Ani Lorak. Biography

Ani Lorak is a Ukrainian singer, actress and TV presenter, People's Artist of Ukraine, who won second place at Eurovision 2008 with the song "Shady Lady".

Ani Lorak's childhood

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born in the small town of Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. Karolina's father, Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek, who graduated from a music school with a degree in conductor and the philological faculty of Chernivtsi University, worked as a journalist, and his mother, Zhanna Vasilievna Linkova, was an announcer on the regional radio.

Fate developed in such a way that Carolina's parents divorced before her birth. It was decided to name the baby Olga, but the Polish grandmother insisted that the newborn be named Carolina. The newborn already had two older brothers - Sergey and Igor. In 1987, Sergei, who paid especially close attention to the development of his sister's vocal abilities, died in Afghanistan.

The girl wanted to sing on stage at the age of four, therefore, having matured, she began to actively try her voice at school and city talent competitions. In 1992, Karolina became the winner of the popular local-scale festival Primrose, where she also met Yuri Thalesa, a representative of the Titan production center. So the girl signed the first contract and became a professional singer.

The beginning of Ani Lorak's career

In 1995, the 17-year-old singer performed in the Russian show of young talents "Morning Star" with the song "My God". When the girl applied for participation, it turned out that the program already included a singer named Karolina, so she had to come up with a pseudonym - the girl read her name backwards and appeared before the audience as the “newborn” Ani Lorak.

After her debut on television, the girl was recognized as the opening of the year according to a survey of viewers. She moved to Kiev, in July 1995 she performed at the Tavria Games international music festival, where she was awarded the Golden Firebird statuette, and in September she took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

One of the first performances of Ani Lorak

By this time, Ani Lorak had finished work on her debut album “I Want to Fly”, recorded in the jazz-rock style. In early 1996, the disc was released by the English studio "Holy Music" with a circulation of 6 thousand copies, however, for unknown reasons, not a single copy came to the singer's homeland.

In the summer of the same year, Carolina again took part in the Taurian Games, this time accompanied by the American group The Blues Brothers, and was nominated for the Golden Firebird award in the Best Singer category.

Ani Lorak: Tavria Games-1996

In the summer of 1997, the artist conquered the Tavria Games for the third time with a video clip for the song "I'll Be Back", which became the title track of Ani Lorak's second studio album, which was released a few months later.

In early 1999, Ani Lorak went on her first major tour: the list of cities included the cities of the United States, Germany, France, Hungary and, of course, the cities of Ukraine.

Upon returning to her homeland, Ani Lorak became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine and met the composer Igor Krutoy. The result of their cooperation was the song "Mirrors" and a fresh contract, which entered into force in 2000.

At the end of 2001, Ani Lorak released her fourth solo disc called "Where you are ...". From the next "Tavria Games", held in the summer of the same year, the girl took home another "Golden Firebird" for winning the "Best Singer of the Year" and "Golden Disc" nominations, which she was awarded for the impressive sales results of the last album.

In 2004, an album called "Ani Lorak" was released. He quickly got the status of gold, and the song "Three Habitual Words" was recognized as the song of the year.

In 2005, Ani Lorak thought about conquering English-speaking listeners. Her sixth solo album "Smіle" went on sale. The song of the same name performed by the singer was supposed to represent Ukraine at the international Eurovision Song Contest.

Ani Lorak at Eurovision

Ani Lorak with the song "Smile" became the favorite of the national selection for the international music contest "Eurovision-2005", which was to be held in Kyiv. However, during the final part of the selection, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Tomenko intervened. At his insistence, bypassing the preliminary selections, the Greenjola group went to Eurovision, becoming famous for the composition “We are rich together” during the Orange Revolution. The team performed extremely unsuccessfully (according to the overwhelming majority of critics), taking 19th place out of 24 possible.

In 2008, Ani Lorak made another attempt to be among the participants of Eurovision, and this time fortune turned to face the girl. Presenting the audience of the competition with a fresh single "Shady Lady", the music for which was written by Philip Kirkorov, she took second place, losing the first place to Dima Bilan with the song "Believe". Later, Ani covered the song "Shady Lady" into Russian (composition "From Heaven to Heaven").

Ani Lorak - Shady Lady (Ukraine) 2008 Eurovision Song Contest

After performing at Eurovision, the already popular singer was at the top of the musical Olympus. On the air of Ukrainian and Russian radio and TV channels, songs from the new album "The Sun" were actively rotated, which received platinum status, and also brought the singer the Russian award "Golden Gramophone".

The singer took part in the recording of an album in support of people living with HIV. As part of the project, she presented the song "I Love", recorded together with an HIV-positive young man named Vlad.

In the same year, Ani Lorak recorded a joint composition with Timur Rodriguez (“Passion”), received an invitation to perform together with singer Anastaysha and agreed to participate in the tour “With Ukraine in the Heart!” in support of Yulia Tymoshenko. In November, the girl became the host of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, and at the end of the year she appeared in Alla Pugacheva's Christmas Meetings studio with the lyrical ballad "Waiting for You".

Ani Lorak's next album, "Light the Heart", was released only in 2013.

However, recently the name of the singer often appears on the pages of the tabloids, not thanks to creativity, but because of the divorce process. It was reported that Ani fled to Jerusalem with her daughter after her husband's infidelity.

  • Name: Ani
  • Surname: Lorak
  • Date of Birth: 27.09.1978
  • Place of Birth: Kitsman, Ukraine
  • Zodiac sign: Scales
  • Eastern horoscope: Horse
  • Occupation: singer
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 47 kg

Ani Lorak- one of the most sexy singers of modern show business. For many, she has become the standard of femininity, beauty and charm. At the same time, her biography serves as an example of how a simple girl from a provincial Ukrainian town was able to climb not only the Ukrainian and Russian stage, but also become the second in the main European music competition.

Photo by Ani Lorak

Dreamed of being on stage since childhood

The road to the big stage was not easy for Carolina. By the way, she received the name Karolina at the insistence of her Polish grandmother, and in the future, having read it the other way around, the pseudonym Ani Lorak will be assigned to her. Miroslav Ivanovich and Zhanna Vasilievna - the girl's parents - divorced before the birth of their daughter. It was difficult for the mother to feed the children on the salary of a radio station worker, so from an early age they were brought up in a boarding school.

Dreams of singing from the stage have not left Carolina since the age of four. Having matured a little, the active, artistic and cheerful girl performed with pleasure at school concerts, took part in competitions and did not part with her dream of becoming a singer.

"Morning Star" and the first victories

At one of Carolina's performances, producer Yuri Thales drew attention to her and offered cooperation. As part of the big stage, they first talked about her when the girl became a member of the Russian musical project "Morning Star" in 1995. It was then that she had to take a pseudonym, since a contestant with that name already participated in the program. Carolina read her name on the contrary, the pseudonym Ani Lorak approached and liked her so much that she did not part with him anymore.

The debut on television brought the young performer her first popularity. According to the results of the survey "New Stars of the Old Year", Ani was recognized as the "Discovery of the Year". Her success was consolidated by a victory at the Taurian Games and a second place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

The Tavria Games of the next two years also did not go without the participation of Anya. In 1996, she was nominated for the "Golden Firebird" award as "best singer", and in 1997 she announced her second album with the song "I'll Be Back". Carolina also managed to conquer New York with her talent and become the first in the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Conquest of the music scene

By the age of seventeen, the young performer had already recorded her debut album. The disc was released by an English studio and the album sold only 6 thousand copies, however, it reached domestic listeners and was well received.

At the age of 19, Ani Lorak has already received recognition in Ukrainian show business and on the stage. The young girl became the first performer who, at such a young age, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A new creative round occurred after the conclusion of a contract with Igor Krutoy in 1999. The first fruits of the work were the song and video "Mirrors", and later the next album "Where You Are" (Ukrainian "There, de ti e ...") was released. As a result:

  • victory in the category "best singer of the year" at the Tavria Games (2002, 2003);
  • "Golden Disc" for the impressive number of copies sold of the album "Where you are ...";
  • Lorak took a place in the top 100 sexiest women;
  • annual laureate of "Song of the Year";
  • the new album "Ani Lorak" in 2004 and the next "Golden Disc";
  • new "gold" albums "Smile" in 2005 and "Tell" ("Tell") in 2006;
  • sales of the album "15" pushed him to the rank of "platinum" (2007);
  • repeated presentation of the "Golden Gramophone".


By 2008, not only all of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries knew about Ani Lorak. She has already traveled half the world on tour and everywhere her concerts were held with a bang. Obviously, only the Eurovision Song Contest remained unconquered, where the singer went in 2008 (the first attempt in 2005 to represent Ukraine at Eurovision was unsuccessful).

At the prestigious European championship, Ani won second place for her country with the composition "Shady Lady" (author Philip Kirkorov). After such success, a series of bright events hit the artist:

  • "Golden Gramophone" for the Russian version of the song "Shady Lady" - "From Sky to Sky" (2008);
  • the album "The Sun" reached the "platinum" height, and the song of the same name was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" (2009);
  • Ani was awarded the title "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Idol of Ukrainians" (2009);

In 2008, Karolina finally conquered the Ukrainian public, artists and the top authorities and was awarded the proud title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

Ani and Murat

We must pay tribute to the fact that Ani Lorak never exchanged relations. Before her first official marriage, the singer was in a civil marriage with her producer Yuri Thales.

In 2005, while vacationing in Antalya, she met businessman Murat Nalchajioglu. The co-owner of the Turtess Travel travel agency was so captivated by the beautiful Ani that he soon moved to her homeland. In 2009, the couple officially registered the marriage at the Kiev registry office, and later a chic wedding celebration was organized in Turkey.

On June 9, 2011, baby Sofia was born, and in 2012 she was baptized (family friend Philip Kirkorov became the godfather).

Success continues

Over the past few years, the titled singer continues her march through the musical Olympus with the same success, touring, participating in various projects and being awarded prestigious awards.

In addition to concert activities, she takes part in charity events and social life. She also had the honor of being the UN Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS in Ukraine.

Femininity and attractive beauty could not go unnoticed by cosmetic corporations. Lorak became the face of Oriflame, Schwarzkopdf, and Turtess Travel.

In 2011, Ani participated in the Phantom of the Opera project. The People's Artist was repeatedly invited to act as a guest star on the adult and children's New Wave. In 2014, she took a chair on the jury of the musical show on the Ukrainian television "Voice of the Country". The singer managed to participate in the creation of several children's publications ("How to become a star", "How to become a princess").

Repeated winner of the title "Singer of the Year" in Ukraine manages to implement business projects. In 2006, Lorak opened the Angel restaurant in the Ukrainian capital, and in 2015, together with her husband, the Mangal restaurant.

When in 2014, after the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass, the artist continued to perform in Russia, she was criticized by the nationally minded Ukrainian authorities. In her native country, at her concerts, protesters even rioted a couple of times, and the authorities called her position “anti-Ukrainian”.

The main thing is family

Despite all the interethnic upheavals, Ani Lorak remains a sought-after singer both in Ukraine and in Russia. She continues to create, act, sing and participate in television shows. In 2015-2016, the singer was nominated for the Fashion People Awards and, of course, she was not left without an award: a victory in the Fashion Singer (2015) and Fashion Voice Women (2016) categories.

Ani Lorak is a singer, composer and lyricist. Well-known fame brought her performance at Eurovision 2008 with the song "Shady Lady", after which Ani took 2nd place. And this is not surprising, because her voice has a range of 4.5 octaves. Hard work and perseverance from childhood helped her to win the status of Diva of our show business.

Singer Ani Lorak in 2018

During her life, Ani Lorak had to go through a boarding school, but for this fate rewarded her with a fruitful career.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ani Lorak originates in a provincial Ukrainian city, then it was still the Ukrainian SSR. Karolina Kuek (real name of the artist) was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. The difficult childhood of the future star of television screens, catwalks and respected concert venues was predetermined before her birth: her mother and father broke up when Carolina was not yet born. As a result, the born girl was overtaken by complete poverty.

The singer's mother broke up with her father, but Carolina received her father's surname, which she had to give up in the spotlight. The family after the birth of the child lived in poverty, Carolina was not the only child. At the age of six, her mother decided to send Anya to the Sadgorsk boarding school No. 4 (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). Together with her brother, Carolina lived there until the 7th grade, her mother was not able to feed the children, although she worked around the clock.

The young girl wanted to become a popular singer from the age of four, but the conditions in which she was born dictated their own rules to fate. Once in a boarding school, Lorak did not give up her dream, the girl took music lessons, participated in many local competitions - one of these turned out to be a happy ticket for Carolina to the first echelon of Ukrainian show business.


The lucky ticket for Ani Lorak was the victory in the Primrose singing competition in 1992 - at this Chernivtsi festival she met producer Yuri Falyosa, who saw a talent and a promising singer in the girl. The victory provided the young artist with her first professional contract. For several years, Ani Lorak, under the strict guidance of Thalesa, learned the basics of show business, this lasted until 1995.

Ani Lorak's real name is Carolina Kuek. Initially, the young singer performed under her real name, but on the threshold of a big show business, she had to abandon it and take a pseudonym. Producer Yuri Falyosa insisted on this: in the competition, which Ani Lorak claimed to win, there was already a participant from the Russian Federation with the name Karolina - the girl quickly had to look for a way out of the situation, then the producer read the name of Carolina on the contrary. For the first time the name Ani Lorak was presented to the general public in March 1995.

Ani Lorak in his youth

In the same year, the producer "attached" the singer to the popular TV program "Morning Star", where Lorak received the first national fame. Then Ani Lorak was called the "discovery of the year" - the girl received the first creative award "Golden Firebird" at the Tauride Games. 1995 was a real breakthrough for the star - the girl's career and fees swung up, the artist earned the interest of journalists and the true love of fans, whose army increased with each public appearance.

Ani Lorak in the project "Morning Star"

In the breakthrough year of 1995, Lorak completed work on recording the first studio album “I want to fly”, which was released in a 6,000th copy, but did not reach Ukraine from the English company “Holy Music”. Since 1996, Ani Lorak has become the winner of the New York Big Apple Music 1996 Competition - it is obvious that Thalesa chose the right path for Carolina. From year to year, the girl proved the right to a place in Ukrainian show business with victories in creative competitions around the world and tours, which took place with constant full houses.

There were countless competitions in which the artist took part under the leadership of Thalesa. Each of them brought even greater popularity and popular recognition - everything that the girl dreamed of, she already had. Carolina did what she loved and worked hard, later this work was widely appreciated by the public - Ani Lorak also felt her first career peaks in the late 90s.

In 1999, the vocalist was awarded the title of the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine, and in 2004 she became the UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Ani Lorak went to Eurovision 2008 from Ukraine, from where she brought the second place for the country to Kyiv. At the European music competition, Lorak presented the song "Shady Lady", which was released as a separate single - Europe appreciated the Ukrainian singer at its true worth.

Ani Lorak at Eurovision

Ani Lorak became the owner of five gold and two platinum discs based on the results of sales and rotations on radio and TV channels. The discs “There de ti є ...” (“Where you are ...”, 2001), “Mriy pro me” (“Dream about me”, 2003), “Ani Lorak” (2000) became gold , “Tell” (“Tell”, 2006), “Smile” (2005).

The status of platinum discs went to the albums "15" and "The Sun". Ani Lorak's last studio album was "Did you love ...", released in 2016, but it will not be the last in the singer's career - Ani Lorak continues to sing now.

In addition to vocal data, Ani Lorak was also noticed for her amazing charisma - the girl became a model for leading clothing designers. In Ukraine, Ani Lorak is the official advertising face of the cosmetic brand Oriflame, the cosmetic company Schwarzkopf & Henkel and the travel company TurTess Travel. In 2006, Ani Lorak's "Angel Lounge" restaurant was opened in Kyiv.

Problems at home began in 2009, when Ani Lorak took part in the "With Ukraine in the Heart" tour in support of. The Ukrainians remembered her “blunder” behind the singer, but the last straw in their patience was Ani Lorak’s active touring in Russia when the war in Donbass began.

Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak - "Mirrors"

Ukrainian nationalists disrupted the concerts of Ani Lorak, and scandalous statements about the popular singer appeared in the Ukrainian media. According to these data, they are against the position that Ani Lorak demonstrates by her performances in Russia. In addition, the artist did not hide her friendship with the Russian pop king, creative collaboration with Russian pop stars,.

Some Ukrainian artists stood up for the singer, noting that her "persecution is not clear to them." The political party "Freedom" arranged for Ani Lorak a "corridor of shame" in front of the "Ukraine" palace, in which the girl tried to get to the concert. stated on social networks that Lorac "actively provokes society."

Ani Lorak - "corridor of shame"

At one point, the pride of the country, the brightest star of the Ukrainian scene, Ani Lorak, turned. It's a shame and unfair when politics interferes in the sphere of creativity.

Ignoring the criticism addressed to her, Ani Lorak continues to tour with concert programs in Russia and the Baltic states. Art remains for the singer above political views and ambitions. But in Ukraine, Carolina has so far refrained from touring for security reasons.

Personal life

Ani Lorak's personal life is not hidden by a haze of obscurity, as some artists prefer to do. From 1996 to 2004, Karolina lived with producer Yuri Falyosa, but their marriage was not officially concluded.

In 2009, Ani Lorak officially married the co-owner of Turtess Travel. Young people met in Turkey in 2005. Ani Lorak's husband is a Turkish citizen, but a year after meeting the singer he moved to live in Kyiv.

In 2011, Lorak and Nalchadzhioglu had a daughter, Sofia, who traditionally received her father's surname. In the spring of 2012, Sofia was baptized in Kyiv, Philip Kirkorov became the godfather of Ani Lorak's daughter. In an interview, the artist noted that the Russian pop singer occupied in her soul the niche that her older brother Sergey occupied in childhood. The young man protected his younger sister, and when Karolina was 9 years old, he died in Afghanistan.

Ani Lorak regularly devotes time to training. The girl began to pay attention to sports after pregnancy, during which she recovered by 15 kg. The singer considers 48 kg to be the ideal weight for her height of 162 cm.

Ani Lorak quickly returned to shape after giving birth

Rumors about Ani Lorak's plastic do not stop on the Web. The public comments on the photo of the artist from "Instagram", on which the singer's lips look more plump than in her youth. But consultants assure that this form is just a make-up trick, not beauty shots. The artist herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery. Carolina is confident in her beauty and is not afraid to appear in photos without makeup.

In July 2018, Ani Lorak's husband was in the company of a Ukrainian business woman. The man showed the girl unambiguous signs of attention while his wife performed at the festival in Baku. For a long time, the couple did not comment on reports of the imminent dissolution of the marriage, but in January 2019, Lorak and Nalchagioglu did.

Ani Lorak now

In February 2018, Ani Lorak showed the world-class show DIVA, directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk. The premiere of the show took place on February 16 in Minsk, on February 25 in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, the show was sold out at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow, where it made a splash.

Diva Ani Lorak, even at Eurovision, was called by her friend and mentor Philip Kirkorov. The concert program of the singer corresponds to the status of a stage star in terms of vocals, staging, stage effects. Ani Lorak dedicated this show to all women, each of whom, in her opinion, deserves such a high title. Among the images used by the singer on stage is Mother Teresa.

Ani Lorak - "New Ex"

For Ani Lorak herself, this show was a real test. The singer is present every minute on stage for three hours, performing complex balancing act during vocal numbers. The action was directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk, the author of the previous concert program of the artist "Carolina". For the show "Diva" a moving robot platform, 500 kinetic suspensions to create tricks in the air, 19 elevators that create the illusion of a moving floor, 240 stage costumes were used. The premiere in Moscow took place in the Olimpiysky sports complex with a full house, there was no free space in the hall for 15 thousand people.

Ani Lorak - "Crazy"

Among the latest works of the singer are hits performed in duets with popular singers. These are the songs “I Can’t Say”, “Forgive”, recorded together with, and the hit “Soprano”, which Ani Lorak performed with. At the end of spring, the premiere of Ani Lorak's video "Crazy" took place, the video of which collected 7 million views on YouTube hosting in two months.

Today, the singer has 2 grand shows on her account: Carolina (2013) and DIVA (2018), 16 albums, a biographical video, more than 50 video clips, as well as a large number of gold and platinum discs. During her creative activity, Ani Lorak became the owner of many awards and prizes: "Best Singer", "Person of the Year", "The Most Beautiful Woman", "Fashion Singer", "Song of the Year", "Best Concert Show", "Golden Gramophone" , MUZTV, RU.TV, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo, EMA and others.

The singer performed at the world's most famous concert venues. Today Diva of show business Ani Lorak successfully performs on the stages of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, America, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Spain, Malta, Italy, the Baltic States.


  • 1996 - "I want to fly"
  • 1998 - "I'll be back"
  • 2001 - "There, de ti e ..."
  • 2004 - "Ani Lorak"
  • 2006 - Tell me
  • 2007 - "15"
  • 2009 - "The Sun"
  • 2013 - "Light up the heart"
  • 2016 - "Did you love ..."

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek is the real name of the famous Ukrainian singer, owner of a unique voice of 4.5 octaves and many awards, composer, actress, model and TV presenter, mentor of the show “Voice. Reboot" Ani Lorak

Date of Birth: September 27, 1978
Place of Birth: Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scales

“Everything that I have achieved in life, I would not have done without my friends, without my team.”

“I always knew that I would be a singer!”

Biography of Ani Lorak

Karolina was born in the town of Kitsman in the Ukrainian SSR. Parents separated before Carolina was born. The father was practically not allowed to see the girl, only on major holidays. And my mother, Zhanna Vasilyevna, who worked as a radio announcer in the city of Chernivtsi, had to devote herself to work in order to somehow feed her four children (Karolina herself and her three brothers). The family lived very poorly. The older brother soon died in Afghanistan.

As far as Carolina herself remembers, she began to sing at the age of four, although her relatives say that the baby's performances began much earlier. The girl sang, copied various performers popular in those years: Alla Pugacheva, Anna Veski, Tatyana Bulanova, Larisa Dolina.

Acquaintance with producer Yuri Falesa

Once, a message came to the editorial office on the radio, where Zhanna Vasilievna worked, that gifted children were being recruited into a music studio. Mom took her daughter by the hand and led her to this studio. The future singer was then 9 years old, and they recruited children only from 10 years old. But she was taken as an exception. Little Carolina really liked going there, because there were friends there, her own team, which was called "Pulse". And she was a soloist there.

After studying for three years in the studio, in 1992 Karolina went to her first competition, the first festival, which was called "Pervotsvit". Moreover, she had nothing: no money, no costume, no songs. The only thing that was there was a great desire to participate and win. And the girl won with the song "Ukrainian".

Then she met her future producer Yuri Falesa. He approached and said to her: “Do you want to become a singer?” She replied: "Yes!" “Then come and we will talk,” was Yuri's answer.

Carolina at that time studied at a boarding school. Yuri really wanted to help the girl. She signed her first contract, and he took up her upbringing: he forced her to do physical education, gave her good classical literature to read.

At that time, Ani Lorak was recognized as the "Discovery of the Year-1994" in the award at the Golden Firebird festival.

"Morning Star" Ani Lorak

And in 1995 there was participation in the famous song talent competition in Moscow - "Morning Star". Then she was madly worried and, going on stage, she discovered that the ligaments did not close. It turned out that Carolina caught a cold on the train. And yet the young singer took the stage and won.

By the way, the girl then showed up as the singer Carolina. Unfortunately, the name was “taken” - there was already such a star: the girl learned about this from the presenter Yuri Nikolaev. He told her that she would have to change her name. There were different options: from Suzanne to Elizabeth. But Caroline didn't like it. And a simple solution came: read the name in reverse: “Ani Lorak”.

And in 1996, the first tour began - in the USA, New York, for the Big Apple Music-96 competition. And again, Ani Lorak took the stage, sang and, of course, won. She came to America in 1998. She celebrated her 20th birthday there at Disneyland. She recorded a new album, which was called "I'll be back."

“When I go on stage, I already love every viewer. I will do everything in my power to make the people in the hall feel good, so that they leave with positive emotions. If I lose that, then there’s probably no reason for me to go on stage.”

In 1999, Ani Lorak fulfilled her "threat" to return and went on a tour of Europe and the United States. She also received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine - the youngest in the history of the Square. She was noticed and invited to cooperate by the composer and producer Igor Krutoy. In 2000, the producer and actress sign a contract, and the song "Mirrors" appears.

In subsequent years, Ani Lorak released “golden” discs one after another: “Ani Lorak” (2004), “Smile” (2005), “Tell” (2006) and “15” (2007).

In 2008, when Ani Lorak went to Eurovision from her native Ukraine, passions were running high: here was the second attempt of Dima Bilan, and an old friend Diana Gurtskaya, who performed for Georgia, and Ruslan Alekhno, supporting Belarus on the dance floor. And also Philip Kirkorov, whom some media declared a traitor to the interests of Russia - after all, he supported Lorak and even wrote her a song for this contest "Shady Lady". By the way, their friendship continues to this day. Then the singer took second place, losing first to Dima Bilan.

In 2013, Ani celebrated the 20th anniversary of her creative career with grandiose concerts.

Ani Lorak continues to perform successfully both as a singer and as an actress. She starred in several musicals and TV series: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro, Little Red Riding Hood, On the Wave of My Memory, Aladdin's New Adventures.

Ani Lorak on the set of the musical "The New Adventures of Aladdin"

In 2018, the singer presented the enchanting show "DIVA" to the audience, which was appreciated by both the audience and music critics. This program has collected many awards, such as "Best Show".

Personal life

Ani Lorak's first marriage is considered to be relations with the first producer of the singer, Yuri Thales. But the couple broke up in 2004. Then the singer met a businessman, co-owner of the TurtessTravel company (an international tour operator) - Murat Nalchajioglu. And in 2009, Ani and Murat got married. In 2012, their daughter Sophia was born.

Ani Lorak is a talented and bright singer, known and loved in Ukraine and Russia, was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman, not far from Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Ani Lorak is the pseudonym of the singer, whose real name is Karolina. The girl was named so by her Polish grandmother, who loved her very much.

Little Carolina's childhood can hardly be called happy. Her parents divorced before the birth of their daughter. For some time, the girl was raised by her grandmother, but with age it became difficult for her to take care of the child and Karolina had to study at the Chernivtsi boarding school.

The girl grew up alive and artistic. From a very young age, she dreamed of singing on stage and at the age of 4 she began performing at children's concerts. Even an impromptu scene gave her great pleasure, and she gladly responded to any offer to sing in front of the audience.

First victories

Over time, Carolina's talent was noticed, and she began to take an active part in various children's competitions and festivals. She won prizes quite often, but for the first time she managed to win only in 1991 at the regional Primrose competition.

Here, for the first time in her life, the girl meets a real producer. Yuri Thalesa offers her a professional contract.

In 1994, Karolina actively participates in the "Tavria Games", which have become a launching pad for many popular performers. There, the audience liked Carolina so much that at the end of the year she received the Golden Firebird, one of her first prestigious awards.

However, real fame, as well as the stage name that became fateful, was brought to Carolina by participation in one of the first Russian TV shows "Morning Star", to which the girl was invited by his permanent presenter Yuri Nikolaev. But another girl named Carolina was already on the list of participants.

Yuri Thales solved the problem in an original way by simply writing the name of his ward in reverse.

But no wonder they say that in life there is nothing accidental. Participation in the "Morning Star", which was broadcast throughout the country, also turned Carolina's life 180 degrees. She became a famous young performer and a favorite of the whole country.

On takeoff

All this time, Carolina not only actively performed and learned to sing, but also worked hard, preparing her first solo album for the release. Mostly composed of compositions in the jazz-rock style, the CD “I Want to Fly” was released in the fall of 1995.

Released in England in a small edition of only 6,000 discs, it did not reach Russian listeners, scattering instantly.

And Carolina, having finished work on a solo album, goes to conquer America. There she took part in the competition for young performers "Big Apple Music Competition 1996", in which she brilliantly wins.

In 1997, the singer marks the release of her first video clip for the song "I'll be back", which still often occupies the top lines of the charts. It was this song that became the hallmark of her next album of the same name, the presentation of which took place at the next "Tavria Games".

A year later, the singer goes on her first tour, which includes not only most of the cities of Ukraine, but also foreign countries. The singer's fantastically bright and strong voice captivated the audience of America, Hungary, Germany, France and brought her to the crest of a wave of fame and popularity.

On the wave of success

The young singer won the hearts of Ukrainians so much that in 1999 she became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. The master of the Russian stage, Igor Krutoy, draws attention to a talented girl. The phenomenal voice wins the heart of the famous composer and the result of their joint work is another hit of the singer "Mirrors".

The premiere of the song was so successful that Krutoy immediately signs a contract with Ali Lorak, which opens the young singer to the world of Russian show business. And since 2000, Carolina begins her triumphal march through the concert venues of Russia.

2001 was marked for the singer by another prestigious award. For his new album "Where You Are", recorded in collaboration with Krutoy, Lorak receives another "Golden Firebird", and the disc itself also becomes gold. In 2002, Ani Lorak was named the most popular singer in Ukraine.

In the same 2002, Carolina appeared on television in a new role for herself. In the New Year's Russian musical Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, she played the capricious Ukrainian beauty Oksana, the bride of the blacksmith Vakula.

Working on the musical, in addition to revealing the secrets of cinema for the singer, allowed her to meet almost all Russian pop stars and move to a completely different level in this environment.


In 2004, Ani Lorak, who released her next album "Three Elemental Words", became the best Ukrainian singer of the year. She is preparing an English-language album, which is going to be presented at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005. The song from this album “Smile” quickly becomes a hit and the chances of the singer to get into the prestigious competition are very high.

However, the events of the Orange Revolution played a cruel joke on the singer's career. At the last stage of the Eurovision preselection contest, bypassing the troubles of the preliminary selection, the patriotic band "Grinjoly" passes, which eventually goes to represent Ukraine. However, the European audience turned out to be far from revolutionary passions, and the group was received rather coldly.

Carolina, despite a temporary setback, continues to perform successfully and record new songs that quickly win back the top lines in the charts. In addition, she begins to actively engage in social activities and charity. Soon she is appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV in Ukraine.

In 2008, having successfully passed all the qualifying tests, Carolina still goes to Eurovision with the song "From Sky to Sky", for which she receives the "Golden Gramophone" at the end of the year. At Eurovision, Ani Lorak takes an honorable second place. And a year later, she again receives the Golden Gramophone for the song "The Sun", and she herself becomes "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Idol of Ukrainians".

In the winter of 2018, Ani Lorak showed the world her grand show "Diva". This is really a very large-scale show, during which the singer is on stage for all three hours. During the performance of songs, Carolina does complex tricks and changes 240 outfits. The director of this action is Oleg Bondarchuk.

By the way, he was the director of the last show of the singer "Carolina". Both the shows "Carolina" and "Diva" are to some extent autobiographical and describe the status of Ani Lorak. The singer dedicates her last show to all women. This show collects full houses at the largest venues in Russia.

In addition to her big show, the singer has recently recorded several songs in a duet with famous performers - Emin and Mot. These songs - "I Can't Say", "Say Goodbye", "Soprano" - have already become hits.

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