Anatoly Kashpirovsky interview. "You understand, he is a hypnotist"


As it became known to AIF, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who gathered a multimillion-dollar audience on his television appearances, did not disappear anywhere. He still holds his sessions in Russia and abroad, including in the USA. Only now he calls these events differently: “creative evenings” and “conferences”. “I have a Russian passport and a residence permit in Ukraine,” the psychotherapist told an AiF correspondent. - In the USA, where I have the opportunity to perform, both immigrants, my old fans, and Native Americans come to me. In addition, I tour the world: in Israel, Germany, Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Bulgaria. But I live in Russia. I have an apartment in Moscow.

Now Kashpirovsky is in Novosibirsk. Then he has scheduled tours in Irkutsk and Moscow. He explains his absence on TV as follows: “They just cut off my oxygen there, that's all. But people still believe me."

"Rebirth of the Flesh"

Not so long ago, Kashpirovsky held a series of performances under catchy posters “I came to resurrect the living,” and then wrote a book with the same title. “This phrase is my old aphorism, emphasizing the main focus of my work: the revival of a dying or already dead one or another part of the physical flesh, anatomy,” he tried to explain to me. - For example, dead teeth, hair, dead tissue of the heart, esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, breast. The resurrection of individual particles and parts occurs within the same living organism, which was threatened with death due to various violations. Hence such a seemingly paradoxical, I would say, poetic name, which has nothing to do with religious resurrection. I'm not in the business of raising the dead. Let others do it. But if something partially died in a person and can be recreated, this is for me.”

On June 29, a fighter against snoring, Kashpirovsky held an action, which he called just as loudly - “World Remote Nose Correction”. It was intended for those who have long-term problems with nasal breathing and snoring. Its essence, as Kashpirovsky explains, is not only in the instant correction of the nose, but also in the absolute absence of visual, audio and video contacts with the psychotherapist himself. Participants of the action at that time could be in any corner of the globe. There was only one condition: during the action it was necessary to concentrate for 3 minutes, and then not touch your nose for 6 hours.

In the near future, the once legendary telemagician plans to hold a similar campaign to tighten the skin of the face and neck. He is officially divorced, but if he ever finds one for whom he himself will be a "god", he promises to immediately legitimize the relationship.

Kashpirovsky, who is already 78 years old, is in excellent physical shape for his age and supports it with daily sports. “Six years ago I squatted with 255 kg on my back,” he says. “Now I’m pumping the press - there are a thousand press lifts a day, or even more.” He still squats 1200 times today: 600 in the morning and 600 in the evening. “I cured 10 million people of diseases,” says Kashpirovsky. - The figure was not set by me, but by independent experts. But even if a million or 100 thousand - what of it? Name me a doctor who has so many cured, and remotely, without operations and drugs! But no one honors me. For example, some clown has an anniversary, and he is congratulated all day on TV. And if I have - silence. Why? I do a lot for the health of society. But they don't see it. Therefore, I act like a boxer who fights in the ring with handcuffs behind his back: I box with my chin, chest, shoulders. They don't let me turn around. But I'm getting through."

On October 9, at the age of 83, one of the most famous "healers" in the post-Soviet space, Allan Chumak, died. In the 1990s, he and Anatoly Kashpirovsky forced millions of people to turn on televisions and charge cans of water and creams in front of screens. Despite this, both psychics were distrustful of each other's abilities. "360" remembered the history of this confrontation.

Chumak received a journalistic education and worked on television for several years. He admitted that in the late 1970s, when he was writing exposés about charlatans-healers, he felt new abilities in himself. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Chumak became probably one of the most popular people in the country. Speaking on television, he allegedly "charged" water and other substances that viewers put up at the screens. People believed that the power of a psychic would help them heal.

Unlike him, Kashpirovsky had a solid experience in medicine - he graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, and then worked for 25 years in a psychiatric hospital in Vinnitsa. His first public sessions also took place at the end of the 1980s, when the program “Health sessions of the psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky” was released, during which he gave attitudes to health and wealth and allegedly healed many diseases. Kashpirovsky claimed that in six such sessions he was able to cure 10 million people.

Despite the fact that dozens and hundreds of psychics appeared in the country at the turn of the eras, it was Chumak and Kashpirovsky who became the main "healers" of the country. It is not surprising that extreme hostility arose between them. For example, both of them argued for a long time which of them was the first to speak on television. Chumak in an interview with KP claimed that it was him.

You know, it's like an argument in the spirit of: "the fool himself." All this can be checked (and is being checked) in the archives of the central television for the 89th year - who was the first to conduct the sessions, who was the second. I did the first session.

- Allan Chumak.

Kashpirovsky, in turn, claimed that he conducted the first session long before Chumak. He admitted this in an interview with the program "The Truth Is Somewhere Near." “It was a cycle of programs in Ukraine in 1988. In the same year there were two teleconferences: Kyiv - Moscow and Moscow - Kyiv,” he said.

In the same program, Kashpirovsky said that he began to dislike his colleague after he did not appreciate his joke.

I went up and grabbed him from behind, took a finger by a finger. At that time, my strength was not small, I'm still an athlete. I crushed him. He let's rush about, but he can't escape. I let him go, and he told me such rudeness and with such a sense of hostility ... I told him: "Sorry, Madame Chumak." Because this behavior was not masculine. And that's it, Chumak's face was exposed

- Anatoly Kashpirovsky.

Both "healers" also regularly criticized each other's abilities. For example, Kashpirovsky stated that his competitor simply did not have them. “Chumak is not a healer. I created it with my mind. In 1989, leaving the Vzglyad program, I told the editors that now anyone can be put in my place, even a kefir bag, and people will believe in him. They took my words seriously, put Chumak’s “energy-releasing” on the TV and made a business out of it, ”the psychotherapist claimed.

Fyodor Bondarchuk in the image of the healer Viktor Stavitsky in the TV series "Wonderworker".

Chumak had a similar opinion about his opponent's talents.

It is he who considers me his rival, but I do not. We generally do different things. You understand, he is a hypnotist. On stage, he performs in the genre of pop hypnosis. […]You know, this blasphemy has been pouring out of his mouth since 1989. But everything I do is confirmed by experiments, recorded. And I have a state patent for charging water

Allan Chumak.

A new dispute between the two psychics flared up after the release of the series "Wonderworker", in which Fyodor Bondarchuk and Philip Yankovsky played two healers, clearly reminiscent of Chumak and Kashpirovsky. Both reacted to the film with skepticism. Kashpirovsky, for example, stated that in the series Chumak is shown as a real psychic, although Kashpirovsky considers him a plagiarist. His words are quoted by Life.

Tthere is neither my expressions nor my behavior, there is no historical truth. I saw Chumak a couple of times, and he is older than me, and here is a young hero. What is Chumak? It was a plagiarizer of my case created by [journalists] Belozerov and Solovyov. I broke up with them, so they remembered. And Chumak - he just waved his arms and smacked his lips, that's his whole mission, but here he does completely different things - and moves the glasses and that's it. Fantasy!

Anatoly Kashpirovsky.

RIA Novosti / Yuri Abramochkin

"They were very different"

The finalist of the sixth season of the Battle of Psychics, Ziraddin Rzayev, told 360 that it was incorrect to compare the two healers, since they acted in different areas, like many other people with supernatural powers in the 1990s. At the same time, he stressed that he always had respect for Chumak.

They were completely different, not similar to each other. The work of Kashpirovsky has always been interesting to me. His work is more like hypnosis. And Alan Chumak, I think, was a healer. The 1990s were the most difficult time in the history of the CIS. But Alan Chumak gave people hope. At least psychological support was

Ziraddin Rzaev.

Margarita Bakhtiyarova, a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, admitted in an interview with 360 that she considers Kashpirovsky a real psychic. “I can call Kashpirovsky a healer. But he [Chumak] is not. This is concrete plagiarism, this is stolen skill. This is very common in the world of esotericism and magic when the author's techniques of other specialists are stolen,” she said.

The witch Evgenia Belova, in a conversation with 360, stated that both Kashpirovsky and Chumak have supernatural powers. At the same time, she noted that only those people who attended the sessions of both specialists should compare them. Belova emphasized that both healers use different methods.

They use different energy supply. At Anatoly Kashpirovsky, she is more collected, he gives out such a beam of energy. Allan Chumak is more relaxed in this sense, he sprays it around. He is confident in his abilities, but he sprays her a little

Evgenia Belova.

Most likely, everyone remembers Anatoly Kashpirovsky with his health sessions as a psychotherapist. Now you can’t see him on TV, but it is known that Kashpirovsky is still not forgotten and in demand.

The 77-year-old man spends all his time traveling, hosting parties in Russia and the US.

Meetings with Kashpirovsky are held in New York, in one of the hotels on the outskirts of the city. Now these are not health sessions, now Anatoly's mass gatherings are called mass hypnosis, conferences, or generally creative evenings.

People from Alexander's entourage say that he visits Russia and also successfully carries out work. At the moment he is in America, busy with receptions there. There, his presence causes great excitement, people always expect his arrival.

More recently, Kashpirovsky again carried out large-scale work. It spread all over the world! Anatoly promised to heal everyone from snoring. No doctors or special treatment is required: only concentrate as much as possible for three minutes, and then do not touch your nose for 6 hours.

Why is this action unusual? No contacts needed. In three minutes without visual impact and even without voice impact, Kashpirovsky was going to influence thousands of people, program at a distance, cure his nose.

Sergei Zhorin, the healer's lawyer, says Kashpirovsky has not lost his form. Despite his age, he looks very good.

His daily rate is 1200 squats.

Officially, Anatoly is not married. But do not despair. He will also meet the perfect woman to marry.

A healer once said that he does not use hypnosis in his practice. The work is built on faith. Kashpirovsky clarified: he does not require people to believe in him, but he believes in them boundlessly.

Once upon a time, his sessions were a great success. They were eagerly awaited and listened to every word. Well, and whether to trust the miracles of Kashpirovsky, let everyone decide for himself.

It should be noted right away that many meetings with Kashpirovsky will be free.

Tearing apart and kissing hands

On the official website of the psychotherapist, fragments of video reports about Kashpirovsky's recent tour of Russia are posted. Many people come to meet him.

... Kashpirovsky is sitting at a table covered with a red tablecloth, and to the enveloping music into the microphone, in a calm, slightly lulling voice, he conveys his philosophy of life: “Do not want, do not strive, do not desire! Our body is terrified of our thoughts. A person can influence himself at the level of the mind and feelings, but not at the level of tissues. It only takes me a few minutes to teach you not to want. Desire is dangerous, your body protests against desires with various diseases..

At the end of a 3-hour performance in Barnaul, when Kashpirovsky came to the edge of the stage, the crowd rushed to him, as if to some world-class star. Some fans, with tears in their eyes, just tried to stroke him, others thanked him and asked him to come more often, and still others silently kissed his hands ... Judging by the videos, the psychotherapist spent quite a lot of time on the farewell ceremony ...

By the way, Kashpirovsky emphasizes that he does not consider himself a psychic and generally has a sharply negative attitude towards various healers and magicians, as well as recently popular programs with their participation.

On his website, Anatoly Mikhailovich himself answers some remarks of visitors, informs about the most important events in his life, but does not enter into detailed discussions, limiting himself to short remarks.

Where does such disinterestedness come from?

About a month ago, Kashpirovsky gave a half-hour interview to the Krasnoyarsk "Authoritative Radio". The journalist clarified why most psychotherapist sessions are free, because many psychics earn money from such meetings.

“I really don’t like talking about such topics., - at first, the psychotherapist answered rather sharply. — You need to talk about money with Prokhorov, Berezovsky - they have billions, but I don’t. Why don't you ask me about the fact that I created a fund for the memory of the deceasedXpolicemanovin Tashkent, how many families I supportedAfghans, athletes? I did not advertise all this, because it was embarrassing. I thought it was right to share with people who need it. I gave apartments ... And now I travel to different cities, people say: thanks to you, one thing has passed, another, a third ... I fix it all. On my site there is a chapter "Patients" - there are all these stories. If you make performances paid, how many people will come? Crisis, it's hard for people. And so the halls are full. And I have the richest material for statistics, for my scientific work.

The secret of youth

Anatoly Kashpirovsky tells little about himself. Lives in Moscow, travels to Dnepropetrovsk to see friends, to Poland, sometimes in the States.

Last year it was reported that Kashpirovsky intended to divorce his wife in order to legalize relations with another woman.

“Psychotherapist and chief perestroika magician Anatoly Kashpirovsky filed for divorce with the Tushinsky District Court of Moscow,” newspapers wrote . - In it, he asks to dissolve the marriage with a citizen of the Czech Republic, Irina, with whom he lived for 19 years. It is curious that only the stamps in their passports testify to the marriage of the couple - Anatoly and Irina live separately and have not seen or communicated with each other for six years. Irina is in Karlovy Vary, and the psychotherapist is in the Moscow district of Mitino. They signed in Kazan in 1992, but in 2005 they decided to leave».

There were no press reports that the doctor had remarried.

On August 11 this year, Kashpirovsky turned 73 years old. However, everyone notes that he looks much younger than his age.

Anatoly Mikhailovich himself says this: in order to live long and look young, you need to know a few secrets.

“The first thing to do is before, how to be bornchoose the right mom and dad, he told reporters. — On my mother’s side, I especially have a lot of centenarians, so everything is fine with me. Second, don't smoke. This evil! I always tell guys who smoke: you followers of fools! Further alcohol: until the age of 33, I did not drink at all. Then he drank, but very little. And the lastand, perhaps, it is the main thing - you need to be chronically in love, being in love greatly rejuvenates.

It is noticeable that Kashpirovsky (formerly a master of sports in weightlifting) is in excellent physical shape. At the last meetings in Russia, in one of the interviews, he said that he could easily challenge any “pitching”: “I lift 220-250 kilograms easily!”

Genius or swindler?

According to Kashpirovsky himself, the subject of his psychological impact is primarily physical violations of the human body: “It is impossible to cure a sick brain, I don’t treat a sick brain.” “Using a set of psychotherapeutic techniques, Kashpirovsky “turns on” a self-regulation system in a person, which ensures the production of the necessary drugs in the body to cope with pain, as well as with a particular disease,”— written in Wikipedia.

In the universal Internet encyclopedia on the page about Anatoly Kashpirovsky, there are both positive reviews about his treatment methods, and sharply negative ones. Some idolize him, consider him phenomenally gifted, while others call him a fraudster and recall various scandals and incidents.

And on the one hand, and on the other hand, well-reasoned opinions are given by authoritative people with academic degrees, representatives of the church and other experts.

In a word, to believe or not to believe in Kashpirovsky - everyone decides for himself.


Where will the meetings with Kashpirovsky take place?

At the Palace of Culture of Veterans

18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - at 11.00, 13.00 free of charge.

At the Palace of Culture MAZ

24, 25, 27, 29, 30 - 17.00 and 1900 (ticket price 200,000), at 11.00 and 14.00 (free)

From a personal matter

Anatoly Kashpirovsky is a psychotherapist who gained fame in 1989 thanks to the telecasts “Health sessions of the psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky”, which were held on the Central Television of the USSR.

He graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, then worked in a psychiatric hospital for 25 years.

In 1987, he was a psychotherapist of the USSR national weightlifting team.

In 1988-1989 he was the head of the Republican Center for Psychotherapy in Kyiv.

In 1988, Anatoly Kashpirovsky conducted five television programs for children on Ukrainian television in order to rid them of enuresis.

During two teleconferences (Moscow-Kiev in 1988 and Kiev-Tbilisi in 1989), under the guidance and with the participation of Academician G. Ioseliani, he gave anesthesia to three patients: during the removal of a breast tumor and during surgical operations on the abdominal cavity.

In 1989, he conducted six programs on television “Health sessions of the psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky”, where Alexei Mitrofanov contributed to his appearance.

In 1993, his monograph "Non-Specific Group Psychotherapy", author's books "Awakening", "Thoughts on the way to you", "Believe in yourself" were published.

Photo captions:

Anatoly Kashpirovsky.

It's still being torn to pieces.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky [born in 1939] is the most famous psychotherapist in the post-Soviet space, as well as a master of sports in weightlifting. He became universally known and recognizable after two teleconferences and six telecasts in 1988 and 1989. People on the street still recognize Kashpirovsky.

1. Anatoly Kashpirovsky became famous throughout the USSR as a psychotherapist and healer, after two teleconferences and six telecasts:

  • the first teleconference "Moscow-Kyiv" dated March 31, 1988, during which Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who was in Moscow, remotely anesthetized the operation on the chest of the patient Lyubov Grabovskaya, who was operated on in Kyiv. The operation was carried out without the use of anesthesia and, according to Kashpirovsky, without the use of hypnosis. According to Anatoly Kashpirovsky, there are more powerful methods of influence than hypnosis.
  • the second teleconference "Kyiv-Tbilisi" dated March 2, 1989, during which Anatoly Kashpirovsky from Kyiv remotely anesthetized two abdominal operations.
  • in 1989 he participated in six telecasts “Health session of a psychotherapist Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky».

2. 25 years old Anatoly Kashpirovsky worked in a special department of neuroses in the Vinnitsa psychiatric hospital named after academician A.I. Yushchenko. Professionally dealt with neurosis, neurasthenia, hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, fears, insomnia. He also worked in the department, which was called the "cemetery of reason" - the gerontological department, where 100 mentally ill women lay.

3. Kashpirovsky took part in negotiations between federal forces and terrorists led by Shamil Basayev during the terrorist act in Budyonnovsk. As the former inter-district prosecutor of Budyonnovsk Sergey Gamayunov recalls in his book Budyonnovsk: Ten Years Later:

“Kashpirovsky was the one who promised first to put them all to sleep and hypnotize, and in the end, when he saw all this blood, he saw these hostages, who were 20-30 people in the ward, exhausted, frightened, he felt bad there, and they literally carried him out in their arms.”

However, some hostages thanks to Kashpirovsky, nevertheless, managed to be saved. There is a video in which Shamil Basayev talks about this.

Psychotherapy session from the master

4. The most common meme with Kashpirovsky’s teaching is water containers in front of the TV, on the screen of which is Kashpirovsky. Allegedly, Kashpirovsky charged water from the screen. Contrary to popular belief, Kashpirovsky never charged water. This was done by psychic Allan Chumak. Kashpirovsky about Chumak spoke negatively:

“I know where he came from. It was created by my director. We broke up with him, and he put Chumak in the frame instead of me. And he could not do anything, only drove with his hands, lied that he was charging water, objects. He stole my TV treatment idea and caricatured it terribly."

5. In 1990, Polish television honored Anatoly Kashpirovsky the prestigious Victoria Award. He received the award for the most popular series of programs "Television Clinic A. Kashpirovsky". For the improvement of the Polish nation, at the same time, the President of Poland, Lech Walesa, personally thanked him.

6. Anatoly Kashpirovsky does not like being called a psychic and does not believe in the existence of the latter. Anatoly Kashpirovsky- psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences and honorary doctor of sciences.

7. Anatoly Kashpirovsky was elected to the State Duma of Russia from the Liberal Democratic Party in 1993.

March 5, 1994 Kashpirovsky announced his withdrawal from the LDPR faction (by fax from America), accusing party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky of racism and war propaganda. However, upon his return to Russia in April 1994, Kashpirovsky remained in the faction. He finally left it on July 1, 1995.

8. Quotes Anatoly Kashpirovsky:

  • "The best country is the country of childhood."
  • “Everyone wants to please women. If there were no women, then all bodybuilding halls would be closed. Nobody would train."
  • “I don't consider myself unique. I have a different way of thinking about phenomena that already seem to be finished. And nothing in the world ends, any truth is relative. Therefore, everything that is available today has come into conflict with what I think. Rather, I entered into a contradiction. And right there, it gave me the opportunity to expand my horizons.”
  • “Every person has many weaknesses, it makes no sense to talk about them. If it were not for these weaknesses, I would be on a different pedestal, in other dimensions. I have such a weakness: I very often fall in love with people, just people, and then they let me down. They just sometimes don't do what I thought. Excessive kindness is also punishable.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky, TV show "Alone with everyone" from 02/02/2015

Therapeutic session from Anatoly Kashpirovsky

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