Read academic drawing Nicholas.


Bombora Publishing Year of publication 2019

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Hummingbird Publishing Year of publication 2017

A healthy approach to wardrobe, based on the principles of minimalism, is one of the leading modern trends. Anushka Reese, founder of the super popular fashion blog Into-Mind, which has over 500,000 monthly visits, has developed an extraordinary... A healthy approach to wardrobe, based on the principles of minimalism, is one of the leading modern trends. Anushka Reese, founder of the super popular fashion blog Into-Mind, which has over 500,000 monthly visits, has developed an incredibly simple yet effective strategy for picking up your pieces and creating your own unique style that fits perfectly with your lifestyle and industry. Gorgeous color illustrations, infographics and charts included in this book show you exactly what you need to do to always follow Vivienne Westwood's sage advice: "Choose wisely, buy infrequently, and wear for a long time."

The proposed book deals with theoretical and methodological issues of visual literacy. The book contains the full volume of the basic training tasks in drawing, arranged in a strict sequence of increasing complexity of tasks; considers the basics of composition, perspective, proportions, the laws of chiaroscuro and plastic anatomy, gives an idea of ​​the form, volume and construction. The author pays special attention to the method of constructive-structural representation of objects, as well as to the constructive-anatomical analysis of a complex living form, based on the laws of their structure. The basic principles of educational drawing from life, given in the book, contribute to the formation and development of three-dimensional representations and the improvement of graphic skills among interested readers.

The textbook is intended for students of art and architectural universities and faculties, as well as for students of professional educational institutions of an artistic profile and is recommended as a theoretical, methodological and practical guide for teachers and teachers of art schools and colleges.

Shape, volume, construction.

In order to learn how to correctly depict objects from nature on a plane, students need to have an idea of ​​their shape, volume and construction. This information will help in the future to solve educational problems when working on a drawing, will allow you to better understand and understand the structure of subject forms in the image. Otherwise, students may turn to mechanical and thoughtless copying of natural objects.

The main task in teaching drawing is to learn how to correctly see the three-dimensional shape of an object and be able to logically depict it consistently on the plane of a sheet of paper. To do this, consider in more detail the structure of objects.

From the author
Shape, volume, design
Perspective Basics
Proportions and their importance in drawing
Proportions of geometric bodies
head proportions
body proportions
Drawing geometric bodies
cube drawing
Prism drawing
Drawing Solids of Revolution
cylinder drawing
cone drawing
ball drawing
Ways of perspective representation of various forms
Law of Light and Shadows
Drawing a group of geometric bodies
Drawing household items
can drawing
Drawing a plaster vase
still life drawing
Gimp drawing
Drawing architectural details
(capitals and plaster ornaments)
Drawing a Doric capital
Drawing an Ionic capital
Ornament drawing
Drawing a plaster rosette
interior drawing
Building a composition from geometric shapes
plan and facade
exterior drawing
The study and image of the human head
Plastic anatomy of the bones of the skull
Plastic anatomy of the neck skeleton
Plastic anatomy of the head muscles
Plastic anatomy of the neck muscles
Plastic anatomy of the eye
Plastic anatomy of the ear
Plastic anatomy of the nose
Plastic anatomy of the mouth
skull drawing
Drawing details of the HEAD - nose, eye, lips and ear
nose drawing
eye drawing
lips drawing
ear drawing
Drawing a plaster head

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Taking a pencil in hand, novice artists are surprised to find that they do not know how to transfer a vase or an apple to paper. They stand on stage, simple and familiar, but how to draw them "as in life"? Familiar objects as if under the influence of an intransmissibility spell. It takes training to take it off. To help with this, Nikolai Li wrote the textbook “Drawing. Fundamentals of educational academic drawing.

about the author

Nikolai Li's book "Fundamentals of Academic Drawing".

Anatomy of a book

"Fundamentals of educational academic drawing" consists of paragraphs, each of which provides the necessary theoretical information. A well-thought-out plan of step-by-step preparation and practice guides the artist. Each of the stages of the plan-instruction comes with a transcript and instructions that are useful in learning. Human anatomy is presented in a complex manner, with important accents.

The illustration shows a pencil in perspective with vanishing points.

But most importantly, everything is filled with a large number of illustrations that remind an inexperienced artist of the teacher's advice. They help to check yourself by comparing with samples that are always at hand. In art education, no theoretical reference will give the same effect as comparison with a masterfully executed model.

head proportions.

One topic smoothly transitions into another, allowing you to consistently master the main course. Starting with the formulation of learning objectives, we immerse ourselves in the subject step by step. Concepts with explanations that will later come in handy at all stages of practical training (perspective, shape, volume, proportion, etc.) are supported by illustrations for convenience. Then the author suggests paying attention to the composition. Any picture has its own composition, it must be thought out in advance.

Structural construction of volumetric bodies.

Topic order

All this is a framework on which practical skills will be put on in layers. If you do not form it, then the building will not be even and strong, mistakes in the picture cannot be avoided. Only after this begins the study of geometric bodies. From a cube we move on to a prism (more faces - a more complicated figure), followed by bodies with more complex shapes, methods for transmitting light and shade are added. Having practiced, you can move on - to a group of bodies that will be replaced by household items, then complex architectural structures.

The sequence of drawing a plaster head.

Drawing of the plaster head of Diana.

Getting closer to the person. First, we try to transfer the parts (head, nose, ear) to paper, while simultaneously recalling the anatomy and plasticity of the body. Only as a completion - a whole figure. As in a chain, the links cling to each other, forming a single piece of jewelry filled with practical skills.

The sequence of execution of the drawing of the plaster figure of Venus Medicea.

But, using a textbook, you can achieve the best results under the guidance of a teacher. He can check, correct mistakes, weaknesses of the student before the student moves on to more difficult tasks. It is more difficult for a self-taught person to do this. He cannot immediately evaluate his tests with a “fresh look”.

The textbook is intended for students of art and architectural universities and faculties, as well as for students of professional educational institutions of an artistic profile and is recommended as a theoretical, ...

Read completely

The proposed book deals with theoretical and methodological issues of visual literacy. The book contains the full volume of the basic training tasks in drawing, arranged in a strict sequence of increasing complexity of tasks; considers the basics of composition, perspective, proportions, the laws of chiaroscuro and plastic anatomy, gives an idea of ​​the form, volume and construction. The author pays special attention to the method of constructive-structural representation of objects, as well as to the constructive-anatomical analysis of a complex living form, based on the laws of their structure. The basic principles of educational drawing from life, given in the book, contribute to the formation and development of three-dimensional representations and the improvement of graphic skills among interested readers.
The textbook is intended for students of art and architectural universities and faculties, as well as for students of professional educational institutions of an artistic profile and is recommended as a theoretical, methodological and practical guide for teachers and teachers of art schools and colleges.


Fundamentals of educational academic drawing- a necessary material for any novice artist. Nikolay Lee's book presents excellent material, a real treasure for any artist or one who is just about to become one. Starting from simple geometric shapes, the authors move on to human anatomy - the pinnacle of fine art.

If your dream is to learn how to draw like a real artist, but don't have the time to go to art school or the money to hire a tutor, don't despair! You can study on your own at home in your free and convenient time. The main thing is to prepare carefully, because you yourself will be your teacher.

First of all, you need to understand what kind of knowledge you need to master. Properly selected books are crucial in self-study. In educational institutions for painters, the following disciplines are taught: drawing, painting, composition, color science, anatomy and perspective. If you decide to study the drawing course on your own, then you will need a set of the following textbooks.


Fundamentals of educational academic drawing. Nicholas Lee.

The author submits the entire academic course, consistently disclosing all the materials of the curriculum of the art school. Step by step, you will easily master the drawing of simple geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, pyramid), which underlie the designs of any more complex objects such as Greek vases, capitals, furniture, houses, the human body. From this book you will learn the basics of linear perspective, the method of constructive construction in a drawing, the concept of the proportions of objects and their meaning in a drawing, as well as knowledge of the plastic anatomy of the human body.

Drawing. Sketches and sketches. V. K. Kuzin

Making sketches and sketches plays an important role in developing the expressiveness of the drawing, the integrity of vision, the ability to convey proportions and the main features of the pose. This book will introduce you to the artistic possibilities of line and spot, as well as the various materials that can be used for sketching. It is full of examples of sketches by prominent artists. In addition, you will learn the role of sketches in creating a composition, and master the techniques and schemes for constructing sketches and sketches.

The play of light and shadow for artists. Burne Hogarth

From this book you will learn about all kinds of lighting and the effect of light on materiality. You will get an extensive understanding of what a black and white drawing on a plane is, and what role light plays in the modeling of a form. You will have an idea of ​​what categories of light and shadow are, and how light affects the expressiveness of the composition. You will also understand how flat diffused light, moonlight, sculptural light, spatial light, fragmentary light, dazzling light, expressive light differ from each other. All in all, in this tutorial you will discover hundreds of definitions of light and gain a deeper understanding of its function in a drawing.


Watercolor painting technique. P. P. Revyakin

This book, published back in Soviet times, is a universal guide to academic painting. It gives a broad idea of ​​the effect of lighting on color and reveals such basic concepts in painting as own and reflected light, color temperature, chiaroscuro, and local color of an object. This tutorial will introduce you to the sensitivity of our vision to color and different types of color contrasts. You will learn what materials are needed when working with watercolors, as well as the interaction of various pigments with paper. It describes a detailed methodology for the classic way of modeling the shape of objects using watercolors, and also gives the concept of perspective and plans in painting. A significant part of the book is devoted to writing architectural structures, so even architects will find it useful to read.

Fundamentals of painting. Mogilevtsev V. A.

This book is designed for professional training in portraiture. It outlines the basic knowledge of academic oil painting in the portrait genre. There is also a description of the list of necessary materials, the stages of drawing with a brush on canvas, a scheme for working out details (eyes, nose, lips). And also here are considered color relations and expressive means of painting. The book is divided into 4 sections: head, portrait with hands, figure, copying. In each section, the author describes in detail all the stages of work from conception, sketching to detailing and summarizing the finished portrait. In addition to this book, Mogilevtsev has two other excellent books “Fundamentals of Drawing” and “Sketches and Educational Drawing”, which also deserve attention and can serve as an alternative to the above drawing textbooks.

Complete course in oil painting. Hennes Ruissing

In this book you will find a description of materials for oil painting, primer recipes, methods for creating a stretcher, covering it with canvas and gluing it with primer. The author demonstrates all stages of work: from a sketch to the creation of a finished painting. From this book you will learn how to work with a palette knife, how pasty and glaze paints differ, what is aerial perspective and. There are simple examples here for developing oil painting techniques in the main genres. In addition, the author gives a concept of color contrasts and how to use them in painting, and also gives advice on how to avoid many mistakes when working with paints for beginners.

Watercolor painting course. Landscape in minutes. Keith Fenwick.

If you prefer watercolor, then this book will make it easy to master landscape painting. It contains many illustrated examples. With it, you will master the technique of painting landscape details, which are sometimes difficult for beginners - these are water, architectural details, stones, single trees. The author examines in detail the ways of writing various atmospheric effects, architectural and mountain landscapes, teaches various techniques for writing the sky, forest, water. He reveals the secrets of his palette, demonstrates the possibilities of using a masking fluid, and gives many small practical tips.


Image of a person. Gottfried Bammes

By far the best author you can find to study the plastic artist. Bammes not only professionally expounds the anatomy of the human figure, but also gives an idea of ​​the image of the figure on the plane. His best book, Anatomy for Artists, unfortunately has not been translated into Russian. Therefore, to everyone who does not speak German, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with these two books in Russian, “The Image of a Man” and “The Image of a Man. Fundamentals of Drawing from Life”, which are a compilation of the original book in Russian. The first book is a detailed anatomy course and gives a complete picture of the structure, proportions of the human body, the image of a static and dynamic human figure. The second book is devoted more specifically to the process of drawing a figure on a plane and will allow you to master various ways of modeling the shape of the human body.


The art of color. Johannes Itten

This book is an extensive work on color theory. It will introduce you to the physical nature of color, tell you about the basics of color harmony and give you a complete picture of the color system. You will learn not only about color construction, all types of color contrast, color harmony and the theory of color expression, which are the basis of many textbooks on color science, but also expand your understanding of color with deeper knowledge. The author delves into the study of the semantics of color, the subjective perception of color, the spatial effect of light on color. In addition, Itten pays attention to the theory of color impressions, which is especially important for painters who are interested in the realistic transmission of objects in a light-air medium.


Fundamentals of composition. N. M. Sokolnikova.

Despite the fact that this textbook is designed for students in grades 5-8, in my opinion, this is a useful book for both a beginner and an experienced artist. Here, in a simple form, the basics of composition are outlined and examples are very well chosen that clearly convey the logic of the compositional placement of objects on a plane. The book introduces the reader to the elementary rules and means of composition, the meaning of diagonals in the transmission of movement, the lines of force of the format, the means of highlighting the plot and compositional center, the rule of the golden section, symmetry and asymmetry. In general, here you will find everything you need to consider when building any composition, including practical tips that are easy to digest and apply.

With such a set of tutorials, you can master the process of learning to draw on your own! All of these books can be easily downloaded from the Internet, but it would be even better to purchase their originals for desktop reading. Finally, one more piece of advice - try to refer primarily to the methodological literature of academic authors and avoid superficial paperback brochures with catchy titles, which, as a rule, do not provide systemic knowledge.

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