Cranes calling each other cautiously. Loknyanskaya school library


Russian lyrics are rich in poetic images of nature. Poets deified their native land, unforgettable Russian open spaces, the beauty of ordinary landscapes. I.A. Bunin was no exception. Having once fallen in love with the nature of his native country, he constantly refers to this topic in his poems, conveying unusual colors, sounds, smells of his native land. The theme of nature will become the main one for Bunin's lyrics, many poems will be dedicated to it.

I.A. Bunin captured in his poetry various moments of life. It is important for the poet to convey the various states of nature. In a poem

“April bright evening has burned down…” shows a brief moment of extinction of a quiet spring evening.

Bunin conveyed natural changes, when “rooks sleep”, “cold dusk fell over the meadows”, “pits shine with still water”. The reader not only feels the charm of the April evening, its special breath, but also feels that “the young frozen black soil smells of greenery”, hears how “the cranes, calling to each other, cautiously stretch in a crowd”, “sensitively listens to the rustle of trees”. Everything in nature is hidden and, together with Spring itself, “is waiting for the dawn, holding its breath.” Silence, peace, an unforgettable feeling of the beauty of being emanates from Bunin's lines.

The role in Bunin's poetry has a smell, the reader feels the inexplicable charm of Central Russian nature. In the poem "It smells like fields - fresh herbs," the lyrical hero catches the fragrance "from hayfields and oak forests." The poem conveys "meadows cool breath." In nature, everything froze in anticipation of a thunderstorm, which is personified by the poet and appears as a mysterious stranger with "crazy eyes".

"Dusk and languor" in nature before a thunderstorm. The poet depicted a brief moment when "the distance gets dark over the fields", "the cloud grows, covered the sun and turns blue." Lightning resembles "a sword that flashed for a moment." Initially, Bunin titled the poem "Under the Cloud", but then he removed the title, since such a title does not give the full picture that the poet wanted to portray. In general, many poems by I.A. Bunin about nature do not have names, since it is impossible to express the state of nature in two or three words and convey the feelings of the lyrical hero.

In the poem "It is also cold and cheese ..." a February landscape is drawn. The lyrical work gives an image of God's world, which is transformed and rejuvenated with the onset of spring: "bushes and puddles", "trees in the bosom of the sky", bullfinches. The last stanza of the poetic work is significant. The lyrical hero is attracted by the unopened landscape,

... And what shines in these colors:

Love and joy of being.

Human feelings, dreams and desires are closely intertwined in Bunin's poetry with images of nature. Through landscape sketches by I.A. Bunin conveys the complex world of the human soul. In the poem "Fairy Tale" reality and fantasy are mixed, dream and reality, fairy tale and reality are inseparable from each other.

The lyrical hero has a fabulous dream: deserted shores, seashore, "pink sand", the northern sea. A picture of a fabulous land opens up before the reader. The feeling of the unreality of what is happening is conveyed by the epithets: “along the deserted shores”, “under the wild blue sea”, “in a dense forest”, “pink sand”, “mirror reflection of the sea”, which create a mood of mysterious expectation of a miracle.

From the final quatrain of the poem, it can be seen that landscape sketches of a distant desert region help the poet convey a sense of longing, longing for an irrevocably gone youth:

I dreamed of the northern sea

Forested desert lands...

I dreamed of the distance, I dreamed of a fairy tale -

I dreamed about my youth.

The poetic world of I.A. Bunin is diverse, but it is the pictures of nature that reveal in his poetry the inner world of the lyrical hero. Childhood is considered the brightest cloudless time of human life. It is about him that I.A. Bunin his poem "Childhood", where he also conveys the feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero through natural images. The poet associates childhood with a sunny summer, when it is "sweeter in the forest to breathe a dry, resinous aroma."

The feelings of happiness of the lyrical hero, the fullness of life are conveyed by the following poetic epithets, comparisons and metaphors: “wander through these sunny chambers”, “sand is like silk”, “bright light everywhere”, “bark ... so warm, so warmed by the sun”.

I.A. Bunin is rightfully considered a singer of Russian nature. In the poet's lyrics, landscape sketches reveal the feelings, thoughts, experiences of the lyrical hero, convey a brief moment of fascination with the pictures of life.

Sections: Literature

Nature does not need to be decorated, but you need to feel its essence ... ( I.I. Levitan.)


  • Illustrations:
    portrait of I.A. Bunin;
    reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big Water”, A.K. Savrasov “Rooks have arrived”, I. Grabar “March”.
  • Recording of musical fragments of the composition “April” by the group “Deep Рurple”.
  • Whatman sheet with Bunin's poem "April bright evening burned out".
  • Handout (A. Fet's poem “I came - and everything around is melting ...”, table “Types of speech”).


  • Show the features of Bunin's lyrics (plot, picturesqueness, musicality), conducting a comparative analysis with A. Fet's lyrics, paintings of painters, music.
  • Develop a sensitive attitude to native nature, to human feelings.
  • Work with the word (speech development).
  • Repetition of the theory of literature: lyrics, lyrical "I" of the poet, character, tropes (epithet, personification), sound repetitions.
  • Vocabulary work: creative arts, masterpiece, painting, landscape,palette, eden, black soil, greenery.

During the classes:

1. Checking homework.

Introductory speech of the teacher:

I.A. Bunin - our fellow countryman - is considered an unsurpassed master of the word. For his talent, he received the Nobel Prize (1931) - the highest creative award.

The natural conditions in which a person grows up and lives leave a big imprint on the character of a person, his attitude, artistic manner of expressing feelings.

Question: What is Bunin's image of the Motherland? His landscape?

Answer: This is the nature of central Russia. Nature of the Voronezh region. She is subtle, but charming. Its spaces are vast. Hence the modesty, the accuracy of Bunin's epithets, the conciseness of the sentences, the mood of melancholy, loneliness, homelessness. An example of this is the poem "Motherland".

Reading by heart by students (1-2 people) of the poem by I.A. Bunin “Motherland”.

Work on the textbook article on Bunin's work, given at home.

Question: What are the features of the work of I.A. Bunin? What did he consider important to find in nature and reflect in poetry?


  1. Bunin said that the world consists of a great variety of combinations of colors and light, it is very important to accurately capture them and skillfully select their verbal equivalent.
  2. Equally important to him was the observation of the sky - the source of light. It is very important for the artist and poet to correctly depict the sky, because. it expresses the mood of the picture. The sky reigns over everything.
  3. “And what a pain to find a sound, a melody, …”.

Teacher: I.A. Bunin was a very talented writer, because. able to see shades of different states of nature. Bunin's craving for travel helped to conduct observations.

2. Recording the topic of the lesson (“Features of landscape lyrics by I.A. Bunin”) and a conversation on the topic.

Teacher: Features of Bunin's lyrics are defined by us. But one can feel the originality of his lyrics only in comparison with the lyrics of other poets, the canvases of landscape painters, and the art of music. His works are akin to the works of painters and musicians.

Question: What allows us to draw such parallels?

Answer: The very concept of "art", because it reflects life, albeit in different ways. Creative personalities are deeply feeling, observant people. This allows them to create real masterpieces (samples!), which are not forgotten for centuries.

Question: How does painting reflect the phenomena of life? With using what?

Answer: With the help of color, chiaroscuro and lines, it displays the real space on the plane (on the canvas).

Teacher: The task of the artist is very difficult, because. There are many more colors and shades in nature than colors in a box. The color of real objects is more saturated than the color of paints.

As you can see from the title of the lesson, we will talk about spring. Spring... What happens in nature, how does it change from month to month? What clothes does nature wear, what colors, palette prevails? We have to answer these questions, getting acquainted with the paintings of Russian artists.

Conversation on questions for Igor Grabar's painting "March Snow".

  1. What season is shown in the picture? (Spring.)
  2. What month? (The first days of March.)
  3. Mood from the picture? (Joy from the onset of warmth, an abundance of sunlight.)

How did the artist achieve this? (Using a bright March palette. Although there is still snow, the shadows on it are bright blue, which happens only in March. Bright shades of warm yellow remind us of spring blinding sunbeams.)

Teacher: Days like these tell us that winter is coming to an end. Man and nature survived long months of cold, darkness, sad thoughts. Now there are good changes. The sound of a drop, as popular beliefs say, drives away evil forces.

Teacher: Russian artists depicted various corners of Russian nature with penetrating lyricism and warmth. One of them is A.K.Savrasov.

Conversation on questions to the painting by Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

  1. What moment of spring is depicted? (End of March.)
  2. What does the picture suggest? (The rooks have arrived and have already built their nests. A lot of water. The snow is loose, dirty, melting. In the gloomy cloudy sky, spring and winter are fighting (according to popular belief). Snow is about to fall.)
  3. Palette? (Spring. Snow is written in the most delicate shades of blue, light blue, warm yellow.)
  4. Mood? (Anxious. Even uncomfortable. To the right - a puddle of melt water. In the middle - a peeling church with a bell tower. Rooks' nests on birches are disheveled.)

Teacher: The atmosphere of moving, change, untidy. But nature and man are always happy with these changes - the trees reach for the sky. The sky is reflected in the puddles, thanks to which the space of the picture expands.

Teacher: Levitan is a student of Savrasov. Pay special attention to the picture of this artist, because. his manner of expression, his images and moods are very similar to Bunin's landscape lyrics. It is not for nothing that in your literature textbook a poem by I. Bunin and a painting by I. Levitan are placed side by side. That is why I took I. Levitan's statement about how to display nature in painting as an epigraph to the lesson. It is necessary to look thoughtfully, and the attentive viewer will discover the deep and spiritual beauty of the dim Russian nature.

Appeal to the epigraph. Conversation on questions to the painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Spring. Big water."

  • What moment of spring is depicted in the picture? (End of April.)
  • What compositional details speak about this? (There is no more snow. The ice has melted on the rivers. There is a lot of water. “Big Water” is living water that feeds the earth. The trees are shrouded in green haze (from swollen green buds). Sunny. The sky is light blue, April. There are light white clouds in the sky. )

Palette? (Levitan draws a gentle spring outfit of the earth. Warm colors: blue, light yellow, pink, young green, muted brown.)

What feelings do you get when you look at the picture? (Light, kind: warm May days are approaching, good changes. But there is also sadness - from the cold of the transparent sky, from the boat, standing alone by the shore.)

Teacher: Levitan's canvases often evoke dreary feelings, a feeling of loneliness, sadness. The artist himself spoke about it this way: “This longing is in me, it is inside me, but ... it is spilled in nature ... I would like to express sadness, hopelessness, peace.”

3. Analysis of the poem by I.A. Bunin “The bright April evening burned out”.

Teacher: This Bunin poem is special in many respects. Listen to him please. (Reading the poem by the teacher.)

The April bright evening burned out,
A cold dusk fell over the meadows.
The rooks are sleeping; distant noise of the stream
In the dark, mysteriously stalled.

But fresh smells of greenery
Young frozen black soil,
And flows cleaner over the fields
Starlight in the silence of the night.

Through the hollows, reflecting the stars,
The pits shine with quiet water,
Cranes, calling each other,
Cautiously pull in a crowd.

And spring in a green grove
Waiting for the dawn, holding my breath,
Sensitively listens to the rustle of trees,
Vigilantly looks into the dark fields.

Question: Tell me, is the picture painted by Bunin similar to the April landscape of Levitan?

Answer: Yes. But the lighting has changed. The time of day in the poem is night.

Question: What luminaries give light?

Answer: Stars. And the pits shine with reflected light.

Question: What is the subject line that creates the image of the April night?

Answer:Dusk cold, the noise of the stream is dead In the dark, stars shine, night silence, carefully cranes fly in the night black soil(The value of the root also creates a sense of darkness.)

Question: At night, all objects have the same black silhouette. Why do we see a color picture?

Answer-conclusion: Bunin gives in the poem two parallel light planes, namely, spring day and spring night.

Question: By what artistic means does Bunin convey the colors of a spring day?

Answer: Words. Paths.

Teacher: In comparison with the poem “Motherland”, where Bunin draws a winter landscape with the help of a large number of color epithets-shades (milky white, deathly lead, etc.), there are fewer epithets in the analyzed poem. Find them.

Answer: To depict the colors of spring, Bunin uses the following epithets: bright evening, etc.

Teacher: Instead of color epithets, Bunin selects color nouns black soil(very fertile land, unlike sandy soil), greenery(buds, sprouts).

Question: How does Bunin convey the spring state of nature? What is happening to her? This will give us an answer to the question of why in the folk poetic consciousness spring is the birth of a new life. To do this, you need to build a certain figurative series.

Answer: Image series: bright evening(day lengthened) greenery(new sprouts sprout in the fields), (updated) young black soil green grove ( new leaves) cleaner light streams (and the air is clean ), flow noise And pits with water (a lot of water, rivers overflowed their banks), spring birds flew in - rooks, are returning cranes.

Teacher: Bunin also managed to convey Feel- invigorating (awakening to life) cold spring night.

Question: Find epithets reflecting these feelings.

Answer:Cold dusk, chilled black earth, starlight streams cleaner(a feeling of cold is also created, since the stars are cold bodies).

Teacher: Do we feel the spring smells: pleasant-sharp, exciting?

Answer: Fresh smells of green black earth.

Teacher:Sounds Spring Bunin conveys with the help of a special poetic method of sound writing.

Question: In what ways can sounds be transmitted in poetic speech?

Answer: With the help of alliteration, the repetition of consonants ( the noise of the stream died out, the rustle of trees), and descriptions of the sound (the cranes stretch , calling out each other (cooing)).

Teacher: Another feature of Bunin's lyrics is its narrative, epic character (“he mixed up prose and poetry”).

Question: We remember the distinctive features of the epic and lyrics. What are they?

Answer: The prose is plot. This is a story about the life of a hero (a case from life). A prose work has a special narrative composition. Lyrics are an expression of the feelings of a poet, a writer. She has no plot.

Teacher: Try to retell Bunin's poem using a familiar scheme (first ..., then ..., finally ...). What part of speech words can help you?

Answer: Verbs. They are the hallmark of the story.

The composition of the poem:

Introduction. The evening burned down, dusk fell, the rooks fell asleep (nature sleeps - verbs of peace).

Tie. The noise of the stream died out (sharply, suddenly) mysteriously (something must happen in nature).

Main action. climax. (Verbs of motion are used.) It smells, excites the smell of black soil, light flows, pits shine (do not sleep), cranes fly, calling to each other. The incessant movement and sounds of the April night lead to a denouement, hasten the onset of spring.

Interchange. Conclusion. Spring does not sleep, waiting for the dawn, holding its breath, sensitively listening, vigilantly watching. In the morning she will come into her own.

Teacher: What is the lyrical hero of Bunin? His lyrical "I"?

Answer: Bunin, rather, has a character, the protagonist is nature, and the lyrical “I” (the feelings of the poet himself) is hidden in the subtext.

Teacher: Compare Bunin's poems "April bright evening burned out" with Afanasy Fet's spring poem "I came - and everything around is melting."

Reading a poem by students against the background of a musical passage.

She came - and melts everything around,
Everyone wants to give life
And the heart, a prisoner of winter blizzards,
Suddenly I forgot how to shrink.

Spoke, bloomed
All that yesterday languished dumbly.
And the sighs of heaven brought
From the dissolved gates of Eden.

How cheerful small clouds hike!
And in an inexplicable triumph
Through the trees round dance
Greenish smoke.

The sparkling stream sings
And from the sky a song, as it used to be;
As if it says:
Everything that was forged is gone.

Petty care is not allowed
Although for a moment do not be ashamed.
It is impossible before eternal beauty
Do not sing, do not praise, do not pray.

Reasoning answer: In Fet's poem, the lyrical “I” is already in rhythm, coinciding with the musical fragment (hurrying to express feelings in one breath), in exclamatory intonations (admiring, solemn).

Bunin's intonation is narrative, unhurried. Human feelings, animation appear in personifications (twilight lay down, flow stalled, spring waiting, breathless, holes shine water, reminiscent of the eyes of a person who does not sleep, who is prevented from falling asleep by the sounds of awakening nature). Both nature and man wake up from winter stupor, sleep, rush to the best time of life - spring.

Final word from the teacher: I.A. Bunin considered poetry to be a very difficult craft and was always worried about whether it was possible or not possible to convey in words the colors of nature, light, sound. Outwardly, words consisting of letters are paler than pictorial and musical means of expression. But, as you can see, they have much more to say. I would like to end the lesson with the words of another Bunin poem, reflecting the reverent attitude of the great writer to the word.

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -
Only the word is given life:
From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,
Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!
Know how to save
Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

1874 - the Bunin family moves to the family estate. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. The agonizing pain of separation from the Motherland. What is the main theme of all the works of I.A. Bunin. What feelings does the poem evoke? Bunin. He and his sister Masha ate black bread. Bunin's poem was published for the first time in the Rodina newspaper. Write down phrases that characterize the features of creativity.

"Mr. from San Francisco" - Before the last exit. Such lightness in everything, and in life, and in audacity, and in death. On the deck of the Atlantis. Gentleman from San Francisco. I.A. Bunin. Reflection of the tragedy and catastrophic nature of life in the stories of I. Bunin "Easy breathing", "The gentleman from San Francisco". Now I have one way out ... What is "Easy breathing" according to Bunin I.A. High school headmaster. Olya Meshcherskaya.

"Biography of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich" - Time of hard work. The gymnasium where Bunin did not finish his studies. Bunin died. Last days. Bunin and Pashchenko. Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin. Rose of Jericho. English language. Bunin visited Yalta. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Bunin's family life. Nobel Prize. The beginning of creativity. Odessa. Bunin's prose. Ludmila Alexandrovna Bunina. Bunin became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner. Bunin's house. Emigrant period.

"The Life of I.A. Bunin" - Adolescence. Death. literary debut. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Entering the gymnasium in Yelets in 1881, he studied there for only five years. Parents took Vanya and younger sisters. Life in exile. Bunin repeatedly expressed his desire to return to his homeland. In 1874, the Bunins moved from the city to the countryside. Childhood. Nobel laureate. Mother. 1895 - a turning point in the fate of the writer. Father. Trips. Life after death.

"Dark Alleys" Bunin - Interior. Nikolai Alekseevich is tired of life. Scenery. Life outcomes. Baba is the mind chamber. Love in the life of heroes. Remark. Nikolay Alekseevich. Heroes of the novel. Nikolai Alekseevich is tired. genre features. The originality of the interpretation of the theme of love. New in the character of Nikolai Alekseevich. Moral lessons of I.A. Bunin. Portrait of Hope. Hope. Talking detail. Before us is a tired man. Landscape drawing. What Nikolai Alekseevich is tired of.

“Biography and work of Bunin” - The future writer did not receive a systematic education, which he regretted all his life. It was Julius who had a great influence on the formation of Bunin's tastes and views. Ivan Alekseevich was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve de Bois near Paris. Outwardly, Bunin's poems looked traditional both in form and in subject matter. Creative activity Bunin began to write early. He wrote essays, sketches, poems. And yet, despite the imitativeness, there was some special intonation in Bunin's verses.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The April bright evening burned out,
A cold dusk fell over the meadows.
The rooks are sleeping; distant noise of the stream
In the dark, mysteriously stalled.

But fresh smells of greenery
Young frozen black soil,
And flows cleaner over the fields
Starlight in the silence of the night.

Through the hollows, reflecting the stars,
The pits shine with quiet water,
Cranes, calling each other,
Cautiously stretching in a crowd.

And spring in a green grove
Waiting for the dawn, holding her breath, -
Sensitively listens to the rustle of trees,
Vigilantly looks into the dark fields.

The early period of Ivan Bunin's work is by no means associated with prose, but with poetry. The novice writer was convinced that poetry is the most accurate and figurative form of conveying his thoughts and feelings, so he tried to convey his observations to readers with their help.

It was this period of Bunin's work that is characterized by surprisingly beautiful landscape lyrics with carefully calibrated metaphors, which in their elegance are in no way inferior to the figurative comparisons of Fet or Maykov, the recognized kings of landscape lyrics. Young Bunin has amazing powers of observation and knows how to notice every little thing, transforming it into expressive and memorable images.

Unlike their predecessors, Ivan Bunin does not strive to animate nature, perceiving it with a great deal of objectivity. However, he does not tire of admiring how beautiful and flawless the surrounding world is, the harmony of which invariably makes an indelible impression on the author. In a similarly enthusiastic vein, the poem “April bright evening burned out” was written in 1892.

This work is dedicated to the first spring days, when the earth is just awakening from its winter hibernation. It is still quite cold in the evenings, and with the onset of twilight there is little to remind you that fine days are just around the corner. Nevertheless, the poet notes that it is on the cold April evenings that “the young chilled black soil smells fresh of greenery.” Even the insidious spring frosts have already receded, and at night "along the hollows, reflecting the stars, the pits shine with quiet water." The world, as Bunin subtly notes, is gradually changing. However, to the uninitiated, this process seems completely invisible. Only when flocks of cranes return to their native places appear on the horizon, the last doubts that spring has already come into its own disappear. “Cranes, calling to each other, cautiously stretch in a crowd,” the author notes.

Wherein It seems to Bunin that spring itself is still waiting for something and is in no hurry to give life-giving warmth to the world around. She "sensitively listens to the rustle of trees, vigilantly looks into the dark fields", trying to understand whether it is worth coming to this land at all. And such indecision evokes conflicting feelings in the poet's soul: he wants to both hasten the capricious spring and prolong those amazing moments when the world is still preparing for its arrival.

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