Aksyonov, Yevtushenko, Akhmadulina. The real heroes of "Mysterious Passion"


» (2004)

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Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov(August 20, Kazan - July 6, Moscow) - Russian writer.

In the 1960s, the works of V. Aksyonov were often published in the journal Yunost. For several years he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal. Adventure dilogy for children: "My grandfather is a monument" (1970) and "A chest in which something knocks" (1972).

The story about L. Krasin "Love for Electricity" (1971) belongs to the historical and biographical genre. The experimental work "The Search for a Genre" was written in 1972 (the first publication in the journal "New World"; in the subtitle indicating the genre of the work, "Search for the Genre" is also indicated).

In the 1970s, after the end of the "thaw", Aksyonov's works ceased to be published in his homeland. The novels The Burn (1975) and The Island of Crimea (1977-1979, partly written during his stay in Koktebel) were created by the author from the very beginning without any expectation of publication. At this time, criticism of Aksyonov and his works became more and more harsh: such epithets as "non-Soviet" and "non-folk" were used. In 1977-1978, Aksyonov's works began to appear abroad, primarily in the USA.

In 1978, V. Aksyonov, together with Andrey Bitov, Viktor Erofeev, Fazil Iskander, Evgeny Popov and Bella Akhmadulina, became the organizer and author of the uncensored almanac Metropol, which was never published in the Soviet censored press. The Almanac was published in the USA. All participants in the almanac were subjected to "study". In protest against the subsequent exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from the Union of Writers of the USSR in December 1979, Aksyonov, as well as Inna Lisnyanskaya and Semyon Lipkin, announced their withdrawal from the joint venture. The history of the almanac is set out in the novel with the key "Say" raisins "".

In exile

On July 22, 1980, he left for the United States at the invitation, after which he was deprived of Soviet citizenship. Until 2004 he lived in the USA.

Since 1981, Vasily Aksyonov has been a professor of Russian literature at various US universities: George Washington University (GWU) (1982-1983), Goucher College (1983-1988), George Mason University (GMU) (1988-2009) ), and was also a fellow (fellow) of the George Kennan Wilson Institute Center in Washington.

In 1980-1991, as a journalist, he actively collaborated with Voice of America and with Radio Liberty. Collaborated with the magazine "Continent" and the almanac "Verb". Aksenov's radio essays were published in the author's collection "A decade of slander" (2004).

The novels “Our Golden Iron” (1973, 1980), “The Burn” (1976, 1980), “Crimea Island” (1979, 1981), a collection of short stories "Right to the Island" (1981).

In the USA, V. Aksyonov wrote and published new novels: “Paper Landscape” (1982), “Say Raisin” (1985), “In Search of a Sad Baby” (1986), “Egg Yolk” (1989, in English) , trilogy "Moscow Saga" (1989-1993), a collection of short stories "Negative of a positive hero" (1995), "A new sweet style" (1996) (dedicated to the life of Soviet emigration in the USA), "Caesarean glow" (2000).

For the first time after nine years of emigration, Aksyonov visited the USSR in 1989. In 1990, V. Aksyonov was given back Soviet citizenship.

After 1991

In the last years of his life he lived with his family in Biarritz (France).

Aksyonov's grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

The book of memoirs "The Apple of the Eye" (2005) is in the nature of a personal diary.

Vasily Aksyonov was buried on July 9, 2009 at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

In Kazan, the house where the writer lived in his adolescence was restored, and in November 2009 the Museum of his work was created there.

Aksenov at that time was called a connoisseur of urban life. “There are villagers, but he, Aksyonov, is in the city.” (Georgy Sadovnikov. My classmate Vasya / “Vasily Aksyonov is a lonely long-distance runner”).

“Aksenov in America remained a well-known writer for a narrow circle. I suspect that he wanted to be an American bestseller and was very upset that nothing came of it. In my opinion, even theoretically it could not work. To create an American bestseller, you have to write badly and about nonsense. But Aksyonov, with all his efforts, will not be able to do this. (Anatoly Gladilin. Aksenovskaya saga).

“Talented white hand. I didn’t sniff life ... ”(Vil Lipatov).

Awards, honorary titles, awards

In the USA, V. Aksyonov was awarded the honorary title of Doctor of Humane Letters. He was a member of the PEN Club and the American Authors' League. Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.


Since 2007, the International Literary and Musical Festival Aksyonov-Fest has been held in Kazan since 2007 every autumn (in October) (the first was held with his personal participation), in 2009 the building was recreated and the Aksyonov Literary House-Museum was opened, in which the city literary club operates.

In 2015, the Aksyonov Garden was opened in Kazan after the reconstruction. The opening of the nominal square was the end of the Aksyonov-fest Festival. "Aksyonov's Garden" began its work with the opening of a memorial sign dedicated to Vasily Aksyonov. This sign is a self-portrait of the author, made in the caricature genre, as he signed his manuscripts.

In 2016, a sculptural composition dedicated to the writer appeared in the Aksyonov Garden.

In 2017, on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Vasily Aksyonov, the Aksyonov Island portal began to operate.

Books about Aksenov

Studies of creativity V. P. Aksyonov

  • 1998 - Torunova Galina Mikhailovna. The evolution of the hero and the genre in the work of Vasily Aksyonov: From prose to dramaturgy. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2005 - Karlina Natalia Nikolaevna. The myth of America in American and Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century: E. L. Doctorow and V. Aksyonov. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2006 - Malikova Tatyana Alexandrovna. The work of V. Aksyonov in the 1960s-1990s in English-language literary criticism and criticism. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2006 - Popov Ilya Vladimirovich. The artistic world of the works of Vasily Aksyonov. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2007 - Chernyshenko Olga Vasilievna. The novels of V. P. Aksyonov: genre originality, the problem of the hero and features of the author's philosophy. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2009 - Barruelo-Gonzalez Elena Yurievna. Roman V.P. Aksyonov "Moscow Saga". Genre issue. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
  • 2009 - Shcheglov Yuri Konstantinovich. "Overstocked Barrel" by Vasily Aksyonov.
  • 2011 - Aksyonova Violetta Vladimirovna. Genre originality of V. Aksyonov's prose in the 1960s-1970s. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.


  • Sister (by father) - Maya Pavlovna Aksenova (1925-2010), teacher-methodologist, author of methodological and teaching aids on teaching the Russian language.
  • Brother (by mother) - Alexei Dmitrievich Fedorov (1926-1942), died during the Leningrad blockade.
  • The mother's adopted daughter is actress Antonina Pavlovna Aksyonova (original surname Khinchinskaya, born 1945).
  • The first wife is Kira Ludvigovna Mendeleva (1934–2013), the daughter of the brigade commander Layosh (Ludwig Matveyevich) Gavro and the great-niece of the famous pediatrician and healthcare organizer Yulia Aronovna Mendeleva (1883-1959), founder and first rector (1925-1949).
    • Son - Alexei Vasilyevich Aksyonov (born 1960), production designer.
  • The second wife is Maya Afanasievna Aksyonova (1930-2014), nee Zmeul - the daughter of the nomenklatura worker Afanasy Andreevich Zmeul, who at the end of his life headed the foreign trade association "International Book". In her first marriage, Ovchinnikova, in her second marriage to R. L. Karmen, she graduated from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade, worked at the Chamber of Commerce, taught Russian in the USA.

Selected works


Film scripts

  • 1962 - When the bridges are raised
  • 1962 - Colleagues
  • 1962 - My little brother
  • 1966 - Journey (film almanac)
  • 1967 - Stormy life in the south
  • 1970 - Master
  • 1972 - Marble House
  • 1975 - Center from the skies
  • 1978 - While the dream is mad
  • 2007 - Tatyana
  • 2009 - Jester


  • 1965 - "Always on sale"
  • 1966 - "Your killer"
  • 1968 - "Four Temperaments"
  • 1968 - "Aristophaniana with frogs"
  • 1980 - "Heron"
  • 1998 - "Woe, woe, burn"
  • 1999 - "Aurora Gorelik"
  • 2000 - "Ah, Arthur Schopenhauer"

Screen adaptations

  • 1962 - Colleagues
  • 1962 - My little brother (based on the novel Star Ticket)
  • 1966 - Journey (film almanac based on the stories “Dad, fold!”, “Breakfasts of the forty-third year”, “Halfway to the Moon”)
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga (TV series)
  • 2015 - Mysterious passion (TV series)


  • Aksenov V. "Colleagues" - M., Soviet writer, 1961. - 150,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. "Catapult" - M., Soviet writer, 1964. - 30,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. "It's time, my friend, it's time." - M., Young Guard, 1965. - 115,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. "Halfway to the Moon". - M., Soviet Russia, 1966. - 100,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. “It is a pity that you were not with us” - M., Soviet writer, 1969. - 384 p., 100,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. "Love of Electricity" - M., Politizdat, 1971. - 200,000 copies; 2nd ed. 1974. - 200,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V."My grandfather is a monument." - M., Children's literature, 1972., 208 p., 100,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. A chest in which something knocks. - M.: Children's literature, 1976
  • Aksyonov V. Aristophaniana with frogs. — Ann Arbor, Ardis, 1981
  • Aksyonov V. "Island of Crimea". - M., Ogonyok, 1990. - 200,000 copies.
  • Aksyonov V. Burn. - M., Ogonyok, 1990. - 200,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V. "In search of a sad baby" - M., MAI - "Text", 1991. - 320 p., 100,000 copies. ISBN 5-85248-149-1
  • Aksyonov V. My grandfather is a monument. Kemerovo, 1991
  • Aksyonov V. Rendezvous. - M.: Text-RIF, 1991
  • Aksenov V."In search of a sad baby" "Two books about America". - Independent almanac "The End of the Century", 1992, - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85910-011-8.
  • Aksenov V. Moscow saga. In 3 books. - M., Text, 1993-1994., - 50,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V."Right to the Island". - M., Moscow worker, 1991. - 624 p. - 75,000 copies. - ISBN 5-239-01222-9.
  • Aksenov V. Moscow saga. Book. 1 "Generation of winter". - Isographus. - ISBN 5-94661-100-3.
  • Aksenov V. Moscow saga. Book. 2 "War and prison". - Isographus. - ISBN 5-94661-101-1.
  • Aksenov V. Moscow saga. Book. 3 Prison and Peace. - Isographus. - ISBN 5-699-09247-1.
  • Aksenov V."Negative of a positive hero." - Vagrius-Izograph, 1996. - 304 p., 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7027-0336-7.
  • Aksenov V."Negative of a positive hero." - Vagrius-Izograph, 1998. - 304 p., 5,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7027-0336-7.
  • Aksenov V. ISBN 5-699-10246-9.
  • Aksenov V."Death of Pompeii". - Isograph. - ISBN 5-699-11561-7.
  • Aksenov V."Oranges from Morocco" - M., Izograf-EKSMO-press, 2000
  • Aksenov V."In Search of the Sad Baby". - M., Isograph - Eksmo-press, 2000
  • Aksenov V."Caesarean Glow". - Izographus-EKSMO-press, 2001. - 640 p. - 15,000 copies. - ISBN 5-87113-116-6.
  • Aksenov V."Voltaireans and Voltairians". - Isographus. - ISBN 5-94661-092-9.
  • Aksenov V."Oranges from Morocco" - M., Izograf-EKSMO-press, 2001
  • Aksenov V."Star ticket" - M., Izograf-EKSMO-press, 2001
  • Aksyonov V. Overstocked barrels. - M., Izograf-EKSMO-press, 2001 - 416 p., 10,000 copies.
  • Aksyonov V. Tales. - M., EKSMO, 2002 (Anthology of satire and humor of Russia of the XX century. T. 21)
  • Aksenov V. Overstocked barrel. - M., Izographus-EKSMO, 2002 - 494 p., 4,100 copies.
  • Aksenov V."In Search of the Sad Baby". - M., Isographus - Eksmo-press, 2002
  • Aksenov V."Oranges from Morocco" - M., Eksmo-Isographus., 2003. - 494 p., 5,100 copies.
  • Aksenov V. Egg yolk. - M., Izographus-EKSMO., 2003 - 672 p., 5,000 copies
  • Aksenov V. "American Cyrillic" - M., NLO, 2004. - 548 p., 3,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V."Rare Earths". - EXMO. - ISBN 978-5-699-20816-6.
  • Aksenov V. Moscow Kva-Kva. - EKSMO, 2006. - ISBN 5-699-14718-7.
  • Aksenov V."A decade of slander". - Isographus-EKSMO, 2004. - 7,100 copies. - ISBN 5-94661-091-0.
  • Aksenov V."In Search of the Sad Baby". - M., Izograph - Eksmo, 2005. - 7,000 copies.
  • Aksenov V."Egg yolk" - Isographus - EKSMO, 2005. - 7,000 copies. ISBN 5-94661-111-9
  • Aksyonov V. Z atomic barrel. - M., Izograf-EKSMO, 2005, 448 p., 4,100 copies.
  • Aksenov V."Say raisins." - RIA "InfA". - ISBN 5-85080-012-3.
  • Aksenov V."Say raisins." - EXMO. - ISBN 978-5-699-25062-2.
  • Aksenov V."Island of Crimea". - MIF Literary Agency. - ISBN 5-7707-2099-9.
  • Aksenov V."Island of Crimea". - ISOGRAPH. - ISBN 5-87113-058-5.
  • Aksenov V."Mysterious passion" (a novel about the sixties). - Seven days, 2009. - 591 p. - ISBN 978-5-88149-375-2.
  • Aksenov V."Lend-Lease". - EXMO. - ISBN 978-5-699-44465-6.
  • Aksenov V."Lion's Lair". - AST; Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-060737-2, 978-5-271-24444-5.
  • Aksenov V."Oh, this flying youngster!" - EKSMO, 2012. - ISBN 978-5-699-60003-8.
  • Aksenov V."One solid Caruso." Compiled by V. Esipov. - M., EKSMO, 2014. - ISBN 978-5-699-70066-0.
  • Aksenov V.“Catch pigeon mail. Letters. Compiled by V. Esipov. - M., AST, 2015. - ISBN 978-5-98720-034-6
  • Aksenov V."Lion's Lair". Compiled by V. Esipov. M., Astrel. - ISBN 978-5-17-060737-2, 978-5-271-24444-5
  • Aksenov V. Mysterious passion ”(a novel about the sixties). Author's version. - M., IP Biryukova Oksana Anatolyevna, 2015. - 738 p. - 25,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-9907536-0-0.

see also


  1. BNF ID: Open Data Platform - 2011.
  2. Roux P. d. Nouveau Dictionnaire des œuvres de tous les temps et tous les pays - 2 - Editions Robert Laffont, 1994. - Vol. 1. - P. 192. - ISBN 978-2-221-06888-5
  3. Echo of Moscow: Writer Vasily Aksyonov dies
  4. Dissidents about dissidence. "Banner". - M., 1997, No. 9
  5. According to Andrey Korovin, Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Creative Symposium "Voloshinsky September". Marina Savvinykh. Visiting the Crimean aonids (indefinite) . "Day and Night" 2011, No. 5 (2011). - "Vasily Aksyonov wrote his famous "Island of Crimea" here." Retrieved April 15, 2013. (unavailable link)

Books by Vasily Aksenov have enjoyed unprecedented popularity among thinking readers for several decades. Among them there are completely different works: tough and romantic, truthful and utopian. Therefore, each person will be able to find something for himself in the work of Vasily Pavlovich.


Biography of Vasily turned out to be difficult but interesting and eventful. To get acquainted with it will certainly be interesting to all fans of his literary work. In addition, Wikipedia will tell information about the life of Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich.

early years

Aksenov was born in 1932 in Kazan to the chairman of the city council and a teacher at a well-known pedagogical university in the city. He became the third child in the family, but the first common son of Pavel and Evgenia. The early years of the boy's life were happy and joyful. His parents loved him very much and tried to spend all their free time with him. In the evenings, my father played board games with Vasya, took him with him on fishing trips and into the forest for mushrooms. True, the happy time did not last long.

When the future writer turned 4 years old, his parents were arrested one by one and sent to Stalinist camps for 10 years. Vasily's mother spent a total of 18 years in exile and prison. It was about this that she later wrote an autobiographical book, which is still popular to this day.

The brother and sister of the younger Aksenov, after the conclusion of their parents, were somewhat more fortunate. Alexei and Maya were taken in by relatives of the family. Interestingly, the baby's grandmothers wanted to raise Vasya as well, but they were forbidden to do so. As a result, the boy ended up in an orphanage for the sons and daughters of convicts, which was located in Kostroma. Relatives were not even informed? in which city the child was sent. Two years later, he was taken from there by his paternal uncle. Andreyan had to make a lot of efforts to find his nephew. From that time and throughout the war, Vasily lived with relatives.

As soon as the boy's mother was released from prison, she immediately began to try to get permission to cohabitation with son. As a result, Aksenov Jr. moved to her in Kolyma. Here she was as an exile. By the way, the writer will tell about his childhood years in these parts in one of his novels.


During his childhood, Vasily had to learn in a variety of schools. He was never an excellent student, but he loved to get new knowledge. The boy had a special inclination for the humanities. True, his parents then could not even think that in the end the younger Aksenov would become a writer. After receiving a school certificate, the young man entered the Leningrad Medical Institute. This was insisted on by his relatives, who believed that only the profession of a doctor could feed the guy. After graduating from the university, he is by distribution I have worked in different places:

  1. In the capital's tuberculosis hospital;
  2. In the Far North (quarantine doctor);
  3. In Karelia (general specialist).

By the way, by the time Vasily received his diploma, his parents were already free and fully rehabilitated.


Despite the fact that, at the insistence of his parents, the young man received a medical education, the profession of a doctor never did not arouse much interest in him. He knew his business very well and from the first months of his work he was known among his colleagues as a real professional, but his soul aspired to literature.

The beginning of writing

At first, Vasily wrote his books "on the table." But in the 60s, he nevertheless decided to send one of his most beloved stories to a publisher. The young man was extremely surprised and delighted that the work "Colleagues" immediately appeared in print. The reader liked it so much that it later turned into a full-length film.

After that, one by one, the novels of Vasily Aksenov and collections of his stories begin to come out. According to some of them, a movie is also being made in the future. For example, the novel Star Ticket turned into the film My Little Brother. It was especially pleasant for Vasily Pavlovich that shortly after the beginning of his literary activity, the Sovremennik Theater staged a full-fledged performance based on his play. Success so inspired the man that he decided to finally change his profession.

The name Aksenov is becoming more and more popular in Moscow, and then in other cities of the country. He becomes the editor of the magazine "Youth", in which his works are also periodically published. The writer's parents anxiously look for each new issue and add it to the family collection.

Social activity

In parallel with literature, Vasily became interested in social activities. First, he volunteered to participate in a demonstration on Red Square, where he opposed the rehabilitation of Stalin, then he signed letters in defense of dissidents. There were quite a lot of such acts, which could not go unnoticed by the authorities.

Aksenov's public activity the government didn't like it much. He first learned about this at a meeting between the authorities and intellectuals in the Kremlin. Then he heard public criticism of himself from Nikita Khrushchev. Once Vasily Pavlovich was even detained by combatants. Of course, there were no grounds for the arrest of the writer, but he was repeatedly made to understand that he urgently needed to change his line of behavior.

Despite the disagreements that arose with the authorities, the man continued to create and delight his fans with new works. In the early 70s, an adventure book for the youngest readers saw the light of day. It proved to be very popular with children and their parents. Then the historical and biographical story "Love for Electricity" appeared in the press. Vasily was very fond of experimenting with literary genres. He himself noted that for a very long time he could not find exactly the direction in which he would find it most interesting and comfortable to work. He shared his doubts with readers in the work "The Search for a Genre".

Aksenov was engaged and translations from English. He managed to make several foreign novels available to the domestic reader at once. Among the literary experiments of Vasily Pavlovich was even a joint work with two other writers. They became a funny parody of a book about spies.

Aksenov himself understood that conflicts and misunderstandings with the government would sooner or later lead to the fact that he would no longer be able to publish in his homeland. And so it happened: as soon as the “thaw” ended. True, some works by Vasily Aksenov were nevertheless published (much to the surprise of the author himself). Among them are the autobiographical novel mentioned above about the early years of life and the fantastic book The Island of Crimea. Vasily noted that he created these works “on the table” and, on the whole, did not at all hope that they would ever see the world.

By the end of the 70s the authorities begin to criticize the writer more and more openly and sharply. Such an epithet as “non-Soviet” already sounds in his address. And the last straw for the government was the withdrawal of Vasily Pavlovich from the Union of Writers. Thus, he and several other authors expressed their disagreement with the expulsion of Popov and Erofeev from the specified public organization.

Since 1977, Aksenov's works have been actively published abroad. Especially often they appear in print in the United States. It is here that Vasily, together with his creative comrades, organizes the Metropol almanac. Despite the great efforts of the entire team, it was not possible to publish it at home. Among the staff of the magazine were V. Erofeev, A. Bitov, B. Akhmadulina and other "outcasts" of their country.

Life in the USA

For moving abroad (by invitation) Vasily Aksenov was deprived of citizenship of the USSR. This greatly upset the writer, but he understood that he would not succeed in living and creating in peace in his homeland for a long time. Therefore, the man simply resigned himself to his position and remained in the United States, where he stayed until 2004. During this time, he managed to be a professor of Russian literature at the most famous American universities and replenish his own bibliography. The writer also tried himself as a journalist. He has worked with several foreign radio stations and magazines.

By the way, the man published his impressions of working on the radio in the work “A Decade of Slander”, which was published in the last year of his life in the states. Other books have also been published in America. Living in the USA, Vasily Pavlovich actively worked on new stories, novellas and novels. As a result, they the following works were written:

  • "Negative of a positive hero";
  • "New sweet style";
  • "Egg yolk" and others.

Interestingly, the last novel was written in English. But later the author himself translated it for domestic readers. True, he did not receive much popularity at home.

Nine years after his departure from the USSR, the writer returned home for the first time. He was invited to the Soviet Union by the American ambassador. And in 1990, Aksenov was returned to Soviet citizenship. True, this did not spur him to move back. Vasily Pavlovich continued to live with his family abroad and only occasionally flew to Moscow on business.

In the early 2000s, the writer begins to publish in Russia. The first to appear in print was his novel The Voltairians and Voltaireans. For this work, Vasily was awarded the Booker Prize. His last novel was "Mysterious Passion", which tells the truth about the life of the sixties. As a result, at home, he was filmed. True, it became available to viewers after the death of the writer.

Personal life

Aksenov's first wife was K. Mendeleev, who gave the man a long-awaited son (the writer at that time was 28 years old). His ex-wife is alive to this day and is a production designer in one of the capital's theaters. True, with Kira, Vasily failed to build a strong family, even for the sake of a child. Vasily Pavlovich felt happy in love only after meeting with M. Carmen. For his sake, the woman left the famous documentary filmmaker Roman Karmen. Immediately after meeting, a real passion arose between the writer and his new lover.

Maya was far from creativity (a specialist in foreign trade), but she was ready to follow her husband to the ends of the world. She moved with the writer to the United States, where she also began to teach Russian. The couple had no joint children. Vasily and Maya raised her daughter from her first marriage. It was to the second wife that Aksenov experienced real passion and love.

Alexei, half-brother, died during the siege of Leningrad, so Vasily practically did not know him. And here paternal sister Maya, - became a very close and dear person for the writer. When, after the release of her parents, the family was reunited, the girl willingly kept in touch with the younger Aksenov and often helped him in difficult life situations. Their communication did not stop even after Vasily Pavlovich moved to the states. Maya became a teacher-methodologist and published many textbooks on the Russian language, which are still actively used by specialists to this day.


During his life, the writer Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov received many awards and prizes. Among them are the following:

  • Russian Booker Prize;
  • Honorary Order of Arts and Letters;
  • title of honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

In 2011, Aksenov's comrades published a book of memoirs about him. They set their main task to convey to the reader the real facts from his life and work without any distortion in favor of the authorities and all kinds of events.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov is a prose writer, from whose pen many stories, novels, novels, trilogies came out. He wrote a wide variety of works that are known to readers, and after all, initially he was not going to associate himself with writing, but more on that in order.

At first, the life of Vasily Aksenov began well. The child was born in 1932 in Kazan in the family of a party leader, so his family could be called famous, besides, his parents were intelligent people. Alexei was the third child; before him, his mother and father had children from their first marriages. Alexei is the common child of Pavel and Evgenia. Everything seemed to be going well, but then difficult times came, the times of "Stalin's purges" and Aksenov's parents were arrested. The boy himself, unlike the older children who were taken by relatives, was sent to a boarding school. This happened when the boy was four, and only a year later did his uncle manage to find Alexei and take him to him.
The future writer was able to meet his own mother only ten years later in 1948, when she left the camps and moved as an exile to Magadam. There Vasily spent his youth, which he would later describe in his work “The Burn”.

Vasily Aksenov biography and personal life

Further, the life of Vasily Aksenov, his biography and personal life continue with the fact that in 1956 he graduated from a medical university in Leningrad and even worked in his profession for several years, but he saw his greater vocation when he first tried to write. And it happened in the early sixties. Then he wrote the story "Colleagues", which immediately brought success to the writer. This story was even filmed, as were his subsequent works, among which was the novel "Star Ticket", a performance based on the play "Always on Sale" was staged. With each subsequent year, the author becomes more popular, he is recognized, read. He was accepted as a member of the editorial board of "Youth". However, the authorities themselves did not quite accept Aksenov, especially did not support his social activities, and due to his constant participation in demonstrations, the work of Vasily Aksenov began to be criticized, and then it was completely forbidden to print it in his native country.

Further, the life of Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich and his brief biography continues already in the USA, where he emigrated. As soon as he arrived in the United States, he was immediately deprived of his citizenship in his homeland. Due to this exile, the author was unable to visit his country for ten years. During this period in America, he wrote the autobiographical work "The Burn", the trilogy "The Moscow Saga" and much more. Works in the USA as a journalist, teaches literature at universities.

Citizenship was returned to him in the nineties, but the writer prefers to live abroad and visits his native country only on short visits. His first work, which was published in our country after a long exile, was the work "Voltaireans and Voltairians". The last work of the writer was the novel "Mysterious Passion".

Vasily Aksenov died in 2009.
If we talk about Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich, his biography and personal life, then it is worth talking about his marital status. He was married twice. From his first marriage he had a child - son Alexei. His first wife was a girl from a famous family - Kira Mendeleeva, but when Vasily met Maya Carmen, he realized that she was the love of his life. Maya was with him until his last days.

In the family of the party worker Pavel Vasilyevich Aksenov (1899-1991). In 1937, the writer's parents - first his mother, E. S. Ginzburg, and then his father - were arrested, convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Vasily was forcibly sent to an orphanage for the children of prisoners. In 1938, his uncle A.V. Aksenov managed to track him down in. The following years, Vasily lived in the families of relatives. In 1948, shortly after his mother left the camp, he moved to her in. In this city, he graduated from high school.

In 1956, V.P. Aksenov graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute (now the University) named after. and was distributed to the Baltic Shipping Company. In subsequent years, he worked as a quarantine doctor in the Far North, in, in the Leningrad Sea Port, in a tuberculosis hospital (according to other sources, he was a consultant at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis).

The first stories of V.P. Aksenov "One and a half medical units" and "Torches and roads" were published in the magazine "Youth" in 1958. The writer gained fame after the publication of the story "Colleagues" in 1960, which was subsequently made into a film of the same name. In subsequent years, such works by V.P. Aksenov as the novel "Star Ticket" (1961) (in 1962 the film "My Little Brother" was shot), the novel "It's time, my friend, it's time" ( 1962), the story "Oranges from Morocco" (1962), the collection of works "Catapult" (1964), the collection of stories "Halfway to the Moon" (1966) on the theme of the moral improvement of man, the play "Always on sale” (1965, staged at the Sovremennik Theatre). 1968 was the year of the publication of the satirical-fiction story "The Overstocked Barrel", based on which the film of the same name directed by Vitaly Galilyuk was shot in 1994.

In 1975, V.P. Aksenov wrote the novel "The Burn", in 1979 - the science fiction novel "Island of Crimea", both works were banned by censorship for publication. In 1979, together with Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Bitov, Fazil Iskander, Viktor Erofeev, Evgeny Popov, Aksenov became one of the authors and organizers of the uncensored literary almanac Metropol. The almanac was published in the USA by Ardis Publishing, and in Moscow it was published by samizdat in a circulation of 12 copies. In December 1979, in protest against the exclusion from the Union of Writers Evgeny Popov and Viktor Erofeev, Vasily Pavlovich announced his withdrawal from this organization.

On July 22, 1980, the writer left for the United States and in 1981 was deprived of citizenship of the USSR. In 1980-1991 V.P. Aksenov actively collaborated with the radio stations "Freedom" and "Voice of America" ​​as a journalist. Since 1981, Aksenov has been a professor of Russian literature at US universities: Kennan Institute (1981-1982), George Washington University (1982-1983), Gaucher University (1983-1988), George Mason University (1988-2004). gg.).

The novels “The Burn”, “Our Golden Piece of Iron”, “The Island of Crimea”, written by V. Aksenov back in the USSR, came out only after the writer left for the USA in Washington. In the United States, Vasily Aksenov wrote the novels Paper Landscape (1982), Say Raisins (1985), Looking for the Sad Baby (1986), Moscow Saga (trilogy: 1989, 1991, 1993), a cycle of short stories "The Negative of a Good Hero" (1995), the novel "A New Sweet Style" (1996). In 1989, the novel "Egg Yolk" was written in English, later translated by Aksenov into Russian.

In 1989, V.P. Aksenov visited the USSR after a long break. In the late 1980s his works began to be published in. In 1990, Soviet citizenship was returned to the writer, and from that moment on he began to come to Russia often. Aksenov's works were published in the magazine "Youth" and other publications, a collection of the writer's works is published. In June 1999, the first Aksenov Readings were held in Moscow, Vasily Pavlovich came to them from the USA.

Since 2002, V. Aksenov lived in the city of Biarritz (in the south-west of France). In 2005, the writer was awarded the French Order of Arts and Letters.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov died in Moscow, at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute on July 6, 2009. He was buried at the capital's Vagankovsky cemetery.

The biography briefly describes the main events in the life of one of the iconic writers of the twentieth century.

Childhood and youth

Aksenov was born on August 20, 1932 in. His father (Pavel Aksenov) was the chairman of the city council of Kazan, his mother (Evgenia Ginzburg) taught at the Kazan Pedagogical Institute and worked for the Krasnaya Tatariya newspaper, where she headed the department of culture.

In 1937, parents are arrested one by one. Five-year-old Aksenov is forcibly sent to an orphanage in Kostroma, from where, a year later, his uncle on his father's side takes him.

For the next ten years he lives in Kazan with his aunt. In 1948, Aksyonov went to Magadan to his mother, who, having come out of prison, lives there in exile.

1956 - graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute. IP Pavlova and then for three years worked as a doctor in Karelia, in the Far North, in the Leningrad Sea Port, in the Moscow Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary.


1958 - in the magazine "Youth" his first stories are published: "One and a half medical units" and "Torches and roads".

1960 - Colleagues is published. Aksenov becomes known to the reading public. 1961 - after the publication of the novel Star Ticket, real success comes, and Aksenov decides to seriously engage in literature.

During the thaw, Aksyonov was actively published in magazines, becoming one of the founders of the genre of "youth prose":

  • "Oranges from Morocco" 1962
  • "It's time, my friend, it's time" 1964.
  • collection "Catapult" 1964.
  • “It is a pity that you were not with us” 1965.
  • "Overstocked barrel" 1968


It ended and the attitude of the authorities towards Aksenov changed. Most of the author's works fall under the prohibition of censorship. He writes on the table.

During these years, several books were written, which will be published for the first time already in exile:

  • "Our golden piece of iron" 1973
  • novel "The Burn" 1975.
  • "" 1979


In 1977, his books began to be published abroad, mainly in the USA. In 1979 - Aksenov participates in the creation of the uncensored almanac "Metropol". Attacks from the authorities on him are intensifying. He left the writers' union, and in 1980 emigrated to the United States with his wife.

Soon they are deprived of Soviet citizenship. Life in the USA In the States, Aksyonov received the title of professor and taught a course in Russian literature at several American universities.

During this period he writes:

  • "Paper Landscape" 1982
  • "Say raisins" 1985
  • "In search of a sad baby" 1986
  • "Egg Yolk" (in English) 1989

Return. Work in the new Russia

Since 1989, the return of Aksenov and his books to their homeland begins. He is restored in citizenship, his books are actively published, and the author himself often comes to Russia. 1993 - the novel "" is published. In 2004, the film of the same name was released, where the writer's son Alexei Aksenov acts as art director.

1999 - "Aksenov Readings" with the participation of the author are held in Moscow for the first time.

2004 - moves with his family to France. Books written during this time:

  • "Voltaireans and Voltairians" 2004;
  • “Collection of radio essays “Decade of slander” 2004;
  • "Moscow-kva-kva" 2006;
  • The apple of the eye "2005;

The life of the writer Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov will be interrupted on 07/06/2009. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Awards and prizes

  • Doctor of Humane Degree (USA)
  • Member of PEN (World Writers Union)
  • Member of the American Authors' League
  • Prize "Russian Booker" (for the novel "Voltaireans and Voltairians" (2004))

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