Andrei Chuev spoke about quarrels with his young wife. “This is not her new mother”: Andrey Chuev’s daughter and young wife spend time together Chuev broke up with his wife


Chuev's ex-wife and child have been living in the United Arab Emirates for a long time. Apparently, Andrey flew to Dubai to visit them. Trying to satisfy the interest of fans, the showman published a post on Instagram in which he described the warm relationship between Victoria and Lisa.

“Yes, we walk with Lisa. No, Lisa did not get confused in my girls, because she had only seen one before. Tanya treats this well, because Lisa is happy and her attitude towards Lisa is very good. Liza has known Vika since spring and they have a wonderful relationship. Yes, it’s normal for me to introduce my child to my girlfriend, I don’t tell her that this is her new mother. We are cool, everyone is happy, no one is bored, and everyone treats each other with understanding and respect. Take an example of those who cannot find a common language with their exes and children. And we walk along Dubai Marina and sharpen desserts”- wrote Andrey Chuev.

Fans thanked the man for the explanation and wrote that he behaves like a real man.

By the way, Chuev also once took his ex-fiancee Marina Afrikantova to Dubai. Then the girl came to the United Arab Emirates specifically to meet Tatyana Kiose. Chuev and Afrikantova were going to get married, but after this trip they realized that it was better for them to disperse.

After breaking up with Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in House-2, Andrey Chuev, found a soul mate in the face of 19-year-old Victoria. In early December, the man shared the good news with his followers - the lovers officially formalized the relationship. The businessman does not hide the fact that disputes sometimes break harmony in their couple. He announced this under the photo of the chosen one in his personal microblog.

“We have everything, like everyone else. Sometimes we quarrel, sometimes there is a misunderstanding - I can send it. This is life and there is nothing wrong with that. Mutual understanding is needed, we have it. We are happy, I like to photograph my wife, and I ask you not to write that one of my ex is better or worse - Victoria is the best for me, because I love her, and she loves me. We are happy together and are trying to radiate this happiness to everyone around us, which is what we wish you too, ”Chuev wrote on Instagram.

Fans of the young family wrote dozens of comments under Chuev's post. They shared their own stories and stressed that it is impossible to completely avoid conflicts. Some followers advised Andrei to be less emotional in dealing with his young wife and try to treat her with awe and respect. Users of the social network also noted that the couple looks great together.

"Beautiful wife. Happy for you that you are married and happy. This is the best reward for you! The photo shows how good you feel”, “Andrei changes it for the better - it blooms next to him”, “Words are far from dust. I am also an emotional person, but I will not allow sending my lady in three letters. This is disrespect. Words also hurt, and we must be responsible for what we say and for what we do”, “Andrey, do not read the comments of losers! They envy you! My wife is a beauty!”, “You are, of course, right that everyone quarrels – it’s good that you speak honestly. But it seems to me that you are too cruel towards your loved ones, ”the subscribers shared their opinions.

It is worth noting that Andrei immediately indicated the seriousness of his intentions. He not only introduced his beloved to one of the closest people - his grandmother - but he had already planned the birth of a child. A relative of the star approved of his choice and admitted that she was looking forward to her grandchildren. Earlier, the ex-participant of the TV project said that he also did not want to delay this moment: he believes that Vika is already ready to become a mother.

Recall that before Andrei proposed to his beloved, the girl also talked about some of the difficulties in relation to him. Apparently, Chuev took responsibility and independently makes decisions that concern their couple. The owner of the construction company some time ago did not even allow Victoria to start her own social media profile.

One of the most popular participants in the entire existence of the television project - Andrey Chuev - continues his public life after leaving. Many of his fans are still eager to know how he lives and how his fate turned out behind the perimeter, away from the TV cameras. But on top of everything else, fans are also interested in his ex-wife, Tatyana Kiosya, who was once also on the project. Our today's article is about Tatiana and her life outside the television set.

Brief information

Tatyana was born in Moldova on December 12, 1985. Well, very little is known about the biography of Tatiana Kioshi. She appeared before the audience in 2008, having come to the project in tandem with the participant, already popular at that time, Andrey Chuev. The guy introduced his new girlfriend as a singer from Moldova. The couple immediately announced their serious intentions and imminent marriage.

Life in "House-2"

Sweet charming Tanya was warned in advance that she would not see life with Chuev because of his aggression and excessive temper. But she continued to build a relationship with him. In the end, it turned out exactly as predicted by most. Andrey Chuev and Tatyana Kiosia constantly quarreled, sorted out the relationship and even fought. Later, the guys, despite their difficult relationship, decided to get married. Ultimately, the newlyweds left the TV set, but continued to periodically share the details of their lives.

After the project

After leaving Dom-2, Tatyana and Andrey began to plan a child. And this happiness was destined to happen, they had a beautiful daughter, Elizabeth. At the same time, Tatyana Kiosya and her husband went to live in America. Where, as expected, Chuev planned to create some projects. But these plans remained only plans, and their family returned to their homeland. As it became known, after returning home, Tatyana Kiosya left with her daughter for Moldova. She graduated from hairdressing courses and, having begun to earn money on her own, was able to rent an apartment, where she moved with Lisa. Andrei, at that time, was undergoing treatment in Israel, because he had serious health problems. Fortunately, he managed to overcome his illness. Only now the relationship of the couple began to fade. And eventually, they broke up.

Life in the Emirates

Tanya continued to improve in hairdressing in her homeland, and even repeatedly won prizes in thematic competitions and championships. Later, while in Dubai, she met a plastic surgeon with whom she began an affair. Tatyana took her daughter, and together they went to live in the Emirates. With Andrei, they managed to maintain a worthy relationship, they always support each other. Liza communicates with her dad, comes to visit him in Russia, just like he visits her in the UAE. Many fans were interested in the question of how Tatyana reacts to the fact that her ex-husband introduces their common daughter to his new girls. But Kyosya herself is philosophical about this and believes that there is nothing wrong with such meetings if the child is happy at the same time.

As for Tatyana's new life partner, little is known about him. Just that his name is Wessam and he's a fairly successful plastic surgeon. The couple rents a nice house in the Emirates, in which, in addition to themselves, there are also two of his children from a previous marriage. Tanya works in her specialty at a local beauty salon.

Recently, rumors began to grow on the network that Chuev's ex-wife, Tatyana Kiosia, took Vessam away from her once good friend. They were warmed up by the same girlfriend, his ex-wife Anna, responding to comments from curious subscribers. She told that she and Tanya were very friendly and often went to visit each other, until Kyosya decided to betray her friend, having beaten her husband from her. Tatyana herself was very outraged by Anna's confessions, and hastened to tell her fans that at the time of their acquaintance with Wessam, their marriage to Anna had already been terminated for 2 years.

Where is the truth, and where is the lie - now you can’t figure it out. It remains only to wish Tatyana family happiness and well-being in her new life.

Only his loyal fans remember the former participant in the Dom-2 television project, because Andrei left the television set a long time ago. Andrey Chuev's wife Tatyana Kiosya got on the project, thanks to Chuev, who failed to build a personal life with another participant - a girl named Lera, whom he was already going to marry, but she changed her mind at the last moment. Andrei then left Dom-2, and when he returned to the perimeter of the TV set, he brought with him a pretty girl Tanya, presenting her as a singer from Moldova.

In the photo - the wife of Andrey Chuev

Their relationship could not be called stable and calm - quarrels happened between lovers almost daily, and Andrei even sometimes raised his hand to his chosen one. Nevertheless, Tanya Kiosya became the wife of Andrey Chuev, and the couple, having lived a little more on the project, left its perimeter. After some time, their daughter Lisa was born, and then the young family left for America - Andrei planned to do some projects there, but nothing came of these ideas, and they returned.

In the photo - Andrey Chuev with his wife

However, relations in a young family were not easy, and the couple began to live separately. Some time ago, a misfortune happened to Andrei - due to blood poisoning, which he received as a result of an unsuccessful operation on the spine, Chuev was on the verge of life and death. Fortunately, he managed to cope - Andrey was helped by treatment in Israel.

Recently, in the photographs that Andrey Chuev's wife uploads to the network, she is captured only with her daughter, but he is not in the pictures. To questions about whether he had divorced his wife, Chuev replied that they had no problems in the family, and they were not together only because Tatyana Kiosia could not come to Russia due to problems with documents - she still Moldovan citizenship.

Andrey Chuev's wife is a hairdresser-stylist, she works in her homeland. She became the winner of one of the shows for hairdressers, in which she turned out to be the best in all categories. Andrei was present at this event and was very proud of his wife. Since her daughter Liza lives with her, Andrei rarely sees his child and his wife, and it is very difficult for him - he says he wants to reunite with his family as soon as possible.

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