptych"was highly acclaimed by professionals in the American media industry and, according to the professional radio resource AirPlay Direct, became the album of February 2009. Musical compositions with "Triptych" have found their place on the waves of many radio stations on five continents playing instrumental music.

Album was recorded in 2009 "Diptych. Skazka", including an album for harp and cello "Fairy tale for girls" performed Luisa Maria Cordell(harp) and Julian Lloyd Webber(cello) and piano album "Fairy tale for boys" performed Gary Husband And Steve Hackett(ex Genesis, guitar part).

In 2010, Tokyo hosted the premieres of compositions for piano, which were performed for the Japanese public by the great pianist, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum. Composition "Altai" was very warmly received by the public and professionals, recorded by the leading TV channels in Japan.

Alexander Shulgin leads his columns in the newspaper "Vzglyad" and on the music portal.

The second, in addition to music, a serious activity for Alexandra Shulgina is New Media Space(New Habitat). Internet attracted Alexandra back in 1993, and already in 1994, the first personal website in the Russian entertainment industry appeared. In 2000, the first Internet album was created, which was worked on on the Web. Alexander attends all the major international events related to New Media, where he participates in round tables, seminars, and makes presentations.

Quite regularly Alexander Shulgin He also gives lectures on the history of Russian music, the development of world music and culture to students of higher educational institutions.

In 2010, Shulgin gave a lecture "Music of the Word" in Tokyo on the influence of music on speech on the example of the development of the Russian language since its inception, for teachers of the Russian language at universities in Japan.

Shulgin is a supporter of the free distribution of music and the relaxation of copyright restrictions on access to music and other copyrighted items.

In 2000 Alexander Shulgin before the official release of the long-awaited album Valeria "First Internet Album" posted it in free access on the site for free download. This case was the first in the world when the album of one of the most famous performers in the country was freely posted on the Internet.

In 2008, Alexander Shulgin was awarded the medal "For Professionalism and Business Reputation".


1. Triptych, 2008

2. SAX IT UP!, 2006 (performer: Elena Sheremet)

3. SAX IT EASY, 2006 (performer: Elena Sheremet)

4. LADY SAX - Remixes, 2005 (performer: Elena Sheremet)

5. LADY SAX, 2005 (performer: Elena Sheremet)

6. Submission, 2005

7. Diva, 2005 (performer: Alevtina Egorova)

8. MADE IN RUSSIA, 2005 (performer: Alevtina Egorova)

9. Eyes of the color of the sky, 2001 (performer: Valeria)

10. First Internet album, 2000 (performer: Valeria)

11. The best, 1999 (performer: Valeria)

12. Surname, part 1, 1997 (performer: Valeria)

13. Anna, 1995 (performer: Valeria)

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