Andrey Poletaev. Ballpoint pen art


There is hardly a person who did not hold a ballpoint pen in his hand and one day did not catch himself painting paper with intricate patterns during boring lectures or meetings. Until recently, this item had an exclusively utilitarian function and was used by artists of the 20th century only to create sketches. Now drawing with a ballpoint pen has begun to rapidly gain popularity in artistic circles as an independent direction.

Andrey Poletaev, an artist originally from Ukraine, has been specializing in drawings with a ballpoint pen for many years. With only this simple tool and paper at his disposal, he creates magnificent drawings, from sun-drenched cityscapes to compelling celebrity portraits.

Andrey's exhibitions are held all over the world: in Germany, Switzerland, France, but the artist's drawings received special attention in the USA, where at the art and film exhibition in Nashville his drawing won in four categories at once.

Despite his growing popularity, Andrei demonstrates his work to the public, but he himself prefers to remain in the background: in his opinion, the drawings themselves speak for the artist. Nevertheless, Anastasia Teplitskaya contacted Andrey and asked a few questions about the intricacies of creating masterpieces with a ballpoint pen.

Artifex: Tell me, when did you first use the technique of drawing with a ballpoint pen?

I think, even when I was at school and, sitting at the lesson in the back desk, I drew stamps on the form of a medical certificate for exemption from lessons.

Artifex: Did it work?

Although I did not often do this, but when I did, it came out flawlessly.

Artifex: You wrote on your website that you periodically use different techniques: oil, pencils, markers, but, nevertheless, a regular ballpoint pen is your favorite tool. Why?

It is difficult to unambiguously answer this question. To understand why I preferred a ballpoint pen, the viewer needs to see the original of my drawing. What can be seen through a monitor, even at best, conveys less than half the experience of viewing the original.

Artifex: Don't you think that the "potential" of a ballpoint pen is not rich enough for artistic expression?

No, in no way. Drawing with a ballpoint pen has only recently emerged as an independent direction in art. And it has many more unexplored facets. After all, some 5-10 years ago, a ballpoint pen was not used at all by artists to create works of art. And now the viewer can see that high-quality works are being created with its help. I think we have a lot more to see in the future.

Artifex: I wonder how many pens you need for one drawing?

It depends on the pen and on the drawing. For a big job, I think one to three.

Artifex: I would venture to suggest that, unlike many people, you treat the choice of this item with great attention and exactingness. What should be your ballpoint pen?

In different regions, outlets give preference to different manufacturers, but you can always find something worthy. There are manufacturers where even the cheapest pen can be superior in quality to the expensive pen of some other manufacturers. As for my choice, it all depends on the mood and what I want to get in the end. Handles can be very diverse: from cheap to expensive, with a diameter of 0.28 mm. up to 1.4 mm.

Artifex: How many do you have in stock?

I am not a supporter of making large stocks of pens, over time they tend to dry out, which can negatively affect work. But still, I have much more pens than the average person.

Artifex: Tell us, what are the difficulties when working with a ballpoint pen?

The most difficult thing, probably, is that when working with ink, the right to make a mistake is excluded. What is written on paper once remains there forever. Given that some jobs take up to 300 hours, this puts some pressure.

In addition, when drawing with a ballpoint pen, I am limited in color, and when working in monochrome, I have to constantly solve a lot of problems. For example, how to convey an image, preserving it as much as possible and at the same time using only one color. I have been repeatedly asked why I don't use colored ballpoint pens. The answer is simple. If you pay attention to the large sets of colored pens, then on many you can see that the manufacturer does not recommend using them for signing documents. It is not known how color inks will behave in 10-20 years, so there is no desire to take risks.

Artifex: What is the hardest thing for you to draw?

I don't look at work as hard or easy, but only at the time that needs to be spent. Any artist draws well what he likes, and does it as well as he wants to. The biggest enemy of my work is time. And attempts to fight it do not leave the best imprint on its quality. So if I want to draw something better, I just spend more time on it. Probably, for myself, I measure the complexity of the work in hours.

Artifex: In one of your interviews you said that in your works “never try to expose anything and turn it out…”

Yes, I always emphasize that in my works I touch on the simplest subjects. All that we can meet in everyday life. The life of a modern person is so fast that we stop noticing our surroundings. I just catch a moment, give the viewer the opportunity to become an outside observer and unnoticed by the outside world to look at him from the outside. And then, if the plot at least to some extent hooked the viewer, then he will be able to find something for himself.

Artifex: Please tell us why you prefer to remain anonymous to the press and fans?

I show the viewer only my creative part. The artist's work should speak for him. I prefer to keep my personal life to myself, and who and what ate at dinner, who has cooler selfies - there are enough of them without me. As for the press, I am always open for contact, but communication takes place through my official representative. And I reserve the opportunity to visit my own exhibitions as a spectator.

Artifex: Have you ever heard some interesting criticism addressed to you?

Unfortunately no. The sharpest criticism is my own.

Artifex: They say that any writer first of all shows himself with any of his works, and the artist himself appears before the viewer on his canvases. What do you think you can learn about you as a person by looking at your drawings?

Here one could praise himself, but the answer will be simple: what he does and how he acts speaks about a person. Therefore, it is not for me to judge myself.

On September 18, 2010, Andrey Vladimirovich Poletaev, tenured professor at the HSE, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research, passed away.

An unusually gifted and versatile educated scientist, the author of numerous books, he was the most famous specialist in the sociology of knowledge and the history of ideas, the methodology of historical science and the economic history of modern and contemporary times. A brilliant researcher and teacher, Andrey Vladimirovich was a person endowed with a high sense of responsibility, scientific adherence to principles and exactingness towards himself and his colleagues. Everything he did, he did according to the "Hamburg account", at the highest professional level. One of the last things, in which Andrey Vladimirovich invested a lot of energy, soul and talent, was the creation of the Faculty of History at the HSE. On September 21, he was supposed to give his first lectures to the students of the new faculty for the first time ...

Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev was an encyclopedist and an innovator in everything: in research, in the organization of scientific activity and in the way he prepared future scientists for it. He was able to combine the rigor of the method, precision and accuracy in handling the material with research audacity and brilliant intuition.

Entering the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, he chose economic cybernetics - a specialty from which, for all its relevance and prestige in the world, the ban was hardly lifted in Soviet times; a specialty that assumed equally deep knowledge in mathematical and economic disciplines. While still a student, he, like many future founders of the new Russian economic science, taught at the legendary Economics and Mathematics School of Moscow State University - EMS, founded in 1968.

Andrei Vladimirovich began his research work at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) under the guidance of Revold Mikhailovich Entov. At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, his work, together with the work of his teacher and colleagues at IMEMO, allowed Russian economic science to become a science in the full sense of the word - without regard to ideological and censorship circumstances. A professional "foreigner", he always focused on the current level of scientific knowledge, keeping in mind the need for a "Hamburg account". His works were very bold for their time: dealing with the problem of resource allocation in the capitalist (market) economy, he questioned the dogmatic for Soviet economic science ideas about the monopoly role of the state in this process. The priority of scientific rigor over ideological bias, characteristic of his research style, was an important feature necessary for the transition of domestic science to a new way of thinking. Having received a doctoral degree (in 1989) and a professorship (in 1994) very early, Andrei Vladimirovich never left teaching work. He became a mentor to several generations of scientists: his students are now among those who determine the face of Russian economic science.

Most of the "guild" connoisseurs of the past have recognized Andrei Vladimirovich, probably since the late 1990s, from his historical and theoretical works. But his interest in past eras was organically connected with his previous economic and statistical studies, with his work on translations and mastering the works of the classics of Western economic thought at the height of "developed socialism".

His path from "strict" science to "non-rigorous" is unique in that he never lowered the bar for the logic of argumentation and the accuracy of the results. The economy of the perestroika USSR, the history of the recognition of Russian economists in the West, macroeconomic indicators and their explanatory potential, comparative statistical analysis - behind all his "non-humanitarian" studies was the same idea, attentive to particulars and details, but retaining the architectonics and systemic nature of holistic knowledge. Without this, the almanac "THESIS" would not have taken place in the early 1990s, bringing together the "best of the best" - economists, historians, sociologists - without a condescending division into "local" and "local". Andrei Vladimirovich was among those few people who, through their works, speeches and indispensable personal efforts in various institutions, contributed to the fact that this very, previously obvious to everyone, border between world and domestic science becomes permeable and in some ways already only geographical. .

The combination of strong theoretical thinking with the broadest erudition and cultural will allowed Andrei Vladimirovich to radically influence the state of the theory of historical knowledge in Russia: in his works of recent years, the most important current achievements of Western social thought are taken into account, generalized and transformed; they propose a new toolkit for the study of historical reality. The organizational work that Andrei Vladimirovich has been conducting in recent years had as its main goal the creation of such institutional forms that would make it possible to fully implement his theoretical and humanitarian project - the project of synthesizing research, pedagogy and innovative strategies for scientific administration.

The first step towards the implementation of this project was the foundation, jointly with Irina Maksimovna Savelyeva, of the Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research at the State University-Higher School of Economics in 2002. To Andrei Vladimirovich, the Faculty of History, which recently opened at HSE, owes its birth to a large extent. The systemic property of the institutions, which Andrey Vladimirovich stood at the origins of, is a unique energy potential, a breadth of prospects and a variety of development opportunities.

He made everything around him live such a stormy and eventful life that it is very difficult to believe in his death. His contribution and place in the panorama of modern Russian social science is unique. No matter how attentive he himself is to macro-trends, calculable patterns and collective indicators in the dynamics of knowledge, to replace it in science as a common enterprise, no one.

He passed away so early and so quickly that we did not even have time to say goodbye to him. Now we feel only one thing - the loss of a loved one. And that feeling drowns out everything else. For many years we lived nearby, talked with him, argued, we loved to laugh together so much. After his departure, a gaping void formed.

Professional interests

  • Sociology of knowledge
  • History of ideas
  • Methodology of historical science
  • Economic history of modern and recent times

Publications 96

    Chapter of the book, Poletayev A.V., in: Wyzwania i odpowiedzi Odszukiwanie w pamięci Odnajdywanie w historii. Debati IBI AL/ Rev. eds.: J. Axer , J. Kieniewizc . Vol. III. Warsz. : , 2012. P. 11-18.

    Chapter of the book, Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Cogito. Almanac of the history of ideas / Ed. ed.: A. V. Korenevsky. Issue. 5: foundation. Rostov n/a: Faculty of History of the Southern Federal University, 2011. P. 11-36.

    The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: National Humanities in the World Context: the Experience of Russia and Poland / Per. from p.: N. A. Kuznetsov; resp. ed.: E. Axer,. M. : Publishing House SU-HSE, 2010.

    Chapter of the book, Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Images of time and historical ideas. Russia - East - West / Under the general. ed.: L. P. Repina. M. : Krug, 2010.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge. M. : New Literary Review, 2009. S. 11-49.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Ways of Russia: modern intellectual space: schools, trends, generations / Ed. ed.: ; scientific ed.: V. S. Vakhshtein. T. XVI. M. : Universitetskaya kniga, 2009. S. 67-81.

    Preprint, Poletaev A. V. / Higher School of Economics. Series WP6 "Humanities Studies". 2009. No. 02.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Wages in Russia: evolution and differentiation / Ed. ed.: . Edition 2. M .: Publishing House of the State University-Higher School of Economics, 2008. S. 25-43.

    Preprint Poletaev A. V. / Higher School of Economics. Series WP6 "Humanities Studies". 2008. No. 07.

    Preprint Poletaev A. V. / Higher School of Economics. Series WP6 "Humanities Studies". 2008. No. 05.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A.V., // In the book: Time - History - Memory: Historical consciousness in the space of culture / Ed. ed.: L. P. Repina. M. : IVI RAN, 2007. S. 289-318.

    Article Poletaev A.V., // Monitoring of public opinion: Economic and social changes. 2007. No. 1. S. 122-136.

    Chapter of the book, Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History Vol. 18. M. : Publishing group URSS, 2007. S. 68-96.

    Preprint Poletaev A. V. / Higher School of Economics. Series WP6 "Humanities Studies". 2006. No. 02.

    The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Samara region: from industrial to post-industrial economy. M. : TEIS, 2006. S. 54-73.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Samara region: from industrial to post-industrial economy. M. : TEIS, 2006. S. 228-239.

    The head of the book Poletaev A. V., // In the book: A new image of historical science in the age of globalization and informatization / Ed. ed.: L. P. Repina. M. : IVI RAN, 2005. S. 73-101.

    The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: The situation of youth in Russia / Otv. editor: M. L. Agranovich. M. : Mashmir, 2005. S. 54-88.

    Book Agranovich M. L., Koroleva N., Poletaev A. V., Seliverstova I., Sundiev I. / Ed. editor: M. L. Agranovich. M. : Mashmir, 2005.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Aspects of regional development: a view from the Samara region - the leader region / Ed. ed.: . M. : MONF, 2005. S. 73-85.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A. V. // In the book: Report on human development in the Russian Federation 2004. Towards a society based on knowledge / Ed. ed.: S. N. Bobylev. M. : Ves Mir, 2004. S. 83-93.

  • The head of the book Poletaev A.V. ed.: , . Nauka, 1987, pp. 150-169.



  • Classic heritage. M.: ID SU-HSE, 2010. - 336 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Social ideas about the past, or do Americans know history. M.: New Literary Review, 2008. - 456 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Knowledge of the past: theory and history. In 2 tons.
  • Vol. 1: The construction of the past. T. 2: Images of the past. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2003-2006. - 632 pages; 751 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. History and time: in search of the lost. M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1997. - 800 p.
  • Tzh. in Bulgarian: Savelieva I.M., Poletaev A.V. B. Penchev, H. Karastoyanov. Sofia: Stigmati, 2006. - 716 p.
  • Poletaev A. V., Savelyeva I. M. Kondratiev cycles and the development of capitalism (experience of interdisciplinary research). M.: Nauka, 1993. - 249 p.
  • Tzh. 2nd rev. ed.: Poletaev A. V., Savelyeva I. M. "Kondratiev cycles" in historical retrospective. M.: Yustitsinform, 2009. - 272 p.
  • Poletaev A. V. Profit of American corporations (features of post-war dynamics). M.: Nauka, 1985. - 166 p.

Collective monographs

  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. (ed.). Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge. M.: New Literary Review, 2009. - 536 p. .
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. (ed.). Phenomenon of the past. M.: GU-HSE, 2005. - 476 p. .
  • Komlev S. L., Poletaev A. V. (ed.). Scientific heritage of N. D. Kondratiev and the present. In 2 hours. M.: IMEMO AN USSR, 1991. - 168 p.; 192 p.
  • Entov R. M., Poletaev A. V. (ed.). The rate of profit and the overflow of capital (on the example of the USA). M.: Nauka, 1987. - 256 p.


  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Theory of historical knowledge (textbook for universities). St. Petersburg: Aletheia; M.: GU-HSE, 2008, 523 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Sociology of knowledge about the past (textbook for universities). M.: GU-HSE, 2005, 344 p.

Articles of recent years

  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. The history of the concept of “classic” // “Cogito. Almanac of the History of Ideas. Issue. 4. Rostov-on-Don: Logos, 2009, pp. 9–26.
  • Poletaev A.V. Indicators of the development of social and humanitarian sciences in Russia during the period of economic recovery // Almanac “Science. Innovation. Education". Issue. 8. 2009. P. 215–240.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Issues of Education". 2009. No. 4. S. 199–217.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Historical science and society's expectations // "Social sciences and modernity". 2009. No. 5. P. 134–149.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Introduction: Should scientists communicate with ghosts? // Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge / Ed. I. M. Savelyeva, A. V. Poletaev. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2009, pp. 5–8.
  • Poletaev A. V. Classics in the social sciences // Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge / Ed. I. M. Savelyeva, A. V. Poletaev. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2009, pp. 11–49.
  • Poletaev A.V. Models of the development of scientific knowledge // Ways of Russia. T. XVI. Modern intellectual space: schools, directions, generations / Ed. M. G. Pugacheva, V. S. Vakhshtein. Moscow: Universitetskaya kniga, 2009, pp. 67–81.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. "Establishing history as a science" (on the anniversary of Johann Gustav Droysen) // "Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History". 2008. Issue. 25/1. pp. 26–54.
  • Savelyeva, Irina M. and Poletayev, Andrey V. History Among Other Social Sciences // "Social Sciences" (Minneapolis), 2008, Vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 28–42.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Ordinary ideas about the past: theoretical approaches // Dialogues with time: Memory of the past in the context of history / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: Krug, 2008, p. 50–76.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Ordinary ideas about the past: empirical analysis // Dialogues with time: Memory of the past in the context of history / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: Krug, 2008, p. 77–99.
  • Poletaev A.V. Economic development of the USSR in the 1980s: Essays on the political economy of socialism // Economic History. Yearbook, 2007". M.: ROSSPEN, 2008, p. 486–510.
  • Poletayev, Andrei V. Gross Domestic Product of the Russian Federation in Comparison with the United States, 1960–2004 // "Scandinavian Economic History Review", April 2008, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 41–70.
  • Agranovich M. L., Poletaev A. V., Fateeva A. V. Russian education in the context of international indicators, 2008. M .: Logos, 2008, 108 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Sources of the formation of mass ideas of Americans about the past // "Social History. Yearbook, 2007". M.: ROSSPEN, 2008, p. 335–358.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Temporal picture of the world in archaic systems of knowledge // “Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History". Issue. 4 (21). M.: LKI, 2007, p. 22–51.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. History in the space of social sciences // New and Contemporary History, November-December 2007, No. 6, p. 3–15.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Modern society and historical science: challenges and responses // World of Clio. Collection of articles in honor of Lorina Petrovna Repina. In 2 vols. M.: IVI RAN, 2007, v. 1, p. 157–186.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Formation of the historical method: Ranke, Marx, Droyzen // “Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History". Issue. 18. M.: URSS, 2007, p. 68–96.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Historical knowledge of Americans // Time - History - Memory: Problems of historical consciousness / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: IVI RAN, 2007, p. 289–318.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Public opinion polls in the USA: what do Americans think about religion, politics, morality, rights and freedoms, technical innovations ... // "Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes", January – March 2007, No. 1 (81), p. 122–136.
  • Poletaev A. V. General dynamics of wages: macroeconomic characteristics // Salary in Russia: Evolution and differentiation / Ed. V. E. Gimpelson, R. I. Kapelyushnikov. M.: ID GU-HSE, 2007, p. 25–43.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Extra-scientific types of knowledge about the past: the problem of distinction // "Cogito. Almanac of the History of Ideas". Issue. 1. Rostov-on-Don: Logos, 2006, p. 23-42.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // Sociological Review, 2006, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 82-101.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. National history and nationalism // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series "History of Russia", 2006, No. 2 (6), p. 18-30.
  • Poletaev A. V. Gross regional product // Samara region: from industrial to post-industrial economy / Ed. A. V. Poletaev. M.: TEIS, 2006, p. 54-73.
  • Poletaev A. V. Industry. General characteristics // Samara region: from industrial to post-industrial economy / Ed. A. V. Poletaev. M.: TEIS, 2006, p. 228-239.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Types of knowledge about the past // Phenomenon of the past / Ed. I. M. Savelyeva, A. V. Poletaev. M.: GU-HSE, 2005, p. 12-66.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. "Historical memory": on the question of the boundaries of the concept // The Phenomenon of the Past / Ed. I. M. Savelyeva, A. V. Poletaev. M.: GU-HSE, 2005, p. 170-220.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. "There, around the bend ...": on the modus of coexistence of history with other social and human sciences // A new image of historical science in the age of globalization and informatization / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: IVI RAN, 2005, p. 73-101.
  • Poletaev A. V. Structure of economic growth // Aspects of regional development / Ed. L. M. Grigoriev. M.: MONF, 2005, p. 73-85.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Historical science and knowledge about the past // Historical knowledge in modern Russia: discussions and searches for new approaches / Ed. I. Ermann, G. Zvereva, I. Chechel. M.: RGGU, 2005, p. 21-32.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. On the benefits and harms of presentism in historiography // "The chain of times": problems of historical consciousness. In memory of Professor M. A. Barg / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: IVI RAN, 2005, p. 63-88.
  • Poletaev A. V. Youth and the labor market // The position of youth in Russia. Analytical report / UNESCO. Ed. M. L. Agranovich. M.: Mashmir, 2005, p. 54-88, 145-160.
  • Agranovich M. L., Poletaev A. V., Fateeva A. V. Russian education in the context of international indicators, 2004. M .: Aspect Press, 2005, 76 p.

IGITI preprints (on-line)

  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2009. Issue. 2 (39). – 52 p.
  • Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI SU-HSE). 2008. Issue. 7 (37). – 48 s.
  • Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI SU-HSE). 2008. Issue. 5 (35). – 36 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2006. Issue. 6 (25). – 56 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2006. Issue. 4 (23). – 48 s.
  • Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI SU-HSE). 2006. Issue. 2 (21). – 48 s.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2005. Issue. 4 (18). – 32 s.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2005. Issue. 2 (16). – 52 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2004. Issue. 7 (14). – 56 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2003. Issue. 6. - 52 p.
  • Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. // "Humanitarian Research" (IGITI GU-HSE). 2003. Issue. 1. - 40 s.

Academic degrees and titles

  • Certified economist-mathematician (Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, 1974)
  • PhD in Economics (Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1980)
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1989)
  • Professor (1994)
  • Tenured professor at the State University-Higher School of Economics (2009)

Poletaev Readings is an annual IGITI conference, which takes place in early autumn and is dedicated to the memory of one of the founders of the institute, Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev (1952-2010). The Poletaev Readings have become a good tradition for IGITI and a place to reflect on current work, discuss topical issues, and plan future projects. This year, geography was chosen as the framework theme of the Poletaev Readings — from the geography of knowledge to medical geography and the imaginary geography of urban spaces. We invite all interested colleagues on October 2, 2018 at IGITI to discuss these topics with us at the general section and round tables. The program of the VIII Poletaev Readings has been published.

The 148th issue of “Windows of Growth” is dedicated to HSE electives: “The university-wide electives program was created on the initiative of Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov in 2003. Its initial goal is to improve the training of students and young researchers of the Higher School of Economics in the field of the humanities. Then these courses were read by brilliant Moscow humanists, real stars of their disciplines - Alexander Kamensky, Natalya Proskuryakova, Alexander Filippov, Vera Zvereva, Olga Roginskaya, Natalya Samutina, Boris Stepanov, Evgenia Nadezhdina and many others. Not every student of the Faculty of Humanities, even of a large university, will be lucky enough to meet such specialists in the classroom ... "

On September 22, IGITI hosted the Seventh Poletaev Readings, which have already become a traditional way to honor the memory of Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev, one of the leading Russian experts in the field of theory and history of social sciences. The main topic of the conference is "Human Sciences in the Third Millennium". We bring to your attention the conference program, photo report and video report.

The project “Science at HSE: Both for School and for Life” includes an interview with Irina Maksimovna Savelieva, Director of IGITI named after A.V. how best to combine teaching with research creativity.

The program of the VII Poletaev Readings has been published, which will be held in the form of a conference “Human Sciences in the Third Millennium”. Sections planned - "Strategies and Paradoxes of Conceptualization", "Eastern Slope of Helikon": Turns to the East in European Antique Studies", "Beyond Big Theories": Actual Directions of Modern Culture Research", "University Man in the Social and Human Sciences of the 21st Century" ". We invite all friends of IGITI!

Anton Nikolayevich Afanasiev, a second-year student of the Master’s program in “Historical Knowledge” of the Faculty of Humanities, was awarded a nominal scholarship from the A. V. Poletaev National Research University Higher School of Economics, established in 2010. The fellow under the guidance of Yulia Vladimirovna Ivanova, a leading researcher at IGITI, explores the connection between ideas about physiology and the doctrine of sociality in the political and natural-philosophical literature of Western Europe in the 17th-18th centuries. IGITI staff congratulate Anton Nikolayevich on this important achievement!

Andrey Vladimirovich Poletaev died

On September 18, our colleague, repeated author of "Demoscope Weekly" and "Population and Society", full professor of the HSE, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research, Andrey Vladimirovich Poletaev, passed away. Together with friends and relatives of Andrei Poletaev, Demoscope mourns the death of this outstanding person.

We are reprinting the obituary signed by Andrey Vladimirovich's colleagues at the Institute and publishing the farewell words of his friends - Vladimir Avtonomov, Leonid Grigoriev and Vladimir Gimpelson..

An unusually gifted and versatile educated scientist, the author of numerous books, he was the most famous specialist in the sociology of knowledge and the history of ideas, the methodology of historical science and the economic history of modern and contemporary times. A brilliant researcher and teacher, Andrey Vladimirovich was a person endowed with a high sense of responsibility, scientific adherence to principles and exactingness towards himself and his colleagues. Everything he did, he did according to the "Hamburg account", at the highest professional level. One of the last things, in which Andrey Vladimirovich invested a lot of energy, soul and talent, was the creation of the Faculty of History at the HSE. On September 21, he was supposed to give his first lectures to the students of the new faculty for the first time ...

Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev was an encyclopedist and an innovator in everything: in research, in the organization of scientific activity and in the way he prepared future scientists for it. He was able to combine the rigor of the method, precision and accuracy in handling the material with research audacity and brilliant intuition.

Entering the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, he chose economic cybernetics - a specialty from which, for all its relevance and prestige in the world, the ban was hardly lifted in Soviet times; a specialty that assumed equally deep knowledge in mathematical and economic disciplines. While still a student, he, like many future founders of the new Russian economic science, taught at the legendary Economics and Mathematics School of Moscow State University - EMS, founded in 1968.

Andrei Vladimirovich began his research work at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) under the guidance of Revold Mikhailovich Entov. At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, his work, together with the work of his teacher and colleagues at IMEMO, allowed Russian economic science to become a science in the full sense of the word - without regard to ideological and censorship circumstances. A professional "foreigner", he always focused on the current level of scientific knowledge, keeping in mind the need for a "Hamburg account". His works were very bold for their time: dealing with the problem of resource allocation in the capitalist (market) economy, he questioned the dogmatic for Soviet economic science ideas about the monopoly role of the state in this process. The priority of scientific rigor over ideological bias, characteristic of his research style, was an important feature necessary for the transition of domestic science to a new way of thinking. Having received a doctoral degree (in 1989) and a professorship (in 1994) very early, Andrei Vladimirovich never left teaching work. He became a mentor to several generations of scientists: his students are now among those who determine the face of Russian economic science.

Andrey Vladimirovich most of the "guild" connoisseurs of the past have probably known since the end of the 1990s, from his historical and theoretical works. But his interest in past eras was organically connected with his previous economic and statistical studies, with his work on translations and mastering the works of the classics of Western economic thought at the height of "developed socialism."

His path from "strict" science to "non-strict" is unique in that he never lowered the bar for the logic of argumentation and the accuracy of results. The economy of the perestroika USSR, the history of the recognition of Russian economists in the West, macroeconomic indicators and their explanatory potential, comparative statistical analysis - behind all his "non-humanitarian" studies was the same idea, attentive to particulars and details, but retaining the architectonics and systemic nature of holistic knowledge. Without this, the almanac "THESIS" would not have taken place in the early 1990s, bringing together the "best of the best" - economists, historians, sociologists - without a condescending division into "local" and "local". Andrei Vladimirovich was among those few people who, through their works, speeches and indispensable personal efforts in various institutions, contributed to the fact that this very, previously obvious to everyone, border between world and domestic science becomes permeable and in some ways already only geographical. .

The combination of strong theoretical thinking with the broadest erudition and cultural will allowed Andrei Vladimirovich to radically influence the state of the theory of historical knowledge in Russia: in his works of recent years, the most important current achievements of Western social thought are taken into account, generalized and transformed; they propose a new toolkit for the study of historical reality. The organizational work that Andrei Vladimirovich has been conducting in recent years had as its main goal the creation of such institutional forms that would make it possible to fully implement his theoretical and humanitarian project - the project of synthesizing research, pedagogy and innovative strategies for scientific administration.

The first step towards the implementation of this project was the foundation, jointly with Irina Maksimovna Savelyeva, of the Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research at the State University-Higher School of Economics in 2002. To Andrei Vladimirovich, the Faculty of History, which recently opened at HSE, owes its birth to a large extent. The systemic property of the institutions, which Andrey Vladimirovich stood at the origins of, is a unique energy potential, a breadth of prospects and a variety of development opportunities.

He made everything around him live such a stormy and eventful life that it is very difficult to believe in his death. His contribution and place in the panorama of modern Russian social science is unique. No matter how attentive he himself is to macro-trends, calculable patterns and collective indicators in the dynamics of knowledge, there is no one to replace him in science as a common enterprise.

He passed away so early and so quickly that we did not even have time to say goodbye to him. Now we feel only one thing - the loss of a loved one. And that feeling drowns out everything else. For many years we lived nearby, talked with him, argued, we loved to laugh together so much. After his departure, a gaping void formed.

IGITI team

Friends of Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev - we still simply cannot believe that he is gone.

Most of his colleagues and students in the last fifteen years know him mainly as a strict professor, one of the leaders of IGITI, the publisher of THESIS, the author of brilliant books, and a critic of scientific works.

We know him as a brilliant conversationalist, a man of endless charm, the greatest possible general erudition and sense of humor - for us he is Andy. In the 70s, he taught children at the EMS and quite convincingly played the Donkey Eeyore in the English Musical Theater at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. He played the guitar, sang and wrote his own songs. Until the 21st century, we beat off the "continental" together in the 14th pas. We will remember with pleasure and pride to the pragmatic youth that he drank beer with us!

And he also has a theoretical doctorate in economics at the age of 37 at IMEMO AN - on the rate of return from ancient times to the present day. And plus a lot of books on statistics and education, and a lot of something interesting made and invented. Everything is always absolutely professional - he has become an "assay office" for assessing the quality of work in several sciences at once.

His talents and versatility would have been enough for five areas of knowledge, five professional science clubs and five fun companies. He was a formative player on any such team or company. And our common memory of the outstanding economist and historian Andrei Poletaev will quite naturally live together with our common memory of a cheerful talented man who has not aged at all in the four decades that we have been happily friends with him!

Leonid Grigoriev

Andrey was very different: in his student years - the soul of society, with a guitar, on the stage of the English Theater of the Faculty of Economics, the captain of the KVN team at the anniversary of our beloved School of Economics and Mathematics. There was a lightness in him, even a certain charming frivolity.

At IMEMO, in the famous sector of Entov, Andrei purposefully pursued a scientific and social career, did not waste time on stupid things like chess, go and other games to which we paid tribute, he defended himself relatively early for our leisurely sector, joined the party, became chairman of the Council of Young scientists. Discovered a good literary style and the qualities of an excellent scientific editor. We were prepared for the fact that one day he would be our boss. But it was not there! On the next turn, Andrey abruptly went into pure science, and in a field quite far from his original studies. Together with Irina Savelyeva, he managed to create such interesting and generally useful things for the participants as the almanac "TEZIS", the IGITI Institute, to write many scientific books when practically no one wrote them. He liked to say that he had ceased to be an economist, but his articles about the state of our economic science and education that came out from time to time always attracted attention with their sharpness and evidence.

Whatever Andrei did, he was never boring, it was always interesting around him. Most of my life has gone with him.

Vladimir Avtonomov,
Dean of the HSE Faculty of Economics, Corresponding Member RAS

It is impossible to believe that Andrei Poletaev is gone and we will never see him again. The severity of this loss is beyond words.

Andrei was distinguished by special human wisdom and amazing intellectual depth, harmoniously combined with other wonderful and also very rare qualities - great demands on himself, immense responsibility, an extraordinary sense of humor, endless capacity for work, encyclopedia and at the same time tact and simplicity in communication. He was surprisingly generously rewarded with numerous and varied talents. Economist, historian, sociologist, statistician, philosopher… Andrei was interested in many things, but in everything he did, he got to the point and achieved perfection. It was a great joy to "drag" him into a new project and work side by side. He left and now there is simply no one to consult with on very different issues. We are all orphaned...

Vladimir Gimpelson

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