Analysis of the epilogue of "Crime and Punishment". The meaning and role of the epilogue


Marmeladova Sofya Semyonovna (Sonya) is a character in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. For the first time we get to know her in absentia, during a conversation between the girl's father and Raskolnikov.

The action takes place in a tavern. Then, a few days later, Rodion meets her drunk. Not knowing that this is Sonya, he already wants to help her. What kind of spiritual form can we talk about? As in other works of the author, not everything is so simple. Her life is confusing and full of tragedy. But, before moving on to the topic of Sonya Marmeladova's spiritual achievement, it is worth paying attention to her family.

Family of Sonya Marmeladova

Sonya was left without a mother early. Perhaps this played a major role in her fate. At the time of her acquaintance, she lives with her father (Semyon Zakharovich), stepmother (Katerina Ivanovna) and her three children left from her first marriage.

Sonya Marmeladova's father

Sonya's father, Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, was once a respected person, a titular adviser. Now he is an ordinary alcoholic who is unable to provide for his family. The Marmeladovs are on the edge. From day to day they run the risk of being left not only without a piece of bread, but also without a roof over their heads. The landlady of the room rented by the family keeps threatening to kick them out into the street. Sonya feels responsible for her father, because he took out all the valuables, even his wife's clothes. Unable to look at what is happening, she decides to take care of the family herself. And he chooses not the most worthy profession for this. But the word "chooses" does not quite fit this situation. Did she have a choice? Most likely no! This is what spiritual feat Sonya Marmeladova. With a merciful nature, she pities her father. In my own way. Not realizing that he is the cause of all her troubles, she gives him money for vodka.

Stepmother Katerina Ivanovna

Sonya's stepmother is only 30 years old. What made her marry fifty-year-old Marmeladov? Nothing but a miserable situation. Marmeladov himself admits that he is not a couple for such a proud and educated woman. He found her in such distress that he simply could not help feeling sorry for her. As an officer's daughter, she also made spiritual feat, agreeing to marry Marmeladov in the name of saving their children. Relatives refused her and did not provide any assistance. perfectly described the life of the poorest segments of the population of Russia of those times: what difficulties they faced, what they had to endure, etc. Katerina Ivanovna is a woman with a higher education. She has an extraordinary mind and a lively character. There are traces of pride in it. It was she who pushed Sonya to become a girl of easy virtue. But Dostoevsky finds justification for this, too. Like any other mother, she is unable to endure the crying of hungry children. One phrase, spoken in the heat of the moment, becomes fatal in the fate of her stepdaughter. Katerina Ivanovna herself could not even think that Sonya would take her words seriously. But when the girl returned home with the money, and lay down on the bed, covering herself with a scarf, Katerina Ivanovna kneels before her and kisses her feet. She weeps bitterly, asking for forgiveness for the fall of her stepdaughter. Of course, the reader may wonder: why didn't she choose this path herself? Not so simple. Katerina Ivanovna is ill with tuberculosis. Consumption, as it was called at the time. Every day she gets worse and worse. But she continues to perform her duties around the house - to cook, clean and wash all members of her family. At that time, her stepdaughter was 18 years old. Katerina Ivanovna understood what a sacrifice she had to make for the sake of people who were absolutely strangers to her. Can this act be called the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova? Of course yes. The stepmother did not allow anyone to speak badly about her, she appreciated her help.

Children of Katerina Ivanovna

As for the children of Katerina Ivanovna, there were three of them. The first is Polya, 10 years old, the second is Kolya, 7 years old, and the third is Lida, 6 years old. Katerina Ivanovna is a woman with a difficult character. She is lively and emotional. Sonya has fallen from her more than once, but she continues to respect her. Sonya perceives the children of Katerina Ivanovna not as half-breeds, but as her own, blood-related brothers and sisters. They love her no less. And this can also be called the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova. Katerina Ivanovna treats everyone with great severity. She cannot bear crying, even if the children cry from hunger. In a conversation with Raskolnikov, Marmeladov mentions that they, poor children, also fall heavily from their mother. Raskolnikov himself is convinced of this when he inadvertently enters their house. A frightened girl is standing in the corner, a little boy is crying uncontrollably as if he has just been beaten badly, and a third child is sleeping right on the floor.

Sonya Marmeladova has a cute appearance. She is thin, blonde and blue-eyed. Raskolnikov finds it completely transparent. Sonya wore two kinds of clothes. For an unworthy profession, she always wore her indecent dress. However, it was the same rags. It was a colorful dress with a long and ridiculous tail. A huge crinoline cluttered the entire passage. The straw hat was adorned with a brightly fiery feather. On her feet were light-coloured shoes. It is difficult to imagine a more ridiculous image. She was humiliated and broken and ashamed of her appearance. In ordinary life, Sonya dressed modestly, in clothes that did not attract attention to herself.

Sonya Marmeladova's room

In order to evaluate spiritual feat Sonya Marmeladova, you should also familiarize yourself with her room. Room ... This word is too majestic for the room in which she lived. It was a shed, a squalid shed with crooked walls. Three windows gave a view of the ditch. It had almost no furniture. Of the few interior items - a bed, a chair and a table covered with a blue tablecloth. Two wicker chairs, a simple chest of drawers... That was all there was in the room. The yellowed wallpaper said that in winter the room became damp and uncomfortable. The author emphasizes that the beds did not even have curtains. Sonya was forced to move here after she became unrighteous. It was indecent to live with the family, as everyone shamed them for this and demanded that the hostess of the house immediately evict the Marmeladovs.

What unites Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova - the two main characters of the work "Crime and Punishment". They are united by one thing - the violation of the laws of God. These are two kindred spirits. She cannot leave him alone and goes to hard labor after him. This is another spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova. Raskolnikov himself involuntarily associates Sonya with his sister, who decides to marry an elderly gentleman in the name of saving her brother. The readiness of women to sacrifice themselves can be traced throughout the work. At the same time, the author tries to emphasize the spiritual failure of men. One is a drunkard, another is a criminal, the third is excessively greedy.

What exactly is the spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova

Against the background of other characters in Dostoevsky's work, Sonya is the embodiment of self-sacrifice. Raskolnikov, in the name of justice, does not notice anything happening around. Luzhin is trying to embody the idea of ​​capitalist predation.

Why Sonya Marmeladova decided on a spiritual feat and went into prostitution? There are many answers. First of all, in order to save the children of Katerina Ivanovna dying of hunger. Just think about it! What a sense of responsibility a person must have in front of absolutely strangers in order to decide on such a thing! The second is the feeling of guilt for one's own father. Could she have acted differently? Hardly. Throughout history, no one has heard words of condemnation from her. She never asks for more. Every day, watching how children suffer from hunger, seeing that they do not have the most necessary clothes, Sonya understands that this is an ordinary dead end.

Spiritual feat Dream Marmeladova lies in her willingness to sacrifice herself. Her image and moral considerations are close to the people, so the author does not condemn her in the eyes of the reader, but tries to arouse sympathy and compassion. She is endowed with such traits as humility and forgiveness. But it is the main character who saves the soul of that same Raskolnikov and those who were in hard labor with him.

Sonya Marmeladova is a wonderful combination of Faith, Hope and Love. She does not condemn anyone for their sins and does not call for atonement for them. This is the brightest one! The spiritual feat of Sonya Marmeladova lies in the fact that she managed to keep a pure soul. Despite the prosperity of shame, meanness, deceit and malice.

She deserves the highest human appreciation. He himself calls the couple Sonya and Raskolnikov nothing more than a harlot and a murderer. After all, this is how they look in the eyes of rich people. He awakens them to new life. They are resurrected by eternal love.

© Vsevolod Sakharov . All rights reserved.

Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich - a poor and humiliated student, the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment". The author of the work is Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich. For a psychological counterweight to the theory of Rodion Romanovich, the writer created the image of Sonya Marmeladova. Both characters are at a young age. Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova, faced with a difficult life situation, do not know what to do next.

The image of Raskolnikov

At the beginning of the story, the reader notices Raskolnikov's inappropriate behavior. The hero is nervous all the time, his is constant anxiety, and his behavior seems suspicious. In the course of events, it can be understood that Rodion is a person who is obsessed with his idea. All his thoughts are that people are divided into two types. The first type is a "higher" society, and here he also refers his personality. And the second type is "trembling creatures". For the first time, he publishes this theory in a newspaper article called "On Crime". From the article it becomes clear that the "higher" have the right to ignore the moral laws and destroy the "trembling creatures" to achieve their personal goals. According to Raskolnikov's description, these poor people need biblical commandments and morals. The new legislators who will govern can be considered "supreme", Bonaparte is an example for such legislators. But Raskolnikov himself, on the way to the "higher ones", performs actions of a completely different level, without even noticing it.

The life story of Sonya Marmeladova

The reader learns about the heroine from the story of her father, which was addressed to Rodion Romanovich. Marmeladov Semen Zakharovich - an alcoholic, lives with his wife (Katerina Ivanovna), has three small children. The wife and children are starving, Sonya is Marmeladov's daughter from her first wife, she rents an apartment "according to Semyon Zakharovich tells Raskolnikov that her daughter went to such a life because of her stepmother, who reproached her for "drinking, eating and using heat ", that is, a parasite. This is how the Marmeladov family lives. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is that she herself is an unrequited girl, does not hold evil," climbs out of her skin "to help her sick stepmother and hungry half-brothers and sisters, without saying Semyon Zakharovich shares his memories of how he found and lost a job, how he drank away the uniform that his daughter bought with her own money, and how he has the conscience to ask his daughter for money "for a hangover" Sonya gave him the last, never reproached for this.

The tragedy of the heroine

Fate is similar in many ways to the position of Rodion. They play the same role in society. Rodion Romanovich lives in the attic in a shabby little room. How the author sees this room: the cage is small, about 6 steps in size, has a beggarly appearance. A tall person feels uncomfortable in such a room. Raskolnikov is so poor that it is no longer possible, but to the surprise of the reader, he feels well, his spirit has not fallen. The same poverty forced Sonya to go outside in order to earn money. The girl is unhappy. Her fate is cruel to her. But the morale of the heroine is not broken. On the contrary, in seemingly inhuman conditions, Sonya Marmeladova finds the only way out worthy of a person. She chooses the path of religion and self-sacrifice. The author shows us the heroine as a person who is able to feel someone else's pain and suffering, while being unhappy. A girl can not only understand another, but also direct them on the right path, forgive, accept someone else's suffering. So, we see how the heroine shows pity for Katerina Ivanovna, calls her "fair, child", unhappy. Sonya saves her children, then takes pity on her dying father. This, like other scenes, inspire both sympathy and respect for the girl. And it is not at all surprising that then Rodion will share his mental anguish with Sophia.

Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova

Rodion decided to tell his secret to Sofya, but not to Porfiry Petrovich. She, in his opinion, was, like no one else, able to judge him according to her conscience. At the same time, her opinion will differ significantly from the court of Porfiry. Raskolnikov, despite his atrocity, longed for human understanding, love, sensitivity. He wanted to see that "higher light" that could lead him out of the darkness and support him. Raskolnikov's hopes for understanding from Sophia were justified. Rodion Romanovich cannot make contact with people. It begins to seem to him that everyone is mocking him and they know that it was he who did it. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is directly opposite to his vision. The girl stands for humanity, philanthropy, forgiveness. Having learned about his crime, she does not reject him, but on the contrary, hugs, kisses and says in unconsciousness that "there is no one in the world more merciless now."

Real life

Despite all this, periodically Rodion Romanovich returns to earth and notices everything that happens in the real world. On one of these days, he witnesses how a drunken official, Semyon Marmeladov, is knocked down by a horse. During his last words, the author describes Sofya Semyonovna for the first time. Sonya was small, she was about eighteen. The girl was thin, but pretty, blonde, with attractive blue eyes. Sonya comes to the scene of the accident. on her knees. She sends her younger sister to find out where Raskolnikov lives in order to return to him the money he gave for his father's funeral. After a while, Sophia goes to Rodion Romanovich to invite him to a commemoration. This is how she shows her gratitude to him.

Father's Wake

At the event, a scandal arises because Sonya is accused of theft. Everything was decided peacefully, but Katerina Ivanovna and her children are evicted from the apartment. Now everyone is doomed to die. Raskolnikov tries to find out from Sophia if she could kill Luzhin, the man who unfairly slandered her, saying that she was a thief. Sophia gave a philosophical answer to this question. Rodion Romanovich finds something native in Sonya, probably the fact that they were both rejected.

He tries to see understanding in her, because his theory is wrong. Now Rodion is ready for self-destruction, and Sonya is "daughter, that her stepmother is evil and consumptive, she betrayed herself to strangers and minors." Sofya Semyonovna relies on her moral guideline, which is important and clear for her - this is wisdom, which is described in the Bible as purifying suffering. Raskolnikov, of course, shared with Marmeladova a story about his act, listening to him, she did not turn away from him. Here the truth of Sonya Marmeladova is in the manifestation of a feeling of pity, sympathy for Rodion. The heroine urged him to go and repent for what he had done, based on a parable she studied in the Bible about the resurrection of Lazarus. Sonya agrees to share the hard everyday life of hard labor with Rodion Romanovich. This is not only the mercy of Sonya Marmeladova. She does this in order to be cleansed, because she believes that she is violating the biblical commandments.

What unites Sophia with Rodion

How can Marmeladova and Raskolnikov be characterized at the same time? For example, convicts who are serving time in the same cell with Rodion Romanovich adore Sonya, who regularly visits him, but treat him with contempt. They want to kill Raskolnikov and constantly make fun of him that it is not the royal business to "carry an ax in his bosom." Sofya Semyonovna has had her own ideas about people since childhood and adheres to them throughout her life. She never looks down on people, has respect and pity for them.


I would like to draw a conclusion based on the mutual relations of the main characters of the novel. What was the significance of Sonya Marmeladova's truth? If Sofya Semyonovna with her life values ​​and ideals had not appeared on the path of Rodion Romanovich, then it would have ended very soon in the painful pangs of self-destruction. This is the truth of Sonya Marmeladova. Due to such a plot in the middle of the novel, the author has the opportunity to logically complete the images of the main characters. Two different views and two analyzes of the same situation give the novel credibility. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova is opposed to the theory of Rodion and his worldview. The famous Russian writer was able to breathe life into the main characters and safely resolve all the worst that happened in their lives. This completeness of the novel puts "Crime and Punishment" next to the greatest works that are on the list of world literature. Every schoolboy, every student should read this novel.

F. M. Dostoevsky is a great master of the psychological novel. In 1866 he finished work on the novel Crime and Punishment. This work brought the author well-deserved fame and fame and began to occupy a worthy place in Russian literature.

One of F. M. Dostoevsky's novels is almost entirely devoted to the analysis of the social and moral nature of the crime and the punishment that follows it. This novel is Crime and Punishment.

Indeed, the crime for the writer becomes one of the most important signs of the times, a modern phenomenon.

Pushing his hero to kill, F. M. Dostoevsky seeks to understand the reasons why such a cruel idea arises in the mind of Rodion Raskolnikov. Of course, his “environment stuck”.
But she also ate poor Sonechka Marmeladova, and Katerina Ivanovna, and many others. Why don't they become murderers? The fact is that the roots of Raskolnikov's crime lie much deeper. His views are greatly influenced by the theory of the existence of “superhumans”, popular in the 19th century, that is, people who are allowed more than an ordinary person, that “trembling creature” that Raskolnikov thinks about. Accordingly, the very crime of Rodion Raskolnikov is understood by the writer much deeper. Its meaning is not only that Raskolnikov killed the old pawnbroker, but also that he himself allowed this murder, he imagined himself to be a man who is allowed to decide who lives and who does not.

After the murder, a new streak of Raskolnikov's existence begins. He was lonely before, but now this loneliness becomes endless; he is alienated from people, from family, from God. His theory did not justify itself. The only thing it led to was unbearable suffering. “Suffering is a great thing,” said Porfiry Petrovich. This idea - the idea of ​​purifying suffering - is heard repeatedly in the novel. In order to alleviate moral torment, Porfiry advises to gain faith. The true bearer of the saving faith in the novel is Sonya Marmeladova.

For the first time, Raskolnikov heard about Sonya, about her ruined fate in the tavern from Marmeladov. She made a great sacrifice to save her family from starvation. And even then, only one mention of her by Marmeladov touched some secret strings in Raskolnikov's soul.

In those days that became the most difficult for him, Raskolnikov goes to none other than Sonya. He carries his pain not to his mother, not to his sister, not to his friend, but to her. He feels a kindred spirit in her, especially since their fates are so similar. Sonya, like Raskolnikov, broke herself, trampled on her purity. Let Sonya save the family, and Raskolnikov was just trying to prove his idea, but they both ruined themselves. He, the "murderer", is attracted to the "harlot". Yes, he has no one else to go to. His craving for Sonya is also generated by the fact that he strives for people who themselves have experienced a fall and humiliation, and therefore will be able to understand anguish and loneliness.

I believe that in condemning helpless people who do not dare to change their lives, the hero of the novel was right. His truth is that he himself tried to find a path that would lead to changes for the better.
And Raskolnikov found him. He believes that this path is a crime. And I think he was right to confess to the murder. He had no other choice, and he felt it.

According to Dostoevsky, only God is able to decide human destinies. Consequently, Rodion Raskolnikov puts himself in the place of God, mentally equates himself to him.

Comment on the fragment, based on the following questions: 1. What shocks the reader with the dramatic scene of the explanation of Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion


2. How does Dostoevsky convey the power of Sonya's spiritual impulse and Raskolnikov's mental anguish?

3. What role does this episode play in the development of the plot of the novel?

4. What did Raskolnikov expect from Sonya, confessing to her in the murder, and were his expectations justified?


He leaned on his knees and, as if in pincers, clasped his head in his hands.

"Crime and Punishment" 6 questions. Expanded answers. 1. How do you understand the title of the novel? Why crime

one part is devoted, and five parts of the novel are devoted to punishment?
2. List all the events of the first part of the novel that push the hero to the crime. Write out from the text the replicas of Raskolnikov's internal monologue, which show deep contradictions between the "head" theory and the living heart.
3. Why the humanist writer F.M. Dostoevsky describes in such detail the murder of an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta?
4. How do you understand Sonya’s words to Raskolnikov: “You left God, and God struck you, betrayed you to the devil!”?
5. Explain the meaning of Raskolnikov's phrase: "... eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!". In what context does he say this?
6. Why did the author of the novel in the scene of reading the New Testament refer specifically to the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus?

Book F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The author touches upon many problems in this work, but the most important of them is the problem of morality. Dostoevsky deals with this problem in many of his works, but this problem was most developed precisely in Crime and Punishment. Perhaps it is this work that makes many think about their actions. Here, in this book, we will meet many different people, but perhaps the most open, honest and kind is Sonya Marmeladova.

This girl has a hard life. Sonya's mother passed away early, her father married another woman who has her own children. Need forced Sonya to earn money in a low way: she is forced to go to the panel. It would seem that after such an act, Sonya should have been angry with her stepmother, because she practically forced Sonya to earn money in this way. But Sonya forgave her, moreover, every month she brings money to the house in which she no longer lives. Sonya has changed outwardly, but her soul has remained the same: crystal clear. Sonya is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, and not everyone can do this. She could live "in spirit and mind", but she must feed her family. And this act proves her disinterestedness.

Sonya did not condemn people for their actions, did not condemn either her father or Raskolnikov. The death of her father left a deep mark on Sonya's soul: "From under this ... hat, a thin, pale and frightened face peeked out with an open mouth and eyes motionless with horror." Sonya loved her father, despite all his shortcomings. Therefore, his unexpected death was a great loss in Sonya's life.

She understands and experiences pain together with people. So, she did not condemn Raskolnikov when he confessed to her the crime he had committed: “She suddenly took him by both hands and bowed her head to her shoulder. This short gesture even struck Raskolnikov with bewilderment, it was even strange: how? Not the slightest disgust, not the slightest disgust to him, not the slightest shudder in her hand!" Sonya realized that, having killed the old pawnbroker, Raskolnikov had killed himself. His theory collapsed, and he is at a loss. Sonechka, sincerely believing in God, advises him to pray, repent, bow to the earth. Raskolnikov understands that Sonya is an exceptional person: "The holy fool, the holy fool!" To which Sonya replies: "Why, I ... dishonest ... I am a great sinner." She has no one to rely on, no one to expect help from, so she believes in God. In prayer, Sonya finds the calm that her soul needs so much. She does not judge people, only God has the right to do so. But she does not impose faith by force. She wants Raskolnikov to come to this himself. Although Sonya instructs and asks him: "Cross yourself, pray at least once." She loves this man and is ready to go with him even to hard labor, because she believes: Raskolnikov will understand his guilt, repent, and begin a new life. Life with her, with Sonya. Love and faith give her strength in any trials and difficulties. And it was her endless patience, quiet love, faith and desire to help a loved one - all this together made it possible for Raskolnikov to start a new life. For Sonya and for Dostoevsky himself, sympathy for man is characteristic of man. Raskolnikov teaches Sonya courage, masculinity. Sonya teaches him mercy and love, forgiveness and sympathy. She helps him find a way to the resurrection of the soul, but Raskolnikov himself strives for this. Only in hard labor does he understand and accept Sonya's faith and love: "How can her convictions not be my convictions now? Her feelings, her aspirations at least ...". Realizing this, Raskolnikov becomes happy and makes Sonya happy: "He knew with what infinite love he would now atone for all her suffering." Sonya is given happiness as a reward for her suffering. Sonya is the ideal of Dostoevsky. Because only a highly moral person, sincere and loving, can be an ideal. Sonya brings with her the light of hope and faith, love and sympathy, tenderness and understanding - this is how a person should be, according to Dostoevsky.

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