What is Alexa doing now? Alexa: a bright member of the Star Factory has changed beyond recognition


Alexandra Chvikova was born in the family of a Donetsk businessman. She grew up like a princess surrounded by the finest things.

Since childhood, Sasha has shown interest in creativity. The girl attended a music school, danced, wrote songs, and from the age of 11 she participated in music competitions. The father adored his daughter and supported his creative impulses in every possible way, financing musical projects.

For career development Sasha came up with the pseudonym Alexa and moved to Moscow. To express herself, in 2004 she came to the casting of "Star Factory-4". Alexa became the youngest contestant in the history of the Star Factory.

The natural cute image made the singer a favorite of the audience. Before the plastic surgery, Alexa looked very fresh and innocent. The combination of good looks, gentle voice with sensitivity and vulnerability markedly distinguished her from other participants.

"Star Factory" turned out to be a difficult test for the girl. Exhausting rehearsals, psychological pressure, the constant presence of outsiders, fierce competition and high demands caused depression, numerous stresses and tears. At the same time, the young star gained tremendous experience, new knowledge, and proved herself worthy to a wide audience and specialists in the music field.

What happened to singer Alexa? What is singer Alexa doing now?

The time when Alexa had plastic surgery was not the best in a creative and personal way. She tried to regain her outgoing popularity after participating in the show. But the changes in appearance did not bring the desired result. Today, Alex is almost never remembered, except perhaps as an example of unsuccessful plastic surgery. Alexa continues to lead a luxurious life, goes in for sports, sometimes appears at social events and even sings with friends.

They started talking about her after Star Factory-4, in which Alexa did not take first place, but the clip “Where are you?” Recorded by the young singer. became very popular and sounded for a long time after the completion of the "Factory". There, the girl started an affair with the future famous rapper and representative of the "golden youth" Timati. Many viewers have already seriously begun to think that this is the future husband of singer Alexa. Timati became a real savior of a girl who, after getting into the project, suddenly became depressed. She even asked to be let go home, but the producers did not allow this, and the relationship with Timati gave her confidence and helped her settle into the project.

After the “Factory”, the singer Alexa signed a lucrative contract with Igor Krutoy and everything seemed to develop quite successfully, but due to Krutoy’s conflict with the producer of Channel One, Alexa disappeared from view. All this time she was with Timati, with whom she recorded the song "When You Are Near". Then, with the assistance of her father Alexander Chvikov, the singer Alexa recorded the album "My Vendetta", and then another one - "Invented World" and several clips.

In the photo - singer Alexa and Timati

For several years, Alexa's name was mentioned not because of her musical creativity, but in connection with unsuccessful facial plastic surgery - she enlarged her lips so much that the former charm and beauty almost completely disappeared. She did not appear at social events and parties, there was no news about her personal life. In 2006, she broke up with Timati, whom she met for some time after the "Factory", and soon after that rumors began to appear that the singer Alexa had a new lover - singer Andrei Popov, however, according to the girl, the relationship between them were only friendly.

Then information appeared that Alexa was dating her fellow countryman, a programmer from Ukraine, Vlad Tislenko. This time, the singer did not give any comments, so one can only guess whether this relationship is serious. Perhaps Vlad will become the husband of the singer Alexa, or maybe this is her next hobby. In any case, she says that Vlad is her man, with whom it is easy and pleasant for her to spend time. She gladly shares her thoughts and plans for the future with her lover.

In the photo - Alexa with a new boyfriend

Alexa's full name is Alexandra Alexandrovna Chvikova, she was born in Donetsk on September 4, 1988, and now lives in two houses, visiting alternately either in Moscow, where she mainly works, or in her native Donetsk, where she has family and childhood friends. Alexa's dad is a big businessman and did a lot to ensure that she received a comprehensive education. Starting from the first, Alexandra moved from class to class as an external student, from the second class she began dancing, and then her father created her own dance studio for her. Singer Alexa showed her abilities in poetry, playing the piano, modeling, and her first disc, which, however, did not have much success, was released in 2001. After getting to the "Star Factory", the girl did not prove herself to be a real fighter - she often cried at rehearsals, did not show much zeal and was nominated for a flight several times. At the end of the show, Alexa received the audience award - a tourist trip to Venice, where she went with her mother.

The singer, ex-participant of the Russian vocal show "Star Factory 4" is confidently struggling with age. A celebrity who used to look natural and cute is getting too carried away with beauty treatments..

Alexa was addicted to beauty treatments

If we compare the photos from Alexa's youth and her modern pictures, then the difference between them is very big. For 14 years, the celebrity has changed a lot. She changed the shape of her eyebrows, cheeks, nose, lips. In general, Alexa did a good job on her appearance.

Photo: Instagram:@novosti__zvezd

Ex-girlfriend Timati looks attractive, but not natural. And all this - for the sake of beauty. Having studied the celebrity page on Instagram, you can see that her face shape has also changed. Previously, it was rounder, but now it is oval with pronounced cheekbones.

Alexa came to the Star Factory show at the age of 16. She was one of the brightest participants and one of the first contenders for victory. Unfortunately, the girl did not win the reality show, but she did not abandon her favorite business either.

Trying is not torture

Alexa continued her creative career under the wing of Igor Krutoy. But this cooperation did not last long. After releasing 3 songs, the girl disappeared from the world of show business.

After some time, Alexa made several attempts to return to the screens, but she did not succeed in finding her niche. As a result, she decided to abandon her singing career and try herself in other areas.

Now Alexa is successfully engaged in design and maintains a blog on Instagram, where more than 500 thousand subscribers follow her life. In his personal life, the celebrity also succeeded. She is popular among men, so she can afford an affair with any handsome man.

Photo: Instagram: @aleksa___official

Recall that earlier we talked about the fact that beauty procedures have changed beyond recognition the popular Ukrainian singer. A celebrity turns into a wax doll, so fans are advising her to stop spoiling her naturalness.

At the age of 15, a girl from Donetsk Sasha Chvikova came to the casting of "Star Factory - 4". And after three months the whole country sang along with her songs “Where are you” and “Moon path”. Today Alex is 30 years old. On this occasion, we decided to recall the scandals of the Star Factory project, which made Sasha famous.

Alexa should have won

They say that the name of Alexa was deleted from the list of winners of the fourth Star Factory half an hour before it was announced. She was supposed to take third place, second - (38), and first - (36). But, according to rumors, Viktor Drobysh (52) and (58) persuaded Krutoy (64) not to give Alexa a prize, because she does not look like a winner. Igor Yakovlevich listened to his colleagues and replaced Alex with Anton Zatsepin (36). And the girl was given the audience award as the most stylish and beautiful participant.

The second "Star Factory" was "thieves"

The brightest participants of the "Star Factory - 2" had already managed to light up in the party before the project and were quite famous in their hometowns. Judge for yourself: Dmitry Praskovyin (35) (it was he who sang “Tai”) - the leader of the KVN team “INZHEK-SPb”, Pierre Narcisse (41) was the host of Hit-FM radio, Alexei Semenov, ex-husband of Lena Temnikova (33) , - the founder of the Chukotka radio station "Purga", Christian Leinich (37) ("Light the sun") was a goalkeeper in the Krasnodar football team "Kuban", and Irakli Pirtskhalava (40) was generally a member of the Tet-a-tet group.

And the sixth "Factory" too

The sixth "Factory" was also, by the way, accused of the fact that the participants in the project came to pull. For example, Prokhor Chaliapin (34) (yes, he used to sing, if someone forgot). The fact is that Chaliapin claimed that he was not just the namesake of Fyodor Chaliapin himself, but his relative. True, the story here is confusing: Prokhor said that he was the great-grandson of Fyodor Chaliapin's younger brother Vasily. But, according to official figures, Vasily had only one son, but he no longer had children. It was then that everyone found out that Prokhor took the famous surname as a pseudonym.

The affair of Svetlana Svetikova and Dmitry Golubev

At the third "Star Factory" between Svetlana Svetikova (34) (already then the artist of the musicals Metro and Notre Dame de Paris) and Dima Golubev from Ivanovo, a spark slipped through. The only problem was that Dima and Sveta had lovers outside the walls of the "star house". Dima has a girlfriend, Yana, whom they have been dating for a year and a half, and Sveta has a young man, Roma. And then on “First” they showed a plot: Golubev crept into the girls’ bedroom at night, talked about something with Svetikova for a long time, and the next morning the couple were very tender with each other. After that, Sveta's boyfriend called her and said that everything was over between them. But Dima apologized to Yana for a long time, and she forgave him.

A novel by Masha Weber and Nikita Malinin

All the girls of the country in 2003 envied Masha Weber (31) - the young "manufacturer" became the object of sighing of the main handsome man of the project and the son of Alexander Malinin Nikita (36). They hugged touchingly in the star house, were constantly together and even recorded the song "First Date".

In general, love. But it turned out, PR from the producers. Nikita had a girlfriend Natasha behind the project, with whom Malinin had been dating since the ninth grade. And now Natasha, by the way, is his wife - they signed in 2008.

Nikita Malinin with his wife Natasha

The split at the fourth "Factory"

Victoria Bogoslavskaya from Kharkov and Zhenya Volkonskaya from Moscow became friends as soon as they got into the “star house”. And they became friends not only with each other, but also against everyone: they gossiped, tried to push the other participants with their foreheads and did not want to work at all. even said to Irina Dubtsova: “Yes, these two need to be kicked out, and then everything will be calm. My opinion is that they don’t belong here at all.” The same situation happened with Nadezhda Igoshina (you remember her under the pseudonym Angina (30)) - for no reason at all, she began to tell nasty things about Alex and Nastya Kochetkova (30). It all ended with the fact that Bogoslavskaya and Angina left the project rather quickly, but Zhenya was able to improve and reached almost the final.

A novel by Zhenya Volkonskaya and Yura Titov

And another couple in a star house. Zhenya Volkonskaya, a participant in the fourth "Factory", fell head over heels in love with Yura Titov (33). They were always together, hugging and kissing. Only now, if Zhenya had feelings, then Yura was just having fun. And the girl understood this very quickly. Reassured by the whole "Factory". Liters of tears were shed and the heartbreaking song "Promised Nothing" was recorded.

Insulting Sergei Lazarev

During the "Star Factory. Return ”(35) performed the song“ Even if you leave ”in a duet with Victoria Daineko (31). Already when Lazarev went backstage, jury member Stas Namin said: “What kind of singer was with Vika? What is an unknown boy without balls? You can't tell by the voice whether it's a boy or a girl. Lazarev immediately returned to the stage and, they say, indignantly declared: "I can show you my balls." He even managed to reach for his fly, but the host of the project, Yana Churikova (39), dissuaded him.

Insulting Vera Brezhneva

And during the filming of the project “Star Factory. Russia - Ukraine" offended Vera Brezhneva (36), who played in the Russian team. After her speech, Churikova asked which country Brezhnev considers himself a citizen of. Vera replied: "I am an international person, a citizen of the world." And then the jury member Viktor Drobysh unexpectedly entered: “I have a feeling that there are no worthy singers in Russia. If our performer, then Viktor Yanukovych is our president! They violated the rules here, and they must be held accountable for it. There are a lot of worthy Russian singers, and here they put up ... "

"Matilda" at the "Factory"

At the last "Factory" during the reporting concert, excerpts from the film "Matilda" directed by Alexei Uchitel (67) were shown from the stage, which is very stubborn in Russia - they say, he defames the honor and dignity of Tsar Nicholas II, and he is canonized, and you can't do that. But the scandal was quickly hushed up. “The video accompaniment to the song by Zina Kupriyanovich “Turn around” “City 312” was selected by the project employee. He was given the task of illustrating a love song performed by Zinaida Kupriyanovich. Apparently, he "saw" her like that, but for some reason he did not inform anyone. For everyone, this video sequence was a surprise. In any case, it was not a global emergency on the set to subject the incident to official investigations and a wide discussion, ”the representatives of the show said then.

Zara and clothes

Zara (35) categorically refused to wear the things that the “factory” stylist offered her to the reporting concerts. In her opinion, they looked cheap and did not emphasize her advantages. The singer was rescued by her mother, who brought clothes to Zara before every Friday concert.

Despite the fact that the girl gained wide popularity, her singing career did not work out. For more than ten years, Alex has not been on stage,. She calls the conditions of the "Star Factory" unbearable, but sometimes she thinks about returning to the stage.

Singer Alexa now: 2017

Today Alexa is a designer. She is engaged in the production of her own collection of jewelry made from natural stones. About half a million fans follow her life. Recently, the singer began to publish photos from the rest. Including against the backdrop of the sea in a bikini. Subscribers do not let go of compliments to the beauty's figure. But this is not what attracts their attention the most.

Fans notice that Alexa in the photo has changed noticeably. In particular, her nose took on a different shape. Followers no longer recognize the girl and often say that the plastic ruined her face.

"What's wrong with your face. The features have become disproportionate."

"What a terrible thing it has become. All redrawn."

"How annoying these identical noses are to me, they all follow the same pattern or something, no individuality. Incubator."

Most likely, it is for this reason that netizens often look for photos before and after Alexa's plastic surgery to see how her face changed. But she herself denies any surgical intervention. She claimed that she did not even increase her lips, but only did permanent makeup. But the fact remains: Alexa doesn't look the same as she did 16 years ago.

The personal life of Alexandra Chvikova, that is the name of the singer, is not advertised. Rumor has it that in 2016, Alexa married hip-hop artist Lil Pop. But there was still no official registration, and the rings on the treasured finger of the beauty are not found. However, recently the singer often publishes photos with her lover. Apparently, she is happy. Perhaps soon we will be able to congratulate Alexa on one of the most important moments in her life.

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