The life of overnight shelters before the advent of the bow. M


4-2 System: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person.


The role of Luke in the drama "At the Bottom". Luke - a healer of souls or a liar?

The purpose of the lesson : create a problem situation and encourage students to speak

own point of view on the image of Luke and his position in life.

Methodological techniques : discussion, analytical conversation.

Teacher's word:

In the last lesson, we began our acquaintance with M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom". An unsightly picture appeared before our eyes: a basement that looked like a cave. The ceiling is heavy, stone arches, smoked with crumbling plaster. Both outwardly and according to what is happening in it now (noise, swearing, quarrels. Satin growls, Anna and the Actor cough), the rooming house resembles hell. And a hero named Luke descends into this hell. As you know, the author's choice of the hero's name is not accidental.

What associations does this name evoke in you?

· Luke - one of the apostles, disciples of Christ, the distributor of his teachings.

Luke - a derivative of the word "evil", that is, insidious, characterized by malice, covered with ostentatious benevolence.

The evil one is a demon that seduces and destroys a person.

So who is he, this "curious" old man?

Crafty demon or apostle?

What is its purpose?

What role does Gorky assign to him in the play?

Today we have to give exhaustive answers to these difficult questions.

Analytical conversation:

How do the inhabitants of the rooming house perceive their situation before the appearance of Luke?

In the exposition we see people, in essence, resigned to their humiliating position. The roommates languidly, habitually quarrel, and the Actor says to Satin: “One day they will completely kill you ... to death ...” “And you are a blockhead,” Satin snaps. "Why?" - the Actor is surprised. "Because you can't kill twice." These words of Sateen show his attitude towards the existence that they all lead in a rooming house. This is not life, they are all already dead. Everything seems to be clear. But the Actor’s response is interesting: “I don’t understand ... why not?” Perhaps it is the Actor, who has died more than once on the stage, who understands the horror of the situation more deeply than others. After all, he is the one who commits suicide at the end of the play.

People feel like “ex”: “Satin. I was an educated person” (the paradox is that the past tense is impossible in this case). "Bubnov. I've been a furrier." Bubnov pronounces a philosophical maxim: “It turns out - don’t paint yourself outside, everything will be erased ... everything will be erased, yes!”

Only one Tick has not yet resigned himself to his fate. He separates himself from the rest of the roomers: “What kind of people are they? Dud, golden company ... people! I'm a working man... I'm ashamed to look at them... I've been working since I was little... Do you think I won't get out of here? I’ll get out ... I’ll tear off the skin, and I’ll get out ... Here, wait ... the wife will die ... ”The dream of another life is connected with Kleshch with the liberation that the death of his wife will bring him. He does not feel the enormity of his statement. Yes, and the dream will be imaginary.

How did the hostels react to the appearance of Luke? Why were souls drawn to him like pale sprouts to the sun?

He gives hope to the dying Anna, Ash, Actor. The only person who at any moment is turned to the world and to people, who not only hears, but also sees, not just speaks, but answers. And for these rare qualities immediately there is an acute demand.

Once again, let's listen to the conversation of the elder with the overnight stays. Think about why Luke's words so excited his interlocutors?

Anna reaches out to the only sincere sympathizer. (Dialogue between Luke and Anna.)

Pepel also demands an answer from Luke to his questions. (A conversation between Ashes and Luke.)

The Actor also yearns to be heard. (Dialogue between the Actor and Luke.)

So why did Luke's words so agitate his interlocutors?

And a hospital for drunkards, and the saving expanse of Siberia, and true love - all this, which only yesterday seemed to the roommates not a fantasy, but even nonsense, today becomes a fact of their spiritual life.

Why does Luke call the fallen outcasts? Let's read the statements of Luke, in which his philosophy of life sounds.

Do you think Luke himself believes what he encourages others to believe?

There is no reason to doubt. After all, in full accordance with his sermon, he is infinitely attentive and respectful to everyone. For him, a person, “whatever it is, is always worth its price.”

What drives Luka in his kindness? Maybe a trick, a selfish calculation?

No, even the cynical Bubnov, who does not trust anyone, understands this: “Here is Luka, approximately ... he lies a lot ... and without any benefit to himself. But if not for yourself, then why? The old man is already ... Why should he? Bubnov is surprised.

“You are kind, grandfather ... Why are you so kind?” - asks Natasha.

So really, why is he so kind?

Luke himself gives the answer: “Someone needs to be kind ... you need to feel sorry for people! Christ - he pitied everyone and ordered us so.

And which of the inhabitants of the Kostylevo rooming house do you most sympathize with?

Both behavior, and words, and the very presence of the old man are conducive to a calm, kind conversation. Even the impenetrable Bubnov, and he confesses to Luke, encouraged by attention and sympathy. Everyone wants to be heard and understood.

The cold indifference of the surrounding world is more terrible than the cries of damnation. Let us recall with what frenzy, with what greed Marmeladov attacked Raskolnikov, in which he guessed the ability to hear someone else's suffering. Ornately, verbosely, and at the same time hastily and confusedly, he pours out his soul, demanding, imploring, conjuring: “Do you hear, do you hear?” Heard, and therefore shared with someone, the pain does not burn the soul so much, so the dying Anna asks: “Grandfather! Talk to me." And the old man readily responds: "Let's talk." The sorrowful confessions of the sufferer Anna are accompanied by Luka's sympathetic sighs: “Oh, baby! Do not grieve! "Oh, you baby! Tired? Nothing!"

What other writer told us about the bitter loneliness among people?

About well-fed, indifferent, the story "Longing" is written. In the story, the son of the cabby Jonah dies. Jonah wants to tell someone about this, to talk, to pour out his soul and thus alleviate his grief a little. But it turns out that there is no one to tell. Not a single person wants to listen to Jonah, and he eventually tells everything to his horse.

In his article in Literaturnaya Gazeta, Daniil Granin told an incident from his own life that is directly related to the topic of our reflections.

Having got to the hospital with an injury, he did not sleep at night because of the pain, wandered along the corridors lined with beds and folding beds, and provided all possible assistance to the patients left by our infirm medicine. And then one day, the writer says, an old woman called him to her. She asked me to sit next to her. She complained that she was scared, started talking about her loved ones who are far away, about her difficult, now lonely life. She took my hand. She fell silent. I thought she fell asleep, but she died. Her hand began to stiffen.

Anna? "Eternal" Anna, while the world stands still? But let's listen further to Granin: “At the front, I saw all sorts of deaths. And the fact that people die in hospitals is inevitable. But this death shocked me. A stranger, no matter who, this woman called, languishing from loneliness in the face of death. Unbearable, it must be a feeling. The punishment is terrible, for what - it is not known. At least lean on someone. Care for a person, free medicine, humanism, collectivity of life - how can this be combined with the fact that a person, having worked all his life, dies in such abandonment? Isn't it a shame, a disgrace and our universal guilt?

Granin, who awakened the moral forces of society, dormant for many years under the anesthesia of official morality, was called “On Mercy”. Since then, this word has ceased to be obsolete, but, unfortunately, it is used much more often than the actions corresponding to it are committed.

Luke, pitying and comforting, also shows us an example of true mercy. It is interesting that Gorky's contemporaries, who were listeners of the author's reading of the play, emphasized that the writer was best suited for the role of Luka, and especially the scene at Anna's bedside. she recalled: “Gorky read superbly, especially Luka. When he reached the scene of Anna's death, he broke down and burst into tears. He looked up from the manuscript, looked at everyone, wiped his eyes and said:

Well, by God, well written ... The devil knows, huh? Really, okay?

What caused this delight, if not the impression of an organic fusion of the author and the hero in a fit of compassion.

“You, brother, well done! Pepel says to the old man. - You lie well ... you tell fairy tales pleasantly! Lie! Nothing ... not enough, brother, pleasant in the world!

Is there even one moment in the play when we can, with a triumphant cry: “Stop the thief!” - to catch him in an outright malicious lie?

It is documented that at that time in Russia there were 3 hospitals for alcoholics and at least 2 of them had free places.

But is Siberia really the place where it is easiest for Ash to start a new life, breaking forever ties with his environment?

Firstly, the little-developed Siberia for a strong person, and Ash is such, provides quite rich opportunities to arrange one's life. And the main thing, after all, is that Pepel, as he himself said, began to steal because before this, that in his entire life no one had ever called him by any other name than “thief”, “son of thieves”. Therefore, Siberia is a place where no one knows him and will not call him a thief, ideal for Ash.

Is Luka lying to Nastya?

Luka and Nastya do not lie, he only convinces her: “If you believe, you had true love ... then it was!” - realizing its principle “what you believe in is what it is.

Not to reconciliation, but to action, the “evil” old man calls: he awakens in the cohabitants the hope that what they hope is feasible. So, Luke did not lie, but awakened hope in people.

So who is he - an apostle or a demon?

Discussion of the issue.

This is how merciful, kind we saw Luka in the play.

And what is Gorky's attitude to the hero and his philosophy?

Luka disappears after the murder of Kostylev. Why?

In a conversation with the writer V. Shishkov, Gorky said:

Luke? Rogue. Rogue.

However, he looks handsome from the stage.

Yes? He pretends to be a saint because it benefits him.

So why does Gorky have such a negative attitude towards Luka?

We'll talk about this in the next lesson.

The topic of the next lesson is “Philosophical dispute about the truth in the play “At the Bottom”.

Homework : Write out in a notebook the statements of Satin, Bubnov, Luke about man, work, truth, life. Oral answer to the question: "What is the author's position in this dispute?"

The drama "At the Bottom" is a landmark work in Gorky's creative biography. The description of the heroes will be presented in this article.

This work was written at a critical time for the country. In Russia in the 90s of the 19th century, a serious outbreak broke out. Masses of impoverished, ruined peasants after each crop failure left the villages in search of work. Plants and factories were closed. Thousands of people found themselves without livelihood and shelter. This led to the fact that a large number of "tramps" appeared, who sank to the bottom of life.

Who lived in hostels?

Enterprising slum owners, taking advantage of the fact that people were in a hopeless situation, found how to make use of the stinking basements. They turned them into bunkhouses, where the poor, the unemployed, thieves, vagabonds and other representatives of the "bottom" lived. This work was written in 1902. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are just such people.

Maxim Gorky throughout his career was interested in the personality, the person, the secrets of his feelings and thoughts, dreams and hopes, weakness and strength - all this is reflected in the work. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are people who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, when the old world collapsed and a new life arose. However, they differ from the rest in that they are rejected by society. These are people of the "bottom", outcasts. The place where Vaska Pepel, Bubnov, Actor, Satin and others live is unattractive and scary. According to Gorky's description, this is a basement that looks like a cave. Its ceiling is stone vaults with crumbling plaster, sooty. Why did the inhabitants of the rooming house find themselves "at the bottom" of life, what brought them here?

Heroes of the play "At the bottom": table

heroHow did you end up at the bottom?characterization of the herodreams

In the past, he owned a dyeing workshop. However, circumstances forced him to leave. Bubnov's wife got along with the master.

He believes that a person is not able to change fate. Therefore, Bubnov only goes with the flow. Often shows skepticism, cruelty, lack of positive qualities.

It is difficult to determine, given the negative attitude towards the whole world of this hero.


Life forced this heroine to become a prostitute. And this is the social bottom.

A romantic and dreamy person who lives in love stories.

Dreams for a long time of pure and great love, continuing to practice his profession.


Was in the past a real baron, but lost his wealth.

He does not perceive the ridicule of the inhabitants of the rooming house, continuing to live in the past.

He wants to return to his former position, once again becoming a wealthy person.


A cheerful and always drunk shoemaker who never tried to rise from the bottom, where his frivolity led him.

As he says, he wants nothing. About himself he reports that he is "good" and "fun".

Everyone is always satisfied, it is difficult to say about his needs. Dreams, most likely, of a "warm breeze" and "eternal sun".

Vaska Pepel

This is a hereditary thief who has been in prison twice.

Weak, loving person.

He dreams of leaving for Siberia with Natalya and becoming a respectable citizen, starting a new life.


He sank to the bottom due to drunkenness.

Quotes often

He dreams of finding a job, recovering from alcoholism and getting out of the rooming house.

LukeThis is a mysterious wanderer. Not much is known about him.Teaches sympathy, kindness, comforts heroes, guides them.Dreams of helping everyone in need.
satinHe killed a man, as a result of which he ended up in prison for 5 years.He believes that a person needs not consolation, but respect.He dreams of conveying his philosophy to people.

What ruined the lives of these people?

Addiction to alcohol killed the Actor. By his own admission, he used to have a good memory. Now the Actor believes that everything is over for him. Vaska Pepel is a representative of the "thieves' dynasty". This hero had no choice but to continue his father's work. He says that even when he was little, even then he was called a thief. The former furrier Bubnov left the workshop because of his wife's infidelity, and also out of fear of his wife's lover. He went bankrupt, after which he went to serve in one "state chamber", in which he committed embezzlement. One of the most colorful figures in the work is Satin. He was a telegraph operator in the past, and went to prison for the murder of a man who insulted his sister.

Whom do the inhabitants of the rooming house blame?

Almost all the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" tend to blame the current situation not on themselves, but on life circumstances. Perhaps, if they had developed differently, nothing would have changed significantly, and all the same, the overnight stays would have suffered the same fate. The phrase that Bubnov uttered confirms this. He admitted that he actually drank the workshop away.

Apparently, the reason for the fall of all these people is their lack of a moral core, which makes up the personality of a person. You can cite the words of the Actor as an example: "Why did he die? I had no faith ..."

Was there a chance to live another life?

Creating images of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom", the author gave each of them the opportunity to live a different life. That is, they had a choice. However, for everyone, the first test ended in the collapse of life. The baron, for example, could improve his affairs not by stealing state funds, but by investing in profitable business that he had.

Satin could teach the offender a lesson in another way. As for Vaska Pepel, would there really be few places on earth where no one would know anything about him and his past? The same can be said about many of the inhabitants of the rooming house. They have no future, but in the past they had a chance not to get here. However, the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" did not use it.

How do heroes comfort themselves?

Now they can only live with unrealizable hopes and illusions. The Baron, Bubnov and the Actor live Dreams of true love amuse the prostitute Nastya. At the same time, the characterization of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" is supplemented by the fact that these people, rejected by society, humiliated, are endlessly arguing about moral and spiritual problems. Although it would be more logical to talk about because they live from hand to mouth. The author's characterization of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" suggests that they are occupied with such issues as freedom, truth, equality, labor, love, happiness, law, talent, honesty, pride, compassion, conscience, pity, patience, death, peace and much more. They are also concerned about an even more important problem. They talk about what a person is, why he is born, what is the true meaning of being. Philosophers of the rooming house can be called Luka, Satina, Bubnov.

With the exception of Bubnov, all the heroes of the work reject the "bedroom" way of life. They hope for a successful turn of fortune, which will bring them from the "bottom" to the surface. A tick, for example, says that he has been working since an early age (this hero is a locksmith), so he will certainly get out of here. "Here, wait... the wife will die..." he says. The actor, this chronic drunkard, hopes to find a luxurious hospital in which health, strength, talent, memory and applause of the audience will miraculously return to him. Anna, the unfortunate sufferer, dreams of bliss and peace in which she will finally be rewarded for her torment and patience. Vaska Pepel, this desperate hero, kills Kostylev, the owner of the rooming house, because he considers the latter to be the embodiment of evil. His dream is to go to Siberia, where he and his girlfriend will start a new life.

The role of Luke in the work

Luke, the wanderer, supports these illusions. He has the skill of a comforter and a preacher. Maxim Gorky depicts this hero as a doctor who considers all people to be terminally ill and sees his vocation in alleviating their pain and hiding it from them. However, at every step, life refutes the position of this hero. Anna, to whom he promises a divine reward in heaven, suddenly wants to "live a little more ...". Believing at first in a cure for alcoholism, the Actor takes his own life at the end of the play. Vaska Pepel determines the true value of all these consolations of Luke. He claims that he "tells fairy tales" pleasantly, because there is so little good in the world.

Satin's opinion

Luka is full of sincere pity for the inhabitants of the rooming house, but he cannot change anything, help people live a different life. In his monologue, Satin rejects this attitude, because he considers it humiliating, suggesting the failure and wretchedness of those to whom this pity is directed. The main characters of the play "At the Bottom" Satin and Luka express opposite opinions. Satin says that it is necessary to respect a person and not humiliate him with pity. These words probably express the position of the author: "Man!.. That sounds... proud!"

The further fate of the heroes

What will happen to all these people in the future, will the heroes of Gorky's play "At the Bottom" be able to change something? It is not difficult to imagine their future fate. For example, Klesh. He tries to get out of the "bottom" at the beginning of the work. He thinks that when his wife dies, things will magically change for the better. However, after the death of his wife, Kleshch is left without tools and money and gloomily sings along with others: "I won't run away anyway." In fact, he will not run away, like the other inhabitants of the rooming house.

What is salvation?

Are there any ways of salvation from the "bottom", and what are they? A decisive way out of this difficult situation is perhaps outlined in Sateen's speech when he speaks of the truth. He believes that the purpose of a strong person is to eradicate evil, and not to comfort the suffering, like Luke. This is one of the firmest convictions of Maxim Gorky himself. "From the bottom" people can rise only by learning to respect themselves, gaining self-esteem. Then they will be able to bear the proud title of Human. It still needs to be earned, according to Gorky.

Declaring his faith in the creative forces, abilities and mind of a free person, Maxim Gorky affirmed the ideas of humanism. The author understood that in the mouth of Satin, a drunken tramp, the words about a free and proud man sound artificial. However, they should have sounded in the play, expressing the ideals of the writer himself. There was no one to say this speech to, except for Sateen.

Gorky in the work refuted the main principles of idealism. These are the ideas of humility, forgiveness, non-resistance. He made it clear what beliefs are the future. This is proved by the fate of the heroes of the play "At the bottom". The entire work is permeated with faith in man.

The problems of the play

History of the creation and title of the play

The play "At the Bottom" was written in 1902 for the troupe of the Moscow Public Art Theater.

In the 1900s, a severe economic crisis broke out in Russia. After each crop failure, masses of impoverished peasants roamed the country in search of work. Factories and plants were closed. Thousands of workers were left without a livelihood. A huge number of tramps sink to the "bottom" of life.

Taking advantage of the hopeless situation of people, enterprising owners of dark slums found a way to benefit from their stinking basements, turning them into rooming houses where the unemployed, beggars, vagrants, thieves and other "former" people found shelter. The play "At the Bottom" depicts the life of these people.

The action of the play takes place in a gloomy semi-dark basement, similar to a cave, where it is dark, there is no space and there is nothing to breathe. The situation in the basement is wretched: instead of chairs there are dirty stumps of wood, a rough-hewn table, bunks along the walls. The gloomy life of the Kostylev rooming house is depicted as the embodiment of social evil. The depiction of this terrible world is an indictment against an unjust social order.

Initially, the play was called Nochlezhka, then - Without the Sun, The Bottom, At the Bottom of Life. The title "At the Bottom" has a deep meaning. People who have fallen "to the bottom" will never rise to the light, to a new life. The last name was perceived more widely: "at the bottom" not only of life, but first of all of the human soul.

The play "At the Bottom" continues the theme of the humiliated and offended in Russian literature. In the center of it is a dispute about a person. The main thing in this dispute is the problem of truth and lies. What is more important for a person - lie or truth? Is it necessary to perceive life as it really is with all its hopelessness for the inhabitants of the rooming house, or live in illusions? Gorky poses a philosophical question in the play: what is better - truth or compassion? There is no single answer to the philosophical questions of the play.

The characters in the play are not united by a single plot, but exist, as it were, in parallel. Gorky presents the disunity of the inhabitants of the rooming house with the help of a polylogue.

Polylogue is a form of speech that combines the replicas of all the participants in the scene. In act 1, all the characters speak, almost not listening to others, each speaks about his own.

The overnight stays are deeply suffering and lonely people. Once at the very bottom of life, they became ruthless to themselves and others.

Baron- a ruined nobleman, all his property is memories of the former greatness of his kind. He lives at the expense of Nastya, but her tears and fantasies only amuse him. He mocks everyone and quickly loses his human appearance.

Mite- a locksmith, dreams of honest labor to escape from the rooming house. Fate has made him embittered and cruel, he despises all the roomers. After the death of his wife Anna, having sold his tools, he loses all hope of getting out of the “bottom” and accepts his comrades in misfortune.

Anna- the dying wife of Tick, constantly worried about "how not to eat more than another."

Actor- a weak-willed alcoholic, once played on stage, for uselessness he lost not only his place, but even his name. And at the same time, he is a soft, lyrically tuned romantic and a poet at heart. Lives in memories of beauty.

Nastya- a fallen woman, naive, touching and helpless. Passionately dreams of pure and devoted love, in her illusions she tries to hide from the dirt surrounding her.

Kvashnya- a seller of dumplings, indulges herself with the illusion that she is a free woman.

Vaska Pepel- a thief, the son of a thief, was born in prison and is doomed to follow this road. But he longs for the right life: he dreams of marrying Natasha, getting out of the power of Vasilisa (Kostylev's wife, the owner of the rooming house), inciting him to kill her husband.

satin- a drunkard and a cheat, got to the "bottom" after he served time in prison for murder (not believing in justice, he took revenge on the villain who killed his sister). Sometimes cruel and cynical, infected with anarchist ideas. But still, he is distinguished from other tramps by his mind, relative education and breadth of nature.

Bubnov- a cap maker, left the house for a rooming house “out of harm's way” so as not to kill his wife and her lover. He admits that he is lazy and a drunkard. He is indifferent to everything, he does not like people and does not believe in anything. This is the darkest figure in the play.

The hosts of the rooming house(Kostylev, his wife Vasilisa, policeman Medvedev) - people who did not go far from their guests.

How is the scene depicted in the play?

  • The place of action is described in the author's remarks.
  • In the first act, it is “a cellar that looks like a cave”, “heavy, stone vaults, sooty, with plaster falling off”.
  • It is important that the writer gives instructions on how the scene is illuminated: “from the viewer and from top to bottom”, the light reaches the bed-rooms from the basement window, as if looking for people among the basement inhabitants
"Everywhere on the walls - bunks"
  • Nobody has their own corner.
  • All in front of each other for show
  • A secluded place only with Anna
  • Dirt everywhere
Third act
  • Early spring, evening in a wasteland, "littered with various rubbish and overgrown with weeds in the yard"
  • The dark wall of the “barn or stable”, the “gray, plaster-covered” wall of the rooming house, the reddish light of the setting sun, black elderberry branches without buds
Fourth act
  • Significant changes are taking place
  • The partitions of Ash's former room are broken, and the Tick's anvil is gone.
  • The action takes place at night, and the light from the outside world no longer breaks into the basement - the stage is lit by a lamp standing in the middle of the table.
  • But the last "act" of the drama is nevertheless performed in a wasteland - the Actor strangled himself there.
Heroes of the play What is the subject of the image in the play?
  • The subject of the image in the play is the consciousness of people thrown out as a result of deep social processes to the “bottom” of life.
What is the drama's conflict?
  • Social conflict has several levels in the play:
  • The social poles are clearly marked: on the one side, the owner of the bunkhouse, Kostylev, and the policeman Medvedev, who supports his power, on the other, the bunkhouses, which are essentially powerless.
  • Thus, the conflict between the authorities and the disenfranchised people is obvious.
  • This conflict does not develop in any way, because Kostylev and Medvedev are not so far from the inhabitants of the rooming house.
  • Each of the overnight stays experienced their own social conflict in the past, as a result of which they found themselves in a humiliating position.
What other kinds of conflicts stand out in the play?
  • There is a traditional love conflict.
  • It becomes the brink of social conflict, shows that inhuman conditions cripple a person, and even love does not save him, but leads to tragedy: to death, mutilation, murder, hard labor.
  • The shelters do not directly participate in this conflict, they are only outside observers.
All heroes are involved in the conflict...
  • Gorky depicts the consciousness of the people of the “bottom”.
  • The plot unfolds not so much in external action - in ordinary life, but in the dialogues of the characters.
  • It is the conversations of the roommates that determine the development of the dramatic conflict.
  • The action is transferred to the non-event series.
  • This is characteristic of philosophical drama.
  • Genre of the play - socio-philosophical drama
“What you believe is what you are” The role of Luke in the play.
  • How do the inhabitants of the rooming house perceive their situation before the appearance of Luke?
  • Which scene is the beginning of the conflict?
  • How does Luka behave with each of the inhabitants of the rooming house?
  • What do we know about Luke?
  • How does Luke affect the overnight stays?
  • Is Luka lying to the rooming houses?
  • How do the inhabitants of the rooming house feel about Luke's words?
  • What groups can the characters in the play be divided into?
  • What is the sacred meaning of the name "Luke"?
  • How does Luke explain the failures of the overnight stay life?
  • What is the author's position in relation to Luke?
  • “The main question I wanted to ask is whether it is better, truth or compassion. What is needed. Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke? This question is not subjective, but general philosophical.
The Question of Truth What do the characters mean by "truth"?
  • "Private" truth that the characters defend for "themselves"
  • Nastya assures everyone of the existence of pure love
  • Baron - in the existence of his prosperous past
  • Tick ​​- his position, which turned out to be hopeless even after the death of his wife
  • For Vasilisa, the “truth” is that she is “tired” of Vaska Pepl
  • Such a private truth is at the level of a fact: it was - it wasn’t
  • Another level of "truth" - ideological - in Luke's remarks.
  • Luke's "truth" and his "falsehood" are expressed by the formula: "What you believe is what you are"
  • Is the truth even necessary?
Which character's position is opposed to Luke's?
  • The position of Luka, compromise, comforting, is opposed by the position of Bubnov.
  • This is the darkest figure in the play.
  • He enters into an argument implicitly, as if talking to himself, supporting the polyphony (polylogue) of the play.
  • Find remarks that characterize Bubnov's worldview, comment on them.
  • What remarks characterize Bubnov?
“Make it so that the work is pleasant for me, maybe I will work ... yes!”
  • “What is truth? The man is the truth!
  • “Do not pity, do not humiliate him with pity, you must respect!”
  • Luke's lies do not suit Satine.
  • “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters! Truth is the god of a free man!
  • Heroes of Gorky reflect the duality, inconsistency, rebellious nature of the writer himself.
  • The play "At the Bottom" reflected a turning point in the fate of the author himself.
  • The continuation of the traditions of Russian critical realism in the play will develop into the aesthetics of a new creative method, which much later, in the mid-30s, was called "socialist realism"

1) Why does the author describe the bunkhouse in such detail in the remark preceding the beginning of the first act? 2) What and how is the life of the bunkhouses before the appearance of Luke depicted? "They don't hear! The dead don't feel... Shout... roar... the dead don't hear!..." Grachev)? Or is the investigator right, who believed that "Luke, having gone down to the basement, came to the desert, but to the people" (I.K. Kuzmichev), and before the arrival of Luka, he retained to some extent living human qualities? 5) Why, literally immediately after Luka's arrival at the rooming house, one gets the impression "that he has been here for a long time, he looks like this" here "(I.I. Yuzovsky)

please help me write a plan for an essay, or correct it !!! I have an exam tomorrow, so I'm very excited!

the problem of honor and duty in the story The Captain's Daughter

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.P. Chekhov)

In the late twenties and early thirties, A. S. Pushkin turned to the study of Russian history. He is interested in great personalities, their role in the formation of the state, as well as the question of who or what drives history: the masses or the individual. This is what makes the writer turn to the actual topic of peasant uprisings. The result of his labors were the works - "The History of Pugachev", "The Captain's Daughter", Dubrovsky", "The Bronze Horseman". The historical story "The Captain's Daughter" was written by A. S. Pushkin in 1833-1836. opposite worlds: the world of the nobility and the world of peasants, led by Emelyan Pugachev. Against the backdrop of these events, the young nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is told about the love of the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Masha Mironova. The central problem of the work is the problem of honor and duty, as evidenced by the epigraph: " Take care of honor from a young age", which, as we will see later, will determine the life of the protagonist everywhere. The first time Grinev acted honorably, returning the card debt, although Savelich dissuaded him from such a step. But the innate nobility of the nobleman prevailed here too. Man of honor "Peter Andreevich is always kind and disinterested. He can easily give a hare coat from his shoulder to some vagabond of thieves' appearance. As it turns out later, this act saved his and his servant's life. Here Pushkin carries out the idea that true good will never remain unappreciated; it is much easier for kind and honest people to exist than for evil and mercenary people. The arrival at the Belogorsk fortress was also marked by many changes in the outlook of Peter Andreevich. Here he meets Masha Mironova, here a tender feeling flares up between them. Grinev acted like a true officer and nobleman, standing up for the honor of his beloved girl and challenging Shvabrin to a duel. The image of Shvabrin is directly opposite to the image of Grinev. According to his position, he belongs to the guards officers. A brilliantly educated man of the world, however, very unprincipled by nature. We know little about his past: his career was broken as a result of "murder", there are no hopes of returning to St. Petersburg. Shvabrin joined the uprising solely for his own benefit, because otherwise the gallows would have awaited him. Having sacrificed his noble honor in this way, Shvabrin joined the ranks of the rebels, although the goals of the uprising were absolutely alien to him. During the rebellion itself, the moral qualities of all its participants were especially clearly manifested. What is the true heroism of Captain Mironov and his wife, who preferred death to service to an impostor. They fulfilled their duty to the end. Pyotr Andreevich did the same, which caused respect from Pugachev. Gradually revealing the image of the leader of the peasant uprising, Pushkin makes us understand that Pugachev is not alien to the concepts of honor and duty. He was able to appreciate these qualities in Grinev and did him good in everything. Exclusively through the efforts of Pugachev, Petr Andreevich and Masha found each other. Subsequently, even Grinev himself was able to see and appreciate in the rebel and impostor a man of honor, who also has a sense of duty. This is the main difference between Grinev the son and the old man Grinev, for whom the honor and duty of an officer nobleman were most important. Grinev Jr. managed to expand these concepts to their universal meaning and did not refuse humanity to such a seemingly alien person as Pugachev. Friendship with the leader of the peasant uprising should have had the most negative effect on the fate of the hero. And indeed, we see how he is arrested on a denunciation and are already preparing to be sent to the scaffold after Pugachev.

Who is this? “… was always pleased with his position, himself and others. He was instinctively, with his whole being, was convinced that he could not live otherwise.

than the way he lived, and that he had never done anything wrong in his life. …. In his soul, he considered himself an impeccable person, sincerely despised scoundrels and bad people, and with a clear conscience carried his head high ... "


Please help, I really need it

There are 3 statements about Chichikov, you need to answer the questions:
1) Which of the statements is closer to you and Why? what do you disagree with and Why?
2) How do you rate Chichikov?
Here are 3 sentences to answer:
1) Chichikov is a truly strong personality, which is clearly revealed in the final chapters of dead souls.
Limitation is the main feature of Chichikov. And he builds his fate from
boring bricks-thrift, patience, diligence. little man with
small passions, Chichikov knows one goal - money. However small
a person is only suitable for his role ...... he doesn’t succeed in any way
grow up at least to the "scoundrel" promised by the author. Chichikov is too small
For Russia
3) The fool in him is visible because he is from the very beginning
makes slip after slip. It was stupid to trade dead souls with
old woman who was afraid of ghosts, not by excusable recklessness -
offer such a dubious deal to the braggart and boor Nazdrev.

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