20 national gold needle competition. XVIII national competition of children's fashion theaters and costume studios "Golden Needle" " Fontanevia Studio " Exemplary groups


In Moscow, from 6 to 8 April 2017, the final will be held XXI National Competition of Children's Theaters of Fashion, which will be attended by about 350 representatives of children's fashion theaters from 40 subjects of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus. These are prize-winners and winners of the regional qualifying stages of the XXI National Competition, held in different cities during the 2016-2017 academic year. The final is traditionally held in Moscow under the patronage and chairmanship of the jury of the final of the national competition, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Order for Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev. Competition of the Association of Children's Creative Associations " golden needle» will take place on stage Moscow State Art and Industry Academy. S.G. Stroganov at the address: Volokalamskoe highway, 9.

Permanent members of the jury of the final of the competition:

Krutikova Irina Vladimirovna- Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of Russia;
Ivanova Ludmila Arsentievna- Founding President of the Sochi Institute of Fashion, Business and Law, General Director of the Fashion House of Lyudmila Ivanova, Producer of the Golden Spindle National Fashion Industry Award Ceremony, Chairman of the Soyuzlegprom Fashion Industry Committee;
Mizonova Natalya Grigorievna- Professor, Head of the Department of Textile Design of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Member of the Union of Artists and the Union of Designers of the Russian Federation.

National competition supported National Academy of Fashion Industry, Russian Academy of Arts, SPO-FDO (international organization of children's associations), MGPC Academy. Stroganov.

The National Competition for Children's Fashion Theaters is an annual large-scale educational project aimed at supporting and vocational guidance for creative youth, and stimulates not only creative development, but also serious training of professional skills of future specialists. The national competition every year has its own thematic focus, which in turn has a social significance, and orients teenagers to the expression of their civic position, the development of fantasy, skill, promotes the disclosure of the intellectual and creative abilities of young designers, artists, seamstresses, virtuosos of embroidery and lace making, make-up artists , hairdressers. In addition, an interesting task gives rise to masterpieces worthy of the collections of the world of big fashion.

The nature of science and fashion is similar. Here and there, new ideas arise and are realized, thanks to which civilization and the world develop. Interest in science and new discoveries is growing and will continue to grow. The popularization and increase in the role of science in society will lead to the flourishing of engineering and technical specialties in a new incarnation: robotics, bioengineering, new technologies will appear ... In the 20th century, science gave us nylon and synthetics, the idea of ​​overalls and parabolic lines. What awaits us in the XXI century? Perhaps there will be the emergence of new trends, the introduction of new materials, a change in the appearance of modern man as a whole ...

The topic of the XXI National Competition is “Science and Fashion”. The competition is held in nominations that cover almost all stages of preparation, creation and demonstration of the collection:
– research work on a given topic;
- preliminary design;
- doll and costume;
- young hairdresser;
– demonstration of collections in sub-nominations: “Enter the Future” (the language of new art – from the space theme of Pierre Cardin to the ethno-futurism of Yoji Yamamoto); "Man and the Environment" (mutual influence of civilization and nature); "Architecture. Style. Fashion” (man as a module, suits-designs); "Headgear and Science".

Within the framework of the national competition, creative master classes and events for children and teachers in various areas will be held, including "Choosing a Profession" - acquaintance with the brand of high-quality domestic education with a 190-year history of training specialists in the main areas of artistic creativity - Moscow State Art Academy named after . Stroganov. The events include the programs "History of costume in the masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery", "History and architecture of the Bolshoi Theater" and others.

Such an integrated approach within the framework of the educational project creates a creative learning environment for talented children of the country and helps them acquire the theoretical and practical skills necessary in the modern creative profession, and communication with the jury members is a great master class from high fashion professionals.

On April 4-5, the XVIII national competition of children's fashion theaters and costume studios "Golden Needle" was held in Vyacheslav Zaitsev's fashion house in Moscow. Childish, but completely serious and highly professional. As part of the competition, children's fashion theaters presented their collections to the judgment of experienced designers, fashion designers, and fashion historians.

We are proud of our teacher of the Studio - the teacher of the highest qualification category VICTORIA SHALAYEVA, who was honored to be a member of the jury of the competition chaired by Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

The competition was held in two rounds: 1- outline design.

Round 1 was held on April 4 in the hotel complex Izmailovo. Fashion theaters of Russia presented sketches of their collections. More than 30 collections were prepared in the first and highest leagues. The collections presented by theaters were evaluated. In this tour, the idea of ​​presenting the project, its artistic component, as well as practical application was important. It should be noted that, despite the fact that the works were prepared by children, they were judged quite strictly. The jury explained this by the need to raise fashion professionals, which means that rigor is fully justified.

2nd stage - the competition itself on the main podium of Moscow - at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House on April 5th. The theme of the contest is "Back to the Future".

Each era in the history of mankind has created a material culture in accordance with its aesthetic and moral ideals. Various phenomena and objects of the surrounding world can serve as creative sources for a costume designer, but a historical costume has a special incentive for the creative inspiration of fashion designers. Appeal to the historical costume, penetration into its essence, evaluation of its emotional expressiveness help the artist to comprehend the patterns of appearance, formation and development of the fashionable costume form.

A costume is a part of the culture of a society, a kind of artistic image that meets the aesthetic tastes and ideas not only of an individual, but of a people, region, era. A variety of applied arts are involved in its creation: weaving, jewelry, shoemaking, embroidery, etc. But the main thing that allows us to talk about it as a work of art is that the costume is created by the hands of the artist.

But, at the same time, the costume itself often became part of the work of a painter, sculptor, graphic artist. It is possible to judge the aesthetic ideal of human beauty, the main types, forms, and features of clothing from different eras only by the monuments of material culture that have survived to this day. Fine art has become a kind of guardian of the appearance of costumes of different times and peoples. The participants of the competition in their collections presented the interpenetration and mutual influence of various arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, etc.) in the course of the cultural and historical process.

46 teams from different parts of Russia took part in this unique competition.

According to the results of the competition, the Fontanevia children's fashion studio was awarded the 1st DEGREE DIPLOMA in the nomination "Images of Art in Costume Making" with the collection "Feast in the Land of Masterpieces".

In the nomination "Debut" was presented the model "And I'm walking with Chagall in Moscow" - pupils of the Studio - Kristina Pavshuk.

For the second time in a row, the Studio was awarded the title - "5 BEST THEATERS OF RUSSIA - 2014".

Congratulations to the head of the Studio - Shalaeva I.E., teachers - Shalaeva V.V., Kiseleva E.A., Kuznetsova I.V., director - teacher-choreographer Larionov I.V., pupils of the Studio, parents of the Exemplary Children's Team of the Children's Fashion Studio Fontanevia with another victory.

The national competition of children's fashion theaters and costume studios "Golden Needle" is held annually in Moscow under the patronage of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. This year the contest brought together about 350 representatives of children's fashion theaters from 40 regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus. These are the winners of the regional qualifying rounds that took place in different cities during the academic year. Nizhny Tagil was represented by the GOtiKA theater.

The theme of the XXI national competition is "Science and Fashion". Young fashion designers of the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, together with their mentor Evgenia Kolesnikova, presented the new collections “The Sea Inside” and “The Geometry of Feelings”, which they had been working on for a whole year.

In the nomination "Draft project" the fashion theater won the 2nd place, and its pupils Zubareva Sophia and Kalinina Vera - the 3rd place in the nominations "Doll and costume" and "Young hairdresser". In addition, Evgenia Kolesnikova, the leader, was awarded a 2nd degree laureate diploma for the development of the training session “Clothes in the Mirror of the Theory of Social Roles”.

“For the team, this is not just a competition, but a celebration of creativity, fantasy, creative ideas, meeting new friends, and most importantly, approval from the great master Vyacheslav Zaitsev. The girls received a powerful charge of positive energy, which is enough for many months of waiting for a new meeting, ”they said in the city Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.



The most sincere emotions are children's! And the indescribable gleam of eyes from one's own participation in the collective cause, and cries of delight from victory, and tears of resentment from defeat ...

I am sincerely sorry for the jury, which had to make this difficult choice of winners among two dozen talented groups - children's fashion theaters. Because to choose from these bright, spectacular and exciting performances one is not just difficult, but unrealistic. ALL are good!

The originality of the costumes, the complexity of their execution - everything is grown-up, and even cooler! The emotional presentation is childishly contagious and has an incendiary effect on all viewers ...

A storm of emotions and a flurry of applause hit the Chairman of the Jury Vyacheslav Zaitsev. This childish delight caused by the appearance of an idol cannot be compared with anything!

And ... away we go! Each team "played Fashion" in its own way, as was set by the theme of the competition. Having gone through all the preparatory stages of a large educational project, including studying the history of fashion, creating your own sketches, learning the basics of sewing and decorating, gaining acting skills and defile, children's fashion theaters from various parts of our vast land submitted their creativity to the jury.

The judges were “harsh”, but with such love and admiration in their eyes that it immediately became clear that they would have delivered a single fashion verdict with great pleasure: Children's Fashion in Russia declared itself at the top of its voice, and it IS!

Sincere words of gratitude to the teachers and curators of the project, who, day after day, hour after hour, bring up in children the ability to live and create in a team! Moreover, to create and present such things that the children themselves dream of.

Someone was delighted with the collection "Imaginary Friends" of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater (Moscow), someone was fascinated by the chanting of national traditions in the collection "Kutafiya's Daughters" of the Alisa Fashion Theater (Ivanovo), someone was touched by the soul " Blue-eyed Rhapsody, aged in the porcelain style of Gzhel masters - the Gloria Fashion Theater (Vladimir), someone was impressed by the I'm Cool collection of the Style Fashion Theater (Kovrov), and someone could not take eye from the collection "Stained Glass" of the Laboratory "Fashion Design" (Moscow).

Is it possible to convey the exciting sensations from the seen collection “Live with convenience” of the Yabloko fashion theater (Kopeysk), created for children with disabilities? How to find words to describe the pride experienced in the display of Russian traditions in the collections "Good News" of the Renaissance Fashion Theater (Cherepovets), "Karkulya" of the Galina Fashion Theater (Chelyabinsk), "Kvitki" of the Lyubava Fashion Theater "(Kopeysk) and "Zavalinka" fashion theater "Rus" (Sarov)?

For those who still believe in a fairy tale, the shows of the collection “The Fairy Tale Is Impacted” by the Svetlana Fashion Theater (Barnaul), the “Chapiteau” of the Oblik Fashion Theater (Moscow) and a completely unusual approach to gothic touching were impressive. and nicely expressed in the collection “This is such a fairy tale” of the Hummingbird Fashion Theater (Dzerzhinsk).

The dashing show of the collection "Love" of the fashion theater "Diva" (Perm), made in the style of boho, immediately captivated the audience.

You can even look at flies in a completely different way if the Fontanevia Fashion Theater (St. Petersburg) gets down to business. Their "Flies-Tsokotuhi" from the "beautiful" series! By the way, the "Owl" can be a very bright creation of nature in the vision of the theater of fashion "Laura" (Orenburg).

Childhood is unthinkable without the poems of Agnia Barto, so the collection "Skirts for Lyubochka" of the fashion tetra "Subject" (Noyabrsk) was dedicated to her.

“Stylish, fashionable, youthful” is not a slogan, but the name of the original collection of the Abstraction Fashion Theater (Veliky Luki). No less impressive are the Mondriano youth collections of the De Light Fashion Theater (Glazov) and 15-17 of the Mirage Art Studio (Ivanovo)

The nomination "Headwear" was opened by the theater of fashion "Rus" (Sarov) with the collection "Poteshki".

When “White Sails” of the “Glamour” fashion theater (Nizhny Tagil) “sailed” onto the podium, I wanted to photograph every detail of these unusual headdresses made in the technique of “macrame” and “filigree”. The well-deserved laurels of the championship went to this particular collection.

A flurry of emotions was also caused by hats from the collections "Funny sweet tooth" of the "Fashion Design" laboratory (Moscow) and "There are never too many cats" fashion tetra "Galina" (Chelyabinsk), "Aelita 20-16" of the fashion theater "Start" " (Moscow city). Not only the headdresses were amazing, but also the mass of details decorating them in the collection “Mad Tea Party” of the Fontenevia Fashion Theater (St. Petersburg). The collection "Sounds of the World" of the theater "Gothic" (Nizhny Tagil) seems to have collected all the colors and shapes of the world ...

Using perforated felt for its collection, the Diva Fashion Theater (Perm) created the most interesting headdresses for the image of Snow Maidens in the collection “In the Kingdom of Berendey”.

Individual creative works were presented by the guys in the nominations "Debut" and "Costume as an art object".

The contestants of the first league showed their vision of the topic “Children's fashion of all times. We play fashion" revealing it in the collections "My Tapestry" ("M-Style", Chapaevsk), "Own Way" ("Gothic", Nizhny Tagil), "Secret" ("Edelweiss", Sorochinsk ), Chiaroscuro (Clothes Design Studio, St. Petersburg), Mind Games (Chic, Nizhny Tagil), Fashion Gardeners (Tomiris, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) , "Cornflowers" ("Style", Voronezh), "And outside the window is spring" ("87 plus", Saratov)

It is very pleasant that among the members of the jury were our best manufacturers of hats Tatiana Semendyaeva (Grimoire company) and Vyacheslav Vakushin (Mexico City company), as well as the Endea company, which not only evaluated the creative work of the teams, but also presented the winners with winnowing machines !

Sets of fabrics of the Trading House "Vemina" and cash prizes for teachers - gifts to the winners from the sponsors of the project!

The succession of generations is very important in the fashion industry, therefore, the talented young designers were evaluated by a competent jury represented by the legendary Queen of Fur Irina Krutikova, Vice President of the Fashion Industry Academy Lyudmila Ivanova, Head of the Department of Textile Design of Textile Design of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University Mizonova Natalia Grigorievna...

Many thanks to the President of the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle" Larisa Kostrova for the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of children's creativity and see with my own eyes these triumphant shows of the best children's fashion theaters.

I sincerely believe that the real golden needle donated by Marina Suslova, head of the Moscow Public Relations Committee, will indeed pierce the entire globe, gathering like-minded people from all over the planet.

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