12 steps to what it means to be responsible. "12 steps" to recovery


The 12-step program was developed in the 1930s, it was originally used for the treatment of alcoholics, and after two decades - for the treatment of drug addicts. Millions of alcohol and drug addicts have been able to start a healthy life without substances thanks to the program. The technique is recognized as the most effective and is used in the best drug treatment clinics around the world.

What is the specificity of the method?

The 12-step program helps the addict to understand the very essence of the problem, find its source, and then regain the meaning of existence. Conscience awakens in a person, opportunities for introspection open up, and continuous spiritual growth begins.

The program is often used in drug treatment centers. The members of the group are both those who are just starting to work with their addiction, and people who have already been cured. Newcomers who fall into the group do not immediately become full members of it. They attend several classes, get a complete understanding of the program, as well as the principle of its operation, and only after that make an informed decision: whether they want to use the method or not.

Each newcomer has his own “sponsor”, this is his guide in the program, the one to whom he can turn for help and answers to questions. Sponsors are only those of the participants who themselves have gone through all 12 steps and have been sober and clean for more than a year.

The program is aimed at helping the addict recognize that he is sick, accept defeat and seek support and help. The 12 Steps help you find the path of spiritual development, change and find a healthy and happy life, in which there is no place for addiction.

Program History

The founding father of the program is former stockbroker Bill Wilson. Bill was a hardened alcoholic. He went to the clinic four times for treatment, but soon returned to drinking again. His primary care physician once told his wife that Bill was hopeless and alcoholics like him were not recovering. Bill had an unenviable future: cerebral edema, liver disease and death.

Bill was regularly visited by his friend Edwin, a former alcoholic who was able to quit. He urged Bill that first he must admit his defeat and his absolute powerlessness over alcoholism, gain faith in some Higher Power, and then begin his journey to recovery. Encouraged by Edwin's experiences and successes, Bill joined the Oxford Group. Later, the principles of this group will form the basis for the future 12-step program. Participation in the movement allowed Bill to gradually improve his life, he found an interesting job, he had not consumed alcohol for six months, but one day he almost had a breakdown. When Bill realized that a little more and all the progress he had made would come to naught, he decided that he could be helped by communicating with someone who understood his problem. A fellow member of the Oxford Group set him up with an alcoholic named Bob.

This strange meeting was the day when the famous 12 steps were born. Bill and Bob talked for almost 7 hours, on this very day Bill decided to streamline the principles of working with dependencies. The text of the program was written in 1938, around the same time Bill gathered around him a society of Alcoholics Anonymous. The society was a huge success and by 1995 the number of its members had increased to two million.

How should the idea of ​​a Higher Power be understood?

One of the important ideas of the technique was the idea of ​​a Higher Power, as something intangible, but reasonable, that controls life. Keep in mind that the 12 Steps is not a religious program, and a Higher Power should not be taken in a religious sense. This is the ideal image that a person should strive for in the process of rehabilitation. Everyone understands it in their own way. The Higher Power has no name, it is not God, not Buddha and not Allah.

The idea of ​​a Higher Power is that a person has no power even over his own life. He cannot see either his own or someone else's future, in many situations he cannot even influence the course of events. The 12-step Higher Power is something like a personal God, a guardian angel who has plans for his ward, but they are unknown to the ward himself. The Higher Power is a barrier between a person and a chaotic unpredictable future, and this barrier is not soulless, it takes care of a person.

The addict must admit that he does not do what his will requires, but what the will of the Higher Power requires, because pride and egocentrism become one of the most important factors contributing to the development of addiction. Faith in a Higher Power helps you accept the natural course of events and heal.

What does each step mean?

Each step of the program has its own meaning. The transition to the next stage is carried out when the dependent has fully mastered the previous one.

First. Recognition of powerlessness in the face of addiction and loss of self-control.

This step is the most difficult to do, it will become the point from which a new life will begin. It takes a special courage to admit defeat. The decision to go sober means that the addict is ready to accept responsibility for their loved ones: children, spouse, relatives, and for themselves. The resident of the rehabilitation center will have to admit that his actions are destructive, and he destroys not only his own life, but also the fate of the dearest people.

Second. Recognition of the existence of a Higher Power and the belief that it will help return to normal life.

A person has to gain faith that he can overcome his addiction, be able to feel happiness without changing his mind with substances. A person will have to believe that there is a Higher Power that will provide him with such necessary help on this difficult path.

Third. A conscious decision to submit your will to the Higher Power, because it acts only for good.

The addict will have to cope with his stubbornness and selfishness, stop withdrawing into himself, stop regretting the past and what has not come true, learn to enjoy what he has. He will have to make a firm decision to get rid of addiction, and this decision must be made by both mind and heart.

Fourth. Introspection, moral assessment of one's actions.

The resident needs to impartially evaluate himself and realize what he really is, honestly admit the motives of his actions, remove layer after layer of selfishness and resentment and find the real himself under them. The addict must understand what irritates him, and what he really expects from the world.

Fifth. Recognition of your delusions and mistakes in front of another person.

Now the program member must present the results of his introspection to another (sponsor). Confession requires great courage from the resident, and great responsibility from the sponsor, who will have to listen and help the ward with advice.

Sixth. Acceptance of readiness to get rid of addiction.

A person has to see and realize that addiction has become an obstacle separating him from a healthy life, he must come to terms with himself, realize his shortcomings and see the path to recovery.

Seventh. Turning to a Higher Power for help.

This stage is a time for changing habits and gaining positive experiences. After the addict has realized his powerlessness, he gains a desire to act and overcome addiction, he opens up to a new life, feels ready to accept its new rules and completely abandon alcohol and drugs.

Eighth. Making a list of people the addict has harmed and making a plan of action to atone for their guilt.

This step will allow the addict to get rid of the guilt that has fallen on him at the moment when he embarked on the right path. He must remember all whom he has harmed in any way and repent before them. The participant of the 12-step program must be ready to humbly accept reproaches and listen to malicious speech addressed to him, but this is the only way to receive the forgiveness that is necessary for further recovery.

Ninth. Expiation of guilt before relatives.

At this stage, the addict takes responsibility, tries to establish social ties and compensate for the harm caused to the closest people. Not only material, but also moral damage is compensated. This is a difficult stage, so the sponsor helps his ward.

Tenth. Recognition of mistakes and transformation of destructive force into creative force.

The resident will have to acquire the necessary skills of self-control, learn to avoid disruptions, and analyze their actions. Also, a person must learn to build and maintain strong social ties.

Eleventh step. Comprehension and trust in the Higher power, self-improvement.

This stage marks the search for the abilities and talents of a person. The inner world of the program participant is only in the process of formation, but it is developing. False attachments disappear, introspection skills are strengthened, peace sets in.

The final step is an opportunity to share with the whole world the joy of freedom from addiction. During the program, huge changes have taken place in a person - a once embittered and offended drug addict / alcoholic has reincarnated into a healthy, full-fledged personality and a free person who is ready to develop and build harmonious relationships.

Why is the 12 step program so effective?

The program is also praised by people who have already completed it with success, and addicts who are just embarking on the path of recovery. Members of the program are impressed by the realization that their actions are their free choice, the program does not imply restrictions, does not set limits, it only helps a person to realize himself and his problem and points the way to a healthy life. There is no annoying and oppressive submission to authority in the program, there is no dictatorship, each member of the therapeutic community is equal, everyone is ready to provide voluntary assistance.

The program provides a much needed explanation of how to live without mind-altering substances. Step by step, it helps a person to rediscover himself, to regain lost prospects and opportunities, loved ones and favorite work.

The 12 step program for alcoholics is an effective rehabilitation technique that allows a person suffering from alcohol addiction to get rid of this disease, making their life better. How does this program work, what is it based on and what results does it help to achieve?

Brief description of the methodology

A step-by-step program consisting of 12 steps was developed by American scientists back in 1930. Over time, this method of dealing with addiction and rehabilitation of former alcoholics has become quite widespread in Europe and Asia. In the Russian Federation, the 12-step technique also appeared quite a long time ago and managed to win positive feedback from patients and positive characteristics from medical professionals.

The program is based on the awareness of the physical and psychological inability of drug addicts to cope with their problem on their own. Within the framework of the methodology, patients are provided with specialized assistance from qualified physicians and psychiatrists. The ultimate goal of the twelve-step program is to achieve full recovery, addiction recovery, and radical lifestyle change.

Thus, the system of life values ​​and priorities changes in former alcoholics. The presented technique is an exclusively psychological way of influencing the consciousness of drug addicts and alcohol addicts, and today this particular method of struggle is considered the most effective and efficient.

Advantages of the technique

The 12 Step Method, developed specifically for the rehabilitation of former alcoholics, has a number of significant advantages over other methods of getting rid of addictions. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. The program is quite simple and easy to understand for most patients.
  2. The technique involves the achievement of a trusting relationship and close contact between patients and a specialist, which is extremely important for success and favorable results.
  3. The "12 steps" method does not include the use of any medications and radical therapeutic interventions, which is very beneficial for the general health of the patient and helps to eliminate the possibility of side effects and adverse reactions of the body.
  4. This technique is a step-by-step, sequential program, each step of which flows smoothly from the previous one. As a result, the body and consciousness of alcoholics undergo a soft, smooth restructuring with sufficient time for proper adaptation.
  5. During the therapeutic process, the patient is in the community of the same alcoholics. According to psychologists, this factor helps to strengthen motivation, sets the patient up for success and strengthens his faith in his own strength.
  6. The 12-step technique has been used for quite a long time for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, people suffering from alcohol addiction. Long-term practice has proved the high efficiency, effectiveness and safety of the program.
  7. The undoubted advantage of the technique is its versatility. The "12 steps" method is perfect for the rehabilitation of people with different levels of intellectual development, mentality and individual characteristics.

This video talks about the 12 hour technique:

Step by step description

The rehabilitation methodology for drug addicted patients includes 12 consecutive steps that people need to overcome in order to return to a normal life, getting rid of serious vices forever.

The 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous are as follows:

  1. Awareness of the problem and own powerlessness in front of it. For most alcoholics, this is the most difficult and difficult stage.
  2. A person comes to the realization that a way out does exist. Someone sees support in God and prayers, and someone finds support by turning to a psychoanalyst or strictly following the principles of a rehabilitation program.
  3. The 3rd step involves developing a deep trust in the person's chosen higher power to help heal them. Patients are taught to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions.
  4. A person analyzes his own life, soberly assesses the strengths and weaknesses of his personality, looks for mistakes made in the past.
  5. The 5th step involves a sincere recognition of one's own delusions before God, close people, and oneself.
  6. At this stage, a person is clearly aware of his desire to correct the current situation, radically changing his own life by getting rid of harmful addiction.
  7. At the 7th stage, the feeling of guilt is reborn into reserves of internal energy that a person can spend on working on himself. At this stage, the support and positive experience of other people who have successfully overcome this disease are especially important for a person.
  8. A qualitative change in life position and relationships with other people. Sincerely repentant, a person does everything necessary to correct the situation and atone for his guilt before these people.
  9. Correction of the situation, repentance and compensation for the damage caused to others. This is important for further successful rehabilitation, as it allows you to get rid of guilt and the burden of the past, preparing the basis for building a new life.
  10. Self-analysis, search for errors and ways to correct them.
  11. The 11th step involves the active spiritual development of the patient, prayers, meditations, spiritual practices contribute to the search for inner peace, strengthening the strength of the spirit and moral growth.
  12. Achieve complete healing, continue self-improvement and build a new life. This stage involves helping other people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction problems.

This video shows a 12 step workshop.

How not to drink Oleg Viktorovich Stetsenko

Chapter 11

Starting the description of the 12 Step program, the author must immediately determine that he is not a representative, leader or authority of the community of Alcoholics Anonymous due to the fact that such cannot be according to the traditions of this community. However, it would be a huge remiss not to describe this phenomenon in a book on addiction treatment.

Unfortunately, in practice one often encounters the fact that patients have some fragmentary and often erroneous information about the program. What is worth mentioning that, they say, there are some kind of "Intimate alcoholics", "Secret alcoholics" or even "Autonomous alcoholics". As a rule, patients have the opinion that this is either a religious sect, or a club for moderate users, or some kind of elite clinic for actors and artists.

One of the A.A. traditions is that they are based on attractive ideas, not propaganda. This chapter will describe how the author himself understands these ideas, without pretense of evaluation.

From a clinical point of view, this program gives quite significant results. All over the world, it is the "12 steps" that are considered the most civilized way to solve the problem. One gets the impression that “this horse” pulled out more than one, but is this correct or not from a scientific point of view? As a practicing doctor, I try not to ask such questions, especially since the opinions of scientists about the effectiveness of such programs are very diverse. Sometimes it's diametrically opposed...

The main thing to understand is that the 12 Steps is a program of spiritual growth. This is not a clinical detox, not employment, not communication training, but a place where a person can understand himself. Other members of the community can help him with this, but everything he does or misses will be done by himself. No one will lead him, or take his responsibility. After all, this is the concept of freedom: do what you want, do not interfere with anyone and bear responsibility for what you have done.

Depending on the translation into Russian, the steps in different editions are somewhat different, but the main idea is the same everywhere.

First step : admitted their powerlessness over alcohol, came to the conclusion that they were not in control of their lives.

Many, upon hearing this at an A.A. meeting, immediately experienced negative denial: “I thought I could draw strength from them, but they are powerless!” The idea is that only by admitting powerlessness can a person stop trying to do what they have always done.

Powerlessness is not weakness. Weakness is partial, it humiliates a person, impotence is absolute, it exalts. Recognition of powerlessness is an adult decision, only knowing what I am capable of will I be able to develop, otherwise I will have to continue to test the world for strength, finding out what I still cannot. Impotence is a wonderful thing, because it removes the need for prohibition. A person does not need to forbid himself to lie down on the rails in front of the train, since he admits his powerlessness in front of the locomotive. If he considers this as a weakness, he will have to forbid himself from such actions each time until he deceives himself and tries to commit a crazy act after all. Recognition of powerlessness is a victory over temptation, not a struggle that draws you into excitement and anger, but an opportunity to pass by. In fact, the recognition of complete impotence will allow a person to avoid the curse of Sisyphus. If this ancient hero had admitted his powerlessness over the stone, he would have gone up the mountain without it.

Third step in the program, many see it as a cornerstone, a "keystone". It consists in the fact that we turned our will over to a higher power as we understood it.

I often had to see people who, after these words, literally jumped up and ran away from the meeting, believing that they were on some kind of sectarian sermon. Many decorously explained that I was an atheist, an agnostic, and, in general, if I wanted to talk about God, I would go to church. Firstly, this is the third step, not everyone started with it, besides, some, starting with God-seeking, immediately became religious fanatics. The community has a position: “First come to the group, then come to yourself, and then to God.” In any case, 12 steps is not a sect, and everything is done to avoid becoming a sect. There will be no sermons, for this you really need to go to the temple.

An alcoholic is a mentally ill person, and therefore it is only natural that this is a program of spiritual growth. Trying to save the soul, and not thinking about the Almighty, a person risks losing it again.

Alcoholics Anonymous is not a religious program: it is not recommended to mention the name of God at the meeting - everyone has their own ideas. There are people for whom the Higher Power is generally not presented in the form of the God that is usually mentioned in traditional confessions. People believe in Universal Justice, in the Wisdom of Nature, in the expediency of existence. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that these people have the meaning of life, not earthly, momentary, which can be viewed differently depending on the situation or mood, but comprehensive independent of the circumstances and opinions of others.

Many said that before the third step, there was a feeling that you were trying to get out of the ice pit, but the walls were slippery, and no matter how quickly you moved your feet, you still slide down. And only after I managed to take on something unshakable, the situation began to change for real.

8th and 9th step : made a list of people who were harmed and tried to make amends if it did not bother anyone.

Debts have to be distributed. These "tails" of the disease will not allow a person to go further, but this is the 8th and 9th step. You do not need to start with this. Debts must be distributed by a person who can no longer borrow. Only when the alcoholic has already acquired the skills to protect himself from addiction can he begin to do something for others, realizing that he can do it. It is not always possible to distribute debts, Not all the people to whom you owe something are ready to accept an apology from you. No need to demand, the main thing is your readiness, determination.

12 step : tried to convey the meaning of our ideas to other alcoholics- final. Many began their sobriety with a "fight against alcohol." They literally pounced on a drunken neighbor, dragged a relative by the hand to a group, or to a doctor, got acquainted with a drug addict, and then spent all their time and money on her treatment. As a rule, this “battle” ended with the disruption of the agitator himself. It was bad for the patient and terrible for his charges. Imagine what thoughts appeared in people who seemed to begin to believe, and suddenly, they saw him drunk.

There is the prayer of Alcoholics Anonymous. The members of the program themselves do not claim its authorship. I often heard “offended” people who found the “historical truth” and claimed that the author of these words was someone else, and you, they say, attribute them to yourself, or incorrectly indicate the author. I would not be surprised to know that these words were inscribed on the walls of Babylon, and people have been repeating them ever since.

These are the words:

God give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to tell one from the other.

From the book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS author Alcoholics Anonymous

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This is the most effective program addiction treatment and alcoholism. It involves the work of transforming the personality of an addicted person into that of a recovering addict.

At the same time, a person stops using alcohol / drugs and begins to lead a sober lifestyle, in which he is guided by the newly acquired sanity, constant conscious contact with God and other recovering people.

The original purpose of AA was to help alcoholics stop drinking. It was not a universal program for all people. However, the 12 Step Program can help people with other problems as well. Other societies have already sprung up using the steps and principles of AA, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Addicts Anonymous, Marijuana Addicts Anonymous, Gluttons Anonymous, and others. They all develop as separate organizations.

Here are quotes from the literature of various 12-step communities, confirming the continuity and universality of the 12-Step program. "Alcoholics Anonymous" is a world-renowned organization of men and women who share their experiences and hopes with each other and support each other in an attempt to recover from alcoholism. This society exists on a voluntary basis. According to T. Gorsky, fifteen extensive questionnaire surveys attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, including seven studies conducted by AA himself, have shown that 40 to 50% of alcoholics who attend AA become long-term members.

Between 60% and 68% of these regular members achieve permanent abstinence or reduced drinking time. At a regular meeting of A.A. 35% of members have been sober for less than one year, 35% for between 1 and 5 years, and the remaining 30% have been sober for over 5 years. Over a million people recovered in A.A., most of them as hopelessly addicted to alcohol as we are to drugs. We are grateful to the A.A. Fellowship for showing us the way to a better life.” (“Narcotics Anonymous”) created the Gamblers Anonymous program” (“A New Beginning.” Gamblers Anonymous Community). “In May 1985, I started a 12-step group called Depressives Anonymous. I was convinced that the depressed person would also find strength and peace of mind, as did those who discovered it at the first meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. This was such a primary project, when for the first time in the world depressed people gathered in a general self-help group. I have found that people of all ages, creeds, and backgrounds can gradually get out of the prison of depression if they actually help each other as a support group, especially through the steps of the 12-step program. And this group is now known as Depressives Anonymous.

I see that the 12-step program is usefully centered around the subject of depression, and can help people get out of isolation and painful feelings of helplessness, and they will no longer feel alone” (“Depressives Anonymous”). “We use the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of AA, replacing the word "alcohol" and "alcoholic" with "food" and "glutton." The 12 Steps lead a person to recovery, and the 12 Traditions ensure the well-being of AO groups. Living according to the principles of the 12 Steps gives us the strength to live without excess food and frees us from food obsession. We are moving from food problems to a healthier and happier life” (from the pamphlet Gluttons Anonymous). “The Al-Anon program is based on the Twelve Steps we borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous. We try to use these Steps little by little, day by day, applying them to our life situations along with our invocations and using the Serenity Prayer.

Such a beneficial exchange of opinions among Al-Anon members, based on sincere sympathy for each other, and daily reading of Al-Anon literature, prepares us to receive an invaluable gift of peace. ) “Alateen is an important part of Al-Anon. He uses the 12 steps of AA, with the exception of Step Twelve, where the phrase "...carrying the meaning of our ideas to other alcoholics" is of necessity changed to "carrying the meaning of our ideas to other people"... Applying the 12 Steps of AA to ourselves, we fill the good Mind, Heart, and Soul” (from Alateen, The Adolescent Relatives of Alcoholics Fellowship) The work of each of these communities is based on the 12 Step Program, which serves as individual guidance on the path to recovery from addiction, and on the “Twelve Traditions,” which are guiding principles or the by-laws of the organization as a whole. Knowing the 12 steps is critical for all recovering people for two reasons: (1) The steps work if you follow them; (2) The 12 Step Program is inexpensive and available almost everywhere. That is why this program has become so popular among people who want to recover from chemical addiction, codependency, and other compulsive or addictive disorders.

Throughout the world, alcoholism is recognized as a severe progressive disease that adversely affects not only the physiology of a person, but also his mental state. Treatment of alcohol dependence is a laborious, complex and lengthy process. However, even after successfully completing a full course of rehabilitation, most alcoholics, returning to their usual society, start drinking again - alcohol again becomes the meaning of life. Strong motivation and awareness of the problem as such can help maintain remission for a long time. Today, the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous rehabilitation program is recognized as the most effective method, the basic concepts of which (the so-called Minnesota model) are used by many anonymous communities to restore dependent people.

The founders of the world's first group of anonymous alcoholics were two Americans - Robert Smith and Bill Wilson. They were both addicted to alcohol. In the hope of quitting drinking, men turned to official methods for help, but they turned out to be powerless.

It was the imperfection (at that time) of medicine that prompted them to create a completely different approach to solving the problem. So in 1937, the first society of people dependent on alcohol appeared, which guaranteed complete confidentiality to every person who came for help.

In just a year of the existence of the group of anonymous alcoholics, its founders have developed their own program of getting rid of addiction - "12 steps". Compared to harsh drug therapy, this rehabilitation method seemed simple enough, but this is only theoretical.

The anti-alcohol method of 12 steps to sobriety is based on working with the consciousness of an addicted person. He must recognize himself as an alcoholic and get rid of thoughts about alcoholic beverages, this is the only way to defeat the disease, but for such people it is extremely difficult to do this.

Those who have gone through all the stages and take a sober look at life completely change their worldview - the vicious circle is broken, there is a reassessment of values ​​​​and a return to reality.

Convinced of the effectiveness of their methodology, the founders of the anonymous community for dependent people began to write a book in which they outlined a clear, detailed program of 12 steps. The book "Alcoholics Anonymous" was published in 1939, since then not a single word has changed in it, since many years of experience in applying this methodology has confirmed its effectiveness.

The program explains the emergence of addiction quite simply (without bringing scientific arguments). Two properties of the brain play an important role in the development of alcoholism. The first is the return of a person to a state of balance (search for a way to achieve peace of mind). The second is that our brain remembers the shortest way to achieve the goal and follows it.

How Addiction Occurs

To understand how the 12 step program for alcoholics works, you need to understand why a person develops addiction.

A man or woman, being in a state of dissatisfaction, follows the impulses of the brain, which show the shortest path to achieving a comfortable state. Initially, to achieve peace of mind, the brain signals a person, for example, to take a bath, watch a comedy movie, or talk to a friend. Why, because he does not know any other, shorter way to a state of peace.

Ordinary people have normal, healthy interests (cinema, fishing, walking), which help them relax, rest, add vitality, energize. For example, on Friday, after a hard week of work, a person has an idea to visit the pool - this is a brain signal that the body is tired, it needs rest. Other people receive different signals, depending on their interests.

If a person drinks a glass of wine every evening with friends to relax, the brain remembers exactly this way. Initially, he mentally rushes time, his consciousness wants the evening to come soon, because there is a meeting with friends. There are no obsessive thoughts about alcohol yet. But some more time passes and the brain gives a clearer setting - you need to drink. Why would he come up with complex combinations, there is a shortcut to achieving balance and that's alcohol.

From a psychological point of view, the following is obtained - alcoholics have obsessive thinking (obsession of the mind), he gets up and lies down with the thought of alcohol, he is not interested in anything, his only meaning is alcohol.

The description of the physiological aspect of addiction in the program is as follows: alcoholism is an allergy, that is, an abnormal reaction of the body to the introduction of a substance. Unlike ordinary, healthy people, alcoholics, starting to drink, can no longer stop, their body gives out an inadequate reaction, demanding more and more booze.

The nature of alcoholism (within the program) was first described by Dr. Silkver. He put it this way: "If you can't drink alcohol because of an allergy, if you can't stay sober because of obsessive thinking, then you are completely powerless over alcohol."

The goals of the rehabilitation methodology

The principle of the technique is that the alcoholic treats himself on his own without third-party coercion. As part of the program, an impact is made on human consciousness, as a result of which the addict begins to discover other facets of life, changes his worldview, sees new healthy guidelines. Such a reassessment of values ​​makes it possible to fulfill oneself, to be a full-fledged member of society.

The 12 Steps program is focused on group rehabilitation, as support from other participants, understanding, as well as their personal experience of dealing with addiction, gives confidence, strength and encouragement to overcome alcoholism.

The 12 Step Rehabilitation Program does more than just get rid of alcohol addiction, it teaches the alcoholic to manage their addiction and consciously control it.

A beginner becomes a member of the group only after attending 2-3 classes (sometimes more). Indeed, in order to become a full-fledged member of society and accept the truths on which all participants in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) “rely”, a beginner must understand the essence of the 12-step program, its work and, of course, get acquainted, get used to the situation in the group itself.

All newcomers who have become members of AA have sponsors, that is, they are assigned to a person (the same member), but who is in a long-term remission stage (a year or more not taking alcohol). The sponsor helps the newcomer understand the issues that concern him, makes it easier to follow and write the steps, and also shows by his own example that addiction can be brought under control.

In order for rehabilitation to be successful, a person must overcome each stage of the program step by step. If it is not possible to comprehend the previous stage, he does not proceed to the next one, and there is no third-party criticism against him, the person gives himself an assessment, this shows how much he has realized and accepted his problem. An active position, discussions with a psychologist and other group members, speaking your problem out loud, as well as sharing experiences - all this is an integral part of therapy, without which one cannot count on long-term sobriety.

The versatility of the 12-step program

Many believe that the 12-step rehabilitation model has a religious connotation, but this is not entirely true. This form of psychological influence is indeed based on deep faith, but not on religion with its unshakable canons, but on faith in oneself.

There are people who are deeply religious, and there are complete atheists, and it is impossible to make them believe in God, because it disgusts their convictions. Therefore, the twelve step program is based on faith - the stronghold that every person has deep inside. This faith is seen as a higher power, thanks to which one can gain sanity and "curb" an irresistible craving for alcohol. This makes it possible to form groups of completely different people - gender, age, religion do not matter.

The 12-step program is rightfully considered universal. This method is used to treat gambling, smoking, drug addiction and other addictions. Interestingly, even academicians and statesmen use this methodology.

Sergei Glazyev (member of the Russian Academy of Sciences) developed a strategy for Russia's economic growth based on the 12 steps methodology. Glazyev himself, as an expert state manager, considers the 12-step mechanism a strategic breakthrough that will help the Russian Federation avoid further degradation.

Any program should be carried out in stages, and here are all twelve steps that an alcoholic must overcome.

Stages of the 12 step system

Each of the 12 stages has its own deep meaning, realizing that an alcoholic person will be able to regain his own independence before alcohol, get rid of obsessive thoughts and begin to build a new life free from alcohol.

The most difficult in terms of perception and awareness is the first step of the program, where the alcoholic must accept his complete impotence over alcohol. It is extremely difficult for an addicted person to recognize himself as such on his own, which is why these people need a sponsor who will help them accept the problem and fight it in the future.

In addition, for better understanding, all group members are advised to visualize their problems. Beginners are advised to compose an alcobiography, so to speak, to clearly describe the entire path of personal degradation. Further, taking each step, the participants make lists or tables where they briefly write down their life aspects (include relatives who have been offended, defects and positive aspects of character, damage done to loved ones, and so on).

Having successfully completed all 12 steps, a person has the right to leave the group, but, as you know, there are no former alcoholics, therefore, returning to their usual environment, they often experience a “breakdown”. However, it should be noted that many members of the group remain members of the team for decades - after getting rid of addiction, they supervise newcomers, give lectures, share their own experiences, help alcoholics take the next step on the road to recovery.

Let's take a closer look at each step of the program.

First stage

The dependent person is aware of his own impotence. He admits that he is unable to control the unbridled craving for alcohol. Mental and physical dependence on alcohol (mind possession and allergies) has made him a drunkard who is unable to manage his own life.

Second phase

Finding faith and sanity. First of all, you need to believe in higher powers, recognize the existence of more powerful forces than your own - God, family, close friend, what exactly will be chosen does not matter, the main thing is to gather your courage, ask for help and believe that everything succeed. Gradually, a person’s beliefs change, he begins to believe in the higher power he has chosen, that it will help him return to a healthy, full life.

The second stage is also carried out in writing. Writing the steps at step 2 of the program is handwritten answers to questions (for example, is a person ready to believe in higher powers, is he satisfied with life, can he ask for help, etc.). The main thing here is to open up, talk about the problem and ask a higher power to help deal with it.

Third stage

Forming a deep trusting relationship with a higher power. In fact, this is the true faith in healing, to which a person must go no matter what. He is firm in his position to stop drinking, his convictions are unshakable, higher powers will help him achieve independence and gain sanity.

Fourth stage

The main goal is introspection. On one side of the sheet, the positive aspects of character are written, and on the other, personality defects. A person needs to understand who he is, what guides him in life and what caused his alcoholism. Only when you fully understand yourself can you move on to the next step.

Fifth stage

Another difficult step - a person needs to voice the results of introspection, open up to a higher power and other members of the group. This is the so-called confession of an alcoholic. It is important for him to understand and admit his mistakes in order to be able to work on them together with the higher power that he has chosen for himself.

Sixth stage

An alcoholic comes to a clear realization that changes in his life are necessary, he is ready to follow a higher power and will not deviate from the intended path. He understands and accepts his shortcomings, but at the same time he does not forget about the positive aspects of his character. For clarity, resources (positive qualities) are written on one side of the sheet, and negative traits (ineffective behavior) on the other.

seventh stage

Readiness for conscious action. Having humbly admitted mistakes, a person begins to work on himself - a struggle is being waged with personal defects, addictions and new positive experience is gained. This is a step, having reached which a person is already able to take control of his own impotence.

Eighth stage

Building relationships. An alcoholic makes a list of names of people who have suffered from his addiction. It is also necessary to draw up an action plan, decide how he will correct the damage caused (this can be a sincere apology, payment of a monetary debt, return of stolen items, and so on). But here you need to be prepared for the fact that not every person wants to accept a refund (the offense is too great).

Ninth stage

Error correction. The plan drawn up in the eighth stage is being put into action. A person must strictly follow his points, even if close people do not perceive, are critical of the changes that occur. If the plan says to improve relations with relatives, then you need to fulfill it, and not expect any compensation from them - everything is done disinterestedly, with love, from the heart.

Tenth stage

Self control. An alcoholic must maintain sanity in all situations - not to succumb to temptation, not to look for quick ways to achieve moral comfort. For example, if earlier, with dissatisfaction, anger, resentment, self-pity, he achieved comfort through alcohol, today he finds other, healthy ways to peace of mind.

Eleventh stage

The penultimate step is the stage of self-improvement. Spiritual growth, focus on one's own life, achieving personal comfort and detachment from past negative attachments. The society (environment) is changing, alcoholic friends remain outside of it.

Twelfth stage

The last step is healing, a complete reversal of consciousness. Having gone all the way and gaining knowledge, a person needs to continue to improve himself and share his own experience with beginners. Now he himself can be a sponsor.

12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous

Becoming a member of A.A., each member of the group must strictly follow the traditions in it:

  • The unity of the group is the key to a successful recovery;
  • There are no other authorities besides a higher power;
  • Sincere desire to get rid of addiction;
  • Each group is an independent cell;
  • The goal is the same - to help everyone who wants to overcome powerlessness over alcohol;
  • Go to the intended goal in spite of everything;
  • No outside help - rely only on your own strength;
  • AA is a non-professional organization that can attract narrow specialists;
  • Group management is the prerogative of the participants themselves;
  • An appositional society, no public disputes, discussions - only questions of AA activity are considered;
  • No public propaganda, only public coverage of the principles and ideas of AA without advertising of its specific members;
  • Anonymity is the main tradition. Personal goals as self-sacrifice go to the benefit of the public.

The advantages of the "12 Steps" program are obvious - it does not just help to overcome addiction, but teaches you to manage, control your addiction, and adapts a person to a new society. However, some skeptical people see disadvantages in such rehabilitation.

Atheists see forced religiosity as the main disadvantage (although this is not so, faith here is in no way intertwined with religion). Deeply religious people, on the other hand, are convinced of sectarian propaganda, although Alcoholics Anonymous has never done this.

Whatever you say, the result is the same - the program has been working, and for several decades now.

If it is not possible to read the book "12 Steps", you can watch the TV show "About the main thing" online on the Psychology TV channel 21. In it, the presenter Eduard Sagalaev talks with a narcologist Yakov Marshak and the topic of their conversation is just a 12-step program. A separate issue is devoted to each of the 12 steps of this rehabilitation technique.

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