The value of ballet in human life. The history of the emergence of classical ballet


In my opinion, ballet- this is an art in which partners declare their love, but not with words, but with gestures.

Ballet These are emotions that cannot be contained. This is a different world that not everyone can get into. And the one who still managed to do this can be called a happy person.

Ballet is a work of art, the content of which is embodied in both dance and music.

Ballet is the highest level of choreography.

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All comments on the definition of ballet (30)

Sveta is a guest

Ballet is a genre of instrumental theatrical music. The word "ballet" means "dance" in Italian. There are three main components in ballet: soloists, corps de ballet (a corps de ballet is a group of dancers. It can be compared to a choir in an opera) and an orchestra. How is dance related to theater? Everything is very simple. At the heart of any ballet is any literary work.

As in the theatrical performance, the ballet has its own script, only it is called the “libretto”. The libretto is written only for ballet and opera. The author reworks the literary work, makes some changes to it, but without disturbing the course of events and preserving all the characters. When the libretto is ready, the composer writes the music, thus, a ballet is obtained. Then professional choreographers stage dances. It remains only for the dancers to learn their parts.

In ballet, as in theater, there are costumes and scenery. All this is intended to make it easier for the viewer to distinguish and recognize characters in the actors.

In the ballet there are the same actors as in the theatrical performance and in the opera, only in the opera the characters sing their monologues and dialogues, and in the ballet everything is conveyed through movement, dance. The characters communicate through dance, tell the viewer about their experiences, share their thoughts…

Katya guest


guest guest

Ballet (French ballet, from Italian ballo - I dance) - a type of performing art; performance, the content of which is embodied in musical and choreographic images. Most often, a ballet is based on a certain plot, a dramatic idea, a libretto, but there are also ballets without a plot. The main types of dance in ballet are classical dance and character dance. An important role here is played by pantomime, with the help of which the actors convey the feelings of the characters, their "conversation" among themselves, the essence of what is happening. In modern ballet, elements of gymnastics and acrobatics are also widely used.

Ala guest

Russian ballet
Main article: Ballet in Russia

Ballerinas in St. Petersburg.
In Russia, the first ballet performance took place on February 8, 1673 at the court of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow. The national identity of Russian ballet began to take shape at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to the work of the French choreographer Charles-Louis Didelot. Didlo enhances the role of the corps de ballet, the connection between dance and pantomime, asserts the priority of female dance. A real revolution in ballet music was made by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who introduced into it continuous symphonic development, deep figurative content, and dramatic expressiveness. The music of his ballets Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, along with the symphonic music, acquired the ability to reveal the inner course of the action, embody the characters of the characters in their interaction, development, and struggle. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by innovative searches, the desire to overcome the stereotypes and conventions of the academic ballet of the 19th century...

Darina guest

I'm in the 2nd grade, help us with the music assignment to find out in a few words what ballet is.

Alexyunya guest

class I got five thanks!

Ivan Kanev guest

Ballet is love for each other

Katya guest

I need what it means in music and not that this is the highest level of choreography, but thanks for the answers

Spoiler guest

what is ballet???

Sasha guest

you don't know what ballet is? I still take into account on pointe

Max guest

cool in the world

Max guest

Darina's ballet is, well, in short, I don't know
ask ala

You are a guest

Ballet (fr. ballet, from lat. ballo - I dance) is a type of performing art, the main expressive means of which are music and dance, which are inextricably linked.

Most often, a ballet is based on some kind of plot, dramatic design, libretto, but there are also ballets without a plot. The main types of dance in ballet are classical dance and character dance. An important role here is played by pantomime, with the help of which the actors convey the feelings of the characters, their "conversation" among themselves, the essence of what is happening. Elements of gymnastics and acrobatics are also widely used in modern ballet.

Tyomych guest

What is ballet tell me

Arianna guest

BALLET (French ballet - from Italian balletto and late Latin ballo - I dance) - a type of stage performance. art-va, conveying the content in the dance-music. images. Evolved during the 16th-19th centuries. in Europe from entertain. Sideshow up contain. performances. In the 20th century spread throughout the world. B. - spatio-temporal view thin. creativity, synthesis of dramaturgy, music, portray. art and choreography. B. is based on an idea or script (libretto), on the basis of which, written by a ballet playwright (often the choreographer himself), the composer composes music, and the choreographer embodies the events, characters, and ideas of the performance with the help of pantomime and dance. There are dances created on the principles of drama, and plotless dances, where the dance develops according to the laws of symphony. music. Often in B. both principles are combined. Dramaturgy and dance music. the images are complemented by scenography, which together should correspond to the specifics of B. In B., as in other arts, there are genres, for example, B.-symphony, B.-poem, B.-tragedy, B.-comedy, B. divertissement, etc.

Marina guest

Ballet is -
A type of theatrical and musical art in which the artistic image is created with the help of choreography, dance and plastic language.

Lisa guest

Ballet is a specific academic form of dance and technique that is taught in ballet schools according to specific methods. There are many ballet schools around the world that specialize in different styles of ballet and different teaching methods. Dance works using this technique are called ballet, and usually include dance, mime, action, and music (usually orchestral, but sometimes vocal). Ballet is the most famous dance act because of its unique features and techniques, such as pointe work, leg turns and big stretches, graceful, fluid, precise movements, and for its airiness.

Lisa guest

Ballet is a choreographed dance

Danil guest

Thank you Lisa

Albert guest

The chief accountant has norms

- (from the Greek ballizein to dance). Theatrical performances, accompanied by music, in which the characters express various passions not through words, but exclusively through mimic movements and dances. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Since the mid 30s. 18th century Petersburg, court ballet performances became regular. In 1738 the first Russian ballet school was opened in St. Petersburg (since 1779 the Theater School), which included ballet classes (now the Choreographic School); … St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

- (French ballet from Italian balletto), a type of stage art, the content of which is revealed in dance and musical images. Ballet began to take shape in Europe in the 16th century. Its heyday is associated with romanticism, which put forward, starting from the second third ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

BALLET, ballet, husband. (French ballet). 1. Theatrical performance on a certain plot from dances and pantomime to music. Go to ballet. || A piece of music intended for such a performance. The orchestra performed a waltz from the popular ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material. Ted Sean Russia: hundreds of miles of fields and ballet in the evenings. Alan Hackney Ballet is an opera for the deaf. Emil the Gentle Ballet: an art that owes its popularity to a large extent to the fact that ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Ex. choreography Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012. ballet n., number of synonyms: 6 gala ballet (1) ... Synonym dictionary

BALLET, husband. 1. The art of stage dance. Classic b. 2. Theatrical performance of dances and pantomime, accompanied by music. B. on ice (skating). 3. Artists participating in such performance. | adj. ballet, oh, oh. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Husband. a spectacle composed of dances and silent action. Ballet, related to such a performance; male ballet dancer female ballet dancer ballet dancer. Choreographer husband. composer, compiler of ballets; owner of the society of ballet dancers; ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Ballet- opera for the deaf ... Skepty's Elephant

Ballet- Ballet portends adultery, as well as failures in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. In addition, a dream about ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. Do you often endure... Big universal dream book

ballet- padishas. p e r i f r. Shara Zhienkulova d.m. Olardyn arasyndan “b a l e t p a d i s h a s y” atanyp ketken ғazhaiyp bishі Shara Zhienқұlovany airyқsha bөlip aytuғa bolady (Kaz. әdeb., 19.10.1971, 4) ... Kazakh tilinin tusindirme sozdigі


  • Ballet. 1992. Issue No. 2,. The magazine "BALLET" is a publication for true connoisseurs of this beautiful art, which combines plasticity, drama, music and emotionality. The language of dance is universal, understandable to everyone. Magazine…
  • Ballet. 1992. Issue No. 3,. The magazine "BALLET" is a publication for true connoisseurs of this beautiful art, which combines plasticity, drama, music and emotionality. The language of dance is universal, understandable to everyone.…

The art of dance in any of its directions is always a moving beauty. Its origins lie deep in history. Any rite, holiday, farewell to war in the ancient world was accompanied by various dances, individual elements of which are still found in one direction or another. Ballet is not only no exception, but is the clearest confirmation of this rule. ballet is known to everyone on this planet. Even children like to observe the unrealistic plasticity of the lightest hovering of figures on the stage.

The history of the origin of ballet

The emergence of ballet in its infancy dates back to the 8th-9th centuries, when Skomorokha dancers appeared in Kievan Rus. Their difference was that they were already professionals trained in dance skills. After Moscow became the capital of Rus', women also appeared in dances. Musical performances in masks amazed the imagination of all travelers coming to Russia.

Over time, closer to the 17th century, the dance became the final act in each performance. Orpheus is considered the first separate ballet performance, in which all the dances were learned by specially selected teenagers, who made up the first troupe of the royal ballet. In the Kremlin Theater, where the first performance was given, the first ballet theater appeared.

Thanks to the efforts of Peter I, dance became an obligatory science for the Russian elite, and professional dancers were revered and very popular. All the courtiers had to know what ballet was, every self-respecting intellectual considered it necessary to understand all the intricacies of this art form.

Unique Russian ballet

Russian ballet owes its emergence and establishment in the world to Empress Elizabeth I. It was solely through her efforts that the Academy of Ballet Art was first opened, and then in 1742, by decree, she established the first Russian professional ballet troupe. The stars of this troupe are the first professional dancers who studied at Her Majesty's Academy: Baskakova and Toporkov.

But over time, the entire ballet school became somewhat monotonous. Plotless disparate dances began to lose their popularity. As a result, the first plot productions arose in Russia in the 18th century, and here the Russian school was ahead of the European one by almost 20 years.

Until that moment, everyone knew what ballet was. with the performance of the obligatory set of pas, performed in beautiful costumes and to beautiful music. In the years of the Reformation, short productions with a single plot arose, and later Russian dramaturgy of ballet art appeared. A. Sumarokov became its founder, the first ballet performances based on his libretto were "New Lavra" and "Refuge of Virtue". By the end of the 18th century, almost all nobles had their own ballet serf troupes. The performances become public and gain more and more popularity.

From this moment begins the grandiose procession of the Russian ballet school on all stages of the world.

Modern Russian ballet

Having started its history a couple of centuries ago, the Russian ballet school still gives the world its discoveries and know-how in the field of dance. What is ballet, the performance can best tell.

And despite the fact that the traditions of Russian ballet have finally taken root and established themselves in the minds of the world community outside of Russia, no one disputes that the first place belongs to Russian dancers. and his "Russian Seasons" were the impetus that brought Russia to this pedestal.

Ballet is such a mysterious art that its popularity not only does not fall, but grows every day, increasing the number of fans. The names of the stars of the Russian ballet are known all over the world and not only to art historians. These are dancers whose talent can raise all emotions and impulses from the depths.

Ballet is a genre of instrumental theatrical music. The word "ballet" means "dance" in Italian. There are three main components in ballet: soloists, corps de ballet (a corps de ballet is a group of dancers. It can be compared to a choir in an opera) and an orchestra. How is dance related to theater? Everything is very simple. At the heart of any ballet is any literary work.

As in the theatrical performance, the ballet has its own script, only it is called the “libretto”. The libretto is written only for ballet and opera. The author reworks the literary work, makes some changes to it, but without disturbing the course of events and preserving all the characters. When the libretto is ready, the composer writes the music, thus, a ballet is obtained. Then professional choreographers stage dances. It remains only for the dancers to learn their parts.

In ballet, as in theater, there are costumes and scenery. All this is intended to make it easier for the viewer to distinguish and recognize characters in the actors.

In the ballet there are the same actors as in the theatrical performance and in the opera, only in the opera the characters sing their monologues and dialogues, and in the ballet everything is conveyed through movement, dance. The characters communicate through dance, tell the viewer about their experiences, share their thoughts…
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Guess where ballet came from? The answer will surely surprise you. After all, its origins are extremely far from modernity. So far away it's hard to imagine. Ritual dances, round dances, folk role-playing games. And in the world of the ancients, they found pleasure in arranging mass, secular and cult, theatrical spectacles. The tragedies of the Romans and Greeks are known and loved. But what ballet has become now, it turned into approximately after the 18-19 centuries.

What is ballet: definition

Ballet is the union of two Universes - the world of music and the realm of dance. All the experiences of the heroes, all the details of the stop, the ballet actors must convey to their audience, express through choreographic movements. They are explained in the language of "pa", "plié" and "pirouettes".

Ballet (from Italian ballare, from Italian - to dance) is a dance theatrical performance. A feature of this genre of performing arts is that the dance, as well as music, to the maximum, should convey to the minds of people what the author wanted to say. The better the ballet dancers manage to convey the atmosphere and meaning of the performance in the dance, the higher their skill is valued.

Today, more and more people visit clubs and cinemas, bowling alleys and auto-parties. And before, all this was not. Ballet - that was a popular entertainment. Although even today, judging by the fullness of the halls, there are many admirers of this art, which, by right, can be called eternal.

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