A rylov picture. Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich: biography, photos and interesting facts


Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich(1870-1939) - famous Russian Soviet landscape painter, graphic artist and symbolist, student of Stieglitz and Arkhip Kuindzhi.

Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov was born on January 17 (29), 1870 in the village of Istobenskoye, Vyatka district, Vyatka province (now Istobensk, Kirov region) in the family of an official. The birth of the boy happened on the way, on the way of Arkady's parents to Vyatka. Due to the serious illness of his father, who suffered from a severe nervous breakdown, the boy was raised in the family of his stepfather, who served as a notary in Vyatka. The childhood and youth of the future artist were surrounded by harsh, but at the same time colorful northern nature, vivid impressions of which Rylov subsequently retained for the rest of his life. The boy's family in Vyatka lived on the banks of a wide and full-flowing river of the same name. The land of forests, lakes and rivers from early childhood captivated the artist with its beauty, forcing him to love nature passionately and for life. As a teenager, Rylov liked to wander through forests and meadows all day long, sit by the water for hours, watching ducks or watch restless fluffy squirrels for a long time.
In 1888, after graduating from school in Vyatka, he came to St. Petersburg, where, on the advice of his relatives, he entered the Central School of Technical Drawing of Baron A.L. Stieglitz, studying there until 1891, studied with the famous artist and teacher K.Ya. Kryzhitsky (1858-1911). In parallel, Arkady Rylov studied at the Drawing School at the Society for the Encouragement of Arts.

In 1893, Arkady Rylov entered the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, and a year later he was invited to his studio by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841-1910), an outstanding Russian artist of Greek origin, a master of landscape painting. Rylov literally idolized his teacher, whose training was an old and cherished dream of a young artist.
Arkady Rylov can be fully considered a student and follower of Kuindzhi, who forever retained in his work an attachment to romantically elevated and generalizing, holistic images, lighting effects, a decorative understanding of color, but at the same time he always followed the teacher’s precept to work as much as possible on nature.
Already the first work created by Rylov after graduating from the Academy of Arts - "The Burning Fire" (1898) - attracted the attention of critics, and was acquired by P.M. Tretyakov.
By the early 1900s, the skill of Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov had reached maturity. For the painting “From the banks of the Vyatka”, the artist received a gold medal in Munich.
A.A. Rylov and in the famous exhibition of 1901 in Moscow, where the largest associations of artists of that time were presented. In 1902, he was invited to the prestigious Vienna Secession, and since 1908 he became a regular participant in exhibitions of the Union of Russian Artists under the direction of A. Vasnetsov.
In 1904, his famous work "Green Noise" appeared. The artist worked on the painting for two years, painting it in the studio, using the experience of observing nature and a lot of sketches made in the vicinity of Vyatka and St. Petersburg. The artist's contemporaries were struck by the young, joyful feeling that permeated the landscape. This is an image of an eternally triumphant, ever-changing life, when one moment quickly replaces another and they are all equally beautiful. The dynamic spatial solution of the plot is the opposition of a very close foreground and the boundless distance that opens behind it.
The talented Russian landscape painter was also recognized by Paris, which was considered a trendsetter in art. For the landscape "Green Noise" Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov was elected a full member of the honorary jury of the Paris Salon (exhibition). And not just, but with the right to exhibit his paintings there without prior discussion of the jury, which was the highest assessment of his skill.
The same joyful feeling and a similar spatial structure characterize another famous work by the artist, “In the Blue Space” (1918), which depicts a windy spring morning over a surging sea, streams of golden rays of the rising sun, white swans flying home, a land with the remnants of falling snow. and a light sailing ship rushing towards the sun's rays. This image, full of faith in vitality, was later used for ideological purposes. The picture was declared the first Soviet landscape, and Rylova was the founder of Soviet landscape painting. The painting “In the Blue Space” is one of those works with which it is customary to begin the history of Soviet painting.
But the artist's work is marked by landscapes and with a different spiritual mood. In this regard, first of all, it is worth noting the work “Wilderness” (1920), in which a swamp with black water fills the entire foreground, and behind it is a gloomy, disturbing forest…..
Although, in fairness, it is still worth noting that the artist has much more life-affirming works: “Hot Day”, “Field Rowan”, “Island” (all 1922), “Birch Grove” (1923), “Old Spruces by the River” (1925), "Forest River" (1928), "House with a Red Roof" (1933), "On the Green Banks" (1938) and many others ....
In 1915, Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov became an academician of painting.
The desire to be as close to nature as possible forced Arkady Rylov every summer, from 1902 to 1914, to come to the Voronezh province, on the picturesque banks of the Oskol River, to the estate of his fellow Stieglitz A.P. Rogov, later a mosaic artist and teacher at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. For work, Arkady Alexandrovich even built a summer workshop on the edge of the forest, from which a picturesque view of Oskol opened. This workshop, reminiscent of a fairy tale hut in its appearance and carved decorations, was captured by the artist in the sketch “Red House” (1910).
Arkady Alexandrovich could spend hours watching animals, birds, insects in the forest or on the river in the early morning, afternoon, evening and late at night. Nature from the banks of the Oskol brought new colors to the artist's palette of experiences and subject matter. In the paintings of 1910-1920, a forest-steppe landscape and a river in the middle of the forest appear. To this edge A.A. Rylov dedicated the paintings “Spring on Oskol”, “Spring Morning. Oskol River”, “Spring. Oskol River”, “Oskol River”, “Sedge. (River Oskol). All of them are kept in the museums of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kazan.
Rylov had a rare gift of unity with the animal world - he was also a subtle animal painter, generally loved the whole living world, and this world paid him the same. He was loved by birds and animals, and the manifestations of such love and trust aroused the surprise of those around him. It is known that the artist had a whole corner of the forest in his studio, where its inhabitants walked - a monkey, hares, squirrels, birds and other animals. He bought them in the market or picked them up somewhere, sick and weakened, nursed them, fed them, and set them free in the spring. The animals and birds of Arkady Alexandrovich were not afraid.
Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov had another gift - teaching. Before the revolution, he taught the “animal drawing class” at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts (in 1902-1918), and then taught at the Academy of Arts (in 1918-1929) and at the Leningrad Art and Industrial College (1923-1926). Arkady Rylov kept in his memory the bright image of his teacher A.I. Kuindzhi used his methods in his own pedagogical work. His advice and guidance was appreciated not only by students, but also by venerable artists. His rare spiritual purity and love for people were equally appreciated.
Rylov also worked successfully as an illustrator (magazine "Chizh", 1936; books by V.V. Bianka "Teremok", 1936, and "Tales of the Trapper", 1937). He wrote a book of essays about nature, arranging them with his own watercolors (When It Happens, 1936; published in 1946).
Arkady Rylov was a member of art associations (“World of Art”, “Union of Russian Artists”, “Community of Artists”, AHRR), took part in all-Russian and foreign exhibitions. During the life of the artist, his solo exhibitions took place in Leningrad and Moscow.
Arkady Rylov constantly kept in touch with Vyatka, came to sketches, was an honorary member of the Vyatka art circle, participated in exhibitions and in the creation of a local museum. The Vyatka Art Museum has 104 works by Arkady Rylov, most of which are gifts from the author himself and his widow S.L. Rylova.

On June 22, 1939, Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov died at the age of 69 in Leningrad, where he was buried. His valuable Memoirs were published posthumously.

“Nature releases the Rylovs very, very sparingly,” wrote a friend of the artist M. V. Nesterov after the sad news of his death Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov entered the history of Russian painting primarily as the author of two famous landscapes - “Green Noise” and “In the Blue Space ", although the legacy left a large and very high artistic level. His work is an important part of Russian realistic painting of the first third of the twentieth century. The artist's works are kept in many museum and private collections.

According to materials: Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of World Art - Vilnius, UAB "Bestiary", 2008, Information portal "Russian painting from A to Z", Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907), 82 vols. and 4 additional tt. - M.: Terra, 2001. - 40,726 pages, A.A. Polovtsev Russian biographical dictionary (1896-1918) in 25 volumes. St. Petersburg: Imperial Russian Historical Society, 1912.

In accordance with Article 1282 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the works of this author have passed into the public domain

A. A. Rylov entered the history of Russian painting primarily as the author of two famous landscapes - "Green Noise" and "In the Blue Space", although he left a legacy of a large and very high artistic level.

Rylov was born on the way, when his parents were going to Vyatka. To this city, where the future artist grew up, to the surrounding nature, Rylov dedicated wonderful pages of his memories to his childhood.

In 1888, he came to St. Petersburg and, on the advice of his relatives, entered the CUTR. At the same time, he studied at the Drawing School at the OPH. In the midst of hard work, Rylov was unexpectedly drafted into the army. After serving his term, he returned to St. Petersburg.

In 1893, Rylov entered the Academy of Arts, and a year later he was invited to his studio by A. I. Kuindzhi, whose training had long been a cherished dream of a young artist.

Rylov in the full sense of the word can be considered a student and follower of Kuindzhi. They are surprisingly close in the nature of artistic talent. Rylov forever retained his attachment to romantically elevated and generalizing, holistic images, lighting effects, and a decorative understanding of color, but at the same time he strictly followed the teacher's precept to work in nature as much as possible. "Kuindzhievskaya" - romantic, dynamic, with a blaze of a night fire - was Rylov's diploma painting "The evil Tatars came running" (1897). The artist himself was annoyed later: why did he turn to such a "crackling" plot and not take "a modest Russian landscape, familiar nature"?

By the beginning of the 1900s. Rylov's skill reached maturity. In 1904 "Green Noise" appeared. The artist worked on the painting for two years, painting it in the studio, using the experience of observing nature and a lot of sketches made in the vicinity of Vyatka and St. Petersburg.

Contemporaries were struck by the young, joyful feeling that pervaded the landscape. This is an image of an eternally triumphant, ever-changing life, when one moment quickly replaces another and they are all equally beautiful. Color is based on a combination of saturated color relationships. A dynamic spatial solution is the opposition of a very close foreground and the boundless distance that opens behind it.

The same joyful feeling and a similar spatial construction - in the painting "In the Blue Space" (1918). It depicts a windy spring morning over a surging sea, streams of the golden rays of the rising sun, white swans flying home, the earth with the remnants of falling snow, and a light sailing ship rushing towards the sun's rays. This image, full of faith in vitality, was later used for ideological purposes. The picture was declared the first Soviet landscape, and Rylova - the founder of Soviet landscape painting.

But he also had landscapes with a different mood - for example, "Wilderness" (1920). A swamp with black water fills the entire foreground, and behind it is a gloomy, disturbing forest.

True, the artist has much more life-affirming works: "Hot Day", "Field Rowan", "Island" (all 1922), "Birch Grove" (1923), "Old Spruces by the River" (1925), "Forest River" ( 1928), "House with a Red Roof" (1933), "On the Green Banks" (1938), etc.

Rylov had another rare gift - teaching. Before the revolution, he taught the "animal drawing class" at the Drawing School at the OPH, and after 1917 he taught at the Academy of Arts. His advice and guidance was appreciated not only by students, but also by venerable artists. His rare spiritual purity and love for people were equally appreciated.

In general, he loved the whole living world, and this world paid him the same. He was loved by birds and animals, and the manifestations of such love and trust aroused the surprise of those around him. In his workshop, he arranged a corner of the forest. Birds lived here without a cage - robins, wrens, kinglets, nuthatches, seagulls, oystercatchers... He bought them in the market or picked them up somewhere, sick and weakened, nursed them, fed them, and set them free in the spring. There were also two anthills. Rylov also had hares, squirrels, Manka the monkey and other animals. Many shy animals and birds were not afraid of him, they came and flew to his summer forest workshop without fear. "Nature releases Rylovs very, very sparingly," wrote the artist's friend M. V. Nesterov after the sad news of his death.

Thundering river. 1917. Oil

Green noise. 1904. Oil

In blue space. 1918. Oil

Self-portrait. 1939. Graphite pencil

Field rowan. 1922. Oil

RYLOV, ARKADIY ALEKSANDROVICH (1870-1939), Russian artist, master of picturesque landscapes in the spirit of symbolism.

In the blue space, 1918

Born in the village of Istobenskoye (Vyatka province) on January 17 (29), 1870. He was brought up in the family of his stepfather, who served as a notary in Vyatka (Rylov's father suffered from a nervous breakdown). Having settled in St. Petersburg, he studied at the Central School of Technical Drawing of Baron A.L. Stieglitz (1888-1891) under K.Ya. Kryzhitsky and at the Academy of Arts (1894-1897) under A.I. Participated in exhibitions of the "World of Art", "Union of Russian Artists", AHRR, was a founding member (in 1925-1930 chairman) of the Society named after AI Kuindzhi.

Initially, he painted not only landscapes, turning to the historical and everyday genre (Pecheneg raid on a Slavic village, 1897, private collection, St. Petersburg; Burning fire, 1898, Tretyakov Gallery) and invariably attaching importance to nature not only as a background, but also as a full-fledged dramatic component. On the other hand, historical symbolism usually showed through in its natural motifs (for example, the Slavic canoe seen behind the trees in the painting Green Noise, 1904; variants in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum). His paintings, dense in color, far from unsteady etude, are epic in mood, often appearing as some kind of “forebodings” or “prologues”. Therefore, it is quite natural that his famous painting In the Blue Expanse (1918, Tretyakov Gallery) - with a flock of wild swans over the expanses of the northern sea and a sailboat in the distance - entered the official history of art as almost the first full-fledged "Soviet" painting, full of "revolutionary romance."

In fact, Rylov's landscape element, for all its compositional clarity, appears too vague to be confidently matched with specific socio-political programs. Post-revolutionary plot “bindings” (Tractor at forest work, 1934, ibid; V.I. Lenin in Razliv, 1934, Russian Museum) always went to the detriment of his work, lowering him to the average socialist realist level. On the contrary, contemplative plotlessness ensured pictorial freedom (Green Lace, 1928, Tretyakov Gallery; Forest River, 1929, Russian Museum). Rylov was also a subtle animal painter, as if attesting to this in the drawing Self-Portrait with a Squirrel (1931, Tretyakov Gallery). He successfully worked as an illustrator (magazine "Chizh", 1936; books by V.V. Bianka Teremok, 1936, and Tales of the Trapper, 1937). Wrote a book of essays on nature, arranging them with his own watercolors (When it happens, 1936; published in 1946). From 1902 he actively worked as a teacher (at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts and other schools).

Seashore, early 20th century

Ripple, 1901

Green Noise, 1904

Spring in Finland, 1905

Rocks in Kekeneiz, 1909

Landscape with a river, 1913

White Night Night Dawn 1915

Flowery Meadow, 1916

Wild wind, 1916

Sunset, 1917

Stormy day on the Kama, 1918

On the Kama, 1919

Wilderness, 1920

Autumn on the river Tosna, 1920

Islet, 1922

Seagulls Sunset, 1922

Field ashberry, 1922

Red Reflection 1928

In nature, 1933

Tractor on forest work, 1934

In Green Banks, 1938

Evening silence, 1939

Utrov Grodno

Park on the banks of the Neva

birch forest

Crimean mountains

house with red roof

Autumn landscape

Self-portrait with a squirrel, 1931


    Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich- (1870 1939), Soviet painter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Landscape painter. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1894-97) under AI Kuindzhi. Member of the association World of Art, Union of Russian Artists, AHRR. In their major in sound and ... ... Art Encyclopedia

    Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich- (18701939), painter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). He studied at the CUTR (188891) and the Academy of Arts (189497; academician since 1915). He taught at the Drawing School of the OPH (190218), PGSHM VKHUTEMAS VKHUTEIN (191829). Member… … Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich-, Soviet painter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under AI Kuindzhi. Member of the associations "World of Art", "Union of Russians ... ...

    RYLOV Arkady Alexandrovich- (1870 1939) Russian painter, Honored Art Worker of Russia (1935). Epic, imaginatively major landscapes of the painting (Green Noise, 1904; In the blue expanse, 1918) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich- (1870 1939), painter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). He studied at the CUTR (1888-91) and the Academy of Arts (1894-97; academician since 1915). He taught at the Drawing School of the OPH (1902 18), PGSHM VKHUTEMAS VKHUTEIN (1918 29). Member of the Association "World of Art" ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich- (1870 1939), painter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Epico romantic, figuratively major landscapes of the painting (“Green Noise”, 1904; “In the Blue Space”, 1918). * * * RYLOV Arkady Alexandrovich RYLOV Arkady Alexandrovich ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rylov, Arkady Alexandrovich- Genus. 1870, mind. 1939. Painter (landscape painter). Member of the Society named after A. I. Kuindzhi. Canvases: "Green Noise" (1904), "In the Blue Space" (1918) and others. Honored Art Worker of Russia (1935) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    RYLOV- Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939), Russian painter. Epico-romantic, imaginatively major landscapes of the painting (Green Noise, 1904; In the Blue Space, 1918) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Rylov- Rylov is a Russian surname. Known bearers: Rylov Rylov, Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939), Russian landscape painter. Rylov, Artur Igorevich (b. 1989) Russian football player. Rylov, Vladimir Alekseevich (b. 1947) Russian conductor ... Wikipedia

    Rylov- Arkady Alexandrovich, Soviet painter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935). He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under AI Kuindzhi. Member of associations ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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