Alexander Petrov: "Modern girls are too powerful, everything should be decided by a man." Alexander Petrov: “I like simple human stories Latest interviews with actor Alexander Petrov


On the evening of April 2, Channel One will air the two final episodes of the first season of Fartsa, a fascinating retro saga that tells the story of a landmark phenomenon for the USSR: fartsovschik. The producers and screenwriters of the high-profile project, which has already managed to collect a lot of rave reviews, are Alexander Tsekalo and winner of the Berlinale Alexander Kott. The cast is no less impressive: Evgeny Tsyganov , Evgeny Stychkin, Alexey Serebryakov , Ekaterina Volkova and a good dozen more artists with big names. The main role - the novice writer Andrei, who becomes a black marketeer - went to a young actor Alexander Petrov, who has already managed to make himself known in the series "The Law of the Stone Jungle" and the comedy "Love in the Big City-3". Taking the opportunity, ELLE decided to find out more about the artist who conquered the prime time of the central channel.

Alexander Petrov / photo: Anna Lis

ELLE: The last two episodes of "Fartsy" will be released today. Do you follow the series yourself?

ALEXANDER PETROV: I try to watch all my work. Not in advance, not at premieres, but as ordinary viewers: at screenings in movies and on TV. It turns out a different atmosphere, a different view - more distant and, perhaps, even more objective. It's always interesting to see how the cinema breathes, how the audience reacts.

ELLE: And what are your first impressions?

A.P.: Of course, any story needs to be watched to the end. But so far I really like it! I am terribly worried, because I understand that such series as Fartsa are a fairly new phenomenon for Russia. A new format close to what they do in the West. With us, it was the same before: we filmed an epic of a hundred episodes, and you could start watching it from any series without losing anything - simply because there is nothing special to follow. And in a modern high-quality series there are always a lot of details that should never be missed - only then a complete picture is formed, then everything becomes clear. I really want the mass audience to get used to watching TV shows carefully.

ELLE: How did you get the role of Andrei's swindler? Were you immediately invited to the main role, or was there a casting?

A.P.: Certainly! I went to them, I go and I will go. This is a great training that helps a lot in my work. When I came to the audition, I already had an agreement to shoot in another project, but after the casting I received a message: “Sasha, when you have the opportunity, call. Sasha Tsekalo. I was a little surprised: the producer, personally, and not through an assistant, asks me to contact him! I called, and he honestly told me: “I would really like you to star in this movie. You must make a choice." This honesty bribed me - and, of course, I chose Fartsa. What I do not regret at all! After all, these first eight episodes are just the beginning, the story will continue. And I won’t be surprised if the West is interested in the series: I’m almost sure that the same Americans, the creators of the legendary Mad Men, will be very curious to see how they lived in the sixties in the USSR. Moreover, interest in Russia, in our cinema, is growing - remember at least what a sensation Leviathan made, and our actors are becoming in demand there.

ELLE: You are definitely drawn to the West! And it seems that you even have experience of working with Western directors...

A.P.: Yes, the Mata Hari series is currently being filmed, which is being worked on by an international team. Directed by Danny Berry (director of the television saga "Highlander" - ELLE), actors - Christopher Lambert, John Malkovich ... The first stage of filming in Portugal has recently ended, in a couple of months we will shoot in St. Petersburg. This series, of course, will be a landmark event - a kind of bridge there, across the ocean.

ELLE: At the age of 26, you can already boast of the main role in the series "Channel One". You even managed to play Hamlet in the theater - which some actors have been waiting for all their lives. What is the secret of such a rapid rise?

A.P.: It's funny, but my "rise" does not seem swift at all! In my life, nothing happened quickly at all, it was always a consistent climb up the stairs. Even when entering the theater, I went round after round - while many guys, so as not to torment, were immediately sent to the competition. A lot of people break into movies with big premieres, but I started out with small roles in modest projects. Just gradually the roles became larger, and the projects became more interesting. So my career is the most common ladder. No lift, everything is on foot! Perhaps that is why I am always ready for criticism, and for self-development, and for experiments.

ELLE: Do you often criticize yourself?

A.P.: When you look at your work, it is difficult to do it completely abstracted: you constantly analyze something, notice mistakes that, perhaps, are not even noticeable to others. But all this is not self-digging, but an absolutely normal process.

ELLE: Do you prefer the camera or the stage?

A.P.: I can honestly say that cinema is much closer to me than theater. On set, I feel like a fish out of water! And in the theater, the most difficult thing for me is a long and tiring rehearsal stage. True, when you go on stage with a full house and feel that some kind of magic is happening here and now, you understand that all these months of searches, rehearsals, discussions were not in vain. This is a thrill!

ELLE: Is it true that you entered the economics?

A.P.: Yes, and even studied there for two years! I was a useless student, the teachers told me in plain text: “Sasha, study! Otherwise, you will become a janitor, and nothing will work out in your life.

ELLE: What made you want to become an actor?

A.P.: Theater studio under the direction of Veronika Ivanenko in my native Pereslavl-Zalessky! I got there already as an economics student, and there a brave new world literally opened up to me. I realized how difficult and exciting it is to be an actor. We released several performances, took one of them to the GITIS theater festival, and after that I firmly decided what I want to do, which I really enjoy.

ELLE: What else do you like?

A.P.: I love football! I have been a fan of Spartak for as long as I can remember. Moreover, I even had the opportunity to become a professional football player ... But the circumstances were such that it did not work out. Although, of course, I try to kick the ball with my friends from time to time. But if I now enter the field against myself ten years ago, then that Sasha Petrov will simply make me today!

ELLE: As a result, you became an artist, from which Russian cinema only benefited - which cannot be said about football. Are you ready for an army of fans?

A.P.: I think this should be treated as part of the job. If an actor has no fans, then this is at least strange. Many artists say that they do not like to give interviews, that they are annoyed by the obsessive attention that they work for themselves. I am aware that I work for people. I am pleased when they recognize me, approach me, thank me for some of my roles: be it a pilot who liked the series “Hugging the Sky”, or a former informal who shakes my hand for “The Law of the Stone Jungle” ... By the way, I am was surprised when Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov (artistic director of the Yermolova Theatre, where Petrov serves - ELLE) He told me that he watched several episodes of the series with interest! I did not expect such praise from him at all!

ELLE: Do you have a girlfriend? How does she feel about your popularity?

A.P.: Yes, and we've been together for a long time. Perhaps, deep down, she is a little jealous! Dasha is not an actress, not a public person, but she knows that my profession sometimes implies increased attention. At first, when the first films with my participation were released, of course, she was worried, but now, it seems to me, she treats this with absolute understanding. The main thing is that nothing changes between us, which I am extremely happy about.

ELLE: Are you a romantic? Capable of crazy things?

A.P.: Yes, I am like this! And, it seems to me, such things are great to stimulate relationships, refresh feelings and generally look at the world.

ELLE: Do you have any taboos in your profession?

A.P.: No, absolutely none.

ELLE: Okay. What is the measure of professional success?

A.P.: Certainly! "Oscar".

"Policeman from Rublyovka": leading actor Alexander Petrov

The character is really tempered there, after all, a lot depends on the teachers. And here we must also understand that “star fever” in Russia is already something artificial. Yes, of course, our film industry is developing, and I really want it to continue to develop and move forward. There are cool films that stand on the same shelf as Hollywood films - these films, both author's and any others, can be watched all over the world. But our artists are known only in our country. And while you are here suffering from "star disease", somewhere across the ocean Leonardo DiCaprio woke up, or vice versa, is going to sleep, or is lying at the TV with sandwiches ... That is, he is, in general, somewhere nearby. Therefore, what kind of stardom can we talk about? ..

"Believe in the Dream"

- When you have time for a full-fledged autograph, you usually write: "Believe in a dream." Where does this phrase come from? Is this your motto?

A person should always have the feeling of a dream. By no means should you be ashamed of it. Therefore, often, when I talk to people, I ask: “But what did you dream about as a child?” And they tell me some things in which there is nothing unrealizable. And I say, "Why didn't you do it?" - “Well, I don’t know ... I had to do this, then this, and my parents didn’t allow it, then there were other circumstances. And now - yes, I regret that I did not ... ". And I've heard a lot of stories like this. And I decided for myself that I definitely would not be afraid of anything - I would just do it. If you like it, if you believe in it, go and do it! And under this motto, one must live quite calmly. And set goals for yourself, seemingly transcendent, seemingly impossible. But they are real! This is not even clear on my example, but on many others.

Did you have a fear of starting something new?

Probably, this is the state that happens when you first find yourself in front of the camera, in front of your course, when you show your first sketch. And this is not fear, but excitement: what will they say about me? How will the work be evaluated? what if I fail? But still, the soul was eager to do some incredible things. And now you start to stop yourself a little ... And this is a difficult stage to overcome. If you cope with it, a turning point occurs, after which there is no fear.

On the project "Dancing with the Stars" with Anastasia Antelava

- But sometimes money, connections are trite to make a dream come true ...

Let's take, for example, my performance "#Be born again". I could buy myself, for example, a new car - and I made a performance. And from the point of view of investing money as such, it was unprofitable. But if I went to the producer, he would begin to set his own conditions. And I wanted to do what I want. I am sure that today, if someone does something cool, they will definitely be heard. Today you don't need anything to start something! Let's imagine that here I have conceived one thing, and I would not have money for this. Then I would just take a mobile phone - and I would shoot poems on the phone, post records on the Internet. Sooner or later this would lead to some result. Today the problem is not to find a producer, the problem is to take the first step. No need to think about how your idea will be treated. What the fuck is the difference! Go and do it! If you can't help but do it, you should definitely do it! You need to go to the Arbat and read poetry. If there is a script, shoot a movie on a mobile phone. And the person sitting at the moment in America or in Europe - big producers, European, and Russian too, in Russia this industry is also growing - they will see and notice you. Forward!

- What is your dream now?

Academy Award"

Not only about love

- It happens that the potential of an artist and a person is exhausted ... Are you not afraid of this?

I don't think there is anything to be afraid of. And to prevent this from happening, you always need to do something, always create some uncomfortable conditions for your existence. For example, you understand that everything is going well, but something is missing for you. I had offers in the cinema, and shooting, and tests, and the theater - and suddenly they offer to take part in the Dancing with the Stars project. It would seem - why do I need it? I love to dance? No. I can dance? Not really. There were dance classes at GITIS, and then all this turned at some point into the study of rumba movements. But for some reason I “threw” myself there. And not for the sake of additional PR, not for the sake of hype, as it is now fashionable to say. But just to make it uncomfortable, to change something there, to come up with some new stories, to learn new sensations ... And this, oddly enough, then gave me the opportunity to overcome the next fear. It's like going out into the cold - and you start moving so as not to freeze. And all processes are already running faster in the body ...

First, the play “#Be born again” appeared, and then the book

- Your performance "#Be born again" and now the book with the same name - is it all about love?

I don't know... Usually you don't think about it - you just do something intuitively. And the meanings, probably, are subconsciously laid ... Or some parallel processes are taking place. How did you come up with the name “#Born Again”? The story already existed, but there was no name. You go and think: what to call, what to call? Re-born. Exactly! That's what they called

logic of fate

Do you think fate exists?

Yes, I have a feeling that there is some logic in all this. Some kind of programming exists in each of us. We must do something here, leave, say. There is definitely something like that… Otherwise, then everything is boring and not interesting… And it’s not for nothing that some things arise from memory. I certainly did not think that I would ever write poetry. But there was a moment when Voznesensky’s lines didn’t just turn me on, and something came from them inside: “I want silence, silence ... Are my nerves burned or something? ..”. And then one day we went to the Pasternak house-museum. And I read Pasternak there: “It’s ugly to be famous ...”, and so on ... And the stage speech teacher gave us such exit reading poetic evenings in such interesting places. And there was Voznesensky. Now I have this as a flashback in my mind. Then everyone already understood that a person was leaving, and an era was leaving with him - it was 2009. Less than a year remained before his death. And I remember when the stage speech teacher said: “Sasha, here is a book, go and get an autograph.” And Andrei Voznesensky practically didn’t speak anymore, they brought him something, all sorts of pieces of paper, and he didn’t stop writing something ... And it was not clear what word he wanted to write, but he still tried - against himself, against life, against all circumstances - write this line. Why? For what? He just couldn't stop writing. And when I brought him a book, he somehow looked at me, and at that moment some kind of flashback arose ... He signed the book. I keep her. And I often remember that evening, it made a strong impression on me. It's also about destiny...

Photos by Vadim Tarakanov

Alexander Petrov: "Now everything is possible - go and do it!" published: January 30th, 2018 by: Madame Zelinskaya

Today, Alexander Petrov is one of the most sought-after artists of Russian cinema. One by one, the directors shoot the actor in the lead roles. Alexander has already shown how talented he is, reincarnating either as an abandoned guy in the comedy "The Habit of Breaking Up", or as a writer in the film, or even as a law enforcement officer in the series.

The young, but already famous Russian actor Alexander Andreevich Petrov was born in January 1989 in ancient Pereslavl-Zalessky. This is a small picturesque town in the Yaroslavl region. There were no artists in Sasha's family, and in his youth he himself did not dream about the stage at all. After all, the guy, like most guys of his age, football became his main hobby.

When the son was nine years old, the parents sent the child to the local football section. By the age of 15, Alexander Petrov excelled in sports, and the young man was invited to train in Moscow.

The family reacted positively to this news and prepared the offspring for departure. It remained to settle issues with the school and work out a summer practice, but an unpleasant story happened to Alexander. The young man was given the task of moving the bricks, and he lifted the entire block at once. The bricks collapsed, as a result of which Petrov received a severe concussion and an urgent recommendation from doctors to forget about sports.

After school, Alexander Petrov went to Pereslavl, where he entered the university at the Faculty of Economics. A few months later, the actor realized that he was not interested in exhausting lectures and seminars, unlike KVN and student performances. During the theater festival and participation in master classes of professional teachers, Sasha finally decided that he would become an actor.


In 2008, the Moscow period began in the biography of Alexander Petrov. On the first attempt, the young man passed the exams at the RATI (GITIS) and was admitted to the directing department. Petrov participated in studio productions, and in his second year he made his debut in the television series "Voices".

Alexander Petrov in the play "The Cherry Orchard"
Lyubov Aksenova and Alexander Petrov in the series "Hugging the Sky"

The second main role went to Alexander Petrov in Leonid Belozorovich's series "Without the right to choose." This is a military adventure film based on the real story of the Soviet saboteur Kasym Kaysenov, who fought in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War.

There are several more notable projects of 2013 in which Alexander Petrov starred: the TV series Maryina Grove and Second Wind and the comedies Yolki 3 and Love in the Big City 3.

Alexander Petrov in the TV series Fartsa

A remarkable work of 2014, which the artist can be proud of, was the feature film Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure, based on the novel by Dmitry Poletaev. Alexander Petrov brilliantly reincarnated as the merchant Kryukov.

The year 2015 turned out to be more fruitful and rich in events for the artist. Petrov starred in seven films, the most striking of which are "Happiness is ..." and "Elusive: The Last Hero". In these tapes, Sasha got the main roles. But the films “The Law of the Stone Jungle”, “Fartsa” and “Method” became the most rated projects of this year.

In the adventurous crime drama Fartsa, Petrov played the young writer Andrei Trofimov. The film premiered in the spring of 2015 on Channel One. No less attention of the audience was attracted by the crime series "The Law of the Stone Jungle", in which Alexander got a bright role - rock and roll and bandit Vadik the Machine Gun.

Today Alexander Petrov is one of the most popular Russian actors of the younger generation. Directors and screenwriters speak warmly of him. The general producer of the series “While the fern is blooming” Sergey Mayorov even put the artist on a par with, and.

In addition to these projects, it should be noted the film “Gogol. Beginning "and series and. In all, Alexander Petrov played vivid and memorable roles for the viewer.

In 2017, the actor also promises not to leave his fans without a surprise. He will appear in the TV series "Belovodye. The Secret of the Lost Country" and the feature film "The Last Keeper of Belovodye". This is an adventure fantasy by Yevgeny Bedarev, which is a kind of continuation of the popular project “While the fern is blooming”.

In January 2017, the comedy series “You all piss me off!” premiered. , in which Alexander Petrov played in a brilliant company with, and other artists of Russian cinema, beloved by the audience.

Alexander also admitted that he would like to try himself as a director. After all, he even studied at the directing department. But he also understands that he is not yet ready to make a film on his own.

Personal life

Alexander Petrov entered the top five most sought-after young actors in Russia, who achieved great success under the age of 30. In addition to Petrov, this is , and . Young stars are willingly invited to popular TV shows. Alexander Petrov was a guest on the comedy show "Evening Urgant" and participated in the project "Dancing with the Stars". Moreover, the appearance of a guy in the last project was overshadowed by a scandal: the artist in one room acted in the form of an officer of the Third Reich.

Not much is known about the personal life of Alexander Petrov. The actor is not married until he started a family, but for 10 years he met a girl named Daria Emelyanova. Such constancy in the changing world of show business is remarkable. Young people met in their hometown, and after Petrov's decision to move to Moscow, Daria followed him.

The novel by Alexander Petrov and the actress was discussed in the media. Joint photos of the artists appeared on the actor's page in " Instagram". At first, the public decided that such an action was connected with the premiere of the film, in which the artists played a couple in love. But soon information appeared in social networks that Alexander Petrov and Irina Starshenbaum were a couple. They are preparing for what they allegedly planned for the summer of 2017. Young people neither confirmed nor denied this information.

Later it turned out that a romance broke out between the actors on the set, which they hid. Petrov was then in a relationship, but his feelings for Irina turned out to be stronger, and he left Daria. Now young people relax together and attend social events.

The artists also maintain profiles on Instagram, where they share joint photos and working pictures with subscribers.

Later, a rumor leaked to the press that Irina was pregnant. Allegedly, this was indicated by a photograph of a rounded belly. But the information has been confirmed.

Alexander Petrov now

The track record of Alexander Petrov's work continues to grow at an incredible rate. In 2018, the release of 9 films with the participation of the actor is planned.

The artist returned to the role of Grigory Alexandrovich Izmailov in the second season of "Policeman from Rublyovka", which was released in 2017. And in 2018, viewers saw the third season of their favorite series. Part 4 is scheduled for release in 2019. The full-length film “Policeman from Rublyovka. New Year's Eve."

In the fall of 2017, Alexander Petrov got into the body of a child in the comedy film Partner.

Then the artist reincarnated as hockey player Sasha, helping the young figure skater Nadia get back on her feet after an injury and fulfill her childhood dream in a melodrama. The role of the athlete went to a young actress. In addition, Aglaya's mother played in the film -. She played the role of the girl's screen mother.

The second season of Call DiCaprio! is also in production. The first part was released in 2017. And in Latvia, the shooting of the action-packed film "Hero" with Petrov in the title role has started. The director of the picture was. Alexander's colleagues on the site were and.


  • 2012 - "While the fern is blooming"
  • 2013 - "Yolki 3"
  • 2014 - "Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure"
  • 2015 - "The law of the stone jungle"
  • 2016-present - "Policeman from Rublyovka"
  • 2017 - "You all piss me off!"
  • 2017 - "Attraction"
  • 2017 - "Gogol. Start"
  • 2017 - "Partner"
  • 2018 - "Ice"
  • 2018 - Gogol. Viy"
  • 2018 - Gogol. Terrible revenge"
  • 2019 - "Hero"

In the look of his narrowed eyes, a solid character and intelligence are read. Directors have long figured out that this actor adds dignity to their films. Especially Alexander Petrov succeeds in heroes from the Soviet past, such, for example, as Andrei in the TV series Fartsa (Channel One).

- Sasha, I know that you consulted with your master Leonid Kheifets about this role.

– The opinion of Leonid Efimovich has always been very valuable for me. He said: "Only talented people could do farts, not stupid m ... ki." I immediately understood a lot. It is important that in the film we talk about eternal values: friendship, love, decency, honor.

Tell us about your first film experience.

- When I was approved for the role in the film "Abkhazian Tale", I thought: "Well, it's flooded - my star journey has begun" ( laughs). The picture turned out to be unsuccessful, but I did not regret it: I was not yet mentally ready for success. My life is developing progressively, and I like it.

- At 26, you have such a track record in the cinema, and on stage - Lopakhin and Hamlet. What to call it, if not luck?

I think a lot depends on motivation. If you are driven solely by vanity, then most likely you will not get a role or success. You just have to work and believe. And the rest will come. I know for sure that every person is given a chance. And it's important not to miss it.

- Sasha, why did you first decide to get an economic education?

- It's simple: this institute was in our city and my sister studied there. I had no special attraction to mathematics. I skipped a lot, but at the institute they turned a blind eye to this, because my friend and I constantly organized parties and KVNs. A year and a half later, I realized that this was not my life. I saw me in one of the cabins Veronika Alekseevna Ivanenko, head of the theater studio in Pereslavl-Zalessky. We made the play “Do not part with your loved ones” based on the play by Volodin and went to a theater festival in the Samara region, where teachers from GITIS held master classes. There I found out that Kheifets was gaining a course, and decided to enter.

When I entered GITIS, I immediately realized that these were native walls. I had some incredible confidence that I would do it. I decided for myself: either I will study here, or I will completely forget about this profession.

– What maximalism!

- Heifetz was told that there is a serious applicant for a place who only goes to him. He was very surprised. And then I had a conversation with Leonid Efimovich, and he said: "I want you and me to continue our friendship." The master knows how to select words that hit the target very accurately. As time passed, I realized that by "friendship" he meant serious training. He recruits people close to him in spirit, intuitively feels those with whom he is ready to work.

- And how did Moscow meet you?

– It was March 9th. I came to the preparatory courses and searched for GITIS for a long time: on the morning of the day off, there were almost no people on the street - there was no one to ask. That day was the first lesson, and I really liked everything. Then it turned out that my temperature was under 40. When I left home, I already felt bad, but I hid it from my parents. Someone upstairs must have decided to check if the boy wants it as much as he says it does. It turned out that yes.

- Dad and mom did not convince that the actor is not a profession?

“They were sure that for me it was like flying into space. Competition - 500 people for a place, that year there was just a boom. But when I started doing tour after tour, they realized that it was possible. My parents were terribly rooting for me on the day of the audition and were looking forward to my call. Mom said that dad was frying something in the kitchen and only after 15 minutes he realized that the gas had not been turned on.

- What do your parents do?

- They have a small business in Pereslavl. Mom is a doctor by education, and dad worked as an electrician. In the 90s, it was necessary to somehow feed the family, and they opened a small clothing store, which still exists. My sister graduated with honors from the university with a degree in economics, now she works in our city in a good company. Very smart girl! He does not want to go to Moscow, and even late at the age of 30. It took me a year and a half to get used to the capital.

– And what surprised you in Moscow life?

- At first, the fact that he was left alone. I'm used to having mom, dad, sister, friends at home. And then you had to get along with complete strangers. We, a few people, huddled in a small one-room apartment on Chistye Prudy, which the institute rented - there were no places in the hostel. Later they moved to a hostel and it was already much more pleasant there.

- Now you are an actor of the Yermolova Theater. But after all, after graduating from GITIS, you ended up in Et Сetera. How did it happen?

- It was the only theater where I went to the screenings, because I did not have time because of the filming with Yuri Pavlovich Moroz in the film “Fort Ross. In search of adventures ". They took me, and I ... went to shoot in Malta. I was introduced to the play "Shylock", I rehearsed for another role, but received another invitation.

- From Menshikov to the Yermolova Theater?

- Oleg Evgenievich watched our graduation performance “Ladybugs Return to Earth”, and then invited me to his office: “I know that you just came to Et Cetera, but I would really like you to work for me.” And he stressed that he has serious plans for the future.

Was Hamlet already mentioned then?

Not at the first meeting. Menshikov added that he was ready to receive me at any moment. I thought for two months. Then he called him and immediately wrote a letter of resignation from the theater Et Сetera. The process was somewhat painful, but I understood that both Menshikov and his theater were closer to me.

- Having opened your Facebook page, I was surprised to see personal information there: “Meets with such and such.” Do you want to shout to the whole world about your love?

- I just had to fill in the field, and I honestly wrote ( smiling).

Is her heart still occupied by her?

- Yes, and for a long time ( smiling). This is my favorite Dasha. We are not married yet.

- Is your wife a stamp in your passport for you?

“I didn't even think about it. We have been together for a long time, I feel good with her. By profession, Dasha is a make-up artist, but she does not work in the cinema.

Do you always try to be honest?

- Each of us is lying about something, and this is normal. If the main thing for you is not to offend a person, sometimes it is better to lie. But if my girlfriend cooked something not very well, I will say it directly, and she will not be offended. I always express my opinion about the work of friends and colleagues delicately: first I note the pluses and only then the minuses.

- And if an offer came from Hollywood now, could you drop everything and leave?

I would take the risk and leave. I confess this honestly smiling).

Interviewed by Marina Zeltser

(their soundtrack sounded in a short film in which Petrov starred, so they became friends), and a love story (inspired by relationships with Sasha's muse, an actress (25)), and Petrov's own poems, and film clips shot specifically for the play. All this together is the first screenwriting and directing experience of the artist Petrov. Maybe his own cinema will follow this - Sasha knows enough about how the film industry works and has been laughing at its myths for a long time, saying that you can only believe in people, and not stupid rumors.

Myth 1: people get into the cinema through blasphemy

Naturally, by the way. So how is the process going. You call the director and say: “Hello! You are worried about the artist, you know this, well, from Pereslavl-Zalessky. How much will the role cost? Seven million?" And you agree, well, you are the heir to the dynasty (very famous, Pereslavl-Zalesskaya), at your disposal are eight castles, a chain of hotels and five apartments in the center.

From the Editor: In fact, Petrov got into his first project like this. Representatives of one acting agency saw him at shows at GITIS and offered him a five-year contract. They promised mountains of gold, but in reality they simply took most of the fee, but Petrov, out of inexperience, agreed. And a little later, in the same place, in GITIS, the actor was noticed by his acting agent Katya Kornilova. She also advised a familiar casting director to invite Sasha to audition. He passed them, Katya offered to work together, and the agency had to call and ask to terminate the contract. Sasha said that he decided to leave the profession, to which the agency replied: “Well, we thought so, you don’t have much potential, so don’t be upset.” By the way, Petrov never signed a contract with Kornilova.

all slides

Myth 2: Actors are said to make millions

Not only millions, but billions. How much did you earn? Over a billion. Fifty percent for me. It’s good that I didn’t have to share with Kukushkin (Nikita Kukushkin (27), played in “Attraction” a friend of Petrov Rus) - he works without money.

From the Editor: In fact, Petrov does not hide his earnings, but he does not advertise them either. In a recent one, for example, he answered the question of how much the production of the play #REBORN cost - less than three million.

Myth 3: We will never shoot like Hollywood

I actually have a lot of faith in our industry. We can do the impossible. If they knew the budget, which comes out in three parts in cinemas, they would not even take on the shooting. And we made a decent film. There are prospects. And most likely, it should be a symbiosis of European and American film production. Or the idea of ​​a unique format will appear, it may well be born in Russia.

Myth 4: Russian actors will never break into Hollywood

I will answer for myself: there is a possibility. It is a myth that we are not needed there. On the contrary, Americans love the Russian school and talented people. Another question: it takes a lot of time to spend on it. To leave here, to refuse a certain number of offers, everyone is afraid of losing something, because it is not a fact that they will gain something there.

Editor's note: In December, a new film by the director appeared in Luc Besson's account, where one of the actors bears a striking resemblance to Petrov. True, Sasha himself has not yet commented on this information.

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Myth 5: Famous actors require special treatment.

Paradox: the more the artist achieves, the calmer and more professional he is on the set. He just has nothing to prove. All conflicts arise when an artist thinks he is very famous. I have a rider, and a good one, but it didn’t happen right away. It's not stardom that you want coffee from a coffee machine, not brewed. I’ll drink instant and get stuck in the toilet, sorry, and the group will get up for an hour, and this is a big loss of money. So maybe it's easier to organize coffee?

Editor's note: On our shoot, Petrov asked to bring burgers from McDonald's to the whole group.

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