Actions against terrorism and radical extremism. News archive



On November 11, on the basis of the secondary Seliyarovskaya school, specialists from the RURAL CULTURAL COMPLEX held a very important and serious event ACTION-CONFERENCE "Terrorism and extremism - a threat to society"


  • explain to children the essence of terrorism and extremism, types of terrorism and goals;
  • basics of safety in emergency situations;
  • formation of public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.

The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scope of terrorism, which today is acquiring a truly worldwide character.

On November 11, after classes, high school students, their class teachers and workers of the JCC gathered in the assembly hall of the school to discuss the problem, which was stated as follows: "Terrorism is a threat to society."

So what is terrorism and extremism? Where do these words come from? What do they carry? And how to behave in a dangerous situation? These are the questions of the conference, to which the children were able to get simple and understandable answers during the event. At the beginning of the meeting, all those present were divided into three groups: "historians", "political scientists" and "extras". Each group was asked to get acquainted with the relevant information, and then try to convey it to the audience in the hall. Particularly successful was the performance of the Historians group: Dolzhicheva Katya, Fedorchenko Slava and Mikhailik Oli. They introduced the audience to the concepts of “terrorism”, “terrorists” when this global evil appeared.

To the question - What is the essence of terrorism? Tried to answer Masha Bobyleva from the group "Political Scientists"

What is the modern terrible statistics of terrorism? This topic was covered by the third group of students "Extras".

And for the most pressing questions:

How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack?

What is civic vigilance?

What actions should be taken when suspicious items are found?

If there was an explosion nearby, what would you do?

If you were among the hostages?

Adults have already answered all these questions, and their point of view did not always coincide with the opinion of children. But after heated discussions and well-structured dialogues, everyone came to a consensus - all adults and children should always exercise caution and civic vigilance. Terrorism in Russia is caused by social contradictions. They have a negative impact on all aspects of public life in the country. The most important prerequisite for an effective fight against terrorism, along with the measures of law enforcement agencies of the special services, is the ability of citizens to resist terrorist attacks, to behave correctly in this danger. In order for children to be prepared for any surprise, the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist act were discussed in great detail.

And of course, the children could not but like the game “If only…”, various examples of difficult life moments were offered to it, it was necessary to orient and find ways out of emergency situations.

The second part of the action was devoted to such a negative phenomenon of our time as extremism.

In life, a person communicates with representatives of various nationalities, cultures, worlds, concessions, social strata, therefore it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both one's own people and representatives of another culture, religion, to learn to find common ground. In addition, tolerance as a personality trait is considered necessary for successful adaptation to new unexpected conditions. People who do not have tolerance, being categorical, are incapable of the changes that life requires of us. In confirmation of these words, a colorful presentation was shown, illustrating the conclusions that the children themselves made very accurately and correctly.

Tolerance is not a passive, unnatural submission to the opinions, views and actions of others, not submissive patience, but an active moral position of a citizen, a readiness for tolerance in the name of good relations between people of different nationalities and social groups.

And at the end of the action, all those present very willingly took part in test task to determine tolerance, respect for other people's opinions / tolerance /.

Ikryanova Svetlana Evgenievna
Campaign for primary school students "Together against terror!"

Target: education of a sense of mercy, compassion; fostering respect for people fighting for world peace.

Equipment: presentation "Peace Lesson", PC, poster, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, leaves cut out of their green paper.

Action progress.

presenter: Today is the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism. It is connected with the terrible tragedy in Beslan, when from September 1 to 3, 2004, hundreds of innocent people died, most of them children who came to their native school on Knowledge Day.

Snow on the fireplace, snow on the mountain ash,

Snow appeared in the temples of mothers.

Who did not wait for their sons

From a school in Beslan. And daughters...

Who will comfort them? Who will help them?

Who ordered their children to be destroyed?

Who will muffle their great pain?

No, they will not find, perhaps, peace.

You raised and raised them,

Joy, happiness they wished in life.

But their young life was cut short ...

And they did not have to live in the world.

Those who returned, both intact and crippled,

They are about terror will be remembered forever.

And the children will be told about the grief in Beslan,

About what happened then in the country ...

I dedicate a verse to dear children

And I send a low bow to mothers.

Be strong, take courage, you are in the same ranks,

And we will not forget about this terror,

About those who died in Beslan,

For those who died in battle...

presenter: Let there be a moment of silence. Eternal memory to those who died in Beslan and in others terrorist acts.

(A minute of silence. The metronome sounds).

presenter: We spend with you share"Let's say terrorism no.. I suggest you watch the following presentation "Peace Lesson".

2. View presentation "Peace Lesson". (Presentation prepared "voudeourok")

presenter: Questions to participants:

What have you learned about the people's struggle for world peace?

Name the symbol of peace.

Who drew it?

What's happened terror?

Give an example terrorist act.

presenter: Creation of the World Tree.

Guys, would you like to join the fight for world peace?

You have such an opportunity. We invite you to create a Peace Tree, where each of you can cast your vote for peace and speak against terror.

Do you think we can do it?

What do we need for this?

presenter: Distribute responsibilities. Who wants to draw a tree? Who wants to cut out leaflets from colored paper? Who will collect signatures?

1 group of children draws a tree,

Group 2 - cut out leaves from green paper,

Group 3 collects signatures for peace on carved leaves of a tree and sticks them on a tree.

(Signatures are the names or surnames of those who give their signature for peace. Everyone signs the leaves and sticks to the tree).

At the end stock- photo for memory.

presenter: Completing our share want to express your attitude to the world and your position in relation to terror. They have a word.

1 Terror- there is no more terrible word!

2 Terror There is no harsher word!

3 Terror- there is no harsher word!

4 Terror- there is no word worse!

1 Terror - there is no worse word!

2 Terror- there is no word worse!

3 World - creates, terror destroys!

4 The clouds of the sun cannot close, the world terror cannot be defeated!

1 Stand together for the world - no terror!

2 We will be honest and fair!

3 We will be fighters for truth and happiness!

4 We will do our best to terror did not repeat!

presenter: Word " terror"translated from Latin means"horror". terrorists- these are extremely cruel people who want to intimidate us by any means. All of them are criminals, although very often they "hide" behind beautiful words. But these words cannot be trusted.

Terrorists are not to be feared. They are fought by special units, governments of all states. Against terrorism today - the whole world, people of all nationalities, countries and continents. In today's world, every person faces many dangers. Of course, we all hope that the trouble will bypass us and our loved ones. But a person must be ready for anything. When trouble strikes, it will be difficult to act correctly if you do not prepare in advance. Our site will tell you how to behave in difficult situations.

When something happens, we sometimes do not have time to think, the threat comes from terrorists or not. The main thing is to act and act correctly. Therefore, on our website you will find rules of conduct in various situations, telephone numbers of rescue services and other important and necessary information. She will help you save your own life and the lives of your loved ones. Share your knowledge with friends and classmates- and you will become stronger in the face of possible danger!

presenter: REMINDER


Terrorism today - one of the main threats to human civilization. International terror in recent years, he has proved his extreme cruelty, his willingness to stop at nothing to achieve his goals. As a result of committing terrorist acts, innocent people, children, women, old people suffer. For terrorist human life has no value. terrorist a threat is an everyday reality that cannot be reconciled with and to which one must always be ready to repulse. The active citizenship of each is a necessary condition for a successful counter terrorists. We all have a common enemy, and we all - the state, law enforcement agencies, special services, society - must fight it together.

To do this, everyone must know how to behave when a suspicious object is found, in case of a threat and during a terrorist attack, what should be prepared for, what can and cannot be done under any circumstances. This is as important as knowing the rules of first aid. From this booklet you will learn how to behave in the event of a terrorist attack or its threat in order to save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Forewarned means protected! Together we will protect the lives of our loved ones and win terror!


Stay calm Move to a safe distance Immediately call 01, 02, report a suspicious item to a nearby official - driver, conductor, stewardess, security officer, etc. When evacuating, help each other calmly leave the premises or vehicles. Wait for the arrival of law enforcement officers and indicate the location of the suspicious item.

Touch, open, move a suspicious object Use mobile and other radio communications in the immediate vicinity of the object Allow shouting, chaotic movements, panic

PARENTS Teach children not to pick up any objects found on the street (toys, electronic devices, bags, etc.)

They can pose a LIFE HAZARD


Try to calm down, help others calm down. Know that you will definitely be released Fulfill the requirements terrorists When in contact with criminals, behave with restraint, calmly

Make sudden, sudden movements, shout, talk loudly, behave provocatively Move around the room, open bags, use a mobile phone Make eye contact terrorists Conduct conversations on moral and ethical topics Respond to any provocative behavior, insults, take independent actions to release


Lie down on the floor, cover your head with your hands, cross your legs, group up Clearly follow the commands of the security services

Run towards or away from intelligence officers - you may be mistaken for criminals Shout, gesticulate, take the initiative


HELP YOURSELF AND PEOPLE SURROUNDING YOU, on this our event has come to an end. Goodbye!



Hostage taking

If you are a hostage, know that you are not alone. remember: Experienced people are already rushing to help you. Don't try to run away, break out on your own - terrorists may react aggressively. Try to calm down and wait for release.

1) Prepare for a long wait. The specialists need time to free you. They do not lose a minute, but they must foresee everything.

2) Try to mentally distract yourself from what is happening: remember the content of books, feature films, cartoons, solve problems in your mind. If you believe in God, pray.

3) Try not to be annoying terrorists: do not shout, do not cry, do not be indignant. Do not demand immediate release either - that is impossible.

4) Do not get into arguments with terrorists fulfill all their requirements. remember: this is a necessary measure, you save yourself and others.

5) Remember that you may have to spend a long time without water and food - save your strength.

6) If the room is stuffy, try to move less in order to use oxygen more economically.

7) If there is enough air, and it is forbidden to move around the building, do simple physical exercises - strain and relax the muscles of the arms, legs, and back. Don't make sudden movements.

8) Remember: if the hostage spends a lot of time with terrorists, it may seem to him that they together and the whole world against them. This is a very dangerous mistake! Know: in any situation a terrorist is a criminal, and the hostage is his victim! They cannot have common goals!

The scenario "Youth against extremism" was developed with the aim of holding an extracurricular event as part of the implementation of the comprehensive program of MOBUG No. 2 of the city of Novokubansk "Combating extremism and preventing terrorism."



Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Youth against extremism"

teacher of history and social science MOBUG No. 2 of Novokubansk

Ivanenko Olga Borisovna


The scenario "Youth against extremism" was developed with the aim of holding an extracurricular event as part of the implementation of the comprehensive program of MOBUG No. 2 of the city of Novokubansk "Combating extremism and preventing terrorism."

For modern Russia, as well as for many other countries of the world, terrorism has become one of the most important destabilizing factors. It is a serious challenge to national security, a source of risks and threats for society as a whole and for each individual. In this regard, the formation of an anti-terrorist ideology, anti-terrorist knowledge and skills necessary to ensure personal and public security is the most important task facing modern Russian society.

aim extracurricular activities is the formation of communicative, socio-psychological, socio-legal, informational and socio-personal competencies.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of theoretical, practical and educational tasks.

TO theoretical tasksincludes the formation of communicative, informational competence, which are:

In a respectful attitude towards different ethnic cultures and religions (communicative competence);

In the knowledge of the main risks and threats to the national security of Russia (information competence).

IN practical tasks includes:

Knowledge of the constitutional rights and obligations of citizens, the legal basis for ensuring security (social and legal competence);

Knowledge of the regulatory framework for countering terrorism (social and legal competence);

The ability to critically evaluate information reflecting the manifestations of terrorism in Russia and in the world as a whole (information competence);

Increasing stress resistance through the development of subjective personality traits (socio-psychological competence).

Educational tasksassociated with the formation of social and personal competencies, consisting of:

In accepting differences and multiculturalism, readiness and ability to interact in a multicultural and other cultural environment;

In the formation of citizenship and social activity.

The script is recommended for students in grades 9-11 of secondary schools. It would be expedient to invite representatives of the Antiterrorist Committee and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to the event to speak and discuss problematic issues.Conduct form: performance of students and "free microphone". To enhance the emotional impact during the event, presentations, poems, videos, songs and dance compositions on the topic are used.

Event equipment: multimedia projector, screen, presentation "Terrorist acts", video "This is all Russia", soundtrack of the song "The youth of Kuban is power", audio recording for a dance composition.

Scenario of an extracurricular event

"Youth against extremism"

- Hello, dear participants of our Youth Against Extremism event. Today we have gathered with you to talk about a very serious and topical topic: the danger of extremism, tolerant attitude towards each other, as well as to talk about tolerance, nobility, decency, humanity and mutual respect, about the inadmissibility of extremism and terrorism in interethnic relations.

Our Motherland - Russia - is one of the largest multinational countries in the world. Approximately 166 nationalities and nationalities live in it - from more than 100 million Russian nation to small northern peoples, whose number sometimes does not exceed a hundred people. Each people contributes to the bright palette of Russian cultures. Only in brotherhood and close unity with each other can any trials be overcome. This is what has been happening on our earth for many centuries.

- It is impossible to imagine Russia without such people as
-Peter Bagration - Russian general with Georgian roots, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812;
- Abram Petrovich Gannibal - general, maternal great-grandfather of Pushkin, Ethiopian;
- Vladimir Ivanovich Dal - Russian lexicographer, author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language - from Russified Danes;
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - Russian scientist - self-taught, the founder of modern astronautics - from the Poles ...

Leo Tolstoy, Georgy Zhukov, Grigory Ponomarenko, Rasul Gamzatov, Ilya Repin, Caesar Kunikov, Marshal Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan, Garry Kasparov, Viktor An... How can one imagine Russia without the names of these and countless other heroes of our history?

We are all citizens of the great multinational Russian Federation!

If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your native village yard.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

(video "This is all Russia ..")

How beautiful this world is: blue sky and bright sun, flowering trees and green grass, singing birds and fluttering butterflies! Joy, love, smile, carefree laughter.

How fragile this world is! In a matter of minutes, happiness can turn into disaster, laughter can turn into tears, and a clear sky can be hidden behind a cloud of gray dust if the values ​​of justice and honor accepted in a normal society are replaced by ideas of violence and extremism.

Extremism is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. There are the following types of extremism:

  • political
  • National
  • religious

National extremism acts under the slogans of protecting "its own people", its economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in the same territory.

Religious extremism is understood as intolerance towards dissident representatives of the same or another religion. In recent years, the problem of Islamic extremism has become more acute.

Political extremism is a movement or current against the existing constitutional order.

The extreme manifestation of extremism is terrorism.

The word "terrorism" ("terror") came fromLatin: terror - fear, horror and very close to such concepts as "terrorize", "keep in obedience", "intimidate", "perpetrate violence".

Terrorist acts bring massive human casualties; destroy material and spiritual values ​​that cannot be restored; sow enmity between states and peoples; provoke wars.

Terrorism can turn the entire society into a victim!

Currently, extremism is acquiring more and more diverse forms and rampant proportions: at the beginning of the 21st century, there were about 500 terrorist organizations and groups of various extremist orientations operating in the world. Over the past 10 years, they have committed more than 6,500 acts of international terrorism, which killed tens of thousands of people and injured more than 11,000.

The bloody events of terrorist acts fit into modern history almost every day.

(presentation “Terrorist acts)

Lord Supreme! stop evil,
The innocent are not humiliated by an excuse ...
No need for blood, give us all love!
Fill your hearts with happiness!

Give faith that the earth will come to life,
Forgiving the pain of losses that left early ...
Let's make a vow of love to her - you and I,
She deserves it, really.

The world is fragmented... And the pain is unbearable...
How can I help find the cause?
How can I heal this disease
To uproot the vile mask ...

(Tatiana Krasyuk)

And I--and I mourn with you all,
And I want to light my candle
And it's impossible to put into words
All the things I want to say now.
Tears of grief run down your cheeks,
They, after all, like us ... wanted to live,
And rejoice... in the sun... in the clouds,
With one tug of a ruthless hand,
Their lives were cut short in one moment
The people mourn ... our poems mourn ...
And for relatives, there is no greater grief.
Let's light a candle and stand silently...
Here from the bouquets there is nowhere to go,
We mourn... we mourn... we mourn... we mourn...
Yes, how long will it last?


The causes of extremism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This lack of spirituality, the lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects for the development of the country, the loss of a sense of ownership and responsibility for the fate of the motherland.

The social base of extremist groups is made up of people who have not been able to adapt to new living conditions. Young people who are not able to critically approach the content of publications in the media, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most susceptible to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist groups. Most youth extremist groups are not of a formal nature. A number of their members have a vague idea of ​​the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external paraphernalia and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of “secret society” that has the right to commit reprisals against persons objectionable to the group with impunity, all this often attracts young people.

Today, extremism is a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. There is an increase in informal youth movements of an extremist orientation. Currently, members of informal youth organizations (groups) of an extremist-nationalist orientation are young people aged 14 to 30, often minors aged 14 to 18.

Our guest will tell about the danger of terrorism and measures to prevent extremist offenses.

The ideology of terrorism and extremism is a substitution of the values ​​accepted in a normal society, the concepts of justice and honor.

It is impossible to be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is what terrorists seek, but one must be vigilant and cautious in any situation.

To protect yourself from such a terrible phenomenon as terrorism

You should not get acquainted with suspicious people (strange behavior, clothes, speech);

No need to approach ownerless items (other people's bags, packages, things, etc.);

More attention should be paid to one's own national culture (traditions, religion, monuments).


Criminal liability for extremism and terrorism arises from the age of 16. The degree of criminal liability depends on the severity of the crime - a fine of one hundred thousand rubles up to imprisonment (from six months to life imprisonment).

Acts of violence, terrorism, and intolerance that have become more frequent in recent years have exacerbated interreligious, interethnic and other conflicts.

People are increasingly coming to understand that uncompromisingness and intransigence should give way to higher values ​​- the ability to find mutually acceptable solutions, prevent emerging and overcome existing conflicts. Tolerance is the way to peace!Show toleranceIt means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.To be tolerantmeans to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

We are very different, but we must live in peace. The name of the next musical composition is "Tolerance works wonders."


Once upon a time there was a little fox, he was scared in the forest: incomprehensible rustles, sounds. And then friends came: raccoons, tigers, hares, zebras and elephants. They took pity and supported the fox. And it was not scary, but fun.

(Dance of the Fox)

May friendship, kindness, tenderness, mercy, love, sincerity, sincerity and patience fill your heart.

The word "we" is stronger than "I".
We are family and we are friends.
We are a people and we are one.
Together we are invincible.

We believe that the future is in our hands
We must respect, appreciate and accept the culture of each people
We want goodness to reign on earth
We can make tomorrow happy
Youth of Kuban against extremism!

(song "Youth of the Kuban")

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

state autonomous professional educational institution

Chelyabinsk region

"Polytechnic College"


Action: Youth against extremism.

"The sky is common to all"

Magnitogorsk 2016


Formation of the idea of ​​terrorism and extremism as a global problem.


Show the terrible "face" of terrorism and the horrific consequences of this phenomenon;

Discuss whether ways to protect against terrorism are possible; make sure students can navigate in emergency situations; think over ways out of critical situations associated with terrorist acts;

Development of students' skills in discussion, discussion and analysis of the information received; developing the ability to draw conclusions.


Multimedia equipment, information and handouts.

Event progress:

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1:

Hello, dear participants of our event!

Host 2:


Presenter 1:

We are starting our event called "The sky is common to all". Today we have gathered to talk about a very serious and topical topic: the danger of extremism and a tolerant attitude towards each other.

Host 2:

Our Motherland - Russia - is one of the largest multinational countries in the world.

Approximately 166 nationalities and nationalities live in it.

Presenter 1:
- It is impossible to imagine Russia without such people as:
-Peter Bagration - Russian general with Georgian roots, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812;

5 slide - Abram Petrovich Gannibal - general, maternal great-grandfather of Pushkin, Ethiopian;

6slide - Vladimir Ivanovich Dal - Russian lexicographer, author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language - from Russified Danes;

Host 2:

7 slide Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - Russian scientist - self-taught, the founder of modern astronautics;

8 slide Leo Tolstoy,

10 slide Ilya Repin, Marshal Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan,

11 slide Garry Kasparov,

12 slide Viktor An…

Presenter 1:

How to imagine Russia without the names of these and other countless heroes of our history?

We are all citizens of the great multinational Russian Federation!

13 slide

Host 2:

If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your native village yard.

15 slide Or steppe from red poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Presenter 1:

How beautiful this world is: blue sky and bright sun, flowering trees and green grass, singing birds and fluttering butterflies! Joy, love, smile, carefree laughter.

Host 2:

How fragile this world is! In a matter of minutes, happiness can turn into disaster, laughter can turn into tears, and a clear sky can be hidden behind a cloud of gray dust if the values ​​of justice and honor accepted in a normal society are replaced by ideas of violence and extremism.

Presenter 1:

Extremism is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. There are the following types of extremism:




(video clip 1)

The bloody events of terrorist acts fit into modern history almost every day.

Host 2:

We suggest watching a video on how to protect yourself from such a terrible phenomenon.

(video clip 2)

Presenter 1:

Acts of violence, terrorism, and intolerance that have become more frequent in recent years have exacerbated interreligious, interethnic and other conflicts.

Slide 19 People are increasingly coming to understand that

Tolerance is the way to peace!.

(video about tolerance)

We are very different, but we must live in peace, because we have a common sky.

(video 3)

Host 2:

May friendship, kindness, tenderness, mercy, love, sincerity, sincerity and patience fill your heart.

The word "we" is stronger than "I".
We are family and we are friends.
We are a people and we are one.
Together we are invincible.

Presenter 1:

We believe that the future is in our hands
We must respect, appreciate and accept the culture of each people
We want goodness to reign on earth!
We can make tomorrow happy!
Youth of Russia against extremism!

Thank you for your attention!


round table

Youth FOR a culture of peace,

AGAINST terrorism.

Class teacher: Kosumova Z.Z.


    explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
    improve knowledge about terrorism;
    basics of safety in emergency situations;
    to form the public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.

    determine why terrorism has become a common occurrence in Russian reality;

    to promote the education in children of a tolerant attitude towards each other and to form the ability to live in peace with other people;

    develop student independence.

Carrying out method: D round table discussion

Event progress

1. introductionclass teacher Kosumova Z.Z.

If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your native village yard.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Good afternoon friends. Today we have gathered in this hall to hold a round table on the topic: "Youth for a culture of peace, against terrorism".

As part of the round table, we will discuss the most important issues today regarding the prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people:

    Ideology of extremism and terrorism in modern society;

    Modern approaches and methods in the fight against the manifestation of extremism, terrorism and pseudo-religious movements.

Unprecedented terrorist acts at the beginning of the 21st century are a challenge to all mankind. The whole world expresses its indignation and indignation, condemns the atrocities. The necessity of consolidating the entire world community in taking measures to prevent terrorism is becoming clear. Along with the use of anti-terrorist actions, large-scale, humanistic and explanatory work is important today, because, as practice shows, hatred cannot be overcome with hatred. The first step on the way to consensus is dialogue, discussion, round table debates of all representatives of the globe.

And so, today we are facing important issues related to terrorism.


1. What is terrorism?

2. What are the causes and history of terrorism?

4. What is the punishment for committing terrorism in the Criminal

Code of the Russian Federation?

5. Is there terrorism in Islam?

6. What is the modern statistics of terrorism?

7 . Why do young people join terrorist organizations?

8. How to fight terrorism? What is the legal framework for combating extremism and terrorism?

9. How to deal with those who return from ISIS

10. Are extremists, terrorists representatives of only some religions?

11. How to behave in a similar situation?

From the realm of history


Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking).

The concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”, appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. So the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the French Revolution, the word “Terrorism” became synonymous with a criminal. Until very recently, the term “terrorism” already meant a range of different shades of violence.

In 1881, the Tsar was killed by Narodnaya Volya using a homemade bomb.

Alexander II. In 1911, the chairman of the Council of Ministers was killed by an Okhrana agentP.A. Stolypin. In the period from 1902 to 1907, about 5,000 terrorist acts were carried out by terrorists in Russia. Their victims were ministers, deputies of the State Duma, gendarmes, police and prosecutors.


In the USSR, terrorism before the aggravation of national conflicts was a very rare phenomenon. The only notorious case was the explosion in the Moscow metro car in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals by such actions.

Our country seriously encountered terrorism during the “perestroika”. Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were committed on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in what was then the USSR, more than 1,500 people died as a result of bloody clashes, more than 10,000 citizens were injured, and 600,000 became refugees. Between 1990 and 1993, approximately one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. Question: for what?


Since 1992, in Russia, such a phenomenon as contract killings of objectionable persons has become widespread. Journalists, deputies of the State Duma, entrepreneurs, bankers, mayors of cities, businessmen became and become their victims.

What is happening strikes the mind, but here is the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of regular contract killings, shootings on the streets of cities.

What is the essence of terrorism?

Participant: from the field of political science.

Dictionaries define the concept of "terrorism" as the violent actions of criminals with the aim of undermining the existing government, complicating international relations, political and economic extortion from states. It is the systematic use or threat of violence against civilians as a means of blackmailing existing authorities to achieve certain political, social or economic goals.

Types of modern terrorism:




-Three sides of the terrorist action conflict:

    Those who commit a terrorist act (terrorists)

    Direct victims of the action

    Those who want to be intimidated and forced to behave in a certain way


Terrorist activities include the following:

    Organization, planning, preparation and implementation of a terrorist action.

    Incitement to a terrorist act, violence against individuals or organizations, destruction of material objects for terrorist purposes.

    Organization of an illegal armed group, criminal community (criminal organization), organized group to commit a terrorist act, as well as participation in such an action.

    Recruitment, arming, training and use of terrorists;

    Financing or otherwise assisting a knowingly terrorist organization or terrorist group.

- What are the modern statistics of terrorism?

Participant: from the field of statistics.

- A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its bodies, the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of the terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

Bus hijacking

December 1, 1988 in Mineralnye Vody, 4 bandits demanded a large amount of money in foreign currency and a plane to fly abroad. Otherwise, they threatened to burn everyone: under each seat, the terrorists placed three 3-liter cans of gasoline. The story of the capture of children thundered throughout the country. In hot pursuit, 2 films were shot: the documentary “Hostages from the 4th G” and the feature “Crazed Bus”

- Destruction of the World Trade Center

September 11, 2001 , on the 28th anniversary of the CIA-producedmilitary coup in Chile, and the 11th anniversary of Bush Sr.'s "New World Order" speech, terrorists hijacked four planes. According to the official version, nineteen Arabs hijacked 4 planes; crashed two of them into the towers of the World Trade Center, causing a fire inside, and crashed a third into the Pentagon. According to the official version, as a result of the fire, the steel supporting beams melted, which caused the collapse of the towers.


-Terrorist act in Moscow in 2002

October 23, 2002 at 21.05 in the center of Moscow (in the theater center on Dubrovka) more than50 armed terroristscaptured the hall in which the popular musical was playing"Nord-Ost".The terrorists demanded an end to the war in Chechnya, threatening to shoot the hostages and blow up the hall.October 26 at 5.32after a unique special operation in world history, more than500 hostages were released. Destroyed50 terrorists– 32 men and 18 women.117 hostagesdied.

-Terrorist act at the Tushino airfield

July 05, 2003 a terrorist act was committed in Moscow:at the entrance to the Tushino airfield where at that time passedrock festival "Wings" two bombs were detonated. Explosions producedtwo suicide bombers . According to official data13 dead and 59 injured . Large casualties were avoided only because the guards, suspecting these women,did not let them into the crowd festival participants.

-Terrorist act near the hotel "National"

December 9, 2003 As a result of an explosion near the National Hotel in the center of Moscow, according to updated data, five people were killed and 13 were injured. The terrorist attack near the hotel "National" was carried out byone suicide bomber .

-Taking hostages in Beslan

The saddest case in Russia occurred on September 1, 2004 in the city of Beslan, which is located on the territory of the Ossetian Republic. On this day, the militants took hostage the students of the local school. It was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully - as a result, 186 children died, as well as 148 adults. The place where the children were buried is called the "City of Angels"


On October 31, 2015, the crash of the A321 airliner en route from Egypt to St. Petersburg is considered one of the latest terrorist attacks against Russia. According to investigators, the cause of the disaster was arranged by representatives of the Islamic State terrorist group.All 224 people on board (including 25 children and 7 crew members) died.

The youngest passenger, the girl Darina, became a small symbol of this great tragedy.

In memory of the events of that day, September 3 became the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Terrorism in Russia.


The causes of extremism and terrorism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This lack of spirituality, the lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects for the development of the country, the loss of a sense of ownership and responsibility for the fate of the motherland.

Let's look at what are the main prerequisites for involving young people in the web of totalitarian organizations.

1. Origins from the so-called "unfavorable" families;

2. Psychological crises of the adolescent transition period;

3. Feeling of fear and insecurity before the difficulties of modern life;

4. Uncertainty about the future;

5. Notoriety and the resulting problems in communicating with others.

Terrorism cannot be defeated, but it can and must be fought. Moreover, everyone is capable of waging this struggle, regardless of nationality, income level, gender, age. And school students can also do their bit by observing the rules of information and Internet security, being vigilant, paying attention to suspicious things, people, events.

One of the most widespread types of extremism is religious extremism. In the last decade, this term has been used more and more widely, it refers to aggression emanating from religion. However, this term is conceptually controversial.

Religion, by its very nature, cannot carry aggression; no true religion calls for violence or justifies terrorist attacks. Extremists and terrorists only cover themselves with religious slogans. But in fact, political goals are being pursued. Extremists seek to seize power, create an atmosphere of fear and powerlessness.


How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack?

Basic rules of conduct in the face of the threat of terrorist acts.

Terrorists target well-known and visible targets, such as major cities, international airports, venues for major international events, international resorts, etc. to attack. A prerequisite for an attack is the ability to avoid the close attention of law enforcement agencies - for example, searches before and after a terrorist attack. Be careful when you are in such places.

Participant: -Make it a rule to always specify where the emergency exits from the premises are. Think in advance how you will leave the building if an emergency occurs in it. Never try to get out of a burning building in an elevator. First, the elevator mechanism may be damaged. Secondly, usually frightened people run to the elevators. Elevators are not designed to carry such a large number of passengers - so precious minutes needed for rescue can be lost.

In the waiting rooms of airports, railway stations, etc. try to stay away from fragile and heavy structures. In the event of an explosion, they can fall or shatter into small pieces that act as fragments, as a rule, they can be the cause of secondary injury factors and most injuries.


Be especially careful when traveling. Pay attention to suspicious details and trifles - it is better to report them to law enforcement officers. Never accept packages, items and parcels for transfer from strangers and never leave your luggage unattended.

Class teacher's word:

Thus, based on the results of our discussion, we can conclude that terrorism is a global phenomenon with a long history. The scale of terrorism and its interstate character make it absolutely necessary to establish an international system to counter it, to coordinate the efforts of various states on a long-term basis and at the highest level, and to create international organizations to combat it. And now we will conduct a small survey among the participants of the round table.

Questions for questionnaires on the prevention of terrorism and extremism.


In your understanding, tolerance is:


Tolerance for manifestations of different ethnic and cultural affiliations, different religions, beliefs and actions of people;


Hostility, conflict with other nations, peoples;


The desire of one people to conquer the lands of another people;


In your opinion, extremism is:


Adherence to extreme views and measures;


The right of diplomatic representatives to obey the laws of their own state only;


Divergence with generally accepted norms;


In your opinion, terrorism is:


Intimidation of their political opponents, expressed in physical violence, up to destruction;


An open and frank statement about one's actions, deeds;


The illegal right to use armed force by one state against the sovereignty of another;


What is your attitude towards representatives of other races, nationalities?




I feel dislike;




Would you like to know more about different countries, peoples of the world, their culture and traditions?






Difficult to answer;


Do you seek to establish trusting and close relationships with representatives of other nationalities?






I establish trusting and close relationships with everyone, regardless of nationality.

    Dear guys, everything we talked about today cannot leave us indifferent. Once again we were convinced that extremism is cruelty based on hatred and malice, and sometimes stupidity, subordinated to blind faith. We have prepared a memo for the participants of the round table. Remember: God saves the safe.

The participants of the round table are given memos

"Choose the right path."

1. Do not engage in dialogue with preachers who approach you on the street;

2. If you are offered a leaflet, brochure, religious magazine, thank you and politely decline;

3. Do not try to defend your religious beliefs when meeting with believers or preachers of any religious organization;

4. Before you decide to attend a meeting of any religious organization, consult with your parents, relatives, just close people;

5. The choice to believe or not to believe is only yours, before making a decision, think about it, is it worth it? A thoughtful and correct decision will save you not only mental health, maybe even life.

Resolution at the end of the round table:

At the end of the round table, the participants adopt a resolution in which:
- condemn extremism and terrorism as the greatest threat to all mankind;
- express their readiness to carry out constant work to provide all possible assistance to public authorities in creating an effective system for countering extremism and terrorism,
- call on all students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 with. Chechen-Aul" not to succumb to the provocations of extremists seeking to split and oppose the various peoples and religious communities of Russia.

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