Academy of the Federal Security Service 71 kb. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


The law enforcement system in any country in the world includes a large number of departments in its structure, each of which performs a certain list of certain functions. Some are tasked with carrying out operational-search work in order to identify foreign spies (counterintelligence), others must deal with the disclosure of criminal offenses, and others perform the functions of protecting officials. Oddly enough, but in almost any state there are special security agencies that operate on a par with private security firms or military companies. The creation of such bodies is connected with the need to ensure the protection of the highest officials of the state, important political figures, diplomats, etc. It is simply stupid to entrust such an important task to a private organization, because it does not give guarantees about the actions of its subordinates. In addition, their qualifications are also highly questionable. Thus, state departments are being created, on which the function of protection falls entirely. In this article we will talk about a similar department in the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation, which is called the Federal Security Service.

General information about the FSO

The FSO of Russia is a federal security service, which is a special service and is engaged in the protection of the highest ranks of the government, the leaders of the country, as well as ensuring safe and secure communications. This department is part of the services that ensure the security of the country. This means that the FSO of Russia is empowered to carry out operational-search activities, along with the FSB, the State Fiscal Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, etc. Citizens of the Russian Federation are taken to serve in this structure in the security bodies of the FSO, as well as military personnel under the contract. It should be noted the well-created and effective organizational structure of the FSO. Deciphering the abbreviation of the service makes it clear what functions are assigned to the structure, but many people are not aware of some powers. Before proceeding to consider the functions of an organ, it is necessary to study in detail its rich history.

Security agencies in the tsarist period

The history of state protection dates back to the 17th century. The ancestor of the structure, which would protect only the king, was Artamanov Matvey. This man, for the first time in history, proposed to allocate a certain number of people from the archery regiments to protect the king. However, such units were not professional. By and large, they were created from ordinary military men. Such an organization showed its unreliability during the Decembrist uprising in 1825, when many of the “tsarist guards” defected to the side of the rebels. The first state protection department in the history of Russia appeared only in 1881. Its structure included many divisions, each of which performed its own functions.

9th Department of the KGB

With the fall of the autocracy, the need to ensure the security of the highest government officials did not disappear. This issue was quite acute in the days of the USSR. It was necessary to ensure the protection of absolutely the entire communist elite, on which the totalitarian apparatus rested.

A task of such importance could be entrusted "into the hands" of only one body of the USSR - the KGB. The 9th Directorate of this law enforcement agency is considered the progenitor of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The Directorate was engaged in the protection of top leaders of the government and the Communist Party. The selection of officers took place quite seriously. Physically prepared, highly intelligent men who had military training were accepted into the service. Almost the entire party and political elite was provided with professional security guards of the 9th KGB Directorate.

Leaders who were guarded by the 9th Directorate

Among the "clients" of this department were such prominent politicians as Mikhail Sergeyevich Solomentsev (head of the Party Control Committee), Anatoly Lukyanov (chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1991), Boris Karlovich Pugo, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev and others.

In 1991, the department was withdrawn from the KGB, and already in 1996 the FSO was created, the decoding of which is: the Federal Security Service.

Operating principles and regulatory framework

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a federal body that ensures the security of certain objects of state protection on the basis of legal, operational-search, security, organizational and other measures. The legal basis of the structure is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts regulating the range of issues in the scope of the structure.

An important role is played by international treaties, which are also part of the legal basis for the activities of the Federal Security Service. There are a number of internal instructions governing the work of the FSO. In the course of its activities, this department adheres to the principles, namely:

Respect and observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms of a citizen and a person;

Legality of actions;

Interaction with other authorities to ensure security;

Combination of overt and covert methods in the process of work;

Supervision and control.

From all of the above, it follows that the activities of the FSO are purely democratic and transparent, although the level of secrecy within the structure is quite high.

The main tasks performed by the FSO

The activities of the body are headed by the President of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the body include the following:

1) Ensuring the security of objects of protection in the place of their permanent and direct stay, as well as in the process of their movement.

2) Identification, forecasting of the threat that may arise for the objects of protection, as well as the implementation of all necessary measures to eliminate it.

3) Suppression of any encroachments on the object of protection.

4) Suppression and prevention of crimes and other offenses at the objects of protection or in the area of ​​their stay.

5) Permanent protection of objects of protection.

6) All kinds of assistance in the fight against terrorism.

7) Ensuring communication security.

8) Counteracting information intelligence and ensuring secret state communications.

9) Ensuring the personal safety of employees and the management of the FSO.

Academy of the FSO of Russia

New cadres for the federal guard are being educated and trained. Service in the FSO is available to every physically developed young adult who has military training or higher education. Most of the staff comes from a higher educational institution that trains specialists for the Federal Service. The FSO Academy was founded in 1966. Over the years of its existence, this educational institution has changed its name many times, however, its functions have remained unchanged. The FSO Academy is part of the bodies providing state protection. It provides higher professional education, which provides for military service. The term of study can vary from 5 to 6 years, depending on the specialty. The academy provides education in the following specialties:

Radio communication;

Information Security;

Multichannel telecommunication systems;

Communication systems, networks;

Legal support of security (law faculty).

After graduation, cadets must complete 5 years of service, while they are assigned a lieutenant. Thus, the FSO Academy is a higher educational institution that trains specialists for the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation. Today it is one of the most prestigious institutions in the Russian Federation.

Presidential Security Service

The division dealing with the president is special in the FSO system.

Deciphering his activities is impossible, because information about his work refers to Today it is one of the most elite units of the Russian Federation. Its employees provide physical protection for the president of the Russian Federation, and also carry out special work to prevent and prevent an attempt on the president.


So, we got acquainted with the history, functions and main tasks of the FSO. Deciphering all the data about the operation of this service is impossible, because its activities are classified. Nevertheless, the article contains all the regulatory documents according to which the Federal Service performs its functions. Given the secrecy, anyone can apply with a request or personally to the FSO of Russia. The addresses of services in the capital can be found in the directory, although it is known to everyone: Russia, the city of Moscow, the Kremlin.

In 1998, the Institute of Government Communications was founded in Voronezh. This institute is a branch of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia. This branch of the Academy received state accreditation in July 2009.
The Academy of the Federal Security Service is a higher educational institution where they receive higher professional education. Students receive this higher education by studying programs of various degrees of professional education.
As a result, students who graduate and pass the final certification receive the rank of lieutenant. In addition to qualifications, graduates receive a diploma of higher education.
The term of study for students in various specialties is correspondingly different. There is training for a period of five years, four years and two years nine months

The Academy implements educational programs of higher professional education in the following specialties:

090302.65 - Information security of telecommunication systems;
210701.65 - Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems;
230106.65 - Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes.

The term of study is 5 years. Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification are awarded the military rank of "lieutenant" and the corresponding qualifications, and are issued a state-recognized diploma of higher professional education.

The Branch implements educational programs:
higher professional education in the direction of:
◦230100.62 - Informatics and computer technology.

The term of study is 4 years. Persons who have completed their studies and passed the state final certification are awarded the military rank of "lieutenant" and the corresponding qualifications, and are issued a state diploma of higher professional education;
secondary vocational education in the following specialties:
◦210721.51 - Radio communications, broadcasting and television;
◦210723.51 - Communication networks and switching systems.

The term of study is 2 years 9 months. Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification are awarded the military rank of "ensign" and the corresponding qualifications, and are issued a state diploma of secondary vocational education.

The procedure for the professional selection of candidates

Candidates are allowed to participate in the professional selection, whose documents are drawn up in full accordance with the Instruction on the conditions and procedure for the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to military educational institutions of vocational education of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Order of the FSO of Russia dated April 5, 2006 No. 130, registered in Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 15, 2006 No. 7828):
a) citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22;
b) citizens who have completed military service and conscripted military personnel - until they reach the age of 24;
c) military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - until they reach the age of 25 years.

Military personnel wishing to enter the Academy or Branch submit a report on command, and civilian youth submit an application to the FSO of Russia unit or to the Center for Special Communications and Information (CSSI) of the FSO of Russia, or the FSB of Russia in the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (UFSB of Russia ) no later than March 1 of the year of receipt. If it is impossible to apply to the division of the FSO of Russia, the CSSI of the FSO of Russia or the Federal Security Service of Russia, the candidate submits an application to the military commissariat, in which he is registered with the military.

The report (application) indicates the military rank, position held, number and address with the postal code of the military unit (for military personnel), last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, education, address of registration and residence, contact numbers (for civilian youth), request on sending by the candidate for admission to the Academy or Branch, date, signature.

Attached to the report (application):
a) a completed and signed application form;
b) an autobiography written by hand in free form;
c) duly certified copy of the work book (if there is work experience);
d) duly certified copies of documents confirming professional or other education;
e) duly certified copies of the birth and marriage certificates of the candidate and his close relatives;
f) certificate of current academic performance at the time of submission of documents (for students);
g) reference from the place of service (study or work);
h) six certified photographs (without headgear, size 4.5x6 cm, on matte paper, without a corner);
i) a copy of the service card (for military personnel);
j) a copy of the passport.

Candidates shall be issued an appropriate access to information constituting a state secret.

Personal files on selected candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service, medical examination cards of candidates with the conclusion of the military medical commission on fitness for health reasons to study at a military educational institution, certificates of access to information constituting a state secret, as well as conclusions on the study of candidates must be sent by units of the FSO of Russia, the FSB of Russia or military commissariats to the Academy or its Branch by May 20, and from among the military personnel - by April 15.

Upon receipt of the personal file of the candidate, the selection committee of the Academy or the Branch sends him a notice of acceptance of documents.

Professional selection of candidates includes educational selection, professional psychological selection, medical examination and verification of the physical fitness of candidates.

The educational selection of candidates is carried out in the form of a competition based on the results of the USE:
applicants for higher professional education programs in Russian language, mathematics and physics;
applicants for training in programs of secondary vocational education - in the Russian language, mathematics or physics (at the choice of the applicant).

Candidates take the exam in the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Military personnel who, for objective reasons, did not have the opportunity to participate in the USE during the period of the state (final) certification and submitted a report on admission to the Academy, take the USE in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the Academy or Branch.

The candidate, having received a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, submits a copy of the certificate to the Academy or the Branch.

If a copy of the certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination cannot be submitted for objective reasons, the candidate sends a notification to the Academy or the Branch, which indicates information about the results of passing the Unified State Examination, as well as the reason for the absence of a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination.

The Admissions Committee sets the minimum number of points based on the results of the Unified State Examination, confirming the successful completion of the educational selection in general education subjects, exceeding the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, confirming the development of the general education program of secondary (complete) general education.

Candidates who have passed the educational selection in the form of a competition based on the results of the Unified State Examination (who scored in each subject the number of points not lower than those established by the Academy) are sent a call to arrive at the Academy (Orel) or the Branch (Voronezh) for further professional selection.

Professional psychological selection is carried out in accordance with the order of the Federal Security Service of Russia dated November 8, 2006 No. 501 "On professional psychological selection in state educational institutions of vocational education of the Federal Security Service of Russia" according to methods that make it possible to identify candidates' ability to master the chosen military specialty and the effective application of the acquired knowledge , skills and abilities in subsequent military service.

A medical examination is carried out in order to determine the suitability of the candidate for training at the Academy for health reasons.

Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
(Academy of the FSO of Russia)
international name Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy
Former names Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Year of foundation 1966
Legal address mountains Eagle, st. Instrument-making, 35

Badge of the graduate of the Academy (on a white background)

Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); in English - Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy. The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order: VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

General information [ | ]

The Academy is part of the structure of the state security bodies and is a state educational institution of higher education, which provides for military service.

Story [ | ]

Soviet time [ | ]

In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95th border detachment and the first building of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed to training of communications officers of the organs and troops of the KGB.

The term of training for cadets of the VTU was set at 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All the cadets who graduated in 1966 from the 1st and 2nd courses of study were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed head of the school.

On August 31, 1966, on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, Major General L.I. Pankratov, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, presented the VTU with the Battle Red Banner and the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This day is annually celebrated as the day of the formation of the school. On September 1, 1966, the educational process began.

Each cadet division provided for training in profiles. The rapid development of communications equipment and the technical re-equipment of the troops dictated the urgent need for higher engineering training of signal officers.

In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Military Technical School was transferred to Oryol on October 1, 1972 and transformed into the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications (OVVKUS) for the training of command officers with higher education. In July 1972, the first set of cadets for a 4-year training was made in Orel. Departments are created on the basis of cycles and individual disciplines. A transition to the battalion system of training cadets is underway. A large-scale construction of an educational and administrative complex, lecture halls, cadet barracks and other facilities begins. In August 1973, V. A. Martynov was appointed head of the OVVKUS. By order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 97 dated July 12, 1976, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 17, 1976 No. 471 was announced on awarding the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers named after M. I. Kalinin for the high performance achieved in the training of officers frames. In 1993, the last release of officers under the 4-year program was made.

1990s [ | ]

In 1991, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) was formed in the state structures of Russia. The President of Russia set tasks for FAPSI, the fulfillment of which required the development of a fundamentally new conceptual approach to the training of employees of the Federal Agency. Therefore, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1992, by order of the Director General of the FAPSI on April 23, 1992, OVVKUS them. M. I. Kalinin was transformed into the Military Institute of Government Communications (VIPS). Major General V. A. Martynov was appointed head of the institute. On October 1, 1992, the transition to the faculty system of training cadets was carried out. In 1993, a postgraduate course was formed at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and the first enrollment for full-time and distance learning was conducted.

On March 6, 1994, VIPS was the first military university in Russia to receive a license to conduct educational activities in established specialties. Since 1995, the release of officers who have been trained under a 5-year program began. In 1996, a new organizational structure of the institute was approved. There is and is being improved an educational and methodological and scientific information complex consisting of departments, a research department, a graduate school, a department of information and telecommunication systems with display classes, methodological rooms, a bureau of scientific and technical information, a library with reading rooms.

On February 23, 1993, on the basis of VIPS, the Museum of Government Communications was opened for visiting, which on October 22, 1993 was entered in the register of state museums of Russia, and on October 29, 1996 it was reorganized into the FAPSI Museum under the President of Russia.

2000s - 2010s [ | ]

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2000 No. 94-rp Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2000 No. 336 in order to improve the training, retraining and advanced training of military personnel in the field of government communications and other types of special communications, electronic intelligence of communications and information protection , and in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense", the Military Institute of Government Communications was transformed into the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - "FAPSI Academy").

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2003 No. 1545-r, the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation was renamed the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - "Academy of Special Communications of Russia").

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2004 No. 1450-r, the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was renamed the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - "Academy of the FSO of Russia").

I. General provisions

1. The Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a federal state state military educational institution of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Academy of the FSO of Russia), which provides for military service. The founder of the Academy of the FSO of Russia is the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The Academy of the FSO of Russia includes a separate structural subdivision - the Voronezh Institute of Government Communications (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia).

2. The rules for admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation”, normative legal documents of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

3. These Rules for admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia determine the procedure for the professional selection of candidates for admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia and VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia (hereinafter referred to as candidates).

4. The Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia carries out professional selection of candidates for training in the following educational programs:

– higher education in the specialties:

210701.65 - Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems;

230106.65 - Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes;

090302.65 - Information security of telecommunication systems.

The term of study is 5 years. Full-time form of education. Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification are awarded the military rank of "lieutenant" and the qualification "specialist", a diploma of higher education is issued;

030901.65 - Legal support of national security.

The term of study is 6 years. Correspondence form of education. Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification are awarded the qualification "specialist" and a diploma of higher education is issued;

– higher education in the areas of training:

290600.68 - Management of military units and formations;

293200.68 - Management of the technical support of troops (forces).

The term of study is 2 years (2.5 years). The form of education is full-time (correspondence). Persons who have completed their studies and passed the state final certification are awarded the qualification "Master" and a diploma of higher education is issued;

– higher education under postgraduate scientific and pedagogical staff training programs:

10.07.01 - Information security;

56.07.01 - Military sciences;

57.07.01 - Ensuring state security.

The term of study is 3 years (4 years). The form of education is full-time (correspondence). Persons who have completed their studies and passed the state final certification are issued a postgraduate diploma;

- secondary vocational education in specialties (implemented in the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia):

11.02.09 - Multichannel telecommunication systems;

11.02.10 - Radio communication, broadcasting and television;

11.02.11 - Communication networks and switching systems.

The term of study is 2 years 9 months. Full-time form of education. Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification are awarded the military rank of "ensign" and the qualification of "technician", and a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

5. Professional selection of candidates includes:

educational selection;

additional entrance test in mathematics (hereinafter - additional test) for candidates entering higher education programs in the specialties 210701.65 - Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems, 230106.65 - Application and operation of special-purpose automated systems, 090302.65 - Information security of telecommunication systems;

medical examination;

assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates.

Based on the results of the professional selection, a conclusion is made about the possibility of admitting a candidate to the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

6. By order of the Academy of the FSO of Russia, for the period of professional selection, a selection committee, subject examination committees, appeal committees, a commission for conducting an in-depth socio-psychological study of candidates, a military medical commission are appointed.

The chairman of the selection committee is the head of the Academy of the FSO of Russia, and one of the deputy chairmen of the selection committee is the deputy head of the Academy - the head of the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

The terms of the selection committee are coordinated with the Criminal Code of the FSO of Russia.

7. The selection committee is responsible for:

consideration of documents of candidates;

summing up the results of work on the professional selection of candidates;

preparation of draft minutes of the meetings of the selection committee.

8. The powers and procedure for the selection committee are determined by the chairman of the selection committee of the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

II. Organization and conduct of professional selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the FSO of Russia

9. The selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the FSO of Russia is carried out from among citizens with secondary vocational education (studied in professional educational organizations) or secondary general education (studied in the senior classes of general educational organizations). The selection is carried out at the place of residence of these citizens by divisions of state security bodies (Services and departments of the Federal Security Service of Russia, departments of Special Communications of the Federal Security Service of Russia, departments of special communications and information of the Federal Security Service of Russia in federal districts, centers of special communications and information of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special-purpose communication centers Federal Security Service of Russia) or structural units of other federal executive bodies in which the law provides for military service and in whose interests specialists are trained, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 55-FZ “On military duty and military service” and normative legal acts of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Candidates entering the Academy of the FSO of Russia must meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract.

10. The selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia is carried out in the specialties specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules (except for programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies), from among:

citizens who have not completed military service (aged 16 to 22);

citizens who have completed military service, and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under a contract (until they reach the age of 24 years).

11. The selection committee of the Academy of the FSO of Russia considers the personal file of the candidate and sends him a notice of acceptance of documents. Candidates whose personal files are drawn up in violation of the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Federal Security Service of Russia or who did not arrive on time are not allowed to the professional selection.

12. Educational selection of candidates for training in educational programs of higher education in the specialties specified in paragraph 4 of these Rules (except for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies) is carried out:

in the form of a competition based on the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) assessed on a 100-point scale in the following general education subjects: Russian language, profile-level mathematics and physics;

based on the results of written entrance examinations in the Russian language, mathematics and physics (hereinafter - entrance examinations), for candidates with secondary vocational education;

based on the results of the Unified State Examination or on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academies of the Federal Security Service of Russia, at the choice of candidates from among persons recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with part 1 of article 4 of the Federal constitutional law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ "On admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol", as well as the number of persons permanently residing on the day of admission in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in the territory of the federal city of Sevastopol citizens of the Russian Federation and trained in accordance with the state standard and (or) curriculum of general secondary education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Entrance tests are conducted in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 19-27 of these Rules.

The results of entrance examinations are evaluated on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria are developed and approved by the Academy of the FSO of Russia independently.

13. The educational selection of candidates for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out in the form of a competition based on the results of mastering the educational program of secondary general education by applicants, indicated in the documents submitted by applicants on education (certificate of secondary general education). The right of priority enrollment is enjoyed by persons with a higher score in three major subjects (mathematics (algebra), physics, Russian language). In case of equality of the scores of two or more applicants, persons with a higher average score in the subjects included in the appendix to the certificate of secondary general education have the right of priority enrollment.

In the specialties of secondary vocational education, the minimum number of points in general education subjects: Russian language and mathematics must correspond to the minimum scores established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, confirming the development of the educational program of secondary general education.

15. Checking the participation of a candidate in the Unified State Examination, as well as confirming the correctness of information about the results of the Unified State Exam, is carried out by sending a corresponding request to the federal database about the participants and the results of the Unified State Examination.

16. Order No. 92 of the Federal Security Service of Russia dated October 15, 2015 approved the minimum number of USE scores in general subjects for the educational selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia in 2016 in the specialties 090302.65 - Information security of telecommunication systems, 210701.65 - Infocommunication technologies and systems of special Communications, 230106.65 - Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes: Russian language - 40 points, mathematics of a specialized level - 40 points, physics - 40 points.

17. Candidates who have passed the educational selection in the form of a competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam, and the candidates specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of clause 12 of these Rules, are sent a call to arrive at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Oryol) for further professional selection.

Candidates entering secondary vocational education programs are sent a call to arrive at the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Voronezh) for professional selection.

18. Upon arrival at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Orel) or the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Voronezh), candidates are provided with free housing and three meals a day.

Candidates submit the following documents to the selection committee:

- military personnel - an order, a military ID, the original document on education, clothing, food and financial certificates, a certificate of the results of the exam (if available);

- candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service

- passport, certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, the original document on education, certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination (if any).

19. An additional test is carried out in writing in Russian in accordance with the professional selection plan approved by the head of the Academy of the FSO of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Plan).

The results of the additional test are evaluated on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria are developed and approved by the Academy of the FSO of Russia independently. Candidates who score below the points set by the Academy of the FSO of Russia are not allowed to further professional selection.

20. Prior to the start of the additional (entrance) test, candidates are explained the procedure for its conduct and the requirements, and consultations are held.

The duration of the additional (introductory) test is three astronomical hours (180 minutes) without a break.

21. Candidates with an identity document and members of the subject examination committee are allowed in the audience where the additional (introductory) test is being conducted. The presence of other persons is allowed only with the permission of the chairman of the selection committee.

Candidates must have a black or blue pen, pencil, ruler. Candidates are not allowed to have any technical means and reference materials.

22. Additional (introductory) test is carried out in the following order:

a) members of the subject examination committee issue the title pages of the written work and insert sheets of the written work. All entries, including in draft form, are made only on insert sheets (it is not allowed to sign or make any notes on them to identify their author);

b) after the time allotted for an additional (introductory) test, or at the end of the work, the title pages and insert sheets of the written work are handed over to the members of the subject examination committee;

c) upon completion of the additional (introductory) test, all written works are transferred to the secretary of the selection committee for coding in order to ensure the anonymity of their verification (without indicating the name of the candidate);

d) encoded title pages are stored in a safe at the secretary of the selection committee;

e) after checking the written work by the members of the subject examination committee, the mark for it is put down on the first page of the leaflet and certified by the signature of the inspector (verifiers);

f) Written works are transferred to the secretary of the selection committee for their decoding and marking in the statement.

23. The tasks of the additional (introductory) test are performed by each candidate independently. During the additional (introductory) test, communication of candidates with each other, independent transplantation of candidates, free movement of candidates around the audience or building in which the test is conducted is not allowed.

24. The possibility and procedure for a short-term exit of candidates from the audience in which the additional (entrance) test is being conducted is communicated to the candidates by the person responsible for conducting the additional (entrance) test before it begins. A short-term exit of the candidate from the audience is accompanied by one of the persons responsible for conducting an additional (entrance) test. Written work during the absence of the candidate is handed over to the person responsible for conducting the additional (entrance) test. On the title page of the written work, the time of exit and the time of return of the candidate are recorded. The absence of a candidate in the audience does not give him the right to extend the time of the additional (entrance) test.

25. If the candidate, who is in the audience in which the additional (introductory) test is being conducted, has technical means or reference materials not allowed for use, violation by the candidate of paragraph 23 of these Rules entails the removal of the candidate from the audience, about which the person responsible for conducting the additional (introductory) test, a corresponding entry is made on the title page of the written work. In this case, his work is not checked and the candidate is given the lowest score (“zero”).

26. After the announcement of the results of the additional (introductory) test, the candidate has the right to file a written appeal about the error (in his opinion) of the mark for the additional (introductory) test.

27. Consideration of an appeal is not a re-examination. During the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the result of the additional (entrance) test is checked.

28. Acceptance of appeals is carried out on the day of the announcement of the results of the additional (entrance) test personally from the candidates. When filing an appeal, the candidate is informed of the time and place of its consideration.

29. Consideration of appeals is carried out by the appeal commission on the day of their filing or the next day. With a minor candidate (under 18 years of age), one of the parents or his legal representatives has the right to attend the appeal. The decision to change the assessment in the case of the legitimacy of the appeal is made by the chairman of the appeal commission.

30. The right to admission without passing an additional test with a result of 100 points on it has:

1) winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics, the interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics and cryptography, the interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the basis of departmental educational institutions in mathematics for four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad;

2) members of the national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international mathematics olympiads and formed in the manner established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for four years following the year of the corresponding olympiad;

3) winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in mathematics, members of the national teams of Ukraine that participated in international Olympiads in mathematics for four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad, if these winners, prize-winners and members of the national teams are among the persons, specified in paragraph 4 of clause 12 of these Rules.

31. Medical examination of candidates is carried out on the basis of paragraph 8 of Article 5 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination" and the Order of the FSB of Russia dated January 29 2015 No. 39 “On approval of the requirements for the state of health of citizens entering military service under a contract with the bodies of the federal security service, military personnel of the bodies of the federal security service undergoing military service under the contract, for types of registration service activities, requirements for the state of health of certain categories of citizens military personnel entering military service under a contract with federal security service bodies, military personnel of federal security service bodies undergoing military service under a contract, whose military service is associated with special conditions, and members of their families, citizens and military personnel entering educational organizations of the FSB of Russia, and lists of additional mandatory diagnostic studies” by the military medical commission for medical examination. Candidates in respect of whom the military medical commission for medical examination has decided “not fit” are not allowed to further participate in the professional selection.

32. Assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates is checked after a medical examination according to the Plan in the form of a practical implementation of three exercises.

The level of physical fitness is assessed based on the results of all exercises performed according to the grading system "passed" - "failed". The “pass” mark is given to the candidate when he receives positive marks when passing all the exercises or receiving an “unsatisfactory” mark for one exercise and a mark not lower than “good” for the rest of the exercises. A candidate who has received the mark "not passed" is not allowed to further professional selection.

33. A candidate who has not appeared without a valid reason for an additional (entrance) test, medical examination or assessment of the level of physical fitness at the time appointed according to the Plan, is not allowed to further professional selection.

34. A candidate who has not arrived at the established time and place of the professional selection for a good reason is allowed to participate in the professional selection until the completion of its activities in accordance with the Plan.

35. Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are admitted to the Academy of the FSO of Russia and the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia on a competitive basis based on the results of the professional selection.

36. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care *.

37. The preferential right to enroll in the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia upon successful completion of professional selection and other things being equal shall be enjoyed* by:

* Part 5 of Article 71 and Part 14 of Article 108 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, No. 53 (Part I), Art. 7598).

* Parts 7 and 9 of Article 71 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, No. 53 (Part I), Art. 7598).

a) military personnel who are doing military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and who enter training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body authorities;

b) children of servicemen who are doing military service under a contract and have a total duration of military service of 20 years or more; children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more; children of servicemen who died in the performance of military service duties or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism; children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation;

c) other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been granted a priority right to enroll in military educational institutions upon successful completion of professional selection.

III. Organization and conduct of professional selection of candidates from among the military personnel for full-time and part-time training in the areas of training "Management of military units and formations", "Management of technical support of troops (forces)" and by correspondence in the specialty "Legal support of national security"

38. Candidates from among the military personnel are allowed to participate in professional selection:

applicants for higher education programs in the areas of training "Management of military units and formations" and "Management of technical support of troops (forces)", undergoing military service under a contract for at least 3 years in military positions to be replaced by officers, and occupying military positions, for whom the state provides for the military rank of "captain" and above (full-time form), "major" and above (correspondence form), who have higher education in the field of telecommunications, information security of telecommunication systems or the use and operation of automated systems for special purposes;

applicants entering the higher education program for the specialty "Legal Support of National Security" (correspondence form of education), undergoing military service under a contract in the units of state security bodies for at least 1 year (until they reach the age of 35) in military positions to be replaced by a sergeant composition, ensigns and officers, and holding military positions for which the state provides for the military rank of "junior sergeant" and above *, having a secondary vocational or secondary general education.

* The term of military service of applicants for study is determined as of September 1 of the year of admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia, unless otherwise specified, and the term of military service in positions with a full-time category of military rank is determined as of December 31 of the year preceding the year of admission to Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

39. Educational selection of candidates is carried out:

for applicants for higher education programs in the direction of training "Management of military units and formations" by conducting oral entrance examinations on the organization of special communications (profile) and communications technology;

for applicants for higher education programs in the direction of training "Management of the technical support of troops (forces)" by conducting oral entrance examinations on the basics of technical support for units of the Federal Security Service of Russia (profile) and communications technology;

for applicants for higher education programs in the specialty "Legal support of national security" by conducting written entrance examinations in the Russian language, social science and history in the scope of secondary general education programs.

Written tests are carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 19-27 of these Rules.

40. Medical examination of candidates is carried out in accordance with paragraph 31 of these Rules.

41. An assessment of the candidate's physical fitness level is checked after a medical examination according to the Plan based on the results of exercises No. 31 (3 km run), No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar), No. 27 (100 m run) in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on Physical preparation"

42. The priority right to enroll in the Academy of the FSO of Russia is enjoyed by: military personnel awarded state awards of the Russian Federation; military personnel who performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in the adjacent territories classified as an armed conflict zone, and these military personnel performing tasks in the course of counter-terrorist operations on the territory of the North Caucasus region.

43. Candidates who arrived at the Academy of the FSO of Russia late without good reason are not allowed to professional selection and are sent to the place of military service.

IV. Organization and conduct of professional selection of candidates for training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies

44. Adjuncture on the basis of competitive selection accepts officers with an education of at least higher education (specialist or master's degree), practical work experience in officer positions for at least two years, who have positively proven themselves in the service *.

** Competitive selections for candidates entering postgraduate studies in full-time and part-time forms of study, as well as for candidates entering on orders for targeted training, are held separately.

Documents of candidates for admission must be drawn up in full accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

45. Candidates entering the postgraduate course are interviewed by the prospective supervisor, who reports the results of the interview to the admissions committee and sends written consent to the scientific supervisor, as well as a review with an assessment for the abstract.

46. ​​The selection committee decides on the admission of applicants to professional selection for postgraduate studies based on the requirements specified in paragraph 44, taking into account the recall of the proposed supervisor and the decision of the meeting of the department (department).

47. The candidate must be notified of the decision made by the selection committee no later than 15 days before the start of the professional selection.

48. Educational selection of candidates is carried out by conducting the following oral entrance examinations on:

special discipline;


foreign language. The foreign language required for a candidate to complete a dissertation research is determined by the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The entrance test in a special discipline is given first.

The criteria for assessing entrance examinations are developed and approved by the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

In the event that an “unsatisfactory” grade is received at the entrance test, the candidate is not allowed to pass the remaining entrance tests and is sent to the place of military service within two days.

Retake of entrance examinations is not allowed. The results of entrance examinations for postgraduate studies are valid for a calendar year.

49. Medical examination of candidates is carried out in accordance with paragraph 31 of these Rules.

50. An assessment of the candidate’s physical fitness level is checked after a medical examination according to the Plan based on the results of exercises No. 30 (31) (running for 1 km (3 km)), No. 3 (pulling up on the bar), No. 27 (running for 100 m) in in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on Physical Training.

51. Candidates who arrived at the Academy of the FSO of Russia late without good reason are not allowed to professional selection and are sent to the place of military service.

V. Grounds for refusal to admit candidates

52. Before the final meeting of the selection committee, refusal to accept candidates is made on the following grounds:

- obtaining on additional (introductory) tests the number of points lower than that established by the Academy of the FSO of Russia;

– getting an “unsatisfactory” mark in the entrance examinations;

– the conclusion of the medical commission on the state of health: “not fit”;

– getting a mark “not counted” for the practical implementation of physical training exercises;

– submission by the candidate of a report (application) in writing about the unwillingness to enter the Academy of the FSO of Russia or the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia;

- indiscipline.

The decision to refuse to accept candidates is made by the chairman of the selection committee.

VI. The order of admission to the Academy

53. Based on the results of professional selection, the selection committee forms competitive lists of candidates for enrollment in the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

The candidates specified in paragraph 36 of these Rules are entered first in the competitive lists, the remaining candidates are ranked depending on the sum of points of the results of educational selection and additional tests.

54. The decision to enroll (refuse to enroll) candidates to the Academy of the FSO of Russia is made at the final meeting of the selection committee of the Academy of the FSO of Russia and is drawn up in a protocol.

55. Candidates classified according to the results of professional psychological selection to the third category of professional suitability (recommended conditionally) are admitted to the Academy of the FSO of Russia in the absence of competition. The decision is made individually for each candidate.


to point 7

Admission rules

Academy of the FSO of Russia


I, _________________________________________________________________________________,

(Full Name)

before undergoing professional selection for admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia, he is familiar with the following documents:

1) the charter of the Academy of the FSO of Russia;

2) a license for the right to conduct educational activities by the Academy of the FSO of Russia;

3) certificate of state accreditation of the Academy of the FSO of Russia;

4) a list of areas and specialties (specializations) of training;

5) the procedure for conducting professional selection and criteria for assessing knowledge;

6) the procedure for enrolling in the Academy of the FSO of Russia.



Why do you need an emergency driving course?

Highways are known to be a high-risk area. Almost every driver has a chance to get into one or another extreme situation. From this no one is immune in our time. It is almost impossible to predict the reaction and behavior of a person who got into an extreme situation by car. However, you can avoid the negative consequences of an extreme situation on the road. It all depends on the level of training and experience of the driver. Special driving courses in extreme situations will help you gain confidence and peace of mind on the road.

The school of counter-emergency training at the AMK FSO offers its services in improving the level of driver training. At the end of our emergency driving courses, the student will be ready for any emergency situation on the road. At the same time, I would like to point out the fact that we do not teach extreme driving as recklessness, which in itself is a threat to the life of the driver and other road users surrounding him. In our emergency training center, the main emphasis is on safety, on how to avoid emergency situations! Here you need to clearly understand that counter-emergency driving is a set of specific measures aimed at reducing the risks of road users.

The program of the course "Counter-emergency training"

Classes in our center of driving skills are conducted by highly qualified instructors who have been trained by the best specialists, both in Russia and abroad, who in fact have repeatedly managed to confirm their highest professional level.
During the lessons on counter-emergency training, all aspects of driving skills will be explained to the listeners in the most accessible form, the listeners will learn a lot of new things about reflex driving.

Teach beginners and professionals

Students with completely different levels of training come to our safe driving training center. In this connection, there are several training programs on counter-emergency driving, which are focused on specific target driver groups. We work not only with novice drivers, but also with professionals who want to improve their driving skills. Our counter-emergency training courses in this regard will be useful to everyone. For novice drivers, a one-day program has been developed, the goals of which are: increasing the level of technical skills of trainees; familiarization of trainees with the basic technical methods of driving a car in various traffic situations; providing an opportunity for trainees to independently assess their ability to drive a car in various traffic situations. The program consists of both theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the program includes: the concept of professional excellence, its components and opportunities for improvement; proper fit, its benefits, selection and control; consideration of the most common mistakes made by drivers with little driving experience. The practical part consists of exercises of varying difficulty. Duration of classes - 5 hours, incl. practical part - 4 hours.

For experienced drivers, we have both a winter program of emergency training courses (from November to April) for front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles, and a summer program (from May to October).

Winter training period (from November to April):

  • Program for front-wheel drive vehicles - duration of training 2 days (8 hours).
    – features of driving a front-wheel drive car on a slippery road;
    - effective methods for improving the controllability and stabilization of a front-wheel drive car;
    – as early as possible to feel, to cause and stop the skidding of the rear axle and the demolition of the front axle of a front-wheel drive car;
    – techniques for emergency maneuvering in a front-wheel drive vehicle.
  • Program for rear wheel drive vehicles - duration of training 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    – as soon as possible to feel, to cause and stop the skidding of the car;
    – brake confidently without losing control, incl. urgently, on a slippery road;
    - emergency maneuvering on slippery roads.

    Summer period of study (from May to October):
  • Basic program for front- and rear-wheel drive vehicles - training duration 2 days (8 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - the basic technical methods of safe driving;
    – technical methods of emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - maneuvering technique, to form a "sense of size" of the car.
  • Advanced program for front- and rear-wheel drive vehicles - duration of training 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - improve the driver's skills of safe driving;
    - to teach the driver the technical methods of emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - to teach the driver the technical methods of driving a car that create conditions of comfort;
    - to study the features of driving a car equipped with modern active safety systems.


    Introductory part - up to 30 minutes.
    Briefing on safety measures, a brief overview of the entire course, explanation of the exercises for the first part of the lesson, distribution of trainees to study groups and study places.

    The main part is 3 hours 15 minutes.
    Practical part (first half) – 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Performing exercises on a specialized site of the autodrome.

    Break - 15 minutes.
    Coffee break, explanation of exercises for the second part of the lesson.

    Practical part (second half) – 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Performing exercises on the track.

    The final part is 15 minutes.
    Summing up, answering questions, setting tasks for the next day / presentation of certificates (on the last day of classes).

    Give a course of emergency driving to your loved ones

    Today, many people are worried about their relatives, friends, colleagues - regular road users. This is not surprising: recently, difficult traffic situations have been encountered at every turn. But, as practice shows, many refuse to take additional courses to improve driving skills, referring to the lack of time, money and permanent employment. These are just excuses. It always makes sense to help a person close to you improve his counter-emergency driving skill. You can present him as a gift with counter-emergency training courses at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotor Club of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

    At your request, you can issue both a classic gift certificate and a certificate for a specific event:

  • Gift certificate "Family", issued for two persons, an excellent gift for both a young family and a family celebrating a "Ruby" wedding.
  • A gift certificate in honor of March 8 is a great reason to worry about the safety of a loved one.
  • A gift certificate in honor of February 23 is the best gift for a real man.
  • Gift certificate "New Year's" - how you meet the new year, so you will spend it. The course of anti-emergency training at the beginning of the year is a good help for trouble-free operation of the car throughout the year.
  • Gift certificate "Birthday" - a gift that you can not put on the shelf. A gift thanks to which a person close to you can feel safe on the roads.

    Discount for regular customers

    From May 1, 2016, a system of discounts will be introduced. The discount is provided after the trainee has completed one training course at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotor Club of the FSO of Russia in any period of training (winter, summer), is issued in the form of a loyalty card and amounts to:

  • The second lesson - 5%.
  • The third lesson - 10%.
  • The fourth lesson - 15%.
  • Fifth lesson - 20%.

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