Zhilin and Kostylin. Comparative characteristics of the heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus


In the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" two different, opposite main characters are shown - Zhilin and Kostylin. This story shows a true, life story that surprises with its simplicity.

The two main characters are fellow officers and friends in need. Zhilin and Kostylin are nobles serving in the Caucasus. While going on vacation, they are captured by the highlanders. Reading this story, you have to look at this situation through the eyes of two completely different people.

Outwardly, friends are very different from each other. Kostylin is an obese man who, because of his weight, is constantly sweating and blushing. Zhilin, on the contrary, is short, slim and dexterous. Paying attention to the names of the characters, you can see how accurately they describe the characters. The surname Zhilina speaks of his athletic build, endurance and strength. While the name of Kostylin shows the opposite - his clumsiness and lack of independence.

In the story, Zhilin is shown as a prudent and intelligent young man. He is able to sensibly assess the situation and find the right solution to it. Kostylin, on the other hand, behaves carelessly, until he is in danger. He does not hide his fear and often exposes himself as a coward. But the characters of the heroes are definitely manifested at the moment when they are both captured by the highlanders.

Once in captivity, Zhilin shows his courageous features, despite the threat to his life. He refuses to pay the ransom and deliberately sends the letter to a different address in order to prevent the mother's worries in advance. But Kostylin acts differently. He immediately writes several letters home, asking for help and the speedy sending of money for his ransom.

Zhilin initially set the goal of running away home, but in addition to this, he observes local life, tries to understand other people's life and customs. Zhilin wins the respect of the owner with his positive qualities. He makes toys, heals the locals, and befriends Dina, who helps him escape at the end.

Kostylin is inactive throughout the story, waiting for a letter from his relatives. When Zhilin manages to escape, he takes Kostylin with him, who becomes a complaining burden during the escape. Zhilin endures pain and fatigue, without abandoning Kostylin, carries him on himself. When the comrades are again captured and returned to captivity, Kostylin will also be inactive.

At the end of the story, the comrades manage to escape for the second time, but this happens only because of the unbroken spirit of Zhilin, who never ceased to resist. The author strongly sympathizes with Zhilin, admiring his courage and steadfastness. The reader, while reading the story, cannot help but feel some contempt for Kostylin, who does not make even a drop of effort to free himself from enemy captivity. The work shows two characters who are complete opposites of each other. This is what makes readers compare the individual qualities of the personality and the actions of the characters.

Option 2

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, in his work entitled “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, talks about two Russian officers Zhilin and Kostylin. The author uses an interesting feature, he describes their behavior in the same situations, showing how different the attitude to what is happening and the behavior can be depending on the character.

The heroes meet at the beginning of the story, Zhilin is ready for a dangerous act, because he is in a hurry to meet his mother, while Kostylin is simply driven by hunger and heat, which does not allow him to live in peace. There is also a difference in the external description of young people, Zhilin is not tall, but at the same time he is quite daring and able to get out of any situation. Kostylin, on the contrary, is tall, overweight and quite thick.

Their surnames can be called speaking, Zhilin is formed from the word "lived", it can be called quite sinewy, strong and hardy enough. Kostylin, on the other hand, needs support and support in everything, a kind of crutch that will support him, because he himself cannot do anything.

Zhilin is portrayed as a decisive person and capable of taking independent actions, but at the same time he can look ahead prudently and make informed decisions. At the same time, Kostylin is more like a frivolous person who sometimes is not responsible for the decisions he makes, he hopes that he will be carried away and nothing fatal will happen.

Another key point is the attitude towards animals, Zhilin affectionately calls her mother, and Kostylin simply scoffs, beating her with a whip that turned up under her arm.

This difference is especially noticeable when they are captured. Kostylin asks his mother to send money, and Zhilin specifically writes the wrong address so that the letter does not reach his mother. At the same time, he takes advantage of the time spent in captivity, tries to observe the culture and lifestyle of the people who took him prisoner. What can not be said about Kostylin, he dreams of leaving captivity as soon as possible, even if this becomes a burden for his relatives and friends.

Thus, two people who find themselves in the same circumstances show completely different character traits, they show the difference in upbringing.

Comparison of Zhilin and Kostylin

Tolstoy in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" tells about two officers Zhilin and Kostylin. The author puts them on equal terms, as two military men with similar fates and in the same situation. But in view of their character and personality, everyone behaves differently under the same conditions. Leo Tolstoy talks about this state of affairs.

Zhilin and Kostyli were participants in the battles for the annexation of the Caucasus to Russian lands. And now the fate, or rather, by their own decision, the comrades remain together. Thus, they get into trouble, where Kostylin escaped leaving a friend, a gun and ran away, thinking only about his life. Zhilin, on the other hand, did not boast of his life and conceived only by his death to benefit and kill at least one Tatar with a saber.

But fate did not save Kostylin from captivity, where Zhilin was already at that time. The Tatars force the prisoners to immediately write letters to their homeland so that they send a huge ransom if they want to see their own men again. So Kostylin, without hesitation, writes a letter to his father's house, where he asks his family to send 5 thousand rubles. Zhilin, on the contrary, does not want to send a letter, but because this is impossible, he simply writes the wrong address of his house. Zhilin understands that mother lives alone and will not be able to send such an amount.

In anticipation of salvation or death, Zhilin and Kostylin also behaved differently, although it would seem that in a limited situation there is no chance of being realized. Zhilin dug a tunnel at night, and during the day he made dolls for a little Tatar girl, who in return brought him cakes and milk. Kostylin did nothing at that time. And on the day of the escape, both captives run together barefoot, as a result of which they wash their legs and Zhilin has to carry his weakened partner. Because of this, they are caught again.

Even after the Caucasian captives are caught, Zhilin does not give up and continues to believe in his escape, Kostylin continues to live the former life of a captive person. The same girl who fed him in the old days comes to the aid of the brave and courageous Zhilin. She lowers a long stick into the pit, by which the man is understood. He was able to run to the Russians, where safety awaited him, and Kostylin waited for money from his relatives and was ransomed.

Thus, the reader directly sees the antipode heroes. Zhilin is a brave, courageous, honest and determined young man who thinks not only about himself, but also about his relatives, about the people around him, no matter what the circumstances, and Kostylin is selfish, miserable, cowardly and lazy.

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  • In the 5th grade, we begin to learn how to write essays. The first work in the genre of comparative characteristics is "Zhilin and Kostylin" (based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"). Together with the guys we make a plan and write the introduction together. I present some of the most successful work of fifth graders.


    Zhilin and Kostylin: comparative characteristics of the heroes

    (according to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus")


    1. Introduction

    2. Main body

    2.1. How do heroes behave in a situation of mortal danger? (Meeting with the Tatars when the heroes are taken prisoner)

    2.2. How do heroes behave when a ransom is demanded from them?

    2.3. How do heroes behave in captivity?

    2.4. How do the heroes behave during the escape?

    2.5. How did the fate of the heroes?

    3. Conclusion.

    3.1. How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect?

    Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" makes one think about these questions.

    When Zhilin met the Tatars, he shouted to Kostylin: "Bring a gun!" But Kostylin was not there, he fled like the last coward. Then Zhilin thought: “Although I am alone, I will fight to the last! I won't give myself up alive!"

    In captivity, they behave differently. Zhilin made dolls, repaired things and thought about how to escape. Kostylin slept and did nothing.

    Zhilin did not immediately write a letter so as not to upset his relatives, but Kostylin quickly wrote a letter and waited for the ransom.

    Zhilin tried to find a way to escape, and Kostylin lowered his hands and waited for them to be rescued. Residents of the village treat Zhilin with respect. The attitude towards Zhilin is much better than towards Kostylin, because Zhilin helped everyone, repaired things, made dolls, treated people, and did not lie and sleep.

    The characters of these characters are completely different. Zhilin is stubborn, always achieves his goal and wins, he wanted to escape - he was the first to escape, and Kostylin was bought out barely alive. I would imitate Zhilin, as he is brave, worthy of respect, stubborn.

    It was not very pleasant for me to read about Kostylin, he was always procrastinating, lazy, but I was pleased to read about Zhilin: he was captured again because of Kostylin, but even the second time he offers to run away with him, does not leave him.

    People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently because they have different characters. Some command respect, because even in a difficult situation they do not lose pride and dignity.

    It is necessary from childhood to accustom yourself to dignity in order to act in a difficult situation in the same way as Zhilin.

    Chugunova Sofia, 5"A" class

    Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

    “Two officers served in the Caucasus: Zhilin and Kostylin,” this is how the story begins.

    One day they left the fortress, accompanied by soldiers. It was a hot summer then, and the convoy was moving very slowly. Kostylin offered Zhilin to go alone, because he had a gun.

    Having driven into the gorge, they saw the Tatars. Kostylin immediately forgot about his friend and about the gun and rushed headlong into the fortress. He did not think that Zhilin was in great danger. Kostylin did not even want to try to help his comrade. When Zhilin realized that he could not get away from the chase, he decided that he would not give up so easily and would cut at least one Tatar with a saber.

    Zhilin was still captured. He had been in the village for several days. The Tatars immediately began to demand a ransom. Soon Kostylin was also brought to the village. It turns out that he has already written a letter home to send a ransom - five thousand rubles. Zhilin is bargaining because he thinks about his mother, who will not be able to find that kind of money. And he writes the address on the letter incorrectly, as he decided to escape from captivity on his own.

    In captivity, Zhilin did not become limp. He made dolls for Dina and other children, repaired watches, “healed” or walked around the village. Zhilin was looking for a way to escape. Did a dig in the barn. And Kostylin "only slept or spent whole days sitting in the shed and counting the days when the letter would arrive." He did nothing to save himself.

    And so they fled. Kostlin constantly complained of pain in his legs, shortness of breath, he did not think about caution, shouted, although he knew that a Tatar had recently passed by them. Zhilin behaved like a man. He did not escape from captivity alone, but called Kostylin. He put on his shoulders Kostylin, who was aching from pain in his legs and fatigue, although he himself was not in the best shape. This attempt to escape still failed due to the behavior of Kostylin.

    In the end, Zhilin escaped from captivity. Dina helped him in this. Kostylin, a month later, was bought out a little alive.

    This is how different characters affect the fate of a person. Zhilin makes me respect for his strong character, courage, endurance, ability to stand up for himself and for his comrade, determination. Kostylin is only contempt because of his cowardice, laziness.

    It seems to me that qualities worthy of respect should be started to be brought up from small things, because this is how we begin to cultivate in ourselves the qualities that Zhilin possessed!

    Osipova Elizaveta, 5"A" class

    How to cultivate qualities worthy of respect? Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" makes one think about these questions.

    Zhilin and Kostylin are two officers who served in the Caucasus.

    Kostylin, when he saw the Tatars, showed his cowardice and left his comrade in trouble: "But Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress." Zhilin, unlike Kostylin, showed himself heroically and fought for his freedom to the end: "... I won't give myself up alive."

    When they were both taken prisoner and they began to demand a ransom from them, Kostylin was afraid for his life and did everything as the owner told him. Zhilin was not afraid of the threats of the Tatars and did not want to pay the ransom, as he planned to escape.

    Kostylin spent whole days sitting in a shed, waiting for money. Zhilin proved himself to be a skilled man and deserving of the trust of the owner. But when Zhilin walked around the village, he tried to come up with an escape plan.

    When Zhilin suggested that Kostylin run away, he tried to dissuade him, he was afraid that they would be noticed. Zhilin will know by the stars which way they should go. But Kostylin did not last long, he gives up and tells his friend to leave him. Zhilin was not such a person as Kostylin, and therefore he could not leave a comrade in trouble. They were noticed by the Tatars, "... they seized, tied them up, put them on horses, and took them away."

    The life of the heroes became even worse. But Zhilin, even in such a situation, continued to think about escaping. When he suggested this to a friend, Kostylin, it seems to me, committed the only human act. He didn't want to be a burden to his friend. Zhilin successfully got out of captivity, "and Kostylin, barely alive, was brought only a month later."

    Each person in the same situation manifests itself differently. It seems to me, because of human qualities. Some people think only about themselves, like Kostylin. Others, such as Zhilin, also think about others: "... it is not good to leave a comrade."

    Some people command respect because they think not only about themselves, but also about others. They do not despair, but continue to fight, like Zhilin: "... I won't give myself up alive." Others do whatever they are told. And they abandon their comrades, like Kostylin: "And Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress."

    It seems to me that these qualities are brought up in the family. You have to overcome your fears.

    Volkov Pavel, 5"A" class

    Why do people behave differently when placed in the same circumstances? Why do some command our respect, while others - contempt? Zhilin and Kostylin - heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy, officers.

    Zhilin, when meeting with the Tatars, showed courage, fearlessness and did not want to give up to the end, and Kostylin acted like a coward and a traitor. He left his comrade in trouble, and he fled.

    When a ransom was demanded from Zhilin and Kostylin, our heroes behaved differently. Zhilin bargained and did not concede, and besides, he wrote the wrong address. He, like a real man, counted only on his own strength. Kostylin, on the contrary, did not resist and wrote a letter asking him to ransom him for five thousand coins.

    In captivity, Zhilin and Kostylin manifest themselves in different ways. Zhilin tried to win over the inhabitants of the village. He was a jack of all trades: he fixed things, made toys for children and much more. Meanwhile, Kostylin did nothing, slept and waited for a ransom. Zhilin believed in himself and hoped for the best, while Kostylin showed his laziness, cowardice and weakness.

    During the escape, Zhilin showed courage and devotion towards his comrade. Zhilin was more enduring than Kostylin, although he was tired, he continued to walk. Kostylin was weak and unstable. That's why they were caught.

    The fate of our heroes has developed in different ways. Zhilin did not lose hope and made a second escape. This escape was successful. Kostylin was bought out a month later. He was barely alive.

    Thus, throughout the story, Zhilin demonstrates his courage and courage, and Kostylin - laziness and cowardice.

    People, getting into the same circumstances, behave differently, because not everyone has enough self-control and fortitude ... Someone is stronger, someone is weaker. I think it all depends on the character of the person. Some people earn our respect because they do good and courageous deeds, while others - contempt because they are cowardly and show the bad side of their character. In order to cultivate qualities worthy of respect in oneself, one must try to overcome one's fears and are not afraid to take risks sometimes.

    Galkina Tatiana, 5"A" class

    The brightest are those works in which the main characters are completely different. It is these characters that are the basis of Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Characters - Zhilin and Kostylin. These men have different fates and characters. The true story tells about their life in captivity of the Tatars and an attempt to escape. But the path to freedom is thorny, and in particular because these two officers are the complete opposite of each other.

    First meeting of friends

    The events take place during the war for Officer Zhilin received a letter from his mother. She asks her son to return. Ivan, that's the man's name, considers the proposal and agrees. Traveling alone was dangerous, so the soldiers walked in a column. The group dragged on slowly, and the thought came to his mind that it would be better to go alone. As if having heard his thoughts, another officer, Kostylin, invites him to continue the journey together.

    The first Zhilin and Kostylin is very important for the further development of events. The author does not talk about what the main character looks like, but gives a description of Kostylin. It's rough. Sweat drips from it because of the heat. After making sure that he has a loaded weapon, and taking the word to stick together, Zhilin agrees to the invitation.

    Ambush and unexpected betrayal of a friend

    Comrades are leaving. The whole path lies through the steppe, where the enemy is clearly visible. But further the road runs between two mountains. At this point there is a conflict of views. In the scene, Zhilin and Kostylin are compared in terms of a sense of danger.

    Two excellent warriors perceive the gorge of the mountains in different ways. Zhilin sees a potential threat and is sure that the Turks can ambush behind the rock. Kostylin is ready to move forward, despite the possible risk. Leaving his friend below, Ivan climbs the mountain and sees a group of riders. Enemies notice the officer and jump towards him. Zhilin shouts to Kostylin to pull out a gun. But he, seeing the Tatars, rushes into the fortress.

    A comparative description of Zhilin and Kostylin will be incomplete if this situation is not considered in more detail. The first took care of the safety of both, while the second, under difficult circumstances, thought only of his own life. Kostylin left his comrade unarmed. Ivan fought back for a long time, but the forces were unequal. He was taken prisoner. But already from the Tatars, he learns that his unfortunate friend was also ambushed.

    The second and unexpected meeting of former friends

    For some time the man spent in a closed barn. Then he was taken to the house of the Tatars. There he was explained that the man who had taken the soldier prisoner had sold him to another Tatar. And he, in turn, wants to receive a ransom for Ivan in the amount of 3,000 rubles. The officer, without hesitation for a long time, refused and said that he could not afford such an amount. The most he can offer is 500 gold. The last word was firm and unshakable. His friend is brought into the room.

    And the appearance of Zhilin and Kostylin is very different. The second officer is fat, barefoot, exhausted, ragged, with a block on his feet. Zhilina is no better, but the thirst for struggle has not yet died out in him. The new owner sets Kostylin as an example and reports that he will be accepted for a ransom of 5,000 rubles.

    The author shows how humbly he accepts an offer at such a high price. Ivan, on the other hand, achieved that the payment for his soul would be But nevertheless he understands that the mother, who lives on the money that he himself sends to her, would have to sell everything in order to free her son. Therefore, the officer writes the wrong address so that the letter does not reach. The comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin when establishing the amount of the ransom indicate that the first officer takes care of his mother, even if he is threatened with death. Kostylin is not worried about how money is being collected for his release.

    Attempt to escape from the enemy

    Time passes. Leo Tolstoy vividly describes the everyday life of Zhilin. A man wins the heart of the owner's daughter when he sculpts clay dolls for her. Gains respect in the village as a master, and even through cunning - as a doctor. But every night, when the shackles are removed, he digs a passage under the wall. He works during the day, thinking about which way he should run. The characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity are absolutely opposite. Zhilin does not sit still, unlike his friend. And he sleeps or gets sick all the time, waiting for the storm associated with the death of one of the Tatar warriors to pass.

    One night, Zhilin decides to run away. He offers this to his comrade in the "camera". Kostylin is skeptical about this. He states that they don't know the way and will get lost at night. But the argument that because of the death of a Tatar, they, as Russians, can be avenged, finally convinces him.

    Struggling with your own abilities

    The prisoners are active. Trying to get out, the clumsy Kostylin raises a fuss. The dogs growled. But prudent Ivan fed the dogs for a long time. So the commotion calmed them down quickly. They get out of the village, but the fat man is out of breath and falls behind. Very quickly gives up and asks to leave it.

    A comparative description of Zhilin and Kostylin is a competition of cowardice with strength. Both are tired. The night is impenetrable, they are forced to walk almost to the touch. Bad boots rub your feet until they bleed. Kostylin stops and rests over and over again. Subsequently, he is exhausted and says that he is unable to continue his journey.

    Then the comrade pulls him on his back. Because of Kostylin's scream of pain, they are noticed and hunted down. Before dawn, the comrades were caught and this time thrown into the pit. And there the portrait of Zhilin and Kostylin is opposite. An officer, thirsting for freedom, is trying to dig, but there is nowhere to put the earth and stones.

    Increasingly, one hears talk from enemies that the Russians need to be killed.

    Final and will

    The owner's daughter comes to the rescue. She lowers a pole into the pit, along which, not without the help of a friend, Zhilin climbs the mountain. Weak Kostylin remains with the Tatars. He runs away with his feet bound, but nevertheless gets to his army.

    After some time, money is also paid for Kostylin. He comes back barely alive. This is where the piece ends. The author does not report what further awaits the characters with the names Zhilin and Kostylin. The heroes have different fates, the first relied only on their own abilities, the second was waiting for manna from heaven. They are two poles that are guided by different principles and rules. If Zhilin is stubborn, courageous and freedom-loving, then his partner in misfortune is weak, lazy and cowardly.

    A fine hearted officer

    The main characters of Leo Tolstoy are Zhilin and Kostylin. This story is about two officers. The first fought bravely, the second accepted with humility everything that life had prepared for him. Zhilin has such a trait as care. He thinks about the old mother when they asked for a ransom, he worries about the fate of his friend, so he does not leave him in the village of enemies, for the girl who helped get out of the pit.

    She is ordered to hide the pole she brought so that Zhilin can get up. His heart is full of kindness and love. The officer fell in love with the simple, peaceful people of the Tatars. So it makes their life easier. He is a symbol of everything bright and sincere in the work.

    Kostylin - a hero or an anti-hero?

    Kostylin is often considered a negative hero. He left a comrade in trouble, distinguished himself by laziness and weakness, brought danger to both. There is nothing to say about the cowardice of a man, because every now and then helplessness is manifested in his actions.

    But is Kostylin really as weak in his soul as he is outside? Somewhere deep in his heart he is brave and strong. Although in part it borders on unreasonableness. It was he who suggested that his friend separate from the group and jump first. I was also ready to go between the mountains without even making sure it was safe there. No less courage was needed to decide on an escape, which he did not plan and for which he was not ready either physically or mentally.

    The characterization of Zhilin and Kostylin is an analysis of two opposite types of courage. But Kostylin showed more courage when he refused to repeat the escape attempt. Moreover, as best he could, he helped a friend get out of the pit. He understood all his weakness and did not dare to set up his comrade again. It is in such actions that the secret of his essence lies.

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    "Lyceum No. 1" r.p.Chamzinka of the Republic of Mordovia

    Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna

    Zhilin and Kostylin.

    Comparative characteristics of heroes

    story by L.N. Tolstoy

    "Prisoner of the Caucasus"


    to generalize and systematize knowledge of the content of the story by L.N. Tolstoy "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" through a comparative description of the main characters;

    to form the ability to analyze the text of a work of art;

    develop the ability to express one's thoughts, evaluate the hero's act, generalize, draw conclusions;

    learn to concisely state the narrative text;

    develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary;

    to continue work on the development of the culture of speech of schoolchildren

    develop the skills of comparative characterization of heroes;

    to cultivate moral qualities in students, responsibility for their own destiny through a comparative analysis of the heroes of the story.

    Man is responsible for his own destiny.

    L.N. Tolstoy

    Take care of honor from a young age, and dress again.

    Die yourself, but save a comrade.


    Let's remember what we read.

    Composition of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

    The action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war between Russians and highlanders. Initial introduction to the characters.



    Action development:




    Zhilin receives a letter from home and decides to go on vacation. On the way, Zhilin and Kostylin are separated from the convoy.

    Zhilin and Kostylin are captured. Life in captivity of the Tatars. First escape.

    Second escape from captivity.

    Zhilin finds himself in his fortress.

    Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, and a month later Kostylin was ransomed for 5 thousand and brought to the fortress barely alive.

    Characteristics of a literary hero

    Character is...

    the totality of all mental, spiritual properties of a person, manifested in his actions and deeds.

    The character of the hero is expressed not only in a direct author's description, it is manifested in the statements of the hero, in his behavior, in relation to others, in his way of life, in the environment that surrounds him, in the events that happen to him, in his manners, appearance, speeches, etc.

    To characterize the hero means to consider the actions and behavior of the hero in various circumstances, to show his inner world.

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina

    Why is the story of L.N. Tolstoy called "Prisoner of the Caucasus",

    Are there two prisoners?

    Two officers are captured

    but only one of them Kostylin/ turned out to be truly “captured”.

    Other officer / Zhilin/ managed to free himself,

    he is the hero of Tolstoy's story.

    Let's compare the character and behavior of Zhilin and Kostylin,

    i.e. give them a comparative description

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    Origin, occupation


    The meaning of the surname


    Russian noblemen, officers, participants in the Caucasian war.

    veins blood vessels, tendons. Strong, seasoned, sinewy, muscular.

    crutch a high stick with a cross-beam on which the lame people lean when walking.

    "Not great in stature, but daring."

    “The man is overweight, fat, all red, and the sweat is pouring from him.”

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina




    Attitude towards the horse

    “We need to go to the mountain to look, otherwise, perhaps, they will jump out from behind the mountain and not see it” ...

    “Zhilin fed her (the dog) in advance.”

    “The whip fries the horse from one side, then from the other.”

    “The horse near Zhilin was a hunter (I bought it as a foal and rode it myself).”

    "Mother, take it out, do not catch your foot."

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    Behavior during a meeting with the Tatars


    “He grabbed a saber, let the horse go straight at the red Tatar, he thinks: “Either I will crush it with a horse, or I will cut it down with a saber.”

    “And Kostylin, instead of waiting, only saw the Tatars, rolled up to the fortress. Only in the dust you can see how the horse twirls its tail.

    Bold, resolute, ready to die rather than surrender to the enemies alive.

    Coward, did not support a comrade.

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    behavior in captivity


    “I wrote a letter, but I didn’t write it that way on the letter, so that it didn’t get through. He thinks: I'll leave.

    “Kostylin wrote home again, kept waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. For whole days he sits in the barn and counts the days when the letter arrives; or sleeping."

    “And he himself is looking out, trying to find out how he can escape.”

    He did not lose heart, he was engaged in a craft, made friends with Dina, taught a dog, thought about how to escape, studied the surroundings. village

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    The opinion of the Tatars about the prisoners





    “Zhilin began to understand a little in their language.”

    “Zhilin got up, dug out a bigger crack, began to look.”

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    Behavior during the first run


    "Jumps from pebble to pebble and looks at the stars."

    "Kostylin is still lagging behind and groaning."

    He constantly complains of pain, fatigue, cannot go further, gives himself away and Zhilina (cries out loudly in pain).

    Knows the way, leads a friend, helps him.

    "Leaving a comrade is not good."

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina


    Preparing for the second run



    Savvy, resourceful: he made toys for Dina, asked her to bring a pole for the second escape.

    Non-resistance to fate: "and does not want to hear" about the second escape.

    "Kostylin left Zhilin in trouble and rode away on a horse."

    "... it is not good to leave a comrade."

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina



    Kind, thinks about his mother, pities her, hopes for himself, contemplates escaping.

    A weak person, does not rely on himself, is waiting for help from his mother

    Rassis, lost heart.

    Managed to settle down in the village

    Hardworking, cannot sit idle, master needleworker. He helps everyone, even his enemies - the Tatars.

    He is interested in other people, loves children.

    Does not accept other people, thinks only of himself, selfish.

    Generous, honest.

    Capable of betrayal, coward

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina

    Why are the fates of the characters so different?

    What are their main character traits?



    Fortitude, love of life, camaraderie, moral strength and spiritual beauty.

    Lack of will, betrayal, selfishness, physical and spiritual weakness.

    Comparative characteristics

    Zhilina and Kostylina

    How do you understand the words of Leo Tolstoy:

    "Man is responsible for his own destiny"?

    L.N. Tolstoy raises important moral issues in the story: about comradely duty, kindness and responsiveness, loyalty, friendship, courage and stamina. It glorifies strong-willed people who are ready to overcome any obstacles, tells about the power of friendship, which brings people of different nationalities together.

    Explain the meaning of Russian proverbs

    "Take care of honor from a young age, and dress again",

    "Die yourself, but help out a comrade",

    based on reading

    What did the story teach you

    LN Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

    To enter the world, you need to open a book, and for this you need to pick up special "keys", because the reader's path begins with them: acquaintance with literary laws, comprehension of the artistic structure.

    In the center of this world is a person, so a special place in the work is occupied by characters - actors.

    The author creates the image of each hero with the help of special techniques. My task is to teach children to see them in the text in order to make a complete impression of the hero, to teach them to understand their feelings and thoughts. Comparative characteristics will give a complete picture of them.

    Knowledge of the theory of literature will help students to freely navigate what they read, which means that the book in their hands will “speak”.

    The lesson is accompanied by a presentation



    Department of Education of the City Administration of Noyabrsk

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary Educational School No. 2"

    In-depth study

    Foreign Languages" of the municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk

    Literature lesson in 5th grade

    Topic: "Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin"

    Teacher Shvetsova Elena Anatolyevna


    Subject: "Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin"


    1. Teach students how to create an artistic image.

    2. Develop the ability to compare literary characters, develop students' speech activity, their imagination.

    3. To educate a competent reader.

    During the classes:

    I. Work based on the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

    Slide #1

    L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"


    1. Repetition of knowledge of literary theory

    We continue the conversation about the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

    Use literary terms and don't let yourself be confused.

    a) Is the “Prisoner of the Caucasus” a literary fairy tale?

    No, this is a story, because this work is narrative, small in volume, united by a plot and consisting of several episodes;

    b) If this is a narrative work, then there is a personal narrative?The narration is impersonal, because the conversation in The Prisoner of the Caucasus is on behalf of the narrator;

    V) I think that there is no plot in the work, there are only events around. What do you think?

    The work has a plot. A plot is a chain of events;

    G) Is the episode and plot the same thing?

    No episode.

    e) What groups of characters are in the story?

    Major, minor and episodic.

    Name the main characters.

    Zhilin, Kostylin and Dina.

    Now look at the screen, if you made a mistake.

    Slide #2

    Story - a short narrative work, united by a plot and consisting of one or more episodes.

    Plot is a chain of events that take place in a work.

    Episode - one event that has a beginning and an end.

    Slide #3


    Personal - on behalf of the hero-narrator;

    Impersonal - on behalf of the narrator.

    Slide #4


    Main ;

    Minor ;


    Do you agree with your answers? (Yes)

    Answer scores...

    2. Work on the epigraph

    What historical event is depicted in the story? (Caucasian war)

    Caucasian War 1817 - 1864(47 years old) - this is a war of the Russian Empire with the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus (Chechens, Dagestanis, Ossetians, Tatars). What people are in the story? (about the Tatars).

    The Caucasian war is the longest war.

    War is not a fairy tale about Ivan,

    And we don't gold it...

    Boris Pasternak.

    Read the epigraph.

    Why is war not a fairy tale?

    What does "we don't gild her" mean?


    War is scary, painful, cruel; these are losses, death, crippled destinies, non-healing wounds.

    War is the color of ashes, so we do not “golden” it, it cannot be embellished.

    For many, war is a test of strength, endurance, and humanity.

    The story features two officers.

    In your opinion, what qualities should an officer have? (the officer is not alien to the concepts of honor, conscience, dignity; he is a brave, courageous, brave person; he is devoted to his Fatherland).

    3. Lesson topic

    Slide #4

    A). Techniques for compiling the characteristics of heroes

    Slide #3

    Methods for compiling the characteristics of literary heroes:

    External features (portrait);

    The actions of the hero, attitude towards other people, his feelings, speech;

    Characteristics of the hero by other characters

    b). Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin.

    - Let's compare Zhilin and Kostylin.

    Sometimes it takes years to understand a person, and we will try to learn the characters in a lesson. The task is not easy, but it is quite solvable.

    To compare means to find common and difference in their character.

    What common?

    The officers served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter to send a ransom, participated in the escape.

    Of course, these are not character traits, but events, but they will help us figure out who a real officer and a real person are.


    I. Portrait

    Find the description of the characters in the text;

    What character traits of the characters do we learn from the description of their appearance?

    Zhilin - daring, brave, courageous.

    Kostylin is a physically weak person.

    Is it possible to limit yourself to this method only? (no, there may be an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hero).

    II. "Talking" surname

    Surname Zhilin - from the word vein (blood vessels, tendons). Our hero is a wiry man. How else can you say? (lean, strong, hardy).

    Surname Kostylin - from the word crutch. What is a crutch? (a stick that serves as a support when walking lame or people with sore legs).

    What is our hero? (weak).

    - What decision does Zhilin make? Read out. What is characteristic of him? (decisiveness, courage, ability to resist the enemy; he is not from a timid dozen).

    How is Kostylin behaving? Read out. What do you think of it? (violated the agreement - not to leave; behaves like a coward and a traitor).

    IV. In captivity

    1. Letter of ransom

    Why did Zhilin indicate the wrong address in the letter? (he knew that his mother had no money)

    Suppose he wrote a letter. Would a mother send money despite her poverty? Yes, because there is nothing in life higher and stronger than mother's love.

    Zhilin is able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.

    Kostylin wrote more than one letter, because he was a coward, he thought only of himself.

    2. The internal state of the heroes

    During his stay in captivity, Zhilin meets a Tatar girl, Dina. This image is not random. "Dina" in Arabic means "faith".

    What does Zhilin believe in? (in his own strength, in luck; he is strong in spirit.)

    What does Kostylin believe in? (for ransom)

    3. Activities of heroes



    Explores the area as he thinks of escaping;

    Communicates with Dina;

    Treats the people of the village.

    What can you say about it? (master, smart, cunning, resourceful; a man of action).


    Inactive and moaning.

    Confirm what was said about the characters with text.

    4. The opinion of the Tatars about the heroes.

    Kostylin - "meek."

    V. Escape

    Tell about it.

    How did the heroes behave?

    V). Creation of an oral statement "Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin"

    (using the table compiled in the course of the work).




    The officers served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter to send a ransom, participated in the escape.


    I. Portrait

    Daring, hardy, courageous.

    Physically weak.

    II. "Talking" surname

    Veins - blood vessels, tendons.

    A wiry, hardy, strong person.

    A crutch is a stick, a support when walking for the lame or people with sore legs.

    Weak person.

    III. The behavior of the heroes during the attack of the Tatars

    Not from the timid, brave, resolute, able to resist the enemy.

    Broke an agreement - not to disperse; behaves like a coward and a traitor).

    IV. In captivity

    1. Letter of ransom

    Able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.

    1. Letter of ransom

    Coward, thinks only of himself.

    2. Internal state

    Strong in spirit, believes in luck, his own strength.

    1. Internal state

    Mentally weak, believes in ransom.

    3. Classes

    Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; business man.

    3. Classes

    Inactive, moaning.

    4. The opinion of the Tatars about Zhilina

    Zhilin won the respect of children and adults: "Korosh Urus", "dzhigit".

    4. The opinion of the Tatars about Kostylin

    Kostylin - "meek."

    V. Escape

    Zhilin shows will, courage, resourcefulness, steadfastness, actively fights.

    Kostylin is a burden; suffers, shows selfishness, weakness.

    G). Significance of the topic

    Is it necessary to learn to determine the qualities of a person's character, or can you do without it in life?

    It is necessary in life to:

    Distinguish between good and evil, love and hate, courage and cowardice;

    Make the right choice of friends;

    Understand the inner world of a person.

    4. Homework:

    1. Oral statement "Meeting with Zhilin and Kostylin"

    Imagine that you invited Zhilin and Kostylin to the lesson as participants in the Caucasian War.What could they tell you? What would you ask them?

    Slides captions:

    L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
    A story is a short narrative work united by a plot and consisting of one or more episodes A plot is a chain of events taking place in a work An episode is one event that has a beginning and an end
    Techniques for characterizing literary heroes:
    External features (portrait); Actions of the hero, attitude towards other people, his feelings, speech; Characteristics of the hero by other characters
    Topic: "Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin"

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