Aida is an Armenian name. Name Aida


Modern parents rarely name girls named after Aida, but in vain. It can lead to good luck in life. Nature bestows the owners of this name with beauty, intelligence, and talents. Such a girl is independent, active, determined and sensitive. This useful name precisely represents the case when its energy coincides with its meaning. Its bearers are musical, often capable of writing poetry and inclined towards painting. Aida loves to be the center of attention, a boring life is not for her, she will always be attracted by everything unusual. It may seem strange to some, but it will convince them too.

Origin and nature of the name Aida

Tender, extraordinary, beautiful. In childhood, the meaning of the name Aida reveals the subtle and spiritual nature of the child. The girl is gifted by nature not only with an interesting and attractive appearance, but also with numerous talents.

The baby gravitates toward beauty, has a talent for painting, playing music, and writing poetry. Since childhood, she dreams of becoming an actress, singer or artist, but in adulthood she chooses more earthly professions.

The baby is neat, studies diligently at school, and does all her homework. Friendly with others, often surrounded by friends. Avoids conflicts, but if necessary, he can stand up for himself.

However, more often than not, he tries to hide from problems. Often classmates who are very popular at school fall in love with the little girl.

Active and mobile. Routine makes the girl bored. Thanks to his imagination, he often becomes the author of the most unimaginable games.

In youth, the meaning of the name Aida for a child acquires new character traits. The young lady has a clearly developed desire for her own knowledge and development, so often a girl stands out not only for her unusualness, but also for her ability to carry on a conversation and navigate most topics. He is interested in philosophy, religion and the structure of the universe.

He has excellent taste, dresses brightly and unusually, paying great attention to the ability to visually stand out from the crowd thanks to his own style. She monitors her weight and nutrition, trying to always look great.

The young lady is firmly confident in herself and her own irresistibility. An excellent speaker, an excellent listener, he is not afraid to speak in front of a large crowd of people.

He does not tolerate lies, and expects the same from others. Praise plays an important role in a girl’s life, without which a young lady will wither like a flower without water.

Aida, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in such forms that they can’t help but cause a response.

The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful.

However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away.

But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.

In love, the meaning of the name Aida for a girl manifests itself in a somewhat sophisticated form. A young lady can be a muse for many men, but she does not tolerate down-to-earthness and slow-wittedness.

He considers the ideal man to be a man who, in addition to external and physical characteristics, has a thirst for knowledge and personal development.

Not in a hurry to start a family. This means that at an early age she marries solely at the call of her heart. Of great importance for a woman in a relationship is the possibility of not only physical pleasure, but also mental pleasure. It is important that the chosen one excites the mind of the young lady.


The interpretation of the name Aida in the family reveals the girl as a good housewife, wife and mother. She does not accept living together with her parents, especially with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and places importance on the ability to make decisions independently, without outside interference.

She is tidy at home, tries to decorate her home and create a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth. When raising children, she pays attention to the child’s ability to express himself without limiting or prohibiting his child from searching for his “I.”

In everyday life, the reins of power belong to the woman, which she skillfully manages. Often takes leading positions in everyday life. This means that Aida is capable of skillfully leading her chosen one. Loves to talk on the phone for a very long time.

The girl dreams of creative professions, which means she often finds herself in the fields of writing or acting. However, not all owners of this designation are able to make their dreams come true.

In most cases, the young lady chooses more mundane professions, trying to find a balance in her own interest in work and its payment.

You will feel comfortable doing design, playing music, modeling, journalism, and singing.

Origin of the name Aida

There are several theories explaining the origin of the name Aida. According to the first hypothesis, the naming was formed due to the modification of the female name Aiata (Aeta).

History connects the mystery of the name with the work of the same name by O. Marieta “Aida” Verdi, where the author calls the Ethiopian princess this way.

The second theory, where the naming came from, points to the Greek roots of the word, linking it with the kingdom of the dead - Hades.

According to the third theory, the naming belongs to the Arabic language and has an etymological translation of “guest, returning.”

Fourthly, there is an assumption that the name refers to African languages. Thus, the basis of Ada, whose name in the Igbo dialect translates as “first daughter,” means “reward” in Swahili, and “royal power” in Yoruba.

Characteristics of the name Aida

The characteristics of the name Aida, which includes a description of the pros and cons of the character, allow potential parents to finally decide on the name of the future baby.

She has excellent taste, is smart, well-read and educated. Knows how to make a good impression. She gravitates towards beauty, dreams of devoting herself to creativity, which is of great importance in her life.

A subtle sense of humor helps the young lady take a leading position in the team without making much effort.

Despite the apparent softness and tenderness, the young lady has an inner core that allows her to overcome any obstacles. Pays great attention to well-deserved praise. Does not tolerate flattery.

She dreams of connecting her life with creativity and becoming an artist, musician, dancer, but as she ages, the girl will be overwhelmed by doubts that will force her to slightly adjust her life path.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success.

In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.”

However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.”

Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Numerology of the name Aida

Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain.

They are used to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians.

To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work.

However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Aida

AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
D- reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – opal, garnet, jasper.
  • Name day - does not celebrate.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • Treasured plant - orchid, apple tree.
  • Color – white, purple, electric blue.
  • Totem animal - eagle.

  • Aida Garifullina (1987) – Russian opera singer (soprano), Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. She made her debut at the age of 5 in the television program by S. Suponev and G. Galustyan “Marathon 15”, performing the song “Our Neighbor” by E. Piekha.
  • Aida Yespica (1982) – Venezuelan TV presenter, model, former beauty queen. He is raising a son with his former lover, footballer Matteo Ferrari.
  • Aida Vedishcheva (1941) – Soviet pop singer, known as a performer of songs from the films “Prisoner of the Caucasus” - “About Bears”, “The Diamond Arm” - “Help Me” and the cartoons “Chunga-Changa” - “Caterok”, “Lullaby of the Bear” " - "Umka."

Different languages

The translation of the name Aida into different languages ​​does not have any special features; the name is completely consonant with its Russian counterpart. The name is translated into English as Aida. A similar translation will be in Polish, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Ukrainian.

Name forms

  • Full name: Aida. Options - Ada.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and shortened forms) - Ida, Ada, Adushka, Adka, Aidochka, Aidonka, Agusha, Adyusha, Aidunya, Aidka, Aya, Aya, Ayechka, Ayunya.
  • Declension of the name - Aide-Aida.
  • In the Orthodox Church the name Aida is not used. During the sacrament of baptism, a name that is consonant or similar in meaning is chosen for the girl. Of the calendars, the most famous is Saint Aidano.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Aida, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Aida

Synonyms of the name - Aidiya, Ida

Origin - Arabic

Name day - does not celebrate

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Uranus

Color - Purple

Plant - Alpine rose

Stone - Opal, garnet

The origin of the name has several versions. According to one of them, the name was formed from the ancient Greek word Hades, meaning the kingdom of the dead. According to another version, the name originates from the name of the Ethiopian princess - a character in Verdi's opera "Aida". And the third version points to Arabic, where the name means "returning guest." There is another version where the name supposedly comes from some languages ​​of the peoples of Africa. From the Swahili language the name translates as “reward”, from the Yoruba language - “royalty”, in the Igbo language the name means “first daughter”. If we connect the meaning of the name with the Swahili language and the Ethiopian princess, then the meaning of the name as “reward” seems more meaningful.

Love named Aida

The girl has impeccable taste, which invariably makes her stand out and attracts the eyes of men. In addition, she is always in shape, slim and fit. She considers herself irresistible, so she makes high demands on her fans, of whom she always has more than enough. However, not everyone can reciprocate. First of all, in a man she values ​​his mental development. She should be interested in him. She herself is very erudite and possesses a lot of knowledge, she expects the same from her admirer. This person is in no hurry to get married and can get married early only if she falls selflessly in love.

Sexuality of the name Aida

This girl enters into intimate relationships quite late. For her, male attention, care and affection are more important. But when sexual contact occurs, she is able to give her lover a sea of ​​pleasure and tenderness. At the same time, she can deviate from accepted norms and traditions in sex and take the position of a leader. But he will quickly break off any relationship if he does not receive enough affection from his partner, despite his sexual activity. It’s interesting that winter Aida often changes partners, and sleeping with her next lover does not become a reason for further relationships. She may well find a casual partner for herself only because she had a long break, and sexual abstinence, in her opinion, is harmful to women's health.

Marriage and family named Aida

This woman is marrying a man who can take care of her and help with the housework. In marriage she manifests herself as a caring, loving mother and wife. But not as a great housewife. It doesn't matter to her. The main thing is that there is harmony in the family. However, she doesn’t even let her relatives into her life, not to mention her mother-in-law. It is important for her to feel like a full-fledged mistress of her home. As a rule, she makes all decisions in the family independently, although she can listen to her husband’s wishes. She raises children freely, allowing them to find their own “I”.

Business and career

A woman is more inclined to choose a creative profession, and if she succeeds, then she can become a successful actress, musician, fashion designer, journalist or writer. But in other areas of activity, success awaits her, thanks to her education, the presence of sufficient courage and the ability to influence the people around her.

The meaning of the name Aida in character

The girl is endowed by nature with a persistent and courageous character. She always relies on her own strength and does not expect help from others. Strives to get a good education, paying more tribute to the field of art. She is driven to this by her innate sense of beauty. She pays little attention to the material side of life; she is more concerned about its spiritual component. He often becomes an unspoken leader in his environment, thanks to a developed sense of humor and a negative attitude towards the slightest manifestation of lies, flattery, or hypocrisy, but he favorably accepts well-deserved praise. She is distinguished by her sociability and knows how to tactfully establish contact with any person. All these qualities help her achieve her goals without much effort. Along with her strong character, the girl remains romantic and dreamy at heart.

Teen Aida

From childhood, the girl experiences an irresistible craving for everything beautiful. She clearly has a talent for painting and music, singing and dancing. She dreams of such activities in adulthood. At school, studying is easy for her, she is a diligent and purposeful person. She has many girlfriends and friends among boys who simply idolize this unusual girl. Aida treats everyone with friendliness, does not like scandals and quarrels and often avoids such situations by simply stepping aside. But if necessary, he can stand up for his honor and dignity without resorting to the help of friends or adults. As she gets older, she becomes interested in questions of philosophy, the universe and religion, and tries to understand the world around her from the spiritual side. He can carry on a conversation on any topic, which attracts a lot of attention from others.

Successful people and stars:

Aida is the prototype of the heroine of Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Aida"

Aida Garifullina - Russian opera singer

Aida Yespica - Venezuelan TV presenter, model, former beauty queen

Aida Vedishcheva - Soviet pop singer

Ideal compatibility: Alexander, Roman, Arseny, Victor, Oleg

The history of the origin of the female name Aida has several versions. Supporters of the most popular are of the opinion that it was “invented” by Auguste Mariette for the Ethiopian princess in the script for the opera “Aida”. Some researchers believe that the name was formed from the feminine form of the male name Aetos - Aiata or Aeta. It is also widely believed that it was borrowed from Arabic and translated means “guest”, “returning”.

Some sources associate him with the Greek ruler of the kingdom of the dead, Hades, as well as with African names. In various dialects it means “first daughter”, “royalty”, “reward”. It is rare in Russia and the post-Soviet space.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: opal, uranium
  • Color: purple
  • Tree: apple tree
  • Plant: orchid
  • Animal: eagle
  • Favorable day: Friday, Saturday

Character traits

Aida is surrounded by an aura of duality and mystery. The secret of the name lies in the contradictory character of a woman, which consists in a continuous competition between the logical mind and intuitive luck. Such a person has the gift of clairvoyance. Her intuition is often perceived as a para-ability, unlimited luck, which she successfully uses. True, in those cases when logical thinking is turned off.

Aida finds it difficult to “enter” society because of her spontaneity and contradictions. Sometimes, guided by common sense, she behaves in a completely adult way, although she herself would like to act differently. From the outside it may look selfish and calculating. Later she regrets what she did and tries for a long time to rectify the situation.

The owner of the name Aida is a capable student who pleases teachers and family with her academic successes. Languages, history, and the humanities are especially easy for her. But parents need to help the girl learn to harmoniously control her mind and heart, so that an adult woman does not have to rush from one extreme to another. In addition, attention should be paid to cultivating such qualities as patience, diligence and optimism. Often, having encountered another obstacle in life, a girl withdraws into herself, trying to escape from reality. She definitely needs to be praised, but only honestly.

She has good creative abilities and excellent taste. Smart and educated, Aida makes a good impression and attracts attention, although she does not try to be visible. Her aspirations boil down to self-affirmation and self-development. Without pretending to be a leader, she becomes one naturally and without much effort. He cannot lie and does not accept falsehood in relationships.

Interests and hobbies

In her youth, Aida is absorbed in dreams of a stellar creative career, but over time she may reconsider her goals and aspirations. Loves to take care of animals, travel, decorate the interior and dress beautifully.

Profession and business

Aida has good teaching abilities, so the girl easily masters the role of a mentor. She despises the “base essence” of existence; for her, money matters only as a means of achieving a certain comfort. The best option is to become a journalist, decorative designer, tour guide, or art critic.


She needs to watch her diet and, if possible, relax at sea. Internal organs deserve special attention - kidneys, heart, lungs.

Sex and love

Aida is a muse, a beautiful stranger who does not forgive her chosen one for excessive “grounding” and mercantile interests. Values ​​a combination of external data, physical strength and spiritual development in men. Jealous, never forgives insult and betrayal.

Family and marriage

Aida is not a supporter of early marriages, but out of great love she can step over her beliefs. In the family she shows herself to be a wonderful, tidy housewife. She is a wonderful mother and beloved daughter-in-law, but she will never live with her parents, her own or her husband’s, leaving behind her the throne of the great mistress.

Aida is a name mentioned in different languages: Arabic, Greek, Ethiopian; also has African roots.

Means: “reward”, “guest”, “benefit”, “benefit”.

In Russia, the name Aida was introduced after the performance of the opera of the same name by G. Verdi at the Bolshoi Theater in the first half of the twentieth century.

Name options: Ada, Ida, Adushka, Aidochka, Idochka, Adyusha. There is a male version of the name - Hades, it is extremely rare.

As a child, Idochka stands out among her peers. Willful, but affectionate, a creative streak is felt early. Knows how to appreciate beauty, has an attraction to art. Not typical for a small child.

Adochka has a well-developed imagination, she is always surrounded by friends, and it’s interesting to be with her. Writing poetry and playing music encourage her to participate in amateur performances. She is not shy about performing on stage. He draws and writes, however, in the future he rarely chooses professions related to art.

The girl is endowed with many talents, attractive appearance, and a non-trivial fate is predicted for her.

Studying is going well. Exact disciplines attract Adushka; a caring teacher can turn a girl into a good scientist.

Smart, fearless, will not let herself be offended. Active, does not tolerate monotony, friendly, likes the opposite sex.

Adochka is a conflict-free teenager who avoids unpleasant situations.

Youth sharpens Ida’s taste even more; she always stands out against the general background and has an unusual taste. He dresses well, knows how to present himself, and has an inimitable style.

From a young age, Ada begins self-knowledge, self-development, and devotes a lot of time to spiritual practices. She is excellent at supporting a conversation on any topic, is well-read, knows how to listen and speak in public.

Has a wonderful sense of humor.

Adult Aida is an attractive woman with established views, independent, daring, sexy.

Living up to the meaning of her name, Ada really tries to take advantage of any situation, has a life credo, and strives for constant improvement.

A natural leader, in stressful situations he remains calm, although bordering on powerlessness and confusion. This is facilitated by Aida’s wild imagination, which will lead to conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Aida strives to be irresistible in everything, her image attracts men, and women copy it. Possessing patience and modesty, the nature is at the same time impressionable. Comfortable interlocutor. A moralist can radically change her opinion about a person who once lied.

A man named Hades is an exceptional rarity in the world. However, one should not draw analogies with the ancient Greek Hades, the god of the kingdom of the dead (however, in myths he is presented not only as formidable and merciless, but cheerful, cordial and hospitable, calling to accept the inevitability of life’s outcome).

Hades understands and accepts people very well and has many talents. Restrained, fair, thoughtful.

Material wealth does not attract Hades; he strives to realize himself in the sphere of physical and spiritual structure.

External composure and efficiency skillfully hides vulnerability and sincerity.

He weighs his upcoming actions and readily helps his loved ones. Ready for family relationships, practical.

Name astrology, angel day

  • Celestial body – Mercury, Uranus
  • Zodiac constellation – Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini
  • Color, shade of name – white, purple
  • Rock, mineral – silica, silicates, almandine garnet
  • Plant, tree – Hazel, apple tree, orchid
  • Protective animal – white eagle

In the Orthodox calendar, the church calendar, the names Aida and Hades are absent. However, Catholics celebrate Angel's Day on August 31st, in honor of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne.

Fate, profession, career

Aida is destined for an extraordinary and generally happy fate. It can be realized in any form. Decisiveness and assertiveness will help you grow your career.

Simultaneously with the search for a place in life, Aida is establishing herself professionally. Often connects life with exact sciences and research.

A woman will find herself in counseling, pedagogy, medicine, nature conservation, sociology, and politics.

More likely professions for the name Aida are, undoubtedly, creative ones. Drawing, music, design, modeling, dancing - success awaits a woman everywhere.

Smart, talented, self-sufficient, Aida is always surrounded by people who follow her example, follow her and need her.

Ida is often attracted to mystical sciences, occult and psychological, she is interested in religion and philosophy. Prone to extrasensory perception.

Having sufficient material income, she can afford wastefulness; she is lucky both in money and with those around her.

It is necessary to carefully select your environment, weeding out people who could harm your financial well-being.

Name health

In general, Ada's health is not cause for concern. Active, monitors weight and nutrition.

It is necessary to undergo regular examinations to promptly identify possible problems. There may be hidden, indolent diseases.

Always surrounded by people and companies, so you need to avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and nicotine.

Do not abuse medications, take care of your kidneys and stomach.

Love, family, compatibility

Aida vitally needs the love and support of a man.

Having a close relationship with a woman is often difficult; she is very changeable. She can become a guiding star and muse for a creative man, but she will only accept an intelligent and self-critical admirer.

Often the guideline for creating a family is the marriage of her parents, from there she takes all the most memorable and useful things.

Having followed the path of career growth, he may even abandon creating a family union.

In any case, he is in no hurry to start a relationship.

She will marry or get along with a man who will protect her world from external influences, patronize and care for her.

Famous women named Aida

  1. Aida Vedishcheva, singer
  2. Aida Shanaeva, fencer
  3. Aida Markosyan, Armenian philologist
  4. Aida Lapshina, track and field athlete
  5. Aida Mohamed, Hungarian athlete
  6. Aida Imangulieva, Azerbaijani philologist
  7. Aida Ndochi, Albanian singer
  8. Aida, Mexican athlete
  9. Aida Garifullina, opera singer
  10. Aida Zyablikova, animation director
  11. Aida Chernova, actress
  12. Aida Manasarova, film director
  13. Aida Smolyanskaya, microbiologist
  14. Aida Ayupova, Kazakh violinist
  15. Aida Yespica, Venezuelan model
  16. Aida Alvarez, Puerto Rican politician

Aida is an unusual name, although a very famous one. First of all, it is associated with the opera of the same name - and for good reason: its owner will have a life so eventful that it will be enough for a small piece of music.

Origin of the name

The name Aida is originally found in Arabic, where it means “guest” or “she who returns.” It gained fame in Europe thanks to the opera of the same name by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. The opera tells the story of the love story of the Ethiopian princess Aida and the Egyptian military leader Radames. The famous Egyptologist Auguste Mariette helped the author with the plot, as well as with the names of the characters.

Don't let the name confuse you. Aida is an Egyptian name. It should have been correctly rendered as Aita. But such a name would be too crude, and the singers would inevitably soften it to “Hades.”

Auguste Mariette

letter to opera director Camille du Locle

It is noteworthy that in ancient Egyptian texts only the name “Aet” appears, and the form “Hades” is not there. Therefore, Marietta can be considered the rightful “father” of this name.

A similar form of the name exists in Japan, but given the distance from Europe to the Land of the Rising Sun, the origin and meaning of the Japanese version does not depend in any way on the popularity of the opera Aida.

One cannot help but recall another bearer of a consonant name - the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, although it would be more correct to call him Aides (“Ἀΐδης”) or Hades. The etymology of the name goes back to the Greek word for “invisible.” He has power over the dead and at the same time grants people harvests and the riches of the mines.

In the interpretation of Disney animators, Hades looks cynical and cold

Name forms

At first glance, the name Hades is difficult to reinterpret in any other way. However, among the people there are a number of other forms - Aidushka, Adushka, Adya, Adi, Aya. There are also variants Ida and Ada, which are full names with original origins.

The beauty of the combination of first name and patronymic depends on their consonance. According to this principle, the following pairs are euphonious:

  • Aida Andreevna;
  • Aida Artemyevna;
  • Aida Dmitrievna;
  • Aida Alekseevna;
  • Aida Alexandrovna;
  • Aida Danilovna;
  • Aida Denisovna.

Table: name Aida in other languages


The official transliteration of the name Aida is Aida.

Church name

The church name Hades does not exist. This is not surprising given its mysterious origin story. Therefore, at baptism, Aida will receive the name of another saint, depending on the day on which the sacrament will be performed, or the choice of the parents. But Aida has guardians among the saints, however, who are male.

Name days and heavenly patrons

Aida does not have a female patron saint, but there is Saint Aidan, who became the heavenly protector for the bearers of this name. Aidan of Lindisfar lived in the 7th century and became the first Englishman to be ordained a bishop. His memory is celebrated on August 31.

Saint Aidan of Lindisfar, one of the heavenly patrons of Aida

Around the same time, another saint, Aidan (Bishop of Fern), lived in Ireland. His memory is celebrated on January 31.

Characteristics of the name Aida

A girl named Aida has stood out among others since childhood - first with her unusual name, and then with her character. Aida is always drawn to creativity, and any activity can become interesting for her. Even if a girl has chosen a completely mundane profession, she will still devote her free time to creative leisure: singing, music, drawing.


The combination of looks and talent can make Aida a real star. Her innate courage allows her to speak in public without fear, and her self-confidence makes her performances brilliant. The attention of the audience is one of the sources of energy for Aida.


Aida takes a long time, but thoroughly, to select a man. If Aida constantly changes partners, this does not indicate a bad upbringing, but a search for that same Man, with a capital M. She needs a person who will ground her airy character a little, but at the same time create a feeling of constant protection. Behind the man's stone back, the eccentric Aida turns into a gentle and reliable life partner, and with the advent of children, into a loving mother.

Table: compatibility with male names


As a child, Aida rarely gets sick, but with age, weaknesses in the body may appear. It is important not to avoid visiting your doctor.

Table: symbols and meanings corresponding to the name Aida

Letter meanings

It is believed that each letter of the name carries a certain hidden meaning, reflecting certain traits of human character:

  1. A - the first letter of the alphabet is the letter of leaders. It’s not for nothing that it appears twice in this name. Aida is a natural at leading people.
  2. I is the letter of insightful and impressionable people. They have a subtle mental organization and a great tendency to escape reality, into the world of fantasy.
  3. D - the presence of this letter promises the owner capriciousness in relationships and a constant need for communication and attention.

Season and character

Depending on the time of year, Aida’s character can take on the following shades:

  • winter Aida is decisive and even a little warlike. It is easy for her to lead because the fear of crowds is unknown to Aida;
  • spring Aida is talented, but willful and slightly selfish. She will achieve a lot if she can overcome her narcissism;
  • summer Aida is even more romantic and dreamy. She prefers being creative and being in her fictional worlds to anything else;
  • Autumn Aida is a very sincere and sociable person, but at the same time a romantic who needs solitude from time to time.

Zodiac sign and character

The character of a woman with the name Aida also depends on what sign the particular representative was born under:

  • Aida-Aries is an incorrigible optimist, distinguished by enviable stubbornness;
  • Aida-Taurus - never needs money due to her practicality;
  • Aida-Gemini shows her creative talents to the maximum;
  • Aida-Cancer is romantic and highly spiritual, with a constant “head in the clouds”;
  • Aida-Leo is always surrounded by admirers and really does not like it when she has to get off her pedestal;
  • Aida-Virgo is self-sufficient and calm, although not without the capriciousness inherent in this name;
  • Aida-Libra has delicate taste and graceful manners;
  • Aida-Scorpio is a multifaceted personality who is often guided by emotions rather than reason;
  • Aida-Sagittarius takes on any task with passion, and it’s never boring with her;
  • Aida-Capricorn is the same decisive and harsh “winter” Aida who always achieves her goal;
  • Aida-Aquarius is an inventive nature with well-developed intuition;
  • Aida-Pisces is a dreamy girl who loves to be given a lot of attention.

Aida in history

The most famous bearer of this name is a fictional character. Although the Egyptian princess from Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Aida” did not actually exist, she made the name popular. That is why, before the opera was written, there are practically no women named Aida in history.

The opera was first staged in 1871 and has not lost its popularity to this day. It has also been filmed several times. One of the most famous film adaptations was made in 1953, and the main role was played by the young Sophia Loren.

Sophia Loren played the role of Aida, and her vocal part was performed by Renata Tebaldi, an Italian opera singer.

In the post-Soviet space, another Aida is well known - Aida Vedischeva, a performer of songs from popular films (“Song about Bears”, “Forest Deer”, “Help Me”).

Singer Aida Vedishcheva emigrated to the USA, where she continued her musical career

Famous women named Aida

There are many bright celebrities with this beautiful and sonorous name:

  1. Aida Desta - Ethiopian princess, granddaughter of Emperor Haile Sellasie.
  2. Aida Chernova is a Soviet artist, choreographer and teacher.
  3. Aida Turturro is an American actress, known for her role in the TV series The Sopranos.
  4. Aida Ndotsi is an Albanian singer who performed a duet at Eurovision in 2007 with her husband.
  5. Aida Yespica is a Venezuelan model and actress.
  6. Aida Garifullina is a Russian opera singer.
  7. Aida Roman is a Mexican archer and Olympic medalist.
  8. Aida Nikolaychuk is a Ukrainian singer, winner of the X Factor show.
  9. Aida Chotkaraeva is a Kyrgyz actress and model.
  10. Aida Dapo, aka Ida van Munster, is a fashion blogger from Serbia.

Photo gallery: famous women named Aida

Aida Ndotsi, Albanian singer performing at Eurovision, together with her husband American actress, performer of the role of Jane in the famous TV series “The Sopranos” Mexican archer, Olympic medalist in London Model from Kyrgyzstan Aida Chotkaraeva entered the top 25 beauties at an international competition "Mrs. Universe - 2017" Russian opera singer Aida Garifullina's parents named her in honor of the heroine of the famous opera. Ukrainian singer Aida Nikolaychuk has a voice unique in both timbre and beauty. Venezuelan model, dancer and actress Aida Yespika. Ethiopian princess Aida Desta with her grandfather. -Emperor Haile Selassie Serbian blogger Aida Dapo Soviet actress and choreographer Aida Chernova

Interestingly, in English, a special fabric for embroidery, which we know as “canvas”, is known as “Aida cloth” or “Aida cloth”. The origins of the name go back to a German textile manufacturer who, at the end of the 19th century, named one of his products after a popular name from a recently published opera.

Features of the meaning of a name are one of the keys to the secret of human character - especially if it is your own name. You may not see the similarities in everything, and you may not agree with some things, but this will give you new food for thought and introspection. Take advantage of all the advantages of your unique name, eliminate the disadvantages, and your life path will become much better.

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