Andrey Makarevich: creative biography, childhood, the secret of success, photo. Andrei Makarevich: personal life Children of Andrei Makarevich singer


A well-known musician, creator and ideological inspirer of the Time Machine group, which has enough fans of various age categories, as well as a TV presenter of his own author's programs, writer Andrei Makarevich, despite his 62, is still active and active. This is a distinctive feature of the nature of the singer. A charming smile, according to numerous rumors that hover around his person, won more than one woman's heart. That is why we devoted an entire article today to this topic. I would like to figure out which women the musician loved in his life, and which of them received the exclusive right to be called Andrey Makarevich's wives.

In the photo - Andrei Makarevich and his first wife Elena

For his biography, the famous singer and musician was married three times, and all three marriages ended in exactly the same way - in divorce. They are also related to each other by their short duration. First Andrey Makarevich's wife Elena happened back in the distant Soviet times. This marriage began its existence almost forty years ago. True, the very history of its existence is far from being so long - only three years. Elena is a graduate of the Historical and Archival Institute and, judging by the wedding gift of her parents (a spacious apartment in the capital), the daughter of far from poor parents. However, none of these factors could keep her fickle lover close to her. Endless touring and concerts eventually destroyed this relationship.

In the photo - Andrey Makarevich with his son Ivan

The second wife of Andrei Makarevich, Alla, even managed to give birth to the singer's son Ivan in the same short time. However, even a small joint miracle did not save the parents from parting. Now Ivan Makarevich is an aspiring actor with great promise. The third legal wife - Natalya Golub - appeared in the biography of Andrei Makarevich on the last day of the outgoing 2013. The stylist and photographer and musician met for five years before formalizing the relationship. However, this marriage did not last long - only twice as long as the previous ones. Apparently, this is his fate, the singer himself believes that he did not manage to live a long happy family life with any of his lovers.

In the photo - Andrei Makarevich, Natalia Golub and Ivan Makarevich

Or maybe the reason is not in fate, but in the extraordinary love of Andrei Makarevich? After all, there are still a few women who have not grown up to the status of a wife. Moreover, two of them gave the musician two daughters - the eldest Dana lives in America and is happily married, and the youngest Anna - with her mother, journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya in Moscow.

He is a legend of national rock. During the Soviet Union, his songs were banned because of their content, and today he must hide and live away from his homeland. His concerts are canceled, and a political race is organized for the man himself. Politicians, journalists and paparazzi do not like him. But on the other hand, he is a favorite of the public, he is idolized by the people, and more than one generation of people is heard with his compositions. And all this is he - Andrei Makarevich, whose nationality raises many questions.


Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953, in Volkhonka. His father, Vadim Makarevich, was a Belarusian by birth and an architect by heart. And her mother, Nina Shmuilovich, is Jewish by nationality and a phthisiatrician, doctor of medical sciences by profession. Therefore, Andrei Makarevich, whose nationality is difficult to identify with any one nationality, is related to both the Bulbash and the Jews.

Based on what gifted individuals the parents of little Andryusha were, we can conclude that the boy himself grew up as a rather brilliant child. While attending, he learned to read, and therefore he began to go to school one year earlier than his peers. Thanks to his dad, he did a lot of drawing, and his mother's influence made him devote much less time to music. So, Makarevich (nationality is indicated above) from childhood felt a craving for art and everything beautiful. Although, in order not to dissemble, it should be mentioned that Andrei loved music, but its study was not easy for him. Already at the age of seven, he became a student of a music school, but nothing good came of this idea: it didn’t fit in his head, and the solfeggio, which lasted for several hours in a row, generally drove the student crazy. And it was not easy to take them out, but they brought the child to neurasthenia. Therefore, after two years, the parents had a chance to pick up the future star from this institution.

The appearance of rock in the life of a young talent

Andrey did not succeed with the classics. But Andrey Makarevich, whose nationality is Jewish by mother, Belarusian by father, took the heavy rhythms and melodies with a bang. In view of his work, Vadim Makarevich often went on business trips abroad. From there, he brought recordings of Western banned musicians. Mostly they were rockers. And then young Andryusha was imbued with the so-called aesthetics of freedom to the ends of his hair. According to Makarevich Jr. himself, while studying in the seventh grade, he began to write poetry together with his classmates. These were poems of a mocking nature on the ideology of the Soviet Union, and notebooks with such masterpieces passed through the hands of the entire class. And Andrey learned to play the guitar, knowing only three chords.

Arrival of the Beatles

But Makarevich became interested in the most real musical and song creativity (nationality, biography are described in our article) when he was in the eighth grade. And again, everything happened thanks to the father. From one of his business trips, Vadim Makarevich brought a record from the Beatles. Andryusha returned from school just at the moment when the parent was transcribing the compositions on a small tape recorder. Andrey Makarevich says that from that moment there was a change in his musical consciousness. He says that before the appearance of the legendary band in his life, he seemed to have not heard anything. He listened to the Beatles all day long, and when his parents drove him out onto the balcony, as they could no longer endure this music, he turned on the tape recorder at full volume so that the whole neighborhood could enjoy the amazing sounds.

The first musical group of Makarevich

Not only Makarevich Andrey Vadimovich (whose nationality is already known to us) was crazy about the four from Liverpool. All the acquaintances and close friends of the guy were fond of her work. Andryukha studied at a specialized school with an English bias, so he and his classmates easily translated and recomposed the legendary Beatles. In 1968, Andrei created his first four of his own. It consisted of two boys and the same number of girls. But in 1969, a decision was made to retrain the group into an exclusively male team. Therefore, the girls were asked to leave, and two guys were invited to take their places.

At first, the ensemble was called The Kids, and then it was renamed Time Machines. It's cars, not cars. So Makarevich, whose nationality is no longer in doubt, began to climb his starry, albeit forbidden Olympus.

Artist's personal life

The musician's career developed rapidly: constant touring, rehearsals, moving. Perhaps because of this way of life, he never managed to find the one and only and most beloved woman. According to Makarevich himself, whose nationality is ambiguous, in his 60 years he knew many beautiful ladies. But he never met true love. His first wife was Elena Fesunenko: he started a family in 1976, but this marriage lasted only three years. Then there was in his life a lady named Alla, who gave the rocker No, and this union lived as long as the previous one. The leader of the "Time Machine" has two more daughters from different women.

Here he is, a favorite of the public, a fair, mischievous and freedom-loving rocker.

Makarevich Andrei Vadimovich (b. 1953) is a Russian singer, musician, composer and poet, bard, graphic artist, television presenter and producer, leader and the only member of the Time Machine musical group who has not left the group since its foundation. Since 1991 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, since 1999 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Birth and family

His father, Makarevich Vadim Grigorievich, was born in 1924. During the Great Patriotic War, he lost his leg in battles on the Karelian front. After the war, he went to work in the Gorstroyproekt workshop as a senior architect. In 1956 he was invited to the Moscow Institute of Architecture to teach at the Department of Building Physics. He worked at this place until 1993, received the title of associate professor, then professor. He took part in the development of the "Victory Monument" in Tallinn, the Moscow monument to Karl Marx, the pavilion of young naturalists at VDNKh. During the world exhibitions in Montreal and Brussels, as well as national exhibitions in Los Angeles, Genoa and Paris, he designed the Soviet pavilions.

Mom, Nina Markovna Makarevich (maiden name Shmuilovich) was born in 1926. As a child, she studied at a music school, was a phthisiatrician by profession, worked at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis. She defended her dissertation, had many scientific works, among Soviet microbiologists she was one of the first to study non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

My paternal grandparents were teachers. Before moving to Moscow, grandfather taught at a rural school. Grandmother taught biology, after the war she led the station for young naturalists, had the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR and an award - the Order of Lenin.

My mother's grandfather was a shoemaker, my grandmother worked in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MUR) as a pathologist and forensic expert.

In 1962, Andrey's younger sister Natasha was born, she, like her father, is an architect.

Childhood and school years

In Moscow, not far from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, on Volkhonka Street, there was a two-story house of the former princes Volkonsky. After the war, there was a communal apartment in it, and here the future musician spent his childhood.

The boy grew up comprehensively developed, read a lot, loved to watch his father draw, sometimes helped him. He imagined his future in different ways: at some time he really wanted to become a diver and explore the depths of the sea, then he decided to devote himself to the science of herpetology, which studies amphibians and reptiles. Little Andryusha liked to collect butterflies.

Soon the family received a separate apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt. In this area, Andrei began his studies at school number 19, which was considered specialized, in which they studied English in depth.

But most of all, the boy was still attracted to music. My father played the piano very well, and there were a lot of records in the house. Therefore, Andrey got used to the constant sound of music - both modern and classical. However, when he was sent to a music school for the piano class, he studied for about three years and dropped out. By that time, he had already become acquainted with the work of Bulat Okudzhava and began to independently learn to play the guitar. Gradually, he began to compose poetry himself and play bardic melodies.

In addition to music, the boy was also interested in sports, from the fourth grade he went to diving classes, later he was carried away by alpine skiing.

Introduction to The Beatles

In 1966, an event occurred that turned the fate of Makarevich: he heard the music of The Beatles. Andrei, like many of his peers, became an avid Beatleman. It seemed to the guy then: everything he had heard before was not music, and only now it felt like cotton wool had been pulled out of his ears, which had not allowed him to hear the beautiful for a long time. Everything inside him moved and turned over irreversibly.

In the morning before school, he listened to The Beatles, coming home after class, again turned on the tunes of his favorite group, and they sounded in the apartment until late at night. When the parents, exhausted by the Beatles, ran out of patience, they put their son with his tape recorder on the balcony. And he turned the volume up to full power so that everyone around him could also listen and enjoy.

In the eighth grade, Andrei organized a musical group at school called "The Kids", the guys played in the style of folk-rock, country music, and also performed cover versions of English-language compositions.

In 1968, Andrey organized the Time Machine group, which included his classmates, the same Beatles like him - Sasha Ivanov, Igor Mazaev, Pasha Rubin and Yura Borzov. Soon, a guy from a parallel school, Sergei Kawagoe, also joined them. This group has become for Makarevich the work of his whole life, for almost half a century he has been its permanent leader, author of words and music, performer of many songs.

"Time Machine"

However, having received a certificate, at the insistence of his parents, in order to have a higher education and a decent profession, Andrei continued his studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Three years later he was expelled. The official version sounded like "an untimely departure from the workplace at the vegetable base." And unofficially, this was a closed order of the party organization, which did not share Makarevich's passion for rock music.

"Time Machine" still remained in the first place for Andrey. Along the way, he began working at the Giproteatre (the organization was engaged in the design of buildings for entertainment facilities and theaters). He recovered at the institute, studied at the evening department, in 1977 he received a diploma in the specialty "architect" and "graphic artist".

And in 1979, "Time Machine" issued an official contract with the state concert and tour bureau "Soyuzconcert", which gave her a legal status. Finally, Andrey was able to leave the Giproteater and be listed in the work book as a performer and musician.

The group was gaining rapid popularity in the country, their every new song became a classic of Soviet rock:

  • "Circle of pure water";
  • "There will be a day";
  • "From end to end";
  • "Right";
  • "Flag over the castle";
  • "You or me";
  • "Candle";
  • "Puppets";
  • "Oh, what a moon";
  • "Flying Dutchman";
  • "Three windows";
  • "Black and white color";
  • "Turn";
  • "Snow".

Recordings of "Time Machine" dispersed throughout the Soviet Union, the musicians became famous, and a big touring life began. In 1987 they left the USSR, concerts were held in Poland, Mozambique, Japan, Spain, Bulgaria, USA.

The compositions of "Time Machine" sounded in popular films:

  • "Afonya";
  • "Speed";
  • "Double overtaking";
  • "Bartender from the Golden Anchor";
  • "Dogs";
  • "Glass Labyrinth";
  • "Moscow holidays";
  • "The Arithmetic of Murder";
  • "Schizophrenia";
  • "Crossroads".

In 1992, the book "Everything is very simple" was published, where Andrei Makarevich tells about the life of the group. The team celebrated its 25th anniversary with a grandiose performance on Red Square in 1993. In 1998, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the group, all members of the team were awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2002, Andrey organized the Creole Tango Orchestra, which included the best Russian jazz musicians. Since that time, he has been touring with two bands - "Time Machine" and "Creole Tango Orchestra".

In 2003, in honor of the 50th anniversary, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed a Decree on awarding Makarevich the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Personal life

In the life of Andrei Makarevich, there were three official marriages and several unregistered legal romantic relationships.

The first marriage was registered in 1976 with a student of the historical and archival institute Lena Fesunenko. Her father was a well-known political commentator. Parents gave the young a chic apartment, but life together did not work out. The Time Machine team at that time did not see any light from the tour, which did not help strengthen family relations. The couple lived for three years.

The second chosen one of Makarevich was Alla Golubkina. They got married in 1986, a year later the couple had a boy, Ivan. This relationship, like the previous ones, lasted about three years. Andrei's son, Ivan Makarevich, is a Russian musician and actor, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Konstantin Raikin, is known for the films: “Shadow Boxing”, “Shadow Boxing. Revenge”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “House of the Sun”, “Metro”. Vanya maintains a close relationship with his father.

In the early 90s, the musician had a close relationship with the radio host of the Europa Plus station, Ksenia Strizh.

In 1998, Makarevich entered into a civil marriage with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, at that time she also worked as a press officer in the Time Machine team. In 2000, the couple had a girl, Anya, but the joint child did not save this relationship either. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Andrei and Anna broke up.

The third time Makarevich officially married Natalya Golub in 2003. The woman was 15 years younger than her husband, worked as a make-up artist, photo artist, and stylist. This marriage turned out to be longer than all the previous ones, the couple lived together for about seven years. In 2010, Andrei and Natasha divorced.

Andrei also has an illegitimate daughter, Dana. She was born in 1975, and dad found out about her existence when the girl was already 19 years old. She permanently resides in the United States in the city of Philadelphia, works as a lawyer, married to a businessman. He maintains a relationship with his father, but rarely comes to Russia.

Since 2013, Andrey has been living in a civil marriage with the Russian singer Maria Katz (stage name Yudif). She was the first Russian performer to represent her country at the international Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, she performed the song "Eternal Wanderer" and took ninth place.

Andrei speaks of all his ex-women with respect. The reason for parting was always the same: love passed, and if there is no feeling, then why continue to live and torment each other, it is better to stop in time and remain good friends.

A television

On Russian television, Andrey Makarevich is certainly associated with the culinary program Smak, which has been airing on Channel One for almost a quarter of a century. The first broadcast took place in November 1993. Every week on Saturday morning, the stars of domestic show business, sports, politics, cinema and theater came to visit the musician to cook their signature dish.

It was Andrey's author's transmission, even the name "Smak" was deciphered as "With Makarevich" (or "Advice from Makarevich"). His first guest was his best friend, the wonderful actor Alexander Abdulov, who cooked pilaf.

In March 2005, the program was closed due to the fact that it had been on television for too long. Makarevich began to host a new program “Three Windows”, in which famous guests again came, but they shared not only culinary secrets, but also their creative achievements. Also in the program, Andrey showed many fragments of his travels around the world.

However, Three Windows had a too low rating, the program was closed, and Smak was revived, but with a new presenter - showman Ivan Urgant. The first guest in the updated Smak program was its author and inspirer Andrey Makarevich.

In 1998-1999, Makarevich hosted another of his author's programs "Abazhur", where he talked with the stars. His first guest was Alla Pugacheva.

In 2001-2002, Andrei was the host of the Macarena music program.

From 2003 to 2006, he introduced viewers to the beauty of the underwater world in his next author's program “Underwater World with Andrei Makarevich”.


Since 1970, the musician has regularly arranged exhibitions of his graphic works, and they are held not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Italy, the USA, Latvia, Great Britain.

Among his other hobbies are diving, underwater photo and video shooting, cooking, billiards, archeology. As in childhood, Andrei is fond of collecting, only now he collects not butterflies, but percussion and string instruments.

Makarevich is a member of the Board of Trustees at the BIM Animal Welfare Foundation. Together with the Russian singer Elena Kamburova, at the Mendeleevskaya metro station in Moscow, he opened a monument to a dog killed in the metro. He repeatedly gave charity concerts, the proceeds from which went to help homeless animals.

Andrei Makarevich is a popular musician, People's and Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the leader of the Time Machine group.

Popularity came to him in 1979 after signing a contract with the Soyuzconcert and legalizing the Time Machine. To this day, the artist is actively involved in touring life, developing new projects and performing solo concerts. Andrei has published two biographical books, as well as a couple of collections of poems.

Until recently, he was a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, but due to the heavy workload in musical activities, he left the council.

Personal life

The family life of a popular musician is no less interesting than professional. Officially, Makarevich was married three times. With his last wife, having been married for seven years, he broke up just on the eve of his move to a new home. Andrei Makarevich has two children (a son and a daughter) from different wives and one illegitimate daughter.

Today, according to numerous press reports, Andrei Vadimovich lives with the singer Masha Katz, also known under the pseudonym Judith.

House of Andrey Makarevich

Makarevich lived for a long time in the village of Podushkino (he bought the house from Leonid Yarmolnik), but after the start of full-scale deforestation in the village, he decided to change his place of residence. Relations with the locals did not work out from the very beginning, and therefore Makarevich moved to a new cottage without much regret.

The Pavlovo village is located about 17 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Novorizhskoye highway. There is a lake on the territory, as well as a landscaped area for walking and relaxing, going straight into the forest and illuminated by ancient lanterns. Access to the forest and the presence of a lake were one of the decisive factors in choosing this particular village. Here, residents treat their famous neighbor calmly, without any complaints.

Andrey Makarevich drove into the new three-story house, already free from the bonds of marriage with Natalya Golub, and was engaged in the arrangement on his own. The house turned out to be very interesting and bright. On the territory there is a large swimming pool, an excellent sauna, an artist's workshop, as well as a barbecue area.

In the interior of an elite cottage there are many collectible and original items. Makarevich is a well-known collector: he collects antique dishes, dolls, bells, musical instruments, keys from monasteries and beads.

Together with Makarevich, his beloved boa constrictor named Brunnhilda lives in the cottage, an entire room has been equipped for her. Especially for the "ladies" they bring mice, hares and frogs from ecologically clean protected areas.

Andrei Makarevich's house can be recognized not only by the densely planted yard with trees and the cleanly mowed lawn, but also by the huge cow perched on the balcony. Burenka stopped by the musician after a charity event in which the stars painted cows. Makarevich really liked this event, and he decided to install a copy on his balcony.

Makarevich did not deprive of attention one of the main rooms in the cottage - the kitchen. It houses stoves and a variety of smokehouses. Andrey Makarevich cooks wonderfully and constantly treats his guests with original dishes of his own preparation.

The Pavlovo settlement located along the Novorizhskoye Highway is considered one of the most prestigious. The average cost of a plot of thirty acres with a house of 800 square meters varies from $4 to $5 million.

The amazing songs of the Time Machine group sounded for the first time in the 70s, but still continue to be relevant and have a unique style. And all this thanks to Andrei Makarevich, who is deservedly considered a legend of Russian rock.


Andrei Vadimovich was born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow, on Volkhonka. Andrei's family has both Polish and Belarusian blood. Dad was a famous architect, worked at the Moscow Architectural Institute, had a professorial status. The singer's mother was a candidate of medical sciences, she worked as a doctor in a tuberculosis dispensary. From childhood, Andrei was distinguished by his abilities, he began to read and write early. He inherited the talent from his father for drawing, the boy perfectly depicted any architectural objects, landscapes on canvas. He was also drawn to music, but piano lessons were not given to the young talent. But as for rock music, Andryusha was at his best here. He easily repeated the melodies of famous musical groups on the guitar, which he heard from the records brought by his father from business trips from Europe. At the age of 14, Andrei Makarevich had already begun to write his first songs and ridicule the Soviet ideology. Later, the boy learned to play the melodies of Vizbor and Vysotsky on the guitar. Taste preferences were determined when dad brought a disc from the legendary Beatles from another trip. The amazing music of the Liverpool four made a special impression on the young man. The record was listened to every day, at any free time, from morning to evening. Together with Makarevich, his friends also became interested in the Beatles. Exhausted by the songs of the four, the parents were forced to periodically send their son to the balcony. The company of rock fans decided in 1968 to create their own quartet, and the initial composition of the future legend was represented by two guys and two girls. A year later, the girls were "fired", and the new group consisted of four boys. The first name was The Kids, a little later there was a change to "Time Machine". The compositions were mostly in English, later great hits in Russian began to appear. So, the Time Machine group officially announced itself in 1969 and became a pioneer of the rock movement in the Soviet Union.

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Dreaming of a career as a rock musician in those years was a risky business. And the parents insisted that Andrei follow in his father's footsteps. He entered the Moscow Institute of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture. As a student, he gave underground concerts with his friends, which led to his expulsion from the institute. The talented young man had to go to work at the Giproteatr, and he ended up in an excellent team. Here, a young man could at least sometimes pay attention to his favorite pastime, music, and continue to delight rock and roll lovers with underground performances. In the mid-70s, the songs of the "Time Machine" began to acquire the first popularity. Record sales began, the group already sang songs in Russian, which won an even larger audience. Young listeners listened to every line of "rebellious" texts and perceived the ensemble as a breath of fresh air. Musicians often fell into the hands of the police after the performances and spent the nights in the bullpen. In those years, the guys could become the heroes of the famous program "Music Kiosk", hosted by the legendary Eleonora Belyaeva. She learned about the talented group from her daughter. But at the very last moment, the compositions of the ensemble did not pass the strict Soviet censorship. And in 1975, "Time Machine" appeared on the screen in the famous film by George Danelia "Afonya". Their faces were cut out, but the song "Me and You" still sounded on the air and became a favorite for millions. Moreover, Makarevich received a huge reward for the new hit - 500 rubles. For this amount, the guys bought an excellent Grundik tape recorder for that time, on which they recorded new compositions for a long time. The musical group in the first half of the 70s became more than popular and traveled around the country on tour. Andrei Makarevich managed to recover at the institute, continued to earn extra money in his Giproteatre. But in 1979, an internal conflict occurred in the ensemble, and Andrei had to recruit a new line-up of musicians. In addition, the leader of the group decided to get out of the underground and began cooperation with the Rosconcert. The company surprisingly agreed, although the style of music was not recognized by either television or radio. Since then, under the leadership of Makarevich, amazing hits have been created, holding the highest position in the rankings. From the beginning of the 80s, "Time Machine" was a participant in all holiday concerts, their songs were performed by the luminaries of the Soviet stage. In 1982, the group participated in the filming of the musical film "Soul", Rolan Bykov, Sofia Rotaru, etc. became partners on the set. For the participants in the "Time Machine", the time of change was the best moment. Their freedom-loving songs were listened to with delight, and Makarevich constantly delighted the audience with new creations. The number of fans grew exponentially, and this continued until the early 90s. In 1993, Konstantin Ernst invited the singer to host a culinary program. Light and entertaining program with the invitation of star guests exceeded all ratings. Every Sunday, the audience gathered at the screens and watched their idols and their fuss at the stove.

Luck was the reason for the creation of a whole company with the same name, which produced 15 programs. Andrey Makarevich went into business, opened a restaurant, a dental clinic, shops. He also has his own brand "Smak", which produces vodka products. Many people know about Makarevich's passion for diving. The musician made a lot of excellent videos of the underwater world, wrote several books. Together with friends in the group, he occasionally goes on tour, performs hits loved by millions.

Personal life

The favorite of the public has always been a success with the beautiful half of humanity. He was looking for his only one for a long time and went through several marriages. Andrei formalized his first official marriage in 1976 with Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a well-known political observer. The young people were given a separate spacious apartment, but, despite the amazing conditions for those times, the couple lasted only three years. After the divorce, the freedom-loving musician decided to enjoy his bachelorhood with might and main. He was so carried away by romance that he stole his wife from his best friend, Alexei Romanov. The ex-wife of the leader of the Resurrection group, Alla, soon gave birth to Makarevich's son Ivan, but even this fact did not strengthen family ties. The marriage lasted only three years. This was followed by a series of light and serious hobbies with representatives of show business. The press wrote about the connection with Ksenia Strizh, Alena Sviridova, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, the latter even received the status of a common-law spouse. But in 2000, the couple broke up due to an unplanned pregnancy. Soon the daughter Anna was born, with whom the musician is trying to establish good relations. The father has an excellent connection with his eldest son Ivan, he tries to help his offspring in everything, and a talented one at that. Ivan became a successful actor, starred in the famous films "Brigada-2", "Shadow Boxing", etc. It also turned out that Makarevich has an illegitimate daughter, Dana, but there is no need to talk about any relationship here. In 2006, Andrei met stylist Natalya Golub, and since then the couple have been inseparable. According to the main "driver" of the domestic stage, he finally found his soul mate, who understands him perfectly. Despite the big difference in age, complete harmony and love reign in their family.

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