Why could Michael Jackson be killed? Is Michael Jackson dead? No, he is ALIVE! The whole truth about the king of pop.


27 06 09

Estimated causes of Michael Jackson's death.

On June 25, famous American singer, dancer and songwriter Michael Jackson passed away. At this point, there are many versions regarding the cause of his death. The Los Angeles Police Department has launched an investigation into the cause of Michael Jackson's death. In May, Michael Jackson underwent a full medical test and was found to be in good health.

An ambulance took Jackson to a Los Angeles hospital with a diagnosis of "Cardiac Arrest" - literally: heart failure and arrest. An ambulance was called at 12:21 p.m. LA time. Doctors arrived in a few minutes (according to some reports, after 3 minutes, according to others - after 8). They saw Michael Jackson on the floor. Near him was his personal doctor, who was trying to stimulate the heart of a patient who had fallen into a coma. The doctors took various stimulus measures for a full 45 minutes. Then they took him to the hospital. They recorded in the medical protocol that the delivered heart rhythm was absent, that is, the heart was not beating. Michael Jackson (y) had a direct injection into the heart, applied electric shock, took other measures, but it was not possible to restore the heartbeat.

So, today, the versions of Machael Jackson's death are as follows:

Version 1: As the relatives of the pop king stated earlier, Michael could have died from an overdose of medications. They were concerned that he had taken too many medications lately. According to relatives, Michael Jackson could not perform at upcoming concerts, as he was taking strong medication.

Shortly before Michael's death, his father wanted to place his son in a rehabilitation center in California. He believed that Michael was addicted to morphine and prescribed medications.

Earlier, former legal representative for the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, expressed confidence that the death of the singer was caused by an overdose of painkillers. "I warned Jackson(a)'s entourage that such an outcome was possible," he said.

Meanwhile, a Los Angeles County coroner investigating the pop star's sudden death has ordered an autopsy. The autopsy is currently being performed by Dr. Lakshmanan Satyavagiswaran.

According to a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Forensic Science Institute, "toxicological tests and final autopsy results will be available in six to eight weeks."

In turn, the Los Angeles County medical examiner confirmed that the final results of the toxicological examination will be received no earlier than one and a half to two months, but if the autopsy allows us to establish the cause of the singer's death, it will be made public immediately, ITAR-TASS reports. The preliminary cause of death is cardiac arrest.

As the pop singer’s entourage told earlier, after an injection of Demedrol, Michael Jackson began to have difficulty breathing, he breathed more and more slowly until he stopped breathing altogether. A personal doctor who was nearby tried to give him artificial respiration and called an ambulance.

Doctors tried to start the patient's heart on the way to the hospital, but to no avail. As reported, the call to Michael Jackson (a) came to the Rescue Service at 12:22 local time on Thursday, and the death was ascertained by the doctors of the medical center at 14:26 (00:26 Friday Kiev time). According to Michael's family lawyer, Michael had been in good physical shape the day before. However, the deterioration did not come as a surprise, since the singer took many different medications. According to the lawyer, the story of Michael Jackson (a) has no parallels with the story of Anna Nicole Smith, who died due to an overdose of drugs and medications. Michael Jackson was on prescription medication to cope with a very stressful rehearsal period ahead of his 50th London show. He rehearsed 6 hours 4 days a week. It was a huge burden for a physically weak 50-year-old man. But Jackson's mood after each rehearsal was very good. The artist took a combination of 7 potent drugs, including Zoloft, Zanax and Demerol.

Version 2: The LAPD released a recording of a 911 phone call from Michael Jackson's home. Who dialed the number is not reported. "Michael Jackson is not breathing, not moving, come urgently!" - said this man.

Today it became known that the doctor Michael Jackson (a) a week and a half before the death of the singer sent letters to other patients that he was suspending his medical practice for an indefinite period. Investigators believe that the doctor was near the singer at the time of the heart attack that led to Jackson's death. The day before it was reported that the doctor had disappeared, but then it turned out that he was in Los Angeles and was not hiding from anyone. It is expected that the doctor will be questioned in the near future. Today, preliminary conclusions of experts made after the autopsy were announced. They found no signs of violent death on Michael Jackson's body. It is assumed that the singer died of a heart attack.

Version 3: The death of the King of Pop was not only a shock to millions of his fans, but also an unpleasant surprise for a number of companies that Michael Jackson owed a considerable amount of money!

According to the journalists of the prestigious Wall Street Journal, the amount of debts of the Star who died of a heart attack today is approximately $ 500,000,000. Of course, during his lifetime, Michael Jackson had sources of income that provided him with the same millions of dollars for various expenses. However, it may well turn out that the debts of the king of pop will cover his multi-million dollar fortune.

For example, according to RIA Novosti, the tidbit in Michael Jackson's inheritance pie is his stake in ATV / Sony, which owns the rights to 251 songs by The Beatles. And this is about $450,000,000. Moreover, according to the Times newspaper, Michael often used this capital as collateral, so it is not known what and how much was left of it. But, it is quite possible that the death of the king of pop music was set up precisely in order to get his huge fortune.

Version 4: The "Elvis Version" appeared in messages from Jackson fans posted on Twitter. Comparing Michael Jackson to Elvis Presley, of whom many believe he faked his own death, many fans are tweeting (hopefully rather than misleadingly) that Michael Jackson is still may be alive. Singer Sheryl Crow commented on a TV show that when she heard the news of Michael Jackson's death, she simply couldn't believe the reports and preferred to think that Michael "just wanted to run away....". Until an autopsy is performed and Jackson's body is not presented to the public, such rumors are supported by other sources. In particular, the representative of the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, could not confirm the fact of the death of the singer live on CNN, since, according to him, he receives all the information from doctors.

Version 5: The media at various times reported that Michael (a) has cancer, a rare genetic disease and lung disease. It is only truly known that the singer's health was undermined by endless plastic surgeries: starting with skin lightening, Michael tirelessly changed his facial features, which eventually led to the need to almost constantly wear a protective mask. It is known that during a medical examination, cancerous spots were found on the upper body of Jackson(a). Doctors also found "precancerous" cells on his face. Tests showed cancerous spots on the skin of his body and cells that could turn into skin cancer on his face. It is possible that the cause of Michael's death could be cancer.

After the death of Michael Jackson (a), three of his children remained orphans: Prince Michael Jr. 12 years old, Paris Michael Catherin 11 years old, Prince Michael Second 7 years old. So far, it is also unknown who exactly will deal with the further fate of these children, but there is an assumption that their grandmother may become their guardian.

It's only been a day. And there are already so many versions. Almost all British sources support the version that the cause of death was a heart attack. But then what caused it? And why is there so much controversy about this? All this is still a mystery to us.

Note that the official cause of the singer's death will be announced no earlier than in six to eight weeks. The results of the autopsy suggest that the singer died of natural causes - no injuries indicating a violent death were found.

Michael Joseph Jackson is an American singer and dancer who began his career performing in the family band The Jacksons. Since 1972, he devoted himself to a solo career, quickly achieving unrivaled success. His sixth studio album, Thriller, has been the best-selling album of all time for more than 30 years, and Michael Jackson has become a pop legend.

Childhood of Michael Jackson. Humiliation and first glory

The boy, later recognized as the King of Pop, was born in the town of Gary, Indiana. The boy's parents, Joseph Jackson and Katherine Vinta, married in November 1949. They were brought together by a love of music: the future father of the family was a bluesman, played the guitar, and his mother, half Indian, half mulatto, a native of the rural outback, was obsessed with country music.

19-year-old Catherine quickly realized that family life was by no means as rosy as in her fantasies. Joseph proved himself to be a real person, turning out to be an unsociable and even cruel person.

When Michael was born in 1958, there were already seven children in the Jackson family. Joseph's strict disciplinarian approach to raising children was harsh: he humiliated his children both morally and physically. The singer's brother Marlon said that his father dissolved his hands for the slightest offense. In an effort to accustom children to order, at night he put on a terrible mask, sneaked up under the windows of the nursery and roared in different ways (later Michael admitted that he was constantly tormented by nightmares as a child). The mother, on the other hand, forced her sons to study the Bible and took them to meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Only in 1993, Michael Jackson told Oprah Winfrey in the studio that in those years he constantly cried and felt lonely, he was literally sick of communicating with his father.

In 1964, the brothers formed The Jacksons. The original line-up consisted of the elders Tito, Jeremy and Jackie, while Michael and Marlon were backup musicians, playing tambourine and congo. Later, Michael took the place of the backing vocalist, and also accompanied each performance with dancing. The strict father watched the band's rehearsals with a belt in his hands and used leather weapons if he didn't like something.

In 1966, it was decided to rename the group to "Jackson 5" ("Jackson's Five"), and Michael became the lead singer. The young musicians won the city talent competition with the song "I Got You (I Feel Good)", after which they went on tour in the Midwest, which lasted until 1968. Michael and his brothers performed in strip clubs for "blacks", warming up the audience before the start of the show.

In 1970, the Jackson Brothers went national with their first singles to the top of the US Billboard chart. Even then, Michael riveted the attention of the public with eccentric dances, which he copied from Jackie Wilson and James Brown.

"Jackson 5" at the show "American Bandstand", 1970

The beginning of Michael Jackson's solo career

In 1973, the Jackson 5 became involved in a conflict with their record label, Motown Records. This did not prevent Michael from releasing 4 solo albums in collaboration with the label: the debut "Got to Be There" (1972), which sold over five million copies, "Ben" (1972), "Music & Me" (1973), and, finally, "Forever , Michael" (1975).

In 1976, the Jacksons signed a contract with CBS Records, after which they had to return the name "The Jacksons" - Motown retained the rights to "Jackson's Five" for themselves.

Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz

In 1978, Michael Jackson took part in the film adaptation of the Broadway musical The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with Diana Ross. The set brought him together with music director Quincy Jones, who took the talented singer who played the Scarecrow under his wing.

The first fruits of cooperation made themselves felt in 1979, when Michael Jackson presented the public with his fifth solo album "Off the Wall" (translated into Russian - "Alien to Conventions"). With the recording of the album, the musician was helped by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. Four singles from the record hit the first lines of the Billboard Hot charts: "Don't Stop "Til You Get Enough", "Rock with You", "She's Out of My Life" and "Off the Wall". sold 20 million copies of the album.

The heyday of Michael Jackson's career. King of pop music

By the early 80s, Michael Jackson had already achieved phenomenal success, and ahead of the fans was waiting for a new album, Thriller. Work on it was carried out for 8 months; The album included 9 tracks, 4 of which Michael wrote on his own.

The record was released in November 1982, and in just a year received the status of the best-selling album in history, keeping it for several decades. In the US alone, fans of the black singer have bought 26 million copies, and in the world this figure has exceeded 109 million. The album topped the Billboard 200 for 37 weeks and stayed on the list for two years.

The album was a breakthrough in music and, in addition, broke the latest racial stereotypes in the pop industry: three videos of Michael Jackson ("Thriller", "Billie Jean", "Beat It") got into MTV rotation, and the musician was invited to the White House meeting with Ronald Reagan.

Michael Jackson demonstrates "moonwalk" for the first time

In 1983, on the 25th anniversary of Motown Records, Michael Jackson debuted his famous "moonwalk" performance of "Billie Jean" for the first time, as well as a 14-minute video for the song "Thriller", which set new music video standards.

Michael Jackson - "Thriller" Full Clip

In 1984, Michael's work was again at the top of the charts. This time the single "Say Say Say", recorded together with Paul McCartney, got there. The following year, Jackson bought out a controlling stake in ATV Music Publishing, which owns the rights to most of The Beatles' songs, which caused a quarrel with McCartney, who also claims securities.

In March 1985, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie recorded the song "We Are the World". All commercial proceeds, which exceeded $61 million, were given to help the starving children of Africa.

Michael Jackson's seventh studio album ("Bad", 1987) did not repeat the phenomenal success of the previous record, but still stayed on the first line of the Billboard 200 for 6 weeks, sold 29 million copies and gave the world several hits, including the composition " I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Dirty Diana", "Smooth Criminal" and "Man in the Mirror".

Immediately after the release of the album, Michael Jackson went on his first international solo tour "Bad Tour", visiting 15 countries with 123 concerts over the next three years. Jackson turned each performance into a brilliant show: he demonstrated crazy dance steps, communicated with the audience. During one of the London concerts, he got into the Guinness Book of Records - a record half a million spectators came to the performance.

In 1989, Elizabeth Taylor called Michael Jackson "the real king of pop, rock and soul music" during the Soul Train Music Awards. Fans shortened her phrase - "King of Pop", and this nickname stuck with Michael forever.

In 1991, Michael delighted fans with new material by releasing his eighth solo album Dangerous. The release was preceded by the premiere of the video for the song "Black or White", which topped the charts for 5 weeks.

Michael Jackson - "Black or White", 1991

Michael Jackson in Russia

In September 1993, Jackson visited Russia for the first time. The concert took place at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow in the pouring rain. After that, the Dessa company, which spent a million dollars on organizing the event, went bankrupt, and the stadium was closed for repairs.

Michael Jackson in Moscow 1996 ORT

In 1995, the double album HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, a collection of the musician's greatest hits, which included 15 new songs, went on sale. Among them was the sad ballad Stranger in Moscow. When the fans asked why the song turned out so sad, did he really not like it in Moscow, Michael replied that the audience at the Moscow concert was almost the most welcoming in his memory, but at that moment he was shackled by a feeling of "all-consuming loneliness and cold."

The second time the king of pop visited Moscow in September 1996 - he gave a concert at the Dynamo stadium, met with Yuri Luzhkov and Igor Krutoy.

Further career of Michael Jackson

The next studio album ("Invincible") Michael Jackson released only in 2001. It consists of 16 tracks, which were collaborated with Michael by Notorious B.I.G. (composition "Unbreakable"), Chris Tucker ("You Rock My World") and Carlos Santana ("Whatever Happens").

The musician dedicated the album to the tragic events in Oslo - on January 26, 2001, 16-year-old Afro-Norwegian Benjamin Hermansen was killed by neo-Nazis. A close friend of the deceased, Omer Bhatti, was also a good friend of Michael Jackson, so the musician took the death of a teenager especially hard.

After the release of the album, Michael Jackson organized a performance dedicated to the 30th anniversary of his solo career at Madison Square Garden. For the first time since 1984, he took to the stage with the former "Jackson Five", and also sang along with Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, N'Sync and Usher.

In 2003, Michael released the hits compilation Number Ones, which included several previously unreleased tracks, including the brand new track "One More Chance".

At this time, Michael was accused of child molestation, and although the musician was acquitted, due to the hype that arose in the press, many celebrities refused to collaborate with Jackson to record a charity song in memory of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The composition "I Have This Dream" was eventually recorded, but never appeared on sale.

In 2004, a five-disc set "Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection" Box Set" was released with 13 previously unreleased songs, and in August 2008, a collection of hits "King of Pop", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson planned to release his eleventh studio album in 2009.

Michael Jackson's personal life

Michael Jackson has been married twice. The first wife of the musician was the daughter of the King of Rock and Roll - Elvis Presley. Jackson first met Lisa Marie Presley in 1975 at an MGM Grand Hotel event in Las Vegas, but at that time she was only 8 years old.

The next meeting took place in 1993. After that, they began to chat and quickly became best friends; Lisa supported him during a period when it seemed that everyone turned their backs on Jackson. One day he asked a girl on the phone: "If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?" Six months later, they secretly got married in the Dominican Republic. In 1996, their marriage broke up, but the former spouses remained friends.

Michael was going through a divorce very hard, which made his disease [vitiligo] worse. During a visit to personal dermatologist Arnold Klein, he met his assistant, Debbie Rowe. They started talking, and Debbie asked Michael what made him sad the most about the situation. The musician replied that he deeply regretted that he had not acquired common children with Lisa. Then the woman invited Jackson to bear his child so that he could experience the happiness of fatherhood.

Michael happily agreed. The woman gave birth to two children - the son of Prince Michael Joseph Jackson and the daughter of Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. In 1999, Debbie considered mission accomplished and filed for divorce, relinquishing all parental rights.

In 2002, Michael Jackson had a second son, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II. The musician kept the name of the surrogate mother who carried the child a secret.

Michael Jackson with his son on the balcony of a hotel in Berlin

During the artist's tour in Berlin, one journalist managed to shoot a video of Michael Jackson standing on the hotel balcony and holding his youngest son in his hand. The press made a real scandal out of the video, accusing the singer of careless handling of the child. After this incident, the artist began to be wary of the press and hide all the details from his personal life, and if the Jacksons appeared in public together, the faces of the children were hidden by masks.

Michael Jackson and allegations of pedophilia

In 1988, Michael purchased 112 hectares of land in California, near the town of Santa Barbara. In this place, the musician who retired from general attention could finally be himself. He rebuilt the ranch, turning it into the dream of every child: a mansion resembling a fairytale palace, a miniature railway, carousels, a zoo, a huge variety of colorful sculptures ... He called the created amusement park "Neverland", in honor of the book about Peter Pan, the boy who never will not become an adult.

In 1993, the singer was accused of molesting thirteen-year-old Jordan Chandler, who was a fan of the artist and a frequent visitor to Neverland Ranch. The son admitted to his father, Evan Chandler, that during the visits, Jackson forced the boy to touch his genitals. During the investigation, Michael even had to demonstrate his "dignity" so that the jury could compare the boy's descriptions with reality.

As a result, a settlement was concluded: the Chandlers withdrew the lawsuit, and Michael paid the family $ 22 million in compensation. In 2003, Michael Jackson was again brought to trial on charges of a similar crime. The new "victim" was thirteen-year-old Gavin Arvizo, who told the press that Michael got him drunk and masturbated with him together.

Authorities raided the Jackson estate and arrested the singer, but released him on bail a day later. During the investigation, the artist claimed that the Arvizo family decided to repeat the example of the Chandlers and was engaged in heinous extortion. Litigation lasted two years, in the end Michael Jackson was fully acquitted. Unfortunately, the very fact of being accused of pedophilia had a very negative impact on the reputation and career of the singer.

In 2005, Michael Jackson left Neverland Ranch for good, moving to a mansion in Holmby Hills.

After the singer's death in 2009, Jordan Chandler admitted that all the words about molestation were lies from beginning to end, and said that his father forced him to tell the truth. In November of that year, the elder Chandler shot himself.

Plastic surgery and Michael Jackson's illness

In 1987, after the release of the video for the title track of the album "Bad", fans noticed changes in the face of the idol, and with each subsequent performance, the singer became even paler and thinner.

The media paid too much attention to the artist's haggard appearance: journalists built the most unexpected hypotheses why Michael Jackson whitened his skin and changed the contours of his face, going as far as accusing him of dysmorphophobia - hatred of his own body.

In the early 90s, Michael put an end to gossip by admitting that in 1986 he was diagnosed with two rare diseases - vitiligo and lupus. And if vitiligo affected only the pigmentation of the skin, covered with light spots due to the disease (hence the deathly white complexion of Michael - this is a thick layer of cosmetics that hid the difference between healthy and affected skin), then lupus, a dangerous autoimmune disease that damages the connective tissue. tissue, led to the failure of the cheekbones and a general deformity of the face. In addition, powerful drugs prescribed to Michael by a doctor during a relapse of lupus led to the musician's addiction to painkillers.

As for the number of Michael Jackson's plastic surgeries, experts who closely followed the gradual transformation of the artist concluded that there were multiple surgical interventions. According to them, he operated on his nose several times, changed the shape of his lips, reshaped his cheeks and eyelids, and also made a dimple in his chin. Michael's mom confirmed that her son, in her opinion, was addicted to plastic surgery. The artist himself stated that he had only done rhinoplasty twice. Doctors failed to resuscitate Michael Jackson

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the way to the medical center of the University of California and in the center itself did not help - Michael Jackson's death was ascertained at 14:26. The news of Michael Jackson's death spread around the world within minutes.

The police immediately launched an investigation into the incident. The first to be interviewed was the singer's personal doctor, Conrad Murray. He said that he found the lifeless Jackson in bed, but managed to distinguish the pulse and tried to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and when he realized that all attempts to resurrect the singer were unsuccessful, he called an ambulance. The following fact played an important role here - Michael rented a mansion, so Conrad did not know the exact address. While he was figuring out the coordinates, a whole half hour passed, which turned out to be fatal for Jackson.

This was the version of Conrad Murray, but the coroners continued the investigation. It turned out that one of the producers of the Emmy Award, Ken Erlich, saw the singer the day before his death - and he seemed to him very energetic and provocative.

An autopsy showed that the singer was in the extreme stage of exhaustion - with an increase of 178 centimeters, his weight was only 51 kilograms. Not a single hint of food was found in the stomach, but a decent amount of painkillers was found. On August 24, a forensic medical examination established the true cause of Michael's death - an overdose of the anesthetic propofol, administered intravenously. Michael Jackson's death certificate lists the cause as "murder".

In November 2011, Murray was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Funeral of Michael Jackson

On July 7, 2009, a closed farewell ceremony was held for the idol of millions. Jackson's closest friends came to the Forest Lawn Cemetery Memorial Park in Los Angeles. Messages from Diana Ross, Nelson Mandela, Queen Latifah, Stevie Wonder, children of Martin Luther King Jr. were read. The farewell ended with a speech by Paris Jackson. Without holding back her tears, the girl said: "He was the best father that could be ...".

In December 2010, the world heard the first posthumous album of Michael Jackson. The record, called "Michael", consisted of 10 tracks, recorded with the participation of Lenny Kravitz, 50 Cent and Tarill Jackson. The release of the album divided the singer's fans into two camps: some believed that publishing songs deliberately hidden by the author "on the table" was blasphemy, which had a strictly commercial purpose. Others, on the contrary, were glad that even after his death, the idol continues to delight fans with new creations. Numerous celebrities, including Michael's brother Randy Jackson, referred to the album as "raw" and "unfinished".

The real idol for many fans of pop music was Michael Jackson. The cause of the death of the artist became the subject of a lively discussion in the media. The official version is overgrown with rumors and speculation. The circumstances under which the beloved singer died, where he was buried and what will he left, will be discussed in this article.

the day before

Michael Jackson was in high spirits before his sudden death. The cause of death for people who knew him closely seems obvious. The singer spent a lot of energy preparing for the next tour. The proposed concerts in London were supposed to mark the return of the artist to the big stage. He had not performed for a long time, was in poor physical shape, but intended to successfully overcome all obstacles. He had the strength to rehearse with a dance group for several hours a day. Literally a day before his death, the singer looked fresh and cheerful. He amazed those around him with his efficiency.

Ken Ehrlich (one of the Emmy producers) claims that Michael Jackson experienced his best days before his death. The cause of the singer's death puzzles him, because the artist felt great, talked a lot and joked. However, the very next day he was gone. Specialists, even after the second autopsy, could not determine the diagnosis. What was it? The result of numerous plastic surgeries? A sluggish but deadly disease? Consequence of severe overwork? An overdose of potent drugs? Jackson has never been afraid to experiment with his health. This carelessness played a cruel joke on him.


Michael Jackson, whose albums sold in millions of copies, did not die immediately. First, the singer fainted on the set in Los Angeles. Then the fainting recurred. This time the artist was in the house that he was filming in the west of Los Angeles in Holmby Hills. Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, told police that he found his patient in bed with a weak pulse on the femoral artery. He was between life and death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation failed. It took half an hour to find the guard, so that he heeded the requests of the frightened Aesculapius and called emergency services from his phone. For some reason, Murray did not want to use his personal cell phone. Thus, only at 12:21 a call was made to number 911. Information about the tragedy came from an unknown man.

Three minutes later, doctors discovered the lifeless body of the artist. Attempts to bring him back to life continued for another hour. They were unsuccessful. Michael Jackson died at 2:26 p.m. at the University of California Medical Center. Date of death - June 25, 2009. The legend of world show business, the king of popular music, a wonderful singer, a unique dancer, an unsurpassed showman, died without having made the last tour in his life.

Expert opinion

Michael Jackson was physically exhausted. The cause of death could be the most unexpected. On examination, he was found to have many scars, including from an operation to stop skin cancer. In addition, they found several broken ribs and bruises, traces of heart injections. The singer had only pills in his stomach. With a fairly high growth (178 cm), his weight was only 51 kilograms. It is strange that this man even found the strength to sing and dance.

Experts immediately had several assumptions. They referred to physical exhaustion, the abuse of painkillers, the consequences of plastic surgery. The examination of the body was continued by the coroners. They found no signs of violence, but they did not reveal the cause of death either. Michael Jackson's doctor disappeared, and he certainly could tell a lot about the state of his ward before the tragedy. Toxicology tests took about six weeks. However, the experts did not come to a consensus. Three main versions have been put forward.

Version number 1: potent means

Michael Jackson, a biography whose personal life was constantly covered in the press, took shocking doses of painkillers. He was not used to drugs. A person who sought to change himself beyond recognition drowned out the pain by all possible means. With age, the artist developed problems with the spine, and he became addicted to drugs. Lawyer for the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, argues that there can be no other causes of death for the actor. He bitterly states that the people surrounding the singer did not interfere with his destructive addiction. Did Michael Jackson use drugs? Experts say no. However, his system was overloaded with potent substances, which eventually caused his heart to stop.

Version number 2: destructive plastic

Michael Jackson, whose albums broke all records of popularity, more than once went under the knife in order to improve his own appearance. From some sources it is known that during the next rhinoplasty, the artist became infected with one of the varieties of staphylococcus aureus. After that, the virus began to gradually destroy his body. In addition, the artist's repeatedly deformed nose became much less functional - the nasal passages narrowed, which caused oxygen deficiency. This could lead to chronic hypoxia, which is able to provoke cardiac arrest. Doctors have come up with a special term for this phenomenon - apnea. Death comes in a dream when a person does not control breathing. By themselves, plastic surgery is not dangerous, but their consequences can greatly undermine the health of the patient. Surgical intervention under anesthesia, taking drugs during the rehabilitation period bring negative results. Michael Jackson suffered because of his fearlessness - he believed that he could change himself beyond recognition without any consequences for health and well-being.

Version number 3: inflated expectations

Michael Jackson, whose last years were not easy, took on very serious obligations. For example, he was supposed to perform on a huge stage in London in July 2009. The artist experienced monstrous overload and colossal pressure. The impossible was expected from him - a complete recovery without interruption from exhausting rehearsals. In preparation for the anniversary celebration, the singer worked almost without rest. The insane work schedule killed him.

Version number 4: beautiful care

In fact, the whole world was waiting for a miracle. It was expected that a weak and sick person would suddenly perk up, make a frantic leap forward and give the audience another incredible show - with trapeze flights, moonwalk and crazy energy. At first it was stated that the artist would give 10 concerts, then 50 at all, but it is clear that he would not have survived even one. But how grandiose would be the death of an artist on stage in front of an audience of millions! Before performing at the London arena, the singer did not live only 18 days. The tour was called "farewell" long before the start. Michael Jackson was clearly dying. Among his diseases were called emphysema, gastric bleeding, vitiligo, skin cancer ... The death of an extravagant artist could be a continuation of a grandiose life-long show. This would be the King's farewell to the spectator in love with him. It's a pity that it didn't happen.


The world broke up with the legendary singer on July 7, 2009. The public farewell took place at the Staples Center stadium. 17,500 tickets were raffled off online. The excitement was such that the price of them reached $ 10,000. Thousands of fans gathered to honor the memory of the remarkable artist, as well as the most famous people of our time - actors, singers, showmen. The event was more like another show with world celebrities than a funeral ceremony. The singer's sister, Janet, tried to bring a note of sincerity into the pathos atmosphere. She spoke about how terrible the loss of her brother was for her. The surprise for the public was that Michael Jackson's daughter, Perris, took the stage. An eleven-year-old girl told the audience that she misses her father very much. The body of the world celebrity was buried in a bronze coffin with gold plating. It rests in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.


The posthumous desire of the artist was unequivocal. Back in 2002, he made a will in which he indicated that he was dividing his fortune between his mother, three children (including Michael Jackson's daughter) and charitable structures. Father - Joseph Jackson - is not mentioned in the will. The singer's assets at the time of his death amounted to 1 billion 360 million dollars. The most valuable investment is considered to be a share in the music catalog, estimated at $331 million. It contains compositions of the best artists of the 20th century. In addition, Jackson took care of the future of his children. He secretly recorded two hundred songs and transferred ownership of them to a special fund. Lenders can't get to him. And the artist has done a lot of debts. According to the most conservative estimates, their amount reaches 331 million dollars.

It is difficult to overestimate the legacy that Michael Jackson left behind. The date of the death of the world legend will forever remain in the memory of fans.

Michael Jackson was born in the American town of Gary, in a large family of nine children. As a child, he performed with his brothers in the Jackson 5, created by his father. Even then, the boy drew attention to himself with a peculiar manner of singing and unusual dance movements.

In 1978, Michael was offered to star in the film adaptation of the popular children's book The Wizard of Oz. During filming, Michael Jackson met music director Quincy Jones, who saw a huge talent in the young singer and became his producer. A year later, Michael Jackson's first solo album, Off the Wall, was released, selling more than 20 million copies.

Singer's Star Trek

In 1982, another record, Thriller, saw the light, which turned out to be “revolutionary” in the world of show business. So far, none of the popular performers has sung the way Michael Jackson sang. A video clip was shot for the album's main song of the same name, which is considered to be the beginning of the active development of the music video. Seven songs from this album turned into super hits, and the disc itself got into the Guinness Book of Records as “the best-selling album in the world.”

The peak of Jackson's popularity came in the mid-1980s. At one of the concerts in 1983, Michael Jackson walked for the first time with his famous "moonwalk". In 1984, he was awarded the Grammy eight times. Until 1992, the singer released two more records - Bad and Dangerous - which gave the world such super hits as The Way You Make Me Feel, Man in the Mirror, Black or White, Remember the Time, Will You Be There.

In ten years after 1993, three more records of the singer were released. This is a double album HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, then Invincible, and Number Ones. In 2009, the king of pop promised to release a new disc, but never had time to do it.

Cause of Michael Jackson's death

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 as a result of an overdose of propofol administered to him by physician Conrad Murray. Later, the doctor was formally charged with manslaughter of the musician.

Michael Jackson's personal life

Michael Jackson has been married twice. The first time was on Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. The marriage did not last long, from 1994 to 1996, but the stars remained friends. In 1996, Michael Jackson married former nurse Debbie Rowe. For three years of marriage, they had two children: a son, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Sr., and a daughter, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. Jackson's third child, Prince Michael Jackson II, was born via a surrogate mother.

Throughout his life, Michael Jackson has experienced many plastic surgeries, some of which he had to do because of a rare genetic disease - vitiligo. Jackson's skin began to lighten from the 80s. The singer denied that he intentionally wants to change his skin color: "I'm African American and I'm proud of it."

Jackson's health was undermined not only by frequent illnesses and operations. Michael Jackson was tried twice on charges of child molestation, in 1993 and 2003. In the first case, Michael Jackson paid the child's parents $22 million, after which they withdrew the application. As a result of the second process, Jackson was fully acquitted, but the services of the best lawyers led the performer to bankruptcy. By this time, Michael Jackson could no longer do without painkillers and sedatives.

Photo by Michael Jackson: Rex Features/Fotobank.ru

Monday brought a new wave of rumors and sensations associated with the name of Michael Jackson. It was expected that the conclusions of doctors and the confessions of the singer's relatives would shed light on the last years of the star's life. But there were even more questions: was Jackson the father of his two children, why did he hide information about his state of health so carefully, and most importantly, what caused his death? The media are looking for answers to these questions.

What led to the death of the king of pop, experts could not find out even after a secondary autopsy, the results of which shocked experienced pathologists. The singer had many scars on his body, from at least 13 plastic surgeries, including surgery to remove skin cancer on his chest, writes The Sun on Monday.

An autopsy found the singer had several broken ribs, a lot of bruises and 4 marks from heart injections.

In addition, the deceased musician's shoulders, thighs and forearms were covered with numerous injection marks. Experts believe that he was given injections at least three times a day for several years.

In the stomach of the emaciated singer there was nothing but pills. With a height of 178 cm, he weighed about 51 kilograms. One can only wonder where the singer had the strength to rehearse.

When Jackson was taken to the hospital, he was wearing a wig. In recent years, he has lost almost all of his hair, according to the media.

Circumstances of death

Michael Jackson died on Thursday June 25 in Los Angeles. According to press reports, doctors arrived at the pop star's home in the Bel Air area on an emergency call when the singer stopped breathing. At the same time, as Jackson's doctor clarifies, when he accidentally entered the singer's bedroom, he was still alive, and a weak pulse was felt in his femoral artery.

When Jackson was taken to the University of California Hospital, he had already gone into complete cardiac arrest.

Later, a version appeared in the press that the death of Michael Jackson was the result of an overdose of painkillers. A source at the UCLA hospital emergency department says Jackson's aides told paramedics he passed out after being injected with a strong morphine-like drug, Demerol.

According to the Kansas City Star, in the months leading up to his death, "the pop idol took prescription painkillers, including the sedatives Xanax and Zoloft, and the painkiller Demerol."

Meanwhile, a lawyer for Jackson's primary care physician, Conrod Murray, said the singer had not been injected with either Demerol or OxyContin before he died. The doctor himself said that he did not understand "why the singer died." The results of the autopsy also did not give an exhaustive answer to many questions, including the main one: what caused Jackson to die.

However, as Yelena Malysheva, a Russian television presenter with a medical background, recently stated, there are enough facts to give an unequivocal answer to this question. "All the singer's inner circle says that he did not just use painkillers, but used them in large quantities. Sooner or later, unfortunately, this ends badly. The singer's lawyers made it clear the reasons. In fact, Michael Jackson took drugs "Yes, these drugs are officially existing medicines. According to the press, he took them because he was in pain. Such drugs, in case of an overdose, can lead to respiratory arrest," Elena Malysheva told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Who gets the Jackson kids?

The fate of the children of Michael Jackson - 12-year-old Prince Michael Jr., 11-year-old Paris Michael Catherine and 7-year-old Prince Michael II - will be decided by the court.

Currently, the singer's parents and his ex-wife, Deborah Rowe, are claiming custody. The ex-Mrs. Jackson has already stated in an exclusive interview with News of the World that Michael Jackson was not the biological father of his two eldest sons. As for Jackson's youngest child, 7-year-old Prince Michael II, he was carried by an unknown surrogate mother whom he allegedly never saw.

In confirmation of the words of the ex-wife of the singer, the fact that the two older children of Jackson are completely different from him, and their skin is light in color, speaks. It is also considered rather unusual that the Jackson children appeared in public with their faces covered, writes newsru.co.il.

The "King of Pop" met Rowe, who worked as a dermatologist's assistant, during another plastic surgery. During the divorce proceedings, Rowe gave up parental rights.

She later said that the singer "felt very lonely" after his divorce from Lisa Marie Presley and "madly wanted children." For this alone, he not only married Rowe, but also paid her a significant amount. Rowe admitted to reporters that she never had maternal feelings for children, and understood that after her divorce from Michael Jackson, she would never see them. She calls the birth of children a "gift" to the musician.

Funeral like Elvis

Michael Jackson's relatives plan to hold a public funeral for the singer at the famed Neverland Ranch on July 1, reports The Look. The farewell to the King of Pop is expected to surpass Elvis Presley's funeral in 1977, which was attended by more than 80,000 fans.

According to one version of the media, experts will embalm the body of the star, writes upmonitor.ru.

On Wednesday, Sir Paul McCartney, Madonna, Liza Minnelli, Britney Spears and Jackie Chan will come to say goodbye to Michael Jackson, who regretfully admitted that he missed the last call from the deceased singer. "I missed Michael's last call. I called back as soon as the assistant told me about the missed call, but he (Jackson) did not answer ... I am very sorry about this," Jackie Chan said.

The Chinese actor suggested, without explaining his words, that death was "a kind of escape" for Michael Jackson.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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