Isadora, dancer. Sandal about life and value in it


Isadora Duncan

Date of Birth:
Date of death:
Isadora Da;nkan, often mistakenly Isadora Dunka;n or Isidora Duncan, was an American dancer and pioneer of free dance.
She developed a dance system and plasticity, which she herself associated with ancient Greek dance. Sergei Yesenin's wife in 1922-1924.
No woman has yet told the whole truth about her life. Life About love
The best legacy that can be left to a child is the ability to make his own way on his own feet.
A lawbreaker lurks within us, ready to emerge at the first opportunity. Virtuous people are only those who have not had enough temptations, because they live a vegetative life, or those who direct their thoughts to such an extent in one direction that they do not have time to look around themselves.
The dancer's body is simply a luminous manifestation of his soul.
Only a genius can become worthy of my body.
“The most terrible thing in ballet is the trampling of the rhythm of movements, their fragmentation. The dancer does his number, begins and ends it without transition to another, without harmony with the rest.
“Your classical ballet carries false poses and ugly movements,” she argued to her rivals. - Dance is not a random combination of several artificial movements. Does anyone in life walk on pointe shoes or raise their leg above their head ?! All this is unnatural and, therefore, ugly and far-fetched. All evil is in the conventions invented by society, in life and on stage.
“My ideals made it impossible for me to participate in the ballet, every movement of which shocked me and went against my sense of beauty, its expressive means seemed to me mechanical and vulgar.”

“- What do these mechanical and impassive movements tell you? They not only don't express this music, they don't express anything at all."
If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it.
Dance: Higher Mind in the Freest of Bodies.
I discovered the art of dance, an art lost two thousand years ago.

The nature of the child is already determined in the womb. Before I was born, my mother experienced a tragedy. She could eat nothing but oysters, which she washed down with ice-cold champagne. If they ask me when I started dancing, I answer - in the womb. Perhaps because of the oysters and champagne.

Isadora Duncan ... Something legendary, smoky, inexplicable ... Inexplicable ... For me, she is not Yesenin's wife, nor a scandalous sandal .. She is a phenomenon in itself. Ba-le-ri-na... Sfumato. this is what remains of the dance ... a ghostly myth, because even words cannot convey the movement ... I look at the imperfect frames of the film and the only thing I can catch is the speed, swiftness of her running, turning her head. The plasticity of a brush stroke. If such swiftness was combined with plasticity and grace of movements, then it is not surprising that it struck contemporaries who were accustomed to the coquetry of dance, some of its artificiality ...

In Isadora, everything was always natural: anger, passion, impulses of the soul, desires. feelings, thoughts...

What impresses me the most about her? The courage and determination with which she endured the death of her children. The whole depth of her grief, perhaps expressed, spilled out later, when on the beach of one of the resorts she turned to a young man whom she did not know: sobbing and screaming, throaty, hoarse: "Make me a child, I beg you!" Everyone then decided that she was drunk. That she is crazy. But...

Her temperament was manifested in the impetuous and passionate energy with which she undertook the creation of choreographic schools around the world, including in Soviet Russia, trembling with cold and hunger ... The most amazing thing was that children were led to her. They probably knew that in addition to dancing at the school, Duncan would also be fed and clothed, taught the basics of taste and behavior ... More than a hundred of her students, whom she considered her adopted children, who became famous and not very famous, brought to us the sparks of her art, her character, her legend, her breath, her lust for life...
Is this the real immortality?! She didn't want him, she didn't chase him. she just danced...

Stephanie Di Giusto's directorial debut is worth watching no matter what. This must be done because the film "Dancer" tells the story of two legendary women who became the founders of not only a new dance, but also a new lifestyle - Loie Fuller and Isadora Duncan. Moreover, if almost everyone in our country knows about the second one thanks to her relationship with the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, then almost no one has an idea about the brilliant fate of the first. And this despite the fact that the founder of modern dance Loi Fuller in the late XIX - early XX century was an icon of the era, the muse of Toulouse-Latrec and Rodin, and her images adorned the facades of houses ...

Director Stephanie Di Giusto wrote this part especially for Soko.

But we started with the fact that the film should be watched "no matter what." What, in fact, is not worth looking at? You need to be prepared for the fact that the film, declared as a biopic, in fact is not. Rather, if we recognize this fact, we will have to state that the biography came out extremely doubtful - there are a lot of inaccuracies and frankly invented details.

So, in a nutshell, we will tell you that the film is dedicated to the dancer Loi Fuller mentioned above, played by Soko. It's about becoming a star - from a clumsy teenage girl who has neither the appearance nor the ability to choreograph, she grows into a real diva, inventing her own unique dance. Next, we are told about Loi's career and her personal life, including meeting and relationship with another famous dancer - Isadora Duncan (Lily-Rose Depp). The latter begins her career in the Voller troupe, but then the women's paths diverge. A very dramatic relationship develops between the two divas - from love to hate, as they say.

What's wrong?

The real Loie Fuller started dancing much earlier than the screen one. In the film, Marie-Louise (that was her name before her pseudonym appeared) decides to join dancing at the age of 25 and leaves America for Paris for this purpose. In fact, Fuller, according to her own memoirs, danced from the age of four, and at 16 she took part in a burlesque show in Chicago. The dancer left for Paris in 1892 when she was 30 years old. But such inaccuracies pale in comparison with the fate of the heroine's parents. Having left for Paris, Marie-Louise left both her mother and father in good health, and in the film the father of the heroine was killed for some reason, and very sophisticatedly.

Further, as the plot develops, facts and characters that do not exist at all in the life of a star begin to emerge. The director invented the aristocrat Louis Dorce, who, according to the plot, is the patron of Loi, although it is known that there have never been men in the life of the dancer. True, Stefania Di Giusto herself clarified this issue, saying that she introduced the man in order to soften the homosexual overtones in the relationship between Fuller and Duncan.

Loi Fuller

Photo by Getty Images

Stephanie Sokolinsky (Soko) as Loie Fuller

Photo frame from the film "Dancer"

Turning to the young Isadora performed by Lily-Rose Depp, let's say right away that it was difficult to make a mistake here, since not much is known about the early years of the dancer. Until 1902, she really was in the troupe of Loe Fuller, and she had a strong influence on her. The creative manner of expressing oneself through dance, the idea of ​​creating the dance of the future, in which a person can be absolutely free, began to emerge from Isadora already at that time.

She was distinguished from her mentor by the fact that Duncan was much more talented as a dancer. If Loi relied on the show, unique dresses and light, then Isadora relied on the plasticity of the body. According to the director, there was envy between the women at the same time (on the part of Fuller, who was not so gifted), admiration and love with all the ensuing consequences ... We must immediately make a reservation that nothing is known for certain about the sexual relationship of the two dancers. It's not 100% worth believing in the director's version.

Isadora Duncan

Photo by Getty Images

Lily-Rose Depp as Duncan

Photo frame from the film "Dancer"

Why do we praise?

What is the most believable detail in the picture? Probably the dress... Both Fuller and Duncan made a big bet on evolving clothes that not only enhanced the effect of the dance, but also symbolized the emancipation of the woman. According to legend, once Loi, working on stage, got tangled in a curtain, and twisting out of it, she fell into the light of spotlights. It turned out a strange dance with a cloth, which delighted the audience. Then the actress decided to create her own amazing number.

Soko came to the premiere of the tape in Cannes in a Gucci dress with wing sleeves.

Photo by Getty Images

The dress that Loi controlled was sewn from many meters of fabric, and fastened on two-meter sticks on her arms. Special mirrors and lamps were directed at the dancer in such a way that the colors on the white fabric shimmered and played. In the film, the outfit looks very believable. It was sewn from natural white silk, using the sketches of Fuller herself. The dress was several tens of meters in diameter and had a bamboo frame. According to Soko, it was very difficult for her to soar in this outfit at a height of 2.5 meters. But despite all the difficulties, the actress got used to the image so much that she even came to the premiere of the tape in Cannes in a Gucci dress with winged sleeves.

The dress of the heroine was sewn according to the original sketch of Loie Fuller


see dancer

Abramov. Abramov's dictionary of synonyms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is DANCER, DANCER, DANCER in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • DANCER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. A person who knows how to dance; the one who dances. Good vol. II f. dancer, and II adj. dancer, -th, ...
    almeya, alme, apsara, artist, ballerina, ballet dancer, bayadere, bayadère, geisha, devadasi, luminary, dancer, jumper, jumper, soloist, dancer, ...
    dance "rka, dance" rky, dance "rka, dance" rock, dance "rke, dance" rkam, dance "rku, dance" rock, dance "rka, dance" rkoy, dance "rkami, dance" rk, ...
  • DANCER in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    dance "r, dance" ry, dance "ra, dance" ditch, dance "ru, dance" ram, dance "ra, dance" ditch, dance "rum, dance" rami, dance "re, ...
  • DANCER in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
  • DANCER in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    performer, cankaner, dancer, ...
  • DANCER in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    ballerina, performer, cancaner, dancer, jumper, dancer, ...
    and. Women's to noun: ...
  • DANCER in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. 1) a) One who knows how and loves to dance, who dances a lot. b) a dancing person. 2) outdated. Same as: ...
  • DANCER in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. Women's to noun: ...
    dancer, -i, r. pl. …
  • DANCER in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • DANCER in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dancer, -s, tv. …
  • DANCER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    dancer, -i, r. pl. …
  • DANCER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    dancer, ...
  • DANCER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    dancer, s, tv. …
  • DANCER in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    a person who can dance; the one who dances Good...
    and (colloquially) DANCER, dancers. Women's To …
  • DANCER in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    dancer, m. The one who dances, who knows how to dance. Good dancer. Bad …
  • DANCER in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    and (colloquial) DANCER, dancers. Women's to the dancer. I am ready to be a poet of lovely dancers. Nekrasov. From behind the scenes we lured the dancers and ...
    the dancer Women's to noun: ...
  • DANCER in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    dancer m. 1) a) One who knows how and loves to dance, who dances a lot. b) a dancing person. 2) outdated. Same, …
  • DANCER in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    dancer w. Women's to noun: ...
    and. female to noun. …
  • DANCER in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m. 1. The one who knows how and loves to dance, who dances a lot. ott. Dancing man. 2. outdated. just like a dancer...
  • DANCER in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    and. female to noun. …
    and. unfold female to noun. …
  • DANCER in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. The one who knows how and loves to dance, who dances a lot. ott. Dancing man. 2. unfold Ballet dancer; …
  • DANCER in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. female to noun. …
    (Elssler; 1810-78) - a famous dancer originally from Vienna, where she made her debut. Her first major triumph was in Berlin in ...
  • ELSLER TERESA, DANCER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Elssler, 1806-84) - famous dancer, sister of Fanny E. (see). Her height, too big for a woman (2 arsh. 6 arsh.), is somewhat ...
  • JOHN THE BAPTIST ("YHWH MERCIOUS", JOHN THE BAPTIST) in the Directory of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs, and More:
    the son of the Aaronids Zechariah and Elizabeth, in the Christian doctrine, a hermit, the last prophet who predicted the coming of the Messiah Christ to Earth: "...prepare the way ...
  • SCULPTURES SOLD FOR RECORD AMOUNT;"EDGAR DEGAS" in the 1998 Guinness Book of Records:
    Sculpture by Edgar Degas ("Little Dancer") November 12, 1996 at Sotheby's in New York was sold for 10.8 million ...
  • SMESHARIKI in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 14:45:54 = Phrases of characters = * Krosh: Fir-trees-needles! * Losyash: Phenomenal! * Nyusha: Well ...
  • DANCER in the Dictionary of Ballet:
    (dancer) - prof. ballet dancer or dancer …
  • PRIMA BALLERINA in the Dictionary of Ballet:
    - the leading artist of the troupe, a dancer of the highest qualification. Prima ballerina - according to the established tradition - a dancer: - performing most of the central and title ...
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    - 1) in accordance with Russian criminal law (Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - one of the types of accomplices in a crime. I. confesses ...
    Goltz, Nikolai Osipovich - ballet dancer (1800 - 1880). A student of K. Didlo, he was brought up in a St. Petersburg school, where he turned on himself ...
  • GLUSHKOVSKY ADAM PAVLOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Glushkovsky, Adam Pavlovich - famous dancer and choreographer; student of K. Didlo. He independently staged ballets: "The Black Shawl", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", ...
  • Berilova Nastasya Petrovna in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Berilova (Nastasya Petrovna) - the famous ballet dancer of the end of the last century, known as Nastenka (at that time, actors and actresses ...
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    (Stankievicz) Richard (1922-83) American sculptor and painter. He studied at the H. Hoffman School in New York, then in Paris at the F. ...
  • RUBASHKIN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (real name Chernorubashkin) Boris Semenovich (b. 1932) Russian singer (baritone). He began his creative activity as a dancer. Since 1967, soloist of the Salzburg Opera ...
  • BAYADERE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from Portuguese bailadeira - dancer) an Indian dancer participating in religious ceremonies or festive ...
    (Schroder) Friedrich Ludwig (November 3, 1744, Schwerin - September 3, 1816, Rellingen), German actor, director, teacher and theater. figure. The son of the famous tragic actress S. ...
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