101 most beautiful men of the century. The Most Desirable and Handsome Actors in Hollywood


// Photo: Roman Galasun/ KINOSLOVO and Art Picture

1 place. Danila Kozlovsky

For the role in Duhless 2, Danila Kozlovsky mastered surfing almost to perfection. Filming took place on Uluwatu - a favorite place for experienced surfers
on Bali. Beginners do not climb there: there are reefs nearby! In the midst of shooting, rescuers reported: a swell is moving towards us - a big wave. The group was in a hurry. Only one frame was missing - how the hero stands up to his full height on the board. It was possible, of course, to do without him, but Danila always strives for the ideal. We waited for a favorable moment - a small wave. And finally Danila went to sea. Suddenly, a small wave rose and turned into a three-meter one. In this case, the surfer must dive under it on the board. But, being on the crest of a wave, Danila continued to work - and stood up! The film crew was dumbfounded with horror as they saw him blown off the board and spinning almost instantly. "Feels like I'm in
washing machine drum during spin cycle! Kozlovsky says. “And the next wave also threw a T-shirt over my face!” All new waves began to nail the actor to the reefs. He gathered his strength and rowed to the shore - and then he saw a drowning guy, almost unconscious. Risking his life, Danila swam to him and picked him up on his surfboard. So they and the tourist, who did not calculate their strength, held out until the boat arrived. “Australian rescuers, pulling us out of the water, said: “Crazy Russian!” Danila laughs. - I answered them: “I want it again!”

// Photo: Press service of Dima Bilan

2nd place. Dima Bilan

The singer says: “I try for my parents, I feel responsible.” The future Eurovision winner grew up in a poor family. But if he asked for sneakers, dad and mom bought with the last money. Now Dima helps the family, at his own expense he sent his younger sister Anya to study in America. “He remains a simple guy, no star fever,” actress Kristina Koles told StarHit. - Somehow I call him, and he is somewhere nearby, on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. “See the chic restaurant on the water? - I see. Cross the road, I'm on the playground. Found. Sitting on a small rocker, eating a hamburger, around six huge bags of McDonald's ... "

// Photo: Yuri Samolygo / ITAR-TASS

3rd place. Maksim Galkin

Before filming the series “Kings Can Do Everything” (details on pages 40–41), where Maxim played a medieval duke, he had to learn horseback riding. “The Duke must definitely be able to stay in the saddle! – said Galkin “StarHit”. – Friends from the Novy Vek equestrian complex in Novaya Riga have been calling me to study for a long time, and I took advantage of the invitation. For several months I worked out for an hour or two a day. Getting in and out was easy.
The hardest part was getting the horses to obey. I talked to them and tried to persuade me not to drop them. And the stuntmen taught me how to fall correctly and effectively.”

// Photo: Press service of Philip Kirkorov

4th place. Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the Russian stage is kind to his fans, always ready to help them. Once Philip was told about a 15-year-old
Daniil, who is seriously ill with viral infections and diabetes. His grandmother turned to the singer: can you visit Danya? “Doctors believe that positive emotions will help to reverse the disease, and you are his favorite singer!” Kirkorov came on tour to St. Petersburg and stayed for another day - to call on the boy in the hospital. I talked with him, presented toys, wished: “Be sure to get well soon!” Recently, the artist received a call. Delighted: Danya remembered Philip every day and rejoiced. And the doctors said that his blood sugar returned to normal. Doctors say it's a miracle!

5th place. Sergey Zhorin

Last year, the lawyer saw a Honda flying along the Garden Ring hit a girl on a pedestrian zebra and disappeared. “A 25-year-old blonde was lying unconscious. I approached, there is a pulse - alive! – says Sergey. - The ambulance was delayed. I know that it is impossible to carry a person after an accident, but there was no way out. I carefully placed the girl in the seat of my car and drove her to the nearest clinic. I found a cell phone in her bag. I called the last number she dialed - it was my mother. Reassured, gave the address of the hospital. And when he left, he paid for the services. Next day
found out that her family had taken her home. Lena escaped with a broken arm. By the way, I was late to court then. And they wrote a complaint against me to the Chamber of Lawyers.

// Photo: Press service of Sergey Lazarev

6th place. Sergey Lazarev

The singer every month deducts money from shelters for homeless animals. Daisy, a pooch living in his house, he found exactly there a year and a half ago.

“For a charity project helping homeless animals, I took a picture with a shelter pet - a funny black puppy with a white stripe on its face. And I liked him so much that I played with him for two hours. Then he gave it away: I had to go on tour, - says Sergey. - While performing, I caught myself thinking that I miss him. And when he returned, he took him home. Now this is my best alarm clock. At 8 a.m. sharp, Daisy sits up by the bed, thumps her paw on the bed, and whimpers. Of course, I immediately get up and take her for a walk.

7th place. Dmitry Nagiev

In the second season of the series "Fizruk" on TNT, the hero of Nagiyev will crush a car with an ax. During the filming, Dmitry was picked up by an understudy, who was supposed to smash the windshield of the car on a grand scale, not paying attention to the fragments. But the actor who really gets into every role chose to do the dangerous stunt himself. Nagiyev has sports skills: he is a master of sports in sambo. “Dmitry hit so hard that he broke not only the glass, but also broke the ax! – told “StarHit” on the set. - We were shocked: he played this scene without a single extra movement. The whole crew applauded!”

// Photo: Vlad Loktev for ELLE Russia

8th place. Vladimir Mashkov

The actor supported the desire of his adopted son Andrei to join the army. The guy graduated from the Moscow St. George Cadet Corps No. 6, was a squad leader and received the rank of vice-senior sergeant. “I like military affairs,” 18-year-old Andrei told StarHit. “Dad was there when I entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Margelov.” Now Andrei serves in the intelligence unit near Vladivostok. Vladimir flew to him more than once for a short meeting and a heart-to-heart talk between men.

// Photo: Press service of Vyacheslav Malafeev

9th place. Vyacheslav Malafeev

The goalkeeper of Zenit forgave the commentator Dmitry Guberniev, who in August 2011 allowed himself to make public insulting remarks about him. Malafeev won the trial, received moral compensation. But only in December 2013, Guberniev matured - and called the goalkeeper to apologize. “And Slava invited him to his country house,” says a friend of the football player Levan. - Dima talked with his family, congratulated him on the New Year. The men shook hands tightly. And Slava said: “To be vindictive is stupid, we are adults!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Matsuev

10th place. Denis Matsuev

Long before moving to Moscow, in his native Irkutsk, the pianist played enthusiastically in the yard football team. In the capital, this unexpectedly came in handy. “I reconciled the local punks with the musicians from the Central Music School, whom they beat,” Denis said. - They waited at the exit from the school and beat. I realized that I need to create my own football team. We played against the local punks, showed them that we are not sickly players, and then became friends.

// Photo: Nikolai Baskov's press service

11th place. Nikolay Baskov

A year ago, while filming in the TV movie "Reverse Turn", Nikolai risked not getting on the "New Wave". Bad weather prevented filming of some of the episodes, and director Alena Semenova did not let the artist go. “It’s not in my rules to let people down,” Baskov says. - Persuaded the director to let me go. Igor Krutoy, who sent an SMS the day before: "Kolya, we are waiting for you!", I replied: "I'll be back soon!" Hired a private jet for the evening of the next day. After shooting, he flew to Jurmala on it, promising: “I will be in the evening!” At 17.00 the singer landed in Riga, at 19.30 he went on stage, and at 20.30 he was already flying back.

// Photo: Press service of Stas Piekha

12th place. Stas Piekha

Once, on the way to a rehearsal, the 34-year-old singer stopped at the store - he wanted to buy a bottle of water. An old grandmother, standing in front of him at the cash register,
for a long time she scooped out a trifle from the bag - she collected 24 rubles for a loaf of white bread. “I felt sorry for her, I suggested: “Let's cry!” And she refused
began to apologize that she was delaying the queue, she made excuses that she had not calculated the pension a little, - says Stas. “Then I took her by the hand and led her back to the trading floor.” After 20 minutes, they returned to the cashier with a full cart, which contained milk, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, cheese, sugar, vegetables and fruits ... The singer paid for everything.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

13th place. Vitaly Gogunsky

In his frantic work schedule, the artist finds time for his daughter from his first marriage, 4-year-old Milana. “In my opinion, a real man is one who loves and does not hide his feelings,” Vitaly says to StarHit. - I remember how we performed with her in the show "One to One": I portrayed Leps, and Milan - Ani Lorak. And now I see my daughter, fearlessly standing on the stage in front of a thousandth audience - and from pride I have a lump in my throat, I forgot the words, tears well up in my eyes, I can’t sing ... ”The artist’s daughter can not only sing, but even compose melodies, playing along yourself on a synthesizer.

// Photo: Gilles Bensimon for ELLE Russia

14th place. Ivan Urgant

“Ivan was lucky to be born in a family like ours, with a dad like me, and with a grandmother like Nina Nikolaevna,” Father Andrei Urgant told StarHit. “It must be won somewhere at the top!” Despite the status of the family, Ivan was not afraid of any work. “I studied at the institute and worked in a nightclub at the same time,” he says. - I shook out ashtrays, washed glasses in a bar ... "The future showman worked as a loader, and a janitor, and a leader in
strip club, played the guitar in a Spanish restaurant.

15th place. Daniel Strakhov

Daniil sought the location of his classmate Masha Leonova for all five years of study at the Shchukin School. But she was probably the only one among the students who did not go crazy "for this handsome man." Daniil got a job as a waiter, bought her expensive silver earrings.
But neither this, nor his desperate proposal - "Masha, marry me!" - did not change her attitude towards him. And she didn’t take a gift, and she didn’t marry him. After graduation, both ended up in the theater. Gogol. And only then, according to Maria, "everything somehow happened by itself." The couple have been together for 14 years.

16th place. Sergey Bezrukov

Once the actor was called by his former class teacher from school No. 402 in Veshnyaki, asked to help the 12-year-old daughter of his classmate with money. “The girl found an inoperable brain tumor, and the drug for chemotherapy was fabulously expensive. My son didn't have that much! – tells “StarHit” the father of the actor Vitaly Sergeevich. - But he organized a charity concert in a week, invited familiar businessmen. By the end of the evening, the amount was almost collected from donations.

// Photo: Press service of Vladimir Yaglych

17th place. Vladimir Yaglych

Traveling around Europe on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Vladimir was transported by ferry from Italy to Greece. And suddenly I noticed a man who was looking around in confusion. “I asked what happened. It turned out that he left for a short time, but during this time money and credit cards were stolen from the car, – Yaglych told StarHit. - All that remained was that the gift to my son for his 5th birthday was a toy car. He did not know how he would get home: the gas in the car was at zero. I gave him money for gas and borrowed a laptop so he could Skype his wife.”

18th place. Nikita Presnyakov

At the end of June, Nikita's 17-year-old friend Alena Krasnova went to Bulgaria with her parents. “Nikita and I contacted every day, sharing literally everything,” the girl tells StarHit. - I liked Bulgaria, but this time my father and mother noticed that I was depressed. They suggested: maybe Nikita will come to us? I answer - he can’t, he has rehearsals, preparations for the New Wave ... In the evening, Nikita and I texted. I confessed that I missed him terribly. He is too. Well, then we communicate, already about something else. And a few days later he wrote: "I'm flying"
- and your flight number. We met him at the airport. How he freed those few days, I don't know. But when I saw him, I was happy!”

19th place. Alexey Makarov

In just four months, Alexey managed to lose 23 kg! When Makarov starred in the role of Porthos in The Three Musketeers in 2012, his weight was almost 100 kg. After finishing filming at home, I found the jeans I wore in my freshman year and decided to try to fit into them again. Was shocked! Two days later, a treadmill was delivered to the actor's house, he installed it himself. And 4 months every other day for an hour ran at least 10
km. He sat down on a salt-free diet, refused fried food and switched to boiled food. Today, Alexei Makarov is unrecognizable. Slim, fit. Running has become a habit now.

20th place. Maxim Averin

At the IV Trans-Baikal International Film Festival in Chita, Maxim hosted the opening ceremony, showed his play “Everything Starts with Love”, but he is most proud of the fact that there is now his personal maple on the star alley. He had long dreamed of "planting a tree", but there was no time. Even in Chita, he managed to be late, appearing on the alley later than other stars. But he immediately put on an apron, took a shovel, singing “Chita-grita-chita-margarita ...”, dug a hole and lowered a seedling into it, covered the root with earth, watered from a watering can. Straightening up, he joked: “Well, now it remains to build a house and get an ostrich!”

// Photo: Press service of Evgeny Plushenko

21st place. Evgeni Plushenko

The passion of the Olympic champion in figure skating is fast driving. “My personal speed record driving a Maserati on the St. Petersburg ring road is 270 km/h,” says Evgeny. "But I'm not putting anyone at risk." The athlete graduated from extreme driving courses, so he does not lose control of the car. Plushenko loves Mercedes jeeps, and uses a minibus for family trips. And he dreams of a car race with friends around the country.

22nd place. Konstantin Khabensky

The actor 5 years ago created a charitable foundation to help children with brain cancer. However, he does not refuse to help his friends. “A few years ago, one of our dressers was diagnosed with breast cancer,” StarHit was told at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, where the actor serves. - Not to say that Kostya was friendly with her - so, they talked at work. But, having learned that she did not have money for the operation, he paid for everything himself. The woman was operated on, she is still
since it works for us. God forbid, more people like Kostya!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Klyaver

23rd place. Denis Klyaver

Two years ago, Denis publicly admitted that he is the father of Eva Polna's eldest daughter, Evelina. For six years they kept their secret, but the older the girl got, the more clearly they understood that questions about her father could hurt her - and Denis decided to open up. Yes, we have a daughter, she
definitely the fruit of our love. Look what a beauty is growing! – he told the editor of “StarHit” Andrey Malakhov. Denis continues to take care of his daughter, visits school, knows her teachers ... In addition to Evelina, his sons Timofey and Daniel are growing up, and he is also godfather three times.

24th place. Igor Petrenko

The actor admitted that he took on the image of Sherlock Holmes with fear. But the more he got used to the role, the less fears remained in life. He even tamed a tarantula, which, according to the plot, lived with the detective, and after filming he took the spider home and settled it in an aquarium. “The children were delighted: what a fluffy, beautiful, let's call him Snowflake! – says “StarHit” Igor. We feed him crickets and cockroaches. And watch him change his skin."

25th place. Pavel Priluchny

“After the birth of my son Timosha in January 2013, my husband and I took a three-month maternity leave,” actress Agatha Muceniece tells StarHit. - We were then short of funds, and Pasha, sending me and my son to my relatives, did the repairs with his own hands. Demolished unnecessary partitions with a crowbar. In the living room and hallway, he tore off the wallpaper, removed the plaster and left bare brick walls. From morning to evening, covered with orange dust, leveled them, and then covered them with transparent varnish. Friends did not even believe: “Pasha, are you all this yourself ?!”

Beauty contests are usually held among the beautiful half of humanity. But men, too, are so attractive and sexy that it takes your breath away. Ratings of handsome men can not be counted, but why not once again admire the 10 most beautiful men on the planet.

In 2017, the authoritative publication People considered him the sexiest and, damn it, how can you argue with this magazine. This look with a squint knocks on the spot. But despite the fact that God gave the guy such a gift, he is very modest and happy in marriage with one woman.

Ben Affleck

This is a classic beauty. His facial features are perfect, moderately brutal. Ben is perfectly built and he is as much as 1.9 m tall! Most women like this type. So Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sandra Bullock could not resist at one time. He is also talented: as many as 2 Oscars for acting!

Once in early childhood he was constantly mistaken for a girl, and now no one doubts his masculinity. In 2011, People magazine ranked him as one of the sexiest and most desirable men. Blue eyes, infectious smile, sexy body - this is the whole Bradley Cooper.

Ashton Kutcher

Another regular in the ratings of the most beautiful men on the planet is Ashton Kutcher. Probably, there is no girl whose heart does not tremble from such beauty. Once he was just a model, but he was noticed and he appeared on the big screen. This was followed by a series of interesting roles and the title of a sex symbol. In 2015, he was ringed by the equally beautiful actress Mila Kunis, with whom they are raising two children.

Ryan Gosling

It's no secret that most women watch films with Ryan Gosling to once again admire his beautiful figure and attractive face. It is possible that he is not very brutal and even too sweet, but women really like him. Maybe it's because of his beautiful gray eyes. But his heart is already occupied by the beautiful and burning Eva Mendes, with whom the actor is raising two daughters.

Colin Firth

This stern-eyed Brit has an impressive track record in films, he is a truly talented actor and a handsome man. Colin did not even shun the role of a homosexual. But he can not be afraid, this did not affect the love of women for him, and he still flickers in the lists of the most beautiful men on the planet all the time.

Richard Gere

Once he gave many girls a fairy tale. You don't have to be a decent lady. It is important that Richard Gere call you a beauty and take you into the sunset. Many years have passed since then, but what free girl or woman refuses to go on a date with him? His trademark gray hair does not spoil him at all, but only adds charm. During his film career, he visited many tops of the most beautiful men on the planet and will surely conquer more than one.

His name has long become synonymous with the word "handsome". He was married to Brad, changed the color of his hair, their length, grew a beard and shaved smoothly - everything suits him. His appearance has changed a lot over the years, but, like a good wine, he has not become worse, only more courageous. He really deserves to be in this ranking, because this is Brad Pitt, and that says it all.

Johnny Depp

The incomparable Johnny played in the movie not only brutal macho, but also eccentric characters. But this did not affect his sexuality in any way. This handsome man is wild and uncontrollable, but all the more attractive to many women, because this indicates a large amount of testosterone in the blood.

Daniel Radcliffe

Many remember this shy boy with broken glasses and a scar on his forehead. In 2017, the character of the Harry Potter series has already turned 20 years old, and the actor who played him in the film adaptations of all 7 books has grown up. And, moreover, in a beautiful swan, which is still in demand in the cinema, but already in the role of sexy adult men.

Incredible Facts

There is nothing special about one famous beer festival that also includes cheese eating, other than the fact that it takes place during the week between Christmas and New Year's. Well, the fact that a person may not feel the most wonderful way, to put it mildly.

Well, now, to make you feel even better, we present to your attention the list of the most beautiful male faces of 2017 according to TC Candler critics.

Spoiler alert: you probably aren't on the list.

This list, which appeared for the first time in 2013, distributes places between famous men from 100 to 1, based solely on their external data. It is worth noting that the women's list has been maintained since 1990.

The first place went to a South Korean man, whose name may not be familiar to a Westerner at all.

The compilers of this list are proud of its diversity, but on their page they call the men on their list "representatives of the modern ideal of beauty."

"Independent critics on New Year's Eve created a list that values ​​aesthetics and opens the world's eyes to a unique, diverse and international collection of beautiful faces," it says.

The list, which promotes cultural diversity, reinforces the belief that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the concept is entirely subjective.

The most handsome men

100. American singer Joe Jonas (Joe Jonas)

99. Korean singer Taeyong

98. British male model Brian Whittaker

97. Brazilian man - model Marlon Teixeira (Marlon Teixeira)

96. Japanese actor Takanori Iwata

95. Italian actor Giulio Berruti

94. American actor Ansel Elgort

93. Turkish actor Berk Atan

92. Indonesian actor Joe Taslim

91. Canadian actor Ryan Gosling

90. Colombian singer Maluma

89. British actor John Boyega

88. Brazilian actor Daniel Matsunaga

87. American actor Leonardo DiCaprio

86. Palestinian singer Laith Abu Joda

85. Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

84. South Korean actor Lee Min Ho

The most beautiful men in the world

83. American actor Boyd Holbrook

82. American actor Dwayne Johnson

81. Japanese actor Kento Yamazaki

80. Spanish actor Maxi Iglesias

79. Thai male model Nadech Kugimiya

78. American actor Brad Pitt

77. Mexican actor Eugenio Siller (Eugenio Siller)

76. Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen

75. Russian actor Daniil Kozlovsky

74. British actor and model Ricky Whittle

73. French actor Vincent Cassel

72. South Korean singer Wonwoo

71. Australian Paralympic Athlete Reed McCracken (Rheed McCracken)

70. American singer Mark Tan (Mark Tuan)

69. American actor Chris Pine (Christopher Whitelaw Pine)

68. Indonesian actor Aliando Syarief

67. British singer Zayn Malik (Zain Javadd Malik)

66. Japanese singer Jin Akanishi

65. British actor Tom Hiddleston (Thomas William Hiddleston)

64. South Korean singer Park Chi Min (Jimin)

63. American actor Kofi Siriboe

62. Moroccan singer Saad Lamjared

61. Filipino actor Enrique Gil

60. Chinese rapper Kris Wu

59. Australian actor Chris Hemsworth

58. Thai actor Mario Maurer (Mario Maurer)

57. Latin American actor Bruno Gagliasso

The most handsome men 2017

56. Actor from Tunisia Duffer Labidine (Dhafer L "Abidine)

55. German actor Boris Kodjoe

54. British singer Harry Styles (Harry Edward Styles)

53. Spanish actor Xavier Serrano

52. Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard (Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård)

Male beauty is a relative concept. However, in some countries it is difficult not to pay attention to attractive representatives of the stronger sex. In which ones - you can find out from the rating described below, compiled by Insider Monkey magazine based on the results of international beauty contests, such as: Manhunt International, Mister Global, Mister International and Mister World.

Rating of countries in which the most beautiful men in the world live


Men from this country are distinguished by a strong physique, swarthy skin and dark (or blond) hair. In addition, Brazilians have a bright temperament, which undoubtedly attracts the fair sex.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Brazil


Men from this country, as a rule, have refined facial features and a slender figure. In addition, the Vietnamese are very photogenic.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Vietnam

Men from Vietnam have a good physique, an example of this is Anh Tuan Pham Johnny Nguyen - American and Vietnamese film and television actor, screenwriter and producer, martial artist and stuntman Dustin Nguyen - American and Vietnamese film and television actor, director, screenwriter and martial artist arts


Representatives of the stronger sex from this country have an unusual appearance. The fact is that Lebanese, as a rule, have light eyes, black hair and swarthy skin. In addition, men from the described country have a strong physique.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Lebanon

Mika Penniman is a famous singer originally from Lebanon Distinctive features of Lebanese are dark skin and light eyes (there are even different ones) Massari, Massari (real name: Sari Abboud) is a popular Canadian R&B and hip-hop singer of Lebanese origin Fadi Cherry (Fadi Cherry, year of birth unknown) - Lebanese Arab model


Venezuelans have a beautiful, swarthy skin tone and dark eye color.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Venezuela

Young people from Venezuela are distinguished by the dark color of curls Men from Venezuela are distinguished by a swarthy skin tone Jeronimo Gil - Venezuelan actor, began his acting career in 1998 after successfully passing the casting of the Venezuelan television network RCTV Mexico


Representatives of the stronger sex of this country are distinguished by a charming smile, tanned skin and a slender figure.

Photo gallery: beautiful men from the Philippines

Christian Bautista - famous Filipino singer Erwan Heusaf - famous blogger originally from the Philippines, whose channel is dedicated to proper nutrition and sports Xi'an lim - famous model from the Philippines Dieter Ocampo - Filipino musician and actor


Hindus are famous for their charcoal hair color, big eyes, snow-white smile and plump lips.

Photo gallery: handsome men from India

Akshay Kumar is one of the most sought after Bollywood actors.
Varun Dhawan - famous Indian actor Vidyut Jammwal - one of the most handsome actors in India
Zayed Khan was born into an acting family and became an actor himself Karan Grover is an attractive Bollywood actor


Representatives of the stronger sex from this country are distinguished by a slender physique, high cheekbones and a charming look. In addition, men from China often become famous models because they are very photogenic.

Photo gallery: handsome men from China

Wallach Chun - one of the highest paid Chinese actors William Chen - famous Hong Kong singer Lin Geng Xin - one of the most charismatic actors in China A distinctive feature of Chinese men is high cheekbones


Men from this country are distinguished by pronounced cheekbones, dark hair and deep-set eyes, in which women from all over the world drown. Spaniards often become famous models and actors.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Spain

Mario Casas - famous Spanish actor with outstanding appearance Martin Rivas - famous Spanish actor Gerard Pique Bernabéu - Spanish football player David Bustamante - singer of Spanish origin Maximiliano Iglesias - Spanish actor Enrique Iglesias - world famous Spanish singer


Representatives of the stronger sex from this country, as a rule, have blue eyes and blond hair. Swedes usually have thin lips, which gives them even more masculinity.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Sweden

Alexander Skarsgard is a famous Swedish actor with a typical Swedish appearance Stefan Edberg is a famous Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg is a world famous tennis player originally from Sweden Dolph Lundgren, real name is Hans Lundgren is an American actor, film director, screenwriter and producer of Swedish origin, famous thanks to roles in action films of the 1980s - 1990s; martial artist

South Africa

Men from this country are distinguished by a particularly good physique. The representatives of the stronger sex from South Africa, as a rule, have strong muscles and an attractive, chocolate skin tone.

Photo gallery: handsome men from South Africa

Akon - a famous hip-hop artist Men from South Africa have an exotic and attractive appearance Markus Samuelsson - Swedish chef and restaurateur of Ethiopian (Amharic) origin Remi Alade-Chester - model of African descent David Agbodji / David Agbodji - American model with Togolese roots


Representatives of the stronger sex from this country often become popular models. The fact is that men from Myanmar tend to be very slender. In addition, they have a charming smile.


Men from this country are very photogenic. The fact is that they, as a rule, are distinguished by a muscular body and a penetrating look.

Photo gallery: handsome men from the Czech Republic

Roman Shebrle - Czech decathlete Miroslav Koleniak - fitness trainer from the Czech Republic Jan Pultar - young foreman at a construction site


Turkish men are distinguished by their charcoal hair, broad shoulders and deep gaze.

Photo gallery: handsome men from Turkey


Representatives of the stronger sex from this country are distinguished by coarse facial features, which makes them especially attractive. In addition, the French have a sweet smile and a kind look, which undoubtedly attracts women.

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