Alexander gobozov and his women. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals Where did gobozov from home 2 serve


Born August 16, 1982. He was on the project from March 9, 2007 to June 5, 2009, returned to Dom-2 on June 10, 2013. Zodiac sign: Leo. Height: 182 Weight: 75

Education: secondary specialized (Vladikavkaz Gergiev Art School), incomplete higher Dreams and aspirations: the goal in life is to create a big, strong, friendly family; would like to have five children - three boys and two girls; dreams of giving her mother, Olga Vasilievna, a round-the-world trip.

The biography of Alexander Gobozov, one of the most prominent participants in the television project, is interesting to many fans of House 2. Alexander comes from the capital of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania - the city of Vladikavkaz. Sasha's family - father, mother, grandmother and sister. Alexander Gobozov's parents are highly educated people: his father works as a surgeon, his mother is an engineer. After leaving school, Alexander entered the School of Arts, and then he was taken into the army (airborne troops). It was the service in the army that brought Sasha to Andrey Cherkasov, who was Gobozov's commander. In the military unit where Andrey and Alexander served, household members came on tour. The organizers of the reality show drew attention to the active and creative guys - Cherkasov and Gobozov, the guys were offered to become participants in House-2. Since Sasha did not plan to build a military career, immediately after the end of his service life, he gladly joined the ranks of the Domovtsy. From that moment on, the life of Alexander Gobozov changed dramatically.

In his arrival, Alexander Gobozov expressed sympathy for Victoria Karaseva, but the beauty rejected the courtship of the young man. When Erika Kisheva appeared in the perimeter, she aroused great interest in the guy. However, Sasha, who was in love, was a little unaware that Erica was a former man. The couple settled in a separate house, but the relationship quickly ended, as Gobozov found out about the "interesting feature" of Kisheva. The longest amorous communication with Gobozov at Dom-2 was with Nadezhda Ermakova. The relationship between Alexander and Nadia was quite vivid: beautiful, romantic dates and passionate assurances of love alternated with stormy showdowns. Gobozov offered Nadezhda a hand and a heart, but Ermakova refused him. The couple broke up due to the frequent "trips to the left" of Alexander. After parting with Ermakova, Olga Sokol fell into the field of view of Gobozov. Sasha and the temperamental blonde began a hot romance, where passions raged with terrible force. The guys often quarreled, then reconciled, there were mutual betrayals, insults, fights. As a result, Olga and Alexander left the project together. For some time, Sokol and Gobozov lived in Ukraine, and then, according to rumors, Olga met a wealthier man and decided to end her relationship with Sasha.

Sasha left the project in the hope that he would be able to build a happy life beyond its perimeter. Many of his fans at that time were interested in how Alexander Gobozov lives, what he does and where he works after leaving the TV show. During this period of time, Alexander tried himself as the host of the morning show on one of the Ukrainian channels, then he was engaged in the installation of stretch ceilings. According to available information, Sasha also tried to organize his own business in Vladikavkaz, but things did not work out. The biography of Alexander Gobozov does not end there, because after some time the participant returns to the project, in order, as it turned out later, to tie the knot with Aliana. The relationship of this couple is replete with conflicts and quarrels, as the latest series of House 2 will tell you, as well as Alexander Gobozov's blog. But, despite this, Sasha is very serious, so he makes every effort to save his family and properly prepare for the birth of his son. At least in all his latest photos, Alexander Gobozov appears before his fans as a happy family man.

The Dom-2 project has the glory of a scandalous show. The special interest of viewers is concentrated on the high-profile scandals of the participants. Fans continue to follow some of the Domovites even after leaving the project. In this article, readers will learn the latest news from Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Photo: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

The reason for the divorce of Ustinenko and Gobozov

In June, information appeared in the press about the divorce of the former stars of the Dom-2 television project. The couple was remembered for the scandalous relationship between each other and Alexander's mother, Olga Vasilievna. The couple recently got married for the second time. Their divorce is like a bolt from the blue for fans.

Aliana told the press that she had no time to deal with a divorce. She entrusted the process to a lawyer. According to Sasha, the reason for their divorce and high-profile scandals in their personal lives is the incompatibility of characters. Fans did not believe the stars, in their opinion, the reason sounds too implausible.

Ustinenko decided to tell the truth. According to the girl, the situation in the family changed after the death of her mother. It is worth recalling that Aliana's mother died last year from cancer. After the death of a loved one, the former member of "House-2" fell into religion. She began to attend church frequently. Together with her, Ustinenko took her son Robert.

Aliana went to communion several times - she decided to renounce her sins. Her husband did not understand why the wife so oppresses herself in the joys of life familiar to them earlier. The girl understood that she was growing cold towards her lover, and Sasha stopped saying compliments and kind words to his wife. He showed her the least affection. The star said that she and her husband stopped sleeping in the same room, they lived like neighbors.

From the latest news in the life of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov, the reason for their divorce is revealed. Love killed life. Young people are often at home together, they work from home. In their lives there was no separation between work and home, life killed the relationship.

Sasha and his wife decided to talk calmly. They came to the conclusion that they could not be together. Each told the other how he sees his future. The stars of "House 2" decided that they would not be able to maintain a warm relationship, as before.

Photos of the wedding of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

Sasha decided that he would make his ex-wife a "mentor" in the network business. So she can get more money. Sasha will not pay child support.

Aliana says that she has fans. Not a single man made the right impression. The girl hopes to meet a life partner in the future.

Photo 2018: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

What happened next?

The former participants of the show could not part in a civilized manner - the latest news about them was only teeming with loud scandals and fights. What happened to them was the same as with other couples of "House-2". They decided to make a show out of the divorce to interest fans. Sasha and Aliana had no choice but to share their son Robert.

Alexander's mother, Olga Vasilievna, said that she and her son did not want to leave the child to his mother. According to Olga, the ex-fiancee is not raising the boy well enough. Olga Vasilievna openly stated that Aliana is a bad mother.

Aliana with her son

Alexander went to court to be able to take custody of the child. Initially, these were rumors. The man denied them. But after a while, he really began to quarrel with his ex-wife because of Robert.

Ustinenko wanted to fly away to rest in Turkey, and Robert was supposed to fly with her. Alexander forbade the woman to take the child out. Fans say that Sasha's behavior has an excuse. Gobozov could not leave with Robert for Lermontov. Ustinenko forbade doing this. After the ban on flying to Turkey, Robert's mother forbade the boy to see his father.

Old photos of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

However, Robert's dad is against the trip solely out of good intentions. He got acquainted with the statistics of child abduction in the country. The man came to the conclusion that rest in Turkey is not safe. He advised his ex-wife to stay at home. The woman herself categorically refused to listen to him. Among the latest news about Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov were accusations of trying to illegally take their son out of the country.

Fans of the star couple did not believe Sasha. They decided the guy was doing this to hurt Aliana. They believe that in fact Gobozov does not care at all about the fate of his son.

Photo: Aliana and her mother-in-law on the program "Actually"

What annoyed the former mother-in-law?

Ustinenko told how the former mother-in-law did not give her a personal life. Olga Vasilievna often washed, because of which the couple had to pay a decent amount for electricity. The old woman constantly demanded to buy her expensive household items - they stood idle. Olga Vasilievna did not use them.

Sasha's mother was responsible for cooking in the family. But apart from the porridge, the young people saw nothing on the table.

In addition, Aliana accuses her mother-in-law and Sasha of indirect involvement in her mother's death, saying that they did not mourn for her.

Misunderstanding, everyday life, betrayal - the reason for the divorce and high-profile scandals among the latest news of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Video of the program "Actually", where the couple "House 2" tells the truth about each other:

Age: 36 years old

City: Vladikavkaz

Height: 182 cm Weight: 73 kg

The project was 195 days

Sasha Gobozov was born in the city of Vladikavkaz on August 16, 1982 in the most ordinary Ossetian family - he lived with his father Robert Mikhailovich Gobozov (surgeon), mother Olga Vasilievna (engineer), grandmother and older sister Irina, has an older sister Marina. Alexander Gobozov is a creative person. He not only plays the guitar, but also writes poetry and music himself. Alexander graduated from the Vladikavkaz School of Arts. Gergiev. He went to college, but did not finish it. In addition, Alexander Gobozov worked, trying himself in a variety of specialties, up to the installation of suspended ceilings.

An important stage in the life of Alexander Gobozov was the service in the army, because it was she who turned the whole further fate of Gobozov. Indeed, one fine day, members of House 2 arrived at his military unit. There the young man met everyone and showed his ability to play the guitar and sing songs. He was invited to the show after the end of his service life.

After serving in the airborne troops, Alexander Gobozov immediately came to the television project Dom 2, and tried to build love with Victoria Karaseva. The girl did not reciprocate the airborne troops. A few days later, Erika Kisheva came to the project, who agreed to move into the VIP house with Sasha. The young man, who grew up with strict Caucasian traditions, at that time did not understand with whom he was moving in. He didn't know what a "transsexual" was. Therefore, on the very first night together, he ran away from Erica like a scalded.

The next girl with whom Sasha created a couple was Nadezhda Ermakova. They had a very long and serious relationship. In these relationships, Sasha proved to be the most romantic guy on the project. His beautiful romances were liked not only by Nadia, but also by all the other girls. Sasha was not limited to courtship and settling in a separate room. Gobozov even made an offer to Nadia during their visit to their homeland in Ossetia, but the girl refused. Then, Ermakova had the imprudence to reproach Alexander Gobozov on the frontal place for not being able to satisfy her as a man, after which the young man, trying to prove that everything was in order with his male strength, went all out... children increasingly had scandals ending in brawls. No wonder they broke up soon after.

The next was an attempt to build a relationship with Olga Sokol. However, Alexander Gobozov could not stop the rampant lifestyle that he used to lead. The betrayals continued, and relations with Olya were also very uneven. An extremely emotional girl reacted very violently to the behavior of her partner, who answered her in the same way. However, when the project participants voted to expel Alexander Gobozov for the perimeter, Olga Sokol left the Dom 2 project with him. This decision was also due to the fact that both Sasha and Olga had lost their former interest in the project and, even before the vote, had repeatedly discussed the possibility of their departure. They planned the wedding and the birth of a child. But even after leaving the project, relations between young people did not become more stable, Olga Sokol and Alexander Gobozov eventually broke up.

On June 10, 2013, Alexander Gobozov returned to the House 2 project again as a revolutionary. Sasha won the heart of Aliana Ustinenko within two weeks. About a month later, they moved into the VIP house. Sasha again proved himself to be a very romantic guy, but this time he became more gentle and accommodating and assured everyone that this would continue to be the case. But the eccentric and capricious Aliana still knows how to bring Sasha to assault.

As Sasha's relationship with Aliana developed, the presenters allowed them to bring their parents to the project - Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko and Olga Vasilyevna Gobozov y. Subsequently, Gegham Hasratyan, Aliana's brother, also arrived. Women, mother and bride, practically from the first minute did not like each other, and Aliana's scandals with Olga Vasilievna were added to Sasha's and Aliana's internal scandals. The situation worsened twice when Aliana invited her mother to visit. Now Sasha was forced to maneuver between the three women, trying to settle or at least prevent conflicts from growing. Moreover, the guy did not find anything better than to stand on the side of the future mother-in-law and bride, thinking that his mother would always forgive and understand him. But the conflict still flared up, gradually involving Sasha's entire family, including his father, sisters and their husbands. Unable to bear Sasha's threats to tell everyone about the family secrets of her older sisters, Olga Vasilyevna attempted suicide. At present, peace between mother and Sasha has not been restored.

On October 5, 2013, Aliana Ustinenko announced her pregnancy, and on November 30, 2013, young people got married on the project. Soon the Gobozovs had a son, Robert, but this event did not bring peace to the house. The scandals did not subside, the guys fought and cursed endlessly, Sasha began to drink and cheat. In April 2015, Aliana and Alexander divorced. But on January 30, 2016, they got married again, unable to bear the separation.

Page of Alexander Gobozov Vkontakte.

For the first time, Alexander Gobozov appeared on the project on March 9, 2007, however, Alexander met the show and its participants a little earlier, while still in the army. His decision to try his luck in the TV show "House 2" was the result of an accident. The project came to the unit where Alexander Gobozov served. There, the future participant of the show was able to meet everyone and show himself.

Biography of Alexander Gobozov

A native of Vladikavkaz, Alexander Gobozov was born in the most ordinary Ossetian family and his childhood was not much different from the childhood of his peers. After graduating from school, Alexander for some time could not decide on the choice of his further path. He entered various universities, studied, but after a while he dropped out of school.

Besides, Alexander Gobozov worked, trying himself in a variety of specialties, up to the installation of suspended ceilings. An important stage in the life of Alexander Gobozov was military service. A participant in the television show "Dom 2" Alexander Gobozov is not only proud of his service in the Airborne Forces, but also admits that it was military service, thanks to a happy coincidence, that brought him to the project. In addition, in the army, Alexander Gobozov became friends with Andrey Cherkasov, his commander, and then a project comrade.

Alexander Gobozov at the Dom 2 project

Alexander Gobozov came to the project "House 2" in 2007, almost immediately after the end of his military service. First of all, Alexander Gobozov tried to build a relationship with, but the girl remained indifferent to him. And when, a few days later, a new member appeared in the project, Erika Kisheva, Alexander showed interest in the girl, but quickly lost interest in her when he met a little closer.

The longest relationship on the project "House 2" with Alexander Gobozov developed with Nadezhda Ermakova. However, when Alexander proposed to her, she refused. Relations were complicated by the numerous betrayals of Alexander Gobozov, which, however, were provoked by the girl herself, and even fights that periodically broke out between them. Despite the fact that young people, quarreling, invariably reconciled, such relationships tired both of them, and in the end they broke up.

The latest was an attempt to build relationships with Olei Sokol. However, Alexander Gobozov could not stop the rampant lifestyle that he used to lead. The betrayals continued, and relations with Olga Sokol were also very uneven. An extremely emotional girl, Olga reacted very violently to the behavior of her partner, who answered her in the same way. However, when the project participants voted to expel Alexander Gobozov from the perimeter, Sokol left the Dom 2 project with him. This decision was also due to the fact that both Alexander Gobozov and Olga Sokol lost their former interest in the project and, even before the vote, discussed the possibility of their departure more than once. They planned the wedding and the birth of a child.

However, after leaving the project, relations between young people did not become more stable: Olga Sokol and Alexander Gobozov eventually broke up.

June 10, 2013 Alexander Gobozov returned to the project "House 2". The rest of the participants called his return a revolution, and Alexander himself said that for the second time he would still be able to build a strong relationship with one of the girls.

Sasha immediately drew attention to Aliana Ustinenko. The relationship of this couple developed rapidly: the guy introduced the girl to his mother, after which Olga Vasilievna remained on the project, and the three of them began to live. When the atmosphere in the house became too tense, Aliana decided to invite her mother Svetlana Mikhailovna to help, so a new tenant appeared in the VIP house. After the birth of the child, the scandals in the family did not subside, the couple fought and cursed more than ever, Alexander began to drink and cheat. In the end, the couple decided to file for divorce.

At the beginning of April 2015 Aliana Gobozova And Alexander Gobozov officially divorced. At the time of the divorce, Aliana was on the project with Olga Vasilievna Gobozova. Son Robert lived with Alexander Gobozov in a Moscow apartment, which Aliana won at the contest "Person of the Year - 2014". Alexander Gobozov stated that he was not going to return with his son to "House 2".

“Of course, Robert has always united us. Even when we had difficult moments in life, and we quarreled, we looked at the child, and we wanted to make peace, reunite. This is the continuation of our family, our son. Children are a blessing and a miracle. Even though we are not together now, we remained friends, ”Aliana told StarHit.

Outside the walls of "House 2", the former spouses got back together. January 30, 2016 they played a second wedding. A couple of Gobozov and Ustinenko converged and diverged several times, but after three trips to the registry office, Aliana announced that she was finally leaving Alexander. Currently, Gobozov is actively promoting the NL int project. CrazyWave and specializes in the sale of special nutrition for weight loss.

In August 2017 Alexander Gobozov with ex-wife Aliana became participants in the First Channel show "Actually". Alina Ustineno immediately declared that after four years of constant betrayal and bullying by Gobozov, she would never return to him again, and no one could convince her. The ex-husband in response admitted that he still loves Aliana.

At the end of December, on his Instagram page, Gobozov published a post where he spoke about the cardinal changes that would soon take place in his life. Fans have suggested that we are talking about Alexander's return to "House 2". In January 2018, their guesses were confirmed: Gobozov will again be a participant in the scandalous TV show. According to him, he is going to start a relationship with a 22-year-old model from Krasnoyarsk Ekaterina Zinovieva. As Catherine herself admits, Alexander hooked her with his “male position”.

Interesting facts about Alexander Gobozov

Alexander Gobozov is a creative person. He not only plays the guitar, but also writes poetry and music himself. Alexander Gobozov performed his songs both in the army and on the Dom 2 project.

Gobozov has a rather hot-tempered character, likes to drink. In addition, his beliefs sometimes go beyond accepted norms. So, for example, Alexander is able to raise his hand against a woman. Nevertheless, Alexander Gobozov is a loving son, and his mother, a big fan of the project, has always been a frequent guest on the Dom 2 show. Family is one of Alexander Gobozov's main values, and participation in the Dom 2 project is not only a way for him to gain popularity, but also a real opportunity to build a family.

Alexander Gobozov made proposals to the girls of the project three times, but he was not lucky.

Alexander Gobozov- a participant in the reality show Dom-2, popular in Russia. Born on August 16, 1982 in the city of Lermontov, where he grew up in a completely ordinary family - his father is a surgeon, and his mother is an engineer. Alexander has two older sisters: Irina and Marina, with whom he maintains close family relations.

Since childhood, Alexander has been a creative person, playing the guitar, composing songs. After graduating from school, he entered the Vladikavkaz School of Arts. Gergiev.

The first time Sasha Gobozov came to the project, being still completely “green”, right after the army. It was in the army that he first met with, who invited the young man to the project. The young airborne officer did not immediately become a project womanizer, his first attempts to build love did not bring success.

Sasha became the first chosen one. The burning brunette with brown eyes and a magnificent voice immediately liked the guy, but there was no reciprocity from the girl, and Sasha continued his search.

Then she came to Sasha for a project, they even wanted to move into a VIP together, but when the guy found out that Erica was actually a “transsexual”, he could not “understand and forgive” this, and immediately “ran away” from the girl.

Gobozov and Nadia Ermakova

The guy's first serious feelings and relationships began with the arrival of the project. Inspired by love, Sasha looked after the girl very beautifully, his romances drove not only Nadia crazy, but the entire female half of the project. He even managed to make a proposal to the girl, to which she refused. After that, their relationship changed dramatically, they began to quarrel often and soon broke up.

After breaking up with Nadia, Sasha changed a lot, began to drink often, he had many women. When Sasha met, he could not overcome his character, and his frequent sprees led the couple to leave the project to maintain relations. But even outside the perimeter, he could not change. Olya left him.

The second time Sasha Gobozov appeared on the project in the summer of 2013. At that moment, the project had been going on for almost 10 years, the new participants did not give the previous ratings, and the producer decided to revive the show and invite the most popular old participants - the revolutionaries. Sasha also got into the number of revolutionaries.

His appearance on the project attracted new fans to him, many participants in the project began to show signs of attention to him. Among them was.

The young model, who had just turned 19, quickly turned the guy's head. Their relationship developed rapidly and rapidly, and in the fall they got married. On May 14, 2014, they had a son, whom they named Robert in honor of Sasha's dad. However, the rebellious and eccentric character of the young Aliana and Sasha's furious Caucasian temperament haunted the young family. And the appearance of moms on the project only added fuel to the fire.

Soon, the couple had a big fight. Sasha began to walk on the side, and brought his new passion to the perimeter. But less than two weeks later, he left Alena, justifying himself by the fact that this relationship was aimed only at making his wife jealous.

Alexander and Alena Ashmarina

Now, Sasha is behind the project, he works and is engaged in building a house and repairing an apartment. Only Aliana with her son and mother-in-law is on the project. Relations in the family are strained, they even announced that they had divorced, however, the couple did not confirm this fact, thereby generating a lot of rumors around them.
Recently, their son Robert turned one year old, on this occasion, the parents organized a holiday for their son, at which Sasha announced his return to the family and to the project.

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