Andrey Bandera - biography, personal life, family, wife. Lyrics (words) by Andrey Bandera Singer Andrey Bandera real name


There are performers and, accordingly, their fans. So, a fairly large audience of spectators is collected by chanson singers. Many mistakenly believe that this genre is the prerogative of people who have visited places not so remote. This is absolutely not true. France is rightfully considered the birthplace of chanson. And its performers are world-famous Edith Piaf, Mireille Mathieu, Joe Dassin and others. In Russia, this musical direction was turned in the other direction - it is diametrically opposed to its French counterpart. However, they have one thing in common: both European and Russian chanson were developed by people, most of whom have never been in prison.

Popular chansonnier

One of the popular representatives of this is Andrey Bandera. The biography of many chansonniers has common features. So, many of them came to music not at a young age. Their vocation was sometimes found in the most inappropriate places for creativity. For example, in underground mines. That is how Andrey Bandera came into the music show business. The biography of this artist for a long time was a description of the standard events in the life of an average Russian person. And now he is known throughout the country.

The work of this artist is popular, understandable, but at the same time it is not an example of a primitive prison theme. As the singer himself notes: “Why sing about what you know only by hearsay?”.

Andrey Bandera appeared on the modern stage relatively recently. His name became popular after the successful rotation of the song "Ivushki" on the radio. It was 2004. And before that there was a long way of several decades.

Gypsy gifts

On April 25, 1971, Andrei Bandera was born in the city of Kizel. His biography has kept on its pages the real name of the singer - Eduard Izmestiev. The future popular performer was born into a family of hereditary Cossacks. The formation of his personality was greatly influenced by the gypsy camp, which was located in the village adjacent to the city. It was there that they instilled in the boy a love of music and taught him to sing deeply and sonorously, with anguish, putting a piece of his soul into every note.

Probably, along with creative talents, Andrey was transferred from the gypsies and a craving for wandering. As a teenager, he often hitchhiked. However, he still had dreams of linking his future with music.

Music miner

A mining technical school was located in his native city, where, after graduating from the eight-year school, Andrey Bandera entered in 1985. The biography of the next two years of his life is filled with events from the "underground" world: mines, sounds of dust and hard, wear and tear work. It was there, under the layers of the earth's crust, that the idea of ​​becoming a singer was born.

In 1987, Andrey Bandera organizes the Atlantis musical group. Together with the group, he performs at various venues and participates in competitions. The group released eleven albums.

Then comes the decision to conquer Moscow. And since 1999, a new stage of life began, which can be described as "the path to fame for chansonnier Andrey Bandera." He acted as an arranger for the popular singer Dima Bilan. Then - Vitas.

Recognition and love of the public

And in 2004, thanks to the Chanson radio, Russia fell in love with a new musical artist with all her heart. They became the singer Andrey Bandera. The biography of the chansonnier has been replenished with new pages: the solo career of a sought-after and beloved by the public artist begins. Since 2007, three albums of the talented singer have been released, he is invited to shoot music programs and anniversary concerts of famous artists.

Andrey Bandera always listens sensitively to the opinion of his fans. They are also his first critics.

Lyrics (words) by Andrey Bandera

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Biography of Andrei Bandera
Andrey Bandera (Real name: Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestiev); born April 25, 1971, Kizel, Perm region, USSR) is a Russian composer, arranger, sound engineer, sound producer and songwriter. The name, image, rights to the repertoire and recorded songs of Andrei Bandera belong to the Moscow production company Soyuz Production, which produces it. The authors of the image and pseudonym "Andrey Bandera" are the general producer of this company Vyacheslav Klimenkov and the general director Elena Podkolzina. The pseudonym appeared by analogy with the "Ukrainian" pseudonyms of the blat song performers Petlyura (Yura Barabash) and Viktor Petlyura, which from the moment it appeared, caused indignation of both "Ukrainian nationalists" and "patriotic circles" in Russia.

He graduated from the Kizelovsky Mining College in 1989 with a degree in mining electromechanics. For some time he worked at the mine and sang in the evenings in a restaurant. In 1999 he moved to Moscow, worked as an arranger at the Soyuz Production studio, is currently pursuing a solo career, and is married.

The name of Andrei Bandera was heard quite recently. After the rotation of his songs “Ivushki”, “Rus” and “Maple” on “Radio Chanson”, the Internet became interested in the singer’s work. And the radio station's telephones were bursting with a flurry of calls. Andrey's success had nothing to do with PR technologies or advertising, he was not a participant in artificial scandals and did not make populist statements. He just sang...

The only resource where one could find information about Andrei Bandera was his strict official website It is there that the singer communicates with fans and admirers. A direct connection was required between the artist and the production team for the realization of the unique idea of ​​folk production. Musical material, working versions and arrangements were presented to the audience, who, communicating with the artist and among themselves, participate in the birth of songs.

He started playing music at school. The first instrument is drums. After school he entered the Kizelovsky Mining College. As a student at a technical school, he decided to seriously engage in music and in 1987 he created the Atlantis group, was at the same time its musical director, author of music and lyrics, arranger and performer of songs in the pop music genre. In 1990, together with the Atlantis group, he became a laureate of the regional television competition for young performers (Perm). As part of the Atlantis ensemble, he recorded 11 albums, the songs “Candles”, “5 Minutes”, “Half” from the last album “Doctor Time” (1997?) sounded on the air of Avtoradio (Perm). In total, about 100 songs were written during this period.

The work of Andrei Bandera is understandable, but not primitive; available, but not marginal. He is honest with himself and his listeners, does not exploit the prison theme, since he has never served time, does not force his voice, hoarsely portraying "he who has seen a lot in his lifetime." Penetrating vocals with a share of gypsy intonations - the voice of an open person who sincerely loves life. The arrangements are carefully thought out and weighed, there is no excessive pretentiousness in them, enough "air" is left. This balance was facilitated by both folk production and friends involved in the creative process - professional musicians, including Viktor, Andrey's younger brother, who became the backing vocalist of the group.

Andrei is 35 years old, and everything he had to do in life is somehow connected with music. Born into a family of hereditary Kuban Cossacks, he spent a lot of time in a gypsy camp near the village. It was the gypsies, these eternal wanderers, who taught the boy to sing in a special way. Friendship with the gypsies gave birth in him to a passion for the road and freedom, instilled a love for horses. As a teenager, he runs away from home and hitchhikes the country for several years, making a living singing. Knows the need and all the hardships of a vagabond life. Later, Bandera gets a job in a restaurant, where he improves his guitar playing skills, masters keyboard instruments and computer musical technologies.

In the late 90s, Andrey Bandera moved to Moscow, where he began working (arranger) with the production company Soyuz Production. Participated in the creation of the first albums of Dima Bilan, then collaborated with Vitas for 7 years (2000-2006), and also worked with other pop singers, participated in the recording of A. Marshal's albums. In 2000, Andrey Bandera made his debut as a chansonnier with the song “Across the Stage” (collection “Kalina Krasnaya” -4), then in the chanson genre he performed the songs “Feat” and “We will cross”, which were included in A. Marshal's album “Father Arseny” ( 2002). But these songs did not receive a wide response from the public. Only in 2004, the folk song "Ivushki", performed on the radio "Chanson", made him popular and launched his solo career. The first public performance in Moscow took place on November 1, 2006 on the stage of the "Olympic" in the concert of radio "Chanson" "Eh-eh, Razgulyay!". On February 12, 2007, the first solo album “Because I Love” was released, followed by a concert tour of the cities of Russia. On February 12, 2009, the second album was released - "It's impossible not to love." Andrei's first songs are heard on Russian radio stations. In 2004, "Radio Shanson" for the first time aired the compositions of Andrey Bandera.

Andrey Bandera's debut album "Because I Love" was released on February 12, 2007. Sold out in bulk, constantly reprinted.

The singer's repertoire consists of folk songs in his own arrangement, songs based on poems by S. Yesenin (“Rus”, “You are my fallen maple”, “Weaved out on the lake ...”, “Rash, talyanka”), modern pop songs, the genre of which he defined as a "new Russian song" combining "pop and soulful lyrics".

A feature of the song performance is the characteristic gypsy motifs and intonations inherent in each of his songs, which gave rise to a legend about traveling around the country with a gypsy camp, replicated by the media.

Now Andrey rehearses a lot with his group, begins concert activity. However, despite the offers of many record labels, he is still not going to be a product of advertising and an artificial star.

Andrey Bandera considers direct communication with listeners at concerts and on the Internet, the participation of fans and folk producers in all stages of work on songs and an album as the main reason for his success and is going to follow this course further.

The secret of the success of the songs is largely determined by the participation in the creative process of the team of "folk producers" who offer the performer their texts and music, thus, the songs "Metelitsa", "Fields of Russia" appeared in Andrei Bandera's repertoire. "People's producers" also listen to several versions of songs, discuss, make comments, and only after that the song is recorded.

The new album and concert program of Andrey Bandera "Touch" will give the viewer an unforgettable meeting with wonderful songs performed by soul and heart.

Touch is the simplest and most intimate interaction not only between people. Music and poems, touching our ears, work extraordinary miracles, briefly plunging into beautiful dreams and keeping warm memories and feelings in the soul for a long time.

Andrey Bandera's concerts are always unforgettable. With the first sounds in the heart, a holiday breaks in like a whirlwind, Russian prowess and soul! Amazingly executed, soulful, carefully thought out sound. Andrey Bandera is a singer and composer who subtly feels the right line. He can afford to be uncharacteristic of the usual image. Andrey Bandera performs songs in the way that only he can: songs of revelation, songs of confession, songs of discovery.

According to the violinist Ekaterina Tsvetaeva, who previously worked in his accompaniment, who performed solo instrumental numbers at his concert, she is extremely jealous of the success of the artists performing with him:

For 4 years of work, I think I have earned a normal attitude towards myself, and I see a desire to push me in all possible and impossible ways. And since this did not work out in any way, Bandera decided to go with already forbidden tricks. Probably, if I didn’t make my own videos, didn’t release CDs, “didn’t show off”, and didn’t conduct any musical activities outside the group, and also there wasn’t a huge positive reaction of people to my performances and their interest, I probably would and then played a solo number and no one would care about me. I want to note that at the beginning it wasn’t like that, but the better things went with my performances, positive feedback from people, and even the support of the producers of Soyuz Production or Chanson, the weirder Bandera treated me.

In April 2011, violinist Ekaterina Tsvetaeva was fired from her job at the insistence of Andrey Bandera.

Awards and prizes
Andrey Bandera has been a laureate of the Chanson of the Year music award for several years, since 2007 he has been awarded this title every year. In 2009 - with the song "You fly, my soul", performed together with the young singer Rada Rai, he won the "Song of the Year" nomination.

Interesting Facts
Eduard Izmestiev began performing under the pseudonym Andrey Bandera since 2000

He did not sit in prison, thieves' romance is alien to him, but the first songs performed under a pseudonym were just camp-themed.

He recalled working in the mine like this: “if there is hell on earth, then this is a mine,” something similar was mentioned by B. L. Pasternak when visiting the Kizelovsky mines “God led me to visit the mines. This is real hell!”

"People's producers" live both in Russia and abroad.

Andrey Bandera is a participant in the annual Chanson of the Year Award ceremony on March 26, 2011 at the State Kremlin Palace.

Soyuz Production and Eduard Izmestyev have ended their contract for the Andrey Bandera project. Soyuz Production company came up with the name, image and creative concept of this project. E. Izmestiev acted in the project as a vocalist, sound producer and participated as a composer. Also, Eduard agreed to perform at all public events as an artist Andrei Bandera.

During the work, there were no disagreements, except for creative (and this is normal), the parties did not have. Each party made a contribution to ensure that the project developed and delighted the audience.

On January 1, 2014, Eduard Izmestyev begins his own solo musical career. It will be a different musical concept, different songs and a different image. The songs “You fly, my soul”, “It is impossible not to love”, “Do you remember?”, “I want to marry you”, “Stranger”, “Sheremetyevo”, “I would ...”, “I will get sick with you” , "Doves" and all the rest remain with the company. The Soyuz Production company understands and accepts this decision, in turn, thanks to E. Izmestyev for the joint fruitful work.

Three albums released during this time, a large number of concerts and a huge number of fans - this is a good result. But everything ends sometime, this is a normal creative life.

On January 10, 2014, a message appeared on the official website of Eduard Izmestyev "Hi everyone! Lately, cases of false sites related to my work have become more frequent. Here is one of the latest: Please, be careful! After the end of my contract, someone really wants to end my career. But there are a lot good people who help me today. And of course, your words of support are very, very inspiring. Time will put everything in its place. Work is in full swing! See you at the concerts! PS: But even this can be seen as a positive moment. For as I said Winston Churchill: Any mention other than an obituary is good publicity. Always with you, Ed."

Andrey Bandera

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer, musician, producer

Biography of Andrei Bandera

Andrey Bandera is a famous and beloved by the people singer, a real example of the fact that true talent does not require large financial investments for "promotion". Andrey Bandera is also known as a supporter of the idea of ​​"people's production". Bandera's real name is Eduard Izmestiev; in 2014, the recording studio terminated the contract with the singer, and now chansonnier Evgeny Konovalov performs under the name "Andrei Bandera".

Folk singer Andrei Bandera, aka Eduard Izmestiev

The childhood of Andrey Bandera

The real name of the singer is Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev. He was born on April 25, 1971 in the small mining town of Kizel, Perm Region. Edward's school years were remembered by the guy not so much for lessons and homework as for music lessons - in those years the boy enthusiastically played the drums.

Not far from the place where the guy lived, there was a gypsy camp. Eduard spent a lot of time there: he was friends with gypsy boys, listened to how adult gypsies sang their songs with amazing sincerity and soulfulness to the guitar. Absorbing these unusual intonations, Edward fell in love with music even more.

The beginning of the creative path of Andrei Bandera. "Atlantis"

Studying at the Kizelovsky Mining College, where the guy entered in 1985, was supposed to put an end to the young man's musical career. But it turned out the other way around - during his studies, Izmestyev did not stop doing what he loved, and in 1987 he even organized his own musical group Atlantis. Her fervent pop repertoire was far from the compositions that Andrei Bandera performs today.

Young Eduard Izmailov and the Atlantis group

After graduating from the technical school, the guys entered adulthood, each went to work; Eduard, like most of the inhabitants of his city, began to work at the mine, but did not abandon his musical brainchild.

Music is the main passion in the life of Eduard Izmailov

Eduard was both a songwriter, and a soloist, and a composer-arranger, as well as a producer of Atlantis. The success of the group was not long in coming. Possessing great potential and many ideas as a lyricist and composer, Eduard wrote about 100 songs for his group (together the group recorded 11 albums), which successfully entered the rotation of Avtoradio and participated in numerous concerts and festivals. The history of the Atlantis group ended in 1999, along with Izmestyev's move to Moscow.

Professional development of Andrey Bandera

In 1999, Eduard received an invitation to work for the Soyuz-Production company as an arranger. Izmestiev "had a hand" in the repertoire of many famous performers, such as Dima Bilan, Vitas, Alexander Marshal. But the love of creativity and the desire to pursue their own career soon took over, and in 2000 a project was born under the name "Andrey Bandera".

Bandera's first song "By Stage" in the chanson genre did not "shoot", remaining almost unnoticed. The same fate awaited a number of the following compositions. This continued until 2004, until Andrey Bandera wrote a truly sincere and folk song "Ivushki", which the public liked so much that it made Andrey popular in one day, immediately after it was released into rotation on the radio "Chanson".

Andrey Bandera - "Ivushki"

After the presentation of "Ivushki" Andrey Bandera's career rapidly went up. In 2007, his debut album "Because I Love" was released. The huge circulation of the album could not satisfy the demand of the public, so the disc had to be re-released several times.

You could hear Andrey Bandera on the radio "Chanson"

The singer's second album, "It's Impossible Not to Love", was released 2 years later - in 2009. It became even more popular than Bandera's debut album. In the same year, the singer's duet with performer Rada Rai was released - the song "You fly my soul" found a response in the souls of all lovers of Russian folk songs.

Andrey Bandera and Rada Rai - "You fly my soul"

Andrey Bandera: people's production

The idea of ​​"people's production" came to Andrey Bandera long ago, at the very beginning of his career, when he realized how difficult it is for a person from the provinces, from the outback, to break out onto the big stage in the world of show business. With the development of the Internet, the singer's idea became quite realistic.

Eduard Izmestiev (Andrey Bandera) - "The Enchanted Bird"

The official website of Andrey Bandera invited his fans to take a direct part in the life and work of their idol. Everyone could offer the idea of ​​a song, text or music, as well as invite a singer on tour to their city. Such an extraordinary step was liked by Bandera fans. They actively participated in the project, and this cooperation soon bore fruit. Thanks to the joint work of Andrei Bandera with his "people's producers", such popular songs as "Metelitsa" and "Fields of Russia" were released.

Eduard Izmestiev personally writes all the music for his songs

With the help of fans, Andrey Bandera's third album, Touch, was recorded.

Andrey Bandera's personal life

The personal life of Andrei Bandera aka Eduard Izmestyev is a secret with seven seals. The singer carefully protects loved ones from the unnecessary curiosity of fans and annoying journalists. Andrey answers unequivocally to all questions about the family: “This is a big secret. I was asked by my relatives not to tell anything about them.”

Eduard Izmailov (Andrey Bandera) with his daughter

About the wife of Andrei Bandera, it is only known that she supported the singer in every possible way at the beginning of his journey and prophesied for him a concert in the Kremlin, which at that time was difficult to even imagine. The prophecy came true - Edward really performed with a concert in the Kremlin, and after that he said that he would not have succeeded if it were not for the support of his wife.

Eduard Izmestyev has a younger brother Victor. At the beginning of their career, they planned to perform together, as a duet. But fate decided otherwise, and Victor became a backing vocalist in the team of Andrei Bandera.

Andrey Bandera today

In 2013, Soyuz-Production broke off relations with Eduard Izmestyev. His contract expired, which was aggravated by the escalating events in Ukraine (singers Andrei Bandera and Denis Maidanov fell under an unofficial ban). The rights to the Andrey Bandera brand remained with the studio - since March 1, 2014, singer Yevgeny Konovalov has been performing under this name.

In 2016, Andrey Bandera performed under his real name - Eduard Izmestiev

Eduard Izmestiev continued his concert activity, but under his real name. Among his latest compositions is the ballad "Lost Happiness".

Eduard Izmestiev - "Lost happiness"

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Andrey Bandera
Years of activity
A country

USSR USSR→Russia, Russia


Andrey Bandera- Russian singer. The name, image, rights to the repertoire and recorded songs of Andrei Bandera belong to the Moscow production company Soyuz Production, which produces it. The authors of the image and pseudonym "Andrey Bandera" are the general producer of this company Vyacheslav Klimenkov and the general director Elena Podkolzina.

Project history

At the beginning of 2006, the Moscow production company Soyuz Production and radio Shanson (Moscow) reached an agreement on the active promotion of one of the company's performers, who had previously recorded several phonograms by order of the company, published as songs by singer Andrei Bandera. The first "Andrei Bandera" on stage was the singer, now known under the pseudonym Viktor Krasavin. However, at the end of 2006, for concert work, the company offered to work as a second "front man" to the arranger who sang in these phonograms.

For some time, two soloists, “brothers Viktor and Andrey Bandera”, worked on the stage as a project of Andrey Bandera, in this line-up the team performed for the first time on a large venue: on November 1, 2006, on the stage of the Olimpiysky in the concert of radio Chanson, “E -uh, roam! ”, and several corporate parties were also played. However, the first solo concert in April 2007 in Severodvinsk was already one "Andrei Bandera". On October 31, 2013, the contract of the production company Soyuz Production with the former vocalist was completed. The Soyuz Production company retains exclusive rights to the entire repertoire of Andrey Bandera, as well as to the brand itself.

On March 1, 2014, under the name Andrey Bandera, a new soloist Evgeny Konovalov begins to perform. Eugene is a singer-songwriter, a member of the People's Producer community, he wrote the music for the songs of Alexander Marshal, Andrey Bandera, Arthur and others.


In 2000, Andrey Bandera made his debut as a chansonnier with the song “Across the Stage” (collection “Kalina Krasnaya” -4), then in the chanson genre he performed the songs “Feat” and “We will cross”, which were included in A. Marshal's album “Father Arseny” ( 2002). But these songs did not receive a wide response from the public. Only in 2004, the folk song "Ivushki", performed on the radio "Chanson", made him popular and launched his solo career. The first public performance in Moscow took place on November 1, 2006 on the stage of the "Olympic" in the concert of radio "Chanson" "Eh-eh, Razgulyay!". On February 12, 2007, the first solo album “Because I Love” was released, followed by a concert tour of the cities of Russia. On February 12, 2009, the second album was released - "It's impossible not to love." October 5, 2011 was the presentation of the third album of Andrey Bandera "Touch"

The singer's repertoire consists of folk songs in his own arrangement, songs based on S. Yesenin's poems ("", "You are my fallen maple", "", ""), modern pop songs, the genre of which he defined as a "new song" combining " stage and soulful lyrics.

A feature of the song performance is the characteristic gypsy motifs and intonations inherent in each of his songs.

The secret of the success of the songs is largely determined by the participation in the creative process of the team of "folk producers" who offer the performer their texts and music, thus, the songs "Metelitsa", "Fields of Russia" appeared in Andrei Bandera's repertoire.

Awards and prizes

Andrey Bandera has been a laureate of the Chanson of the Year music award for several years, since 2007 he has been awarded this title every year. In 2009 - with the song "You fly, my soul", performed together with the young singer Rada Rai, he won the "Song of the Year" nomination.

Andrei Bandera is a participant in the annual National Prize in the Kremlin on March 26.


Numbered albums

  • - Because I love ()
  • - It is impossible not to love ()
  • - Touch()

Joint projects

  • - Andrey Bandera and Rada Rai - Musical love story

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An excerpt characterizing Andrey Bandera

An officer in a scarf dismounted from his horse, called the drummer and entered with him under the arches. Several soldiers rushed to run in a crowd. The merchant, with red pimples on his cheeks near his nose, with a calmly unshakable expression of calculation on his well-fed face, hurriedly and dapperly, waving his arms, approached the officer.
“Your honor,” he said, “do me a favour, protect. We do not calculate a trifle of any kind, we are with our pleasure! Please, I’ll take out the cloth now, for a noble person at least two pieces, with our pleasure! Because we feel, well, this is one robbery! Please! They would put a guard, or something, at least they would let them lock it up ...
Several merchants crowded around the officer.
- E! in vain to lie then! - said one of them, thin, with a stern face. “When you take off your head, you don’t cry for your hair. Take whatever you like! And he waved his hand with an energetic gesture and turned sideways to the officer.
“It’s good for you, Ivan Sidoritch, to speak,” the first merchant spoke angrily. “Please, your honor.
- What should I say! the thin man shouted. - I have here in three shops for a hundred thousand goods. Will you save when the army is gone. Eh, people, God's power cannot be folded with hands!
“Please, your honor,” said the first merchant, bowing. The officer stood in bewilderment, and hesitation was visible on his face.
- Yes, what's the matter with me! he suddenly shouted and walked with quick steps forward along the row. In one open shop, blows and curses were heard, and while the officer was approaching it, a man in a gray coat and with a shaved head jumped out of the door.
This man, bent over, slipped past the merchants and the officer. The officer attacked the soldiers who were in the shop. But at this time, the terrible cries of a huge crowd were heard on the Moskvoretsky bridge, and the officer ran out into the square.
- What's happened? What's happened? he asked, but his comrade was already galloping towards the screams, past St. Basil the Blessed. The officer mounted and rode after him. When he drove up to the bridge, he saw two cannons removed from the limbers, infantry walking along the bridge, several carts thrown down, several frightened faces and laughing faces of soldiers. Near the cannons stood one wagon drawn by a pair. Four collared greyhounds huddled behind the cart behind the wheels. There was a mountain of things on the wagon, and at the very top, next to the nursery, a woman was sitting with her legs turned upside down, squealing piercingly and desperately. The comrades told the officer that the cry of the crowd and the squeals of the woman came from the fact that General Yermolov, who had run into this crowd, having learned that the soldiers were dispersing around the shops, and crowds of residents were damming up the bridge, ordered to remove the guns from the limbers and make an example that he would shoot at the bridge . The crowd, knocking down the wagons, crushing each other, shouted desperately, crowding, cleared the bridge, and the troops moved forward.

Meanwhile, the city itself was empty. There was hardly anyone on the streets. The gates and shops were all locked; in some places, near the taverns, lonely cries or drunken singing were heard. No one traveled the streets, and footsteps of pedestrians were rarely heard. On Povarskaya it was completely quiet and deserted. In the huge yard of the Rostovs' house, there were scraps of hay, droppings of a convoy that had left, and not a single person was visible. In the Rostovs' house, which was left with all its goodness, two people were in a large living room. They were the janitor Ignat and the Cossack Mishka, Vasilyich's grandson, who remained in Moscow with his grandfather. Mishka opened the clavichords and played them with one finger. The janitor, akimbo and smiling joyfully, stood in front of a large mirror.
- That's clever! A? Uncle Ignat! said the boy, suddenly clapping both hands on the keys.
- Look you! answered Ignat, marveling at how his face was smiling more and more in the mirror.
- Shameless! Right, shameless! - the voice of Mavra Kuzminishna, who quietly entered, spoke from behind them. - Eka, fat watchman, he bares his teeth. To take you! Everything is not tidied up there, Vasilyich is knocked off his feet. Give it time!
Ignat, straightening his belt, ceasing to smile and meekly lowering his eyes, went out of the room.
“Aunty, I’ll take it easy,” said the boy.
- I'll give you a little. Shooter! shouted Mavra Kuzminishna, waving her hand at him. - Go build a samovar for your grandfather.
Mavra Kuzminishna, brushing off the dust, closed the clavichords and, with a heavy sigh, went out of the drawing room and locked the front door.
Going out into the yard, Mavra Kuzminishna thought about where she should go now: should I drink tea with Vasilyich in the wing or tidy up everything that had not yet been tidied up in the pantry?
Footsteps were heard in the quiet street. The steps stopped at the gate; the latch began to knock under the hand that tried to unlock it.
Mavra Kuzminishna went up to the gate.
- Who do you need?
- Count, Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov.
- Who are you?
- I'm an officer. I would like to see, - said a Russian pleasant and lordly voice.
Mavra Kuzminishna unlocked the gate. And a round-faced officer, about eighteen years old, with a type of face similar to the Rostovs, entered the yard.

Andrey Bandera today is a fairly well-known and beloved folk singer. His example clearly demonstrates that truly real talent does not require huge amounts of money to promote yourself as an artist.

Bandera is a stage name, in real life his name is Edward Izmestiev.

Childhood and youth of the artist

April 1971 of the year gave birth to the future star of the modern stage Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev. From birth to youth, he lived in the glorious city of Kizel, which is famous for its mines.

Spending his free time playing drums or in a gypsy camp, Edward fell in love with music and vocals. It started at a young age. While in this camp, the young chansonnier made friends with gypsies and listened with great pleasure to songs performed by them with a guitar.

In 1985, on the advice of his parents, Eduard entered Mining technical school of the city of Kizel. But this did not stop him from continuing to do what he loved. When Izmestiev was still a student, he organized his own group - Atlantis. Often she held her performances at discos for students. Her repertoire is different from today's performance of Edward.

After graduating from a technical school and defending his diploma, Bandera, like his fellow students, went to work at the mine. He spent several years under meters of cold earth, not forgetting about his dream and love for music, which held a special place in his heart.

In addition to the main work, in the evenings Andrei sang songs in a cafe, which brought him a good income.

Andrey Bandera's personal life

The personal life of a chanson star is a secret that is closed under seven locks. The singer, despite his popularity, still hides detailed information about his relatives.

Andrey Bandera protects his loved ones from annoying journalists and completely the eyes of strangers, believing that listeners should be interested in his creative activity, and not in his family. Andrei reluctantly and very ambiguously answers all the questions of journalists regarding his family.

No matter how hard the journalists tried to get information about Andrei's wife, they did not "dig up" anything detailed. It is only known that throughout the entire journey up the stellar staircase, the wife supported, instilled faith in her husband and even predicted his performance in the Kremlin itself.

Years later, his wife's prediction came true and Edward conquered the Kremlin stage.

But from the lips of the artist more than once one could hear that his wife was a muse for him, which inspired many songs. And also that she is for him the ideal of female beauty.

At the beginning of his career, Bandera planned to perform in a duet with his younger brother Victor. But certain life circumstances changed these plans. Today, Victor, as planned, performs with his older brother, but already as a backing vocalist.

People's production

Even at the beginning of his promising career, Andrey Bandera thought about creating such a project as "people's production". He, like no one else, understood how difficult it is for novice talents to show and show themselves to the general public, since this one went even from the bottom.

Thanks to the Internet, hundreds of ideas for songs and melodies from unknown artists came to Edward's official website. Such an event became popular among Bandera fans and they actively took part in it.

Andrey Bander's life today

In June 2017, the beloved chansonnier visited the festival "Slavianski Bazaar", where the composition "She's like rain."

"Star Breakfast" has become one of Andrei's favorite programs, so he became her frequent guest.

Bandera lives in the capital. As for the tour schedules, they are very busy, it can reach up to 18 concerts monthly.

His concert program includes both solo performances and collaborations with novice performers. According to Bander, joint activity is always a new and useful experience for any creativity.

For about ten years, Eduard Izmestiev has been collaborating with the singer Radoi Rai and today their joint tour is still ongoing. A recent gift for the audience was the fresh duet "Carelessly". Poems for him were recorded by Chernikov, and the music was recorded by Edward himself.

As Bandera stated, experiments are always good, so the arrangement of the final recording of the song was finalized directly during the concerts. Thus, new notes of sound could be found.

Andrey Bandera counts his fans the first critics who appreciate his work. Therefore, he listens very carefully to them.

Bandera is the embodiment of several amazing qualities in one artist at once - a beautiful voice, melodic songs, amazing charisma and the absence of a "star" illness.

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