Alexander Gobozov: “Everything that Aliana said on the air is a hoax. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals


August 2 in the program Actually Alexander and Aliana Gobozova 2 08 2017 watch online this most scandalous family in the history of the popular reality show. They became famous for dragging the older generation into their public wars. In front of television cameras, Aliana's mother-in-law even tried to commit suicide in order to destroy her son's family. Serious passions boiled up to assault, he was not shy in expressions, neither old nor young. And while the women were sorting out the relationship, Alexander sought solace in other beds, and then publicly swore love and fidelity to Aliana.

A revolutionary talk show that helps people figure out relationships. He survived the loss. Survived deceit and betrayal. And now he knows for sure - the one whom the crowd condemned will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes speak frankly, so that the truth becomes inevitably obvious.

I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to take place. I am going back home.

"Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it to the end. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand themselves how it all happened - in fact.

Channel One, Dmitry Shepelev, Russia

It's no secret that exceptionally bright and interesting personalities, completely devoid of complexes, can get the status of a "household" and gain a foothold on the scandalous television project "Dom-2". Aliana Ustinenko knew the rules of the game very well. The outrageous beauty was remembered by the audience not only for her appearance, but also for her antics balancing on the verge of what is permitted.

Childhood and youth

On December 31, 1993, Artur Hasratyan, a native of Armenia, and his wife Svetlana had a daughter, who was named Aliana. The family lived in the southeast of the European part of Russia - in the city of Volgograd. Five years later, a replenishment happened in the Hasratyan family: the wife gave birth to her husband's son, who was named Gegham. When Alina was 16 years old, her parents divorced. Svetlana Mikhailovna never brought a new man into the family.

From the biography of the reality show star, it is known that, in addition to secondary education, Aliana also has a higher education. Ustinenko graduated from Volgograd State University and graduated from an educational institution with a law degree. For a couple of years, Aliana tried her hand at modeling and achieved good results in this field: the girl repeatedly participated in foreign fashion shows and photo shoots.

Show "Dom-2"

At the casting, the lively brunette immediately attracted the attention of the organizers: her expressive appearance and impudent behavior that distinguished the girl from the crowd did their job. In January 2013, the project was rebooted. 6 new participants immediately came to Dom-2, among whom was Aliana. The girl showed sympathy for the favorite of the women's bedroom. In order to prove to the young man that her appearance is not her only advantage, the young lady sang a song, thereby demonstrating the presence of good vocal abilities.

Aliana Gobozova in the show "Dom-2"

It is noteworthy that at the time Ustinenko came to the TV set, Varvara Tretyakova and Ekaterina Kolisnichenko were already fighting for the guy's heart. The presence of rivals did not frighten Aliana. The appearance of a charming person turned the love triangle into an explosive square. True, the Armenian beauty never managed to build a relationship with a pretty blond. After a couple of field dates and face-to-face conversations, the guy said that Aliana was not the heroine of his novel.

Then there was an attempt to win the heart of the ladies' man "House-2". The project macho cooled the ardor of the young brunette, saying that he prefers ladies of a different temperament. After that, Ustinenko was imbued with feelings for Sergei Sichkar. The young man who was in a relationship at first did not reciprocate the girl. However, after another quarrel with his beloved, Alexandra Skorodumova, Sergei nevertheless decided to move in with Aliana in city apartments. Ustinenko's happiness lasted for two whole days.

After a couple of weeks, the long-liver of the project attracted the attention of the young lady. Ustinenko gave Zhenya all sorts of signs of attention: she cooked breakfasts, arranged romantic dinners, not a single step away from a handsome man. Eugene, in order not to hurt the feelings of the young beauty, tactfully translated everything into a joke and did not reciprocate. It is not known how the project fate of the black-haired beast would have developed if her future husband had not come to the show in 2013 -.

The man was invited to the scandalous television set together with, and in order to make an amorous revolution at Dom-2 and show newcomers how to build love. Aliana immediately liked the amorous Sasha. On the very first day, the revolutionary admitted that Ustinenko's bottomless black eyes literally drove him crazy.

Personal life

It is worth noting that the relationship between Alexander and Aliana developed rapidly. Six months later, Aliana announced her pregnancy. Then the fans of the show agreed that the smart beauty beyond her years realized that she could keep Sasha, who was starting to cool down, only as a child. Despite the rumors surrounding the lovers in November 2013, they got married. After a magnificent ceremony in Russia, the newlyweds flew to the Maldives.

Upon returning to the project, the idyll that reigned in the relationship disappeared. Instead of a quiet family life, Gobozov and Ustinenko quarreled and fought endlessly. Unable to understand their own problems, the spouses called “heavy artillery” to the show. In January 2014, mothers Olga Vasilievna and appeared in the perimeter. True, instead of helping the beloved save the marriage, the women began to fight each other. According to both ladies, they initially did not see the joint future of their children and hoped to the last that Sasha and Aliana would eventually go their separate ways.

In May 2014, Sasha and Aliana Gobozova became parents. A boy was born, who was named Robert. The birth of a son did not change the tense situation in the family. Alexander aggravated the situation by taking night time off from the organizers of the show. After the trips, which during the time Gobozov was on the project there were a great many, Ustinenko was regularly sent photographs in which her legal husband idly spent time surrounded by ladies. Moreover, Alexander changed his companions like gloves.

For a couple of months, the wife endured the frivolous behavior of the father of her child. After another betrayal, Ustinenko wrote the song "Moth", for which a video was later shot. The composition told them a love story with Alexander. The couple broke up in December 2014, and the official divorce took place in early 2015. In May of the same year, Sasha left Dom-2 of his own free will. Aliana Gobozova also did not stay on the project. After another scandal, the girl packed her things, took her son in her arms and went out the gate.

Outside the cells, the unfortunate spouses got back together. January 30, 2016 they played a second wedding. In October of the same year, Aliana. For a long time, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko struggled with brain cancer. The woman underwent several courses of chemotherapy and underwent surgery. On the day of the funeral, Ustinenko placed in

Alexander and Aliana Gobozova are the most scandalous family in the history of the popular reality show. They became famous for dragging the older generation into their public wars. Aliana's mother-in-law tried to commit suicide in front of television cameras, just to destroy her son's family. While the women were sorting out the relationship, Alexander sought solace in other beds. Aliana recently announced that she was leaving Alexander. In the program "Actually" for the first time, all three will be tested on a lie detector.

Dmitry #Shepelev survived the loss, returned to life and is ready to help others. "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show, a confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it to the end. Only the truth can change the course of this personal story and show how it really was.

Alexander and Aliana Gobozova. Actually 08/02/2017

I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to take place. I am going back home". website

In the next issue of the program “Actually”, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov became the heroes. This family has long gained fame as the most scandalous television family in the history of the popular reality show Dom-2.

A face-to-face confrontation between people who were once close helped to reveal the cards and showed where the truth is and where the lie is ... As it turned out, fights, mutual insults and betrayals are just the tip of the iceberg of the problems of the Gobozov family.

At the very beginning of the program, presenter Dmitry Shepelev drew attention to the fact that Alexander Gobozov was calm and confident. This was also indicated by his even pulse, which was transmitted to the screen by sensors. What could not be said about Aliana, whose pulse went off scale and showed 148 beats per minute ... But the girl laughed it off, saying that this was not excitement at all, but she was always like that.

Aliana began with claims to Alexander.

- For 4 years, while we were together, I forgave, endured and tried to save the family. I loved this man very much, but, unfortunately, with betrayal, lies and a mocking attitude, he killed all the love in me.

When the host asked if there was even a small chance to save the marriage, Aliana replied: “I think not.”

In response to this, Sasha, on the contrary, confessed his love for his wife.

“I can't help but love my wife. We have a child, we have a son. I look at him and in every cell I see a wife, a mother of my child. To say that I do not love my wife is to give up part of the love for my son ... I look at her and madly want her, sorry for being frank, like a man to a woman.

However, Alexander admitted his fear that sooner or later another man might be next to his son.

The first question he asked his wife was “Are you leaving me because you found someone richer and more successful?” Aliana answered in the negative, which turned out to be true. But Shepelev noted that such a question could arise due to self-doubt.

The most anticipated question and quite sharp. Aliana asked about cheating. And as it turned out that at the time when Aliana and Alexander were together, he did not cheat on her! This shocked the girl, she did not believe the experts of the program ...

However, she herself, as it turned out, cheated on her husband. This was confirmed by the lie detector. And her pulse jumped again.

After a break, the heroes were joined by Alexander's mother Olga Vasilievna, who is also known for her scandals and squabbles from the Dom-2 project.

Is it possible to reconcile the family at the negotiating table?..

Relations with the mother-in-law were not just strained, but scandalous, with fights and insults. But Aliana admitted that while participating in the project she was young and made many mistakes. Now she is an adequate adult.

As it turned out on the lie detector, both women hated each other, but now these terrible feelings are gone.

Further, Aliana decided to find out if the grandmother offended her grandson Robert when he was visiting her. And the mother-in-law asked if the girl was not ashamed that after the divorce she left Sasha without a penny. As a result, it became clear that the grandmother did not harm her grandson, and Aliana does not feel shame. In addition, the entire studio supported the male act of Alexander. Yes, and he himself made it clear that he made this gesture (left everything to his wife) quite confidently, knowing that he was doing everything for his son.

However, as it turned out, Olga Vasilievna is more interested in the opinion of fans in social networks than Aliana herself.

Aliana still wanted to know if her mother-in-law wished evil on her mother. The girl suspected that the woman turned to black magicians and brought damage to her mother!

It turned out that Aliana cursed her mother-in-law and herself turned to magicians and sorcerers to help improve relations in the family.

This truth frightened the girl herself. She could not stand it and shouted: “This is a set-up!” ripped off her sensors and left the studio.

Olga Vasilievna herself has a bitter truth. When asked about the case of a suicide attempt on the project, the woman admitted that it was staged in order to attract the attention of her son. Dmitry Shepelev called such an act cruel and monstrous manipulation. And the audience was once again convinced that the mother-in-law intentionally got into the family and tried to make her own rules there.

Aliana returned to the studio, and immediately she was asked if she would let Robert go to visit her grandmother. The girl truthfully answered that she would let her go, but earlier she refused such a request only because Sasha did not sign her consent to take her son abroad.

Aliana Gobozova is back on television, but now it's not the Dom-2 project, but Channel One and Dmitry Shepelev's new show, Actually. It is impossible to lie here, because the characters answer on a lie detector.

Aliana and Alexander were not alone on the set. Other participants in the reality show "Dom-2" came to support their friends. Andrey Chuev even posted a post on his Instagram.

“Sasha left everything to Aliana, and they finally get divorced ... He constantly moved with his son and even moved to Volgograd for him. Aliana, as always, tried to lie, but the detector put everything in its place! ”, Andrey Chuev wrote in the microblog.

After recording the broadcast, Aliana made a post on the social network, where she shared her experiences with subscribers.

“Finally this story is over. I breathed a sigh of relief. To a new life! - said the TV personality.

“Emotionally it was very difficult to discuss all this in the studio today. There were a lot of people who had mud pouring out of their mouths, I don't hold a grudge against them. They still have a long way to go in order to change themselves. Thanks to everyone who supported me. Now I really need it... I know and believe that there are more good people! We will light this world with you and light others with our energy, ”the girl said.

While Aliana flew to Moscow to shoot, she read the book-revelation "Jeanne", which was written by Dmitry Shepelev.

“I don’t know why now, but on the advice of a friend, I came across a book by Dmitry Shepelev“ Jeanne ”. My overnight flight Simferopol-Moscow was delayed for another hour. I was sitting in the waiting room and, buried in a book, I could neither raise my head nor take my eyes off, - Aliana admitted to her subscribers. - My emotions on my face changed very sharply and frighteningly for those sitting nearby, waiting for their flights. Breathing was difficult, the heartbeat increased, a lump formed in the throat. Reading phrase after phrase, chapter after chapter, I was so devastated morally ... I seemed to have returned to that terrible time, to those more than two years of helpless struggle. I felt what was written in the book inside and out. I recognized myself in every line. How painful and lonely it was. How terrible and unbearable it was. Yes, for me this is a painful topic, for me it is a trauma for life and a wound that has not yet healed ... Every person who fought, fights or helps his loved one fight a terrible disease will recognize himself in the book ... He will remember the terrible path that he had to pass the. He will understand what mistakes were made, what could not be done to win this battle called “life”. Even for those who are far from this topic, the book will help them learn to feel someone else's pain.

“I just want to say thank you to a strong man with a kind heart and a pure soul, because in his time, Dmitry helped my mother and me when we needed advice and help in finding doctors and clinics, treatment and just human support. Read a book. Perhaps this is what you need so much now, ”Aliana concluded.

Very soon we will be able to see and hear the revelations of Aliana and Alexander on the air. They have more to say to each other. The transmission will reveal something that they themselves did not suspect. And life will never be the same again. And now Aliana has returned to the seaside to her son and now devotes her life to him.

The air "Actually" with the participation of Aliana Gobozova will be shown next week.

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