Fried potatoes - what's the secret to a crispy crust? How delicious to fry potatoes with a crust! Step by step cooking recipe with photos and videos.


Potatoes are a favorite food of many. Someone prefers it boiled, someone baked, but true connoisseurs know that fried potatoes are the most delicious. Not all housewives know how to properly fry potatoes in a pan with a crust. However, it is worth just remembering a few secrets. To cook the perfect potato with a golden crust, you need to remember simple rules.

How to choose potatoes

Culinary experts believe that pink and yellow potatoes are the most suitable varieties for frying.

When choosing potatoes, pay attention to their tubers. They should be firm-skinned and fresh. Old tubers can adversely affect the taste of potatoes.

How to choose the oil in which to fry potatoes

It is worth choosing refined sunflower oil for cooking fried potatoes. You should not even try to fry a vegetable on Deodorized Unrefined. From it only an unpleasant aroma, smoke and plaque on the potatoes will appear.

You can also use lard for frying. However, it should be borne in mind that such an ingredient will add a significant portion of calories to your dish. Many housewives use butter, on which the potatoes turn out tender and soft. The disadvantage of cooking with such oil is that you will have to carefully monitor the pan so that the product does not burn out for minutes.

To make the potatoes really tasty and have a golden crust, it is best to use a mixture of vegetable and butter.

For 1 kilogram you need only 125 mg. vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. butter spoons.

What pan to fry potatoes

When you have picked up all the products, you can start choosing a pan. Immediately it is necessary to abandon the aluminum options with a thin coating. Cast iron and aluminum pans with a thick bottom are most suitable for cooking potatoes.

A prerequisite is a wide bottom. Since you have to constantly stir the potatoes.

Do not allow the layering of the dish. In order for the potatoes to be completely fried, they must be located directly on the heated bottom of the pan.

How to properly cut potatoes before frying

Slices of 5-7 mm are considered the optimal size. Such pieces can be well-fried both inside and out.

The vegetable cutter will simplify the task. With its help, you can cope with the task in a couple of minutes.

golden brown fried potato recipe

You will need:

  • pink potato
  • butter
  • vegetable oil

Finally, when you have chosen all the ingredients, picked up the pan and cut the vegetables, you can start frying.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a minimum of starch. The less it is in a vegetable, the easier it is to achieve a golden crust.

To reduce the percentage of starch in potatoes, it must be poured with cold water for 20 minutes. After the vegetable, rinse under running water and spread on a towel to dry.

It is necessary to pour the potatoes into a well-heated pan to prevent the vegetable from sticking to the surface. Only after heating the pan, coat its bottom with a mixture of two oils and let them warm up. If you do not have one of the components - it does not matter. You can only use vegetable oil. To make sure your pan is hot enough, place just one slice of chopped potatoes on top of the pan.

When the oil begins to sizzle and sizzle, this is a sign that the pan is ready for frying. You can pour all the chopped potatoes into it. Spread the slices evenly over the entire surface of the pan so that they warm up well. Stir the vegetable regularly to prevent sticking and sticking of the potatoes.

Pause for 3-5 minutes to let the potatoes bake. Since by stirring it, you lower the temperature of the dish. After a couple of minutes, turn all the slices on the other side. Use a wooden spatula. Potatoes should turn over as a whole layer, and not in separate parts. This moment will let you know if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. Repeat this manipulation a couple more times so that the potatoes are completely baked.

How long does it take to fully cook potatoes

It will take you about 20 minutes to cook fried potatoes with a golden crust. You need to fry potatoes without a lid. If you cover the dish, then start the stewing process. Such potatoes will be loose and soft, falling apart when mixed.

You can salt and pepper potatoes only at the end of cooking. Then the dish must be thoroughly mixed. Cooks recommend adding grated garlic when serving potatoes. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then blot the whole potato with a paper towel. In this way, you will remove excess oil from the slices and reduce the percentage of fat.

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Today I want to tell you how to cook fried potatoes in a pan. Yes, yes, I know that fried potatoes are not healthy at all, but ... It's so delicious! And I'm not at all urging you to cook it every day, not at all. But sometimes you can afford a small portion of delicious fried potatoes in a pan. I was surprised when, after talking with many of my friends, I realized that few people know the correct recipe for fried potatoes in a pan.

No, it is, of course, prepared, but the result is not always what is expected. Either it turns out ruddy, but raw inside, then it’s ready, but without an appetizing crust on top ... Then the oil splashes too much, then the potatoes do not hold their shape, but fall apart ...

So today I decided to tell you how and what to do: how to fry potatoes in a pan so that they do not fall apart, and how much to fry potatoes in a pan, and how to achieve a golden crust on the outside and a soft middle ... In general, a real master class on topic: "How to cook fried potatoes in a pan." Ready to remember? Then let's get started...

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

How delicious to fry potatoes in a pan:

Wash the potatoes in cold water and peel the skin. Rinse thoroughly again.

When answering the question of how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, it is worth remembering a few important rules. One of them: no excess moisture. We spread the potatoes on a clean napkin and get wet, removing the water. If this is not done, the water remaining on the tubers will splash during frying, which will greatly complicate the process.

Cut the potatoes into strips, about 5-7 mm thick. The length of the straw depends on the size of the tubers. If the potatoes are large, cut them crosswise so that the slices do not turn out to be too long (they may break during frying). Not very large potatoes cut lengthwise.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the potatoes. There should not be too much potatoes in the pan, otherwise it will not be fried, but rather stewed. Here is the answer to the question of how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust - do not put too much of it in the pan. For the indicated amount of potatoes, you will need 2 pans with a diameter of 24 cm.

Fry the potatoes over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, then carefully flip over. Fry for another 3-5 minutes. Turn over again, reduce the heat slightly (it should be below medium) and cover the pan with a lid. Fry for 4-5 minutes and mix gently.

Cover with a lid again and fry for another 5 minutes. How long to fry potatoes in a pan in time depends on the thickness of the potato slices and its variety. Therefore, taste the potatoes for readiness and decide for yourself whether to continue frying.

Salt the finished potatoes, put the garlic passed through the press to it, and mix gently. Actually, garlic is not an essential ingredient at all, if you don’t like it, you may well not use it.

We send the pan to the smallest fire for another couple of minutes.

Hot potatoes are served immediately.

For frying, it is better to choose tubers of the correct shape, then there will be less waste when cleaning.

The quality of the finished potato depends on the amount of vegetable oil. If you fry potatoes in a large amount of oil (4-5 tablespoons), they will be all with a crispy golden crust.

It is difficult to even remotely imagine how much the world knows about various recipes for dishes from this root crop. But our faithful heart (and stomach) has always been close to fried potatoes. Today we will learn all the subtleties of how to fry crispy potatoes in a pan. The number of fans of this dish is growing every year, despite the abundance of various delicious dishes. Fried potatoes stay with us forever. Maybe this is due to its inexpensive price, and perhaps due to the fact that it is very easy to cook it. This dish is even for a teenager.

Expectation and reality

Crispy fried potatoes, cooked in a pan, are an excellent independent dish and a wonderful side dish. It is thanks to its qualities that this root crop is one of the most necessary in our kitchen. Despite the fact that fried potatoes are very popular and everyone can cook them (as mentioned above), there is one main nuance in this dish: the most correct version of how to fry crispy potatoes in a pan.

Many are familiar with the bitter (without exaggeration) situation when they wanted to please or even surprise their loved one (or the whole family) using a win-win option - fried potatoes. But instead of the expected dish with a fragrant crispy crust, the potato falls apart right in the dish with which it is cooked, and turns into a kind of mashed potatoes, interspersed with scorched parts of the former even pieces. Why this happens, and how to make crispy potatoes fried in a pan, we will tell right now.

Variety of varieties: good or bad

Before proceeding directly to the preparation of the root crop, you need to pay tribute to the variety of root crop varieties and choose one that responds well to frying. For many, it is not news that there are many varieties of potatoes and each is bred taking into account in which dish it is best to use it. The high starch content will allow you to create excellent, tender mashed potatoes from root crops. Crispy potatoes in a pan from high-starchy varieties will never work, no matter how hard you try.

Of course, there is such a way to get rid of excess starch, such as soaking or washing repeatedly in cold water. But if there is a lot of this substance, then the problem will not be solved in such a simple way.

Tuber color

Even experts in this field give invaluable advice for those who love and want to learn how to cook only crispy potatoes in a pan: choosing a root crop by the color of its skin. In their opinion, tubers with a more yellow skin and rich shades of red are better suited for frying. Their flesh does not darken when peeled and pre-treated more than tubers with a light skin (white-yellow).

old or young

Potatoes fried in a pan with a crispy crust will not work, both from young, recently dug up tubers, and from old ones. We consider old shriveled potatoes that have lain in the basement for about six months. Such tubers are difficult to peel and look unpleasant. The finished dish can turn out tough and not at all like what we need to get in the end.

Proper utensils

How to fry crispy potatoes in a non-stick pan? That's right - no way. Therefore, if you are going to often feast on mouth-watering fried potatoes, pay attention to the correct selection of the pan. Non-stick coating is the enemy of frying, which means that we will choose a new frying pan without a non-stick layer.

Stores provided a huge range of all kinds of pans. But we are looking for the very best, in which any recipe for crispy fried potatoes in a pan will be a success. Thin aluminum models are also unlikely to suit us for this purpose.


Of course, you can buy dishes made of this metal, which have a thick bottom, and turn it into a more or less suitable one for frying potatoes by repeatedly calcining it. But it’s worth learning in advance - at least a month will pass before the first fried potatoes. Until the new pan is fried and the bottom, soaked with oil, will stop burning everything that got into the aluminum pan.

Cast iron

Buying a cast iron cookware is one of the surest ways to fry crispy potatoes in a pan. We choose dishes with high sides and a thick bottom. In such a pan, a constant temperature is maintained for a long time, and the bottom of the dish is heated evenly (as well as the sides). High sides are also beautiful because potato cubes do not jump out of the pan during the frying process, or rather, while stirring. After buying a new cast-iron skillet, carry out all the necessary preparation manipulations. Any new frying pan requires preliminary action.

frying oil

Before you make crispy potatoes in a pan, choose the right oil. Vegetable oil, which has no aroma (refined), is well suited for cooking. It can be sunflower or olive - to your taste. However, it is worth remembering that Extra Virgin olive oil is not used for frying. This olive oil is intended only for making salads.

Do not use unrefined varieties for frying potatoes either. They have a certain amount of water in their composition, and this fact significantly affects the final taste and appearance of fried potatoes. Those who have fried potatoes at least once using this type of vegetable oil note that it foams and takes away its flavor from the potatoes. Also, this oil contributes to the destruction of potato bars.

Additional products for frying (lard or butter)

Always add butter when you are done cooking. If you fry potatoes using it from the very beginning, then there is a high probability that you will have fried potatoes with a rancid aroma and taste. However, this is not surprising: this product is not suitable for such heat treatment.

Many people like a dish cooked in lard or lard. Such a potato will be satisfying, but will slightly change its own unique flavor. The crust on the pieces of the root crop will turn out darker and less beautiful. If this fact does not bother you, feel free to experiment.

Sometimes they prefer to fry in vegetable refined oil, but with the addition of lard, it will also turn out tasty and beautiful.

How much oil to pour?

A very burning question is how much oil should be poured into the dishes before making fried, crispy potatoes in a pan. The main rule: sliced ​​potatoes should not be completely in oil (float in it), but the scarcity of fat for frying does not contribute to the appearance of a fragrant crust. Therefore, it is not worth saving on vegetable oil. On average, cooks advise pouring oil with a layer of 6-7 millimeters. At the same time, the root crop itself should not be "to the eyeballs", that is, you need to leave space for mixing the roasted pieces. A root layer of no more than five centimeters will contribute to the fact that you will enjoy the crunch of potatoes.

Place the prepared potatoes for frying only after the oil is well heated. Haste in this case will harm the correct cooking process. Warming up contributes to the fact that the potato bars are covered with a crust relatively quickly and do not have time to absorb a large amount of oil.

Cutting is not important

You can cut root vegetables for frying as you please. But the culinary world has its own rules in this regard. For example, bars go well with fried meat pieces or fish. For a side dish for fish dishes, it is customary to cut the tubers into circles and fry them in this form. Pancake fried potato slices are prepared for baked meat dishes. Fried potatoes in the form of straws are served with cutlets and steaks.

And now, when we have analyzed in detail every point that matters in cooking crispy potatoes in a pan - a recipe that is simple, but allows you to get an incredibly tasty dish. We practice cooking fried potatoes.

The simplest way is the fastest

Let's get our cast iron skillet and see if we have everything available:

  • potato tubers of medium diameter - 6 or 7 pieces;
  • vegetable oil (without aroma) - half a glass;
  • favorite seasoning "for potatoes" - 10 grams;
  • to taste - garlic;
  • salt is a generous pinch.

Cooking technology

We wash the tubers and clean them of inedible elements. We cut into medium slices or circles, but it will be more convenient to fry thinner slices of potatoes, so correctly calculate your own strength while chopping root crops. Rinse in very cold water. You can use a colander for this purpose and wash the potatoes under running water. You can put potato slices in a deep bowl and, pouring several times, rinse the potatoes in this way until the water becomes clear. This simple procedure helps to remove excess starch from the surface of the root bars.

Now we drain the water, and dry the potatoes using multilayer paper towels. To make the process faster and more reliable, spread the potatoes in even layers on towels.

We diligently heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. It is better to heat it on high heat. The oil should click slightly - this is a sign: pour the potato sticks into the boiling fat. Slightly reduce the fire (to moderately strong) And now do not touch anything for one or two minutes. From below, the crispy crust we need will begin to form.

Do not salt the dish! The salt will help increase the absorption of fat by the potato. After two minutes, mix the potatoes very gently and do not touch the same amount again. In general, there should be only a few stirrings during the entire cooking process. Three or four times will be enough. It is better to stir the dish every five to seven minutes. Make sure that the crust has time to form and reach the condition you need (color and thickness).

Stir with a wooden spatula or a metal spatula (in a cast iron pan, using a metal spatula is justified). However, all actions must remain gentle on the condition of both the potatoes and the pan.

Forget about the lid while cooking crispy potatoes! The lid will trap the steam inside the dish and thus soften the resulting roast and destroy the pieces themselves.

Prepare the garlic: crush it through a press or chop it in another convenient way. Salt the dish as it cooks, allowing the salt to dissolve. Be careful, the potatoes may seem unsalted at the very beginning and the first impulse, of course, will be to salt them again. Sprinkle spices over roasted potatoes. Stir the dish and again wait five minutes.

The fire is also reduced only after the dish is half cooked. At the same time, crushed or chopped garlic can be introduced into it.

A few minutes before turning off the stove, you can add a small piece of butter. It will give an interesting shade to the finished dish. However, potatoes are fine without it.

It is better to eat cooked fried potatoes immediately after removing from heat. A cold dish is not famous for its taste.

  • Everyone loves fried potatoes, even those who consider this dish unhealthy.
  • But at least sometimes you can treat yourself to a delicious ruddy potato?
  • There are a few rules that will help you cook delicious, roasted potatoes.

Cooking method

  • Rule 1 Potatoes after peeling and slicing must be soaked in cold water. The water must be cold in order to draw the starch out of the root crop. If the water is hot or warm, the starch will remain in the roots, and the finished dish will become more like stewed potatoes. Starch prevents the potatoes from browning, so you need to get rid of it by soaking. The younger the potatoes, the longer it takes to soak. Best if it takes 15-30 minutes.
  • Rule 2 After soaking, the potatoes must be thoroughly dried. It is better if you put the potatoes in a colander and then dry them on a paper towel. Ordinary linen will do. Potatoes must be dry, because excess moisture will prevent the formation of a golden crust. And the contact of water with hot fat can cause stains on your apron or kitchen utensils.
  • Rule 3 The frying pan should be hot, and the oil on it is heated. You should not feel sorry for the oil, the potatoes should be well immersed in it. Don't forget that french fries, beloved by many, are fried in a lot of boiling oil.
  • Rule 4 Never cover potatoes while frying. To get a golden and crispy crust, potatoes should be fried in an open pan.
  • Rule 5 Don't put too many potatoes in the pan. Optimally 2-3 layers. Not more.
  • Rule 6 Salt and add various spices only after the potatoes are ready. If you salt the potatoes during or before frying, it will give off moisture, which will prevent the formation of a golden crust. Once the potatoes are cooked, transfer them to a platter with a slotted spoon to allow excess oil to drip off. Then salt and add spices. Bon appetit!

Everyone probably knows how to fry potatoes in a pan, but I want to tell you my recipe for fried potatoes. Only a couple of simple secrets, and the result is ... well, just lick your fingers: delicious, crispy, much tastier than fries.

And so, how tasty it is to fry potatoes with a crust.

We start with the most banal - we clean and wash the potatoes.

We cut, if possible, into identical sticks as in the photo.

The first secret of crispy potatoes: wash the cut potatoes 2-3 times. This is necessary in order to wash off the starch from the surface of the potato as much as possible and it does not stick together or stick. The last time we drain the water through a sieve, let it drain and, putting the chopped potatoes on a clean towel, blot, removing any remaining moisture.

By this time, the pan with sunflower oil should already be well calcined on the fire.

The second secret of crispy potatoes is hidden in the pan. If you want the tastiest, crunchiest potatoes, fry them in old cast iron pans. For example, we carefully store our grandmother's old frying pan for frying and crispy potatoes.

We put the potatoes in a pan and let them warm up and brown over the highest heat.

And now, the third secret of potatoes with a crust: there must be enough potatoes to lay in a single layer in a pan, otherwise the potatoes will never turn out crispy. It will undoubtedly be a delicious fried potato, but, alas, without a crispy crust and will not look like fries at all.

We begin to interfere only when we see that the bottom of the potato has begun to change color to light brown. Up to this point, only periodically shake the pan so that the sunflower oil comes into contact with the potato slices as much as possible.

Well, now, how much to fry potatoes. The frying time depends on how hot your burner is. It takes me 15-20 minutes before the first mixing. Then gently mix 3-4 times, every 5-7 minutes.

When to salt fried potatoes? I only salt at the very end. I salted it, stirred it and ... immediately on the table. Yes, if there is fresh dill, then do not forget to finely chop and sprinkle the potatoes before serving.

More details in the video

Everyone, everyone, everyone - delicious crunch.

I also want to note that potatoes fried according to this recipe are perfect as a side dish for a festive hot dish and as a tasty and satisfying meal for every day. Now you know all the secrets of making delicious crispy potatoes.

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