5 unusual riddles. Difficult riddles


What to do in your free time? There are many options for passive recreation, for example, watching another melodrama or a football match, but it is much more entertaining to practice your ability to think logically. Interesting riddles can diversify the duty trip to visit friends; it will also be no less exciting to do such a training of gray cells in private. This hobby not only helps to pass the time, but also contributes to the development of erudition and logic, and such skills are not at all superfluous in life. You don't have to start solving the most difficult puzzles in the world. With the answers for them, you will have to sweat a lot. You can start with something elementary, and the result will not keep you waiting. Patience and work - and it will turn out to be known as a real erudite.

1. 25 apples grew on a birch. The gardener came and plucked 5 of them, the neighbor boys stole 7, then a strong wind blew, and another 9 fell. How many apples are left hanging on the tree?

2. Imagine that you are running a marathon. Finally, you managed to overtake the second athlete. Where are you now? (Answer immediately, without hesitation).

3. The same race, but now you have overtaken the last participant. What position do you currently occupy?

4. The driver was driving the truck. The headlights were off, neither the moon nor the stars were shining. The woman was crossing the road, she was all in black, but the driver still saw her. How could this happen?

5. A certain Mr. Smith, a resident of London, registered marriage 36 times in one year. However, he did not divorce any of them, and did not become a polygamist. And each time different women entered into marriage, and not the same one. Could this really be?

Answers. 1. Apples cannot grow on a birch.

2. Everyone immediately says that on the first. But if you overtook the second, then you took his place, and therefore run second, not first.

3. In principle, it is impossible to overtake the last runner, because if someone runs after him, then he cannot be the last one.

4. It's simple: it was during the day.

5. Easy. Mr Smith works at the registry office. After all, the condition does not say that he himself married.

These are the riddles with answers: complex and funny at the same time.

Tasks for erudition

There are tasks that cannot be solved without elementary knowledge of history. The most difficult riddles with answers are often used in the program "What? Where? When?" However, there is a chance and just guess using logic. Below are very difficult riddles with answers.

1. The 22nd and 24th Presidents of the United States had a common mother and father, but these high-ranking officials were not brothers. How could this happen? (The option of sisters is not suitable, because there were no women among them yet).

2. A hundred years ago, in the USA and Great Britain, it was widely used to decorate postcards, buttons, and even jewelry. Its popularity is due to the belief that it is made up of light, love, luck and life. Now she is a symbol of evil for the whole world. What is this?

3. John Wycliffe, an eminent theologian of the 14th century, wrote a number of articles in which he sharply criticized the church and the clergy. For this, the Constance Court recognized him as a heretic and ordered him to be burned at the stake. But during the execution, Wycliffe did not feel any pain. Is this possible if he did not suffer from any diseases of the skin or nervous system that could reduce pain?

Answers. 1. It was the same person - Cleveland Steven Grover, who was elected to the presidency twice with a break of four years. Since he is not a brother to himself, then everything is correct.

2. Swastika. Its four rays resembled the English letter L, which began the words "light", "love", "luck" and "life": light, love, luck, life.

3. Wycliffe was burned after his death.

Riddles are more difficult

Those who are not satisfied with simple tasks can master aerobatics. Below are the puzzles. It is better not to rush with answers, and also not to say that there is no solution at all, but to think a little.

3. These are the last letters of the names of the twelve months starting from January. Therefore, in place of the pass should be "y" (May).

Logic chain of thought

Sometimes, in order to solve some problems, it is necessary to draw a series of inferences. But you always want to make sure that the way of thinking is correct. Therefore, in order not to keep the reader in the dark, we will print complex riddles with answers below.

1. Vova and Sasha played in a dirty and dark attic. Vova's face was completely smeared with soot, and Sashino miraculously remained clean. Having gone down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova, but Sasha who went to wash. Why?

2. Three school teachers were sitting carelessly on a bench and talking, and at that time the students decided to play a joke on them and stuck funny stickers on each of their backs. Then the teachers saw the stickers on the backs of their colleagues and started laughing. But each thought that she herself had nothing on her back. But then one of them stopped laughing, realizing that she, too, had a sticker. How?

Answers. 1. Sasha looked at Vova's face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he was also dirty, and therefore went to wash. And Vova, who looked at Sasha's clean face, did not even think that he himself could be grimy.

2. Let's call the teachers A, B and C. A thought like this: "B sees how C laughs, but she thinks that she herself has nothing on her back. Therefore, if I did not have a sticker, then B would be surprised , why is S laughing, and would understand that she herself still has it, and would stop laughing. But since this does not happen, it means that the guys were joking with all of us. " That's why A stopped laughing.

Date related

Such tasks will help you navigate in time space.

1. Misha was seventeen years old the day before yesterday, and next year he will be twenty. Is it possible?

2. There were two brothers in one family. The first was born in 2010, and the first birthday of the second was celebrated in 1999. How can this be?

Answers. 1. This is possible if such a phrase is pronounced on January 1, given that Misha was born on December 31. Consequently, on December 30, he was still 17, and on the 31st he turned 18. This year he will be 19, and next year - 20. That's how successfully this Misha was born.

2. They were born before our era.

Riddles in the style of Sherlock Holmes

In recent years, this detective has become very popular, and many want to imitate him. Thanks to the following tasks, you can practice deduction.

1. In the office they found the director of the company with a shot through the temple and a pistol in his hand. There was a voice recorder on the table, turning it on, Sherlock heard the words: "I ask no one to blame for my death," and after that a shot is heard. Outright suicide? No. Sherlock immediately guessed that it was staged. Why?

2. The corpse of a woman is found in the park, who was hit on the head with something heavy. Holmes finds her husband's number in her phone, calls him and says: "There's been a problem. Your wife has been killed. Come here urgently." When he arrived, Sherlock pointed him out as the killer and ordered his arrest. How did he understand it?

3. Sherlock caught a taxi and tried to talk to the driver, but he was not up to chatting, and he pointed to his ears and lips, pretending to be deaf and mute. When the detective got out of the car, having arrived at the right place, he told the taxi driver that he saw through his deception. How?

These may not be the most difficult riddles in the world with answers, but for beginner detectives just right.

Answers. 1. If no one was around, who rewound the recorder to the desired phrase?

2. He did not specify exactly where to come, saying "here", but the husband arrived just at the scene of the crime.

3. If the taxi driver were really deaf, how would he figure out where Sherlock needs to get to and how would he get him to the right place?

Incredible situations

These mysteries are based on seemingly unrealistic stories. After reading the task, you might think that this could not have happened, so you need to turn on your imagination.

1. A man came into the bar, approached the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pointed the muzzle of his gun at him. After that, the man thanked the bartender and left. Why?

2. A man lived in the same house for two months all alone. Then he turned off the light and left the house. Soon 50 people died because of this.

Answers. 1. The man had hiccups and asked for a glass of water. The bartender decided to scare him, he succeeded, and the hiccups went away.

2. He lived at the lighthouse.

Perhaps someone can come up with their own puzzles. Well, the road will be mastered by the walking one. You can start a notebook and write the title: "Riddles about ... with complex answers", inserting an interesting topic between the dots.

There are significant benefits from training logic, it will help you make sober and correct decisions in life, and not be guided only by emotions. In addition, it will increase your intellectual level. Then the question "What to do in your spare time?" will be removed: of course, try to solve the most difficult riddles in the world. It is better not to acquaint everyone with the answers to them right away, even if your loved ones will break their heads.

Riddles are expressions in which one object is depicted through another. To understand what kind of object it is, a person should show not only intelligence, but also ingenuity. Some riddles are considered simple, they are aimed at developing the ingenuity of children of preschool and school age. Others are beyond the power of even an adult. The most difficult riddles in the world will be discussed below.

Top 10 most difficult logic and trick riddles for adults (with answers)

10. Pasha put a coin into the bottle and plugged the bottle with a cork. Then he took out a coin without removing the cork or breaking the bottles. Guess how he did it.

Answer: He pushed the cork into the bottle.

9. Vitya and Seryozha each bought a box of chocolates. Each box contains 12 candies. Vitya ate a few pieces from his box, and Seryozha ate as much from his as much as was left in Vitya's box. Guess how many sweets Vitya and Seryozha have left for two.

8. A person during his lifetime receives this three times: two times absolutely free, the third time he has to pay for it. Guess what it's about.

7. Dima and Lesha played at home in a dirty attic without light. Then they went down to the room. Dima's entire face was covered in mud, while Lesha's face miraculously remained clean. True, only Lesha went to the bathroom to wash himself. Guess why he did it.

Answer: Lyosha looked at Dima's dirty face and decided that he was just as dirty, so he went to wash. But Dima did not suspect anything, because he saw Lesha's clean face in front of him.

6. In what case, looking at the number 2, does a person say "ten"?

Answer: When it is 22:00 on the electronic clock.

5. The man was driving his truck. The headlights weren't on. The moon didn't shine. In front of the truck, a woman dressed in black was crossing the road. Guess how the person saw it.

Answer: The woman was clearly visible because it was during the day and not at night.

4. The man hung up his hat and, after counting 100 meters, walked this distance with his eyes closed. Then he turned around and fired one shot at his hat with his pistol, still without opening his eyes. And hit. Guess how he did it.

Answer: He hung his hat on the barrel of a gun.

3. One boy liked to boast that he held his breath underwater for 3 minutes. His friend said that he could spend 10 minutes underwater without any special equipment. The first boy did not believe and offered him a bet. The second boy agreed and won the argument. Explain how he won.

Answer: The boy filled a glass with water, put it on his head and held it for 10 minutes.

2. The day before yesterday, Ilya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. Guess how this is possible.

Answer: If today is January 1, and Ilya's birthday is December 31. In this case, the day before yesterday (that is, December 30) he was still 17 years old, yesterday (that is, December 31) he turned 18 years old, this year he will turn 19 years old, and next year - 20 years old.

1. A man is found dead in his office. The body of the deceased is tilted over the desktop, a pistol is clamped in his hand, and a voice recorder lies on the table. The police turn on this recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: "I don't want to live any longer. There's no point in this anymore..." After that, a deafening shot is heard. How did the cops instantly know it was a murder and not a suicide?

Answer: The deceased himself could not rewind the recorder tape.

If these riddles didn't seem too difficult for you, try to find a solution to the most difficult riddle without an answer.

Once a wise man was asked:

"One dog was given a clear command to wag its tail only if it sees another dog that is not wagging its tail; and vice versa, not to wag its tail if it sees a dog that wags its tail."

The question is: what will she do so as not to violate commands if a mirror is placed in front of her?

It is extremely important and useful to puzzle children of preschool and school age with riddles. Guessing puzzles is perceived by them as a game, and at the same time, they develop non-standard thinking, expand their horizons and perception of the world.

Today, a huge number of riddles for children are known. They are divided into categories: riddles-jokes with ambiguous words, riddles-jokes with numbers, riddles-tricks, YES-NO-ki, riddles for the smartest ones, etc.

Here are some examples:

1. Guess how best to stir the tea: left or right hand?

Answer: It is better to stir with a spoon.

2. Guess what the duck swims from?

Answer: From the coast.

3. Milena loves animals. She has 5 cats, 6 dogs, 3 rabbits and 2 hamsters. Guess how many legs are in the room when Milena and her pets get together.

Answer: Only 2 legs, because animals have paws, not legs.

4. In Russia, this is in first place, but in Germany it is in third.

Answer: The letter "r".

And here are the riddles related to the most difficult for children:

1. How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

Answer: Sleep at night.

2. You are sitting on an airplane, you see a horse in front and a car in the back. Where are you?

Answer: Carousel.

3. What sign should be put between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and more than 6?

Do not forget that the child himself should want to solve more complex riddles. This should not be a difficult mandatory test for him. Motivate the child, praise him, and in this case he will be happy to try to solve all the problems on his own.

It is known that when a child is admitted to grade 1, psychologists also conduct tests using riddles and puzzles. Therefore, train the child's memory, mind and ingenuity, guiding him in search of the correct answer, so that in the future this does not become a serious problem for him.

Moreover, most large companies arrange tests for job applicants for ingenuity when applying for a job. Part of the test is a logic puzzle similar to those listed above. Therefore, it is useful to understand the principle and learn how to guess them at any age.

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out?

Police do not put out fires, firefighters put out fires

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

Sleep at night

You enter a dark kitchen. It contains a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first?

A girl is sitting, and you cannot sit in her place, even if she gets up and leaves. Where is she sitting?

She sits on your lap

You are standing in front of three switches. Behind an opaque wall are three light bulbs in the off state. You need to manipulate the switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb each switch belongs to.

First you need to turn on two switches. After a while one of them will turn off. Enter the room. One bulb will be hot from the switch on, the second - warm from the off, the third - cold, from the untouched switch

It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit, which has less weight than the rest of the coins. How to determine a counterfeit coin using a weighing pan in two weighings?

1st weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin is in the pile that weighs the least. If they are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. 2nd weighing: Any 2 coins from the pile with the lowest weight are compared. If they are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.

Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How?

They were on different shores

Two fathers, two sons found three oranges and divided them. Each got a whole orange. How can this be?

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked 300 meters. How did she do it?

The rope was not tied to anything.

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break?

You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

It was a bright sunny day

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse?

Five minutes

Can you light a match underwater?

You can, if you pour water into some kind of container, for example, into a glass, and keep the match below the glass

The boat is rocking on the water. A ladder has been thrown out from it along the side. Before high tide, water covered only the bottom step. How long will it take for the water to cover the 3rd step from the bottom, if at high tide the water rises by 20 cm per hour, and the distance between the steps is 30 cm?

Never, as the boat rises with the water

How to divide five apples among five girls so that each girl gets an apple and at the same time one of the apples remains in the basket?

Give one girl an apple with a basket

One and a half pike perch cost one and a half rubles. How much are 13 zanders worth?

Merchants and potters. In one city, all the people were merchants or potters. Merchants have always told lies, and potters have always told the truth. When all the people gathered in the square, each of those gathered said to the others: “You are all merchants!” How many potters were there in this city?

The potter was alone, because:

  1. If there were no potters, then the merchants would have to tell the truth that all other merchants, and this contradicts the condition of the problem.
  2. If there were more than one potter, then each potter would have to lie that the rest were merchants.

There are two coins on the table, in total they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?

1 and 2 rubles

The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be?

100 minutes is 1 hour 40 minutes

As you know, all Russian female names end either in the letter “a” or in the letter “ya”: Anna, Maria, Irina, Natalya, Olga, etc. However, there is one single female name that ends in a different letter. Name it.

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

Time, temperature

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect that in 72 hours it will be sunny?

No, because in 72 hours it will be night

Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there?

One yacht goes from Nice to San Remo, the other from San Remo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. The first hour of the yacht's movement went at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which of the yachts will be closer to Nice at the time of their meeting?

At the time of their meeting, they will be at the same distance from Nice

A woman was walking to Moscow, and three men were walking towards her. Everyone has a bag, in each bag there is a cat. How many creatures were sent to Moscow?

Only the woman went to Moscow, the rest went the other way

There were 10 birds perched on a tree. A hunter came and shot one bird. How many birds are left on the tree?

None - the rest of the birds flew away

The train runs from east to west, and the wind blows from north to south. In which direction does the smoke from the chimney fly?

You are running a marathon and you overtook the second runner. What is your current position?

Second. If you answered that you are now first, then this is wrong: you overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position

You are running a marathon and you overtook the last runner. What is your current position?

If you answered that the penultimate one, you were mistaken again :). Think about how you can overtake the last runner? If you run after him, then he is not the last. The correct answer is it's impossible, you can't overtake the last runner

There were three cucumbers and four apples on the table. The child took one apple from the table. How many fruits are left on the table?

3 fruits and cucumbers are vegetables

The product first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its value now relative to the original?

99%: after a rise in price, 10% was added to 100% - it turned out to be 110%; 10% of 110% = 11%; then subtract 11% from 110% and get 99%

How many times does the number 4 appear in integers from 1 to 50?

15 times: 4, 14, 24, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 - twice, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49

You drove the car two thirds of the way. At the beginning of the journey, the gas tank of the car was full, and now it is one-quarter full. Will there be enough gasoline until the end of the journey (at a similar consumption)?

No, since 1/4< 1/3

Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

A deaf and dumb man went into an office supply store to buy a pencil sharpener. He stuck a finger in his left ear and with the fist of his other hand made a rotational movement near his right ear. The seller immediately understood what he was being asked for. Then a blind man entered the same store. How did he explain to the salesperson that he wanted to buy scissors?

Just said he's blind but not dumb

A rooster flew to the border of Russia and China. He sat right on the border, absolutely in the middle. Took an egg. It fell exactly across: the border divides it in the middle. What country does the egg belong to?

Roosters don't lay eggs!

One morning, a soldier who had previously been on night guard approached the centurion and said that that night he had dreamed that the barbarians would attack the fortress that evening from the north. The centurion did not really believe in this dream, but nevertheless he took measures. That same evening, the barbarians really attacked the fortress, but thanks to the measures taken, their attack was repulsed. After the battle, the centurion thanked the soldier for the warning and then ordered him to be taken into custody. Why?

For sleeping on duty

There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on ten hands?

The plane with English tourists flew from Holland to Spain. It crashed in France. Where should the surviving (injured) tourists be buried?

The survivors do not need to be buried! :)

You drove a bus with 42 passengers from Boston to Washington. At each of the six stops, 3 people got out of it, and at every second - four. What was the name of the driver when the driver arrived in Washington 10 hours later?

How about you, because in the beginning it was said that You drove the bus

What can you find in minutes, seconds and days, but not in years, decades and centuries?

How many times can 3 be subtracted from 25?

Once, because after the first subtraction, the number "25" will change to "22"

All of Mrs. Taylor's bungalows are finished in pink with pink lamps, pink walls, pink carpets and a pink ceiling. What color are the stairs in this bungalow?

There are no stairs in the bungalow

In the ancient castle where the prison was located, there were 4 round towers in which prisoners were imprisoned. One of the prisoners decided to escape. And then one fine day he hid in a corner, and when a guard came in, he stunned him with a blow to the head, and he ran away, changing into other clothes. Could this be?

No, because the towers were round and there were no corners

The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

Regardless of the distribution of residents by floors - button "1"

A pair of horses ran 20 kilometers. Question: how many kilometers did each horse run individually?

20 kilometers

What can stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie down at the same time?

Is it possible to predict the score of a football match before it starts, and if so, how?

The score of any match before it starts is always 0:0

What in a person can increase in diameter by 7 times in a few seconds?

Pupil. When moving from bright light to dark, the diameter can change from 1.1 to 8 mm; everything else either almost does not increase, or increases in diameter by no more than 2-3 times

A seller in the market sells a hat that costs 10 rubles. A buyer comes up and wants to buy it, but he has only 25 rubles. The seller sends the boy with these 25 rubles. exchange for a neighbor. The boy comes running and gives 10 + 10 + 5 rubles. The seller gives a hat and change of 15 rubles, and 10 rubles. leaves to himself. After a while, a neighbor comes and says that 25 rubles. fake, demands to give her money. The seller returns her money. How much money was deceived by the seller?

The seller was deceived by fake 25 rubles.

How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

Animals were taken to the ark not by Moses, but by Noah

2 people walked in at the same time. One has an apartment on the 3rd floor, the other has an apartment on the 9th. How many times will the first person get there faster than the second? Note: they simultaneously pressed the buttons in 2 elevators moving at the same speed.

Usual answer: 3 times. Correct answer: 4 times. Elevators usually go from the 1st floor. The first one will pass 3-1=2 floors, and the second one 9-1=8 floors, i.e. 4 times more

This riddle is often offered to children. But sometimes adults can rack their brains for a long time to guess how to solve such a problem, so you can arrange a competition: invite everyone to try to solve the problem. Whoever guesses, regardless of age, deserves a prize. Here is the task:

6589 = 4; 5893 = 3; 1236 = 1; 1234 = 0; 0000 = 4; 5794 = 1; 1111 = 0; 4444 = 0; 7268 = 3; 1679 = 2; 3697 = 2

2793 = 1; 4895 = 3

The main thing is to look at the problem in a childish way, then you will understand that the answer is 3 (three circles in the numbers)

Two jigits competed: whose horse will come to the finish line last. However, things did not go well, both stood still. Then they turned to the sage for advice, and after that both galloped at full speed.

The sage advised the jigits to exchange horses

One student tells another: “Yesterday our college basketball team won the basketball game 76:40. At the same time, not a single basketball player scored a single ball in this match.

Women's teams played

A man enters a store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, but not across, but along. The saleswoman asks: "Are you a firefighter?" - "Yes". How did she guess?

The man was in uniform

The lady did not have a driver's license with her. She did not stop at the railroad crossing even though the barrier was lowered, then, ignoring the "brick", she moved along the one-way street against the traffic and stopped only after passing three blocks. All this happened in front of the traffic police officer, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene.

The lady was walking

There were three tailor shops on one Odessa street. The first tailor advertised himself like this: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second - "The best workshop in the world!" The third "surpassed" them both.

“The best workshop on this street!”

The two brothers were drinking at a bar. Suddenly, one of them began to argue with the bartender, and then he pulled out a knife and, ignoring his brother's attempts to stop him, hit the bartender. At his trial, he was found guilty of murder. At the end of the trial, the judge said: "You are found guilty of murder, but I have no choice but to let you go." Why did the judge have to do this?

The culprit was one of the Siamese twins. A judge couldn't send a guilty person to jail without putting an innocent one in there too.

Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych, the stupid ensign and the smart ensign were traveling in the same compartment. There was a bottle of beer on the table. The train entered the tunnel, it became dark. When the train left the tunnel, the bottle was empty. Who drank beer?

The stupid ensign drank the beer, since the rest of the creatures are unreal and do not occur in life!)

Riddles are loved by children and adults. This type of folk art helps to develop ingenuity, broadens one's horizons.

It reflects the reality around us. Finding the right answer depends on how we perceive it. Often people use ready-made templates in their thinking, while funny riddles with a trick answer destroy the logical chains they have built.

An unexpected answer surprises and amuses. While we are trying to build a coherent system of arguments, the solution lies on the surface, but it is not obvious. Of course, every riddle must have an answer, otherwise you can go crazy trying to find it. There are many types of riddles with a trick: simple for children, more difficult for the development of logic, comic, difficult.

To solve funny riddles with a trick answer, a person must at least have a good sense of humor and abstract thinking. Often a child manages to find the answer easier, because he has a childish spontaneity, there are no prevailing stereotypes, he perceives the world differently.

From childhood, a child listens to fairy tales, where riddles are often asked to the heroes. Such folklore works train memory, attention and ingenuity, teach the understanding that one and the same thought can be formulated in different ways. Growing up, children are happy to ask their friends funny riddles with a trick answer, and have fun together.

An example of children's riddles with a trick answer

1. What is cooked but not eaten? Lessons 1. What is cooked but not eaten? ( Lessons)

2. Why is the cat running? On the ground 2. Why is the cat running? ( On the ground)

3. Where does the cat go when crossing the road?3. Where does the cat go when crossing the road? ( To the other side of this road)

4. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house?When the door is open4. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house? ( When the door is open)

5. Under what bush does a hare hide when it rains? under the wet 5. Under what bush does a hare hide when it rains? ( under the wet)

6. How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and still not crash?6. How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and still not crash? ( Gotta jump from the bottom step)

7. Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass?7. Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass? ( The one with the spoon)

8. How can water be pulled out with a net?If the water turns to ice8. How can water be pulled out with a net? ( If the water turns to ice)

9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach?9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? ( One, the second will no longer be considered on an empty stomach)

10. How many peas can fit into a glass?10. How many peas can fit into a glass? ( None, peas can't walk)

11. If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? Wet 11. If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? ( Wet)

12. What dishes are impossible to eat from? From empty 12. What dishes are impossible to eat from? ( From empty)

Questions and riddles with a trick answer are used in adult companies to defuse the atmosphere. Sometimes when applying for a job during an interview, a potential new employee is asked trick questions to test his creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Often funny riddles with a trick answer contain a metaphor, they compare disparate things. This lures a person into a trap, directs him along the wrong path. He is looking for a complex explanation, while the answer lies on the surface and is often paradoxical.

An example of funny riddles with a trick for adults

(hover your mouse to see the answer)

1. How can I light a match underwater?Being in a submarine1. How can I light a match underwater? ( Being in a submarine)

2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? live 2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? ( live)

3. What is impossible to do in space? hang yourself 3. What is impossible to do in space? ( hang yourself)

4. What won't fit in the biggest pot? Her cover 4. What won't fit in the biggest pot? ( Her cover)

5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most frequently?5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most frequently? ( Button "1", as all residents enter and exit through the 1st floor)

6. What questions cannot be answered positively?Are you deaf? You died?6. What questions cannot be answered positively? ( Are you deaf? You died?)

7. How many months in a year have 28 days? 12 months 7. How many months in a year have 28 days? ( 12 months)

8. Indicate five days, while not designating them with numbers and without naming the day of the week.8. Indicate five days, while not designating them with numbers and without naming the day of the week. ( Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking?9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking? ( You need to throw an egg so that it flies more than four meters)

10. How do night and day end? soft sign 10. How do night and day end? ( soft sign)

11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are in the room?11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are in the room? ( Only two, because animals have paws)

12. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? Rooster 12. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? ( Rooster)

13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk?Ability to roll up13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk? ( Ability to roll up)

14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is this? debts 14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is this? ( debts)

15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building?It's possible, houses don't know how to jump15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building? ( It's possible, houses don't know how to jump)

16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. Trigonometry 16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. ( Trigonometry)

17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it. Future 17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it. ( Future)

18. What disease does not suffer on land? Nautical 18. What disease does not suffer on land? ( Nautical)

19. What kind of comb is impossible to comb your hair? Petushin 19. What kind of comb is impossible to comb your hair? ( Petushin)

20. What do people do when they see a green man? Crossing the street 20. What do people do when they see a green man? ( Crossing the street)

When solving funny riddles with a trick, you should not rush to the answer, first you need to think carefully and understand what the catch is.

101 trick questions.

Target: development of logical connections
Can be used on classroom clocks, for fun competitions, competitions and contests, at the celebration of Laughter.
Designed for children of primary school age and older.

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")
2. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (none because the bottom fell)
3. When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)
4. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
5. Which clock shows the exact time only twice a day? (who stopped)
6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)
7. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (by gender)
8. What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)
8. The crow sits, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)
9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)
10. In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)
11. Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there? (cones do not grow on a birch)
12. What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (get wet)
13. How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters? (cat)
14. When a horse is bought, what is it like? (wet)
15. A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o")
16. A flock of birds flew to the grove. They sat down two by two on a tree - one remained; sat down one at a time - one did not get. How many trees are there in a grove, and how many birds are in a flock? (three trees, four birds)
17. A woman went to Moscow, three old men met her, each old man had a sack, and in each sack a cat. How many went to Moscow? (one woman)
18. There are four hollows on four birches, four branches on each hollow, four apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (apples do not grow on a birch)
19. Forty wolves ran, how many necks and tails do they have? (Tails do not grow near the neck)
20. What fabric cannot be used to sew shirts? (From the railway)
21. What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2 and 3)
22. When are hands pronouns? (You-we-you)
23. What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna, Alla)
24. In what forests is there no game? (In construction)
25. Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare)
26. What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without? (No fraction)
27. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)
28. When does the car move all the time at the speed of the train? (When he is on the platform of a moving train)
29. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes, how many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 minutes)
30: Which flower is masculine and feminine? (Ivan da Marya)
31. Name five days without naming the numbers and names of the days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
32. What bird, having lost one letter, becomes the largest river in Europe? (Oriole)
33. Which city is named after a large bird? (Eagle)
34. What is the name of the first woman in the world who mastered an aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
35. From the name of which city can you make a filling for sweet pies? (Raisin)
36. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
37. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed).
38. What is the most terrible river? (River Tigris).
39. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).
40. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).
41. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).
42. What is under a person's feet when he walks over a bridge? (Shoe sole).
43. What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh)
44. How many peas can go into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).
45. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin).
46. ​​How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)
47. When is the forest a snack? (When he's cheese)
48. How to pluck a branch so as not to frighten a bird? (Wait for the bird to fly away)
49. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
50. What freezes in the room in winter, but not on the street? (Window glass)
51. What opera consists of three unions? (Ah, and, yes - Aida)
52. Whoever does not have it does not want to have it, and whoever has it cannot give it away. (bald)
53. What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)
54. The son of my father, but not my brother. Who is this? (I myself)
55. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
56. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and").
57. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
58. How can you put two liters of milk in a one-liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).
59. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).
60. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
61. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).
62. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).
63. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).
64. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).
65. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).
66. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It will get wet).
67. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).
68. What can be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant).
69. Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is best stirred with a spoon).
70. What question cannot be answered "no"? (You are alive?).
71. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies, and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).
72. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Get older).
73. What gets bigger when put upside down. (Number 6).
74. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (Jump from the bottom step).
75. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).
76. Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)
77. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
78. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
79. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)
80. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
81. When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (wet)
82. Why does a cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down)
83. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)
84. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)
85. What is the most terrible river? (River Tigris)
86. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
87. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
88. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)
89. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)
90. What will happen if a black scarf is lowered into the Red Sea? (get wet)
91. Which hand is better to stir tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
92. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
93. What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
94. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)
95. What do we eat for? (At the table)
96. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
97. When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)
98. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)
99. 90 apples grew on a birch. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. (Apples do not grow on a birch).
100. Under what tree does a hare sit when it rains? (Under wet).
101. Name five days without giving numbers (eg 1, 2, 3, ..) and names of days (eg Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...). (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) .

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are not on an empty stomach.)
What tree does a crow land on when it rains? (To wet.)
How many minutes does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg - two - three - five? (Not at all, it's already cooked. Hard boiled.)
Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
Where is the water standing? (In glass.)
What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
What disease on land does no one get sick with? (Nautical.)
When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Soles of boots.)
Why do they often go and never go? (On the stairs.)
How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest.)
What happens to a crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
Under which tree does the hare hide when it rains? (Under wet.)
What needs to be done to saw off the branch on which the crow sits without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there? (One.)
The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (Maybe because the dog sits on the ground on its tail.)
If a cat climbs a tree and wants to get down from it along a smooth trunk, how will it go down: head down or tail first? (Tail forward, otherwise it will not hold.)
Who is above us upside down? (Fly.)
What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
Is it possible to bring hearths in a sieve? (You can when it freezes.)
Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
What bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
What lies between the city and the countryside? (Conjunction "and".)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open.)
My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (I myself.)
Seven candles burned in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

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