Alexey Vorobyov. Vorobyov: “I am not embarrassed by women older and with children Vorobyov personal life


Some time ago, a post appeared on his Instagram with the following content: “I threw back my chair, I’m lying on the plane and I’m thinking ... I flew 13 hours, I was only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend again 13 hours. And you know what? It was worth it ... Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend, and I'm flying away as a bachelor. The moral of the story is this: if you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for the sake of someone for a day, it’s better to warn about your intentions. Alexei told TN about what happened and about his feelings.

You know, it was the only girl from whom I had no secrets at all. She knew everything about me, and I shared with her everything that happens in my life, trusting her opinion and advice as my own, because I loved her. And it's not just damn letters on paper! This is what I really felt and what I confessed to her and myself, seeing in her eyes the same sincere reciprocal feelings.

And I do not believe that she could deceive me. I think she's just confused. It was difficult for her to realize that I was always somewhere ... either on the set or on tour. This is a tough test for any girl. But every day I repeated to her that I would never betray, deceive her and exchange her love for another night with another, whose name I can’t even remember.

After this phrase, you will say: “That’s right for this womanizer!” And you know what? Maybe you're right. My so-called fans on social media constantly remind me of this. They are sinless! I read their comments in my posts, and I get the impression that only deeply moral people write there, daily supplementing the Wikipedia page called “Moral”! No, I do not want in any way to say that I am perfect. And maybe my recent story that my surprise didn’t work out and I’m flying back as a bachelor was also a mistake. But for the first time in my life, I couldn't contain my feelings.

For the first time in my life, I told about what is in my soul, on the pages of my blog, unable to cope with myself. Because I was with her, as with anyone, honest. I was faithful to her every second. I did everything to keep the magic between us. I flew across the damn ocean just to see her for a few hours. And you know what I saw? Her eyes, frightened, and in them the question: “What to do ?!” I saw another guy, who, most likely, did not even suspect my existence. I saw how stupid it is to spend a day on an airplane, holding a golden pendant in your hands, which he prepared as a charm for his beloved, but never put it on her neck ...

In me now, to be honest, quite conflicting emotions. I still love her. When I think that she might be in bed with someone else, I literally throw up with rage. The only thing I can't figure out is one simple question: "What did I do wrong?" I don't have an answer to it yet.

From early childhood, the boy was interested in sports, played football and even played in the youth team of Tula. But later the future star became interested in music. In addition to Alexei Vorobyov, whose biography you can read on our website, his family had two more children: brother Seryozha and sister Galina. It is worth noting that all the children studied at a music school, for example, the brother, like Alexei himself, played the accordion, and the sister played the piano.

The beginning of the career of singer Alexei Vorobyov

Singer Alexei Vorobyov became a participant in various music competitions as a child. His performances mostly consisted of playing the accordion rather than performing songs. After graduating from a music school, the young man enters the vocal department of the city music school. In parallel, he sings in the folklore ensemble of the city of Tula "Delight".

Biography of Alexei Vorobyov in the field of creative career

In 2005, the young man takes part in the IV Delphic Games of Russia and takes first place in the nomination "Folk Singing". For the solo performance of the song, Alexey Vorobyov, the photo you see on this page, receives a gold medal.

Inspired by success, the singer moves to the capital and easily passes the casting for the television project "The Secret of Success". Having taken third place at the competition, the performer enters the State Musical College of Variety and Jazz Art.

With his bright performances, the young talent attracts the attention of producers and receives a contract with Universal Music Russia. As a result, the young man is trusted to sing the anthem of the Youth G8 project in 2006 at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. In addition, he performs at the concert on the occasion of the end of the summit. The following year, the artist is awarded the MTV Discovery Award at the 4th MTV Russia Music Awards.

In February 2008, Vorobyov received the "Soundtrack" prize of MK in the "Music and Cinema" nomination and applies for participation in the competition for selecting performers who will represent Russia at Eurovision 2008, but is inferior to Dima Bilan. The next year, fate is again unfavorable to the singer, who refuses to participate in the selection of performers for Eurovision, allegedly because of his employment in another, more interesting project. In 2011, the artist was offered to sign a contract with the most successful music producer RedOne, according to which the young man should perform under the stage name Alex Sparrow. In parallel with the development of his musical career, he begins to actively act in films. In 2006, the film project "Alice's Dreams" was released with the participation of the singer. In 2008, he entered the theater institute, choosing for himself the Moscow Art Theater School and a course led by Kirill Serebrennikov. But having accepted, participating in the 2010 Hunger Games show, the artist quits training due to being very busy.

At the show, singer Alexei Vorobyov, whose photo you see here, takes second place and becomes the winner in another TV project - Ice and Fire. His partner in the project is the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka, with whom the young man begins a stormy romance. During the TV show, Vorobyov is seriously injured - a broken arm, but demonstrating to everyone his willpower and courage, he continues to participate in the show, and eventually takes first place.

On March 3, 2019, at the closing of the XII Russian Comedy Film Festival "Smile, Russia!", the artist is awarded a prize from Alla Surikova (the president of this festival) in the nomination "Best Actor" for participation in the film "Suicides". After that, the actor is offered to continue filming in the comedy genre in the television series "Deffchonki".

In 2019, two films with the participation of the artist will be released at once. This is the tape of Sergei Zhigunov "The Three Musketeers" and the series "Brother and Sister".

Social activity

Actor Alexei Vorobyov is actively engaged not only in his own career, but also in socially useful activities. So in 2008, he begins to cooperate with the Dance4Life project, and also becomes the official UN Goodwill Ambassador for the fight against AIDS.

Eurovision (photo by Alexey Vorobyov)

In 2011, on the third attempt, the performer manages to get into the Eurovision music contest. His performance is associated with many scandals. So, for example, in the process of preparing for the competition, Alexey Vorobyov more than once spoke negatively about both representatives of sexual minorities and some rivals. He did not hide the fact that he would beat any gay who looked at him or tried to touch him. Another unpleasant incident of Eurovision 2011 was the accusation of his rival - participant from Sweden, Eric Saade, of plagiarism.

It is not known exactly why the singer's result became one of the worst for the entire time of Russia's participation in this music competition: either unprofessionalism is to blame, or his scandalous statements. Vorobyov takes 16th place, second only to Philip Kirkorov.

Personal life of Alexei Vorobyov

The biography of Alexei Vorobyov would be incomplete without a story about his personal life and stormy novels known to the public. However, first things first. The first girl of the star was Yulia Vasiliadi, a member of the ensemble "Uslada". The second lady of the artist's heart was the leading actress of the Tabakerka Theater - Anna Chipovskaya. It is known that Alexey for a very long time sought the attention of the girl with beautiful courtship and expensive gifts. In 2011, he is credited with a short romance with Tatyana Terekhova, a commentator on the Eurovision 2011 contest. Among the novels in which the singer was noted, the most noticeable to fans, but also as short as before, were relationships with Tatyana Navka, actress Oksana Akinshina, performers Anna Sedokova and Victoria Daineko. They say that because of him, Anyuta left her husband, and reciprocated, giving up after seven months of courtship. Sedokova, according to Alexei, left him in the hospital with a broken arm. He received the necessary moral support from Tatyana Navka, who also divorced her husband during an affair with Vorobyov. No more than a year lasted an affair with Oksana Akinshina and Victoria Daineko. And since May 2019, the star considers himself free from relationships, with anyone.

The man explains his short novels by the fact that he is very jealous, does not tolerate other men around his chosen ones, and also that he quickly gets bored with peers. But if this is so, then why did his alliance with the experienced Navka also rapidly break up? Perhaps the artist’s frivolity and the desire to develop his career are to blame.

Mystical stories in the life of singer Alexei Vorobyov

The biography of Alexei Vorobyov is filled not only with vivid novels and triumphs, but also with mystical moments that few people know about. The performer himself once said that he was born dead. At midnight, on Epiphany in 1988, a dying baby was born, who, thanks to the efforts of doctors, came to life after a few minutes of death.

Death reminded of itself in more than twenty years. In the summer of 2019, during the filming of the film "I Calcianti", a man received a severe blow to the head and with a serious life-threatening injury was urgently hospitalized in one of the hospitals in Florence. That's where the shooting took place.

A year later, at the end of January 2019, the Russian star met again with the old woman with a scythe. The performer was in a car accident in Los Angeles. As a result, the left half of Vorobyov's body was partially paralyzed. But five months later, the man completely returned to his former form and began filming in the continuation of the series "DeFFchonki".

Singer Alexei Vorobyov practically does not sing to the accompaniment of plywood, he has 14 serious film roles in his piggy bank and is considered one of the most sought-after artists in modern Russia. He is actively pursuing a career and dreams that one day love will come into his life and stay there forever.

“Each of the girls with whom life brought, influenced me. One taught to be happy every second, the other - cruel, the third - that promises to love always are just words that people say to each other under the influence of injection of endorphins into the blood, ”says the 28-year-old actor, the hero of the show“ The Bachelor ” on TNT.

- You look at you, and the first thing you think about is: a heartthrob, it’s hardly used to hearing “no” in response. And how often do girls really refuse?

Infrequently. But I always give girls a chance to say no. After all, this is exactly how it is in life - a man proposes, but it is always a woman who decides, and rightly so. But if a girl does not pretend and does not play, it is usually immediately clear what she is ready for and what can happen between you. But to be honest, I don't usually ask permission to kiss my hand or walk me home.

I want a person next to whom it is pleasant to wake up

Do you believe in love at first sight?

My parents met on a trolley bus and the next day they applied to the registry office. Do you think I believe in love at first sight? I only believe in this. And everything that comes with awareness and a sound, balanced choice cannot be called true love.

- When did love overtake you for the first time?

In the pioneer camp "Eaglet" he fell head over heels in love with the counselor. I was 14 years old. The feeling just overwhelmed, everything literally stopped, like in a movie in slow motion. When the shift came to an end and it was time to leave, I cried. At the moment of our parting, she kissed me on the cheek and presented me with a wooden bracelet. She is the only one to whom I have written letters. And she answered! And I seriously considered her my girlfriend! By the way, we are still talking. She has a husband and a child, she is happy. But we both carried the memories of this story through the years.

It's good when first love ends so romantically. Have there been tragic stories?

Like everyone else - when the girlfriend left. But I'm too stubborn and could not come to terms with it. A year later we were together again. I loved her, as different as she is. He liked to sit with her in the kitchen and talk. Loved listening to her read. He loved not to sleep for 20 hours, just to see her next to him. I loved it when she got angry, and tried to be “the best version of myself” for her, even realizing that I was already ceasing to be myself ... And all the time I was looking for a compromise so that we could be together. But after a while he stopped trying to solve all the problems alone, because she only created them, stopped postponing work for later to be with her, and when he became the way he really is again, he realized that he stopped loving her. And broke up with her forever.

– Most of the time you work in America. Why did they decide to look for the chosen one in Russia?

I don't care about nationality. People are different everywhere, and it depends more on upbringing than on citizenship. I decided to search in my own country, because for several years of work in America and in Europe I could not get used to the fact that in the morning, hugging a girl close and already almost native to you, I have to speak with her in a language that is not your own. It would seem a trifle, you can adapt to everything, but I don’t want to get used to what I don’t want to do.

- There are only 25 participants on the project, a limited circle. What if you don't like one?

It's hard to believe, but it is here that the probability of meeting the one for me is 25 times higher than in life. The fact is that in recent years he practically did not live, but only worked. The day of the actor and director is such that there is practically nowhere to meet a girl who is not a colleague. When I get free, the metro is already closed, there is no one on the streets. I don’t go to clubs and parties - I have neither the habit nor the desire to waste time. Therefore, doomed to office romances. They arise when people are united by the energy of a common cause, and inevitably end - sometimes as quickly as they begin. At some point, you begin to understand that you live like on a submarine, around the same faces. And no matter how beautiful they are, I want to break out of this vicious circle and go ashore. That is exactly what he did. I went to The Bachelor to find what I had been missing because of my workaholism so far: a person with whom I would not only want to fall asleep, but also wake up. This is exactly what I was missing.

- Having met such, are you ready to push work into the background?

No woman needs a man without a purpose. And a man needs a woman who will help achieve these goals, for the sake of which he will move forward. So she will understand something and accept it, or she will need to change herself, finally realizing that there are other equally important things besides work.

I won't let a woman dominate

So love still requires sacrifice?

Love is an endless desire to take care of another person and to know that if tomorrow you need to give everything you have, even life in the end, you will do it without hesitation, because all this is not needed if there is no loved one nearby. God forbid that no one had to sacrifice, but the realization that he is ready for this is love.

- If you fall in love with a girl from the project, where will you live later: in America or in Russia? How do you feel about long distance relationships?

It will be necessary to go not to America, but wherever I go. Relationships at a distance are possible only under the condition of complete trust and confidence that this is temporary. So you can check the real feelings. In the modern world, there are a lot of opportunities to communicate via video, even on the road. It seems difficult and painful, but imagine that every day, without a single touch to each other, you discuss some events, laugh. This is the joy of waiting for a meeting, and the dream of never parting again. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. But such a relationship is a compromise. And I'm not ready to compromise.

- “She's crazy” - would you like a girl next to you, like in your song?

Adrenaline must be present. Life is a fascinating movie in which you and your woman play the main roles. Do you like boring movies? Me not. The film can be sad, make you cry or laugh, but it should not be insipid, otherwise you will want to leave already in the middle of the screening. So it is in relationships: let them be whatever you like, but not boring.

Are you ready to date an older woman who may have a child?

The age of a woman has never been important to me. Only herself. The older you get, the more life experience, and younger girls help you forget about it. If a woman is older, this is a communication built on mutual understanding, along with the awareness of past mistakes, and the unwillingness of both to repeat them. As for the children... I don't care much about the child's chromosome set and who his biological father is. I dream of a big family, such as I grew up in. And I am quite ready to take responsibility for the woman and the child with whom she will come to my house.

- What flaws do you not accept in girls?

A person must be accepted as he is, with all good and bad. As soon as you start to change it, and I have done it many times, your attitude also changes, because it will no longer be the one you loved. There are no shortcomings - these are character traits that make us personalities. The only thing I will never accept is the desire to dominate. I won't let a woman play a male role.

Title of the article: "Alexey Vorobyov and his wife". But is the popular artist married? At the moment, Alexey is not bound by marriage. He is still single and has never been married. Who will be able to win the heart of the hero of the 4th season of the show "The Bachelor"? Who occupies an important place in the personal life of Alexei Vorobyov?

Artist biography

Alexey Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in the city of Tula. It is known that the father of the famous musician was the head of security at the enterprise. Alexei has an older brother, whose name is Sergei, and a younger sister, Galina.

In his youth, Alexei was interested in football, the artist even played for the Tula youth team. But after graduating from school, the young man preferred creativity and music to football.

After studying accordion at a music college, the talented musician decided to enter the music school in the vocal department. In 2005, having won the IV Russia in the nomination "Folk Singing", and having received a gold medal for solo singing, Alexei decides to leave for the capital.

In Moscow, a young performer participates in the television competition "The Secret of Success", where he takes 3rd place. In the same year, the talented singer began studying at the State Musical College of Variety and Jazz Art and signed an agreement with Universal Music Russia. And a year later, in 2006, in parallel with the development of his musical career, he began acting in films. Thus, the young musician declares himself in the capital, and becomes a sought-after singer and actor.

Alexey Vorobyov and Eurovision

The young singer did not manage to get into the music competition the first time. It so happened that Dima Bilan represented Russia at Eurovision in 2008, the next year at the final stage, Alexei independently withdrew his candidacy, explaining such an act by the fact that he was busy in another project.

And only the third time, in 2011, the talented performer managed to get into the competition of a European scale. At Eurovision, he performed the song Get You. However, Alexei did not even manage to get into the top ten finalists. Such a low figure is largely due to the pre-competition interview given by the contestant. Vorobyov spoke negatively about representatives of sexual minorities and about some of his rivals.

After that, Europe, loyal in this matter, began to have a negative attitude towards the contestant from Russia. As a result, Alexei took 16th place, losing only to Philip Kirkorov, who at one time took 17th position at Eurovision.

Musician on the show "The Bachelor"

Last year, a talented musician became the main character of the TV show "The Bachelor" on TNT. Like Lesha and deserve his sympathy, the girls wanted to be different both in appearance and in temperament. But even in the final of the project, the young handsome man and the conqueror of women's hearts did not choose any beautiful female representative who took part in the television show.

However, in addition to the above data, fans of talent are interested in the personality of Alexei Vorobyov and his wife (future). Does the young performer have a life partner?

Alexey Vorobyov and his wife

Many young girls are wondering about the personal life of a musician. The heart of the hero of the 4th season of the show "The Bachelor" has not yet been able to win any of the fair sex. Alex is still in search of that one. And frankly, the popular singer likes the role of a bachelor, and he is not going to part with it, at least in the near future.

The personal life of Alexei Vorobyov is quite bright and varied. The status of a heartthrob has long been entrenched in the young performer. And it is not surprising, because by the age of 29, a talented musician managed to spin more than one stormy romance. The musician's first lover was a young girl named Yulia Vasiliadi, with whom Alexei sang in the Pleasure ensemble. However, the lovers had to disperse, as Vorobyov decided to leave for the capital in search of fame.

After some time, the conqueror of women, Alexei Vorobyov, began to court the leading actress of the Snuffbox Theater, Anna Chipovskaya. The young girl could not resist the charismatic heartthrob and succumbed to Vorobyov's courtship. But their relationship did not last long. The romance of the actress and the young handsome man ended a year later.

After Anna, Alexei Vorobyov courted the famous actress Oksana Akinshina. They began to talk about the star couple after joint filming in the film "Suicides". But as with other girls, the relationship between Vorobyov and Akinshina did not last more than a year.

The enviable bachelor was not alone for long. Soon the news appeared in the press that the charming heartthrob was dating a graduate of the Star Factory, Victoria Daineko.

In addition to relations with the conqueror of women's hearts - Alexei Vorobyov met with

Alexei Vorobyov admitted to Woman's Day that he had never experienced such a collapse of all his hopes in his life. According to the artist, it was easier for him to move away from a stroke than from the Bachelor project. Because physical pain is easier to deal with than mental .

I don't want to love for two anymore

Are you hoping for a happy ending?

I came to the project in the firm belief that this would happen. But Natasha told me straight to my face that she didn't love me. And Yana, after three months of communication and intimacy, when I fully opened up to her, gave me an icy heart with the words that I have the same thing. That is, all this time she mistook me for another ... In addition, she could not answer the question "What do you feel for me?", which she herself asked five minutes ago. What beautiful fairy tale can we talk about here? I know it's not easy to love another person. But this does not mean that there is no woman on earth who will accept me for who I am. With all my strengths and weaknesses. I just don't want to love for two anymore. It has happened in my life and it hasn't led to anything good.

Obviously, Natasha is far from indifferent to you, he likes him more than Yana: you could not restrain your emotions when you walked her into the car. I had the impression that you wanted to give the ring to her, but could not after she admitted that she did not love you. Am I wrong?

It hurt a little. In my case, the word "a little" is more of an attempt to reduce the degree of what happened, so that no one would think that I was really in a lot of pain. I hid my feelings and emotions from everyone for too long. Most thought that everything was always fine with me, that I was such an eternally successful, smiling guy who got out of golden diapers and enjoys life. And that was fine with me, because I don't feel the need to tell everyone about my life. My life has always been mine. At that moment, when Natasha said that she did not love me, I realized that I no longer had "my", "personal" life, which no one knows about. I heard these words for the second time in my life, but this time the whole country became witnesses. And I wouldn't want anyone to be in my place.

Are you disappointed in Natalia and Yana?

No, on the contrary, I was convinced that love cannot be built. And this is one of the things that I realized during the “Bachelor” project. At first, I was wildly worried about everything. Because of every word, every emotion that I couldn't contain. And all the time he tried to influence what was happening. And then I just let it go. Therefore, I am absolutely not disappointed either in Yana or Natasha, everything happened as it should have happened. And that was our truth to each other. Every word was honest, every kiss and everything that we managed to say before we said goodbye forever.

What scenario did they offer you at the end?

I was not offered anything, complete independence of decisions was a condition for my participation. But in such projects there can be no scenario or artificial development of events. Any reality show is built on just the opposite - to put a person in an incredible stressful situation so that he goes crazy and can no longer control himself. This is what sells best. There it is impossible to predict anything and write remarks a couple of gears ahead. Every time a date starts, it's pure improvisation. No one - not me, not the girls, not the people behind the scenes - knows how it will end. But it was beautiful precisely because of its unpredictability. Therefore, the show has such a rating: it is interesting to watch real life.

Perhaps the previous bachelors consulted with the producers about their steps, but this is their own business. I do not need other people's advice in relationships with women.

Why didn't you want to just play along? Most people think that this is just an entertainment show.

For me it was not a show. This was my real life. And I'm not ready to play along with someone's Saturday TV expectations at the cost of my life.

I agreed that three months of my life and the process of my choice will be shown on TV. To decide on this, believe me, was not easy. But for me it was a kind of cry of despair. I came to a point where I was acutely aware that I could no longer wake up just for my own purposes. I wanted to find someone for whom I would not only wake up, but also move forward. And where will fate give me a chance to meet her with my lifestyle? I believe in chance. And here are 25 girls from various places that do not intersect with my geography in any way - this is a chance that has grown 25 times. And it was with that thought that I signed the contract. I really spun the barrel of the revolver and pulled the trigger.

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