5 famous composers. Most famous classical music


World's Greatest Composers of All Time: Chronological and Alphabetical Listings, References and Works

100 Great Composers of the World

List of composers in chronological order

1. Josquin Despres (1450-1521)
2. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
3. Claudio Monteverdi (1567 -1643)
4. Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
5. Jean Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
6. Henry Purcell (1658-1695)
7. Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)
8. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
9. Jean Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
10. Georg Handel (1685-1759)
11. Domenico Scarlatti (1685 -1757)
12. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
13. Christoph Willibald Gluck (1713-1787)
14. Joseph Haydn (1732 -1809)
15. Antonio Salieri (1750-1825)
16. Dmitry Stepanovich Bortnyansky (1751-1825)
17. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 –1791)
18. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 -1826)
19. Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778 -1837)
20. Nicollo Paganini (1782-1840)
21. Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791 -1864)
22. Carl Maria von Weber (1786 -1826)
23. Gioacchino Rossini (1792 -1868)
24. Franz Schubert (1797 -1828)
25. Gaetano Donizetti (1797 -1848)
26. Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835)
27. Hector Berlioz (1803 -1869)
28. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804 -1857)
29. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 -1847)
30. Fryderyk Chopin (1810 -1849)
31. Robert Schumann (1810 -1856)
32. Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky (1813 -1869)
33. Franz Liszt (1811 -1886)
34. Richard Wagner (1813 -1883)
35. Giuseppe Verdi (1813 -1901)
36. Charles Gounod (1818 -1893)
37. Stanislav Moniuszko (1819 -1872)
38. Jacques Offenbach (1819 -1880)
39. Alexander Nikolaevich Serov (1820 -1871)
40. Cesar Franck (1822 -1890)
41. Bedrich Smetana (1824 -1884)
42. Anton Bruckner (1824 -1896)
43. Johann Strauss (1825 -1899)
44. Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein (1829 -1894)
45. Johannes Brahms (1833 -1897)
46. ​​Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin (1833 -1887)
47. Camille Saint-Saens (1835 -1921)
48. Leo Delibes (1836 -1891)
49. Mily Alekseevich Balakirev (1837 -1910)
50. Georges Bizet (1838 -1875)
51. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839 -1881)
52. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 -1893)
53. Antonin Dvorak (1841 -1904)
54. Jules Massenet (1842 -1912)
55. Edvard Grieg (1843 -1907)
56. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 -1908)
57. Gabriel Fauré (1845 -1924)
58. Leos Janacek (1854 -1928)
59. Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov (1855 -1914)
60. Sergei Ivanovich Taneev (1856 -1915)
61. Ruggero Leoncavallo (1857 -1919)
62. Giacomo Puccini (1858 -1924)
63. Hugo Wolf (1860 -1903)
64. Gustav Mahler (1860 -1911)
65. Claude Debussy (1862 -1918)
66. Richard Strauss (1864 -1949)
67. Alexander Tikhonovich Grechaninov (1864 -1956)
68. Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865 -1936)
69. Jean Sibelius (1865 -1957)
70. Franz Lehár (1870–1945)
71. Alexander Nikolaevich Skryabin (1872 -1915)
72. Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov (1873 -1943)
73. Arnold Schoenberg (1874 -1951)
74. Maurice Ravel (1875 -1937)
75. Nikolai Karlovich Medtner (1880 -1951)
76. Bela Bartok (1881 -1945)
77. Nikolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky (1881 -1950)
78. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882 -1971)
79. Anton Webern (1883 -1945)
80. Imre Kalman (1882 -1953)
81. Alban Berg (1885 -1935)
82. Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891 -1953)
83. Arthur Honegger (1892 -1955)
84. Darius Millau (1892 -1974)
85. Carl Orff (1895 -1982)
86. Paul Hindemith (1895 -1963)
87. George Gershwin (1898–1937)
88. Isaak Osipovich Dunayevsky (1900 -1955)
89. Aram Ilyich Khachaturian (1903 -1978)
90. Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (1906 -1975)
91. Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov (born in 1913)
92. Benjamin Britten (1913 -1976)
93. Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov (1915 -1998)
94. Leonard Bernstein (1918 -1990)
95. Rodion Konstantinovich Shchedrin (born in 1932)
96. Krzysztof Penderecki (b. 1933)
97. Alfred Garievich Schnittke (1934 -1998)
98. Bob Dylan (b. 1941)
99. John Lennon (1940-1980) and Paul McCartney (b. 1942)
100. Sting (b. 1951)


The most famous composers in the world

List of composers in alphabetical order

N Composer Nationality Direction Year
1 Albinoni Tomaso Italian Baroque 1671-1751
2 Arensky Anton (Antony) Stepanovich Russian Romanticism 1861-1906
3 Baini Giuseppe Italian Church Music - Renaissance 1775-1844
4 Balakirev Mily Alekseevich Russian "Mighty handful" - nationally oriented Russian music school 1836/37-1910
5 Bach Johann Sebastian German Baroque 1685-1750
6 Bellini Vincenzo Italian Romanticism 1801-1835
7 Berezovsky Maxim Sozontovich Russian-Ukrainian Classicism 1745-1777
8 Beethoven Ludwig van German between classicism and romanticism 1770-1827
9 Bizet Georges French Romanticism 1838-1875
10 Boito (Boito) Arrigo Italian Romanticism 1842-1918
11 Boccherini Luigi Italian Classicism 1743-1805
12 Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich Russian Romanticism - "The Mighty Handful" 1833-1887
13 Bortnyansky Dmitry Stepanovich Russian-Ukrainian Classicism - Church music 1751-1825
14 Brahms Johannes German Romanticism 1833-1897
15 Wagner Wilhelm Richard German Romanticism 1813-1883
16 Varlamov Alexander Egorovich Russian Russian folk music 1801-1848
17 Weber (Weber) Carl Maria von German Romanticism 1786-1826
18 Verdi Giuseppe Fortunio Francesco Italian Romanticism 1813-1901
19 Verstovsky Alexey Nikolaevich Russian Romanticism 1799-1862
20 Vivaldi Antonio Italian Baroque 1678-1741
21 Villa-Lobos Heitor Brazilian Neoclassicism 1887-1959
22 Wolf-Ferrari Ermanno Italian Romanticism 1876-1948
23 Haydn Franz Joseph Austrian Classicism 1732-1809
24 Handel Georg Friedrich German Baroque 1685-1759
25 Gershwin George American - 1898-1937
26 Glazunov Alexander Konstantinovich Russian Romanticism - "The Mighty Handful" 1865-1936
27 Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich Russian Classicism 1804-1857
28 Glier Reingold Moritzevich Russian and Soviet - 1874/75-1956
29 Gluk Christoph Willibald German Classicism 1714-1787
30 Granados, Granados y Campina Enrique Spanish Romanticism 1867-1916
31 Grechaninov Alexander Tikhonovich Russian Romanticism 1864-1956
32 Grieg Edvard Haberup Norwegian Romanticism 1843-1907
33 Hummel, Hummel (Hummel) Johann (Jan) Nepomuk Austrian - Czech by nationality Classicism-Romanticism 1778-1837
34 Gounod Charles François French Romanticism 1818-1893
35 Gurilev Alexander Lvovich Russian - 1803-1858
36 Dargomyzhsky Alexander Sergeevich Russian Romanticism 1813-1869
37 Dvorjak Antonin Czech Romanticism 1841-1904
38 Debussy Claude Achille French Romanticism 1862-1918
39 Delibes Clement Philibert Leo French Romanticism 1836-1891
40 Destouches André Cardinal French Baroque 1672-1749
41 Degtyarev Stepan Anikievich Russian church music 1776-1813
42 Giuliani Mauro Italian Classicism-Romanticism 1781-1829
43 Dinicu Grigorash Romanian 1889-1949
44 Donizetti Gaetano Italian Classicism-Romanticism 1797-1848
45 Ippolitov-Ivanov Mikhail Mikhailovich Russian-Soviet composer 20th-century classical composers 1859-1935
46 Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich Russian-Soviet composer 20th-century classical composers 1904-1987
47 Kalinnikov Vasily Sergeevich Russian Russian musical classics 1866-1900/01
48 Kalman (Kalman) Imre (Emmerich) Hungarian 20th-century classical composers 1882-1953
49 Cui Caesar Antonovich Russian Romanticism - "The Mighty Handful" 1835-1918
50 Leoncavallo Ruggiero Italian Romanticism 1857-1919
51 Liszt (Liszt) Franz (Franz) Hungarian Romanticism 1811-1886
52 Lyadov Anatoly Konstantinovich Russian 20th-century classical composers 1855-1914
53 Lyapunov Sergey Mikhailovich Russian Romanticism 1850-1924
54 Mahler (Mahler) Gustav Austrian Romanticism 1860-1911
55 Mascagni Pietro Italian Romanticism 1863-1945
56 Massenet Jules Emile Frederic French Romanticism 1842-1912
57 Marcello (Marcello) Benedetto Italian Baroque 1686-1739
58 Meyerbeer Giacomo French Classicism-Romanticism 1791-1864
59 Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Jacob Ludwig Felix German Romanticism 1809-1847
60 Mignoni (Mignone) Francisco Brazilian 20th-century classical composers 1897
61 Monteverdi Claudio Giovanni Antonio Italian Renaissance-Baroque 1567-1643
62 Moniuszko Stanislav Polish Romanticism 1819-1872
63 Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Austrian Classicism 1756-1791
64 Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich Russian Romanticism - "The Mighty Handful" 1839-1881
65 Headmaster Eduard Frantsevich Russian - Czech by nationality Romanticism? 1839-1916
66 Oginsky (Oginski) Michal Kleofas Polish - 1765-1833
67 Offenbach (Offenbach) Jacques (Jacob) French Romanticism 1819-1880
68 Paganini Nicolo Italian Classicism-Romanticism 1782-1840
69 Pachelbel Johann German Baroque 1653-1706
70 Plunkett, Plunkett (Planquette) Jean Robert Julien French - 1848-1903
71 Ponce Cuellar Manuel Maria Mexican 20th-century classical composers 1882-1948
72 Prokofiev Sergey Sergeevich Russian-Soviet composer Neoclassicism 1891-1953
73 Poulenc Francis French Neoclassicism 1899-1963
74 Puccini Giacomo Italian Romanticism 1858-1924
75 Ravel Maurice Joseph French Neoclassicism-Impressionism 1875-1937
76 Rachmaninov Sergei Vasilievich Russian Romanticism 1873-1943
77 Rimsky - Korsakov Nikolai Andreevich Russian Romanticism - "The Mighty Handful" 1844-1908
78 Rossini Gioacchino Antonio Italian Classicism-Romanticism 1792-1868
79 Rota Nino Italian 20th-century classical composers 1911-1979
80 Rubinstein Anton Grigorievich Russian Romanticism 1829-1894
81 Sarasate, Sarasate y Navascuez Pablo de Spanish Romanticism 1844-1908
82 Sviridov Georgy Vasilievich (Yuri) Russian-Soviet composer Neo-Romanticism 1915-1998
83 Saint-Saëns Charles Camille French Romanticism 1835-1921
84 Sibelius (Sibelius) Jan (Johan) Finnish Romanticism 1865-1957
85 Scarlatti Giuseppe Domenico Italian Baroque-Classicism 1685-1757
86 Skryabin Alexander Nikolaevich Russian Romanticism 1871/72-1915
87 Sour cream (Smetana) Bridzhih Czech Romanticism 1824-1884
88 Stravinsky Igor Fyodorovich Russian Neo-Romanticism-NeoBaroque-Serialism 1882-1971
89 Taneev Sergey Ivanovich Russian Romanticism 1856-1915
90 Telemann Georg Philipp German Baroque 1681-1767
91 Torelli Giuseppe Italian Baroque 1658-1709
92 Tosti Francesco Paolo Italian - 1846-1916
93 Fibich Zdenek Czech Romanticism 1850-1900
94 Flotow Friedrich von German Romanticism 1812-1883
95 Khachaturian Aram Armenian-Soviet composer 20th-century classical composers 1903-1978
96 Holst Gustav English - 1874-1934
97 Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich Russian Romanticism 1840-1893
98 Chesnokov Pavel Grigorievich Russian-Soviet composer - 1877-1944
99 Cilea (Cilea) Francesco Italian - 1866-1950
100 Cimarosa Domenico Italian Classicism 1749-1801
101 Schnittke Alfred Garrievich Soviet composer polystylistics 1934-1998
102 Chopin Fryderyk Polish Romanticism 1810-1849
103 Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich Russian-Soviet composer Neoclassicism-NeoRomanticism 1906-1975
104 Strauss Johann (father) Austrian Romanticism 1804-1849
105 Strauss (Straus) Johann (son) Austrian Romanticism 1825-1899
106 Strauss Richard German Romanticism 1864-1949
107 Franz Schubert Austrian Romanticism-Classicism 1797-1828
108 Schumann Robert German Romanticism 1810-1

It is safe to say about each of them that he is the greatest composer who has ever been, although in fact it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to compare music written over several centuries. However, all of these composers stand out among their contemporaries as composers who have composed music of the highest caliber and have sought to push the boundaries of classical music to new limits. The list does not contain any order, such as importance or personal preference. Simply 10 great composers you should know.

1. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) The most important figure in world classical music. One of the most performed and respected composers in the world. He worked in all the genres that existed in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, and choral compositions. Instrumental works are considered the most significant in his legacy: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for pianoforte, for violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

An interesting fact: Beethoven first wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) to Napoleon, the Composer was fascinated by this man, who seemed to many at the beginning of his reign a real hero. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, Beethoven crossed out his dedication to Napoleon on the title page and wrote only one word - "Heroic".

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata:

2. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of the greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. All significant genres of that time are represented in his work, except for opera; he summarized the achievements of the musical art of the Baroque period. Ancestor of the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact: During his lifetime, Bach was so underestimated that less than a dozen of his works were printed.

Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by J.S. Bach:

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) A great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, a representative of the Vienna Classical School, a virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, he had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise. As a composer who has excelled in every genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact: As a child, Mozart memorized and recorded the Miserere (Catholic chant to the text of the 50th Psalm of David) by the Italian Grigorio Allegri, having listened to it only once.

Mozart's Little Night Serenade:

4. Richard Wagner (1813-1883) German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. He had a significant impact on European culture at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas amaze with their grand scale and eternal human values.

Interesting fact: Wagner took part in the failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany, and was forced to hide from Franz Liszt's arrest.

"Ride of the Valkyries" from Wagner's opera "Valkyrie":

5. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian composer, one of the best melodists, conductor, teacher, music critic. His works have made an invaluable contribution to world musical culture. One of the most popular composers among classical music lovers, Tchaikovsky's unique style successfully combines the Western symphonic heritage of Beethoven and Schumann with the Russian traditions inherited from Mikhail Glinka.

Interesting fact: From his youth, Tchaikovsky had an irresistible thirst for knowledge, and in a variety of fields. So, one of the first among his contemporaries, he met with a new invention of the XIX century, which was destined for a great future. It was Edison's phonograph that ushered in the era of sound recording.

"Waltz of the Flowers" from Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker":

6. Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school. Verdi had a sense of the stage, temperament and impeccable skill. He did not deny opera traditions (unlike Wagner), but rather developed them (the traditions of Italian opera), he transformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, gave it the unity of the whole.

Interesting fact: Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian Parliament in 1860, after Italy's independence from Austria.

Overture to Verdi's La Traviata:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971) Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most important composers of the twentieth century. Stravinsky's work has been united throughout his entire career, although at different periods the style of his works was different, but the core and Russian roots remained, which manifested themselves in all his works, he is considered one of the leading innovators of the 20th century. His innovative use of rhythm and harmony has inspired and continues to inspire many musicians, and not just in classical music.

Fun Fact: During World War I, Roman customs officials confiscated a portrait of Stravinsky by Pablo Picasso when the composer was leaving Italy. The portrait was painted in a futuristic manner and the customs officers mistook these circles and lines for some kind of encrypted secret material.

Suite from Stravinsky's The Firebird:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899) Austrian light music composer, conductor and violinist. "King of Waltzes" - he worked in the genre of dance music and opperta. His musical heritage includes more than 500 waltzes, polkas, square dances and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and ballets. Thanks to him, the waltz became extremely popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact: The father of Johann Strauss is also Johann and also a famous musician, and therefore the “king of waltzes” is called the younger or son, his brothers Joseph and Eduard were also famous composers.

Strauss Waltz "On the beautiful blue Danube":

9. Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov (1873-1943) Russian composer, pianist and conductor, the largest representatives of Russian and world musical culture of the late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. Rachmaninov's style, which grew out of late romanticism, goes far beyond the post-romantic tradition and at the same time does not belong to any of the stylistic currents of the musical avant-garde of the 20th century. Rachmaninov's work stands apart in the world music of the 20th century, his style has remained uniquely individual and original, unparalleled in world art.

Interesting fact: The premiere of Rachmaninov's First Symphony ended in complete failure, both because of poor performance and because of the innovative nature of the music, far ahead of its time. This event caused a serious nervous illness.

Rachmaninov Concerto Piano Concerto 4 – Movement 1:

10. Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) Austrian composer, one of the prominent representatives of the Viennese classical music school and one of the founders of romanticism in music. In his short life, Schubert made significant contributions to orchestral, chamber and piano music that influenced an entire generation of composers. However, his most striking contribution was to the development of German romances, of which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact: Schubert's friends and fellow musicians got together and played Schubert's music. These meetings were called "Schubertiads" (Schubertiads). Some first fan club!

Ave Maria Schubert:

1. "Symphony No. 5", Ludwig van Beethoven

According to legend, Beethoven (1770-1827) could not come up with an introduction to Symphony No. 5 for a long time. But when he lay down to take a nap, he heard a knock on the door, and the rhythm of this knock became an introduction to this work. Interestingly, the first notes of the symphony correspond to the number 5, or V in Morse code.

2. O Fortuna, Carl Orff

Composer Carl Orff (1895-1982) is best known for this dramatic vocal cantata. It is based on the 13th century poem "Carmina Burana". It is one of the most frequently performed classical pieces around the world.

3. Hallelujah Chorus, Georg Friedrich Handel

Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) wrote the oratorio Messiah in 24 days. Many melodies, including "Hallelujah", were later borrowed from this work and began to be performed as independent works. According to legend, Handel had music in his head played by angels. The text of the oratorio is based on biblical stories, Handel reflected the life, death and resurrection of Christ.

4. Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner

This composition is taken from the opera "Valkyrie", which is part of the series of operas "Ring of the Nibelungen" by Richard Wagner (1813-1883). The opera "Valkyrie" is dedicated to the daughter of the god Odin. Wagner spent 26 years composing this opera, and this is only the second part of a grandiose masterpiece of four operas.

5. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, Johann Sebastian Bach

This is probably Bach's (1685-1750) most famous work and is often used in films during dramatic scenes.

6. Little Night Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Among these melodies there is a motive for any mood: romantic, positive or dreary, to relax and not think about anything, or, conversely, to collect your thoughts.


The Italian composer and pianist works in the direction of minimalism, often turns to ambient and skillfully combines classical music with other musical styles. He is known to a wide circle for atmospheric compositions that have become soundtracks for films. For example, you will surely recognize the music from the French tape "1 + 1" written by Einaudi.


Glass is one of the most controversial personalities in the world of modern classics, which is either praised to the skies or criticized to the nines. He has been with his Philip Glass Ensemble for half a century and has written music for over 50 films, including The Truman Show, The Illusionist, Taste of Life and The Fantastic Four. The melodies of the American minimalist composer blur the line between classical and popular music.


The author of many soundtracks, the best film composer of 2008 according to the European Film Academy and a post-minimalist. Captivated critics from the first album Memoryhouse, in which Richter's music was superimposed on poetry readings, and subsequent albums also used fictional prose. In addition to writing his own ambient compositions, he arranges classical works: Vivaldi's The Four Seasons topped the iTunes classical music charts in his arrangement.

This creator of instrumental music from Italy is not associated with sensational cinema, but is already known as a composer, virtuoso and experienced piano teacher. If you describe Marradi's music in two words, then these will be the words "sensual" and "magical". His creations and covers will appeal to those who love retro classics: notes of the last century are seen in the motives.


The famous film composer has created musical accompaniment for many high-grossing films and cartoons, including Gladiator, Pearl Harbor, Inception, Sherlock Holmes, Interstellar, Madagascar, The Lion King. His star flaunts on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and on his shelf are Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe. Zimmer's music is as varied as these films, but no matter the tone, it strikes a chord.


Hisaishi is one of the most famous Japanese composers, having received four Japanese Academy Film Awards for Best Film Score. He became famous for writing the soundtrack for Hayao Miyazaki's anime Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. If you're a fan of Studio Ghibli or Takeshi Kitano's tapes, you're sure to admire Hisaishi's music. It is mostly light and light.


This Icelandic multi-instrumentalist is just a boy compared to the listed masters, but by his 30s he managed to become a recognized neoclassicist. He recorded ballet accompaniment, received a BAFTA award for the soundtrack to the British series "Murder on the Beach" and released 10 studio albums. Arnalds' music is reminiscent of a harsh wind on a deserted seashore.


Lee Ru Ma's most famous works are Kiss the Rain and River Flows in You. The Korean New Age composer and pianist writes popular classics that are understandable to listeners on any continent, with any musical taste and education. His light and sensual melodies for many became the beginning of love for piano music.

Dustin O'Halloran


The American composer is interesting in that he does not have a musical education, but at the same time he writes the most pleasant and quite popular music. O'Halloran's tunes have been used in Top Gear and several films. Perhaps the most successful soundtrack album was for the melodrama Like Crazy. This composer and pianist knows a lot about the art of conducting and how to create electronic music. But his main field is modern classics. Cacchapalla has recorded many albums, three of them with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. His music flows like water, it's great to relax under it.

What other modern composers are worth listening to

If you love epic, add Klaus Badelt, who worked with Zimmer on Pirates of the Caribbean, to your playlist. Also, Jan Kaczmarek, Alexandre Desplat, Howard Shore and John Williams should not be missed - you need to write a separate article to list all their works, merits and awards.

If you want more delicious neoclassicism, pay attention to Niels Fram and Sylvain Chauveau.

If you don't get enough, remember the creator of the soundtrack to "Amelie" Jan Tiersen or discover the Japanese composer Tammon: he writes airy, dreamlike melodies.

Which composers' music do you like and which don't? Who else would you add to this list?

famous musicians

Adan Adolphe Charles(1803-1856) - French composer, romantic, author of the ballets Giselle, Corsair.

Aznavour Charles (Aznauryan Varenag)(b. 1924) - French chansonnier, composer, film actor, author and performer of many songs; had a huge impact on the mass musical culture of France and all of Europe.

Alyabiev Alexander Alexandrovich(1787-1851) - Russian composer, author of many songs and romances ("The Nightingale", "The Beggar", etc.), as well as operas, ballets, chamber-instrumental compositions.

Armstrong Louis(1901–1971) – trumpeter, vocalist often referred to as the "Father of Jazz" Louis Armstrong is one of the most popular personalities in the musical art of the 20th century, with whom the public identifies traditional jazz.

Balakirev Mily Alekseevich(1836 (1837) -1910) - Russian composer, pianist, conductor, head and one of the founders of the "Mighty Handful" - a creative community of Russian composers, formed in the late 1850s - early 1860s.

George Balanchine (Georgy Melitonovich Balanchivadze)(1904-1963) - American choreographer, founder of the famous New York City Ballet ballet company.

Bartok Bela(1881–1945) - Hungarian composer, pianist and musicologist-folklorist. Combining elements of folklore with the techniques of the musical avant-garde (expressionism, etc.), he became one of the most profound and influential innovators in the music of the 20th century.

Bach Johann Sebastian(1685–1750) - German composer, author of about 1000 works of various genres, master of polyphony (preludes and fugues, St. Matthew Passion, etc.).

Bashmet Yuri Abramovich(b. 1953) - Russian violist, teacher. The first performer of many works for viola by contemporary composers.

Berlioz Hector Louis(1803-1869) - French innovative composer, conductor, author of the Fantastic Symphony, creator of a new school of conducting.

Bernstein Leonard(1918-1990) - American composer and conductor, author of music for many famous musicals ("West Side Story", etc.).

Berry Chuck(R. 1926) - the famous American singer, composer, one of the founders of rock and roll.

Beethoven Ludwig van(1770–1827) - German composer, major symphonist. Most of Beethoven's works are among the masterpieces of world music (Moonlight Sonata, IX Symphony, etc.).

Bizet Georges (1838–1875) - French composer, author of operas (Carmen, etc.).

Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich(1833–1887) - Russian composer and chemist, one of the creators of Russian classical symphonies and quartet.

Bortnyansky Dmitry Stepanovich(1751–1825) - Russian and Ukrainian composer, author of sacred music, works for the choir, etc.

Brahms Johannes(1833-1897) - German composer and conductor, a representative of romanticism.

Wagner Richard(1813–1883) - German composer, conductor, opera reformer. The tetralogy "Ring of the Nibelungen" was written to its own libretto, based on German national mythology. Wagner is also the author of the operas Tristan and Isolde, Parsifal and others.

Verdi Giuseppe(1813-1901) - Italian composer, whose work is the pinnacle of the development of Italian opera and opera art around the world (operas "Aida", "Rigoletto", "La Traviata", etc.).

Vertinsky Alexander Nikolaevich(1889–1957) - Russian poet and composer, performer of his own songs, one of the founders of the art song genre.

Vivaldi Antonio(1678–1741) - Italian composer, violinist, conductor; created the genre of solo instrumental concerto.

Vysotsky Vladimir Semyonovich(1938–1980) - Soviet poet, musician, actor, author of hundreds of songs based on his own poems. As an author and performer of songs of his own composition with a guitar, he gained wide popularity.

Haydn Franz Joseph(1732–1809) - Austrian composer, Beethoven's teacher. His works are characterized by harmony and proportionality of proportions.

Georg Friedrich Handel(1685-1759) - German composer, author of many operas and oratorios, which combine powerful choirs and strict architectonics.

Gershwin George(1898–1937) – American composer and pianist. Together with his brother Ira, George Gershwin composed more than three dozen musicals for theater and cinema. Among the best works of George Gershwin are "Rhapsody in Blues" for piano and jazz orchestra and the opera "Porgy and Bess", which many critics consider the pinnacle of the composer's work and one of the best (if not the best) American opera.

Gillespie John "Dizzy" Burks(1917-1993) - American jazz virtuoso trumpeter, organizer of one of the most famous jazz orchestras in the history of music, author of many jazz compositions.

Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich(1804–1857) - Russian composer, creator of Russian national epic operas and many popular romances.

Glier Reingold Moritzevich(1874–1956) - Russian Soviet composer, conductor, teacher (ballet Don Quixote).

Gluck Christoph Willibald(1714–1787) - German composer, representative of classicism, opera reformer.

Grieg Edvard(1843–1907) - Norwegian composer, pianist, musical figure, conductor.

Gounod Charles(1818–1893) - French composer, one of the largest representatives of French opera in the 19th century. The pinnacle of creativity is the opera Faust.

Dankevich Konstantin Fedorovich(1905–1984) - Ukrainian composer and musicologist, author of the opera Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the ballet Lileya, etc.

Dargomyzhsky Alexander Sergeevich(1813–1869) - Russian composer (opera "Mermaid", etc.). Along with M. I. Glinka, he was the founder of the Russian classical school of music.

Dassin Joe(1938–1980) - French singer, composer, whose songs were very popular in the 1960s and 1970s.

Dvorak Antonin(1841–1904) - Czech composer, conductor, one of the founders of the Czech musical school of classical music.

Debussy Claude Achille(1862-1918) - French composer, considered the founder of the so-called musical impressionism.

Dylan Bob (Robert Allen Zimmerman)(b. 1941) - American rock musician, according to most critics, more than anyone who influenced the development of popular music (and not only rock) in the post-war period, and his work became a role model for several generations of rock musicians.

Domingo Placido(b. 1941) - Spanish singer (tenor) and conductor, one of the most outstanding singers in the history of opera.

Donizetti Gaetano(1797-1848) - Italian composer (operas "Lucia di Lammermoor", "Don Pasquale", etc.), master of the art of bel canto.

Dunaevsky Isaak Osipovich(1900–1955) - Soviet composer, the greatest master of the Soviet mass song and operetta.

Caballe Montserrat(b. 1933) - Spanish singer (soprano). One of the leading contemporary bel canto singers.

Callas Maria (Maria Kalogeropoulos)(1923-1977) - Greek singer, had a voice of a wide range, one of the greatest singers in the history of music, was a soloist in the largest theaters in the world.

Kalman Imre(1882-1953) - Hungarian composer, master of the classical Viennese operetta ("Silva", etc.).

Carreras Jose(b. 1947) - Spanish opera singer, tenor, has a deep beautiful voice, along with P. Domingo and L. Pavarotti, has long been one of the top three tenors of our time.

Caruso Enrico(1873-1921) - Italian singer, one of the greatest tenors in the history of opera, master of bel canto.

Clyburn Van (Clyburn Harvey Lavan)(b. 1934) - American pianist, winner of the 1st International Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow (1958).

Kozlovsky Ivan Semyonovich(1900-1995) - Russian Soviet singer, lyric tenor, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (1926-1954), one of the best performers of his time.

Lehar Ferenc (Franz)(1870-1948) - composer, outstanding master of the Viennese operetta ("The Merry Widow").

Lemeshev Sergey Yakovlevich(1902–1977) - an outstanding Russian opera singer, lyric tenor. The owner of the most delicate timbre, an inimitable performer of songs and romances.

Lennon John(1940–1980) - British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer. Founder and member of The Beatles, one of the most popular musicians of the 20th century.

Leoncavallo Ruggiero(1857-1919) - Italian opera composer, whose works were and are a great success (operas "Pagliacci", "La Boheme", etc.).

Leontovich Nikolay Dmitrievich(1877–1921) - Ukrainian composer, author of many arrangements of folk melodies. Founder of the first Ukrainian symphony orchestra.

Liszt Franz(1811–1886) - prominent Hungarian composer, conductor and pianist. He created a school of concert performance on the piano.

Lloyd Webber Andrew(b. 1948) is a well-known British composer, author of musicals and rock operas (“Jesus Christ Superstar”, “The Phantom of the Opera”, etc.).

Lysenko Nikolay Vitalievich(1842–1912) - composer, conductor, founder of the Ukrainian national music school, contributed to the formation of the Ukrainian opera.

Lyudkevich Stanislav Filippovich (Pilipovich)(1879–1979) - Ukrainian composer and musicologist, one of the largest Ukrainian symphonists.

Miles Davis(1926-1991) - American jazz trumpeter, one of the most prominent jazzmen in the history of music. Since the late 1960s, he has performed in the jazz-rock style.

McCartney James Paul(b. 1942) - British rock musician, singer and composer, one of the founders of The Beatles.

Mahler Gustav(1860–1911) - Austrian composer and conductor, one of the greatest symphonists of the 19th and 20th centuries. From 1908-1909 he was conductor of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, from 1909-1911 he directed the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Jacob Ludwig Felix(1809–1847) - German composer, organist, conductor and public figure, founder of the first German conservatory. Author of "Italian", "Scottish" symphonies, etc.

Mercury Freddy(1956-1991) - British singer and musician, vocalist of the legendary rock band Queen. Until now, many years after his death, he is one of the most popular singers in the world.

Miller Glenn(1904–1944) - American trombonist, arranger, leader of one of the best swing orchestras of the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Morricone Ennio(b. 1928) - Italian composer, arranger, conductor, one of the most famous composers who write music for films.

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus(1756–1791) - Austrian composer, one of the greatest in the history of music. He had an outstanding melodic gift (the operas The Magic Flute and others, The Little Night Serenade, created about 600 works of various genres). He composed music from the age of five, performed as a performer - from the age of six.

Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich(1839–1881) - Russian composer. He created monumental folk musical dramas (“Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”), dramatic scenes (“Pictures at an Exhibition”), etc.

Oistrakh David Fyodorovich(1908–1974) - Soviet virtuoso violinist, teacher, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.

Offenbach Jacques(1819-1880) - French composer, one of the founders of the classical French operetta ("Beautiful Helena", "Pericola", etc.).

Pavarotti Luciano(1935–2007) - an outstanding Italian singer, one of the most distinguished tenors in the history of music.

Paganini Niccolo(1782–1840), Italian virtuoso violinist and composer. One of the most prominent personalities in the musical history of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Recognized genius of world musical art.

Pauls Raymond(b. 1936) - Latvian composer, pianist, author of many songs, musicals, film scores, etc.

Petrusenko Oksana Andreevna(1900–1940) - Ukrainian Soviet singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), who had a voice of a unique timbre.

Piaf Edith (Gasion)(1915–1963) - French singer and actress, one of the world's greatest pop singers.

Presley Elvis(1935–1977) - legendary American rock singer and film actor, "King of Rock and Roll".

Prokofiev Sergey Sergeevich(1891–1953) - Russian innovative composer, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century.

Puccini Giacomo (1858-1924) - an Italian composer who combined lyricism with heroism and tragedy in his operas ("Tosca", "La Boheme", etc.).

Ravel Maurice(1875–1937) French composer and performing pianist. The most famous work is "Bolero".

Rachmaninov Sergei Vasilievich(1873–1943) - Russian composer, pianist and conductor. Played the piano since the age of four. Operas, romances, concertos, etc. combine stormy, passionate impulses and poetic contemplation in music. One of the greatest pianists in the history of music.

Rimsky-Korsakov Nikolai Andreevich(1844–1908) - Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure, music critic; member of the "Mighty Handful", author of 15 operas, 3 symphonies, symphonic works, instrumental concertos, cantatas, chamber instrumental, vocal and sacred music.

Richter Svyatoslav Teofilovich(1915–1997) - Soviet pianist, outstanding performer.

Rossini Gioacchino(1792–1868) - Italian composer. The pinnacle of his work was the opera The Barber of Seville. He also created numerous vocal and piano miniatures.

Rostropovich Mstislav Leopoldovich(1927–2007) - outstanding cellist, conductor and public figure.

Rota Nino(1911-1979) - Italian composer, author of music for many films by Federico Fellini, as well as for the film "The Godfather" by Francis Ford Coppola.

Sviridov Georgy (Yuri) Vasilievich(1915–1998) - Russian Soviet composer and pianist. Author of music for the works of A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others, sacred music.

Saint-Saens Charles Camille(1835–1921) - French composer, pianist, conductor, music critic and public figure. The author of numerous works of various musical genres, the most famous of which are the opera "Samson and Delilah", the 3rd symphony (with organ), the symphonic poem "Dance of Death", the 3rd concerto and the "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso" (1863) for violin and orchestra.

Sibelius Jan(1865–1957) - Finnish composer, founder of the national Finnish romantic style. In his work he used the rhythmic and harmonic features of Finnish folklore.

Sinatra Francis Albert(1915–1998) - American singer, one of the most popular in American pop music history.

Skryabin Alexander Nikolaevich(1872–1915) - Russian composer and pianist. Scriabin's mystical philosophy was reflected in his musical language, especially in innovative harmony, far beyond the boundaries of traditional tonality. The score of his symphonic "Poem of Fire" ("Prometheus") includes a light keyboard: beams of spotlights of different colors should change on the screen in sync with the changes of themes, keys, chords.

Smetana Bedrich(1824–1884) - Czech composer, conductor, pianist, author of the operas The Bartered Bride, Libuse (based on the Zelenogorsk manuscript and genuine Czech legends), the cycle of symphonic poems My Country (the second, Vltava, is especially famous) .

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich(b. 1944) - Russian violinist, conductor. Since 1979 he has been the leader of the Moscow Virtuosos orchestra, which quickly won the recognition and love of the public. Winner of many international competitions.

Stravinsky Igor Fyodorovich(1882–1971) - Russian and later American composer and conductor Stravinsky's ballets (The Rite of Spring, etc.) were successfully demonstrated by S. P. Diaghilev at the Russian Seasons in Paris. He turned to ancient and biblical subjects.

Utyosov Leonid Osipovich(1895–1982) - Russian and Soviet pop artist, singer and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR. One of the founders of Soviet jazz and Russian chanson.

Fitzgerald Ella Jane(1917–1996) – American jazz singer, recognized as one of the greatest female vocalists in jazz history.

Khachaturyan Aram Ilyich(1903–1978) - Armenian composer, conductor, teacher. In his work, the traditions of world and national musical art (ballets Gayane, Spartak, etc.) were originally combined.

Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich(1840–1893) - Russian composer, one of the best melodists, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure.

Chaliapin Fedor Ivanovich(1873–1938) - great Russian opera singer, bass, one of the most famous singers in the world.

Schnittke Alfred Garrievich(1934-1998) - Russian composer, pianist, music theorist and teacher (author of articles about Russian and Soviet composers), one of the most significant musical figures of the late 20th century.

Chopin Frederic(1810–1849) - Polish composer (etudes, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, piano concertos, etc.), virtuoso pianist. Author of numerous works for piano.

Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich(1906-1975) - Russian Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure, one of the most significant composers of the 20th century, who had and continues to have a creative influence on composers.

Strauss Johann(1825-1899) - Austrian composer, the greatest master of the Viennese waltz and the Viennese operetta, "King of the Waltz". He created a huge number of works: 168 waltzes, 117 polkas, 73 quadrilles, 43 marches, 31 mazurkas, 16 operettas, comic opera and ballet.

Strauss Richard(1864–1949) - German composer and conductor, author of many symphonic poems and operas.

Schubert Franz(1797–1828) - Austrian composer Waltzes, fantasies, impromptu, symphonies, etc. Created over 600 songs. The first major representative of musical romanticism, one of the largest melodists.

Schumann Robert(1810–1856) - German composer, romantic His work brought up a high musical culture, the beauty and strength of human feelings (symphonies, oratorio "Paradise and Peri", etc.).

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