Alexander panayotov got into the voice show after a terrible accident. Alexander Panayotov: “I almost died in an accident, after which I revised my outlook on life The battle with my mother’s dumplings


Now everyone's attention is riveted. The star of the "People's Artist", who was remembered and loved, disappeared from the television screen for a long time. His triumphant return, when all four mentors turned to the singer at the first stage of the show, caused a wide resonance. While some are rooting for Sasha and sincerely wish him victory, others are just as sincerely outraged that an accomplished artist competes with unknown singers. Alexander told what he thinks about this, and who gave him a slap on the back of the head, forcing him to try his hand at blind auditions.

Alexander, many famous singers come to the "Voice" after the persuasion of relatives and friends. How was it for you?

On the contrary, many people dissuaded me. All I heard was, “Are you crazy? Where are you going? It's a step back!" Some of my colleagues and friends said this not even to me personally, but behind my back. Of course, I had my own doubts. At night I lay awake, wondering if I should try myself in The Voice or not? And then a terrible event happened in my life that turned my worldview upside down.

An accident in February of this year?

Yes. I returned home by taxi. We were driving on a night slippery road, it was snowing. Due to poor visibility, the oncoming car did not notice our car and flew into us at full speed. The blow was so strong that I flew forward. Thank God, the back of the front seat partly softened the blow. The car was thrown over and we rolled over. I woke up in the front seat, my forehead pressed against the airbag. After such accidents do not survive. And I not only survived, but also escaped with a slight fright - I did not receive not only fractures, there were not even abrasions. As they say, was without a single scratch. But it was at that moment that I realized: life is so short, so unexpected! Everything can change in just a second. It was such a cuff that they gave me from above. And I thought, “What the hell? There is a wonderful project on the main channel of the country, where you need to sing on stage, where there is live sound and a real orchestra! And I have a voice. And why not try yourself in it? The next day he sent his notes. No more doubts.

All four mentors turned to you. Do you think you found out?

It seemed that Leonid Agutin did not recognize. Could not recognize Grigory Leps, simply because we did not communicate with him for about ten years. Polina found out, Dima, for sure, too. We're friends. And I treasure this friendship. And I don't hide it. Another question is that, having applied, I did not call anyone and, of course, did not ask for anything. It's just not in my line. I deliberately hid from everyone what day I would perform at the blind audition. Only my mother knew. When all four mentors turned to me, and even with such an amazing cascade, I was just happy!

Now many fans of the show are outraged that you, an accomplished artist, came to the Voice.

The rules don't allow this. Voice is an international project. In many countries where it is also underway, this situation has happened more than once. For example, now in the American version, the girl who played the main role in "Curly Sue" won. Everyone knew her. After disappearing for 15 years from the field of view of fans, she triumphantly returned. I identify with the voice. No matter how pathetic it may sound, many say: "Panayotov is equal to the voice." And from this point of view, the project is, as they say, "mine". All these years I have been invited to many vocal shows, including those similar to Just the Same. But it's a little out of my league. I think when I relax and rest on my laurels, it will be possible to try myself in such shows. But I'm not ready yet.

How are you feeling now? How do you feel being at the peak of popularity again?

Insanely happy that I'm in the project. You know, lately I've started keeping track of my appearances on the stage ... If before there were 15-20 concerts a month, there were tours, then everything became different. I continued to perform, but there were much fewer concerts. And it tormented me. You have no idea how hard it is for a creative person to be in oblivion and not see the audience, not hear applause ... For all artists, this is a kind of drug that none of us can refuse. I'm glad it's all back. I really hope this will continue to be the case.

Alexander Panayotov is called the sensation of the fifth season of the Voice show on Channel One. Many obviously consider him the winner and offer to go to Eurovision in 2017. Meanwhile, in Golos, things have not even come to fights yet - mentors are only recruiting teams.


According to Panayotov, he ended up in this musical project after a tragic accident. “In my case, the impetus was a car accident, after which they don’t survive,” the musician admitted. “I was driving after Yulia Nachalova’s birthday - in winter, it was night. it crashed into us, skidded. I remember smoke, airbags, I flew into the front seat. God took me away - I didn’t hurt much, but at that moment everything turned upside down inside me. It was a small death. I realized how short life is, how much time I I lose because of some kind of pride that I need to act urgently.

When the question arose whether to apply for the "Voice", the singer did not doubt at all. “I’ve been thinking for four years, since the launch of this show,” Panayotov is quoted by the portal. “It was insanely important for me what each of the mentors would say - I know everyone, I’m friends with someone.” We add that Alexander participated in the project "People's Artist" on the channel "Russia", but then his musical career did not advance much.

The terrible accident that Alexander Panayotov got into after the birthday of Yulia Nachalova was the impetus for him to participate in the Voice show.

Singer Alexander Panayotov is one of the favorites of the fifth season of the Voice show, aired on Channel One. He is predicted a confident victory, and some even believe that in 2017 he should become a participant in Eurovision.

Alexander himself says that in the winter he almost died in an accident. But it was this accident that prompted him to come to the Voice show.

“In my case, the impetus was a car accident, after which they don’t survive. I was driving after Yulia Nachalova’s birthday - in winter, it was night. I sat in the back seat, not fastened. A second - and a blow to the forehead. The car that crashed into us skidded "I remember smoke, airbags, I flew into the front seat. God took me away - I didn’t suffer much, but at that moment everything turned upside down inside me. It was a small death. I realized how short life is, how much time I lose because of what something of pride that you need to act urgently," the singer said.

When the question arose of whether to apply for The Voice, the singer had no doubts: “I have been thinking for four years since the launch of this show. It was extremely important for me what each of the mentors would say - I know everyone, I am friends with someone ".

From childhood he was fond of music. At the age of 7, he entered the humanitarian class of the multidisciplinary school No. 62 in Zaporozhye, and when he was 9 years old, he first appeared on the school stage with E. Krylatov's song “Beautiful Far Away” from the movie “Guest from the Future”.

At the age of 10, he entered the children's music school No. 3 in Zaporozhye. He studied at the youth vocal studio of popular music "Youth", under the guidance of the honored worker of culture Vladimir Artemiev (whose student is also the famous singer Alyosha today).

The first public performance of Alexander Panayotov took place on June 1, 1997. It was a concert on the central city square of Zaporizhzhya dedicated to the World Children's Day. Sasha performed a song from the repertoire of the popular Ukrainian singer Alexander Ponomarev "From morning to night" ("From morning to night").

At the age of 15, Alexander Panayotov performed with his own repertoire at various competitions. The most famous songs are “Ringed Bird” and “Litniy Doshch” (“Summer Rain”). The authors of these songs also studied at the youth vocal studio of popular music "Youth", under the guidance of the honored worker of culture Vladimir Artemiev.

After graduating from secondary and music (with honors) schools, Alexander entered the Kiev State College of Variety and Circus Arts in the department of pop vocals, but did not finish it, because then he was already very actively participating in various music competitions, was fond of it and attended college little .

In 2002, Panayotov decided to travel to Moscow to try his hand at a television project - "Become a Star", where he reached the final.

Returning to Kyiv, Panayotov enters the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts and in the same year creates the Alliance group, in which, in addition to him (the vocalist), 4 more musicians participate. The group enjoys success in Kyiv, performs at prestigious concert venues and nightclubs. Alexander and his team celebrated New Year 2003 by working for the German and foreign public in Berlin.

In 2003, Panayotov again tries his luck in the television competition "People's Artist (Reality Show)", held on the Rossiya TV channel. In the final of the competition, Alexander Panayotov took second place and signed a seven-year contract with producers Yevgeny Fridlyand and Kim Breitburg.

Alexander Panayotov - On the edge (People's Artist - 2003)

Since 2005, Panayotov has been participating in the selection of Russia for the Eurovision Song Contest, but he failed to win this competition.

In 2005, in a duet with Alexei Chumakov, he took second place in the open selection of Channel One with the song "Balalaika", in 2007 the duet became second in the closed selection with the song "Not Mine", and in 2008, already on the Rossiya TV channel, Alexander was inferior only one point for Dima Bilan with the song "Crescent and Cross".

Since March 2011, at the end of a seven-year contract with FBI Music, Alexander Panayotov has become an independent artist.

Alexander Panayotov is well known in Russia, Ukraine, CIS and Baltic countries. For the past nine years, the artist has been living and working in Russia, and has also successfully toured in Russian regions, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, Israel, the USA, Spain, Germany, France and other EU countries.

Among the latest works of Alexander Panayotov is the track and video "Invincible", in which the artist appeared in a completely new image.

On August 19, 2016, the artist released a new dance track. Alexander Panayotov presented a new single "Intravenous". According to tradition, Panayotov himself was the author of the music, and the text was written in a creative tandem with a talented vocalist and author, the soloist of the N.A.O.M.I. - Arina Ritz and a young lyricist from Novosibirsk - Evgeny Bochkarev.

September 23, 2016 participated in the blind auditions of the 5th season of the show "Voice". All the mentors turned to him, Alexander made a choice in favor of.

Alexander Panayotov - Intravenous

Has experience in film. In 2006, Panayotov made his debut in the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" in a cameo role.

In 2007, Alexander Panayotov performed one of the title songs "So Close" from the film "Enchanted" by Walt Disney Pictures, which he recorded as an original soundtrack for the Russian version of the film.

In 2011, Alexander Panayotov voiced one of the main characters, a loafer named Fred, in the comedy Big-eared Riot by Universal Pictures.

According to the artist, he dreams of playing a major role in a dramatic or fantasy movie.

Discography of Alexander Panayotov:

2006 - Rain Lady
2010 - Formula of love
2013 - Alpha and Omega

Video clips of Alexander Panayotov:

2005 - Unusual (with R. Alekhno, A. Chumakov)
2005 - Balalaika (with A. Chumakov)
2007 - Voice
2010 - Formula of love
2011 - Till tomorrow
2012 - Snow
2012 - Unreal
2013 - Where are you?
2013 - Beyond the horizon
2014 - Alpha and Omega
2015 - SAMI
2015 - I promise (together with Sasha Spielberg)
2015 - Phone
2016 - Invincible
2016 - Intravenous

Singer Alexander Panayotov told how he decided to participate in the project and how he lived before that.

Last Friday was marked by a triumphant return to the stage for 32-year-old Alexander Panayotov. During the “blind auditions”, four mentors turned to the young man at once, but Panayotov chose Grigory Leps as a teacher.

He commented on his performance in the new season of the Voice show with the following words: “It was not an easy decision. Zero out everything that was "before" in order to multiply what, I hope, will be after. Many thanks to everyone who put their hand, heart and soul into this decision. Thanks to those who gave a chance to stand on this stage and sing.. to sing like it was the first and last time.. unforgettable sensations and emotions from what I experienced while there. All in the name of music and art! In the name of good! Thank you,” Alexander said. In a matter of days, Panayotov managed to win not only the love of the audience, but also the condemnation of ill-wishers who believe that the artist has nothing to do in the project. The ward of Grigory Leps, on the other hand, takes a different point of view and treats this kind of criticism with understanding.

“Voice is an international project. In many countries where it is also underway, this situation has happened more than once. For example, now in the American version, the girl who played the main role in "Curly Sue" won. Everyone knew her. After disappearing for 15 years from the field of view of fans, she triumphantly returned. I identify with the voice. No matter how pathetic it may sound, many say: "Panayotov is equal to the voice." And from this point of view, the project is, as they say, "mine". All these years I have been invited to many vocal shows, including those similar to Just the Same. But it's a little out of my league. I think when I relax and rest on my laurels, it will be possible to try myself in such shows. But I’m not ready yet,” says Alexander. The terrible accident that happened in February of this year taught the artist not to be afraid to take risks and achieve his goals, no matter how difficult they may seem.

“I was returning home by taxi. We were driving on a night slippery road, it was snowing. Due to poor visibility, the oncoming car did not notice our car and flew into us at full speed. The blow was so strong that I flew forward. Thank God, the back of the front seat partly softened the blow. The car was thrown over and we rolled over. I woke up in the front seat, my forehead pressed against the airbag. After such accidents do not survive. And I not only survived, but also escaped with a slight fright - I did not receive not only fractures, there were not even abrasions. As they say, was without a single scratch. But it was at that moment that I realized: life is so short, so unexpected! Everything can change in just a second. It was such a cuff that they gave me from above. And I thought, “What the hell? There is a wonderful project on the main channel of the country, where you need to sing on stage, where there is live sound and a real orchestra! And I have a voice. And why not try yourself in it? The next day he sent his notes. I no longer had any doubts, ”recalls the ward of Grigory Leps

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