Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Universities of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and admission to them


Candidates are selected carefully, for admission it is necessary to have not only a certain knowledge base, but also high physical data. After being enrolled for training, students of military higher educational institutions have benefits and a high scholarship. Everyone receives medical support, food and housing.

Universities of the Federal Security Service of Russia list of conditions for enrollment in education

Bodies of the federal security service do not accept for training in such cases:

1. If, by a court decision, the applicant is recognized as incapable or partially incapacitated.

2. The presence of a disease that prevents the performance of official duties.

3. Persons who do not have Russian citizenship.

4. The candidate does not have the appropriate physical fitness.

Universities of the FSB of Russia list of professions: operative, investigator, special forces soldier, commander of a coast guard ship, translator.

Foreign languages ​​trains specialists in linguistics and intercultural communication, qualification "linguist translator with knowledge of two foreign languages". Girls are admitted to this faculty.

The investigative officer trains specialists in the jurisprudence of the legal departments of the FSB of the Russian Federation, with the qualification "lawyer", specialty "jurisprudence".

The counterintelligence faculty trains professionals in operational activities.

2. Moscow Border Institute of the FSB. The higher educational institution trains specialists in the field of "jurisprudence". Experts: border outposts, specialists at border checkpoints, field officer, special forces officer. Girls with a Moscow residence permit can enter the specialty of border control.

3. Galician Border Institute of the FSB of Russia. The university produces such specialists: a lawyer, a psychologist, a border guard. Training in all specialties for five years. Qualifications: manager of service and combat activities, manager of morale and combat activities.

4. The Kaliningrad Border Institute graduates a large number of various specialties, namely:

Engineer (use of special mining and demining equipment, repair and use of signaling weapons).

Lawyer (border control) - an operative with knowledge of foreign languages.

5. The Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia conducts training in the field of jurisprudence. The term of study is 5 years.

In order to become an employee of the Federal Security Service, of course, you need to get a higher education, but to solve the question “where to go to study?” First you need to decide on the choice of profession. In the FSB, as well as in any other organization, a person must perform a certain labor function, that is, work in a certain profession.

The structure of the FSB bodies includes, in addition to the Central Office of the FSB of Russia and local territorial bodies, also bodies, security bodies in the troops. The Federal Security Service has its own aviation squads, special forces, units that provide auxiliary assistance in the implementation of the tasks facing the state security agencies. Such "auxiliary" units are understood as research, expert and medical institutions subordinate to the FSB.

Thus, the FSB agencies require employees of various specialties: lawyers, experts, and other military specialists.

Universities FSB

The main educational institutions that train personnel for counterintelligence are universities that are part of the FSB system. Such universities are available in various regions of Russia. These are the institutes of the FSB of Russia in the cities of St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and the Academy of the FSB of Russia, located in Moscow. However, in the Academy of the FSB of Russia, basically, acting employees improve their skills, while everyone who wishes has the opportunity to enter the institutes of the structure. The rules and procedures for admission to FSB universities can be found on the official website of the selected institute.

In addition to these educational institutions, there are universities in the FSB system. These are the Border Academy of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, and the Border Institutes in Moscow, in the Moscow Region (in the city of Golitsino, Odintsovo District), as well as the Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk Border Institutes. Institutes have branches in other cities of the country. For example, in the Stavropol Territory there is a branch of the Golitsyn Border Institute.

In the educational institutions of the FSB, you can get higher education in the specialties "legal support of national security", the psychology of official activity, "border activity". These areas of training fill the ranks of personnel with employees of the foreign and domestic intelligence departments, high-class psychologists and lawyers in various fields, as well as officers of the border units.

But this is not all the specialties necessary for the operation of such a powerful structure. Technical means play an important role in the work of scouts, and, therefore, technical specialists are required to maintain them and even develop and create them. Specialists in this category are trained both in institutions of higher education, such as the Institute of New Information Technologies in Moscow, and in civilian educational institutions. Graduates with rare technical specialties are often invited to work in the system.

Military universities

The bodies of the FSB are known to the townsfolk, mainly by the brave fighters of the Alpha, Vympel detachments, and other special forces. Contrary to popular belief, service in these units also requires higher education. You can become a representative of the elite by graduating, for example, from the RVVVDKU, popularly called "Ryazanka", where specialists-saboteurs, military translators, and officers of landing units are trained. You can also graduate from a college in St. Petersburg, where the so-called Marines are educated. Among the special educational institutions of the FSB is the Coast Guard Institute, which is located in the city of Anapa.

Service in the FSB is not only intelligence, the FSB also carries out anti-terrorist activities, is engaged in the disclosure and investigation of crimes against state security. Future and operational employees can receive education in higher educational institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the relevant areas of training.

It is now considered very prestigious to train as an FSB officer in order to have a good salary. How to enter the FSB after grade 9 and is it possible to pass exams without any connections, are there any specific health requirements? Many high school students dream of being trained in such an institution as the FSB school. How to enter after the 9th grade at the chosen faculty? To begin with, it is worth considering whether a person needs a profession, whether he will cope with his official duties, where he can work if he receives a diploma. It is very important. Graduates of the FSB Academy are in great demand, but it must be understood that officer service is sometimes associated with frequent moves, changes of residence, work in difficult conditions, in border areas. Not all people agree to endure some inconvenience, especially for the fair sex.

Why is the FSB Academy so attractive? It turns out that not only children of high-ranking officers can enter this educational institution after the 9th grade. But it will be difficult to do so. The high level of salaries of the employees of the structure allows us to consider the academy a very prestigious university. If a high school student has finally decided that he should connect his life with the federal security service, first you need to go through a medical commission. Applicants are subject to the most stringent requirements. A student of an educational institution and a future officer should not have serious chronic diseases. This rule is observed very strictly. Even with connections in the admissions committee, it is simply impossible to enter the academy through dishonest means. As a rule, the medical commission is held in a departmental clinic. When applying to an educational institution, you must fill out a questionnaire. All information contained in it is verified.

A serious obstacle on the way to entering the academy can be a not very “clean” biography of a close relative or the presence of a criminal record in one of the family members. If the high school student himself was brought to criminal or administrative responsibility, you can forget about studying at the FSB school. If the medical commission is passed successfully and there are no other obstacles for further admission, the applicant is allowed to pass the exams. The list of subjects, the delivery of which is required, is specified in the selection committee. As a rule, applicants have to take the Russian language and social studies. These examinations are held in written form. The chosen faculty is also of great importance. So, for example, for future counterintelligence officers, it is planned to pass not only the Russian language and social studies, but also foreign languages.

For some faculties, where specialists in information technology are taught, it is necessary to pass exams in the Russian language, social science and mathematics. Some FSB schools also require students to take an exam in physics. Reception of documents is carried out approximately from the middle of summer. Training begins, as in all educational institutions, from September 1. To increase the chances of successful admission, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the submission of documents and passing entrance examinations. Already from the first quarter of the 8th grade, you can begin to find out the conditions for admission to the academy, clarify the list of exams. If possible, you should be like preparatory courses, work out with a tutor. Some academies have special courses to prepare for admission.

Experts advise weighing your chances before applying. For some areas of study, the competition for admission is not too big. Sometimes it makes sense to apply for a less prestigious faculty. Moreover, the possibility of transferring to another specialty still exists. Some high school students are interested in whether it is worth entering the FSB academy after the 9th grade. Maybe it's better to try your luck after graduating from a full comprehensive school? But after the 11th grade, as practice shows, it can be even more difficult to enter. It is also necessary to warn applicants that in some cases they require the passage of a lie detector or a polygraph. This procedure will be repeated throughout the entire period of study with a certain frequency. FSB officers also regularly undergo polygraph tests in order to promptly detect corruption.

Defense of the state has always been an honorable activity. People who directly carried it out enjoyed great honor and authority in society. In addition, the constant wars that have been fought throughout human history have significantly enriched the representatives of the military class. In some countries, the military was considered the highest caste with the most rights. A great example is the Japanese samurai. However, on the territory of our fatherland, warriors and their achievements have also been glorified at all times. It should be noted that the training system for such people is of great importance. After all, the need for a professional military will never disappear. The very system of training soldiers requires a special approach, since their skill consists not only of physical strength, but also of certain psychological qualities. In this case, it is worth noting the specifics of training the elite of all armed and security forces, that is, intelligence and state security. The latter structure performs extremely important functional tasks in the modern world. Therefore, the training of its representatives should be carried out at the highest level. In the Russian Federation today there is a Federal Security Service. This department is responsible for ensuring the security of our country. Specialists for its ranks are trained at a special Academy of the FSB.

What's happened

As mentioned earlier, in any state, power units play an important role. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation belongs to such formations. The number of departments today is classified. The main task is to ensure the state security of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the FSB, according to existing legislation, is a body that is authorized to carry out operational-search activities. Departments are replenished by recruiting for military and civil service. According to the regulations governing the work of the FSB, its activities are carried out in the following areas, namely:


Fight against terrorism;

Intelligence activities;

border activity;

Information Security;

The fight against crime of a particularly dangerous form.

The main department is the security of the Russian Federation.

General information about the higher educational institution

The Academy of the Russian Federation is a military institution that trains officers for the FSB. In addition, personnel for other intelligence agencies, as well as special services of friendly states, are also trained in this institution. That is, we are talking about a complex military institution with a fairly broad preparatory base.

The Academy was established in 1992 by a special decree of the President. The basis for the formation of this institution was the Higher School of the KGB named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

The history of the creation of the academy

The Academy of the FSB, whose faculties are presented in the article, begins its history from the courses of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, formed in 1921. The courses prepared the operational staff for the Cheka. It is worth noting that a significant contribution to the training was made by teachers who had a fairly large operational experience gained in the implementation of special operations "Trust" and "Syndicate". In 1934, cardinal changes took place in the structure of the power departments of the state.

The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was created. This leads to the creation of the Central School of the Main Directorate of State Security within the structure of the Soviet NKVD. During the Second World War, the educational institution graduates several thousand workers who managed to organize a fairly effective fight against the Nazis. Another reformation of the school takes place in 1952. On its basis, the Higher School of the MGB of the USSR is being formed. In 1962, this educational institution was named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

Academy structure

The FSB Academy, whose faculties are presented in the article, trains personnel in many specialties that are in demand today in law enforcement and military departments. The structure of a higher institution contains three main segments, which include training.

1) The Institute for the Training of Operational Personnel provides qualified personnel training in a number of key areas of the FSB's activities. Within the framework of this division of the academy, there is an investigative faculty and a counterintelligence faculty. In both cases, graduates of the institution receive a diploma in the specialty "Legal support of national security." At the first one, employees of the FSB investigative units are trained, and at the second, operational ones. At the same time, the counterintelligence faculty trains employees in two specific areas: operational activities with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and knowledge of modern information technologies.

2) The second subdivision of the Academy is the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics. Today, its graduates are rightfully considered the best specialists in the field of information security. At the end of the training, employees are given qualifications such as “information security specialist”.

3) The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is the youngest department of the university. It was created in 1990. The faculty trains professional translators for the FSB.

Features of admission - the first stages

There are many features of the recruitment process that the FSB Academy is famous for. Faculties and specialties of different directions are replenished with personnel on absolutely equal terms. The first stage of selection is the medical board. To enter the academy, you must be in good health. It will be checked throughout the entire period of study at the institution.

The second stage is a polygraph. Many applicants mistakenly consider such a test to be something easy. However, a polygraph checks honesty, a person’s respect for military service, his compliance with management, etc. Therefore, the test must be taken as seriously as possible.

Special exams and physical fitness assessment

If the applicant does not have any comments on his mental and physiological level, then he is allowed to internal exams. Physical fitness is checked by three tests: pull-ups, running 100 and 3000 meters.

Additional tests are exams in individual disciplines. For admission to a particular faculty, knowledge in various subjects is checked. For example, the investigative unit conducts an additional exam in social science and the Russian language, and the Institute of Cryptography - in physics and mathematics. It is quite good to use special preparatory courses before entering, which increase the level of applicants.

Learning process

The Academy of the FSB, the faculties of which are presented in the article, prepares The learning process is quite complex and specific. Students actively study law, mathematics and foreign languages. Much attention is paid to physical training, as it is one of the main subjects. Most items are classified. Some subjects are taught in such a way that even pens, let alone notes, cannot be taken out of the classrooms.

Daily life of students

The fact that studying at the FSB Academy can bring people together is not an exaggeration. Throughout the years of service, students in this institution are almost constantly in contact with each other. But this is not all the features of training. For example, it is undesirable for students to distribute statements about their studies on social networks. The prohibition also covers talking to friends about it.

It should be noted that a large proportion of all students are girls. They, equally with the representatives of the stronger sex, can declare that they, as professional cadres, were forged by the famous FSB academy. "Faculties for girls" is a common misconception. There are simply no such divisions. Girls enter, along with boys, those faculties that are provided for by the structure of a higher educational institution.

Academy management

For many years, the academy was headed by representatives of the highest officers. To date, the head is Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilyevich. He holds the rank of Colonel General. At one time Ostroukhov Viktor Vasilyevich graduated from the Higher Red Banner School of the KGB. In addition to military activities, he also conducts research and is a doctor of jurisprudence.

So, we examined what the FSB academy is. Faculties, exams and the specifics of education were presented in the article. In conclusion, it should be noted that work in the bodies is not suitable for everyone. But if you have firmly decided to become employees of this department, then you need to discard any doubts and stubbornly go towards your goal.

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