Aibolit. The meaning of the word aibolit in the literary encyclopedia Good doctor Aibolit


We invite our readers 14th of April to the Central Children's Library at 13:00 and the DTDM Library at 14:00 to watch the musical comedy "Aibolit-66". This bright witty film tells about good and evil, about justice and true friendship in a fun and unobtrusive way.

We all remember and love poems about the good doctor Aibolit from the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky. It is not difficult to guess that the alarming cry of the patient “Ai! Hurts!" turned into the most affectionate name in the world for the fabulous doctor. A very kind doctor heals with chocolate and mogul, rushes to help through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and raging seas, selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, each time saying only one thing:

Oh if I don't get there

If I get lost along the way

What will become of them, the sick,

With my forest animals?

The fairy tale "Aibolit" began with this quatrain. Korney Ivanovich put the doctor's selfless feat at the center of the fairy tale plot. He knew such a doctor - this is Timofey Osipovich Shabad (in the city of Vilnius a monument was erected to him from grateful residents). Dr. Shabad treated the children of the poor for free, organized orphanages and hospitals. Chukovsky recalled: “He was the kindest person I have ever known in my life. A thin girl would come to him, he said to her: “Do you want me to write you a prescription? No, milk will help you. Come to me every morning and get two glasses of milk. So I thought how wonderful it would be to write a fairy tale about such a kind doctor in order to awaken in a child's soul, a precious ability to empathize, sympathize, rejoice, without which a person is not a person. Chukovsky was also familiar with the basis of the plot of the fairy tales of the English writer Hugh Loftinga about Doctor Doolittle. retelling "Doctor Dolittle", Chukovsky removed many episodes and came up with his own. He did not talk about the cruel king of the Joliginka country, who ordered the good doctor and his animals to be imprisoned. But Chukovsky has a new character Barmaley - a pirate and cannibal who loved to eat small children and misbehave . Based on the fairy tale "Aibolit", cartoons and feature films were shot.

We invite our readers on April 14 to the Central Children's Library at 13:00 and the DTDiM Library at 14:00 to watch the musical comedy "Aibolit-66". This bright witty film tells about good and evil, about justice and true friendship in a fun and unobtrusive way, tells not only children but also adults. After each viewing, you can take the book home and not part with your favorite characters.

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The hero of the fairy tale in verse "Aibolit" (1929) and the prose work "Doctor Aibolit (according to Hugh Lofting)" by K.I. Chukovsky. The alarming cry of the patient “Ai! Hurts!" turned into the most affectionate name in the world. A. is a fabulous doctor, very kind, because he treats with chocolate and gogo-lem-mogul. He rushes to help through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and raging seas, saying only one thing: “Oh, if I don’t reach, // If I get lost on the way, // What will become of them, with the sick, // With my animals forest?" Dr. A. from a prose fairy tale is the very embodiment of kindness and sweet adventurism: he selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees the boy Penta and his fisherman father from pirate captivity, and is not afraid to protect the poor and sick monkey Chichi from the terrible organ grinder. For this, A. is loved by all animals, fish and birds, boys and girls. Chukovsky teaches young readers justice, respect for humans and animals, talking about the good deeds of Dr. A. and his true friends. The plot about Dr. A. was embodied in children's matinees, cartoons, as well as in the film by R.A. Bykov "Aibolit-66", which combined a parody and a parable. N.I. Korotkova (lit. heroes)

Literary encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is AIBOLIT in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • AIBOLIT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. (colloquial jest.). A person who treats animals Q: You are not ...
  • ANTIBOOMER (MOVIE) at the Wiki Quote.
  • CHUKOVSKY in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Korney Ivanovich (real name, patronymic and surname Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov) (1882-1969), writer, literary critic. Works for children in verse and prose ...
    (real name and surname Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov) (1882-1969) Russian writer, literary critic, Doctor of Philology. Works for children in verse and ...
  • NOVOSIBIRSK YOUTH THEATER in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "Globus" was founded in 1930, until 1993 the Novosibirsk Theater for Young Spectators. Main directors: V. V. Kuzmin, L. S. Belov, G. Ya. …
  • BYKOV ROLAND ANATOLYEVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (b. 1929) actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR (1990), Academician of the Russian Academy of Education (1992). In 1951-58 he was an actor of the Moscow Youth Theater. In 1958-60 ...
    Korney Ivanovich (real name and surname Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov), Russian Soviet writer, critic, literary critic, translator. …
  • CHELYABINSK OPERA AND BALLET THEATER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Opera and Ballet Theatre. M. I. Glinka. Opened in 1956. The theater building was built in 1954 (architect N. P. Kurennoy: ...
  • THE USSR. LITERATURE AND ART in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    and art Literature Multinational Soviet literature represents a qualitatively new stage in the development of literature. As a certain artistic whole, united by a single socio-ideological ...
  • NOVOSIBIRSK OPERA AND BALLET THEATER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    academic opera and ballet theater, the leading musical theater of Siberia. Opened in 1945 with the opera "Ivan Susanin" by Glinka. The building is one of…
  • MOSCOW CHILDREN'S MUSICAL THEATER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    children's musical theater, the first musical theater for children in the USSR. Opened in 1965. The initiator, director and chief director is the people's …
  • KNYAZEVA LIDIA NIKOLAEVNA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Lidia Nikolaevna (b. February 9, 1925, Moscow), Russian Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1954. After graduating from the studio at ...
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  • CHILDREN'S CINEMA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    cinema, works of cinema art - fiction (feature and animation), newsreel-documentary and popular science films created especially for children. To D. to. belong ...
  • CHILDREN'S MUSIC in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    music, music intended to be heard and performed by children. The best works of D. m. are distinguished by the specificity of the plot, lively poetic content, figurative expression, ...

1. What animals lived with Dr. Aibolit?

(There are hares in the room, a squirrel in the closet, a crow in the sideboard, a hedgehog on the sofa, white mice in the chest, Kiki the duck, Abba the dog, Oink-oink the pig, Korudo the parrot, Bumbo the owl.)

2. How many animal languages ​​did Aibolit know?

3. From whom and why did Chichi the monkey run away?

(From the evil organ grinder, because he dragged her everywhere on a rope and beat her. Her neck hurt.)

4. Who saved Aibolit and his animals from prison?

(Parrot Korudo.)

5. Whom did the monkeys send for Dr. Aibolit?


6. Who saved Oink-Oink and Chichi during the shipwreck?


7. What gift did the cured African animals give to Dr. Aibolit?


8. Where was Varvara relocated so that she would no longer offend anyone?

(To a deserted island.)

9. What feat did the Korudo parrot perform when everyone was captured by Barmaley?

(He pulled out the key to the prison from the sleeping Barmaley.)

10. Who found the fisherman, Penta's father, in how many days and how?

(Dog Abba, for 3 days. A west wind blew from the sea and it smelled of tobacco and herring.)

11. What did Aibolit treat in a moth?

(Burned wing.)

12. After Dr. Aibolit and his animals left the village of Penta, they met the pirates. Why didn't they immediately notice the pirates and their ship?

(There were large stones on the island, behind which the pirates hid, and behind a large rock their ship.)

13. What did the fishermen give to Aibolit for the victory over the pirates?


14. What is the difference between the Pulley and other animals?

(He has two heads: in front and behind. When one head is sleeping, the other is not sleeping.)

15. Where did Aibolit take the ship to return home?

(I took it from Barmaley.)

16. Who did not believe that the dog Abba would find the fisherman?

(Pig Oink-Oink.)

17. Whom did Dr. Aibolit and his animals find in the cave?

(Boy Pento, son of a fisherman.)

18. Who showed the way to Aibolit's ship to Africa?


19. Names of children who helped the doctor?

(Vanya and Tanya.)

20. What word did Aibolit repeat on the way to Africa?

(Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!)

21. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa?

(Wolves, whale, eagles.)

22. How did the pirates know that Dr. Aibolit was sailing on their ship?

(Pig Oink-Oink caught a cold and sneezed.)

23. Who gave the ship to Aibolit for a trip to Africa?


24. How did Aibolit and his animals survive during the shipwreck?

(The crocodile put everyone on his broad back and swam to the shore.)

25. Who captured Aibolit and his animals?

(To Barmaley.)


Patient's alarm cry “Ai! Hurts!"turned into the most affectionate name in the world for a fabulous doctor, very kind, because he heals with chocolate and eggnog, rushes to help through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and raging seas, selflessly fights against the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees from pirate captivity the boy Penta and his father, a fisherman, protects the poor and sick monkey Chichi from the terrible organ grinder ... while saying only one thing:

« Oh if I don't get there If I get lost along the way What will become of them, the sick, With my forest animals?»

Of course, everyone loves Aibolit: animals, fish, birds, boys and girls...

And we fell in love with this glorious doctor, and now we are trying to be the same as the good doctor Aibolit!


  1. Kogan S. Fairytale game library: holidays, games, quizzes for children's groups from 6 to 12 years old / Ed. M. - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. publishing house, 2009. - 221 p. - (Scenarios of games and holidays).
  2. Ozhegov S.I. Russian Dictionary».
  3. Writers of our childhood. 100 names: a biographical dictionary in 3 parts. Part 1. - M.: 1998. – 432 p.
  4. Ushakov D.N. " Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language».
  5. Chukovsky K.I. " Dr. Aibolit». « Children's literature» M.: 1983
  6. Internet sites


1. Video tour to the Volgograd Agricultural University.

We watched a video tour of the Volgograd Agricultural University and learned that a doctor who treats animals is called a veterinarian.

Learned new words:

Vivarium (lat. vivarium - from vivus - live) - a room for keeping laboratory animals.

Vet ( lat. veterinarius - a specialist in veterinary medicine. Veterinarian.

Veterinary medicine is the science that studies diseases of livestock and how to treat them.

2. "Our cute, fluffy, feathered ... beloved friends"

  • Dr. Aibolit is the best friend of animals. We found out that every student in our class has pets.
  • We spent a class hour, at which each student told about his little friend.
  • They built houses for animals.
  • Made a wall newspaper Our cute, fluffy, feathered... beloved friends»

3. Action "Feed the birds in winter"

We all, like Dr. Aibolit, love animals very much and take care of them. And decided to help the little birds. It is very cold in winter and they do not have enough food.

  • We made bird feeders with my parents.
  • They hung feeders in the school yard.
  • We feed birds during cold weather.
  • Learned Yashin's poem " Feed the birds in winter».

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
Join us at Facebook And In contact with

Medicine has been changing and developing since very ancient times. Over hundreds of years, people have managed to make many discoveries and breakthroughs that have helped to cure those diseases that were once considered incurable. And even though we know a lot about what can harm a person, today there are still diseases that doctors are perplexed when faced with.

website compiled a list of 9 mysterious and extremely rare diseases that many people have not even heard of and over which medicine is powerless.

9. Perversion of taste

There is such a mental disorder as picacism. People with this disorder feel an irresistible desire to eat inedible or completely inedible items: paper clips, nails, clay, chalk, tooth powder. In modern medicine, pica is seen as a symptom of iron deficiency anemia.

It is most commonly seen in children and women of all ages, and in areas of low socioeconomic status. Pica is common in people with developmental disabilities such as autism and is especially common in pregnant women.

8. Fibrodysplasia

Alice in Wonderland syndrome, or micropsia, is a disorienting condition that manifests itself in visual distortion, when a person sees surrounding objects proportionally reduced.Different objects or some parts of them seem to a person far away or extremely close at the same time.

This condition is the result of pathological changes in the psyche, and it is in no way associated with damage to the eyes. In addition to visual perception, the syndrome also affects hearing, touch, and sometimes the idea of ​​one's own body. Micropsia can appear after dark, when the brain lacks signals about the size of objects.

6. Alien hand syndrome

This is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder in which one or both hands act on their own, regardless of the desire of the owner. Another name for this syndrome is "Dr. Strangelove's illness"(in honor of the hero from the Stanley Kubrick film, whose hand sometimes began to choke its owner by itself).

The first case of this disorder was studied by the German neurologist Kurt Goldstein in 1909. He observed a patient who, during sleep, began to choke her own left hand. The neurologist did not find mental abnormalities and stopped monitoring, as the seizures ceased to manifest themselves. After her death, he performed an autopsy and found damage in the brain, due to which the signaling between the hemispheres was destroyed. This damage led to the development of the syndrome.

5. Fatal familial insomnia

Rare indistinguishable hereditary disease. Only 40 families are known to be affected by this disease. The disease begins at the age of 30 to 60 years and lasts from 7 to 36 months.

Fatal insomnia was discovered by Ignazio Reuther in 1979. He observed the death from insomnia of two relatives of his wife, and in the archives he found medical records of other family members with a similar clinical picture. In 1984, another relative of Reuther's wife fell ill. After his death, his brain was sent to the United States for research, during which it was possible to identify a mutation and find out that the disease is transmitted by a dominant gene.

4. Aquagenic urticaria

People with this rare form of allergy develop a rash whenever they come in contact with water. After each washing, rashes appear on the body, which last up to 2 hours.

Aquagenic urticaria is more common in women, and the onset of the disease usually occurs during puberty. Little is known about water allergy, as the disease is very rare (about 50 cases have been reported). It is impossible to cure such urticaria, but there are a number of drugs that relieve attacks.

3. Kleine-Levin syndrome

And another rare hereditary neurological disorder that completes our list today is hyperekplexia. This disease can manifest itself at any age. It is characterized by an exaggerated startle response (blinking, body spasms) triggered by sudden noise, touch, or movement.

The hallmark of this disease is great muscle tension, due to which a person can be completely immobilized. Also, some people may have an unsteady gait and hyperreflexia.

AIBOLIT - the hero of the fairy tale in verse "Aibolit" (1929) and the prose work "Doctor Aibolit (according to Hugh Lofting)" by K.I. Chukovsky. The alarming cry of the patient “Ai! Hurts!" turned into the most affectionate name in the world. A. is a fabulous doctor, very kind, because he treats with chocolate and gogo-lem-mogul. He rushes to the rescue through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and raging seas, saying only one thing: “Oh, if I do not reach,

//If I get lost on the way,

// What will become of them, with the sick,

//With my forest animals?

Dr. A. from a prose fairy tale is the very embodiment of kindness and sweet adventurism: he selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees the boy Penta and his fisherman father from pirate captivity, and is not afraid to protect the poor and sick monkey Chichi from the terrible organ grinder. For this, A. is loved by all animals, fish and birds, boys and girls. Chukovsky teaches young readers justice, respect for humans and animals, talking about the good deeds of Dr. A. and his true friends.

The plot about Dr. A. was embodied in children's matinees, cartoons, as well as in the film by R.A. Bykov "Aibolit-66", which combined a parody and a parable.

  • - the hero of the fairy tale in verse "Aibolit" and the prose work "Doctor Aibolit" by K.I. Chukovsky. The alarming cry of the patient “Ai! Hurts!" turned into the most affectionate name in the world ...

    literary heroes

  • - The character of the fairy tale "" of the famous literary critic and children's poet Korpel Ivanovich Chukovsky is a kind, eccentric doctor who treats animals and birds: a kind doctor. He sits under a tree...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - AIBOLIT, -a, husband. . A person who treats animals...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - D "Oktor Aibol" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - AIBOLIT, -a, m. A sadist, a cruel person. The positive character of the popular fairy tale by K. Chukovsky...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

"AYBOLIT" in books

Good Doctor Aibolit

From the book Chukovsky author Lukyanova Irina

Good Doctor Aibolit In the autumn of 1924, Chukovsky and Dobuzhinsky were walking around St. Petersburg and wondered where the name "Barmaleeva Street" came from. "Who was this Barmaley?" Chukovsky asked. Dobuzhinsky replied that Barmaley was a robber, a famous pirate, "in

Chapter 39

From the book Idiot author Koreneva Elena Alekseevna

Chapter 39. Dr. Aibolit In the autumn of 1979, I began a dizzying affair with a French embassy doctor, the same one I once met in the “ghetto” for foreign journalists on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya. After returning from Germany, I had a party at my place.

Good Doctor Aibolit

From the book One Life - Two Worlds author Alekseeva Nina Ivanovna

Good Doctor Aibolit So I returned home from this hell, also surprising all the staff. Apparently, they are so used to the fact that from here, from this hell, most likely everyone is escorted to the home for the disabled or to the next world, by the way, and there is a church downstairs in this building.


From the book Merry Men [cultural heroes of Soviet childhood] author Lipovetsky Mark Naumovich


From the book of fairy tales. From two to five. Live like life author Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich

Aibolit 1 Good doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree. Come to him for treatment And a cow, and a she-wolf, And a bug, and a worm, And a bear! The Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone! 2 And the fox came to Aibolit: “Oh, a wasp bit me!” And the watchdog came to Aibolit: “I’m a chicken

"Doctor Aibolit" - an animal specialist

From the book Predictions as a business. The whole truth about real fortune-tellers and false fortune-tellers by Lisa Barrett

"Doctor Aibolit" - an animal specialist Have you ever thought about what is happening in the head of your pet? How do you know how your pet feels? There are predictors who specialize in just such work. Aibolites of the psychic sphere

Who are you, Dr. Aibolit?

From the book Great Mysteries of the Art World author Korovina Elena Anatolievna

Who are you, Dr. Aibolit? Does the good doctor Aibolit have a secret? Which?! Did he prescribe the wrong medicine for the monkey or the ointment for the elephant, from which the poor elephant departed to another world? Yes, this cannot be! But it can - Aibolit has a secret. He has a different name, and his native

Who are you, Dr. Aibolit?

From the book 100 great secrets of Russia of the XX century author Vedeneev Vasily Vladimirovich

Who are you, Dr. Aibolit? It is unlikely that there are adults and children in our country who have never heard of Dr. Aibolit. His popularity is much wider than that of any politicians, athletes and actors - over time, their successes are forgotten, old idols are invariably replaced by new ones, and

Dr. Aibolit

From the book Fairytale Heroes author Goldovsky Boris Pavlovich

Dr. Aibolit Actually, his name is Dr. Doolittle. There are twelve children's books written by the English writer Hugh Lofting. They are called "Doolittle" and tell about the adventures of an extraordinary gentleman who understood the language of animals. But what about us


From the book All masterpieces of world literature in brief. Plots and characters. Russian literature of the XX century the author Novikov V I

Aibolit A fairy tale in verse (1929) The kind doctor Aibolit sits under a tree and treats animals. Everyone comes with their illnesses to Aibolit, and the good doctor refuses no one. He helps both the fox, which was bitten by an evil wasp, and the watchdog, which the chicken pecked in the nose. Bunny, who


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Aibolit The character of the fairy tale "Aibolit" (1929) by the famous literary critic and children's poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (pseudonym of Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov, 1882-1969) is a kind, eccentric doctor who treats animals and birds: Kind Doctor Aibolit. He is under the tree


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Aibolit Roshal is a well-known surname in Russia. Many people remember the outstanding film director Grigory Lvovich Roshal, the author of biographical films about Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, academician Ivan Pavlov, and most importantly, who shot Alexei Tolstoy based on the trilogy novel

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12. Kind Doctor Aibolit


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AIBOLIT IS HIMSELF We did not notice poverty, because everyone lived equally badly. As soon as social stratification appeared, new guidelines, we suddenly realized: why do they live much better than we do? And the first creep of the sample of October of the seventeenth year: equalization,

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