English alphabet for adults. How to playfully learn the English alphabet with a child


Do you want to start learning English with your baby, but don't know how to teach your child the English alphabet?

Today we will talk about how to make learning fun and interesting, and for this we will pay attention to useful assistants.

  • Fascinating Poems

We note right away that it is not worth learning letters with a child by the method of numerous monotonous repetition. No child will be able to keep their attention for a long time, repeating each letter. Children quickly perceive the material if it is presented in a beautiful "shell". Poems are the best way to memorize, because. children always catch the rhyme.

A - an apple
B - a bat
C - a clever city cat
D - a dog and
E–the East
F-a fat and funny fish
G - a gloomy gentleman
H-a happy hippy hen
I – an iceberg very far
J - a jinni in the jar
K - a kite and
M-a monster on the mop
N - a net and
O - an ox
P - a postman with a box
Q – Elizabeth the Queen
R - a ruby ​​in the ring
S-a seagull in the sea
T-a tiger on the tree
V - a van
W-a woman in the wood
X-an X-ray
Y - a yak
Z - a zebra in the zoo.


If your child loves to sing, you can pick up a melody and sing along with the little one. After a few repetitions, the child himself will begin to sing this song, you will only have to help him a little.

If the kids are very small, you can study each letter separately, it is quite simple to do this using such small poems:

A Aunt Annet
Has a cat.
B Bim-bom says the bell
It is ringing very well.
C A clever cat
Caught a rat.
D little doggy digs a hole,
Donkey doesn't work at all.
E Elephant is so big
He likes eating tasty fig.
F Four foxes in the forest go
To find a frog, I hope so.
G Giraffe has a giant gift,
He can't put it in the lift.
H A hen in the house
Sees a little gray mouse.
I We like ice cream, you and I
But we can't fly in the sky.
J Jaguars are in the jeep
Making sounds beep, beep, beep.
K Koala, kitten, kangaroo
Live all together in the zoo.
L Lion's eating lollipop
Sitting at the house top.
M mouse mark
like the park,
M rry monkey
Likes the donkey.
N Number nine is so fine!
Birds are singing in the pine.
O An old wise owl
Found a bowl.
P Penguin, parrot and peacock
Want to buy the better lock.
Q pretty queen
Likes top sing.
R Rabbit Rodger likes to run
In the morning summer sun.
S Snake and snail
want to sail.
T Tiger count: 1,2,3
looking at the tiny tree.
U Unicorn went to the market
To buy an umbrella and the bucket.
V Violet cans
In the violet vans.
W wolf in winter
Bought a printer.
X red fox
Has a box.
Y Yak is sailing in the boat,
He is dreaming of the yacht.
Z Zebra Zeta in the zoo
Sees a little kangaroo.
  • Funny songs along with your favorite cartoon characters

All the little ones love cartoons, which is why this is a great way to remember not only the alphabet, but also many new words in a playful way. Children over the age of 4 are very fond of singing, repeating and showing off their achievements. In the event that you are still wondering how your children can remember the English alphabet, turn on the following video for them and repeat with them.

After you have watched the video, you can try to sing a song, this activity is very exciting.

  • Puzzles for learning the alphabet

Puzzles are a great opportunity not only to learn the alphabet, but also to develop the child's thinking. Naturally, you need to deal with the child, help him and direct him in the right direction. After the letters are all sung, you can try to collect the letters. Usually puzzles consist of two or three parts and are accompanied by bright images to make it easier for the child to navigate and find the right piece. There are also large puzzles that need to be connected in a certain sequence to get the alphabet of the English language.

  • Cubes, magnets, cards

Magnets can be placed in alphabetical order on the refrigerator. Your kid will love this idea. In a few minutes you will have to arrange the letters in alphabetical order again, because during this time the little one will have time to move the letters the way he likes. Children have a well-developed visual memory, so after a few days of "work" with magnets, your child will be able to remember the order of the letters in the alphabet. The cards show letters and objects. You can also add them in the correct sequence, and later even add syllables and small words.

  • association game

In this case, the letters are located separately from the pictures. You need to find the letter that matches the image. Play with your child, comment on his actions, help in case of first failures. Do not forget to praise the child, because at his age he takes so many first steps towards success.

  • Plasticine letters and other wonders

Buy plasticine and sculpt letters with the children, then try to blindfold the child so that he guesses the letters by touch. Write words on the child's back with your finger, make crossword puzzles using short words, change roles with the children, let them dictate letters to you. Play logic games: write words and offer to find something superfluous, for example, spoon, broom, moon, balloon. There is an extra word “broom” here. ends in "m".

Learn English with your children and develop yourself! Or rely on the experience of a tutor who works exclusively with children >>

It is worth teaching children the English alphabet not earlier than the child begins to speak well, and not earlier than the beginning of learning the alphabet of the native language. It is desirable that the child already owns a small set of words in English, all the same as with his native language. That is, from 2–5 you can teach your child English words, more precisely, their pronunciation and meaning, short sentences, but the English alphabet for children can start from 5 years or older. Always, with the study of the alphabet, we continue to learn new English words and frequently used short sentences (questions, answers) - we expand our vocabulary and learn to communicate and interact.

The choice of methods for learning the English alphabet for children depends on the age and individual qualities of the child. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child at each stage of the study, how he usually perceives information (visually, tactilely or aurally?), his temperament (diligent, active, creative, etc.), his interests today and many other factors. You should choose those tools that the child will be most interested in and will be able to do, so you will achieve greater involvement and success. Learning the alphabet can be organized in a playful way, using some of the techniques that are interesting to the child, described below.

Learning the English alphabet with flashcards for preschool children

So, one of the easiest ways to teach the alphabet is to use cards, on one side of which there are pictures with a word, on the other - the letters of the English alphabet. The child learns an English letter with visual support, hears how it is pronounced, what sound corresponds to each letter, and recognizes the word itself that begins with this letter. I also advise you to add associations that arise when we see this or that letter. For example, the letter U looks like a horseshoe, and S looks like a worm or a snake.

So, we learn the English alphabet with the help of cards and the following games that even a child of 3-4 years old will like:

  • Children's favorite pastime is to search and solve. Hide a few cards in the apartment or classroom so that the child can easily find them. Then ask them to put them in the correct order, in a previously laid out alphabet, where they picked up the found English letters.
  • A game of concentration and memory. Choose a few letters and randomly name words that begin with these letters, and the child must indicate and point to the letter with which this word began.
  • Active play. Scatter English letters on the floor, name the letters to the child, and he must step on the correct card with the letter.
  • In your games, ask to put the English letters in alphabetical order (but only when the entire alphabet has already been learned).
  • If the alphabet is almost learned and needs to be reinforced, and the child has accumulated a certain number of English words that you called him to determine the letter with which they begin, ask him to name as many words as possible that he remembers, starting with some specific letters, etc.

Alternatives to cards

  1. "Cheerful English. Talking poster» will help the child in self-study of the English letters of the alphabet. The poster contains: 3 modes (memory, checker, translator), 83 sound buttons, sound adjustment function. Voiced by an English teacher.
  2. Set “English language. My first words. 15 cube books. uniquely engages children in learning the English alphabet and teaches new English words. The alphabet is written on the inside of the cover, inside the set there are beautifully and brightly illustrated books with thick cardboard pages.
  3. Skylark English for Babies. All about me. English from England for children from birth»- both children and parents are delighted with this set. A set with beautiful, high-quality illustrations and good printing. This method of teaching English to children was developed by specialists from Cambridge (UK) together with the Umnitsa company, which develops educational materials for young children. Based on research from the best universities in the world, 100% authentic British English. Included: cards, books, manuals for parents, audio materials, games, toy glove for interacting with the child. Designed for children 0+.

Learn the English alphabet from a YouTube video for preschool children

When an adult learns English, it is recommended to watch films and programs in this language, everything is the same with children. Instead of the usual cartoons, include those that teach your child the letters of the English alphabet, correct pronunciation and new words, and in the future, reading English words. It is enough to use YouTube - there you can find cartoons and programs for every taste. The most common and useful are rhymes and jokes for children - Nursery Rhymes. Being very colorful, cheerful and melodious, they lure the child very much and want to listen to them again and again. Also, from the point of view of the development of speech skills, the song is the optimal tool. After all, it’s easier for us to memorize words this way and it’s much more interesting than methodically memorizing a sequence of letters.
Learn the English alphabet with cartoons for children, where there are songs and rhymes with funny pictures, and you can see the result in a week!

Learn the English alphabet on the move

This type of learning is especially suitable for the child who is vital to move, so he learns this world and everything that surrounds it. To do this, we can use various cubes, magnets with letters, toys (designer) with stickers with letters pasted on them, etc. Everything that may be interesting for your child. For boys, cars for girls are animals, or vice versa - whoever loves it.

Here are some ways:

  • With the help of fingers in the air or hands and body movements, depict a letter.
  • You can make a gymnastic ribbon (tie the ribbon to a thin stick) and let the child draw the necessary letters in the air.
  • Arrange the letters around the apartment, stick them on objects, and the child must find and touch them. You can also include a song about the alphabet to diversify and make it a mini-game.
  • Assemble a letter from cubes, constructor or mosaic. For these purposes, you can use any toys - lay them out on the floor in the form of letters.
  • Write the letters on the circles of the Twister field, you can play with your mother or friends, naming which hand / leg should fall on which letter.
  • Write letters on an inflatable big ball. Throwing a ball with mom, let everyone name the letter that is in front of their eyes.

Come up with similar games yourself - almost any favorite children's game can include elements of learning the English alphabet. Just glue or draw an alphabet on the toy, and according to the plot of the game, offer new tasks based on the letters. So in the process of playing, imperceptibly and not boringly, we learn the English alphabet with children.

We are engaged in creativity and learn the English alphabet

For those children who love to draw and create, this way of learning English letters will become one of the most favorite.

  • For example, make a poster with all the letters of the alphabet (or only vowels, or only consonants), use scrapbooking elements to decorate your poster, stickers, colored paper.
  • Create your own picture dictionary in the same way. In which each page can be decorated in its own way and even write a whole story with the adventures of a letter on it. Complete them with stickers, magazine clippings starting with a certain letter.
  • Sculpt letters from plasticine.
  • Assemble a collage of cut out letters from magazines/newspapers/old books.
  • Make a garland and hang it in a conspicuous place. Every time you pass by, point to any letter and ask them to name it.

Again, in the version with creativity, you can do any crafts of the letters of the English alphabet, and learn them along the way. - Draw, glue, sculpt, cut, color. Learn letters with your favorite toy animals, this puppet show is perfect for the little ones. Books with favorite characters and English letters will warm up the child's interest in learning the language.

We learn the English alphabet from primers and teaching aids, for preschool children

They are suitable for children of older preschoolers and schoolchildren, although if your child is interested in books, you can start learning with this allowance earlier.

Classes should be on average no more than 15-20 minutes, as soon as the child begins to be distracted, it is necessary to switch to another type of study, for example, a game. You can’t force a child when he doesn’t want to, you risk repelling the desire in further education.

With such aids, it is easier for parents to teach their child English, since all the material is written on the pages, all that remains is to present it to the child and go through the exercises with him. Here are some of the more popular preschoolers:

  1. "English for the little ones" Anna Kuznetsova
  2. English before school. Allowance for children 5-6 years old "Radislav Milrud
  3. “English for kids. The best tutorial (+CD)" Galina Shalaeva

Learning the English alphabet with copybooks and writing assignments for preschool children

This type of learning is suitable for older children who can already at least hold a pen or pencil, and later trace and write letters.

Among the wide variety of teaching aids, choose better ones, most of them are designed for older preschoolers and schoolchildren, but there are also notebooks for learning English for kids. For example, those who are already familiar with the well-known KUMON manuals - a methodology that teaches 4 million children in 49 countries - will appreciate them. Writing uppercase and lowercase letters according to these notebooks is the beginning of the development of writing along with the study of the letters of the English alphabet. Qualitatively designed manual, a popular proven technique.

  1. “Learning to write capital letters of the English alphabet. Age 3, 4, 5 years. Tooru Kumon. KUMON"
  2. “Learning to write lowercase letters of the English alphabet Age 4, 5, 6 years. Tooru Kumon. KUMON"

Show your child that learning the English alphabet is possible with these simple and fun games! And remember that the sooner you start teaching your child the English alphabet, the faster he will be able to learn it and the easier the learning process will be in the future.

And finally, we learn English letters with children regularly. This is one of the most important conditions if you want to learn English from any age, even at 3 years old.

English teacher
Lebed Evgeniya

Educational cartoon "Learn the English alphabet" by Doman's method:

To start learning English, you first need to master the letters, their sounds and the correct pronunciation.

Without this, it is impossible to learn reading and writing, which are basic in learning a foreign language. The modern English alphabet consists of 26 letters, of which 6 are vowels and 20 are consonants.

How to quickly memorize the alphabet?

First of all, you need to learn the vowels. There are few of them, so they are easier to remember.

In English transcription, the colon sign denotes the length of the sound, i.e. you have to pronounce it long.

Particular attention should be paid to the letter Yy. This letter is often mistaken for a consonant. In fact, it is very easy to remember if you make an association with the letter Ii. In words, these two letters are read the same way.

Consonants are easier to remember if they are broken down into logical groups:

  1. Consonants similar in appearance to Russian and pronounced the same with them:
CC si
Kk kay
mm Em
Tt ti
  1. Consonants that look like Russian, but are pronounced or spelled differently:
  1. Consonants that are not in Russian:
FF ef
gg ji
hh h
jj jay
Qq cue
Rr [ɑː] A
vv in and
www [‘dʌblju:] double
Zz zed

It is better to learn the English alphabet in blocks, writing and naming each letter in several lines. This is how three types of memory work at once: auditory, visual and motor.

After you have done this, then perform a series of exercises to consolidate the results.


  • Write the letters on the piece of paper from memory, saying each letter aloud. If you do not remember the name or find it difficult which letter is next, then you can look at the hint. When you have written a “difficult” letter, underline or circle it and continue on. After writing the entire English alphabet, write out separately all the underlined letters in one row. Repeat them. Write a few more rows of these letters randomly, calling them out loud. When you are sure that you have remembered, start the exercise again.
  • Cut 26 small squares, write letters on them. Place face down on the table. Take each square in turn, calling the letter out loud. Check yourself against the table. Those letters that are called incorrectly or forgotten, put aside. After working with all the squares, take all the letters set aside and do the same exercise with them only. Repeat several times, each time postponing only those that are not remembered.

Remember that any work on memorizing something should be structured as follows:

  • Learn and set aside.
  • Repeat after 15 minutes
  • Repeat in an hour
  • Repeat next day
  • Repeat in a week.

In this case, the memorized material will be deposited in memory forever!

English alphabet games

If it is possible to attract 2-3 people, then you can diversify the study of the alphabet with games:

  • "Spell the word"

Any English text is taken. Players take turns saying the letters in order, starting with the first word in the text. The one who called incorrectly is out of the game. The last one left in the game wins.

  • "What is missing?"

The facilitator chooses from 26 cards with letters 5-10, depending on the age of the group. Players memorize letters. After everyone has turned away, the leader removes one or two letters. Players must guess which letters are missing.

  • "Who is faster?"

Each player is dealt cards in the same number, you need to arrange them in alphabetical order as quickly as possible.

  • "Find a couple"

The participants in the game are given cards with capital letters. Each card has a lowercase letter written on the back. 3 minutes are given. During this time, each player must remember and write down a lowercase letter. The one with the most letters wins.

  • "Continue"

One of the players begins to speak the alphabet from the beginning, the leader stops at any letter. Players must pick up where they left off as quickly as possible.

  • "Remember Five"

The facilitator gives each player a letter face down. On command, the players turn over the card. You need to write the next 5 letters of the alphabet as quickly as possible. The one who completed the task raises his hand.


Songs can be used to quickly memorize the alphabet. The melody for them can be found on the Internet.

Oh well you see

Now I know the ABC!

There is another version of this song, the last two lines of which sound like this:

Now I know the ABC

Next time won't you sing with me!

Currently, English textbooks give two pronunciations for the letter Rr: [ɑː] and [ɑːr]. In the second version, the second sound is an overtone, that is, it is not pronounced in its pure form, but muffled. Both options are correct.

In English transcription, you can find several ways to write the same sound. This is due to the fact that the rules for writing certain sounds are gradually changing, more often towards simplification, for example:

Both the one and the other sound is pronounced [e] with an overtone [ё].

I learned the alphabet, what to learn next?

After learning the English alphabet, it is advisable to learn the sounds that each letter can convey.

In English, many letters have several sounds, depending on the type of syllable and combination with other letters:

aa [æ] her, a (long), e (with an overtone I)
bb [b] b
CC [s][k] from, to
Dd [d] d
ee [e] uh, and (long)
FF f
gg [g][s] g, s
hh [h] X
II [i] [ə:] ai, i, yo (similar sound)
jj [j] y, j
Kk [k] To
Ll [l] l
mm [m] m
Nn [n] n
Oh [əu][ɔ:][ɔ] ey, oh (long), oh
pp [p] P
Qq kue
Rr [r] a (long), p (similar)
Ss [s] With
Tt [t] T
Uu [ə:][ʌ] yu (long), yo (similar), and
vv [v] V
www [w] ue (there is no equivalent in Russian)
xx ks
Yy [i] ah, and
Zz [z] h

Then you should move on to mastering the rules of reading. You need to start with the simplest, namely the first and second types of syllables. Having studied the basic rules, you can proceed to the development of basic language topics.

You should start with the simplest:

  • "Story about myself"
  • "Story about a friend"
  • "Appearance. Character"
  • "My family"
  • "My schedule"
  • "My hobbies"
  • "Weather"
  • "My house"
  • “My city (country)”

The sequence of such work is as follows:

  • Working with thematic text: reading, translating, memorizing words
  • Text memorization
  • Translation of written sentences from English into Russian and vice versa.
  • Answers on questions
  • Drawing up your story by analogy

At first, these topics can be the most elementary. After studying and practicing them, you can complicate them. Each text should be worked out “from and to”.

If there are grammatical tasks in the text, then be sure to work them out by studying the topic in detail.

Good results can be obtained only with systematic exercises. You should do at least 30 minutes every day. In order not to relax, you need to make yourself a class schedule and hang it in a conspicuous place.

And, of course, strictly adhere to the schedule, without referring to any circumstances. You can practice less often, 2-3 times a week. In this case, the lesson should last at least an hour.

With strict adherence to these rules, the study of the alphabet will take a maximum of 3 lessons.

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