Riddles, proverbs and sayings for the table etiquette project. "Etiquette"


Summary: A selection of verses about the rules of etiquette. Poems about etiquette teach children what the rules of etiquette are and how a truly polite and cultured person should behave.

We offer you specially selected poems for children on the topic of etiquette: acquaintance, we are going to visit, bon appetit, apology, magic words, talking on the phone, farewell.

All poems are distinguished by the fact that they are written with a great sense of humor, and, at the same time, they teach what the rules of etiquette are and how a truly polite and cultured person should behave.

Ideas about the rules of conduct may be different for different peoples, in different countries.

And here is how, for example, Rabbit imagines etiquette from the fairy tale story by Lewis Carroll (translated by B. Zakhoder) "Alice in Wonderland":

The gloves are gone
And the fan is gone!
Well, how now
Should I come to the ball?
I can't break etiquette!
Everyone will say Rabbit
Undressed and undressed!..

Possession of speech etiquette involves the ability to choose the right polite words in different situations. Politeness is an expression of good relations between people. The rules of etiquette have been developed over the centuries. In the old days, people could sound politely differently than now, for example, in Pushkin's fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan":

"The prince said to them then:
- Good luck to you, gentlemen!

A failed acquaintance.(V. Levin)

Billy and Doll
Climbed onto the table -
Meet a new cat.
Bill was the first.
He hit the bump.
And then Dolly collapsed.

From the songs of Winnie the Pooh.
morning song
(B. Zakhoder)

Who visits in the morning
He acts wisely!
Taram-param, taram-param -
That's what morning is for!

In the evening - soon it's time to sleep,
The owners are yawning...
Now, if the guest came in the morning -
This does not happen!

Yes, if the guest came in the morning
He doesn't need to hurry.
The owners shout: "Hurrah!!!"
(They are U-terribly Ra-dy!)

No wonder the sun is visiting us
Come visit in the morning!
Taram-param, taram-param -
Come visit in the morning!

A very polite Indian.(B. Zakhoder)

showed up
In the house
All of a sudden
Very Polite Turkey.

Thirty times a day
At least,
He shouted:
- Hey you, ignorant!
Come in, or something, visit -
to learn

I myself, - shouted Turkey, -
Doctor of Polite Sciences,
And my wife is an example
Remarkable manners:
Even when she sleeps
It looks like she's educated!

Don't be shy, Donkey!
Come, sit down at the table!
why are you silent
how is the fish?
Say: "I'll come, thank you!"
Don't be a pig
My family is waiting for you!
Only before
You are your pig snout!

No matter how he fought
So nobody came
Nor cow,
But the dog
Neither Khavronya,
Nor Donkey!

The turkey turned blue from anger:
- Do not go, impudent, to visit!
All the work is wasted
All of them are bullshit!

Sunday breakfast.(V. Levin)

One Sunday morning
The fly sat down to eat jam,
But suddenly
How to come running! -
Spoiled the fly's mood
And killed her appetite.

Courteous conversation.
(V. Levin)

The story is very polite and not too short.

One Englishman pushed an Englishman
and immediately said:
"Sorry, by accident."
The second Englishman kindly replied:
"I'm sorry, but I didn't notice anything."
"No, no, it's you, for God's sake, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, but what should I forgive, explain?"
"How -" what should I forgive "? Isn't it clear?"
"Sir, you're worried, really, in vain.
I would be glad to forgive you, but I do not understand
What exactly do I have to excuse you for?"

and immediately said:
"Sorry -
by accident."

To which the interlocutor kindly replied:
but I didn't notice anything."
"No no,
For God's sake, forgive me."

but why should I forgive?
"How -" what should I forgive?
Isn't it clear?"
"Sir, you are worried, right, in vain:
I would like to forgive you
but I don't understand
What exactly
I must excuse you!"

the Englishman pushed
and immediately said:
By accident."

What is the interlocutor
"Sorry, but-
I didn't notice anything!"

"No no!!!
It is you,
For God's sake, forgive me!"
But what should I forgive?
"How -" what should I forgive?
Isn't it clear?!"
"Sir, are you worried
right, in vain:
I would like to forgive you
but I don't understand
What exactly
I must excuse you."

And immediately said:
But then the interlocutor answered differently:
but I guess I'll hit you back."
And politely polite
two Englishmen
each other
till night

Reflections after a very polite conversation.
(V. Levin)

It is worth salting
Both breakfast and lunch.
a little
You can fool around
There is nothing bad in this.
Need sometimes -
For the weak, for example.
Even politeness
When you forget the measure.

(A. Kondratiev)

Cancel, right?
the word "please"?
We repeat it every minute.
Perhaps that
Without "please"
We are getting

Hello, is this the sea?
(R. Sef)

This is the Sea?
This is the Sea?
You hear,
Black Sea,
I took the shell
And I'm standing in the hallway
And I'm very worried
Calling to the coast.
I recognize you
In this hollow
I hear
crunchy surf
On the sand.
It's the wind
Rocks the tops
gray eucalyptus trees
In the coastal forest.
It's a sail
Flying in space.
This is a fish
Floats deep.
Answer me
Black Sea!
To me!

Mr Snow.
(V. Levin)

Mr Snow! Mr Snow!
Will you visit again?
- In one hour. I give you my word.
Thank you Mr Snow...

Dutch songs.
Bon Voyage.
(I. Tokmakova)

The carriage somehow crawls,
Tired horse carries her, -
Bon Voyage!

A tired man walks
He wipes the sweat off his face,
Bon Voyage!

And ships in the oceans
Far from their homeland,
Bon Voyage!

Let who goes, who goes,
He will always find his way home,
Bon Voyage!

According to the book by T.S. Reznichenko and O.D. Larina "Russian language - from game to knowledge".

- "The best educational games for kids online"

We all know that it is easiest to raise a child to be polite and cultured by your own example. But why not add a mysterious upbringing to everyday life? We have already talked about etiquette and polite poems, today I invite you to plunge into riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette

Politeness is a wonderful quality that helps people interact with each other and be, in fact, people))) The rules of behavior at the table, at school, in society were invented for a reason and they undoubtedly need to be observed!

We will find out whether our children know the elementary rules of etiquette by asking them polite riddles about manners and rules of behavior.

Exactly, we are sitting straight,
If at the table... (we eat).

If we are visiting
We carry it with us. (Present)

To be very nice
Let's wrap it up nicely
tie with a ribbon,
Let's say congratulations! ( Birthday gift)

We are for a birthday
We won't come without... (invitations).

We will clean the apartment
And we'll put things in order.
If we are waiting for friends
If we wait... (guests).

Before eating
Let's wash our hands... (water).

We'll dress well
Neat, cute
And we'll take a gift
If in... (guests) we will go.

Riddles about the rules of behavior at school are a completely separate and big topic for discussion:

Be diligent in class
Be calm and... (attentive)

All write, do not lag behind,
Listen… ( without interrupting)

Speak clearly, clearly
For everything to be... (It's clear)

If you want to answer
I need a hand... (Lift up)

In mathematics, they count
At a break… (Resting)

If a friend began to answer,
Do not rush… (Interrupt)

And if you want to help a friend -
Take it easy... (Hand)

Know: the lesson is over,
When you heard... (call)

When the bell rang again
Always be in class... (Ready)

So that doctors do not worry,
At recess, not ... ( scream)

Rules of conduct are a subtle area of ​​learning and are best taught in a playful way. Through the prism of play and fun, the most important concepts become clearer and more accessible. And help in this will just be riddles and games about polite words. .

Riddles about politeness and polite words

I will give you flowers
And I'll give you a gift.
I'm sure you
Tell me... (Thank you).

Here comes the morning
The garden shines with mother-of-pearl.
What do we say? ( Good morning!)

There are many good words
Great, kind words.
I know son Alyosha
I'm ready to tell them!
One-two-three, one-two-three
Tell me the words! ( Thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you)

The bird met the bird.
What did she chirp? (Hello!)

When we go to sleep
What do we forget to say? ( Good night)

When we get back to the house
Where we all know
What we won't forget to say
If we are polite? ( Hello!)

What do we say to grandma
For delicious pancakes? (Thank you)

If we are with grandfather
We ask for bread for tea,
So we thank him.
What word are we talking about? (Thank you)

We come to kindergarten
Here we are all very happy.
What word do we forget?
We will speak it. (Hello!)

When we part
What word shall we say?
Certainly, ... ( Goodbye).

Don't be lazy to tell your friends
(Good afternoon)

goodbye to each other
We'll say...

Don't blame each other
Better soon...

How beautiful is it
Good word...
(Thank you)

When guilty, say you hurry
I beg you, please-

Never get involved in someone else's conversation
And adults you are better ...
(Do not interrupt)

Fun riddles-agreements can be supplemented. With us, they always meet very hospitably.

Even ice blocks melt
From the word warm ...
(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears...
(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom...
(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate
He says when he meets...

When we are scolded for pranks,
We're talking...
(Excuse me, please)

Both France and Denmark
Saying goodbye...

If a friend meets a friend
Friends shake hands with each other
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...

Wrote a letter to my mother
yesterday in response
And at the end passed
To all friends...

If with a friend or girlfriend
There was a long separation
When we meet, we say:
"How old and..."
(how many winters)

If you met someone
According to the rules of etiquette
So that the conversation goes uphill,
We ask: “How…”

Don't be rude to older people
And don't be shy
Tell them when you meet
Not "hello" but...

Our world is tired of evil,
To make him better
We are not too lazy to speak
At the meeting …
(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them is gone
And it's like a sin
Most often spoken.
This word follows
For a gift, for dinner,
This word is said
If you are thanked.
(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egor
Pizza cheese is grated.
They ask mice from the hole:
"Give! Be…”
(so kind)

Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,
Suddenly I met an old bulldog.
I ask you to quickly guess:
Who should be the first to say hello?
(Puppy Phil, because he is younger, and the younger ones are the first to greet the elders)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,
Fashionista, imaginative ...
And towards - the gentleman,
Cute scotch terrier.
Guess or not:
Who will say "hello" first?
(Scotch Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet women he knows)

Kind and polite children to you!

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Maya. Mayan. Bakulina. Bakulin.
"Etiquette". Abstract of the lesson-conversation on moral education

"Etiquette". Abstract of the lesson-conversation on moral education

Explanatory note:

Etiquette- an important part of human culture, morality, morality, in goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement.

Unfortunately, some people have to learn the norms of behavior already in adulthood. And sometimes it becomes a real problem. Therefore, my firm conviction is that it is better to master the basics of etiquette from kindergarten. Especially today, when children with their parents actively travel the world. Knowing the rules of conduct will save you from awkward situations and all sorts of absurdities.

From early childhood, the child enters into a complex system of relationships with other people (at home, in kindergarten, etc.) and gains experience in social behavior. To form behavioral skills in children, to cultivate a conscious attitude to their actions, you need to start from preschool age. As you know, preschool age is characterized by increased susceptibility to social influences. A child, having come into this world, absorbs all human ways of communication, behavior, relationships, using for this his own observations, empirical conclusions and conclusions, imitation of adults. And moving through trial and error, he can eventually master the elementary norms of life and behavior in human society.

A special place in teaching preschoolers the rules of etiquette can be given to conversation. The conversation helps to find out the level of knowledge and understanding of the norms and rules of behavior by children, encourages children to realize actions, phenomena, situations of a moral nature.


1. Introduce the concept of etiquette.

2. Reinforce children's knowledge of polite words.

3. Practice using polite words.

4. To cultivate such qualities as responsiveness, the desire to help others; the desire to please others with good deeds.

Preliminary work:

1. Riddles about etiquette.

2. Memorizing poems about etiquette, polite words.

3. Rules of etiquette at a party.

4. Speech etiquette.

Material for the conversation:

Orders of Kindness and Courtesy for each child, from colored paper.

Conversation flow:

The children enter the room.

Educator: Hello dear children!

You are the most beautiful in the world.

Children: (Hello).

Educator: The first words we start the day with are “Good morning”. And what do we say with these words, guys?

Children: We wish you fun, happiness, good mood, we want the whole day to be joyful, bright, kind.

Educator: It is extremely important for children to know the rules of communication with others, here are some rules of speech etiquette.

1. Greet when meeting acquaintances, say goodbye when parting;

2. Use polite words in speech: “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”;

3. Address adults respectfully, on "You"; do not insult other children;

4. Ask for forgiveness for wrongdoing;

5. Do not discuss the behavior of outsiders, do not snitch;

6. Do not interrupt someone else's conversation;

7. Know how to control your negative emotions.

Educator: Children, now let's solve riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette:

1. I was in a hurry to the kindergarten,

Forgot to say hello

With a best friend and with a neighbor,

And with a passerby in conversation.

hurtful consequences,

Kohl didn't say.

Children: (greetings)

2. When I was about to leave,

You must be polite.

The words "bye" and "goodbye" -

Those are words.

Children: ( goodbyes)

3. If I'm wrong

Then immediately, without a doubt,

I will ask for forgiveness

Children: (Apologies)

4. I say "thank you"

So I am.

Children: (Thank you)

5 . The bull mowed down the daisies

And he invited the sheep.

That one ate the treat,

But he said "..."

Children: (Sorry!)

6. Mom and dad are sitting

Cake with sweets is eaten.

The polite daughter will say:


Children: (Can I help you!)

7. Fat cow Lula

She ate hay and sneezed.

To not sneeze again

We will tell her: “…”

Children: (Be healthy!)

8. Children Dasha and Egor

Pizza cheese is grated.

They ask mice from the hole:

"Give! Be."

Children: (So kind!)

9. Met a wild boar in the forest

Unfamiliar fox.

Beauty says:


Children: (Introduce yourself!)

Educator: Well done boys! You made me very happy.

And you know, there are many poems about politeness and polite words, and we will learn some of them, but first a physical education minute.

Physical education:


Roly-up, ( Jumping in place)

Sit down. ( Squats.)

What a naughty one you are!

We can't handle you! ( Clap your hands.)

Up hand and down hand

Up hand and down hand.

Pulled them up a little.

Quickly changed hands!

We are not bored today. ( One straight arm up, the other down, with a jerk to change hands.)

Clap Squats:

Down - cotton and up - cotton.

Legs, hands stretch,

We know for sure - it will be good. ( Squats, clapping your hands over your head.)

We turn our heads,

Stretching the neck. Stop! ( Head rotation left and right.)

Educator: And now let's learn the rhymes.

1. What is "etiquette"?

We will now give an answer.

These are the rules

You need to know them from an early age!

2. What is etiquette?

It's possible,

Etiquette as a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary,

In people's language...

It is very easy to live culturally.

Everything is fine,

Which is not bad.

2. Do not take sweets to kindergarten

After all, other children are offended.

See your mom calmly

And behave with dignity.

Listen to the teacher

Sleep and eat without orders.

3. If we bake cookies,

All friends for a treat,

We will tell them: "Do not be shy,

Eat well!"

4. It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

5. What is "hello"?

The best of words.

Because "hello"

It means "be healthy".

6. Unearthly beauty,

Take your finger out of your mouth!

Girls and boys,

Don't suck your fingers.

Dear children,

Fingers are not candy.

7. If you become polite

And be educated

That always and everywhere will be,

Respect and love you!

8. These wonderful words

Everyone is very happy to hear

Adults and children get better

And smile at you.

Educator: It is extremely important for the guys to know the rules of conduct at a party. You should know that being in a strange house it is necessary to observe the norms of guest etiquette:

1. Come to visit only at the invitation of the hosts;

2. Greet the owners of the house;

3. Do not be late for the appointed time;

4. Follow the rules of communication;

5. Do not touch objects and things in the house without permission;

6. Do not insist on your desires;

7. Observe the rules of conduct at the table;

8. Do not run around the apartment, do not shout, do not litter, do not scatter things;

9. Do not stay away for a long time;

10. Thank the hosts for their hospitality before leaving.

Educator: I know that all polite people are not evil, they are always smart and kind people, and I am sure that you will also become the same, and I want to award each of you with the Order of Kindness and Politeness. ( I take out and hand over to each child the Order of Kindness and Politeness).

Instead of a conclusion:

The position of a person in society, the course of life directly depends on the perception of those around him as a person. To achieve a respectful, kind attitude towards oneself is subject only to those who follow the rules accepted in society - cultured, educated, polite people. Parents should help the child, at each stage of his development, in the assimilation of elementary, but such necessary norms of etiquette. It is important to do this with love and kindness so that the child knows that he always has the support of loved ones and relatives.

The rules of greeting are a very important step in learning the rules of etiquette. After all, the first thing we do when meeting a familiar person is to greet him. Communication etiquette must be taught from childhood, so that later an adult does not have difficulties in communication.

Loud, surprised exclamations: “ba - who do I see”, “well, finally”, “where have you been?” cannot be called a greeting.

Do not be afraid to say hello to a person once again if you met him more than once during the day. Greet him with a smile, or a nod of your head, or a slight wave of your hand.

Any communication begins with a greeting. According to etiquette, you need to greet a person with the words: “Hello!”, “Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Good evening!”. These are the most common and acceptable forms of greeting. Among close people, it is most common to say “hello”.

In a greeting, the intonation is very important, warm and friendly, because even the usual greeting words, expressed in a rude or dry tone, can offend the person you are greeting. And if you smile when you say hello, it will immediately endear you to a person. Only the smile should be sincere.

It is customary to accompany the greeting with a bow, a nod of the head, a handshake, and hugs. During the greeting, do not lower your eyes. You need to meet the eyes of the one you are greeting, otherwise the person will think that you are unpleasant to communicate with him, that you are hiding something, etc. It is indecent to keep your hands in your pockets during the greeting. This expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.

There are different situations for exchanging greetings. There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to be polite and not offend the feelings of others.

If you notice a friend in the distance (on the other side of the street, on a bus, etc.), and if you also notice you, you need to greet the person with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a bow, a smile. You should not shout at the top of your voice - you will put both him and yourself in an awkward situation.

If you see a friend approaching you, you do not need to shout "Hello" from afar. Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps, and then greet him.

If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should also say hello.

If you meet a friend in the company of a stranger, you need to greet them both. You also need to greet everyone in the group you are approaching.

If you go in a group and meet your friend, it is not necessary to introduce others to him. You can apologize, step aside for a few seconds and talk with a friend. But do not drag out the conversation, because other people are waiting for you.

Be sure to greet those people with whom you often meet, even if you do not know them. For example, with the seller of the nearest store, with the postman, neighbors from the entrance. This is basic courtesy.

If you enter a room where there are a lot of people, you should not greet everyone individually, but say a general “hello”.

Often greeting people shake hands. Here etiquette also pays attention to some subtleties.

The elders are the first to give a hand to the younger ones, and not vice versa.

Among peers, women are the first to shake hands with men.

If two married couples meet, then the women first greet each other, then the men greet the women, after that the men greet each other.

Before shaking hands, a man must take off his glove. A woman does not need to do this. However, when greeting noticeably older people, everyone should remove the glove.

The way we start communication with a person largely determines the future fate of this communication, so it’s worth following the simple rules of etiquette, it definitely won’t hurt!

The first to greet the younger elders, men - women.

A woman greets a man first if he is much older than her. Exceptions to this rule: the one who enters the room, be it a man or a woman, is the first to greet those present, the one who leaves is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

When there are several people in the room, they first greet the mistress of the house, then other women, then the owner of the house and men.

When greeting a man, a woman should be the first to give a hand. If she is limited to a bow, a man should not extend his hand to her. The same is true between older and younger men.

A man always gets up (except for the very old and the sick, who find it difficult to get up), greeting both women and men. A woman, greeting a man, does not get up. Exceptions; the mistress of the house, receiving guests, always gets up to greet them.

Women also stand up when they greet older men.

After saying hello to his peer, a man can sit down. If he greets an older man or woman, then he can sit down only after they sit down, or with their permission. If the mistress of the house offers to sit down, but she herself continues to stand, you should not sit down. Keep this in mind when you have guests.

It is not customary to greet through the threshold, through the table, through any partition.

You can, of course, communicate in the usual way, not paying attention to all the subtleties of etiquette, if your environment suits it. But, being in a different society, in another, unfamiliar company, moving to a new job or a higher position, the rules of communication should be observed. Sometimes too much depends on them: solving a problem, establishing the right contacts, doing business, or starting a long-term important relationship.

Etiquette rules for children in all life situations

People know from childhood
"What is etiquette?"

And do you know what it is?
Rules of etiquette for children are magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, relatives and people completely unfamiliar to you. You can easily learn how to greet, give and receive gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more ...
So, are you ready to learn? Then get to work!

Greeting Rules - Etiquette for Children

The rules of greeting are a very important step in learning the rules of etiquette. After all, the first thing we do when meeting a familiar person is to greet him.

It is very important to know that a well-mannered person never waits to be greeted. Do not let yourself get ahead of yourself - do it yourself, especially if you meet a friend older than yourself in age.

It is indecent to wave your hands and shout “at the top of your lungs” if the people you would like to say hello to are far away from you. It will be enough, having met their eyes, just to nod affably to them.

Rules of behavior at the table for children

Without a doubt, we all love to eat delicious food ... However, not everyone knows the elementary rules of behavior at the table. In order not to be in a stupid situation in front of the people with whom you will be at the same dinner table, learn these basic rules:

Do not put your elbows on the table: they can interfere with your neighbor, and they take up a lot of space. It is very indecent to sway in a chair.

Do not talk with a full mouth - chew and swallow, then speak, do not champ - try to eat silently.

How to talk on the phone correctly

A cultured and educated person must know how to speak on the phone correctly.

It is very important to be concise and polite when communicating on the phone. Do not drag out telephone conversations, because you can talk in person, and only talk over the phone.

It is indecent to call a person before 8 am and after 9 pm. Unless something very important and urgent happened.

Conversation Rules - For Children and Teens

Conversation rules will help you start and carry on a conversation in the right way. You will learn how to interest the interlocutor and not bother him during the conversation. In addition, these rules will make you even more educated and cultured than before.

Do not brag. Do not humiliate the interlocutor, trying to pin him down or rise at his expense.

If you are asked questions, be sure to answer them.

Rules of courtesy in conversation

It's so nice to be listened to! But did you know that you also need to be able to listen?!

If someone addresses you, and you are busy with something at this time, put aside your affairs for a while and look at the interlocutor, show him your readiness to participate in the conversation.
Never interrupt! Listen carefully to the end. Your remarks and hints to the interlocutor during his conversation are inappropriate.
When several people are involved in a conversation, you should not react to a speech that is not addressed to you.

Etiquette rules - How to receive guests

Everyone must know how to receive guests in their home. After all, it depends on what opinion your friends and acquaintances will have about you.

Any person who crosses the threshold of your house is a guest who should be received kindly and cordially. For what? To make him want to come again...

If a guest has been in for more than a few minutes, you should ask him to take off his coat. And you have to help him hang his coat on a hanger.

Rules of etiquette - How to accept gifts

Remember the simple rule: who knows how to thank - he receives gifts more often!

  • It is customary to unpack the handed gift immediately, in the presence of the giver, without putting it aside.
  • Donated flowers must be freed from packaging and placed in a vase with water.
  • A very important and most important rule when receiving a gift is gratitude! Show your delight and joy, thank the person who tried to please you.
  • Traffic rules for children

    Here we have prepared for you the rules of the road for children, which will help them to always be attentive on the road, learning to follow the rules from childhood.

    It is very important to know the basic rules of the road - this will help you confidently cross the road in specially designed places and avoid all kinds of traffic accidents. Be careful!

    You should cross the carriageway strictly along special footpaths, or underpasses, if there are any in your city (village).

    Rules of conduct in kindergarten in verse

    Here we have prepared for you the rules of etiquette in kindergarten in verse. With the help of them, kids will very easily and quickly learn to behave well in kindergarten, telling rhymes about it. Educators can use these verses to create a matinee or celebration of "Good Behavior" or "Rules of Etiquette."

    Wake up on time in the morning so as not to be late for kindergarten.

    Not hunting in the morning to wake up the kids.

    But order is order...

    You still need to wake up!

    Rules of conduct with adults - For educated children

    Do you know how to behave with adults? Do you always follow these rules? If you know and follow these rules well, then you will always be considered a well-mannered, cultured and intelligent child.

    First of all, it is customary to address adults with “you”. The greetings that you use when communicating with peers and relatives: “hello” and “bye” in relation to strangers to adults are inappropriate.

    Away Rules - For Children and Teenagers

    The rules of conduct at a party will be useful even to the most well-mannered children. Since if you do not follow these rules, then no one will call you to visit and rejoice at your arrival.

    "Whoever visits in the morning - he acts wisely!" Do you remember this Winnie the Pooh song from the cartoon? What do you think, is it possible to visit in the morning and without an invitation? Is it decent or not? If you are in doubt about the answer, get acquainted with the rules that will help you answer these questions.

    Rules of conduct in public transport

    Everyone needs to know the rules of conduct in public transport. After all, a person very often uses this type of transport when traveling to work, school, on business or to visit. And even if your family drives more of their own car, you still sometimes have to use public transport to reach your destination.

    You can start a lesson with a child about the rules of conduct in public transport with the following words: “Every day you become more and more mature. First, your mother takes you to kindergarten, then you will go to school, to the cinema, to the theater on your own. You will have to use public transport every day. Do you know how a well-mannered person behaves in transport? Let's watch?"

    Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

    No matter what foreigners imagine, but a spoon in a glass does not bother me at all ...

    The boy asks:
    - Dad, what is ethics?
    - I'll give you an example. You know that I, for two with Rabinovich, have a shop. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city for goods, and I remain alone in the shop. A lady enters, asks for some change, takes out a purse, pulls out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets a hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And here comes the question of ethics: should I share with Rabinovich?

    What is etiquette?
    - This is when you say: “Thank you, no need,” when you want to yell: “Give it here!”

    It's better to pretend than to do nothing.

    - Vasya! Does it bother you that you're left-handed?
    - No. Every person has their own shortcomings. Here you are, for example, with which hand do you stir the tea?
    - Right.
    - Here you see! And normal people interfere with a spoon!

    About the rules of conduct.
    If you are sitting at a table as a guest, you should not cut words like “SGPTU-30”, “DMB-94” or “Tolyan from Alapaevsk” on the table top. It’s best to cut out the words “Thank you!”, “High!”, “We stuck around!” The owner will be very pleased.

    Before entering, think: are you needed here?

    Thank you, aunt, the little boy thanks the guest.
    “Nothing, my good,” she smiles.
    I think so too, but my mother insists.

    Excuse me.
    - Let me not let you!
    “I won’t let me not.

    Grandma, would you like to sit in my seat?
    - Thank you, granddaughter, why not sit down!
    “Then don’t leave, I’ll get out in three stops.”

    English Beef Recipe: "If you're visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye ..."

    Dinner etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

    Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!

    Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.

    If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?

    From the rules of good manners.

    It is indecent to keep your hands in the pockets of your trousers in front of strangers ... Especially if you are a woman, and the trousers are men's ...

    Etiquette - it was invented by people who did not know hunger.

    Rules of cat etiquette:

    - If you feel sick, quickly climb into a chair. If you do not have time on time - then on the Persian carpet. Dig well then!

    - Quickly determine which of the guests hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He will not dare to drive you away and even call you a "cute pussy". If you can make yourself smell like cat food, so much the better.

    - Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit down and stare at the guest.

    - If one of the owners is busy, and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

    - If the hostess is knitting, quietly curl up in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend the paw and sharply hit the knitting needles. She calls this a "loose loop". She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

    If the owner is busy doing homework, sit on his papers. After you have been removed from them for the second time, brush off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

    Get a good night's sleep so you're in shape for night games between 2 and 4 a.m.

    About the rules of conduct.
    Phrases like: "And now I'll show you our family album!" or “Look how our son is learning!” - Significantly save food and booze.

    When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he should bow to her hand. Modern "gentlemen" pull the lady's hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.

    Etiquette is when you think: "Damn you!", but you say: "Hello."

    If you think you have reached the heights of etiquette, try using a knife and fork to eat a glass of seeds.

    Yes. Thanks you too. Thanks, and the same to you. Thanks, and you too.

    What's stopping you from being yourself?
    — Rules of etiquette and the criminal code.

    In dismissal, behave as if you are a cultured person.


    - "George W. Bush's list of virtues."
    - The phone book of Osama bin Laden.
    Mike Tyson's etiquette rules.
    — French hospitality.
    - "The etiquette of the departure of the British from the guests."
    - "Jokes about blondes, told by them."
    “Everything Women Know About Men.”
    “Everything Men Know About Women.”
    How to spell the name Bob correctly.
    “Words that have not yet been called Bill Gates.”
    - Honest Lawyers.
    - "Prosecutors who have never been in a bath."
    - "What I would not say for the sake of money" by Sergey Dorenko.
    - "Headwear Yuri Luzhkov."
    - "Human Rights in China".
    - "Places where terrorists should be wetted" by V.V. Putin.
    - "Arab Aviation Schools".
    - “Things that a Russian could not call one of the three main
    motherly words."

    Morality without conscience is just etiquette.

    From etiquette - only a label!
    There was no etiquette here...
    From rudeness, a pill was not invented,
    The only remedy is to turn off the Internet

    Before pointing your finger at the faults of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.

    Strictly observing the rules of etiquette at a party, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.

    In which hand is it etiquette to hold a knife in order to get the waiter to bring the order faster?

    Friends! Everyone should respect the culture!
    You can't throw cigarette butts through the window, sir!
    Suddenly you get into good, nice citizens,
    What do they write under your windows?!

    There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and propriety.

    After all, humans are paradoxical beings. If you shout loudly "A-a-a-a!" in the library, people will just stare in bewilderment. And if you do the same on the plane, then they will join.

    Who is a gentleman?
    - This is the one who in a dark room, stepping on a cat, will call it a cat.

    Rules of conduct in minibuses

    Do you know how offends grandmothers when they give way to a seat? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit by the window, close your eyes, it's harder to give up your seat, support the elderly!

    You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the spicy lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

    If you get a call, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor does not hear you well over the noise of the minibus, or those sitting nearby may not understand what you are talking about, and they will be ashamed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
    ADDITION: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, expand the horizons of others.

    If you see a friend at the other end of the minibus, rather draw attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid the person thinks that you are uncivilized or treat him badly! You also need to deal with his affairs, ask why he didn’t call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor hears you, and don’t let the rest get bored, they will listen to an interesting story)

    Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has money for a player! Move the earphones away from your ears to let the people around you enjoy your amazing taste in music.

    Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Do not deprive the cleaner of work!

    Are you an athlete? Do not change clothes after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you are doing sports! And yes, do not use deodorant, it leaves stains on clothes. (If you are overweight, all the more show that you are still struggling with it)

    Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant fellow travelers!

    Yes, yes ... In my time, girls knew how to blush, - says the father of his daughter.
    I imagine you told them...

    Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is... silent.

    One of the oldest rules of etiquette came from swearing. The English King George V once banged his fist on the dining table in anger, after which he burst into strong abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which the forks should lie on the table with the prongs down.

    — Darling, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to etiquette courses.
    - Ah * awesome!

    Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…

    A man sitting in a tram in the presence of women becomes an empty place in their eyes.

    That's all you have, as in a parade. Napkin - there, tie - here. Yes, "sorry," yes, "please, merci." And so, to really - it's not. You are torturing yourself, as in the tsarist regime.
    Polingraf Poligrafych Sharikov

    Should a gentleman:

    to wish the lady good night, if the lady does not wish good night?

    asking a lady for a hand if his legs are not holding him?

    when leaving the restaurant, wear gloves if he goes out on all fours?

    kissing a lady's hands if there was no napkin at the table?

    to raise a glass for a lady, if the lady can no longer raise a glass herself?

    take off a lady's coat if he likes the coat?

    help the lady get off the bus if the lady wants to get in?

    Should a gentleman shower flowers on a lady if the flowers are in pots?

    Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from her knees if she is tired of holding him?

    Should a gentleman date a lady under a clock if the clock is hanging over his sofa?

    In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if the gentleman holds a cutlet in his right hand?

    Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for him in a restaurant?

    Should a gentleman, if he should?

    Should a gentleman give his wife pantyhose if she found them in his pocket?

    Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

    Should a gentleman shout: “Bitter! ”, if he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

    A real gentleman will always let a lady in front to see how she looks from behind.

    - Girls, help! The director of our base invited to a corporate party. Who will tell you, according to etiquette, stew from a can is supposed to be eaten with a fork or spoon?

    Do not pick your nose: there will be no children!
    Yes, I'm shallow.

    One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."

    Let's go from you to you.
    And then in the face I beat YOU -
    Contradicting etiquette.

    According to the rules of etiquette, the knife should be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.

    For a long time in my childhood they taught me to eat with the right cutlery ... But for some reason they didn’t warn me that it was possible
    there will be something and nothing ...

    Riddles for children 5-7 years old with answers

    Riddles for older preschoolers and younger students with answers

    Riddles with answers for children of the senior preparatory group of the kindergarten on the topic "The World of Man"

    Riddles about health for children

    Should be done in the morning

    She gives us courage. (Charger)

    We eat by the hour, we walk,

    And every day it

    Help wash your hands. (Trickles of water)

    We are very, very friends,

    We shower frequently. (Water)

    She helps us to become clean,

    Wash dishes and wash clothes. (Water)

    The shuttlecock flies high

    It is light and mobile.

    Me and my friend are playing

    On the site in (badminton).

    This game is played without haste.

    It has a king, queen and pawns.

    The one who wins this game

    Who will calculate ahead every move. (Chess)

    There are pedals, steering wheel and spokes,

    He flies forward like a bird. (Bike)

    The players are facing each other

    The net between them is stretched tightly.

    They hit the ball and beautifully and accurately,

    And comes alive in their hands. (racket).

    I'll push off with sticks

    And from a steep mountain I rush. (Alpine skiing)

    I'm moving fast,

    Silver cut ice. (Skates)

    I drive,

    I ride from the mountain on it. (On a snowmobile)

    I roll on them quickly,

    Confident and assertive

    And draw silver

    On the ice they are patterns. (Skates)

    Riddles about the rules of the road for children

    How to cross the road.

    He lights the signals

    Helping us along the way. (Traffic light)

    He has three signals.

    Name the signals. (Red, yellow, green)

    What is the traffic light

    We are told: "There is no passage"? (Red)

    At the traffic light the light is on -

    “Go ahead,” he says. (Green)

    "Get ready," he says? (Yellow)

    People walk on the sidewalks. (In the city)

    Don't rush, go

    Along the walking path

    Not wide, but free.

    Who is this. (A pedestrian)

    I am with windows, like a house.

    There are wheels in the house.

    My house is rolling

    It opens doors. (Bus)

    He walks on rails

    Passengers are lucky. (Electric train)

    I am evening and day

    Driving yes driving. (Driver)

    I'm used to carrying loads

    I am heavy. (truck).

    On a hot day, in the midday heat

    Water the streets. (Sprinkler)

    A pedestrian walks along this path,

    He is not afraid of cars, he goes ahead. (On the sidewalk)

    You have seen them, of course.

    Glass is cleaned of snow, water. (windshield wipers)

    One-legged and three-eyed,

    You recognized him right away! (Traffic light)

    Why cars in winter

    Have you changed your tires? (not to slip)

    Riddles about fire safety rules for children

    He is beautiful and bright red

    But he is burning, hot, dangerous. (Fire)

    It gives warmth and light

    You don't have to joke with him, no! (Fire)

    If smoke billows in clubs,

    The flame is beating tongues

    And the fire is everywhere, and the heat,

    This is a disaster. (fire).

    If you don't drive her away,

    The tree may burn. (fire spark)

    Instead of a mane - a light. (Match)

    If the house is on fire then

    Useful for us. (water).

    And the fire brought. (Matchbox)

    It is combustible, it is volatile,

    Required for cars.

    But he is dangerous

    And causes fires.

    Riddles about money, shops for children

    I don't put them in a handkerchief,

    I put them in my wallet. (Money)

    I have a toy

    And you can't count the coins in it.

    My toy is a pig

    There is a hole in her back.

    I put coins in the hole

    When there are a lot of them, I'll wait. (Money box)

    I'll buy a gift for a friend with them,

    That's why I collect them every day. (Money)

    In which store we will not buy toys,

    How about we buy skates and boots and clubs? (At the sporting goods store)

    If Yulia is sick,

    Where can we buy her pills? (In the pharmacy)

    We put them in the wallet,

    We go to the store with them. (Money)

    Who sells goods

    Milk, sour cream, honey? (Salesman)

    Who buys goods

    Giving money to the seller? (Buyer)

    Where are the goods on the counter?

    All laid out in a row? (In the shop)

    In which store do we buy groceries -

    Meat and fish, vegetables, fruits? (In food)

    Which store sells toys -

    Bears and dolls, bunnies and pigs? (In the toy store)

    Riddles about the holidays for children

    I will cover half the world!

    I bring you congratulations

    Happy New Year, happy birthday! (Postcard)

    This holiday every year

    Will bring a crackling frost,

    Will bring loose snow,

    Near the Christmas tree round dance.

    This is a holiday - . (New Year).

    It happens at the beginning of spring.

    We prepare gifts for women,

    We give them beautiful lush roses,

    We bring them branches of fragrant mimosa. (March 8)

    The holiday is dedicated to teachers.

    After all, they give us love and knowledge. (Teacher's Day)

    This holiday of knowledge, books

    Every student remembers. (Knowledge Day)

    It's the best day of the year

    Sunny and bright.

    I will come to visit you -

    I'll bring gifts! (Birthday)

    This is a national holiday

    We must remember him.

    Our people defeated the enemies

    And defended the Fatherland. (Victory Day)

    This holiday is dedicated

    Protected by their courage

    Everyone nowadays. (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

    Riddles about professions for children

    Today I played Baba Yaga,

    And tomorrow I can play the Snow Maiden.

    What is my profession? (Actor)

    He teaches the kids to order,

    He checks the children's notebooks.

    If your ear hurts

    If your throat is dry

    Don't be scared and don't cry

    Because it will help you. (doctor).

    He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and tonsillitis,

    Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

    Shoveling snow with a shovel

    Sweeps the yard with a broom.

    Did you guys guess

    Who keeps it clean? (Street cleaner)

    If the flame curls

    Smoke is pouring out,

    "Zero-one" we will dial,

    Let's call him for help. (Firefighter)

    He is in our dining room in the morning

    Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

    He is wearing overalls

    Paints frames, walls.

    He and the floor and ceiling

    Helped paint the house. (Painter)

    From crumbly flour

    He bakes pies for us

    Buns, buns, baits.

    Who is he? Guess. (Baker)

    He has a mountain of goods:

    Cucumbers and tomatoes,

    Zucchini, cabbage, honey.

    He sells everything to people. (Salesman)

    Hairdryer, brush and comb

    Will do a haircut. (Hairdresser)

    He will sew a dress, trousers,

    They will say: "Golden hands

    This one. "(tailor).

    We work as a team

    We are transporting sand and concrete.

    We need to work together

    To build a new house. (Builders)

    Riddles about household items for children

    Both winter and summer

    Cold and ice in it.

    Fish, soup, meatballs

    He will save us. (Fridge)

    I am filled with cotton

    Down, then feather.

    And at night I, guys,

    Full of restful sleep. (Pillow)

    I will collect shirts, T-shirts

    And I’ll tell her: “Wash it!

    Spin the drum

    Return clean linen!” (Washing machine)

    live without her

    I can't even a day.

    Three months of autumn

    And fall yellow

    Leaves from branches.

    Three months of snow

    I see for three months

    Flowers and trees

    Did you guys know

    You this picture? (Window)

    If the trash is on the floor

    We remember about (broom).

    We go step by step

    And we repeat: "Tick-tock, tick-tock!"

    If we are not turned on,

    We will stop walking. (Watch)

    Loved by older sister

    Right from the morning

    Turn around in front of him

    And look into it. (Mirror)

    I have a lot to do -

    She played mother and daughter.

    And now I want to sleep

    And calls me. (bed).

    Mom hangs dresses in it,

    Sweaters and trousers are brothers

    Dad - jacket, raincoat and scarf.

    Guessed? This. (closet).

    We have one item at home -

    Loved by all the family.

    Grandpa wants a little bit on him

    After dinner lie down and take a nap.

    Grandma was very tired in the evening:

    Sit down and watch series.

    And the couch potato, our cat Mitrofan,

    Likes cozy and warm. (sofa).

    He sucks both dust and rubbish,

    Cleans chair and carpet.

    Picks up trash in the house

    And never sneezes. (Vacuum cleaner)

    Everything buzzes and buzzes

    The coffee beans crumble. (coffee grinder).

    If the folds of trousers are crumpled,

    That will help us. (iron).

    The foam rose on it,

    Washed off the dust and dirt,

    Paints and inks.

    Do you recognize? This. (soap).

    She hangs from the ceiling

    Glass pendants chime

    We will turn it on in the evening

    And the room will be bright. (Chandelier)

    I will tie the belt

    Yes, I will dance in the kitchen.

    I will sweep the garbage on a scoop,

    Yes, I'll hide in a corner. (Broom)

    Both bright and hot.

    Did you guess? (Candle)

    She's made of crystal

    Transparent to light.

    I will put in it

    Big bouquet of flowers. (Vase)

    It hangs on the wall in the bedroom

    He is bright and handsome.

    And I like it before bed

    Pattern to consider on it. (Carpet)

    We want to drink tea -

    We boil water in it. (Kettle)

    We cut their meat

    If he is sharp,

    Cutting them is easy and simple. (Knife)

    She's quite small

    In a cup, sugar interferes with it. (tea spoon)

    It has wonderful pictures:

    Clouds, river, paths.

    I will read it to my brother.

    Guessed? This. (book).

    Instead of wings - pages.

    I flip through the pages

    I read poetry, fairy tales. (Book)

    I'm standing in the corner in the hallway

    I look like a tree.

    Instead of leaves on branches

    I have scarves and caps. (Hanger)

    The nail will hammer us. (hammer).

    Fast and nimble

    Her name is. (screwdriver).

    She has a row of sharp teeth

    They drink everything. (Saw)

    He helped us cook dinner. (Gas)

    She is my helper

    I cook dinner on it.

    I light the burners

    I cook borscht, fry cutlets. (Gas stove)

    I'm not afraid of fire

    I boldly sit on the fire.

    They pour water on me

    And fragrant broth is cooked. (Pot)

    If the water boils

    I will become very angry.

    I'll blow the whistle! (Kettle whistling)

    The craftswoman knits a scarf,

    They flicker merrily. (spokes).

    She can't sew without thread

    But the coil will help her,

    A spool will give a thread,

    Let's thread in. (ear).

    We cut paper and fabrics.

    Who are we? Guess yourself. (Scissors)

    Sharp and prickly

    Silk dress

    She will sew for her sister. (Needle)

    Riddles about clothes, shoes for children

    When for a walk

    I'm going to the meadow

    Always wear out of the sun. (panama hat).

    Through the puddles in them boldly

    They don't get wet

    They are made of rubber. (rubber boots)

    We run along the path to the river to swim,

    Our feet are very light. (flip flops).

    She has a hood

    Covered with lush fur. (Jacket)

    He warms his neck in cold winter,

    Soft, fluffy and wooly. (Scarf)

    In the frosty winter we walk along the path,

    We have fur on our feet. (boots).

    We are not afraid of the icy winter,

    . (fur coat) we are wearing fur.

    We will put it on our heads in winter,

    The icy wind will not blow our ears. (A cap)

    Their grandmother will knit from wool on knitting needles,

    Soft, warm. (mittens).

    Riddles about games and toys for children

    We went downhill in winter

    They poured snow into buckets.

    From a fluffy ball

    We sculpted. (snowman).

    We are pouring sand

    And we bake cookies.

    Guess where we play

    Me and my sister together? (In the sandbox)

    They have skids

    They have rope.

    We rode them

    From a high hill deftly. (Sled)

    If clear days

    Olya takes them with her.

    She goes to the rink

    Puts on there. (skates).

    They are shiny and sharp

    My sister has one too.

    We put them on our feet

    We are moving fast on the ice. (Skates)

    We'll roll the snowball

    We build from snow. (house).

    These loud toys

    Mashenka builds from them

    House, palace and tower. (Dice)

    I'll bring her water

    I'll play with (fish).

    He has a trunk, ears,

    I call him Petrusha.

    He is kind and good

    Lovely toy. (elephant).

    He carried bricks on it,

    Loaded cubes into the body,

    I've been playing with him all day.

    Loaded and unloaded.

    Have guessed. (Dump truck)

    I play with her all day long.

    I'll sew a dress for her

    I love her very much.

    I'll put her to bed

    She will sleep well! (Doll)

    Lifts loads by itself

    New. (crane).

    We sat on them with a friend -

    We're flying high

    We rocked, we flew

    Friends stood and waited. (Swing)

    I push off with one leg

    And I'll go down the road.

    He is happy to ride me

    My favorite. (scooter).

    They beat him, but he does not cry,

    Just jumping and jumping.

    Because it. (ball).

    He's jumpy, he's running

    It's fun to play with him

    And throw it to your friends.

    Or very well

    Throw over the net. (Ball)

    Standing on the platform

    Zebra, deer and camel.

    The animals are waiting for the kids.

    We sat comfortably on them -

    In a scoop mold

    Daughter throws sand.

    What is she baking in the oven?

    We will play in the sand.

    We have a little gnome

    We will build him. (house).

    It has two wheels

    The steering wheel is shiny, spokes.

    There is a frame and pedals,

    It's painted red

    You, of course, guessed -

    This is my. (bike).

    She has a long ponytail

    There are paws, eyes and a mouth,

    But the cat does not catch it.

    After all, she's not alive.

    This. (clockwork mouse).

    Riddles about food for children

    Eat healthy. (cottage cheese)

    Natasha took a spoon in her hand,

    She eats oatmeal in the morning. (porridge).

    We are Andryusha. (soup).

    Put it in your mouth, Vanya

    Eating for the second. (cutlet).

    He is the favorite of all the guys -

    Delicious, sweet. (chocolate).

    Your mom will surely pour you

    Useful from berries and fruits. (compote).

    Before going to bed

    Let's drink cranberry. (jelly).

    Vegetables, greens chop a little,

    Pour kvass, and it's ready. (okroshka).

    Mice have a feast today:

    They stole in the kitchen. (cheese).

    Loves little Damir

    Drink sweet in the morning. (kefir).

    She will decorate vinaigrettes

    Bright scarlet, juicy color. (Beet)

    It is decorated with jelly, chocolate,

    And all the kids are very happy with him. (Cake)

    Berries in early summer

    Rejoice in ruddy color,

    Its juicy pulp.

    They whisper: "Eat us as soon as possible!" (Cherries)

    They put him in a bowl.

    And we will spread bread on them

    And we'll show the girls. (Oil)

    Ripe, juicy. (pear).

    Loves little Nina

    Apples and (tangerines).

    Will be strong and tall

    The one who drinks carrot. (juice).

    Drink to health

    Grandma baked for us

    Like the sun at its zenith.

    With butter, honey and sour cream

    You, friends, eat it. (Crap)

    Well, kids. Well, kids

    Wipe the mouth. (napkin).

    Sweet like honey.

    It is added to tea. (Sugar)

    Soup tastes bad without it

    Porridge and potatoes.

    Everyone puts it in food,

    Only a little. (Salt)

    Riddles about school supplies for children

    My first book

    I take care and love.

    Even though by syllables

    It's called like old

    This little book. (primer).

    He helps me fix my mistake.

    And carefully erases in a notebook. (Eraser)

    I'm trying hard, hardly breathing

    I write numbers today for the first time.

    I am happy looking at the numbers.

    Where do I write them? V. (notebooks).

    I write on the line

    I will write letters.

    It's mine. (notebook).

    Pencils and pens

    I draw in the album

    And it helps me. (simple pencil).

    Here is a diligent student,

    In his backpack. (diary).

    The river, the house.

    After all, this is. (album).

    I try my best:

    I draw forest berries.

    Pencils will help me

    But not simple, but. (colored).

    I'm not a master yet

    But I try to draw

    To "earn" five.

    Helps me. (felt pen).

    Do you hear my friend calling?

    He calls us to class.

    It's time for us to open the primer

    Between lessons at school happens,

    The students are relaxing and playing. (Turn)

    They write on it with chalk

    Chalk white-white. (Blackboard)

    We erase it from the board,

    Her. (rag) we call.

    Like the wings of a bird.

    She will flap her wings

    It will take you to the magical world. (Book)

    Riddles about the rules of etiquette for children

    Exactly, we are sitting straight,

    If at the table. (we eat).

    If we are visiting

    We carry it with us. (Present)

    To be very nice

    Let's wrap it up nicely

    Let's say congratulations! (Birthday gift)

    We are for a birthday

    We won't come without. (invitations).

    We will clean the apartment

    And we'll put things in order.

    If we are waiting for friends

    If we wait. (guests).

    We will wash our hands. (water).

    We'll dress well

    And we'll take a gift

    If in. (guests) we'll go.

    I will give you flowers

    And I'll give you a gift.

    I'm sure you

    Tell me. (Thank you).

    Here comes the morning

    The garden shines with mother-of-pearl.

    What do we say? (Good morning!)

    There are many good words

    Great, kind words.

    I know son Alyosha

    I'm ready to tell them!

    Tell me the words! (Thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you)

    The bird met the bird.

    What did she chirp? (Hello!)

    When we go to sleep

    What do we forget to say? (Good night)

    Etiquette rules for children

    The rules of etiquette for children are magical rules of behavior, knowing and observing which you will never find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, and will always look polite and well-mannered. In a modern civilized society, one cannot do without the application of the rules of etiquette.
    Etiquette should be taught to children from birth, explanation and demonstration should be by example. If the rules of good manners are not respected in the family, then the child will behave in any way.. The story about the rules of etiquette is best done in a playful way. The kid needs to be interested. Try to use the example of dolls to beat some situation, suppose you went to the theater, or guests come to you and the child plays the role of a hospitable host.

    Basic rules of etiquette for preschool children

    The very first rule of good manners that the baby should understand for himself is respect for all people and adults in particular. All the rest come out of this rule, because, in fact, etiquette is the rules of respect for other people in various situations.
    From the first days, as soon as the baby begins to eat with adults, he must be accustomed to certain rules, of course, you should not bother your head from childhood for what this or that glass or fork is, but he should be familiar with the basic rules.

    Rules of etiquette for children at the table

  • sits down at the table, and start eating together with everyone
  • eat silently
  • you can't put your elbows on the table
  • you can not pick your hands in a plate
  • you can not champ and spit food
  • get up from the table with everyone, and be sure to thank
  • Every kid should know these rules. Do not indulge the child and let the wrong behavior pass by. The rules of table etiquette not instilled from childhood will be difficult to cultivate at an older age. Don't be afraid to constantly duplicate rules.
    There are a great many rules of etiquette, for little children up to 3-5 years old it is enough to know the basics of speech and guest etiquette.

    Video "Rules of etiquette for children at the table"

    Rules of speech etiquette

    • always say hello to people you know
    • use magic words if necessary - thank you, please, bon appetit
    • should not be snarky and offended
    • adults should be addressed on - "you"

    Rules for the behavior of a child at a party

  • you can't visit without an invitation
  • can't stay up late
  • do not ask for tea or refreshments
  • you should only go in a good mood
  • From the age of 5-6, the child has the most communicative period, it is at this time that the introduction to etiquette should be continued. In principle, the rules of etiquette for a preschooler are no different from the rules for an adult.

    Rules of etiquette for children in a public place

    The child must clearly know and apply the rules of conduct in public places and transport, here are the main ones:

    • give way to elders on public transport
    • before entering a transport or a store, you should first give way to those leaving
    • it is unacceptable to shout loudly, sing songs
    • keep the street clean
    • do not enter the transport with food or drinks
    • never point a finger
    • do not interrupt other people when talking
    • At this age, the child is actively preparing for school and knowledge of the rules of good manners will be very useful to him. A rude and ill-mannered child will never have authority among his peers, he will not be set as an example by adults, and all this is extremely important for the normal development of a personality.
      You need to follow the rules of conduct not only in the theater, guests or transport, but also at home alone with yourself.
      The main thing to remember is that the behavior of your child depends entirely on you, because well-mannered and cultured parents rarely have rude and ill-mannered children.

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    Good morning! I would like to once again congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. I am very glad to meet you.

    Did you notice that we have guests today. These are students, future teachers. They came to see how your first days at school are going.

    So, guys, you became students of the 1st grade. You are so smart, I see your intelligent eyes, I see that you are a little worried. I'm sure everything will be great with you. Everything will work out for you, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. We will understand and respect each other.

    You are the smallest inhabitants of our school and you have a lot to learn. But first, let's get to know each other.


    I am your first teacher. My name is Lyubov Sergeevna. I will teach you to write, read, count.

    Elena Leonidovna - educator. She will play with you, teach you to make friends and help with your studies.

    Everyone has their own name and it can be difficult for everyone to remember who's name is. But it's hard to talk to a person if you don't know his name. And we will study together, so you need to know all the guys. Let's get acquainted!

    What is your name? When I say 3-4, everyone will say their name loudly.

    Something went wrong. Let's try to be quiet. Everyone whispers their name. Again something is not right.

    How can we get to know each other? What's the matter? Why don't we understand anything?

    That's right, the whole point is that everyone is talking at the same time. It’s good to work together, it’s fun to play, it’s great to sing, but it’s bad to answer in class: when everyone speaks at the same time, nothing is clear.

    And in order to get to know each other, I suggest you play. (A poster with names on the board)

    GAME: Find your name.

    The guys in our class are 4 Nastya. (girls circle their names)

    There is a boy who is successful in sports. This is Timothy.

    2 Julia.

    The boy plays chess well. Matthew.

    2 cars.

    A girl with a beautiful, unusual name. Vladislav

    Valeria. (gave the first call)

    2 Ulyana.

    The girl who sings. Alevtina

    2 Ilya

    2 boys have a birthday in July (Georgy, Egor)

    Very beautiful names starting with the letter B. (Veronica and Vitalia)

    2 girls were born in May. (Sofia and Alina)

    This girl has a sister in 3rd grade. (Svetlana)

    There are 3 students left. (Ksenia, Eugene, Arina)

      OUR class.

    Look all together we are class. 27 people - 20 girls and 7 boys. That's what our class is - it's all of us.

    What were they called in kindergarten? (group)

    Guys, our class is all of us, and our class is also the room where we are. Look what a wonderful class: bright, cozy. But you've only just been here and haven't gotten used to it yet, have you? And he is not used to you either: he is waiting, looking closely - whether you will love him, take care of him.

    The guys who studied before you loved this class very much: they took care of the flowers, wiped the dust; kept order: papers and various garbage were thrown into the wastebasket; when it was dirty outside, they changed into clean shoes.

    Do you like our class? Do you promise to keep it?

      School rules

    What do you guys think, does the school have its own rules?

    Why do we need rules at all? And what is this?

    What school rules do you know?

    A desk is not a bed
    And you can't lie on it.
    You sit at your desk harmoniously
    And behave with dignity.

    If you want to answer - do not shout,
    Calmly raise your hand.
    The teacher will ask you to stand up.
    When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

    What to do when the bell rings for class? From class?

    And if during the lesson one of the adults enters the class.

    Stand up together every time

    When the teacher enters the class.

    We play situations: the beginning of the lesson, the end of the lesson, they entered the class.

    What should I do if I need to leave the class during the lesson?

    Guys, what should be in the classroom?

    Let's see how attentive you are?

    Game: floor, nose, ceiling.

    I show one thing and say another. Believe what you hear, not what you see.

      School supplies. Puzzles.

    Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

    You have to find out what we need at school.

      Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

    Feel free to write on them!

    You can also draw

    What is me? (notebook) showing

      Who is ready to be friends with me,

    He will not regret

    How many good words

    Can write!(pen) showing

    I hope that you will write neatly, beautifully and competently!

      If the pencil is broken -

    I am your faithful helper

    I "like a doctor" treat him -

    Quickly, sharply sharpen!(sharpener) showing

      If you sharpen it

    Draw whatever you want

    Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

    What is this? (pencil) showing

      Not a bush, but with leaves,

    Not a shirt, but sewn

    Not a person, but tells.(book) showing primer

    Guys, this is your first educational book. Look how beautiful she is, how many colorful pictures she has and a lot of other interesting things.

    (flipping through the primer)

      Lesson summary

    Here it comes to an end, our very first lesson.

    Guys, I liked the way they worked today, answered. If we continue like this, success and high results await you.

    For this, I would like to present you with a first-grader medal.

    (medals help students dress)

    And now you can congratulate the teacher and educator.

    (children give flowers)

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