Analysis of 1 act of the short comedy The Cherry Orchard. A.P


For the first time A.P. Chekhov announced the start of work on a new play in 1901 in a letter to his wife O.L. Knipper-Chekhov. Work on the play progressed very difficult, this was due to the serious illness of Anton Pavlovich. In 1903, it was completed and presented to the leaders of the Moscow Art Theater. The play premiered in 1904. And from that moment on, the play "The Cherry Orchard" has been analyzed and criticized for over a hundred years.

The play "The Cherry Orchard" became the swan song of A.P. Chekhov. It contains reflections on the future of Russia and its people, accumulated in his thoughts for years. And the very artistic originality of the play became the pinnacle of Chekhov's work as a playwright, showing once again why he is considered an innovator who breathed new life into the entire Russian theater.

Theme of the play

The theme of the play "The Cherry Orchard" was the situation of auctioning the family nest of impoverished nobles. By the early 20th century, such stories were not uncommon. A similar tragedy occurred in Chekhov's life, their house, together with his father's shop, was sold for debts back in the 80s of the nineteenth century, and this left an indelible mark on his memory. And already, being an accomplished writer, Anton Pavlovich tried to understand the psychological state of people who lost their homes.


When analyzing the play "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov's heroes are traditionally divided into three groups, based on their temporal affiliation. The first group, representing the past, includes the aristocrats Ranevskaya, Gaev and their old footman Firs. The second group is represented by the merchant Lopakhin, who has become a representative of the present. Well, the third group is Petya Trofimov and Anya, they are the future.
The playwright does not have a clear division of heroes into main and secondary ones, as well as into strictly negative or positive ones. It is this representation of characters that is one of the innovations and features of Chekhov's plays.

Conflict and plot development of the play

There is no open conflict in the play, and this is another feature of A.P. Chekhov. And on the surface there is a sale of the estate with a huge cherry orchard. And against the background of this event, one can discern the opposition of a bygone era to new phenomena in society. The ruined nobles stubbornly hold on to their property, unable to take real steps to save it, and the proposal to receive commercial profit by leasing land to summer residents is unacceptable for Ranevskaya and Gaev. Analyzing the work "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov, we can talk about a temporary conflict in which the past collides with the present, and the present with the future. In itself, the conflict of generations is by no means new to Russian literature, but never before has it been revealed at the level of a subconscious premonition of changes in historical time, so clearly felt by Anton Pavlovich. He wanted to make the viewer or reader think about their place and role in this life.

It is very difficult to divide Chekhov's plays into phases of the development of a dramatic action, because he tried to bring the unfolding action closer to reality, showing the everyday life of his characters, of which most of life consists.

Lopakhin's conversation with Dunyasha, who are waiting for Ranevskaya's arrival, can be called an exposition, and almost immediately the plot of the play stands out, which consists in pronouncing the apparent conflict of the play - the sale of the estate at auction for debts. The twists and turns of the play are trying to convince the owners to rent out the land. The climax is the news of the purchase of the estate by Lopakhin, and the denouement is the departure of all the heroes from the empty house.

Composition of the play

The play "The Cherry Orchard" consists of four acts.

In the first act, you get to know all the characters in the play. Analyzing the first action of The Cherry Orchard, it is worth noting that the inner content of the characters is conveyed through their relationship to the old cherry orchard. And here one of the conflicts of the whole play begins - the confrontation between the past and the present. The past is represented by brother and sister Gaev and Ranevskaya. For them, the garden and the old house are a reminder and a living symbol of their former carefree life, in which they were rich aristocrats who owned a huge estate. For Lopakhin, who is opposed to them, owning a garden is, first of all, an opportunity to make a profit. Lopakhin makes an offer to Ranevskaya, by accepting which she can save the estate, and asks the impoverished landowners to think about it.

Analyzing the second act of The Cherry Orchard, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the masters and servants are walking not in a beautiful garden, but in a field. From this we can conclude that the garden is in an absolutely neglected state, and it is simply impossible to walk through it. This action perfectly reveals Petya Trofimov's idea of ​​what the future should be like.

In the third act of the play comes the climax. The estate is sold, and Lopakhin becomes the new owner. Despite being satisfied with the deal, Lopakhin is saddened that he must decide the fate of the garden. This means that the garden will be destroyed.

Fourth act: the family nest is empty, the once united family is falling apart. And just as a garden is cut down to its roots, so this surname remains without roots, without shelter.

Author's position in the play

Despite the seeming tragedy of what is happening, the characters of the author himself did not cause any sympathy. He considered them narrow-minded people, incapable of deep feelings. This play has become more of a philosophical reflection of the playwright about what awaits Russia in the near future.

The genre of the play is very peculiar. Chekhov called The Cherry Orchard a comedy. The first directors saw drama in it. And many critics agreed that The Cherry Orchard is a lyrical comedy.

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A.P. Chekhov. "The Cherry Orchard". General characteristics of the play. Analysis of the third act.

Chekhov brings everyday life to the stage - without effects, beautiful poses, unusual situations. He believed that in the theater everything should be as simple, and at the same time difficult, as it happens in life. In everyday life, he sees both beauty and significance. This explains the peculiar composition of his dramas, the simplicity of the plot, the calm development of the action, the absence of stage effects, the “undercurrent”.

The Cherry Orchard is the only play by Chekhov that can be seen, though not quite clearly, as a social conflict. The bourgeoisie comes to replace the doomed nobility. Is it good or bad? Incorrect question, says Chekhov. It is a fact. “I didn’t get a drama, but a comedy, in some places even a farce,” wrote Chekhov. According to Belinsky, comedy reveals how much real life has deviated from the ideal. Was this not Chekhov's task in The Cherry Orchard? Life, beautiful in its possibilities, poetic, like a blossoming cherry orchard - and the impotence of the "stupid", unable to either preserve this poetry, or break through to it, to see it.

Feature of the genre - lyrical comedy. The characters are drawn by the author with a slight mockery, but without sarcasm, without hatred. Chekhov's heroes are already looking for their place, but they haven't found it yet, all the stage time they are going somewhere. But they never get together. The tragedy of Chekhov's heroes comes from being unrooted in the present, which they hate and fear. Genuine life, real, seems alien to them, wrong. They see the way out of the anguish of everyday life (and the reason for it still lies in themselves, therefore there is no way out) in the future, in the life that should be, but which does not come. And they don't do anything to make it happen.

One of the main motifs of the play is time. Starts with a late train, ends with a late train. And the heroes do not feel that time has changed. He entered the house, where (as it seems to Ranevskaya) nothing changes, and devastated, destroyed it. Heroes are behind the times.

The image of the garden in the play "The Cherry Orchard"

Composition "The Cherry Orchard": Act 1 - exposition, Ranevskaya's arrival, the threat of losing the estate, the exit proposed by Lopakhin. 2nd act - senseless waiting for the owners of the garden, 3rd act - sale of the garden, 4th act - departure of the former owners, entry into the possession of a new one, cutting down the garden. That is, act 3 is the climax of the play.

The garden must be sold. He is destined to die, Chekhov insists on this, no matter how he feels about it. Why this will happen is quite clearly shown in Acts 1 and 2. The task of act 3 is to show how.

The action takes place in the house, the stage direction introduces the viewer to the party, which was discussed in the 2nd act. Ranevskaya calls it a ball and very accurately determines that “we started the ball inopportunely” - from Petya’s words, the viewer learns that it is at this time that the auction takes place, at which the fate of the estate is decided. Therefore, the mood of this scene is a contrast between external well-being (dances, tricks, optional “ballroom” conversations) and an atmosphere of melancholy, bad foreboding and just about ready hysteria.

How does Chekhov create this atmosphere? The idiotic performances of Simeonov-Pishchik, to which no one reacts, as if it were necessary, now and then the conversations of the owners of the house about their sadness break out, as if they are not up to the guests.

When no one needs the ball fizzles out, Gaev and Lopakhin appear with a message about the sale of the estate. Lopakhin’s “performance” in a new role leaves a complex, rather difficult impression, but the act ends on an optimistic note - Anya’s remark addressed to Ranevskaya: “Mom, you have a life left ...” There is a sense in this optimism - the most unbearable for the heroes of the play (choice , the need to decide and take responsibility) behind.

What new will we learn about the characters in Act 3?


It turns out that she is able not only to infuriate with her impracticality, she is also not stupid. It seems that at this ball she woke up - sensible remarks about the Yaroslavl grandmother, about what a cherry orchard is for her. In a conversation with Petya, she is even wise, very accurately defines the essence of this person, and without prettiness and playing with herself, she talks about herself and her life. Although, of course, she remains herself - she says truthful words to Petya in order to hurt someone else, because she herself hurts. But in general, this is the peak of her reflection of life, already at the very beginning of Act 4 she will continue to play as an actress, for whom only her own role is important and the whole play is not available. And now she accepts the news of the sale of the estate not courageously, but with dignity, without a game, her grief is genuine and therefore ugly: “She has shrunk all over and is crying bitterly.”


It is almost non-existent in this act, and we will not learn anything new about it. All he can say is: “How much I have suffered!” - in general, again "I". It is very easy to console him in grief - with the sound of billiard balls.


Here is a surprise. Until now, we knew him as a good friend of this family, which did not deserve such a friend. He was more worried about saving the cherry orchard than all of these goons put together. And there was no thought that he himself wants to buy a garden, that for him this is not just another deal, but an act of the triumph of justice. Therefore, now his honesty is worth more. We also didn’t know about him that he was able to get carried away, forget himself, rejoice to the point of madness, he was so even and calm until now. And what kind of “genetic” hatred in him for the former owners - not personally for Gaev and Ranevskaya, but for the class: “... Grandfather and father were slaves, .. they were not even allowed into the kitchen ...” And he is also weak, because he thinks about life: “It would be better if our clumsy, unhappy life somehow changed ...”, but what to think about is not enough: “Let everything be as I wish!”

Lesson 4.5. “We would rather change somehow our awkward, unhappy life.” Analysis of the play "The Cherry Orchard". Generalization

Double lesson progress

I. The comedy The Cherry Orchard, which concludes the trilogy, can be seen as the writer's testament, his last word.

1. Student's message. The history of the creation of the play, its perception by contemporaries (K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, M. Gorky, V. Meyerhold).

2. Reading of the I action.


Homework results.

In assessing the plot, it is important to pay attention to the absence of a plot characteristic of plays; the mood of the characters, their loneliness, disunity determine the development of the plot. They propose a lot of projects to save the cherry orchard, but are decidedly unable to act.

The motifs of time, memories, unresolved fate, the problem of happiness are also leading in The Cherry Orchard, as in previous plays, but now they play a decisive role, completely subjugating the characters. The motives of “purchase - sale”, “departure - stay” in the house open and complete the action of the play. Let us draw the students' attention to the fact that the motive of death here sounds more insistent.

The arrangement of heroes becomes more complicated. In act I, we have new, but easily recognizable heroes. They are very old, they have gained the ability to look at the world soberly, but they do not want to part with their illusions.

Ranevskaya knows that the house needs to be sold, but she hopes for Lopakhin’s help, she asks Petya: “Save me, Petya!” Gaev perfectly understands the whole hopelessness of the situation, but diligently fences himself off from the world of reality, from thoughts about death with the absurd phrase “Whom?” He is absolutely helpless. Epikhodov becomes a parody of these heroes, who cannot decide whether to live or shoot himself. He adapted to the world of the absurd (this explains his nickname: “22 misfortunes”). He also turns the tragedy of Voinitsky (“Uncle Vanya”) into a farce and brings to its logical conclusion the storyline associated with the idea of ​​suicide. The “young generation” in the play looks no less helpless: Anya is naive, full of illusions (a sure sign of the failure of the hero in Chekhov's world). The image of Petya clearly illustrates the idea of ​​the degradation of the idealist hero (in previous plays, these are Astrov and Vershinin). He is an “eternal student”, a “shabby gentleman”, is not busy with anything, he says - and that is inopportune. Petya does not accept the real world at all, the truth does not exist for him, which is why his monologues are so unconvincing. He is "above love". Here the obvious irony of the author sounds, emphasized on the stage (in Act III, in the ball scene, he falls down the stairs and everyone laughs at him). Lyubov Andreevna calls him “Chistyulka”. The most sensible, at first glance, looks Ermolai Lopakhin. A man of business, he gets up at five o'clock in the morning, cannot live without work. His grandfather was a serf at Ranevskaya, and Yermolai is now rich. It is he who breaks the illusions of Ranevskaya and Gaev. But he also buys a house, which is the focus of illusions; he cannot arrange his own happiness; Lopakhin lives in the power of memories, the past.

3. Thus, the main character in the play becomes the house - the “cherry garden”.

Let's think about the question why in relation to the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" it is more appropriate to speak of the chronotope of the house, while in relation to the first two plays of the trilogy it is more correct to speak of the image of the house?

Let's remember what a chronotope is.

Chronotope - spatio-temporal organization of the image.

Work with stage directions of the play. Let's see how the image of time and space is created in the play. The action “cherry orchard” is a house.

I. “The room, which is still called the nursery ... Dawn, the sun will soon rise. It's already May, cherry trees are blooming, but it's cold in the garden, it's a matinee. The windows in the room are closed.”

II. "Field. An old, crooked, long-abandoned chapel .., large stones, once, apparently, tombstones ... To the side, towering, poplar trees grow dark: a cherry orchard begins there. In the distance there is a row of telegraph poles, and far, far away on the horizon, a large city is indistinctly marked, which is visible only in very good, clear weather. The sun will set soon."

III. “The living room…a Jewish orchestra is playing in the hallway…Evening. Everyone is dancing". At the end of the action: “There is no one in the hall and living room except Lyubov Andreevna, who is sitting and ... crying bitterly. The music plays softly."

IV. “The scenery of the first act. There are no curtains on the windows, no paintings, there is a little furniture left, which is folded into one corner, as if for sale. It feels empty... The door to the left is open...” At the end of the action: “The stage is empty. You can hear how all the doors are locked with a key, how the carriages then drive off.

Results of observations.

In the first act, the events do not go beyond the room, which "is still called the nursery." The feeling of an enclosed space is achieved by the mention of closed windows. The author emphasizes the lack of freedom of the characters, their dependence on the past. This is reflected both in Gaev's “odes” to the centenary “cupboard”, and in Lyubov Andreevna's delight at the sight of the nursery. The topics of conversation of the characters are connected with the past. They talk about the main thing - the sale of the garden - in passing.

In the second act on the stage - a field (boundless space). The images of a long-abandoned chapel and stones that were once gravestones become symbolic. With them, the play includes the motive not only of death, but also of overcoming the heroes of the past, memories. The image of a different, real space is included in the designation on the horizon of a big city. This world is alien to the heroes, they are afraid of it (the scene with the passer-by), but the destructive impact of the city on the cherry orchard is inevitable - one cannot escape reality. Chekhov emphasizes this idea with the sound instrumentation of the scene: in the silence “suddenly a distant sound is heard, as if from the sky, the sound of a broken string, fading, sad.”

Act III is the climax, both in the development of the external conflict (the garden is sold) and the internal one. We again find ourselves in the house, in the living room, where an absolutely absurd action takes place: a ball. “And the musicians came inopportunely, and we started the ball inopportunely” (Ranevskaya). The tragedy of the situation is overcome by the carnivalization of reality, the tragedy is combined with a farce: Charlotte shows her endless tricks, Petya falls down the stairs, they play billiards, everyone dances. Misunderstanding, disunity of heroes reach their climax.

Work with text. Let's read Lopakhin's monologue, which concludes the third act, follow the author's remarks for changes in the psychological state of the hero.

“The new landowner, the owner of the cherry orchard” does not feel happy. “Our clumsy, unhappy life would rather change,” Lopakhin says “with tears”. Lyubov Andreevna weeps bitterly, "there is no one in the hall and the living room."

The image of an empty house dominates act IV. Order, peace in it are violated. We are again, as in act I, in the nursery (circular composition). But now everything feels empty. The former owners leave the house. The doors are locked, forgetting about Firs. The play ends with “a distant sound, as if from the sky, the sound of a broken string, fading, sad” again. And in the silence “you can hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an ax”.

What is the meaning of the last scene of the play?

The house is sold. Heroes no longer binds, illusions are lost.

Firs - the personification of ethics and duty - is locked in the house. Done with "ethical".

The 19th century is over. The 20th, “iron” age is coming. "Homelessness becomes the fate of the world." (Martin Heidegger).

What then do Chekhov's characters gain?

If not happiness, then freedom... This means that it is freedom in Chekhov's world that is the most important category, the meaning of human existence.

II. Generalization.

What makes it possible to combine A. Chekhov's plays "Uncle Vanya", "Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard" into a trilogy?

We invite the children to summarize the material of the lessons on their own.

Summary of work.

Let us define criteria for this generality.

1. In every play, the hero is in conflict with the outside world; everyone also experiences internal discord. Thus, the conflict acquires a total character - almost all persons are its carriers. Heroes are characterized by the expectation of change.

2. The problems of happiness and time become leading in the trilogy.

For all heroes:

happiness in the past

misfortune in the present

hope for happiness in the future.

3. The image of the house (“noble nest”) is central in all three plays.

The house embodies the heroes' idea of ​​happiness - it keeps the memory of the past, testifies to the troubles of the present; its preservation or loss inspires hope for the future.

Thus, the motives of “buying and selling” a house, “leaving or staying” in it become semantic and plot-organizing in plays.

4. In the plays, the hero-idealist is degrading.

In "Uncle Vanya" - this is Dr. Astrov;

in "Three Sisters" - Colonel Vershinin;

in the "Cherry Orchard" - student Trofimov.

Row work. Call them “positive programs”. What unites them?

Answer: The idea of ​​work and happiness in the future.

5. The heroes are in a situation of choosing their future fate.

Almost everyone feels the situation of the collapse of the world to a greater or lesser extent. In "Uncle Vanya" - this is, first of all, Uncle Vanya; in "Three Sisters" - sisters Olga, Masha and Irina Prozorova; in the "Cherry Orchard" - Ranevskaya.

There are also parodies of them in the plays: Telegin, Chebutykin, Epikhodov and Charlotte.

Other parallels can be traced between the heroes of the plays:

Marina - Anfisa;

Ferapont - Firs;

Telegin - Epikhodov;

Salty - Yasha;

Serebryakov - Prozorov.

There is also a superficial resemblance here:

religiosity, deafness, failed professorship, and so on.

Such a commonality of the conflict, the plot, the system of images allows us to introduce the concept of a metaplot.

A meta-plot is a plot that unites all the plot lines of individual works, building them as an artistic whole.

It is the situation of choice in which the characters find themselves that determines the metaplot of the trilogy. Heroes must:

either open up, trust the world of the absurd, abandoning the usual norms and values;

or continue to multiply illusions, dragging out an untrue existence, relying on the future.

The finale of the trilogy is open, we will not find answers to the questions posed in the plays by Chekhov, because this is not the task of art, according to the playwright. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, we are asking ourselves questions about the meaning of being, which so worried A.P. Chekhov, and it is wonderful that everyone has the opportunity to give their own answer, to make their own choice ...

What is the main theme of the play "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov? This work is worthy of serious attention of the modern reader and is widely studied, and in order to understand the theme of the play, we will briefly consider what events took place in Chekhov's life a little earlier. The Chekhov family had good property, they owned a house, and besides, my father had his own shop, but in the 80s of the 19th century the family became impoverished and accumulated debts, so the house and the shop had to be sold. For Chekhov, this was a tragedy and greatly influenced his fate, leaving a deep mark on his memory.

With reflections on these events, Chekhov's work on a new work began, therefore the main theme of the play "The Cherry Orchard" is the sale at auction of a family noble estate, which was the impoverishment of the family. Closer to the 20th century in Russia, this happened more and more often.

Composition of the play "The Cherry Orchard"

There are four acts in the play, let's consider the composition of the play "The Cherry Orchard" in order, from the first act to the fourth. Let's do a little analysis of the actions of the "Cherry Orchard".

  • Action one. The reader gets acquainted with all the characters, with their character. It is interesting that by the way the heroes of the play relate to the cherry orchard, one can judge their spiritual mood. And here the first conflict of the work is revealed, concluded in the confrontation between what was and the present. For example, Gaeva's sister and brother, as well as Ranevskaya, represent the past. These are rich aristocrats - they used to own a lot of property, and now the cherry orchard and the house are reminiscent of the old days. And Lopakhin, who is on the other side of this conflict, thinks about profit. He believes that if Ranevskaya agrees to become his wife, they will save the estate. This is an analysis of the first act of The Cherry Orchard.
  • Action two. In this part of the play, Chekhov shows that since the owners and their servants are walking around the field, and not in the garden, it means that the garden has been completely neglected, that it is even impossible to walk on it. Here you can clearly see how Petya Trofimov imagines his future.
  • Action three. There is a climax in this action. After the sale of the estate, Lopakhin became the new owner. He feels satisfied that the deal went well, but sad that he is now responsible for the fate of the garden. It turns out that the garden will have to be destroyed.
  • Action four. The family nest is empty, now there is no shelter for a united and friendly family. The garden has been cut down to the very root, and the surname is no more.

Thus, we examined the composition of the play "The Cherry Orchard". From the side of the reader, a tragedy is seen in what is happening. However, Anton Chekhov himself did not sympathize with his heroes, considering them short-sighted and powerless, incapable of deeply experiencing.

In this play, Chekhov takes a philosophical approach to the question of what the immediate future of Russia is.

The Cherry Orchard was created by Chekhov in 1903. This is a play about the decline of noble life on the estates, about the imaginary and real owners of the Russian land, about the inevitable renewal of Russia. Chekhov presented the obsolete past of Russia with the play The Cherry Orchard. A summary follows below.

First, let's introduce the main characters:

Landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Her own daughter Anya is 17 years old. Adopted daughter Varya, 24 years old. Brother Ranevskaya - Gaev Leonid Andreevich. Student Trofimov Petr Sergeevich. Governess Charlotte Ivanovna. Merchant Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich. Landowner Semionov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich. Maid Dunyasha. Young footman Yasha. Old footman Firs. Clerk Semyon Panteleevich Epikhodov.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the first act

Dawn. Outside the window is spring, blossoming cherry trees can be seen. Only it is still cold in the garden, so all the windows are closed. Lopakhin and Dunyasha enter the room. They talk about the train that was late. And Lopakhin is upset that he could not meet Lyubov Andreevna, who recently lived abroad, at the station.

Then Epikhodov enters, he recently proposed to Dunyasha. Everyone hears two carriages drive up. The turmoil begins. The footman Firs enters, dressed in an ancient livery. And behind him comes Ranevskaya, Gaev, Anya, Simionov-Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna. Anya and Ranevskaya reminisce about the past.

Then Anya talks with Varya. She talks about her experience of finding her mother there without money, among strangers. But Ranevskaya did not seem to understand her position. She gives the lackeys a ruble for tea, and they order the most exquisite and expensive dishes. But in fact, the money was barely enough to get home. And now the estate must be sold, the auction is scheduled for August.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the second act

Evening. Sunset. The action takes place at an abandoned chapel. Lopakhin is interested in plots for dachas. He believes that the land should be divided into plots and leased out. Only for this you have to cut down the cherry orchard. But Ranevskaya and Gaev are against it, they call it vulgarity. Gaev dreams of some kind of inheritance, of the Yaroslavl aunt, who promised to give money, but how much and when it will be is unknown. Merchant Lopakhin once again recalls the auction.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the third and fourth acts

The Jewish orchestra is playing. Dancing couples all around. Varya is worried that the musicians were invited, but they have nothing to pay. Ranevskaya cannot wait for her brother to arrive from the auction. Everyone hopes that he bought the estate for the money sent by the Yaroslavl aunt. Only she sent only fifteen thousand, and they are not even enough for interest. Gaev and Lopakhin are returning from the auction. Guy is crying. Ranevskaya learns that the garden has been sold, its new owner is Lopakhin. She almost faints.

There is little furniture in the rooms, no curtains or paintings. Worth the luggage. Lopakhin warns that in a few minutes you need to go. Gaev went to work in a bank. Ranevskaya travels to Paris with her aunt's money sent from Yaroslavl. Yasha goes with her. Gaev and Ranevskaya are depressed, they say goodbye to the house. Anya thinks that her mother will return to her soon. And she will study at the gymnasium, go to work and begin to help her mother. Everyone gets out noisily and leaves for the station. And only the forgotten Firs remained in the closed house. Silence. The sound of an ax is heard.

"The Cherry Orchard": analysis. Basic moments

The summary tells us that Gaev and Ranevskaya are an obsolete past. The Cherry Orchard is dear to them as a memory of childhood days, of well-being, of youth, of an easy and graceful life. And Lopakhin understands this. He tries to help Ranevskaya by offering to rent land. There is simply no other way out. Only the lady, as always, is careless, she thinks that everything will somehow resolve itself. And when the garden was sold, she did not grieve for long. The heroine is not capable of serious experiences, she easily moves from anxiety to cheerful animation. And Lopakhin is proud of the purchase and dreams of his new life. Yes, he bought the estate, but still remained a peasant. And the owners of the cherry orchard, although they went bankrupt, are, as before, gentlemen.

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