Aldar of the Trans-Baikal land. Mother's letter Aldar's mother's letter

In August 2011, 77-year-old Bator Batuevich continued his plan - to erect a monument to the sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov in Ulan-Ude. After ordeals, walking around the offices of officials, a pensioner from Aga found and agreed on the place of the future monument, agreed with the author of the sketch, who offered the services free of charge. In February 2014, Bator Batuevich established a charitable foundation to perpetuate the memory of the young hero Aldar, from that moment they collected money from the whole world. According to my estimate, about 1 million rubles were collected for the entire time, in addition, the Government of Buryatia allocated 3 million rubles from the budget. On July 30, 2016, the monument to the Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov was solemnly opened.

Bolotov Bator Batuevich, photo Baikalbank

It seems that the monument was erected, it took 5 years to do it, but unexpected calls appeared on social networks, allegedly frauds were discovered with the funds raised by the president of the foundation Bato Ochirov, the founder and editor-in-chief of the ARD news agency. It is wasteful to use, and even more so, to steal publicly collected money is blasphemous, vile in relation to people, memory and does not fit into the traditional worldview, understanding of truths. I do not think that the founder of the popular ARD portal is capable of such a thing.

But here is a letter to the editor of the New Buryatia newspaper, dated June 21, 2016, from the founder of this fund, Bator Batuevich Bolotov, the inspirer of the initiator of the monument. I give this message in a short version, full. The letter is called - "The cry of the soul, the call of the heart and their pain." What are the arguments of the 82 year old man?

“For the position of president of the Aldar Charitable Foundation [Charitable Foundation for the Perpetuation of the Memory of Aldar Tsydenzhapov - note by the author of the post], I proposed Ochirov B.E., as the chairman of the Aginsky community, a representative of the Trans-Baikal Territory. He hoped, using his high status, he would visit his region, meeting people, would express only the interest and affairs of the fund.

Introducing his wide circle of friends to us, he said that he had just returned from another trip to Mongolia. There he met with faithful friends of a high level of power, while naming the leaders of the government. In September, he will bring one hundred artists from Mongolia, among them there are world-famous ones, and will collect a lot of money for the fund's piggy bank.

At the same time, R.B. Garmaev, chairman of the Council of Veterans, expressed his doubts. Where are our artists, no less talented, we put them in an awkward position and offend them. This was not heard in the heat of the bright and very convincing reports of Ochirov B.E. At one of the meetings, I asked my president [of the fund] how the composition of the team would be formed, he said that the State Duma deputy B.B. himself would be included in the board of trustees. Zhamsuev [Senator from the Trans-Baikal Territory, author's note]. I stated that, in order to submit documents of a new composition to justice, a statement from B.B. Zhamsuev and copies of his passport. He let me know that the matter was settled, there was no need for me to interfere. Once Ochirov B.E. said that Slepenchuk learned about the bad deeds of the BF Aldar from his opinion, and we understood that he is taking on the task of strengthening it and strengthening the authority of the fund.

The image he created about himself had an amazingly hypnotic effect on our days, and we felt that we must unswervingly encourage any of his actions as a great organizer and business associate. Then began a big nightmare and dangerous actions of Ochirov B.E. in reality, in reality. He began to constantly repeat why Aldar needed an expensive monument, the cheaper the better. Such is his assessment of the great feat of Aldar. I went straight to the realization of my idea. At the meeting, he demanded to change the project in the direction of reducing the initial cost of the monument.

It is well known that any project, whatever it may be, agreed upon by responsible managers, interested specialists and finally approved by the customer, is not subject to changes with any comments. There are many of them, but they can be taken on time during construction and decided only by the customer. Having accidentally learned that the State Expertise received a document from President Ochirov B.E. and when he saw all this, he was horrified. The document is fake without printing the original, reduced by 2.5 million rubles.

Earlier, when discussing this issue at the meeting, I fiercely resisted expressing my seemingly convincing arguments. But everyone looked at me crookedly and askance, and made it clear that Bolotov was a nonentity and did not understand cost savings, and I was left alone. And all against one and so to this day. I began to demand orally, and then in writing, to work, using my legal rights and powers, which were attributed to the president and not noticed and eliminated by justice. When I applied to justice A.I. Zhambalova was given a recommendation to the Chairman of the Board Agalov K.V. how to quickly and efficiently complete the electronic version in a few days.

However, this was not done at the meeting at the word of Damdinova L.B-Zh. then he has these rights for Bolotov, which he did not want to give to Ochirov, that is enough for him. I would like to see the beautiful face of Damdinova L.B-Zh and a grimace addressing these words back.

Head of the Administration of the Aginsky District A.Ts. Dondokov dismissed the chairman of the Aginsky community Ochirov B.E. without any reports 04/28/2016

At that meeting, I suggested to Ochirov B.E. voluntarily resign the powers of the president, so as not to be shamefully expelled. His former teacher, honored educator, respected veteran of the community G.G. Yeshijamsoyeva said, you Ochirov write a statement. He stubbornly clinging to these rights continues to perform miracles of deceit and meanness. Having pretended to be a customer, which he was not, having concluded an agreement on 05/04/2016, without estimates and projects, he withdrew 419 thousand rubles from the fund, the miserable remnants of labor collected by schoolchildren, their teachers, parents from their modest savings. This money has gone to waste.

He completed his promised marathon in September in February by students of the Agricultural Academy. At the same time, he solemnly and proudly declared that he had collected 45 thousand rubles, but did not say how he was trying to replenish the budget of the Aldar Charitable Foundation by wasting 2.5 million rubles.

However, a veteran of the Aginsky community G.G. Eshizhamsoeva, moving with difficulty on "three legs", alone collected almost half of the amount collected at the marathon by Ochirov more than 20 thousand rubles. According to the rumors I have, Ochirov is going to retire, having reported to the society how much effort and work Aldar has put into the BF. Glory and honor to him?

Concluding and without mentioning many dark deeds, I would like to say this triad Ochirov "Ostap" Erdyneevich, a great schemer and rogue, as people call him, Agalov K.V. portraying a connoisseur of the law did not have the courage to do his duty, turned out to be a faithful serf, a vassal, a weak soul in front of Damdinova L.B-Zh. the main character.

Of course, out of good feelings, twice a letter on 05/25/2016 and 06/10/2016 asked from 06/13/2016 to give me the opportunity to work with dignity and receive my legal rights. However, there was no answer, I fulfill my promise to name all the defendants. No wonder they say that young and old are equally touchy, but I dare to ask the collapse, discomfort, what is it? Who is responsible?

In order to avoid insinuations, a full report is needed, where and where the funds of the fund were spent, naturally documented down to the penny. And not unsubscribes on the site, something like - "for the development of a logo, corporate identity, marketing strategy - 20,000 rubles."

We are waiting for a detailed public report on income and expenses from the president of the fund to perpetuate the memory of Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Bato Erdyneevich Ochirov, so that the residents of Buryatia do not have such questions, sidelong glances, dancing with a tambourine and other nonsense.

Journalists should contact Bator Batuevich for details, his phone number is listed.

Landmark Initiative

In addition, there is another story with the monument, but to the mythological character Queen Alan-Goa, who, according to legend, is considered the progenitor of the Mongol clans. But for some reason, Bato Ochirov and Alamzhi Syrenov consider her the daughter of the Buryat people. Apparently, they confuse the boundaries of the legend and the modern arrangement of territories and believe that with its appearance a new Buryat sub-ethnos is formed - “Khori-tumats”. That is, they erected a monument and a new Buryat sub-ethnos was formed, and without a monument there would be no new sub-ethnos.

She is a controversial character, for example, Tuvans believe that she was born in the area of ​​Aryg-Uzyu (according to Tuv. Aryg-uzuu) is located in the Ulug-Khemsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tuva at the foot of the Tandinsky Range.

Painting from the exposition in the mausoleum of Genghis Khan in the city of Ordos, China, Inner Mongolia.

In principle, this is not the point, one can argue ad infinitum. Let them put up a monument at least Burkhan Babai on one condition, if it happens at their own expense or at the expense of sponsors, donors, and not at the expense of the budget of the republic or district. One thing is a monument to the hero of Russia (here, as they say, there are no questions) and another, to a mythical character.

The head of Buryatia supported this idea and even signed an agreement, according to deputy Irina Smolyak, "in order to provide financial and organizational support."

Therefore, I propose that journalists ask Nagovitsyn the question of what funds this monument will be built on, which suddenly appeared in the mind of the chairman of the Tunkinsky District Council. After all, before that, Alan Goa was known to a narrow circle, historians and writers, and, well, advanced citizens.

If the monument will be erected at the expense of the already deficit budget of Buryatia, then I suggest the deputies of the People's Khural to ask the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, on what basis?

We are Buryats, the Mongols consider the family on the paternal (male) line. And the names used to be called, relying on the father. My name would traditionally sound there Gomboin Zhamsarnay Erdem. That is, the son of that one. We Mongols have a strong masculine principle and it is not customary to worship a woman (no matter how much we respect our mother, wife, sister). We are warriors, defenders, hunters, and we worship fortitude, warriors, fearlessness, rulers. And it would be appropriate, first of all, to erect a monument to the great Temujin, a warrior, ruler, founder of Russian statehood, a man of the millennium, on the land of his descendants.

On September 24, 2010, the entire crew - 300 people - was on board, a few hours remained before the Pacific Fleet's destroyer Bystry went to sea. Aldar Tsydenzhapov, the driver of the boiler room team, kept watch according to the combat schedule. At 04:03, a thin whistle was suddenly heard, and then a bang: a pressurized fuel line broke through in the engine room. Before his eyes, the fuel that fell on the lamp flared up, and the engine room of the destroyer "Fast" turned into a spacious combustion chamber.

Aldar understood what threatens the crew and the ship with the explosion of two boilers with superheated steam.

Aldar knew his job well.

Aldar Tsydenzhapov went into the fire and turned off the valves that he was supposed to close.

It took him only 9 seconds to do everything about everything. He did his job, as it should, and left the burning compartment. Went out on my own. With a burn of 99.5 percent of the body surface.

The commander of the combat unit, Captain-Lieutenant Alexei Konoplev, led the watch personnel to a safe place (two other sailors also received burns while fighting the fire, although not so severe, two more were poisoned by combustion products), battened down the burning room and activated the volumetric fire extinguishing system. The ship and crew were saved. The engine room needed essentially only cosmetic repairs.

The doctors who fought for Aldar's life were powerless. On September 28, Aldar Tsydenzhapov died in the hospital of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok, having managed to say goodbye to his parents who came to him. He was buried in his native village on October 7, 2010.

5 years of the feat of our Aldar ...

A book dedicated to his life, his heroic deed, his blessed memory...

Aldar in Buryat means glory...

5 years today, and even nature is crying for the boy with cold rain...

Aldar is permanently listed on the ship's crew list. who saved...

At the cost of my life...

Think about these famous words...

A handsome boy whose gaze is hard to bear...

I took pictures from a book, didn’t scan, the flash hid a few sentences. Here they are: “Under high pressure, fuel whipped through leaks in the plug.In a matter of seconds, a small hold measuring two by two meters was covered with fuel oil ... "

That's how it was...

And it ended so sadly...

We were all waiting...

All Transbaikalia caught news from the Pacific Ocean ...

At the age of 19... A month before demobilization...

To inconsolable parents - for their HERO son...

At the memorial in Chita... In the lower photo - in the Museum of the Siberian Military District, an exhibition dedicated to Aldar, during the excursions a film about our sailor is shown.

The ship remembers, the fleet remembers, Russia remembers ...

Aldar's parents are always in Vladivostok during these mournful days, at the invitation of the command...

Aldar's mother is a very courageous woman who lived that bitter autumn exceptionally WELL. We invited her to Mother's Day, at the end of November THAT year, with little hope that she would respond. But she arrived, quietly and imperceptibly slipped into the hall, where the concert was already going on ... We saw her already in the hall ... And how she talked about her son. Tears rolled down her cheeks when she said with restraint that they had already been without Aldar for the 62nd day... My heart sank...

Otkhon, who knew no fear...

A poem by the Transbaikalian poet Boris Makarov.

In blessed memory of the Hero of Russia
dedicated to I. …

To stay alive
Should have been unwrapped
burnt fingers,
And, recoiling
from acrid smoke
And evil fire
hatch open,
And dive under
saving shell
To the blue start
Above the sea
rising day...
But then a destroyer
Broke with a blow
fuel explosion,
beating with a howl from the pipes.
And the ship
and friends
Stepnyak - seafarer Aldar
Turned into one
Under the waves
A hidden corpse.
And mothers, wives, brides would cry
On Russian soil
From seas to seas.
And soar into the sky
Like that never aging song
Souls of brothers - sailors
A chain of gray cranes...

But the fire won't go away
Not by cubes
Not in the holds.
He will die defeated
Dutifully cooled down.
... And you never
You don't have to, Aryuna,
For my beloved brother
Experience shame.
... They will be proud of me
Both mom and dad. …
I didn't let you down.
Get up friends
Hurry up the ladder!
I'm on fire.
Smoke is winged and clawed,
Like an eagle.
He bites down the throat
Interfering with breathing.
From a humpbacked beak -
And scream, and anger ... ...
Oh my classmates
How can I be with you
Few steppe paths
Had to come out...

My steppe is my homeland,
How close you are to me!
I saw you differently -
In the grass and in the snow.
You met me
Shining with dew at dawn.
And sailed to me
Flowers in the father's stack.
...I read about you
Books of our Aginsky poets.
How many words are there high and
wise lives!
But it still seems to me -
Not sung to the end
Your beauty
And your greatness.
... Since childhood, I was proud
The courage and strength of the batyrs,
That they always stood up to protect their native land.
I was proud
A country whose open spaces lie halfway across the world.
No enemies
Our people could not be conquered.
Since childhood, I dreamed of protecting
borders of the state
To deserve
Glory of the fathers
So that you, my steppe,
Never and no one hit
Neither spear nor sword
And not a whip
From low words.
... I dreamed of the seas,
Sea expanse
very similar
With the expanse of the Aginsky steppes.
Just wherever I am
Warmed hope
Return to you
My cradle.
my steppe,
Are you with me.
...Millions of grasshoppers
Blossomed - spring days have come ...
...But one thing for me now
It just seems strange
Why are they burned
Are they my hands?

…That's all -
Valve tight
And valves
All are covered.
The destroyer has been rescued.
And his team
Into the hatch
straight to the sky open.
I'm alive,
And I did my duty
... You, Aryuna, Irina, Bulat -
My sisters and my brother
Dad mom.
I will endure.
I'll get up!
I can!..
I am with death
For a life
I will fight to the end.
I will return to the ship
And to my native Aga...

He will return.
Half-mast on the "Quick"
Andrew's flag.
Honor a minute of silence
Memory of Aldar
naval commander,
Gathering your will into a fist,
The Tsydenzhapov family
With pain, he asks for forgiveness.

The coffin floats along Aga, swaying slightly, as if
The ship comes out again
To the expanses of the sea
From the bay.
And Aldar,
After the watch, as it should, having slept,
Will get up
To new trips
And watch is not easy
He will return.
And the sky of powder paves the way for him ... ...
This means,
What is the soul of Aldar
Accepts with respect.
He will return.
... Farewells rumble
He will return
Visit us today and tomorrow...
…Volley! -
And echo over the steppe
Like a seagull
He will return to us -
our conscience
Will return.
Volley! -
Let's go people
Strive to pass your life not in vain,
To rightfully
call yourself
Compatriots of Aldar.
Volley! -
and echo
Over all Russia
He will return…

I happened to hear that the officers from the destroyer "Bystry" visited the hero's homeland - Aginsky - and were amazed at the atmosphere of respect, the culture of the inhabitants, as well as the cleanliness of this place. After all, the environment where a person is formed lays in his soul those values ​​that work in a critical situation. So, where do Heroes grow up?..

In the family archive of the Tsydenzhapovs, a school essay written by Aldar in the fifth grade on the topic “What does the word honor mean?” has been preserved. Here is what he wrote then: “When a person goes to war, he fights. And if he runs away from the war, it turns out that he has dishonored his honor. And yet, if he surrendered to the enemy, he also dishonored his honor. Honor is when you win the war."

Eight years later, Aldar Tsydenzhapov won his “war” with honor and did not dishonor his honor ...

The day before the funeral, according to the old Buryat tradition, the local lama performed a rite of rebirth of the soul in the house of the deceased hero. I really want to believe that the soul of the hero will remain with us, with our Russia, to which he gave his life without hesitation.

On the anniversary of the feat of Aldar in Transbaikalia is celebrated

Day of Remembrance of our countrymen who gave their lives for the Fatherland.

Live and remember

... It happened on June 24, 2010. On board the destroyer Bystry of the Pacific Fleet, which was preparing to go to sea, a fire suddenly broke out in the boiler room. Sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov, the engineer of the boiler room, who was on duty, did not lose his head and resolutely joined the fight against the flame. Eliminating the fire, he was at the epicenter of the raging fire and did everything necessary, according to the instructions, tightly shut off the fuel supply valve. Only after that he was the last to leave the compartment and managed to independently get out to a safe place. With almost 100 percent body burns, the brave sailor was taken to the fleet hospital, where doctors fought for his life for four days, but, unfortunately, they could not save him.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2010, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, sailor of the Pacific Fleet Tsydenzhapov Aldar Batorovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

On February 21, 2011, the President of the Russian Federation presented the highest state award in the Kremlin - the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia to the parents of Aldar Tsydenzhapov Biligma Zydygaevna and Bator Zhargalovich.

Aldar Tsydenzhapov, a native of the Aginskoye village, a graduate of the Aginskoye secondary school No. 1 in 2009, having fulfilled his military duty with honor and to the end, passed away a month after his 19th birthday. Having given the most precious thing that a person has - his life, Aldar saved more than 300 crew members from death and a warship from an explosion. The heroic deed of a simple Buryat boy stirred up the hearts and souls of many fellow Transbaikalians and citizens of Russia. The memory of Aldar Tsydenzhapov will forever remain in the hearts of the grateful colleagues he saved, in the glorious history of the Russian fleet and our long-suffering Fatherland.

Aldar Tsydenzhapov is the only one who in the surface forces of the fleet of our country was awarded the high title of Hero of Russia in peacetime. And yet, I must say, the word "aldar" in Buryat means "glory" ...

In the Trans-Baikal Regional Museum named after A.K. Kuznetsov, a memorial exposition "Aldar Tsydenzhapov - Hero of Russia" was opened. The exposition presents photographs of the childhood and school years of the brave sailor, his service on the Bystroy, certificates for success in military labor, newspaper publications telling about the heroic deed of the Transbaikalian, personal belongings, a diploma and the Star of the Hero of Russia.

Commemorative events in his honor are often held in Aldar's homeland. Representatives of the government and authorities of the Trans-Baikal Territory, servicemen of the Chita garrison, students of secondary schools and, in general, residents of Chita of all ages take part in them. During one of the gala evenings at the Museum of the District Troops, against the background of a video with photographs of Aldar being shown on the screen, soundtracks of the majestic music of Dmitry Shostakovich, the actors of the Chita Regional Drama Theater read the poem Aldar by the Transbaikal poet Boris Makarov with inspiration and touching. Many of those present had tears in their eyes...

In memory of the Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov, the song “Speakless Cap”, beloved by sailors, was performed by the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of the Trans-Baikal Territory, composer, cabin boy of the Pacific Fleet Vasily Volkov, and a Mozart sonata by a student of the Trans-Baikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University Vladimir Popov. “Ave Maria” was performed by the soloist of the Chita branch of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Eastern Military District Valentina Bragina. "Sons of Russia" and "From the Heroes of Bygone Times" were penetratingly sung by Transbaikalian composer Grigory Smolyakov.

On the same evening, Zhargalma Namzhilova, deputy director of Aginsky secondary school No. 1 for educational work, and Aldar's class teacher, Tuyana Baldanova, told what kind of guy their pupil was - modest, reasonable, inquisitive and responsible.

- At this age, young people make plans for the future, prepare for it, dream. Aldar also made plans, dreamed, but immediately said that the first thing he would do was to serve in the army and, like his grandfather, he would certainly serve in the navy, and after the service he would go to college, Tuyana Tsynguevna recalled.

However, due to the small stature and relatively low weight of Aldar, the military registration and enlistment office deleted the crews of sailors from the list. Then he had to be pretty worried and call for help from his father. After persistent requests, he was again enrolled in the marine team.

... It is appropriate to recall how in their native school, after receiving the mournful news from Vladivostok, students wrote an essay, the theme of which was Aldar's feat. Here are excerpts from some of them.

6th grade student Sasha Borisova: “Many of my friends knew him, and everyone says that he was a good person. He is an example for all of us! We always think: why are people born? Aldar was born to be a Hero."

9th grade student Tsyndyma Budaeva: “Feats were accomplished before us, and in our time there are feats, they will be after us. In any era there were people ready for heroic deeds. A feat is performed primarily not for themselves, not for glory, but only in order to make our life at least a little kinder, brighter, by virtue of their capabilities. Such a feat was accomplished by Aldar Tsydenzhapov.”

Tenth-grader Buyanto Baldanov: “Aldar is a man with a capital letter. The fact that he accomplished more than a feat. Our countrymen should be proud of him. I believe that not every person is capable of such as our Aldar. His act is an example for us young people.”

In the family archive of the Tsydenzhapovs, a school essay written by Aldar in the fifth grade on the topic “What does the word honor mean?” has been preserved. Here is what he wrote then: “When a person goes to war, he fights. And if he runs away from the war, it turns out that he has dishonored his honor. And yet, if he surrendered to the enemy, he also dishonored his honor. Honor is when you win the war."

Eight years later, Aldar Tsydenzhapov won his “war” with honor and did not dishonor his honor ...

The creative team of the TV company "Altes" headed by Natalia Sobennikova created the film "Aldar", dedicated to the memory of the Hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov. The footage of the film, awarded the prestigious award, resurrects moments of young life, naval service and the feat of a sailor from Transbaikal.

A bust of Aldar was erected on the Alley of Heroes of the Aginsky Settlement urban district, one of the streets was named after him, a memorial plaque was opened on the building of the school where he studied.

By decision of the command of the formation of surface ships of the Pacific Fleet, sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov was forever enrolled in the lists of the crew of the destroyer "Bystry", and a memorial sign to the Hero was installed on the territory of the unit in the city of Fokino.

Let's go people

Strive to get through

Your lives for nothing

To rightfully

call fellow countrymen


Makarov Boris.

Reading books about the civil or the Great Patriotic War in childhood, admiring the heroism and courage of their peers, the boys regretted that they were born in peacetime and that there was no way to accomplish a feat.

Someone today, probably, believes that bold actions are performed by people only in formidable wartime. But the recent heroic act of the nineteen-year-old sailor of the squadron destroyer "Fast" of the Pacific Fleet, Aldar Tsydenzhapov, who was called up to serve in the Russian Army from the Aginsky Buryat District of the Trans-Baikal Territory, showed the whole country that in peacetime there is a place for feat and that selfless people live among us. At the cost of his life, on September 24, 2010, Aldar saved the crew of the destroyer. For this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously). The education of patriotism is relevant in our time. When I first saw a report on the death of my countryman, I became interested in this event, so I began to collect all the information that appears from newspapers, news, and the Internet. I wanted to write a work about the feat of a sailor and tell a large number of people so that the memory of this hero remains.

Aldar was born and raised in Aginsky in the family of Bator Zhargalovich and Biligma Zadygaevna Tsydenzhapov. Aldar's mother works as a nurse in the kindergarten "Solnyshko", father is a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, works there in the security service.

“All the children of the Tsydenzhapov family, older sister Irina and brother Bulat, younger Aldar and Aryuna went to our kindergarten,” says Olga Petrovna Tataurova, head of the Sunny kindergarten. – Aldar and Aryuna are twins, Aldar was born 15 minutes earlier than his sister. He grew up as a strong, calm and very friendly boy, he always treated adults with respect, never offended anyone, but if someone tried to offend his sister, he always stood up for her defense. The warmest and brightest memories of Aldar remained in the kindergarten, because he grew up literally before their eyes. (5)

Since Aldar was a little clumsy, for some reason he could not dance, a sailor's dance, although becoming a sailor was his most cherished dream from childhood. He always and in everything tried to be the first and was terribly worried if something did not work out, and his perseverance and determination made themselves felt even then. “At one of the children's holidays, the educators recall, in the competition among dads, Aldar's dad came to the finish line second. This offended the child so much that he cried and stepped aside. ”(13) I even had to hold another race, where exactly his dad became the winner. After that, Aldar glowed with happiness all day.

In Aginsky secondary school No. 1, where Aldar studied from the first to the eleventh grades, he was remembered as a very kind and courteous guy. “He knew how to make friends, avoided conflicts and knew the value of his word,” says Aldar's class teacher. - It happened that he was naughty, but this prank was kind. , went in for sports, liked to play hockey. From the eighth grade, he began to prepare himself for service in the army, and even then, during the registration commission at the military enlistment office, he firmly decided to go to serve in the Navy. ”(1)

Aldar was called up for military service in November 2009. After some time, he called his class teacher and in an enthusiastic voice said that his dream had come true ... Aldar Tsydenzhapov - was a machinist of the survivability of the destroyer "Fast", a sailor.

Aldar often called his parents, friends, sent photos and said that he wanted to stay in the Navy. After the service, he wanted to come home, help his parents with the housework and continue serving on his ship, which had already become his own. In one of the last calls to his classmates Nikolai Ayurov and Doshindondok Bazarov, a few weeks before the tragedy, Aldar said that everything was fine with him, that he was already preparing a demobilization uniform and was going to go home. He said that if his friends did not come to meet him, he would be seriously offended by them. These days, having learned about the tragedy, friends came, only, unfortunately, to see Aldar on his last journey. In August, he turned only 19 years old.

On September 24, 2010, when the entire crew of the destroyer was on board and preparing for a military campaign from Fokino to Kamchatka, a fire broke out in the engine room of the ship due to a wiring short circuit at the time of a fuel pipeline break. A.B. Tsydenzhapov, who took up duty as the driver of the boiler room team, immediately rushed to block the leak,

He got his bearings instantly. In seconds, I realized that if the power plant exploded, everyone could die. Aldar rushed into the thick of it to turn the screw. Then a powerful explosion could have been avoided. The guy's clothes burned and melted. And he did not notice this, he struggled with the breakdown. Having twisted the propeller, the sailor managed to get out of the compartment on his own. This is despite the fact that doctors later diagnosed him with 90% burns on the surface of his body!

Aldar was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Doctors fought for his life for 4 days, his parents came to the guy. Until recently, we hoped that it would work out. But on September 28, Aldar was gone. He did not live up to the demobilization for a month ...

Sister of the deceased: “Mom and dad, when they arrived at the hospital, saw him alive. And the next day, the doctors told them that they could not save their brother. After all, only 5% of the skin on his face remained intact, he was all burned ....

“It was always a pleasure for me to communicate with him, to listen to him, we had one combat post,” recalls midshipman Jabrial Tagirov, who served with him on the same ship. one certificate and letters of thanks. He was a good and faithful comrade who never left a friend in trouble. During the fire on the ship, he had the opportunity to escape, but then the consequences could have been more tragic, and many more people suffered, because there were more than 300 crew members on the ship. Aldar showed courage and heroism, fulfilling his military duty to the end.

Irreparable loss

The commander of the Pacific Fleet met with the parents and on behalf of the command apologized for not saving their son. He also informed them that the heroic dead sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov was posthumously nominated for a state award - the Order of Courage.

On the morning of October 7, people came to the Tsydenzhapovs' house in an endless stream to see the hero on his last journey. A mourning meeting took place in the courtyard of the house. Relatives said goodbye to Aldar according to the Buryat custom. When the funeral ceremony came to an end, snow fell from the sky, as if nature itself was crying quietly. The procession moved towards the cemetery, leaving behind the familiar streets, a kindergarten, a school, where a little over a year ago the last bell rang for the young man. Aldar was buried under gunfire, giving the last military honors to the hero. At the same time, more than three thousand kilometers from the steppe village, in the distant city of Fokino, in the division where Aldar served, the St. Andrew's flag was lowered at half mast, at the regimental formation, fellow soldiers honored the memory of Aldar with a minute of silence.

The Buryats have such a sign: when it snows or rains at a funeral, it means that the soul of the deceased has safely ascended to heaven. The memory of Aldar and his heroic deed will forever remain in people's hearts.

Cause of the tragedy

According to preliminary data, carelessness became the cause of the incident. The tank was overfilled with fuel and at 4 o'clock in the morning no one saw it. In addition, one of the sailors screwed up the pipeline cap incorrectly. As a result, the fuel under pressure squeezed out the propeller. Fuel hit the lamp and then flared up.

The name of the hero is immortalized ...

“On November 19, in the city of Vladivostok, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree (10) on conferring the title of Hero of Russia to Aldar Tsydenzhapov, a resident of Aginsk.

On December 30, in the hall of the Kremlin Palace, a solemn ceremony of presenting a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal - was held to the parents of sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov.

A monument to Aldar was erected in the city of Fokino. At the opening ceremony, the commander of the Primorsky Territory flotilla, Viktor Sokolov, noted: “Our task is to educate young people and personnel using this example. I believe that this simple feat is a symbol of pride for the current generation, for our youth,” he said. (4) (3)

By order of the commander of the Pacific Fleet, sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov, a native of the Aginsk region, will forever be included in the list of the destroyer's crew. Every morning the sailors' roll call will begin with his name, and the berth in the cockpit will forever remain assigned to him.

On Babushkina Street, opposite the Phoenix shopping center, there is now a bronze figure of 19-year-old Buryat boy Aldar Tsydenzhapov. On June 30, the opening of the monument took place. The event was very solemn and emotional. Tears welled up in the eyes of those gathered when the parents of Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Beligma Zydygaevna and Bator Zhargalovich, made a speech. They also said the word, thanks to whom the monument appeared in our city. Under volleys of machine guns, the monument to the only surface sailor of the Pacific Fleet, awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously since the Great Patriotic War, was opened.

There seemed to be nothing special about him, he went to kindergarten, therefore to school. He was just responsible, he always brought the work he started to the end. I am glad that people remember him, honor his memory. And they will remember as long as his monument stands. People will ask each other - "what kind of boy is this?". Of course, I am proud of my little Aldarka, - Beligma Zydygaevna, Aldar Tsydenzhapova's mother, gives an interview to journalists with difficulty restraining her emotions.

Aldar's father Bator Zhargalovich Tsydenzhapov, on behalf of the whole family, thanked everyone who helped erect a monument to his son here.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of Buryatia for honoring the memory of our son. And I wanted to thank the head of Buryatia, the mayor of the city of Ulan-Ude, the architect, the Lotos company for the fact that you all did everything for this. I want to wish you happiness, well-being, so that everything comes true for you, - he said.

The author of the monument was the honored architect of Buryatia Bator Badmatsyrenov. By the way, he also created the Black Tulip, which is located nearby. Funds for the monument to Aldar Tsydenzhapov were allocated from the republican budget. The landscaping of the territory was undertaken by the administration of Ulan-Ude.

Today grateful Ulan-Ude residents remember and mourn together with their parents. But, nevertheless, this is a reminder of the fearlessness and feat of man. A young man who, at the cost of his life, brought his name into eternity. Low bow to parents. Eternal memory and glory to the hero of Russia Aldar Tsydenzhapov, - said the mayor of Ulan-Ude Alexander Golkov.

The head of Buryatia, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, noted that now there is also a memorial plaque on the destroyer Bystry. And one of the ships under construction at the Amur Shipyard will be named after Aldar Tsydenzhapov. The government of Buryatia will exercise patronage over this ship.

Ananda Dondokov, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Trans-Baikal Territory, head of the administration of the Aginsky Buryat District, also took part in the opening. Aldar Tsydenzhapov studied at Aginsky secondary school No. 1.

Today he is not only a hero of Russia, he is a national hero. Because his name will be eternal, says Ananda Dondokov.

Poems dedicated to the feat of Aladar Tsydenzhapov were dedicated by Svetlana Dashitsyrenova, a member of the BRO "Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans". In addition, dozens of Ulan-Ude residents came to the event.

I myself have been serving in the Navy in Kamchatka for 11 years and have come to pay tribute to the memory. I believe that the monument is needed so that the future generation knows that there were such people. There are actually few such people, especially in modern times, - says a resident of Buryatia, Zhargal.

The participants of the event could not help remembering the tragic events of September 24, 2010. On that day, Aldar, on the Russian missile destroyer Bystry, took up duty as a boiler crew engineer and was preparing for a trip to Kamchatka. Suddenly, a fire broke out in the engine room. The young man without hesitation rushed to block the fuel leak.

For 10 seconds, in flaming clothes, the young sailor was in the very epicenter of the fire, in the compartment engulfed in flames. He managed to put out the fire. After the fire, he was taken to the hospital of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok in critical condition. Doctors fought for his life for 4 days. Naval military experts say that if Aldar hesitated even for a minute, then the boiler could explode on the destroyer and then the entire crew would die. But Aldar remained faithful to his duty to the end.

On September 28, 2010, at the age of 19, he passed away. Aldar had less than a month to serve. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1431 dated November 16, 2010, Aldar Tsydenzhapov was posthumously awarded the title "Hero of Russia".

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