Analysis of the story "The Fate of a Man" (M. Sholokhov)


The main character of the story M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" Andrei Sokolov experienced a lot in his life. History itself, in the form of a bloody war, intervened and broke the fate of the hero. Andrei went to the front in May 1942. Near Lokhovenki, a shell hit the truck on which he worked. Andrei was picked up by the Germans, he was taken prisoner.

Sholokhov introduced a description of captivity into his story, which was unusual for Soviet literature of that time. The author showed how worthily, heroically the Russian people behaved even in captivity, what they overcame: “When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there, in Germany, no longer in the chest, but in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... "

The most important episode showing the life of Andrei Sokolov in captivity is the scene of his interrogation by Muller. This German was the commandant of the camp, "in their language, Lagerführer." He was a ruthless man: “... he will line us up in front of the block - they called the barracks that way - he walks in front of the line with his pack of SS men, holding his right hand out. He has it in a leather glove, and a lead gasket in the glove so as not to hurt his fingers. He goes and hits every second person in the nose, bleeds. This he called "prophylaxis against the flu." And so every day ... He was neat, the bastard, he worked seven days a week. In addition, Muller spoke excellent Russian, “he also leaned on the“ o ”as if he were a native Volzhan,” and especially loved the Russian obscenity.

The reason for summoning Andrei Sokolov for interrogation was his careless statement. The hero resented the hard work in a stone quarry near Dresden. After the next working day, he went into the barracks and dropped the following phrase: "They need four cubic meters of output, but for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough."

The next day, Sokolov was summoned to Muller. Realizing that he was going to his death, Andrey said goodbye to his comrades, “... began ... to gather courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see in my last minute that I still part with my life difficult."

When the hungry Sokolov entered the commandant's, the first thing he saw was a table full of food. But Andrei did not behave like a hungry animal. He found the strength to turn away from the table, and also not to evade or try to avoid death by retracting his words. Andrei confirmed that four cubic meters is too much for a hungry and tired person. Müller decided to give Sokolov the "honor" and personally shoot him, but before that he offered him a toast to the German victory. “As soon as I heard these words, it was like a fire burned me! I think to myself: “So that I, a Russian soldier, should start drinking for the victory of German weapons ?! Is there anything you don't want, Herr Kommandant? One hell for me to die, so go to hell with your vodka! And Sokolov refused to drink.

But Muller, already accustomed to mocking people, invites Andrey to drink for something else: “Do you want to drink for our victory? In that case, drink to your death." Andrei drank, but, as a truly courageous and proud person, he joked before his death: “I don’t have a snack after the first glass.” So Sokolov drank the second glass, and the third. “I wanted to show them, damned, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”

Seeing such remarkable willpower in a physically exhausted person, Muller could not resist sincere delight: “Here's the thing, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect worthy opponents. I won't shoot you."

Why did Muller spare Andrei? Moreover, he gave bread and bacon with him, which the prisoners of war then divided among themselves in the barracks?

I think that Muller did not kill Andrey for one simple reason: he got scared. During the years of work in the camps, he saw many broken souls, saw how people become animals, ready to kill each other for a piece of bread. But he has never seen this before! Muller was frightened, because the reasons for such behavior of the hero were incomprehensible to him. And he couldn't understand them either. For the first time, among the horrors of the war and the camp, he saw something pure, big and human - the soul of Andrei Sokolov, which nothing could corrupt. And the German bowed before this soul.

The main motive of this episode is the motive of the test. It sounds throughout the story, but only in this episode does it acquire real power. The test of the hero is a technique actively used in folklore and Russian literature. Let us recall the trials of heroes in Russian folk tales. Andrei Sokolov is invited to drink exactly three times. Depending on how the hero would behave, his fate would be decided. But Sokolov passed the test with honor.

For a deeper disclosure of the image in this episode, the author uses the hero's internal monologue. Tracing it, we can say that Andrei behaved like a hero not only externally, but also internally. He did not even have the thought of succumbing to Muller and showing weakness.

The episode is narrated from the perspective of the main character. Since several years have passed between the interrogation scene and the time when Sokolov tells this story, the hero allows himself irony (“he was neat, the bastard, he worked without days off”). Surprisingly, after so many years, Andrei does not show hatred for Muller. This characterizes him as a truly strong person who knows how to forgive.

In this episode, Sholokhov tells the reader that the most important thing for a person in any, even the most terrible circumstances, is to always remain a person! And the fate of the protagonist of the story, Andrei Sokolov, confirms this idea.

The work "The Fate of a Man" by Sholokhov was first published ten years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in 1956-1957. The theme of the story is atypical for the literature of that time dedicated to the war. The author first spoke about the soldiers who were captured by the Nazis.

Then we learn the fate of this character already from his lips. Andrei is extremely frank with a random interlocutor - he does not hide personal details.

We can safely say that the life of this hero was happy. After all, he had a loving wife, children, he was doing his favorite thing. At the same time, Andrei's life is typical for that time. Sokolov is a simple Russian man, of whom there were millions in our country at that time.

Andrey's feat ("The Fate of a Man", Sholokhov)

The composition "War in the life of the protagonist" can be built on the contrast of Andrei's attitude towards it and other people who meet on his life path. In comparison with them, it seems to us even more majestic and terrible a feat, which, in fact, is his whole life.

The hero, unlike others, shows patriotism, courage. This is confirmed by the analysis of the work "The Fate of a Man" by Sholokhov. So, during the battle, he plans to accomplish the almost impossible - to deliver shells to the Russian troops, breaking through the enemy's barrier. At this moment he does not think about the impending danger, about his own life. But the plan could not be implemented - Andrei was taken prisoner by the Nazis. But even here he does not lose heart, retains his own dignity, calmness. So, when a German soldier ordered him to take off his boots, which he liked, Sokolov, as if mocking him, also takes off his footcloths.

The work reveals various problems of Sholokhov. The fate of a person, anyone, not only Andrei, was tragic at that time. However, in front of her face, different people behave differently. Sholokhov shows the horrors that take place in the captivity of the Germans. Many people lost their face in inhuman conditions: for the sake of saving their lives or a piece of bread, they were ready to go to any betrayal, humiliation, even murder. The stronger, cleaner, higher is the personality of Sokolov, his actions and thoughts. Problems of character, courage, perseverance, honor - that's what interests the writer.

Interview with Muller

And in the face of the mortal danger that threatens Andrei (a conversation with Muller), he behaves very worthily, which even commands respect from the enemy. In the end, the Germans recognize the unbending character of this warrior.

Interestingly, the "confrontation" between Muller and Sokolov took place just at the moment when the fighting was going on near Stalingrad. The moral victory of Andrei in this context becomes, as it were, a symbol of the victory of the Russian troops.

Sholokhov (The Fate of Man) also raises other problems. One of them is the problem of the meaning of life. The hero experienced the full echoes of the war: he learned that he had lost his entire family. Hopes for a happy life are gone. He remains completely alone, having lost the meaning of existence, devastated. The meeting with Vanyusha did not allow the hero to die, to go down. In this boy, the hero found a son, a new incentive to live.

Mikhail Alexandrovich believes that steadfastness, humanism, self-esteem are traits typical of the Russian character. Therefore, our people managed to win this great and terrible war, as Sholokhov ("The Fate of Man") believes. The theme of a person is revealed by the writer in some detail, it is reflected even in the title of the story. Let's turn to him.

The meaning of the title of the story

The story "The Fate of a Man" is not named so by chance. This name, on the one hand, convinces us that the character of Andrei Sokolov is typical, and on the other hand, it also emphasizes his greatness, since Sokolov has every right to be called a Man. This work gave impetus to the revival of the classical tradition in Soviet literature. It is characterized by attention to the fate of a simple, "little man" worthy of full respect.

With the help of various techniques - a story-confession, a portrait, a speech characteristic - the author reveals the character of the hero as fully as possible. This is a simple person, majestic and beautiful, possessing a sense of dignity, strong. His fate can be called tragic, since Andrei Sokolov faced serious trials, but we still involuntarily admire him. Neither the death of loved ones, nor the war could break him. "The Fate of a Man" (Sholokhov M.A.) is a very humanistic work. The main character finds the meaning of life in helping others. This, above all, was required by the harsh post-war period.

Sokolov Boris Nikolaevich

There was such a Russia ...

These memoirs are very different from everything that we have read about that war. This does not mean that everything written before was not true. But in the memoirs of B. N. Sokolov, unexpectedly for the reader, new facets of the combat events of 1941-1945 are discovered.

Willingly or unwittingly, in the minds of several generations of Russians, a stable stereotype of the idea of ​​a Red Army soldier who fought against German fascism has already formed. Consciousness draws an honest and steadfast soldier who endures all the hardships of war, who quietly but selflessly loves his country and is ready to give his life for it at any moment. I think that this is largely true, but a very schematic representation of the front-line soldier of those years. Decades, year after year, have deformed our understanding of the truth of that war. So sea waves for centuries smooth out sharp corners on stones, turning them into smoothly polished and pleasing to the eye and heart works of nature.

Very different people fought in the war against the Nazis. It would be a profound delusion to see them as a kind of monolith, a kind of homogeneous mass. Only death made them the same, whether it was heroic or treacherous. Yes, and the nature of heroism and betrayal in its essence, in its deep structure is so complex that it does not require indiscriminate censure or lightweight exaltation. All of this needs to be seriously considered. All this should be studied in depth.

The memoirs of B. N. Sokolov give us an amazing opportunity to plunge into the complex whirlpool of human experiences. Perhaps for the first time in Russian literature, a completely unfamiliar layer of human worldviews is exposed before us. This is the worldview of an honest and educated person who found himself in the epicenter of the terrible events of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

There is not and never will be an objective memoir. All of them cover certain events from the standpoint of upbringing, character, temperament, social status of their author. The memoirs of B. N. Sokolov are no exception. The peculiarity is, perhaps, only that their author is not a commander, not a politician, not a holder of high government awards. The author of memoirs and not an ordinary fighter of the Red Army, of which there were millions. He is a rather rare occurrence. This is a man who grew up already under Soviet rule, brought up on the ideas of socialism, who became one of those who represented the first generation of Soviet intellectuals. Its distinguishing features are exceptional honesty with oneself, the absence of even a slight desire to embellish or, conversely, to denigrate the events that took place. He has an excellent memory, a clear mind and an excellent ability to express both past events and his own thoughts.

In June 1941, there were not so many volunteers in the Red Army who had behind them not only a higher educational institution, but also rich experience in leading work in production. Thirty-year-old junior lieutenant B.N. Sokolov was just that. Before volunteering for the front, he worked for a long time as an engineer, chief technologist of one of the Leningrad factories. During the 1930s, he went through military training almost every year for 2-3 months, so that he could cope with the duties of an artillery platoon commander (assistant battery commander) quite successfully. He was not a regular military man, but at the same time a man who was worn out by life, who experienced for himself what responsibility for an assigned task is. Everything in his life he used to do thoroughly, conscientiously.

He himself answers the question why he volunteered for the front, and his motivation is somewhat discouraging. Instead of the expected feeling of hatred for fascism, indignation at the arrival of foreigners in their native land, he puts forward completely different reasons. He considers his internal obedience to the law, ignorance of life "outside the usual circle", lack of independent thinking skills as the impetus for leaving as a volunteer for the front. That is, he was called to the front not so much by patriotic feelings, but by the force of inertia, the prevailing stereotype of views and actions. This may seem strange to the reader, but it is hard not to believe it.

The summer days of 1941 found B. N. Sokolov near Leningrad, in the Gatchina region. The setting he paints as an eyewitness is both familiar and unfamiliar. The author of the memoirs does not focus on the chaos that was happening around, as it has become customary to see in the works of recent years about the war. There was no panic. Rather, there was some strange combination of confusion and childish curiosity: who are the Nazis, and how did they get here? Everything lived by B. N. Sokolov in those days was not covered with a veil of fear of death. He writes that there was no paralyzing fear, but not because everyone was a hero. Rather, it resembled the activation of some protective functions of the body, and sometimes it was a simple misunderstanding of the danger of what was happening around.

Much of what the author describes seems completely strange. For example, his statement that in the war all the chiefs shout and threaten their subordinates with execution. But in this case, and in many others, the reader wants to believe him without fail. And I want to believe because in not one of his lines B.N. Sokolov is malicious, he is not hypocritical, he does not indiscriminately curse his country, its leaders and ordinary residents. The same applies to the enemy.

He happened to kill the enemy - a young German guy with a machine gun, but it was like in a fog, without high thoughts about the security of the Motherland. How similar it is to the plots described by Remarque in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front! But when he himself was wounded and taken prisoner by a German soldier, everything that happened was ordinary and seemed to be seen from the side in a slow motion movie. The German soldiers did not beat, did not torture the wounded Red Army soldier, but treated him rather indifferently, like grass in a clearing in the forest, where they warmed themselves by the fire.

A little surprised, but without servility and servility, BN Sokolov describes how a German doctor provided him and other Soviet wounded with medical care in the village of Kipen; how clearly and competently the German orderlies acted. All these events were not imbued with the spirit of mutual hatred familiar to us from books and films. Rather, it was like a kind of production process, where instead of metal parts there were people.

One of the most striking episodes of the memoirs was the description of the moral and psychological situation that prevailed among the prisoners of war when they were taken in a freight car to Pskov: they were not thinking about the high and eternal. They arranged their life, bought (who had money) water from a speculator from among their own. But when B.N. Sokolov suddenly declared publicly that the Nazis would never be able to capture Leningrad, a stream of abuse and threats fell upon him, and only a fluke saved him from lynching. How this does not fit in with our idea of ​​Soviet patriotism! But how true it is. This is another confirmation that not everything is so simple in a war, that people fighting in a war are different and very often dissimilar to each other.

The story of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" tells about the life of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Sokolov. The ensuing war took everything away from the man: family, home, faith in a brighter future. Strong-willed character and firmness of spirit did not allow Andrei to break. The meeting with the orphaned boy Vanyushka brought new meaning to Sokolov's life.

This story is included in the 9th grade literature curriculum. Before you get acquainted with the full version of the work, you can read the online summary of Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man", which will introduce the reader to the most important episodes of the "Fate of a Man".

Main characters

Andrey Sokolov- the main character of the story. He worked as a driver in wartime until the Fritz took him prisoner, where he spent 2 years. In captivity was listed under the number 331.

Anatoly- the son of Andrei and Irina, who went to the front during the war. Becomes a battery commander. Anatoly died on Victory Day, he was killed by a German sniper.

Vanyushka- an orphan, adopted son of Andrei.

Other characters

Irina- Andrew's wife

Kryzhnev- traitor

Ivan Timofeevich- Andrew's neighbor

Nastenka and Olushka- Sokolov's daughters

On the Upper Don came the first spring after the war. The scorching sun touched the ice on the river and a flood began, turning the roads into a blurry slurry that was not passable.

The author of the story at this time of off-road had to get to the Bukanovskaya station, which was about 60 km away. He reached the crossing over the Elanka River and, together with the driver accompanying him, swam across in a boat full of holes from old age to the other side. The driver swam away again, and the narrator remained waiting for him. Since the driver promised to return only after 2 hours, the narrator decided to take a smoke break. He took out cigarettes that got wet during the crossing and laid them out to dry in the sun. The narrator sat down on the wattle fence and became thoughtful.

Soon, he was distracted from his thoughts by a man with a boy, who were moving towards the crossing. The man approached the narrator, greeted him and asked if it would be long to wait for the boat. We decided to smoke together. The narrator wanted to ask the interlocutor where he was heading with his little son in such impassability. But the man was ahead of him and started talking about the past war.
So the narrator got acquainted with a brief retelling of the life story of a man whose name was Andrey Sokolov.

Life before the war

Andrey had a hard time even before the war. As a young boy, he went to the Kuban to work for kulaks (wealthy peasants). It was a harsh period for the country: it was 1922, the time of famine. So Andrei's mother, father and sister died of starvation. He was left all alone. He returned to his homeland only a year later, sold his parents' house and married the orphan Irina. Andrei got a good wife, obedient and not grouchy. Irina loved and respected her husband.

Soon the young couple had children: first, the son Anatoly, and then the daughters Olyushka and Nastenka. The family settled down well: they lived in abundance, they rebuilt their house. If earlier Sokolov drank with friends after work, now he hurried home to his beloved wife and children. In the 29th, Andrei left the factory and began working as a driver. Another 10 years flew by for Andrei unnoticed.

The war came unexpectedly. Andrei Sokolov received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and he leaves for the front.

War time

Sokolov was escorted to the front with the whole family. A bad premonition tormented Irina: as if for the last time she was seeing her husband.

During the distribution, Andrei received a military truck and went to the front for his steering wheel. But he did not have to fight for a long time. During the German offensive, Sokolov was given the task of supplying ammunition to soldiers in a hot spot. But it was not possible to bring the shells to their own - the Nazis blew up the truck.

When Andrei, who had miraculously survived, woke up, he saw an overturned truck and detonated ammunition. And the battle was already going somewhere behind. Andrey then realized that he was right in the encirclement of the Germans. The Nazis immediately noticed the Russian soldier, but they did not kill him - labor was needed. So Sokolov ended up in captivity along with fellow soldiers.

The captives were herded into a local church to spend the night. Among those arrested was a military doctor who made his way in the dark and questioned each soldier about the presence of injuries. Sokolov was very worried about his arm, dislocated during the explosion, when he was thrown out of the truck. The doctor adjusted Andrey's limb, for which the soldier was very grateful to him.

The night was restless. Soon one of the prisoners began to ask the Germans to release him to relieve himself. But the senior escort forbade anyone to let out of the church. The prisoner could not stand it and wept: “I can’t,” he says, “desecrate the holy temple! I'm a believer, I'm a Christian!" . The Germans shot the annoying pilgrimage and several other prisoners.

After that, the arrested fell silent for a while. Then conversations began in a whisper: they began to ask each other who came from where and how they were captured.

Sokolov heard a quiet conversation next to him: one of the soldiers threatened the platoon leader that he would tell the Germans that he was not a simple private, but a communist. The man who threatened, as it turned out, was called Kryzhnev. The platoon commander begged Kryzhnev not to extradite him to the Germans, but he stood his ground, arguing that "his own shirt is closer to the body."

After hearing Andrey shook with rage. He decided to help the platoon leader and kill the vile party member. For the first time in his life, Sokolov killed a man, and it became so disgusting to him, as if he "strangled some creeping reptile."

camp work

In the morning, the Nazis began to find out which of the prisoners belonged to the Communists, commissars and Jews, in order to shoot them on the spot. But there were none, as well as traitors who could betray.

When the arrested were driven to the camp, Sokolov began to think how he could escape to his own. Once such a case presented itself to the prisoner, he managed to escape and break away from the camp for 40 km. Only in the footsteps of Andrei were dogs, and soon he was caught. The incited dogs tore all his clothes on him and bit him into blood. Sokolov was placed in a punishment cell for a month. After the punishment cell, 2 years of hard work, hunger, and bullying followed.

Sokolov got to work in a stone quarry, where the prisoners "manually hammered, cut, crushed German stone." More than half of the workers died from hard work. Andrei somehow could not stand it, and uttered reckless words in the direction of the cruel Germans: “They need four cubic meters of output, and one cubic meter through the eyes is enough for each of us.”

There was a traitor among his own, and reported this to the Fritz. The next day, Sokolov was asked to visit the German authorities. But before leading the soldier to be shot, the commandant of the block Muller offered him a drink and a snack for the victory of the Germans.

Almost looking into the eyes of death, the brave fighter refused such an offer. Muller only smiled and ordered Andrei to drink for his death. The prisoner had nothing to lose, and he drank to get rid of his torment. Despite the fact that the fighter was very hungry, he never touched the appetizer of the Nazis. The Germans poured a second glass to the arrested man and again offered him a bite to eat, to which Andrey replied to the German: “Sorry, Herr Commandant, I’m not used to having a bite even after the second glass.” The Nazis laughed, poured Sokolov a third glass and decided not to kill him, because he showed himself to be a real soldier loyal to his homeland. He was released into the camp, and for his courage they were given a loaf of bread and a piece of lard. The block divided the provisions equally.

The escape

Soon Andrei gets to work at the mines in the Ruhr region. It was 1944, Germany began to surrender its positions.

By chance, the Germans learn that Sokolov is a former driver, and he enters the service of the German office "Todte". There he becomes the personal driver of a fat Fritz, an army major. After some time, the German major was sent to the front line, and Andrei along with him.

Again, the prisoner began to visit thoughts of escaping to his own. Once Sokolov noticed a drunken non-commissioned officer, led him around the corner and took off all his uniforms. Andrei hid the uniform under the seat in the car, and also hid the weight and telephone wire. Everything was ready to carry out the plan.

One morning, Major Andrei orders to take him outside the city, where he supervised the construction. On the way, the German dozed off, and as soon as they left the city, Sokolov took out a weight and stunned the German. After that, the hero took out a hidden uniform, quickly changed clothes and drove at full speed towards the front.

This time, the brave soldier managed to get to his own with the German "present". We met him as a real hero and promised to present him for a state award.
They gave the fighter a month off: to get medical treatment, to rest, to see his relatives.

For starters, Sokolov was sent to the hospital, from where he immediately wrote a letter to his wife. 2 weeks have passed. An answer comes from the motherland, but not from Irina. The letter was written by their neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. This message was not joyful: Andrei's wife and daughters died back in 1942. The Germans blew up the house where they lived. Only a deep hole remained from their hut. Only the eldest son, Anatoly, survived, who, after the death of his relatives, asked to go to the front.

Andrei arrived in Voronezh, looked at the place where his house used to stand, and now a pit filled with rusty water, and on the same day went back to the division.

Looking forward to meeting my son

For a long time Sokolov did not believe his misfortune, he grieved. Andrei lived only with the hope of seeing his son. Correspondence began between them from the front, and the father learns that Anatoly became the division commander and received many awards. Pride overwhelmed Andrei for his son, and in his thoughts he already began to draw how he and his son would live after the war, how he would become a grandfather and nurse his grandchildren, having met a calm old age.

At this time, the Russian troops were rapidly advancing and pushing the Nazis to the German border. Now it was not possible to correspond, and only towards the end of spring did my father receive news from Anatoly. The soldiers came close to the German border - on May 9, the end of the war came.

Excited, happy Andrei was looking forward to meeting his son. But his joy was short-lived: Sokolov was informed that a German sniper shot down the battery commander on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day. Anatoly's father saw him off on his last journey, burying his son on German soil.

post-war period

Soon Sokolov was demobilized, but he did not want to return to Voronezh because of difficult memories. Then he remembered a military friend from Uryupinsk, who invited him to his place. That's where the veteran went.

A friend lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, they had no children. Andrey's friend hired him to work as a driver. After work, Sokolov often went into the tearoom to have a glass or two. Near the teahouse, Sokolov noticed a homeless boy of 5-6 years old. Andrei found out that the name of the homeless child was Vanyushka. The child was left without parents: the mother died during the bombing, and the father was killed at the front. Andrew decided to adopt a child.

Sokolov brought Vanya to the house where he lived with a married couple. The boy was washed, fed and clothed. The child of his father began to accompany him on every flight and would never agree to stay at home without him.

So the son and his father would have lived for a long time in Uryupinsk, if not for one incident. Once Andrei was driving a truck in bad weather, the car skidded, and he knocked down a cow. The animal remained unharmed, and Sokolov was deprived of his driver's license. Then the man signed off with another colleague from Kashara. He invited him to work with him and promised that he would help him get new rights. So they are now on their way with their son to the Kashar region. Andrei admitted to the narrator that he would not have survived long in Uryupinsk anyway: longing did not allow him to stay in one place.

Everything would be fine, but Andrei's heart began to play pranks, he was afraid he would not stand it, and his little son would be left alone. Every day, the man began to see his deceased relatives as if they were calling him to him: “I talk about everything with Irina and with the kids, but I just want to push the wire apart with my hands - they leave me, as if melting before my eyes ... And this is an amazing thing: during the day I always hold myself tight, you can’t squeeze a “ooh” or a sigh out of me, but at night I wake up, and the whole pillow is wet with tears ... "

A boat appeared. This was the end of the story of Andrei Sokolov. He said goodbye to the author, and they moved towards the boat. With sadness, the narrator looked after these two close, orphaned people. He wanted to believe in the best, in the best future fate of these strangers to him, who became close to him in a couple of hours.

Vanyushka turned and waved goodbye to the narrator.


In the work, Sholokhov raises the problem of humanity, loyalty and betrayal, courage and cowardice in war. The conditions in which Andrei Sokolov's life put him did not break him as a person. And the meeting with Vanya gave him hope and purpose in life.

Having become acquainted with the short story “The Fate of a Man”, we recommend that you read the full version of the work.

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