Prostatitis adenoma in men signs. About the symptoms of prostate adenoma in men


The prostate is the most important organ of the functional abilities of the male reproductive system. Sexual abilities, a stable erection, as well as the quality of the urinary system depend on her condition. Today, the most common diseases of the prostate gland are prostatitis and adenoma. These fundamentally different pathologies affect the genitourinary system, while they have a number of differences and are almost never interconnected. What are the symptoms of prostatitis and adenoma, how to avoid such diseases?


It is a common misconception that adenoma and prostatitis are different stages of the same disease. Despite the fact that as a result of both ailments the prostate is affected, the diseases have different etiologies. The list of symptoms of prostatitis in men and prostate adenoma is also different.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process of the gland, occurs due to:

  • trauma;
  • hormonal failure;
  • hypothermia;
  • infections;
  • stagnant process, with irregular sexual intercourse.

Adenoma is a benign tumor that has nothing to do with inflammatory processes. The objective reasons for the development of such a disease have not yet been identified.

Inflammatory processes are not able to cause the development of a tumor in the organ of the male reproductive system. While the presence of a tumor and, as a result, improper functioning of organs, can cause inflammation in the body - prostatitis. However, this phenomenon is very rare. Prostatitis is often diagnosed in young men, while adenoma is detected mainly after 50 years of age.

Acute and chronic course

Specialists distinguish two forms of prostatitis: acute and chronic. Accordingly, the symptoms and treatment of each type of pathology are somewhat different. For example, the acute form of prostatitis is characterized by the following features:

  • Temperature increase, chills;
  • Problems with urination. Acute urinary retention is possible (urine outflow is blocked);
  • Severe pain in the perineum, as well as the groin;
  • Frequent urge to urinate, along with pain. The highest frequency is observed at night;
  • General intoxication;
  • Possible discharge of pus.

Accurate diagnosis of acute prostatitis also includes the delivery of general tests and rectal palpation of the prostate.

Chronic prostatitis does not have such vivid signs. In addition, the symptoms are noticeable only during periods of exacerbation of the disease. At the same time, it is observed:

  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Pain in the groin, perineum and lower abdomen.

The occurrence of chronic prostatitis is more common than acute. It is more difficult to treat. For this reason, it is advised to carry out prevention in order to prevent the occurrence of such a form.


If the acute course of the disease is due to the presence of bacteria, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics, as well as medications for symptomatic therapy - facilitating urination, relieving pain.

Combating the chronic form of prostatitis is effective with supportive complex treatment. It includes:

  • Physiological procedures;
  • Nutrition correction (consume more plant foods, reduce the amount of fats, especially of animal origin);
  • Lifestyle adjustment;
  • Special gymnastics.

With prostatitis, surgical procedures are rarely resorted to.


If you do not start treating the prostate gland in time, then undesirable consequences may develop. In addition, different forms of the disease provoke their complications. So bacterial acute inflammation can cause purulent phenomena - an abscess. In this case, the man has:

  • Fever;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Blockage of the urine outlet due to swelling of the gland.

In addition, an abscess can provoke blood poisoning.

In chronic bacterial course of prostatitis appears:

  • Pain during ejaculation;
  • Weakening of sexual desire;
  • Difficulties during erection.

Pathology can also be the cause of the development of epididymitis, orchitis or vesiculitis.

Non-bacterial prostatitis stimulates the development of impotence. Such a diagnosis virtually eliminates the possibility of leading a rich sex life. Cancer can occur as a result of asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate gland. Pathological processes of the prostate, sometimes lasting for years, proceed without symptoms. Sometimes this condition can lead to cancer. It is difficult to diagnose formations in the early stages. For this reason, it is appropriate for preventive purposes to donate blood every year to detect PSA.


A benign formation of the prostate gland, which does not go beyond its limits, is called an adenoma. The main causes of pathology include hormonal changes in the body when a certain age is reached. The disease is typical for men older than 40 years. The risk of developing pathology increases with age. It affects 25% of men over 50 and 50% of the male half of the population aged 75.

With adenoma, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Weak, intermittent urine stream;
  • The presence of blood and mucus in the urine;
  • Cutting, burning in the prostate gland;
  • Small amount of urine after urination;
  • Constant thirst;
  • Discomfort, pain during ejaculation;
  • Pain in the lumbar and pubic region;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Frequent urging, mostly at night.

All manifestations and signs of pathological formation are connected to the overall clinical picture gradually with the development of the tumor. However, the disease is diagnosed without difficulties already at the initial stages of development.

Stages of development

Prostate adenoma can develop, moving from one stage to another:

  1. Compensated. At this stage of the disease, there is a weak sluggish stream of urine during urination. The process itself is fast paced and difficult.
  2. Subcompensated. The signs are replenished by a constant feeling of heaviness in the bladder, there is its incomplete emptying. There are malfunctions of the kidneys.
  3. Decompensated. Muscle tone completely disappears in the urinary canal. As a result, the process of urination is blocked.

A benign tumor progresses slowly. It is noticed that men often ignore the primary symptoms of pathology and seek medical advice only with the onset of urination problems.


Prostate adenoma is not a malignant tumor, however, in the absence of proper therapy, new pathological processes may develop:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Bladder overflow;
  • Cystitis;
  • Inflammation of the kidneys or urethra;
  • Renal failure, turning into a chronic condition.

These complications do not cause death, but they significantly reduce the quality of life.


The specialist can establish a preliminary diagnosis - the presence of tumor formations, based on the patient's complaints. In most cases, it is confirmed upon closer examination.

Despite this, the first symptoms of a glandular adenoma may erroneously indicate other inflammatory diseases of the organs. For this reason, an additional examination is simply necessary. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis of adenoma, you must pass:

  • Examination of blood, urine;
  • Rectal palpation of the prostate;
  • Extraction analysis.


At the first manifestations of the disease, specialists prescribe therapy with the use of medications that inhibit tumor growth and relieve swelling. For large tumor sizes that cause complications, for example, blockage of the urinary canal, surgical intervention is required. Pathological tissues are simply removed. This method of treatment is used at II, III stages of the disease.

The postoperative period may be accompanied by such phenomena:

  • Deterioration of the level of sexual life;
  • Bleeding;
  • Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.

All these effects are temporary and disappear with complete recovery.


The main task of the prostate is to produce a secret (prostate juice) that feeds the spermatozoa. In addition, the gland regulates the process of urination. Outwardly, it is similar to a walnut and has the shape of a trapezoid.

There are 3 main purposes of the prostate:

  • Secretory. The action directly depends on the testosterone produced by the endocrine system.
  • Barrier. As a result, the access of the infection coming from the urethra to other organs is blocked.
  • Motor. Urine is held back by the muscles that form the sphincter.

Even minor deterioration in the work of the prostate gland can lead to severe, irreversible pathological processes. For this reason, the appearance of any symptoms, discharge or pain in the organs of the reproductive system requires immediate consultation with a specialist. After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to provide timely treatment and help return to a healthy lifestyle.

Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor that develops from the stroma or glandular epithelium of the prostate. By itself, the adenoma does not metastasize, but over time it can degenerate into adenocarcinoma (prostatic cancer).

In 30-40% of men over 50 years of age and 75-90% of men over 65 years of age, there are changes in the form of growth of glandular tissue in the bladder neck.

What kind of disease is this, why does it occur in men after 40 years of age, what are the first symptoms and what is prescribed as a treatment, we will consider further.

What is prostate adenoma?

Prostate adenoma is a benign neoplasm of the paraurethral glands located around the urethra in its prostatic section. The main symptom of prostate adenoma is a violation of urination due to the gradual compression of the urethra by one or more growing nodules.

With adenoma, an increase in the organ occurs, which provokes squeezing of the bladder and urethra. This disrupts the flow of urine and leads to the accumulation of residual urine. Additionally, a man may develop a genital tract infection, urolithiasis and cancer. The increase is painless, which is dangerous for the rapid diagnosis of the disease.

Prostate gland: what is it?

The prostate gland, also known as the prostate, is an organ located just below the bladder. The main purpose of the prostate is to produce a specific secret that is part of the semen. The secret of the prostate gland, determining the consistency of the ejaculate (in particular, contributing to its liquefaction), contains vitamins, enzymes, immunoglobulin, zinc ions, etc.

The prostate gland for men is the “second heart”, which is responsible for sexual function, psycho-emotional state and general health.

The main functions of the prostate include:

  • liquefaction of sperm - thanks to this, spermatozoa acquire active mobility and generally become viable;
  • secretion production - in its composition it has enzymes, proteins, fats and hormones, without which the reproductive system will not function normally;
  • ejaculation - the smooth muscles of the prostate gland are capable of contraction, which ensures the flow of semen into the urethra, and this is how ejaculation occurs.


Prostate adenoma develops and grows gradually. Although this disease occurs predominantly among older men, the initial symptoms can be detected as early as 30-40 years. It is interesting that at first nodules of cells are massively formed and only after a long time they begin to grow in size.

Reasons for development:

  1. The first group includes lifestyle-related causes that increase the likelihood of prostate enlargement. For example, it can be sedentary work or active mental stress in the absence of physical. That is why the role of regular exercise cannot be overestimated.
  2. The second group includes objective reasons that do not depend on a person's lifestyle. It has been proven that prostate adenoma occurs as a result of changes in the hormonal background of a man. Given that these changes inevitably occur in old age, we can conclude that only some men are lucky enough to avoid problems with the prostate gland.

There are a number of concomitant factors that can contribute to the development of adenoma. These include:

  • Excess weight (accumulation of adipose tissue contributes to the production of female hormones);
  • hereditary factor;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urethra;
  • Hypodynamia and malnutrition;
  • High blood pressure.

Types of prostate adenoma

According to the structure and location, three types of adenomas are distinguished:

  1. The tumor penetrates into the bladder through the urethra, deforming the internal sphincter and disrupting its function.
  2. The tumor increases in the direction of the rectum, urination is slightly disturbed, but the loss of contractility of the prostatic part of the urethra does not allow the bladder to be completely emptied.
  3. With a uniform compaction of the prostate under the pressure of the adenoma without its increase, neither urinary retention in the bladder nor urination disorders are observed. This is the most favorable type of adenoma.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma in men

There are two groups of symptoms of prostate adenoma: irritative and obstructive.

The first group of symptoms in prostate adenoma includes:

  • increased urination,
  • persistent (imperative) urge to urinate,
  • nocturia,
  • urinary incontinence.

The group of obstructive symptoms characteristic of prostate adenoma include:

  • difficulty urinating,
  • delayed onset and increased urination time,
  • feeling of incomplete emptying,
  • urination with an intermittent sluggish stream,
  • the need for straining.

The first signs to look out for are:

  • The first signs of prostate adenoma are a sluggish stream of urine, an increase in the urge to urinate, which does not always end with emptying the bladder.
  • As the tumor becomes serious, the patient no longer wants to find out what causes prostate adenoma, he is more concerned about how to get rid of the disturbing symptoms. Urination becomes difficult, you need to strain to urinate, connect the abdominal muscles.

With the complication of prostate adenoma and its transition to a severe stage, all symptoms will intensify, which will adversely affect the patient's life. In aggravated cases, only surgery can help, which is why it is so important to pay attention to the symptoms. Even if they repeated 1-2 times, a full examination is required.

Prostate adenoma in men goes through several stages, each of which is accompanied by increasing signs and complications.

Compensated form

The most characteristic changes in urination at this stage:

  • more frequent,
  • less free
  • not as intense as before (the urine stream no longer looks like a characteristic parabola, but falls almost vertically).

As the prostate grows further and the pressure on the urethra increases, the following symptoms appear:

  • increased urge to urinate during the day
  • decrease in urine output,
  • an increase in cases of an irrepressible desire to urinate (so-called imperative urges),
  • participation of auxiliary muscles: the patient, for better emptying, from time to time strains the stomach at the beginning or at the end of urination.

Subcompensated stage

Subcompensated - prostate enlargement has reached levels when it began to strongly affect the function of the bladder to remove urine from the body. Violations occur:

  • the release of the bladder occurs in portions,
  • bubble walls increase in thickness,
  • retention of urine occurs
  • when the bladder is full, involuntary release of urine may occur,
  • urine may be cloudy and contain blood impurities.

Stage 3 prostate adenoma - decompensated

There is a drop in the contractility of the bladder to the minimum limits, an increase in residual urine can be about two liters. Also relevant is a sharp stretching of the bladder, in which its contours are visible in the form of an oval or spherical shape, reaching the navel, and in some cases rising much higher.

Meanwhile, at night, and after and during the day, urine is systematically or constantly excreted, this happens involuntarily, due to drops of an overflowing bladder.

Associated symptoms of adenoma:

  • weakness,
  • nausea and lack of appetite,
  • constipation,
  • thirst and dry mouth.

Consequences for a man

Complications of prostate adenoma:

  • Acute retention of urine. A complication appears at stage 2 or 3 of the disease due to compression of the urethra by a hypertrophied prostate gland.
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract. Stagnant processes in the bladder lead to the multiplication of bacteria. They provoke the development of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Incomplete emptying of the bladder leads to the appearance of microliths, stones, or mineral deposits in it. They can cause blockage of the bladder, urinary retention.
  • Hematuria. The appearance of red blood cells in the urine, the cause of which is varicose veins of the neck of the bladder.


It will not be an exaggeration if we say that the successful diagnosis of prostate adenoma directly depends on the patient himself. At the earliest stages, it is the survey that can give those indicators by which the specialist can suspect the presence of the disease.

Diagnostics consists of:

  1. The doctor performs a digital examination of the prostate.
  2. In order to assess the severity of symptoms of prostate adenoma, the patient is asked to fill out a urination diary.
  3. Perform a study of prostate secretion and smears from the urethra to exclude infectious complications.
  4. An ultrasound of the prostate is performed, during which the volume of the prostate gland is determined, stones and areas with congestion are detected, the amount of residual urine, the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract are assessed.

PSA analysis for prostate adenoma is an important indicator in determining the extent of the disease and prescribing treatment. Such a study is recommended for every man over 40 years old every year, because. it diagnoses any abnormalities in the prostate and will help to identify even prostate adenoma cancer.

Each gram of benign prostate adenoma increases the PSA level by 0.3 ng/l, and each gram of a malignant tumor by 3.5 ng/ml. With prostate adenoma, the level of prostate-specific antigen almost never rises above 10 ng / ml. If this happens, then cancer is suspected.

Treatment of prostate adenoma

Standard treatment of prostate adenoma in men can be carried out with medication, promptly and minimally invasively. The main technique is a surgical operation, which is prescribed for all patients who have infravesical obstruction.

Treatment of prostate adenoma depending on the stage:

  1. The first stage can often be managed with conservative treatment, which, however, does not exclude manifestations in the form of acute and frequent urinary retention, increased urination (up to 10 times), the formation of bleeding in the congestive veins of the bladder or the appearance of large stones in it. All this, in turn, leads to a forced measure in the form of surgical intervention, even if there is no residual urine.
  2. Second stage. The gold standard of care at this stage is the removal of an adenoma through surgery, using various minimally invasive and classical techniques.
  3. Third stage. Here, the main tasks are to ensure a good outflow of urine in order to remove azotemichesky intoxication. In this case, percutaneous puncture nephrostomy, cystostomy, etc. are used. Next, the condition of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system is normalized, and then the issue of possible further surgical treatment is decided.


  • Inability to urinate;
  • Massive hematuria;
  • stones in the bladder;
  • kidney failure;

Surgical measures are used when conservative therapy is ineffective or when the disease is neglected. With prostate adenoma, surgery is prescribed for absolute indications:

  • Inability to urinate;
  • Massive hematuria;
  • stones in the bladder;
  • Pathological processes in the prostate gland;
  • An increase in the middle lobe of the prostate;
  • kidney failure;
  • Large accumulation of residual urine.

An unscheduled (urgent) operation is performed within a day after the development of complications is established: with severe bleeding that threatens the patient's life, and with urinary retention in an acute form.

Preparing for the operation:

  1. A general blood test is carried out to determine anemia (a reduced amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells), leukocytosis (indicates some kind of inflammatory process).
  2. Before the operation, it is necessary to check the kidney function with a biochemical blood test. In the presence of impaired renal function, creatinine and urea in the blood will be increased.
  3. Blood clotting studies are necessary to exclude the risk of thromboembolism or bleeding, both during and after surgery.
  4. ECG (electrocardiogram) - in order to exclude possible complications from the heart during surgery.

There are different methods of surgical treatment of prostate adenoma:

  • Transurethral resection or TUR is a widespread method, because such an operation is performed through the urethra without incisions. However, it can only be used with adenoma weight up to 60 g and up to 150 mg of residual urine in the bladder. Also, this method is not allowed to be used in patients with renal insufficiency.
  • Adenomectomy (open prostatectomy) is a popular method of surgical treatment of prostate adenoma due to the least number of contraindications. It is relevant to use it with a prostate mass of more than 40 g and the amount of residual urine from 150 ml. Do not interfere with the operation and various complications of pathology.

Probability of relapse

After surgery for prostate adenoma, relapses of an inflammatory nature are possible. In this regard, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to observe the precautions that the doctor will indicate:

  • do not overwork
  • do not overcool
  • follow a diet
  • be under the supervision of a specialist.

Minimally invasive methods of treatment of prostate adenoma

  1. Thermal method - the size of the prostate decreases under the influence of high temperatures. To heat the tissues of the organ, radiofrequency and microwave radiation are used, less often ultrasound.
  2. Cryodestruction - pathological tissue cells are destroyed by exposure to extremely cold temperatures.
  3. Laser technique - laser radiation affects the water in the tissues of the prostate gland, heats it up. Coagulation (coagulation) of the organ tissue occurs.
  4. Balloon dilatation of the urethra - a catheter with an inflating balloon at the end is inserted into the urethra, with the help of which the lumen of the urethra expands.
  5. Stenting of the prostatic urethra - a stent (frame in the form of a cylinder) is inserted into the urethra, which makes it easier for the patient to urinate.

Diet for adenoma

The diet is selected for each patient individually, taking into account the degree of neglect of the pathology, the general condition of the patient and his anamnesis, as well as the patient's taste preferences. But, as practice shows, one cannot do without changing the regimen and balanced nutrition.

Particular attention is paid to products rich in selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn), which have a beneficial effect on the tumor, reducing its size. During an illness, a man should receive 25 mg of zinc per day, and at least 5 micrograms of selenium.

Approximate menu:

  • Meat: lean lamb, rabbit, beef, turkey, chicken.
  • Fish: all lean types.
  • Soups: dairy, beetroot, vegetable and vegetable broth, vegetarian cabbage soup, fruit, borscht.
  • Vegetables: except for sorrel, radishes, spinach, garlic, mushrooms, onions and pickles. If sauerkraut is sauerkraut, then it is not sour.
  • Bread: preferably wheat, not fresh, but yesterday's baking.
  • Dairy: curdled milk, milk, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese (low-fat), a little sour cream.
  • Grains: different.
  • You can also cook a protein omelet, milk sausages, various fresh and dried fruits are allowed. Drinks like compote, infusion, juice, jelly. From sweets, you can mousses and jelly, sweets made not from chocolate. Avoid cream, ice cream and chocolate.

The diet after removal of prostate adenoma will be similar. That is, it is also important to eat more fresh products, no harmful dishes. The advantage is taken by proteins and vegetable fats.


  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • increase physical activity;
  • visit a urologist once a year;
  • follow a therapeutic diet;
  • control your own weight.

Prostate adenoma is a serious disease that requires timely treatment, but only under the supervision of a specialist. No self-medication is allowed here. All the best to you and take care of your health!

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To discuss the symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men today is especially detailed, because they manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the stage of the disease. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is colloquially called prostate adenoma, is a benign neoplasm in the prostate gland that develops over time and causes inconvenience to a man, and usually adenoma occurs against the background of an ignored inflammation of the prostate, so it is recommended to discuss these diseases in a complex with a friend.

Problem Features

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are the two most common diseases of the male urogenital area, moreover, both conditions are quite dangerous for health and require treatment, but in order to properly treat them, the doctor needs to be able to differentiate them, that is, to correctly distinguish between prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Often, men have no idea how one differs from the other, because the symptoms are similar, but the causes, treatment and consequences of diseases can be completely different.

First, it should be said that prostatitis is an acute disease, and it is usually presented as an organism for the following conditions:

  • sexually transmitted diseases);
  • venereal diseases;
  • bacterial lesions of the prostate.

Regarding the theories of the occurrence of prostate adenoma, it is worth saying that there are a lot of them, but the most plausible is the so-called "hormonal theory". On average, at the age of 45-55, hormonal changes begin abruptly in a man, which leads to a benign tumor of the prostate, but it must be said that the symptoms and signs of prostate adenoma can sometimes also occur against the background of inflammation of the prostate gland (especially in the case if this process is not treated).

Immediately it is worth talking about the difference in the signs of adenoma and prostatitis. Prostatitis is characterized by frequent urge to go to the toilet, but at the same time, urine output is difficult (drop by drop), and in its chronic form, whitish discharge from the penis is possible (do not confuse them with sperm, because they appear without an erection). Adenoma, in turn, accompanies, as a symptom, a constant feeling of a full bladder, even if the man has just gone to the toilet, possible cases of urinary incontinence. However, the problem should still be considered in a more specific way.

Separately, it is necessary to discuss the clinical picture of diseases, that is, to know what symptoms of prostate adenoma bother patients, and which ones you should pay attention to when the prostate gland becomes inflamed.

Related news:

  • Symptoms and treatment of bacterial prostatitis…

Prostatitis, as mentioned above, is usually called chronic or acute inflammation of the gland that occurs when bacteria enter the body, due to injuries or circulatory disorders in the pelvis. Although it’s worth mentioning right away that no matter what caused the breakdown of the disease, it makes itself felt by increased urination, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and impaired potency.

Adenoma, in turn, is characterized by a violation of the outflow of urine, frequent urination and discomfort in the abdomen. It is noteworthy that this condition is characterized by urinary incontinence, and at the initial stage of tumor development, which can last about 10 years, urination disorders are minimal and are not perceived by men as an alarming symptom, and that is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the first symptoms of prostate adenoma, because it is they avoid surgical treatment in the future.

Therapy of the disease

When discussing the symptoms and treatment of prostate adenoma in men, the reviews need to be said about the treatment are different, it is worth saying that therapy is usually prescribed taking into account the symptoms of inflammation.

  • Fundamentals of the treatment of adenoma.

Here, therapy exactly depends on the stage of the disease, and conservative treatment is first prescribed using drugs that relieve swelling and prevent further tumor growth. If the adenoma is large and causes serious complications (for example, acute urinary retention), the patient is prescribed a surgical operation in which the overgrown prostate tissue is removed by transurethral resection or other methods.

  • How to treat prostatitis?

Inflammation of the prostate gland, in turn, has its own individual features, which include the fact that often therapy can not do without antibiotic therapy. It must be said right away that incorrectly prescribed antibiotic therapy can lead to the emergence of resistance of the pathogen that caused prostatitis to drugs, which will significantly complicate further treatment and may contribute to the transition of acute inflammation to a chronic form. If the patient shortly before the start of treatment took any antibacterial drugs for another disease, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. The course of antibiotic treatment can last more than 2-3 weeks, but it is impossible to interrupt it when the symptoms of the disease are alleviated, as well as to reduce the dose of the prescribed drug and change the regimen of its administration.

Knowing the symptoms and treatment of prostate adenoma in men, whose photos can be found on the network, it must also be said that they bring the patient severe discomfort, which means that without local therapy, which usually consists of the use of rectal suppositories, it will not work. Rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis are highly effective, since the active substances contained in them enter the focus of inflammation in the highest concentration. Candles may contain antispasmodics, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances, and their use is often recommended by a doctor and for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis. The most popular rectal suppositories with propolis (Vitol, Propolis, Propolis DN), ichthyol and sea buckthorn suppositories, as well as suppositories, which include peptides extracted from the prostate gland (Prostatilen).

Alternative Treatments

Knowing the symptoms of how prostate adenoma manifests itself in men (and, accordingly, prostate inflammation), you can also choose preventive or alternative methods of treatment, which include taking drugs that improve immunity, physiotherapy and prostate massage (must be prescribed by a doctor ).

Physiotherapeutic treatment helps to improve the trophism of prostate tissues and accelerate the healing process. It is possible to use the following methods of physiotherapy: transrectal microwave hyperthermia, diadynamophoresis, laser therapy, ultrasonic phonophoresis.

Prostate massage is one of the most effective treatments for prostatitis. Thanks to him, accumulated in the prostate gland, the secret is squeezed out of it, and then independently excreted through the urethra. In addition, prostate massage helps to improve the blood supply to the tissues of the gland, which increases the effectiveness of antibacterial and local therapy.

Important! In the phase of acute inflammation is contraindicated, as this can lead to the spread of infection. The procedure is carried out when subsiding acute inflammatory phenomena.

In conclusion, you need to talk about strengthening the immune system is necessary for every patient suffering from inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. A good immune status of the body will help to avoid the development of an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. Patients are recommended to strengthen the body's resistance to diseases using natural methods (hardening, physical activity in the fresh air), natural immunomodulators (schisandra, echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) and synthetic multivitamin complexes.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is quite difficult to independently answer the question of how to distinguish prostate adenoma from prostatitis, because the symptoms of how to determine prostate adenoma in men and prostatitis very often mislead people. In addition, even knowing the differences between prostate adenoma and prostatitis, you can make a mistake with the choice of treatment and further aggravate the situation, so you should not experiment with your own health and if suspicious symptoms occur, you should contact a urologist very quickly.

Specialists at the examination stage determine which tests need to be performed in order to make an accurate diagnosis, and if prostatitis is suspected, the patient must pass a urine culture, blood test, and discharge from the urethra. In the event that the doctor suggests an adenoma, he first of all prescribes an ultrasound scan, a blood test for hormones and conducts functional studies of the urinary system.

What else do you need to know?

Of course, everyone should know the official symptoms of BPH and chronic prostatitis, because often men with such problems confuse these diseases with cystitis or hemorrhoids. Despite the fact that in the first case the prostate gland is affected, and in alternative conditions the bladder and intestines are affected, the diseases are really similar, so you need to know how to distinguish them.

The functions of the gland are activated. Simultaneously with the onset of inflammation, tissue regeneration occurs.

At the initial stage prostatitis it is rarely possible to recognize unambiguously, since sometimes it is asymptomatic, and its signs are individual for each patient and change over time.

To such featured relate:

At the same time, sometimes spontaneously occurs at night long erection And painful ejaculation not related to sex. Observing these phenomena, the patient calms down, believing that he is well with potency, the problems, in his opinion, are connected with the partner, their relationship. He takes possession depression which aggravates the development of the disease.

The main signs of inflammation of the prostate gland

There is a certain difficulty for the doctor and the patient to associate the listed symptoms with the disease. prostate. They can be caused by experienced stress (especially if there are reasons), with a conflict in personal life.

more confidently associated with prostatitis if they are followed by other symptoms:

  1. The patient experiences pain in the groin, eggs, perineum, lower back.
  2. Urinate more and more often, especially at night, this process is more and more painful, the result of attempts to empty the bladder is less and less.
  3. The selections begin slime from the urethra.
  4. rises temperature.

These symptoms slowly increase for a year, two, three. Worst of all, they have the character of a chain reaction: due to the growth of negative phenomena in the prostate gland, a man not only does not find satisfaction himself, but is also unable to satisfy his sexual partner.

Because of this, sexual contacts are becoming less frequent, which causes circulatory system in the pelvic area. Such stagnation, in turn, is one of the reasons prostatitis.

What else can these symptoms indicate?

The symptoms described are not necessarily indicative of the disease. prostatitis.

They also accompany diseases of the kidneys, infections of the urethra, venereal and other diseases.

Urethritis is the most common disease in men.

This is an infection in the urethra caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi.

They are infected mainly through sexual contact. Sometimes the infection waits a long time in the body for a convenient hour and manifests itself when the immune system is weakened.

The reasons for its decline are the same as those that cause non-bacterial prostatitis: hypothermia, bad habits, chaotic sexual behavior, abuse of sour, spicy, salty foods, stress, physical activity, etc.

What exactly do you have inflamed: prostate or urethra (or both), will show tests, ultrasound examination. Based on them, the doctor will give diagnosis.

As with any disease, the sooner you detect prostatitis the faster you heal it. Neglect of early symptoms, even if subtle, leads frivolous patients to the surgeon's table. It is better to take action in a timely manner.

Who to contact?

When symptoms appear prostatitis, adenomas in men, you need to make an appointment with a urologist, who will refer the patient for tests, according to their results, he diagnoses (or not) the disease, its type.

The identification of ethology of prostatitis: bacterial or not. Non-infectious prostatitis treatment with antibiotics, for example, is not only useless, but also very harmful to the body.

The doctor directs the primary measures to restore normal urination. To do this, it is urgent to reduce the size of the prostate gland, which compresses the urethral canal and does not allow urine to come out. Relaxation of the muscles of the gland can be achieved, for example, prostate massage.

prostate massage- a procedure that requires special qualifications of a massage therapist. Its implementation by an amateur is fraught with serious complications, irreversible damage to internal organs.

For treatment bacterial prostatitis a course of antibiotics, rectal suppositories are prescribed.

It must be understood that harmful microorganism cannot be exterminated by folk remedies, exercise, physical therapy and diet.

These methods will contribute to the cure or will be necessary during the period of remission.

At the same time, for treatment, their combination may be sufficient for a complete cure without "chemistry", that is, pharmaceutical medicines. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the experience of the doctor.

If the disease has passed the stage of exacerbation, there is no more infection, the patient needs to:

  • start as soon as possible regular sex life;
  • eliminate bad habits. Eat for patients with prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • move more, exercise. Fulfill special exercises for men.

Now you know the symptoms prostate adenomas And chronic prostatitis. If you find them in yourself, it is better to immediately consult a doctor so that there are no complications later!

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