Erotic contests. Funny and not vulgar


In general, a corporate party for the New Year is a specific event. If you have a large company, and colleagues are unfamiliar with each other or even unfamiliar, nothing can unite the team, inspire colleagues to selfless work in a close-knit team, like the joint results of the year and plans for the future. Good New Year's corporate parties are the key to the success of the company.

So, how to make a New Year's corporate party fun? You can, of course, invite a stripper or a stripper, or dancers - to perform an oriental dance, but this has long been uninteresting to everyone and is unlikely to unite the team. But to come up with a scenario for games and contests is quite affordable, and if everything is well organized, then the New Year's corporate party in 2016 will be memorable.

New Year's corporate party: cool contests and games

Guess the famous person
The essence of the game is that those who wish to play are divided into 2 teams. The personalities that everyone will guess must be written down on pieces of paper and thrown into a bag or hat, from where they will be pulled out. When one team pulls out a piece of paper, they must describe this celebrity without saying the name. The other team has to guess. Whoever guesses more times, he won the New Year's corporate party;).

Who is faster
For this game, you will need some funny stories that you can get from the Internet, several chairs (depending on the participants), 1 chair less than people participate. One person leaves the room and pulls a story out of the bag. The facilitator of this story gives the participants a word (sun, rainbow, car, and so on) that they must remember.

When a person quickly reads the story and pronounces these cherished words, the participants, having heard their word, should have time to sit on a chair. The last one who did not have time to sit on a chair will read the story in the next round. It is desirable that in the history special words are repeated only once.

The meaning of this game for the New Year's corporate party is to blindly guess the participant whom he will touch. Participants are not allowed to vote, and the blind must only touch hair, hands and clothes.

Find a bagel in 15 seconds
For this game, the New Year's corporate party will have to be taken outside. A bagel is hung on a small tree. The participant is blindfolded so that he cannot see anything and is spun several times. He has 15 seconds to find the bagel and eat it.

Guess by questions
This game can be played by the whole company. One person thinks of someone from the company who is also participating, and the others should ask him questions with answers that they can guess who it is. Questions should be like “If it were a plant, what would it be?”, “If it were a car, what would it be?”, “If it were an animal, what would it be?” and so on.

Read also:

fantasy game
Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team has 1 person. After that, the leader says some one word (long, wide, tall, thin, and so on) associated with the physical or moral abilities of people. The people who came out will have to show something on their body related to this word and compete with each other. The game is very fun, if you show imagination. For example, it can come out: the longest - the language, the shortest - the time of listing letters in the alphabet, the highest - the distance of raising the eyebrows, and so on.

Make the man leave
2 participants sit on chairs facing each other. Their goal is to do something cultural so that a person stands opposite, and another can take his place. For example, you can hug, kiss, make strange sounds, and so on.

Answer the question quickly
Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator will be in the center and will ask questions, to which the participants are given 1-2 seconds to answer. The questions are so elementary that it is not particularly necessary to think about them, but as a fact, many are lost due to the fact that little time is given.

What day comes after Friday?
What was the name of the first president of Ukraine?
How many hands do you have?
How old are you?
What is your name?
What city do you live in?
You are bald?
What letter comes after I?
What is the year now?
What is your father's name?
What's 2 2?
What number comes after 8?
What month is it?
How many children do you have?
What street do you live on?
What are you sitting on?
Man: Did you wear a dress today?
Woman: Did you shave today?
What color is the sky?

Competition "In my pants ..."
For the competition, you need to prepare materials in advance. Short headlines are cut from newspapers, books, etc., even if they are not funny - it will be funny later. The most important thing is more. All this is folded into a paper envelope, glued together like pants. Participants sit in a circle, and then pull out the prepared clippings and with the words "In my pants -" read what is written on a piece of paper. It should turn out something like "in my pants ... - the collective farmers have harvested a large crop of cucumbers." And so on in a circle until the pieces of paper run out.

If your team is not yet friendly, it will definitely become so after an exciting properly organized corporate party. Cheerful corporate competitions relieve the situation, bring together and simply give a good mood. A selection of correct, light and decent entertainment will help organize a pleasant evening.

An interesting, well-planned corporate party is a sure way to make the team fall in love with your company and give everyone the opportunity to feel belonging to a common important cause.

Among other entertainment at the corporate party, as a rule, there are contests.

How to make an unforgettably fun corporate party

To make the overall emotional picture of the party pleasant:

  • Assign an event manager
    Better than a cheerful employee with an easy character. He must know the characteristics of the team.
  • Do not force anyone to do anything during the event
    Instead, create a favorable and trusting microclimate in which the desire to open up and express yourself arises by itself.
    Use subtle humor, for example, “Whoever joins us will soon get rich (find a soul mate, etc.)”
  • Keep the chain of command
    When choosing contests, remember that this is a corporate party, and not a meeting of close friends. Strip contests and the like are best omitted.
  • Prepare for the event in advance
    Many competitions require props, and you need to collect them in advance. Choose fun and neutral prizes for participating in contests - scented candles, photo frames, sweets, stationery, etc. will do.

Fun party in nature

Reincarnation of employees

If budget and company policy allows to strengthen team spirit use the plots of role-playing games with dressing up, face painting, etc.

All attributes must be of high quality, so invite a make-up artist and rent professional costumes. Members of your team can become Vikings, cowboys, characters of modern fantasy, a rescue team, etc. for one day.

If the result of the reincarnation looks professional, this alone will set a general positive mood for the whole holiday.

Mobile contests in nature

Fresh summer air and wide expanses of nature allow you to actively relax, taking part in cool corporate competitions.

Walking letter "A"

You will need a wooden structure in the shape of the letter A and some ropes tied to it.

One employee climbs the horizontal connecting bar of the letter, the rest - with the help of alternating tension of the ropes, set this letter in motion. She must walk. Plays multiple teams.

The winner is the one that worked more harmoniously and covered the distance faster.


Employees hold in their hands a long, narrow canvas, with jumpers made of dense material attached at an equal distance under it (for relative balance). Small round holes are made on the canvas.

The task of the players is to roll the tennis ball along the canvas without losing it on any gap-trap.

blind maze

A labyrinth is drawn on the ground. The player's task is to cover the distance blindfolded without going beyond the outlined limits. Colleagues help, each of whom takes turns pronouncing only one word.

funny snake

Team members, preferably from 5-10 people, stand one after another and carefully clamp a bar between their stomach and the back of the player in front (you can use baboons from under the cling film).

The task is to go the distance without losing a single link, otherwise you will have to return to the start.

Football in pairs

An ordinary game of football, only the players are tied together in pairs with ropes 2-2.5 m long. The goalkeeper is tied to the goal with a rope. Since the maneuvers of the players are limited, they have to work smoothly and very quickly as a team.

treasure hunt

Adventure team game in which you will need to show dexterity, strength and ingenuity.

Hide the treasure in advance, and give the players a card with the first task. As the tasks are completed, the team will reach the treasure, which can be, for example, a bag of sweets.

Garbage collection speed competition

If you organize a holiday completely on your own, this useful competition can become the final stage. The winner will receive a themed gift: a set of household gloves, a towel with soap, etc.

party indoors

Although there is less space here than in nature, there are enough opportunities for the manifestation of imagination in competitions.

If the corporate party takes place in cafe or other public institution, which is not fully rented by you, ask the administrator about the program for the evening in advance. genre of music and the general atmosphere should match your plans.

Neutral contests for a fun corporate party

Hear me

This is humor based on a banal, often occurring situation when the boss and subordinate do not hear each other.

The leader and his subordinate are invited to participate in the entertainment competition. The first is given a player and headphones, including audio news.

The second one starts asking questions:
- Ivan Petrovich, when is the salary?
- Can I leave early today?
- I want a vacation in July. Let go? and so on.

Then they change places, and the leader asks questions:
- When will the report be ready?
- Why are you late? and so on.


Participants stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, whoever has the ball draws a phantom and performs a fun task.

Table contests

Funny corporate contests for employees can be held right at the table:

What to do, if

Contestants are offered to find an original way out of a non-standard situation, for example, what to do if you lost the collective money in cards; if you are stuck in an elevator with the president of the company; if your dog ate an urgent important report? if the boss caught you sleeping at work? and so on.


All contestants receive a piece of paper on which a fragment of the picture is depicted. The task is to think about what the artist wanted to depict and complete the picture. When the presenter compares the original with the work of the team, there is no limit to the fun.


Each contestant receives a card with an individual task, for example, “How to teach a caterpillar to dive”, “Rules for eating borscht”, etc. In 3 minutes you need to write the most detailed instructions.

The winner is the most inventive and fun instructor.

How it was

It is desirable that all employees take part in the competition. The task is to take turns recalling the events that took place in the life of the team during a specified period, for example, a year. The one who runs out of stories is out.

The winner is the one who was able to name the maximum number of events. He receives a prize and some ridiculous title: “guardian”, “hard disk”, “enlightened”, etc.


They play in pairs. Participants receive small pieces of paper and a pen. Each writes down about 30 any nouns. All words are put in a bag and mixed.

The task of the first participant is to get the first segment from the bag and explain to his partner the word written on the segment. The word itself cannot be named. After one minute, the bag is passed to the next pair, and so on.

The pair that can guess the most words wins.

Fun Question Quiz

Funny trick questions will help entertain guests:

  • There was a headless man in the room today. How did it happen? (He stuck it out the window)
  • Love always ends the same. How? (soft sign)
  • The swallow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. When is this possible? (The dog sits on its tail)
  • In which month does the talking bird talk the least? (In February)
  • When a cat is bathed, what is it like? (Wet)
  • What year do we eat the most? (In leap year)
  • What is cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
  • What will become larger if it is turned over? (Number 6)
  • Which hand do you usually stir tea with? (The one with the spoon)
  • The homeland of the headdress is Panama? (Ecuador)
  • When is the October Revolution celebrated? (In November)

Mobile games and competitions

If the guests are too long, it's time to hold fun corporate games and contests in which you need to move forward:

friend's shoulder

All participants have bandages on their eyes. Each ear is told his number in the line. The task is to line up correctly without uttering a single sound as quickly as possible.

The fate of the artist

The presenter invites several guests to the stage, and declares that the selection of candidates for the main roles in the new project is currently underway. But, since the selection is tough, you will have to run for the role.

Each participant is entitled to a chair and a card with the name of his character. The task is to hear your name, get up, run around the other players and sit down in your place.

Creative contests


A pair of players is given a magazine or newspaper. They choose any news. Then one reads, the other behind the leader shows the “video story”. The team that was more realistic wins.


Two are playing. The host calls any adjective that characterizes the character of a person. The task of the participants is to show on themselves something that can be connected with this. for example, “wide” (nose), long (tongue), etc.

The words are repeated, and the options of the contestants must change. The fun begins when you have to turn on the fantasy.


The facilitator says a simple sentence. Each participant must pronounce it with a new emotional coloring (neutral, threatening, cheerful, ingratiating, etc.).

To make it more relevant, choose a phrase related to the work activity, for example: “The boss invites you to talk.” The one who cannot come up with a new intonation is out.

Make your opponent go

The two contestants sit opposite each other. With any cultural action, one of them must force the opponent to get up and leave. It is allowed to hug, pat on the shoulder, etc. The time to complete the task is 1-2 minutes.

If the player managed to free the “victim” seat, he sits down on it, and the game continues. The man with the most iron nerves wins.

Photo report

At the beginning of the holiday, the host announces that there is a camera in a prominent and accessible place. Everyone present throughout the evening can take funny selfies.

At the end of the party, all photos are shown on the projector and the winner is determined by applause.

Dance competitions and games

Best Dancer

The host invites the participants to compete in their dancing skills. But, as it turns out later, you need to dance:

  • like a portfolio
  • like a boss chair
  • like iron, etc.

Fun game “Dances of the peoples of the world”

The host explains that different peoples have their own ritual of corporate greeting: the Slavs have a triple kiss; the French have hugs; the Japanese - a bow; New Guineans have eyebrow movements; Africans - clapping their hands on their thighs, etc.

Players stand in two circles - one inside the other, and to the music they begin to move in different directions. When the music stops, the facilitator calls the people, and the participants must perform the appropriate greeting.

Stick - turner

This competition is also based on the sudden stop of the music. Only in this case, the players pass the stick in a circle, and when the music stops, the one who has it in his hands goes to the center of the circle.

The host announces what the stick turns into: a microphone, a guitar, a violin, a barbell, etc. The music is turned on again and the player needs to perform a dance with the appropriate props.

Cool corporate contests for brave employees


Participants are blindfolded. The task is to determine the taste of the dish that the host feeds him. The one who guesses the maximum number of dishes wins.


Several liberated girls take turns playing. The first participant is offered to leave the room for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the presenter collects various compliments addressed to her from those present.

Upon the girl's return, the presenter reads out the compliments, and her task is to guess who they came from. The participant with the most correct answers wins.

Entertainment for young people


The players under the table pass the candy. The driver must guess who she is now. The caught player becomes the driver.

Quieter louder

The leader is chosen. He turns away. The rest sit in a circle and with gestures think of some person from those present.

Then all the chorus begin to sing any song. The closer the leader is to the hidden person, the louder the singing, and vice versa. Then the guessed one becomes the driver, etc.

You are killed

Everyone sits in a circle and looks into each other's eyes. With a double wink, each participant must have time to “kill” the one with whom he met his gaze. The “killed” are out. The game continues until a winner is determined.


Several teams play, each of which is given a set of signal wands of different colors.

Then musical cuts are turned on, inside of which these colors are veiled. The task of the teams is to react in time and raise the appropriate wand faster than others.

forbidden letter

The host announces a letter that cannot be pronounced, after which he begins to address employees with questions.

“Yes” and “No” cannot be said either, the answers must be detailed. Who used the letter or thought for a long time - leaves. The most attentive and fastest competitor wins.

Presentation of gifts and awards

When the event comes to an end, you can arrange a comic reward.



  • best psychotherapist of the evening
  • best traveler of the evening
  • best taster
  • Privy Councilor
  • supermodel etc. .

Honors and thanks

Comic awards can relate not only to a specific corporate party, but to all work activities:

  • diploma for the accurate completion of the task on the second try
  • thanks for the patience and kind words to the printer when it takes a long time to load and jam the paper, etc.

Gift Lottery

Each guest, regardless of whether he was an active participant in the competition program, will be happy to go home with a present.

If the corporate budget is small, arrange a lottery with couplets and inexpensive gifts like a lighter, a candy bar, etc.

Compliment from the chef

If budget allows, beautifully decorate a small individual present for each employee. Let it be expensive coffee and chocolate, a diary and a pen, or another thing that comes in handy at work.

Such useful gifts with spoken words of gratitude for the good work and the wonderful mood today will be a good end to the evening.

Choose fun and easy contests for corporate parties that don’t offend anyone. Create an atmosphere of a common holiday - let everyone rest this evening, and tomorrow they will start doing their work with renewed vigor in an even more friendly team.

Video: Contests and games for corporate parties

Games and competitions will help you relax, have fun and just have a great time with your colleagues. We have prepared for you two videos with contests that can be held at your corporate party.

Dress up the lady

Props: ribbon or string
Each woman holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the woman. The winner is the one whose outfit is more successful, or the one who completes the task faster, or by the decision of the jury.

With closed eyes

Props: thick mittens

Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person.


Props: not needed
Everyone sits down in a circle and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must as soon as possible say in the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example, a glass, the last one turned out to be “gangbang” :)

I love - I don't love

Props: Love! :)
The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don’t like the shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of stormy laughter is provided to you.


Props: nothing :)
Write the first lines of love songs on paper hearts and invite each of the guests to sing the verse of the song, the first line of which he got.

Feed your loved one

Props: food! :)
Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair contains a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.

Feed your loved one-2

Props: food! :)
The guests are divided into pairs. Each contains a man and a woman. In front of each couple, a few meters away, there are plates of ice cream. The task of women is to take a spoon, scoop up ice cream and, taking the spoon by the stalk with your lips, carefully return to your partner and feed him without letting go of the spoon from your mouth. The first couple to eat ice cream wins.

Situational competition for women

Props: nothing
The host asks:
1. You came home, and an unfamiliar man is sleeping on your bed. Your actions?
2. You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place. Your actions?
3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions?
4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to repaint before the reception. Your actions?
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that keeps you awake anyway. Your actions?

And in my pants

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and heading topics can be very diverse, for example: “Down and Feather”, “Competition Winner”, etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and ...

boxing match

Props: boxing gloves, candy (preferably caramel)

Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The leader's task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask to have short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as: do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc. After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before the opponent wins.


Props: ribbon or string

At my signal, the first participant takes the rope in his hand and one runs the entire distance. He returns to the start, the second “kid” from the group grabs the rope. Now I run the whole distance for two, then three, etc., until the whole group holds on to the rope. Whichever group reaches the finish line first wins.


Several pairs of men and women participate. For the game, surebets are required according to the number of players and some threads.

The forks are tied to the belt approximately at the level of the knee (fit experimentally) at the back. The goal of the game is to stand facing each other and hook with forks. Attention. Skirts on girls are not a hindrance! Difficulty can be adjusted by the length of the thread.

Road to Freedom

Two teams: one for men and one for women.

Two teams are formed: one for men, the other for women. On a signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team with the longest clothing line wins.


7-8 people participate
The game is generally something for children of older preschool age, but at parties and weddings it goes with a bang! 7-8 people participate, each one chooses an animal for himself and shows the rest the characteristic movement of this animal, only movements! :) This is how “acquaintance” happens. After that, the leader from the side selects the beginner of the game. That one must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” shows itself and someone else, and so on until the moment someone makes a mistake, i.e. will show another “animal” incorrectly or will show the one that was eliminated. The one who makes the mistake is out. The game ends when two remain." Then a toast:)


Props: pencil
Teams in which men and women alternate must pass from first to last a simple pencil, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you can’t touch the pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands :))), if the guests have already taken a certain amount of alcohol, the spectacle will turn out to be AWESOME


Props: toothpicks (matches), ring
A large company (of any age) gets up in the order M-F-M-F-M-F. Each participant takes a toothpick (match) in his mouth. First, a ring is put on a match (any, you can engagement). The meaning of the game: pass the ring along the chain (from match to match), of course, without the help of hands to the last participant.

Loud Reading Contest

Props: newspapers (male participants)
The facilitator announces that the participants must demonstrate how they read aloud newspapers for the whole family at home, and the one who does it best and loudest will win. To do this, they sit in armchairs or chairs, roll up one trouser leg to the knee (so that the bare leg is visible), cross the leg over the leg (the bare leg, of course, from above) and they are given a newspaper in their hands. Reading texts should be as diverse as possible. At the command of the facilitator, the participants begin to read newspapers aloud, trying to shout down their rivals. Such a funny uproar begins that the audience rolls with laughter ... On the command “stop”, the reading stops, and the host announces the winner. The last joke: the presenter announces that in fact this competition was not for reading, but for the hairiest legs, and the prize goes to the “hairy one”. :)))))))


Props: adhesive tape, balloons
From improvised material (preferably large sizes), for example, balls, participants sculpt a woman or a man and explain what was built. Use adhesive tape to secure. The winner is the participant who made the most INTERESTING sculpture and explained it in the most picturesque way.

Where to invest money?

Props: money-candy wrappers paper
The host calls two pairs (a guy and a girl in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one banknote in each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives couples money-candy wrappers). Banks for your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to complete your deposits as soon as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, start!”. The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after 1 minute the facilitator sums up the results. Host: “How many banknotes do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All money is invested in the cause! Well done! And now I will ask the women to change places and withdraw the entire amount from the accounts as soon as possible. Open banks, withdraw money! Attention, let's get started!" (Music sounds, women seek money from other people's partners).


Props: two sheets of format - A4 or A3
Two boys and two girls take part in the game. Two chairs are placed on which the young men sit. Next, two sheets of A4 format are taken and placed on the knees of young people. After that, the girl sits down on the sheet of paper lying on the knees of the young man. The task is to crush the sheet as much as possible within 1 minute. From the side it looks very impressive and fun! :)

Girlfriend's leg

Good variant of the game for the ransom of the bride
A good company, a celebration with friends (you don’t need to spend this joke with parents, grandparents, or vice versa), birthday, etc. In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. From practice - no more. They show the man that his wife (girlfriend, acquaintance) is sitting among them and he is taken to another room to blindfold TIGHTLY. At this moment, all women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and let in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, in turn touching his bare leg with his hands, he must recognize his wife. There is nothing very terrible, but jokes are a waste. There are many options. And a man “climbs” on his legs for a long time, and sometimes he doesn’t recognize the “believing one”, well, but if he pointed to another man, they say, here’s my wife (and that one is wearing a stocking to hide hairiness) - OTPAD will be complete. Then all the men will want to, they won’t drag it away !!!


Props: inflatable balls (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each)
The number of people - the more the better. The game can be both team and every man for himself. For the game you will need: balloons (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, pushpin (1 for each).

The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread in the waist area (the balloon should be at the level and in the area of ​​the buttocks). A piece of adhesive plaster is pierced with the button and glued to the player's forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (during the game he cannot use them), but you can tie them.

After all these preparations, a start is given (some time is noted - for a team game; using hands). It all looks just amazing, the main thing is that there should be more people. Well, the winner of the incentive prize.


Props: Absolutely any (and as many as you like) items are tied by the organizers of the game on strings and hidden in a bag.

Call a volunteer, blindfold him. When the eyes are blindfolded, the host takes out of the bag and brings one of the prepared items hanging on a rope to the volunteer's nose. It is necessary to determine without the help of hands, only through the sense of smell: what kind of contraption is this. Guess you'll get this one as a gift...

The very first person is given something simpler, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the example, will then stand in line. It is very funny when an unfortunate sniffer pokes his nose, for example, into a hanging can of beer, which dangles back and forth ...

Finally, it comes to the fact that volunteers are allowed to sniff flavored condoms. The volunteer sucks in the air with all his might, and the people from laughter just crawl under the furniture. You can also give bills to sniff. And if he guesses right, then let him say what value the money was. Practice shows that there is always someone who is able to guess the dignity by smell ...

About the wedding night

Props: pen and paper for the presenter
Each guest is asked to try to reach their heel without bending their knees. Everything that the player says during this “exercise”, the leader writes down on a piece of paper (not forgetting to indicate the name of the speaker next to each statement). If the player silently tries to complete this exercise, the facilitator asks leading questions: how do you feel now, what are your feelings, etc. When all the guests have gone through this, and all their statements are recorded in detail, the host announces: “And now we will find out what (for example, Anna) thinks about her wedding night,” and reads all the recorded statements of this player. And so with the statements of each guest.


Props: thick winter mittens, shirt or bathrobe.
Male players are given thick winter gloves. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over the clothing of their playmate.

Hunting for balls

Props: inflated rubber balls
Group version of the game "Balls". Evening dresses are not a hindrance. Inflated balls are tied to the ankles (we tied one at a time), in the absence of balls or their shortage at all, you can replace them with “rubber products” (checked - no worse). On command, everyone rushes to pop each other's balls with their feet, trying to protect their own. The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball. The game runs very rapidly, noisily, cheerfully, but, unfortunately, quickly (but a lot of impressions).

roll ball

Props: a few tennis balls
The game is played by several couples. Each pair receives two ping-pong balls. Men roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve. The ladies roll the balls through the men's trousers from the right leg to the left leg.

hanging apple

Props: an apple (grapes, etc.) is tied by a tail with a thread and hung up
The first option involves eating apples at speed, not yet removed from the tree, in the second: the apple is tied by a tail with a thread and hung on a chandelier (for example). In both cases, you can not help yourself with your hands. The most interesting version of this game is a team game, when both the guy and the girl take part in eating each apple at the same time. In conditions of poor harvest of apples, they can be replaced by bunches of grapes, but the absorption of these heavenly fruits should be carried out simultaneously by a guy and a girl to create a piquancy of the situation.


Props: two chairs and a rope or ribbon two meters long
Turn out the sleeves of two jackets (jackets) and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, backs to each other. Place a rope (ribbon) two meters long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take jackets, turn out sleeves, put on, fasten all buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull out the rope (tape) taking it for yourself.

Understand me!!!

Participants of the game (at least 4 people) are divided into two teams. A "leading" team is assigned. The other team comes up with a word so that it is not heard by the opposing players. This word is reported “in the ear” to one of the representatives of the “leading” team. The goal of this participant in the game is to depict with gestures the meaning of the word communicated to him so that his team will name the hidden word. Using letters, pronouncing this word with lips without a voice (and, of course, with a voice), as well as pointing at an object called this word, is prohibited. If the team guessed the word, then it gets a point.

Then the teams change places. In the next round, other representatives must speak from the teams, and so on until everyone has performed. Of course, this game may not seem very funny, but if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with very “interesting” words: “vacuum cleaner”, “orgasm”, etc. In addition, of course, players are required to be relaxed and light, with a sense of humor, attitude towards fun.

Preparing for the wedding, the newlyweds carefully think through all the details of the celebration: from the choice of a banquet hall and the purchase of wedding dresses to the decor and, of course, the entertainment program. An integral part of the latter are competitions, which not only allow you to entertain guests, but also introduce them to each other.

Among the variety of fun wedding contests presented on the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting options: from intellectual and creative to sports and vulgar. The latter will be appropriate at a youth wedding in the middle of the celebration, when many of the guests have already met each other and feel quite relaxed. What competitions for an adult company can be included in the wedding celebration program, the portal will tell you.

Paired vulgar contests

The most popular version of vulgar wedding contests are paired, where the participants are divided into pairs of "m + f" and perform different tasks. They can be held both between already established couples, and between unfamiliar guys and girls. Perhaps you will form a new alliance at your wedding!

turn it off

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: plastic bottle with cork.

The guy squeezes a plastic bottle with a cap between his legs, the girl's task is to unscrew the cap in the bottle at speed. You need to do this with your mouth, not with your hands!


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: clothespins, blindfolds.

Girls blindfold the guys and attach 5-7 clothespins to each other in various places. The music turns on, the task of the guys is to quickly find all the clothespins.


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: boxes with matches.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each of them is given a box of matches, the music turns on, the girl’s task is to push the boxes through her partner’s trousers from the bottom of the leg to the waist as quickly as possible.

Have a drink

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: glass bottle 0.5 l with a drink.

The guy squeezes a glass bottle with a drink between his legs, the girl's task is to drink the contents of the bottle as quickly as possible. Usually soft drinks are used, but such a vulgar contest for a drunken company can be held using alcohol, such as beer.

Eat an apple

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: apples.

Each couple is given an apple, the guy clamps it in his teeth, the girl's task is to eat the whole apple faster. For such a funny competition for adults, not only apples, but any other fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, bananas, etc., are suitable.


  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: tennis balls.

Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple holds a tennis ball with their stomachs, their task is to roll it to the chin as quickly as possible without hands.

Eat me

  • Members: boys and girls.
  • Props: chairs, oranges or bananas.

Oranges or bananas are cut into circles. Guys are told to take off all their clothes up to the waist and lie on the chairs with their backs down. Slices of an orange or circles of a banana are laid out on their torso, the task of the girls is to eat all the fruits from their partner's chest as quickly as possible.

Singles competitions for adults

Funny competitions for adults can be held at a wedding not only between couples, but also between individual participants. In addition, some of these naughty contests are suitable for a fun bachelorette party where you can have fun without hesitation!


  • Members: girls.
  • Props: No.

Several girls are called to participate in the competition. They are asked to name a number from 1 to 5. When the girls name the numbers, they are explained that they mean the number of wardrobe items that they must remove from themselves to the music. They turn on the music and turn off the lights, the girls complete the task.

Game of strip

  • Members: boys and girls in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  • Props: No.

Participants are divided into teams with a composition: two guys and one girl. The task of the guys is to put on the girl as much of his clothes as possible.


  • Members: girls.
  • Props: Chupa Chups.

For this competition, girls are given lollipops, with which they must show the bride how to treat manhood. The winner is the one that eats the lollipop the fastest (biting is prohibited!).

Pass the ring

  • Members: guests.
  • Props: matches, ring.

Such a funny table competition can be held in the form of a competition between the relatives of the bride and groom. All adult guests at the table are given matches, with which they must pass the ring to each other, holding the matches in their mouths. The victory remains with the team that will quickly pass the ring from the end of the table to its beginning.

The portal has offered you several options for vulgar contests in which young boys and girls present at the wedding will gladly participate! Yes, and competitions for newlyweds can be with a touch of eroticism, it all depends on the desire and emancipation of the bride and groom!

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